“Бомба”! Европа предъявила Америке ультиматум по Украине //№661- Юрий Швец


Hello, Dear Friends, today is Saturday January 20th and, as always, trying to start our next issue as much as possible. Today, with positive news, those tools I will Yes, I will use diplomatic language so that later you don’t tell me that there are some secrets because of which that something was missing there That is, when they tell me some information, my sources, they proceed from the fact that the process has reached a stage where negative consequences as a result of the disclosure of this information are practically excluded. So, the tools that we have been waiting for so long that should seriously change.

The situation on the battlefield in Ukraine and around outside the battle of Ukraine They are in the process of moving to places of deployment, let’s say so, and we have the right to expect in the fairly near future such actions on the part of the Armed Forces of Ukraine that will change the situation not just there at the tactical level, let’s say at the level of Avdiivka or Bakhmut, but at the operational level and even more level That is, as they described to me with the help of these tools, winter can become very cold for the Russian Federation in the sense that the lights will go out, electricity will disappear, pumps will stop working,.

Sewerage water supply Well, and other samples of the structure, as one representative of Great Britain joked to me The main weapon of the Russian Federation, the smell of Fit potassium from the toilets will reach such an extent that you can smell it even through lamash. Well, now let’s move on to those matters that have been disturbing Washington for the last 2 days, after my previous video that I made referring to conservative newspapers, primarily those that are close to the Republicans responsible representatives of both parties in the.

US Congress suddenly thundered, it sounded like this at about 6 o'clock in the morning yesterday Saturday, the shot was fired by the local Aurora, it was fired almost simultaneously by the Washington Post and the British The independent, I draw your attention to Why Because what you will hear now is mainly based, or rather, on the analysis of the events that take place, based on their dramatic nature, based mainly on these two newspapers, the Washington Post newspaper is close to the White House more than any other newspaper, any other publication of the sleepy states. Who doesn’t know or doesn’t remember this is a newspaper that is controlled by Evgeniy Lebedev’s son Alexandra Lebedeva is a former employee.

At the time of the collapse, the moment of the collapse of the Soviet Union, a KGB foreign intelligence officer who worked as a resident in London, and now the dad had banking skills, finance industry. created a bank it went, he became almost an oligarch. In general, there is a very famous billionaire active in politics in Russia and Moscow that is, his relations with the Kremlin and with the special services were, well, not only very close so that it was very noticeable but at the same time not very bad, he had various publications in Russia of which sometimes he came across such articles that Well, there in particular about Kabaev’s relationship with Putin, as a result of.

Which the Lebedev family fled to the UK where they are now living successfully so successfully that his son Alexander Lebedev Evgeniy He became close friends with Boris Johnson to such an extent that Boris Johnson made Him lord for life. That is, he cannot transfer this title by inheritance but became a lord member of the House of Lords for this cheat in response to this demarche a lot of accusations rained down on Boris during the period when he was at the zenith politically as prime minister, but nevertheless, soon the truth Johnson regretted what he had done since he friend Evgeniy ditched his benefactor and started publishing.

All sorts of negative information there and so on. In general, I never noticed pro Kremlin information about the Kremlin through this newspaper, but still, you have to keep it in mind, I asked this morning, just in case, one of the British I ask journalists what kind of newspaper the Moscow newspaper says Well, this is too radical, nevertheless, keep in mind So what happens first I’ll start with the most important events, the visit to Washington ended first of all of the delegation from the European Union, the delegation consists of representatives of several countries and.

These are the chairmen or heads of committees of the commission for foreign affairs of these countries that sent their representatives, but I repeat that it was not just that some group of countries were recruited at random, they represent the European Union, the corresponding representatives from Canada, then France, Spain, Lithuania and the Czech Republic entered there; they stayed here for almost a week and their main goal was to convey the EU ultimatum primarily to representatives of the Republican Party of the United States of America, they met with the Democrats, but then when they gave interviews they talked about their meetings, contacts, they only named the names of the.

Representatives of the Republican Party, and among their representatives there were those who Well, tolerate as said, it means one of the delegates of this group who came a representative Great Britain she said We met this purposefully met those who even the word Ukraine had difficulty with the idea of ​​​​providing assistance to Ukraine what message they brought to Washington here is the headline in the Hill publication wake up European legislators warn Washington about delays in aid to Ukraine these legislators who visited Washington.

Addressed the Republicans with a dire warning about that the United States must help Ukraine defeat Russia this year or risk losing European assistance in a potential conflict with China over Taiwan. That is, this was not some kind of request or Plea Help Ukraine thereby help us Europeans, it was an Ultimatum that was sounded so sooner or later you Americans will really need us Europeans when China takes hostile actions against Taiwan and you start downloading a group, a group opposing this has already emerged, the United States then Japan South Korea Australia But you will desperately need the European Union and the European NATO countries.

Without this you won’t get by like this, so you Contact us as you always do before When you started the war in Iraq, when you led troops to Afghanistan, you always turned to our help and we always helped you, so if you once again Contact us without helping without making a decision about help to Ukraine now, we will refuse you, we will say sorry guys, you ignored our request, our needs and we ignored or heard coming from Europe to Washington, this didn’t happen even during the Second World War, the code.

Did not allow you to do such things The ultimatum did not allow this the delegation brought this Ultimatum from the entire European Union and NATO countries, European legislators, as The Hill writes, formulated their message or ultimatum as a manifestation of tough love for an ally who is overwhelmed by the inter-party situation in Washington now it is about this fuss around aid to Ukraine chaos as for the Democrats for the Democrats they also Brought but not an ultimatum but a warning or a proposal means it sounds like this, use force Stop being stubborn or don’t allow the Republicans to determine your foreign policy agenda Tell them what we say,.

That is, if China is important you want help on China Do it now accept the aid package for Ukraine, here is the representative of the delegation from the UK said insert Add the word China to any document that you are now accepting in connection with Ukraine insert China there so that it is there If you want help with China We will help you but Help Ukraine now and if you add the word China in any document This document will be held on Capitol Hill quote from the representative of this delegation it takes years to wake up Washington so please guys wake up to sleep it’s not too late or not that late it’s already simply impossible and.

They said It’s interesting that not a single Republican they met with Even those who for some reason hate Ukraine, none of them said that they were thinking about reducing this package instead of 60, cut it somehow, and so on. That is, everyone seems to understand that how important this is, no one said that this is nonsense Well, probably they We didn’t quite meet because I repeatedly quoted representatives of this group. The most frostbitten MAGA openly say not a cent of Ukraine with them Deletion did not meet among those who were there; these are their own colleagues or counterparts; these are.

The heads of the leading committees of the House of Representatives on Armed Forces Affairs Intelligence Committee Foreign Affairs Committee We know all these people, they mean they are in favor of helping Ukraine But somehow I’ll tell you, I’ve already told you about the reason for my surprise. How much talk has there been in the Ukrainian media about this supposedly epoch-making document About the Republican Plan providing assistance for the purpose of the Victory of Ukraine, which these same three committees created. But now, when the time has come for the most active phase of the struggle for the adoption of the assistance package for Ukraine, the leaders of these committees are like, well, they filled their mouths with water, they were silent like a fish.

Fly. Not a word was said in support either a warning to Trump, that is, representatives of these European committees expressed their assessment. What Well, first of all, they are not sure that Trump will really become president. But even if he does, they are not afraid, let’s say they are not afraid that he will take such radical measures, what is it NATO will break Despite all his threats or completely stop providing assistance to Ukraine, I think that what he is saying now is the rhetoric of the election campaign, but nevertheless I think that this is very dangerous rhetoric because it increases tension in relations between the United States and allies,.

Raises questions and uncertainty in the United States as a partner as a serious partner and undermines the authority of the United States of America at the most unnecessary moment when it can’t even be talked about and here’s a quote for you If you make frivolous comments What are Trump’s corresponding statements called for domestic benefit or the consequences the consequences will be serious therefore how she said We can't allow Biden to address Biden says sit back fearing that he might make the wrong statement wrong move that will be used by the Republicans during the election campaign that is the most.

Important thing the election campaign is the biggest the most important message that we are trying to convey to the administration to Biden to the White House, that is, it is necessary to kill opponents of assistance to Ukraine in the toughest way. Well, then they will closely monitor Biden when he hosts the NATO summit in Washington in June. Well, they mean that during this summit very important decisions should be made for Ukraine in terms of closer advancement of Ukraine into NATO or Well, it’s true that they are not talking about accepting everything and issuing NATO membership to Ukraine, but some very significant step in this direction, they.

Believe that 60 billion will be approved for Ukraine and will require and cover the needs Ukraine for the current year during which and This corresponds to the strategies that you have invested this and the strategy of the RUSI British this and the strategy of the British Foreign Policy Council This Forgive Germany and this is included in the well-known action plan of Estonia during this year The United States must take the time to spend the main During this time, Europe, its military-industrial complex, will work at full capacity, and from next year, it means that then there will be a redistribution of financial time in general, the time of arms supplies, so as they.

Said, the future support of the United States does not raise any doubts in their minds. Well, God forbid, God forbid, that is, they carried out a lot of reconnaissance the work I told you is what it’s called. Let’s hope that they have absolutely correct conclusions on this score on this matter. But I must say that this visit, just as I told you, happened against the backdrop of an information explosion that these two newspapers made, your post and Independent about the situation with this aid package So immediately, literally a few hours after.

Mike Johnson made the previous episode, the Speaker of the House of Representatives spoke on the channel, the one who sympathizes with the Republicans dropped a grenade there, he said that For all questions about this aid package to Ukraine, he consults with Trump But this caused some bewilderment Why on earth is Johnson in the hierarchy of succession of power, he ranks third after the president, vice president, and then the speaker can be the candidate of the president of the Republican Party, why on earth is it unclear the truth, having expressed this.

Deep an unexpected thought, I must say, he immediately emphasized that no one twists his arms and the decision on this issue is not put to a vote In what form to put it and when No one tells him his hands that yes, consult with him on the aid package for Ukraine and that’s when everything broke out, which means the most radical, I would say, is it a conspiracy theory? But from the fact that here to this day it has been published, it is most similar to a conspiracy theory, the story was published in the opinion column, this is also very important that the Washington Post did not publish.

The article, it was published in the opinion section Well, really, the guy is like Josh Rogen, he is a sane person, a good analyst a well-known, respected one, let’s say, not a manipulator then no one noticed this, but this means his version is that this is a conspiracy of owl magicians who is under Trump in order to use the issue of assistance to Ukraine during the election campaign; for this, it means that a decision was made to combine the assistance package for Ukraine with the issue of the southern border of the United States to delay as long as possible in order to completely disrupt it and thus then use this one to.

Accuse Biden of what is happening, that is, the worse the better, creating chaos out of the blue, supposedly Trump sees this as the key to his success in the elections. Therefore, all this talk about the fact that there is such an issue that needs to be resolved along the borders. And there is another issue that needs to be deepened and there needs to be expanded. This is all nonsense, that is, the main thing is not to let Ukraine accept the aid package at all. Well, I must say, you understand that this is Putin’s biggest dream so when I told you in the previous video that Trump is already working in politics in big politics, although he is still a nobody officially, this is now partially and significantly supported by this opinion, that is, it turns out that according to this version, Trump.

Is the most important person on whom the fate of the aid package depends In Ukraine, Mike Johnson allegedly says everywhere that no one is twisting his arms, he will make a decision, but the author of this opinion has deep doubts about this. Well, the reaction among the readers of this newspaper is important, so I am one typical statement not a statement of comments, now I will quote it to you, this is very important, that is so you understand what kind of explosion it caused. And in general, that is, it was perceived as a bomb whose fragments could cause serious damage and the Republicans hate Trump so much darkness here.

In the States they will now begin this investigation which may end How the Watergate investigation ended something here is happening and some things need to happen first Biden should mention this About this issue of Trump's role in the disruption in fact You remember his first impeachment over Ukraine happened now he hasn't won yet he's not even a candidate yet And there is already room for his impeachment on in case he is elected, he should mention this in his program not the program, he should address Congress with the annual message to the country To the nation And there say that Donald Chamberlin Trump is trying to prevent Ukraine from protecting itself from the enemy.

Trump is weak the second Pentagon CIA under the leadership of Biden must do everything possible to help Ukraine third American global non-profits must start raising private funds for Ukraine The Washington Post must understand that this is an extremely important story Trump is trying to undermine Ukraine's self-defense by using Speaker Johnson as a useful idiot The Washington Post must sink its teeth into this story like a Pitbull we need to spin this story Well, that is, what I said at first, that is, turning this case into its analogue of Watergate, the topic of these publications should be the United States, or rather Trump and the magicians who joined him are going to let.

Democracy die, they mean Ukraine, which did not ask anyone else to fight for she made huge sacrifices in the fight against Goliath only to be betrayed by Trump expose him in front of the whole world for what he does and show that what he does for the best word is evil further the Independent newspaper which I told you which came out under a dramatic headline The Kremlin should, in theory, just simply admire Trump just destroyed the agreement on Ukraine and immigration, a loud statement that is, everything is a failure, Ukraine will get nothing And then you read the article and the text of the article itself does not correspond to this Well, here it looks like something like.

This echoes the Washington Post but the opinion of one is not really expressed by the Republicans of the other, all sorts of concerns are expressed but in the end we are talking about the more correct conclusion that Well, Trump turns out to be his previously they ignored him, believing that he was no longer a nobody, and the leadership of the Republicans in the Senate believed that they could now pass any bills without paying attention to his position, but now the situation seems to be different, they said without referring to the recent primaries, the truth is, from my point of view, it’s radically bad they them they they thought that there was a tremendous success there, I said that, on the contrary, 8% of the Republicans.

Of this state voted for him Well, what a tremendous success there is And then worse is expected, I'll tell you further, but it ends with Trump continuing to lead in issues in the presidential election Well, actually, that’s all there is such a shot in the title for a million and the text content is somewhere in the price of a penny Well, now I’ll quickly tell you about I don’t know That is, this is the impression Although the journalist is a correspondent in Washington, he should have known better about the public opinion poll, so according to the poll public opinion is now facing a new prime this week in the state of New Hampshire and Trump is expected to have worse results there than in Iowa. Because if in Iowa 30%.

Of approximately all registered electors are Republicans, then in New Hampshire 2/3 are independents that is, the Republicans are initially in a significant minority, so he believes that he will get here maybe half-darkness less than Nikki Haley, that’s what the problem is further there. On the horizon is also primary in the state of Michigan, where the local newspaper New conducted a poll of public opinion and it turned out that Niki Haley if she will reach the finals against Biden She has a 10% advantage over him over him, she can beat him while Trump If she goes against Biden, he will also beat Biden in the same state, but with a smaller advantage, so either or not.

In short, Haley is more more successful than a candidate than than Trump, but nevertheless it means that after all of these he shot back and forth, Biden spoke again and said that practically he said he was ready. Well, for almost everything, that is, it removes all questions so that in no way will the Republicans get caught up in anything later he said that he is to blame and so on, that is, Biden is doing what I expected. And I told you at the very beginning of this epic, he actually accepts the Ultimatum in full, even in relation to this so-called l for which, by the way, the largest number of people who drove through it – this is the granting of the right to reside in the United States for humanitarian reasons.

When a person does not meet the requirements necessary to obtain permanent asylum. That is, you can be on the territory of the United States to save your life and freedom from external threats, but that is, you will receive the right to work, but you even you will never get a green card, so this is the largest number that entered, so in the direction they were Ukrainians. Approximately 140,000 -150,000, well, mostly women and children, at the beginning of the full-scale Russian aggression, the Afghans were brought in. When the Americans evacuated from there, 70 somewhere around 76,000, that is, Biden emphasized that he Democrats are ready for anything, although although.

Such an acceptance of this ultimatum will probably deal a severe blow to Biden in terms of the election campaign, because the progressive so- called Democrats and also the coalition or caucus of parliamentarians, which consists of, or rather, congressmen from ethnic Latin Americans, they are more active in the Armed Forces against a compromise with the Republican Party on this issue Well, that means Biden made his statement and then the incredible happened, in fact, about which something else was completely unthinkable even a week ago, a number of prominent members of the Democratic Party, including such congressmen as.

Adam Smith, a member of the National Security Committee a number of other committees They stated that if Johnson Speaker Johnson puts the question of assistance to a vote, this is the only thing that is required of him because then there seems to be a majority of supporters of Ukraine and they will vote for this assistance and together with the Democrats they will get at least 60 votes. What is necessary for the adoption of this law, the bill, so they said that if he puts this question to a vote and the MAGA, as they threaten, will raise the question of removing him from office. Well, what did they do with the previous speaker McCarthy then the Democrats will help Him, they will.

Vote against this proposal of the Republicans And this will be enough for him to retain his place. Well, on the other hand, it is believed that Johnson is theoretically unlikely to even agree to this because he is, after all, a Trumpist president, this is the so-called man. there is this, it’s not just to say there I am for it to be a formal act in the United States that famous politicians or donors and financiers do there in support of one candidate or another, this is a conscious and significant step. And so Johnson made his approval and approved Trump’s candidacy for the post of President and now if he runs to the Democrats for help,.

It will ruin his relations in general. In the Republican Party, you see the relationship is like between a cat and a dog, so there is not much chance that he can take such a risk. Although on the other hand, Although on the other hand, some congressmen who are in very in close contact with Johnson they will make sure that I will definitely give this example this is Congressman Crenshaw who said he adamantly said even if Johnson maintains contact with Trump and other opponents of this agreement on Ukraine and on the border And despite the threats of the MAGA in particular Taylor Greene.

To remove him from his positions decisions and here is a quote I know what Johnson really thinks and he is of the same opinion as I told us Crenshaw Well, in the meantime, as I told you, this bomb exploded and the fragments have already flown, that is, a whole large number of journalists, that is, they have already begun their work and here are its first results, but now the shot has been fired not so much against Trump there there already there is nowhere else to collect anymore shots were fired about Mike Johnson It turns out that he, being at that time still in the local law of the local.

Legislative assembly in the state of Louisiana, made monetary contributions his election campaign from the business that controlled the Russian Federation was this case as follows, which means somewhere in the early 2000s or in the mid-2000s, Mr. Voloshin is the one who was the head of the Kremlin apparatus under Yeltsin and then Yeltsin put him in charge of Putin for the whole first Putin's term was a very influential person, so that means he stirred up a bunch of people in the United States in the state of Texas, which at first had the idea of ​​launching it into oil production, then they changed their minds into gas production and gathered there. The first down payment was.

Avramovich's money and so Putin's wallet entered there. through three people named Nikolaev, Yuryev, and Kunad-Bayev Well, apparently things in business were not going very well And this company was stirred up mainly for political penetration in the United States of America, a communications establishment of $37,000 and this money allegedly went to the election fund or election campaign of Mr. Johnson who is now the third person in the hierarchy of the United States of America, that is, there is not just the first first purse, that is, it.

Was not just the chief of staff of first Yeltsin and then Putin, there are not just these people whose names I told you one of them one of them by the name of Nikolaev Konstantin Nikolaev When American journalists conducted an investigation into this matter, the investigation means that they identified a quote from Putin's friend Konstantin Nikolaev, which means he supported the Russian spy Maria Butina financially, remember this also financially and in general he directed back and forth, he was also the main shareholder of this company, the company is called by the way Ethan donated.

37 million dollars. That is, they donated not only, as they write here, a Russian spy, but also the then congressman. According to the laws of the United States, businesses controlled by foreign citizens are generally prohibited from making donations, any political donations in the United States of America And this company, as the investigation showed, it did not have. That is, it made these donations from the money that came from Moscow as a loan, that is, these same loans. Yes, but these are not so much loans as, that is, the loan was a contracted form financing That is,.

Money was simply transferred from Moscow to maintain the pants of this company and expenses for political corruption and other operational expenses that the company carried out and from these money that it did not receive from Moscow and a contribution was made to the political campaign of congressmen from the state of Louisiana Johnson for this about this means that the first investigation was carried out by the respected British newspaper The Guardian, under which they published an article under the title m more than 5 years ago, this article was published called a former adviser to Putin secretly invested in an American energy company that Trump praised there and Trump distinguished himself when he was.

President he is very high in in general, he praised this company for having concluded some kind of deal with China, and now he was going to meet with Xi Jinping and praised this company, which means that the supposedly American company is in fact this company, which at one time included Oligarch and billionaire Roman Abramovich, as The Guardian Well, he is also known to us and is widely known as one of the main purses of financial wallets or the holder of Putin's money. Well, this revelation about what kind of company this is was made on the eve of Trump's daytime visit to the UK and his summit with Putin in Helsinki on.

July 16 Perhaps Do you remember there was a video I think it can still be found on the Internet when, after a long meeting, Trump and Putin come out behind closed doors in Helsinki, Putin looks like a man who just received a lot of Well, let’s say, satisfaction from communicating with Trump, and Trump came out like said that he did not believe the report of his entire intelligence community, then it included 17 organizations and they all said that Russian interference helped Trump, that there was Russian interference in the presidential election, but the way to the relevant question Trump said Putin assured me that this did not happen, so I see no reason for him not to believe He believed Putin and not his intelligence.

Community, that is, the process has already begun and a war of incriminating evidence has begun in relation to Mike Johnson. Trump apparently received an assessment from his assistants that Nicky Helly is stepping on his tail, more and more, and here for no reason that's why she's suddenly accused of adultery by some two people, one of whom was a lobbyist at that time, and the other was a public relations adviser, this happened already, one case happened in 2007, another in 2008, and now they have come forward and signed an affidavit of David then there is a statement under oath. This means that what they wrote here is the holy truth, they do not swear, they described in detail how.

Intimate they were in 2007, 2008, and here is the noise Gamma, she said during the election campaign that she has always been one hundred percent faithful to her current husband But then True, they were on very bad terms and even talked about divorce, these are the methods Trump’s company is using against its rival. Well, I must say, I personally assess this as Trump’s lack of confidence in his real capabilities and in his victory because, well, this is already below the plinth Well, okay there I remember this story Monica Lewinsky There and so on Well okay then the president was in office but now during.

The election campaign and digging in such a dirty laundry of 2007-2008 is completely below the plinth Well, who should Trump say there to accuse their rival of infidelity here they write in response to this message on social networks that Trump has deceived all his wives all his life Well, that’s how the Lord behaves and this is just the beginning, that is, the fight at the finish line of Biden has not yet begun against the one who will become a Republican. Meanwhile, in the meantime, the implementation of the plan that we started talking about probably a month ago is in full swing, this is the report of Russia by the Royal Institute of United Studies in London, then.

This is the report of the German Council on Foreign Relations, this is then the document of the Estonian Ministry of Defense submitted for approval by the 3rd group Stein where One of the main points is to carry out explanatory work among the population about what is needed, that the situation is extremely dangerous, we need to prepare for it now, so we need to tighten our belts, maybe we will have to go to serious expenses. What does this mean expenses, including maybe, first of all, to strengthen defense of Ukraine because this is now the main obstacle on the way between possible further Russian aggression against the Eastern flank of NATO, and yesterday the mini defense ministers of the Baltic countries of.

Latvia and Lithuania signed an agreement on the creation of a common line of defense, an excellent decision, and Estonia also added a decision on construction of fortifications that will include 600 pillboxes Well, judging by the description, of course, the preliminary description is incomplete, or rather, not even incomplete, very eche That is, it will be a nano neko line mano reminiscent of how much hema koto is also called the line by mistake because in fact it would be so scattered there are small to small fortifications there, these are some kind of super concrete structures, but they were so well placed one in relation to.

The other that they dealt a very big blow to the aggressor. Well, it is expected that soon the government will make an appropriate decision, that’s what I wanted to tell you, Lord, in this video I think that we will overcome that is, the gray or dark bands, let’s say, will become less and less in the foreseeable future, so as always, Glory to Ukraine and its armed forces! the enemy will be defeated. Victory will be ours! you see the question It’s becoming more and more radically Europe has already woken up as far as the unthinkable for us, yes How many lightning arrows of criticism were rained down and so on It turns out that it.

Has finally woken up now Europe is ringing the bell with might and main and the United States of America will wake up sooner or later about it By the way, Churchill was talking about the British here, they’re writing to me, is Boris Johnson really in favor of supporting Trump? Trump made a corresponding statement, talked to British colleagues, they said, Well, Boris is a good person, but he’s lost, somehow they forgot him, now no one wants to return to politics. That’s why he we need to remind ourselves that his statements are as follows. That is, this is a statement that you don’t need to pay special attention to and try to analyze it, it’s just a statement.

By a person, a contradictory counter-version, as the British say, which is aimed solely at attracting public attention, so dear friends again. Glory to Ukraine and its armed forces! the enemy will be defeated. victory will be ours! And to you, Dear Friends, Endurance, Courage, and Firm Faith in our Inevitable Victory! Until we meet again soon

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3 thoughts on ““Бомба”! Европа предъявила Америке ультиматум по Украине //№661- Юрий Швец

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