🇸🇻 Nayib Bukele | Elephantine Powerful Speech at CPAC in DC 2024 (Subtitles) [CC]


🇸🇻 Nayib Bukele | Elephantine Powerful Speech at CPAC in DC 2024 (Subtitles) [CC]

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the presidentof El Salvador, Nayib Bukele. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Let's have a seat. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

I love you too. I love you too. Dear Matt and Mercy, thank you for the kindinvitation to have me here at CPAC. It is truly an honor to be here just a fewdays after our presidential and legislative elections, which, by the way, they pulverizethe opposition. They say globalism comes to die at CPAC. I'm here to tell you that in Osabador, it'salready dead. But if you want globalism to die here too,you must be willing to unapologetically fight against everything and everyone that standsfor it.

Fight for your freedoms. Fight for your rights. The next president of the United States mustnot only win an election, he must have the vision, the will, and the courage to do whateverit takes. And above all, he must be able to identifythe underlying forces that will conspire him, that will conspire against him. These dark forces are already taking overyour country. You may not see it yet, but it's already happening. You don't see it as clearly because peopleare designed to see linear changes, not exponential ones. We don't always recognize how fast a problemcan multiply and spiral out of control.

The problem is much like the metaphor of theboiling frog. Once the water boils, it's already too late. People fail to see these things. It's our nature. Just like the frog, people become complacent,and they don't realize how bad things are getting until it's too late. While I know, of course, El Salvador is alot smaller country, setting aside the differences, there's a similarity with what is happeninghere in the United States. We also had many apparently isolated problemsin the we failed to realize as a country, the severity of them until it became a civilwar.

By the time we reacted, it was already toolate. We were already boiled like the frog. And it took us 50 years, two wars, 250,000lives, and a third of our population displaced, and a near miracle to get our country back. And you. As your friend, I want to issue this warningso you don't make the same mist, the same mistakes we did in the not easy to pull yourselfback once you're in boiling water. In fact, all the experts said it was impossible. And besides, you don't want to wait 50 yearsand maybe hope for a miracle to get out of hell.

You can still jump before the water boils. Some might say I'm exaggerating but we canclearly see the signs of a declining society. Because our own hit rock bottom decades ago. It's like when we see someone getting sick. First, it's maybe just ache or a headacheor a small fever. But if you don't deal with the disease, itwill only get worse, and then it may be too late. Even after our first war in El Salvador, we failedagain to look into the signs of the second civil war that was coming, the gang war. After a million people fled the first war,a lot of them came to live in ghettos here in the United States, where the gangs wereformed.

When former president Clinton deported a lotof those gang members without telling us they were gang members. They were criminals. They roamed free and recruited young people,thousands of young Salvadorans, to join the gangs. At first, they seemed like petty criminals,but they began to change and transform until they became the unescrupulous terrorists thatwe know today. Most of them even perform satanic rituals. And this has been well documented. The government back then didn't deal withthe disease, nor did the next administration, nor did the ones after that. The disease that had begun with mild symptomsgot worse and worse.

It became a cancer that seemed incurable. We are already seeing these symptoms in theUnited States. Big cities in decline, like Baltimore, Portland,New York, just to name a few places, where crime and drugs have become the daily normand even accepted at promoted by the government. How many young people have you lost to thestreets of Philadelphia or San Francisco, to fentanyl? Did we see these apocalyptic sites 1510 fiveyears ago? Can you imagine how it will be in the next510 or 15 years? The same thing was happening in El Salvador. In the span of less than a decade, gangs tookcontrol of all the country and our society.

They evolved into a parallel government, controllingelections and even political parties. Every aspect of the daily life of most peoplewas controlled by the gangs. Murder capital of the world is a tragic titleto hold. Getting rid of that was the bare minimum wehad to achieve in order to even start thinking about rebuilding our country. But jumping out of the water when it's alreadyboiling is an almost impossible feat. You are not there yet, and believe me, youdon't want to be. We did the unthinkable to cleanse our society. We arrested the terrorists.

But we have to remove corrupt judges and corruptattorneys and prosecutors, the gang members free. And it wasn't just the gangs. The corrupt system work in tandem with the so called international community, the NGOs. And of course, the fake news. Just like it happens here in the United States. Unelected bureaucrats are trying to instatepublic policy. Who elected them? They don't have a democratic mandate. If they want a seat in the table, they shouldrun for office.

Let the people vote. It will not be a pretty sight for them ifthe elections are free and fair. I mean, who elected Soros to dictate publicpolicy and laws? Why does he feel entitled to impose his agenda? Let me tell you something. Soros and his cronies hit a brick wall inEl Salvador. Thank God. Thank God. Another, glory be to him, Salvadorans arenow immune to his influence.

No one believes his lies anymore. Over there, we just had. We just had free and fair elections. And we won in a landslide with more than 84%of the vote. Let that sink in. More than 84% of the people voted to continueour policies. Our victory is unprecedented in the historyand modern democracies in the world. They also gave us a supermajority in Congress. More than that.

54 seats out of 67, if we count our allies. We love you. That's. That's 95% of Congress. Let that also sink in. The people of El Salvador have woken up, andso can you. The global elites, they hate our success andthey fear yours. The people's free will to choose their leadersis something they despise because they cannot control that. You have experienced this firsthand here inthe United States.

The global elites control the mainstream media. They finance campaigns, district attorneys,to mention a few. They abuse their powers. They persecute political opponents. In El Salvador, we don't weaponize our judicialsystem to persecute our political opponents. A practice that may sound familiar to you,but we don't do that there. And who's the dictator? The global elites. The global elites in the media, they workin conjunction.

They run some stories and publish them samepictures to reinforce their agendas. You're no strangers to that here in the UnitedStates. We deal with that in El Salvador, too. That is the free press that they talk about. Please. I always criticize the defenders of institutionalism. Not because I don't think strong institutionsare paramount and necessary for a democracy, but because I find them very hypocritical. They don't seem to have the same standardsfor themselves as they are trying to impose on others.

But there's yet another component that ismore dangerous than a simple double standard. Institutions were created to serve the peopleand not the other way around. Somewhere, somewhere along the way, thosepeople forgot their fundamental purpose, which is more important than the institution itself. When the judicial system was created, it wascreated out of the necessity to bring justice. But now it seems that survival and controlof the judges, of the AGs, among others, are paramount. And the need to bring justice is merely alittle more than an afterthought. Another example, the police was created tobring law and order. Let them seek law and order, then.

But now some of them are even afraid to dotheir job because they fear the consequences for doing it. They should be encouraged to fulfill theirfoundational roles without fear of repercussions that distractment, that distract them fromtheir missions. If the police was created to bring law andorder, let them bring law and order. If the judicial system was created to bringjustice, let them bring justice. Let them protect their purpose at all costs. Same goes with the press. Let them be free. A democracy needs a free press.

But to enjoy that membership, you must adhereto their duty as a reporter. Report the facts. Don't be a puppet of those who finance youor finance the organizations that you work for. Your freedom of speech. Your freedom of speech will always be protected. We believe in free speech. Everyone here believes in free speech. Your free speech will always be protected. But don't call yourself a journalist if you'rejust an activist.

Don't…. Don't call yourself independent if you dependin open society. Soros NGO for those sacred institutions havemorphed away from the reason they were created. We should not defend those institutions forthe sake of being institutions. Instead, we should defend the principles thatcreated those institutions in the first place. It's troubling to see that this is happeningeverywhere. Not only in El Salvador, in the United States. It's happening everywhere, but even here inthe United States, in the most powerful country in the world. Even here, it's happening.

America should listen to these words, notbecause the El Salvador model should be replicated here, but because these specific examplesapply to any nation that has lost or is losing its way. Ask yourself why this is happening, who issupporting it, and whether it's by ignorance or by choice. And fight it. Fight it with all your heart and soul. And be the beacon of hope. And be the beacon of hope, that your foundingfathers, with all their faults, like every human being, has dreamt for your country. Woohoo. Fight for your freedoms, for your rights.

Fight for the original purpose of these institutionsand not their mere existence. It's still not too late. It can be done. It is time to erase these new paradigms thathave been imposed in the recent years that make no sense. If you just free your minds from those invisiblechains. You could do it's. This shift is an extremely dangerous trendthat undermines these institutions' effectiveness. And their credibility is at stake both homeand abroad. This is a warning from a friend.

You should adhere to their foundational principlesand purposes and denounce this new institutionalism. Now, you would think that's it, as it wasn'tenough, right? But unfortunately, there's more. There are other symptoms that are even moredifficult to diagnose. For instance, the financial situation of theUnited States. When I talk to my conservative friends righthere, they always tell me that the problem is high taxes. But they're wrong. Of course. High taxes are extremely high here in theUnited States.

I give you that. You're right in that. But that's not the real problem. The real problem is not the high taxes themselves,but the fact that they are not even really funding the government. Not even those high taxes. Higher than a lot of places in the world. Not even those taxes are really funding thegovernment. So who's financing the government?.

Government is financed by treasury bonds,paper. And who buys the treasury bonds? Mostly the Federal. And how does the Federal buy them? By printing money. But what backing does the Federal have for thatmoney being printed? The treasury bonds themselves. So basically, you finance the government byprinting money out of thin air. Someone could ask.

Someone could ask. Well, so if the government can print the limitedamounts of money out of thin air, why did they collect taxes? Would make sense, right? If they can print unlimited amounts of money,why would they need taxes for? The answer is simple, but it's very shocking. The real problem is that you pay high taxesonly to uphold the illusion that you are funding the government, which you are not. It's shocking, but it's true. The government is funded by money.

Printing paper back with paper, a bubble thatwill inevitably burst. The situation is even worse than it seems,because if most Americans and the rest of the world were to become aware of these fires,confidence in your currency would be lost, the dollar would fall, and the western civilizationwith it. If the next president of the United Statesdoesn't make the necessary policies and structural changes, sooner or later that bubble willburst. There's still time. You don't have to make the same mistakes wedid in the can still jump before the water boils.

Winning the election isn't enough to solvethese problems. They will not simply go away as a consequenceof an electoral result. It would take a total reengineering of thegovernment top to bottom. It will entail making difficult decisionslike the ones we made in El Salvador since 2019 and they're already paying off. It will be hard. The system will push back. But you have the right to determine your ownfate. Salvadorans did the same. The decision for the direction of our nationwas ours and it continues to be ours.

We didn't tolerate being told what to do. In doing so, we did the unthinkable againstall adversity. We transformed El Salvador from the most dangerouscountry in the world to the safest in the western hemisphere. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you. We did it by defying the global elites. We told them no more. And that is my message to you.

Put up the fight because in the end it willbe worth it. It has been for us and you will have yourcountry back. May God bless you. May God bless the people of the United States. May God bless El Salvador and the future ofboth our nations. Thank you very much.

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