🇺🇸 Donald Trump backed by Don Jr. and MAGA Patriots at “Bolshevik Trial” in Recent York (Would perchance well moreover goal 21, 2024)


🇺🇸 Donald Trump backed by Don Jr. and MAGA Patriots at

Well, guys, I had to come down and witnessthe “Bolshevik show trials” for myself. What's going on here is an absolute farce,and anyone in America should be embarrassed at the absolute miscarriage ofjustice that we're seeing here. There's no crime. The only problem isthe witnesses who are experts in these things aren't allowed to actually testifyto that because you have a rigged system. You have a judge whose daughter is makingmillions, millions off of this very case. But you know what? That's not a problem inNew York City. We're just going to allowit. When our defense goes after arguably theleast credible witnesses in the history of, I don't know, witnesses, you're not allowedto ask the damning questions of them.

The star witness in this case is a what? 9 times convicted liar. And now, now an admittedthief, that is who they're hanging theentire case on. The other one happens tobe a porn star. Not exactly, not exactlythe ultimate form of jurisprudence here. But that's what you have. And whatit's doing is setting a disastrous precedent for our legal system for justicein America. If it can happen to Donald Trump, and if they will try to do this to someonelike Donald Trump, with a platform, hundreds of millions of followers, theability to fight, they will do it to anyone. They have weaponized this system against theirpolitical enemies, and they've started to go down a very dangerous and a very slipperyslope. This insanity cannot stand. This kind.

Of bias cannot be allowed to happen in theUnited States of America or anywhere else. If this was going on right now,in a third world banana republic, there would be people screaming about it. Youpeople, the media, would be outraged instead, because I presume you're fine with whatever theresults are, as long as it's against Donald Trump. Your silence is deafening, andit's disgusting. This cannot stand, and it cannot allow to continue. John, why'd you feel the needto come down here? I got it. Because you have no choice. Again,I wasn't a political guy my whole life. I may have been a conservative.We used to change the skyline of this.

City. We built buildings. But once you getinvolved and you see the disasters created, especially by this current administration,you understand that you have to fight. You have to leave our country to our childrenin a way that they can recognize it. You have to fight for the freedoms that we haveenjoyed our entire lives. They are all at risk right now. They are all onthe table, and that's unacceptable. You know, I just want to say MattWhitaker, former acting attorney general, equal protection under the law is a mostfundamental bedrock constitutional principle of American juris prudence. What I just saw in thiscourtroom is a complete miscarriage of justice. We cannot have judges who are wearingthe same jersey as the prosecution and.

Are not calling balls and strikes, but areintentionally preventing the defense from defending themselves. You know, we havewitnesses that are liars and steelers. We cannot have this in America. And thefact that this is going to most likely go to a jury trial on no crimes, that thisis essentially a referendum on whether or not the jurors like Donald Trump or notis not the American system of justice. We demand better. New York City demandsbetter. We have the most serious crisis on our border that's causing the mostinsecure terrorism situation since 9 -11. We need to wake up to what's important inAmerica and start paying attention to that. Thank you. Pam Bondi. Prior tobeing attorney general of Florida,.

I was a career prosecutor for 18 years.I've prosecuted hundreds of jury trials in a courtroom very similar to the one today.Yet I've never seen anything like this. A judge is supposed to be a neutralarbiter of facts. First of all, this case was declined by many yearsfrom the Southern District of New York, by the Department of Justice,by multiple jurisdictions. Yet they bring it on the heels of a presidentialelection with a convicted felon, a convicted liar, Michael Cohen, who admitted in courtyesterday to being a thief. They need to prosecute Michael Cohen now forstealing from the Trump organization. I've truly never seen anything like this. Thatjudge was sustaining the prosecution's objections,.

Meaning agreeing with them beforethey could barely get the objection out of their mouth. Listen, all the rightshere, I'm a prosecutor, former prosecutor. Yet all the rights here go to thedefendant because it's his liberty at stake and that has not been happeningin this courtroom. So let's just pray that we have jurors that see through this.When Bob Costello was trying to answer questions on cross -examination today,the prosecutors were cutting him off. They didn't want him to tell the full truth.They only wanted to cherry pick portions of his statements. They weren't letting him answerthe question. Prosecutors want the truth out there. You want everything to be heard so thejurors can make a fair and reasonable decision.

This case should have never, ever been brought. If I may, just to the point thatDon Jr. made, Sebastian Gorka, former deputy to the president, what is JudgeMurchin hiding? Here is a 28 -page document from the Southern District of New York about what? Michael Cohen and why he isa criminal. This document was meant to be brought up in court. JudgeMurchin suppressed it. This is from the Southern District. 28 pages on MichaelCohen being a perjurer and a criminal. What are you hiding, Judge Murchin? Is it perhapsthe fact that your daughter has just made $93 million for the Democrat Party? PresidentTrump has been gagged. He's the leader of.

The opposition. He is the only person whocan replace the incumbent senile old man. And we know that this judge is workingon behalf of the Democrats. Why are you hiding this document, Judge Murchin? I'm going to put it on the internet today. What are youhiding, Judge Murchin? Sorry, government. No, no, no. a dead Patrick, Lieutenant GovernorTexas. So why aren't you asking the question? When is Michael Cohen going to beindicted? He stole $60 ,000. Do your job. That should be the headline. Numbertwo, Alvin Bragg should be indicted. He brought someone as a witness in a casewith someone he knew had committed a crime..

He should be indicted. So headline,please. Where are you? Alvin Bragg, who's gonna indict him? Who'sgonna indict Michael Cohen? Look, we are here to defend our Constitution, our freedoms, and we're here becausewe are friends of Donald Trump, the president of the United States. And whena friend is trouble, friends have his back. The way he has been treated, you wouldsee in Russia, you would see in China, you would see in North Korea, you wouldsee in every little tin pot dictatorship across the world. And that's what wehave here in New York, in America. If they can go after the formerpresident of the United States of.

America who has the ability and thefinancial resources to fight back, what happens to the averageAmerica? What happens to any of you? If the courts in New York come afterany of you because of something you said because you said somethingthe ruling class didn't like, and that's what all these other countriesare about. They shut down the ruling class. They want to be sure that anyone that speaksup against the ruling class disappears. They want Donald Trump to disappear. They want tosend him to jail. They want to take him off the main stage because they know here's theirbiggest danger to taking the ruling class down. No, you know why Donald Trump is not the rulingclass. Donald Trump is for every New Yorker..

He's for every Texan, every state. DonaldTrump has put his whole life on the line, his whole life on the linefor the American people. When he came down that escalator, heprobably had no idea that he was going to be called to be the man in thegap to stand up for Americans. And he's standing up for you. Even if youdon't know it, I don't know who's next. Would a member of the ruling class befacing seven hundred and thirty years in prison? What a pathetic question.Seven hundred and thirty years in prison and he's a member ofthe elite? That's pathetic. You're not a journalist.

So I want to say as a former attorneygeneral, as my previous job and now as US Senator Eric Schmidt from Missouri, Ican tell you, these charges should have never been brought. There's no crime. The only crimethat's been unveiled through this, you know, Soviet -style show trial is Michael Cohen,who stole money, admitted it on the stand. This is the star witness. This isthe witness upon which this entire case stands. And as a legal matter, thiscase is a total joke. In a broader sense, you want to talk about threats to democracy.That's what this is across the street. The idea that the Democrats not only tryto keep him off the ballot, Donald Trump, but now throw him in jail for the rest of hislife because they know he's going to win in.

November. And the only way they think they canget after it is this unprecedented law fair. We have never, ladies and gentlemen, we'venever seen anything like this in this country. So I know this can kind of be normalized asyou've been covering it. This is outrageous. If this were happening in any country,any other country, our State Department, our State Department will be warning people not togo to that country because it's a banana republic. And more broadly speaking, let me justsay this, from a political perspective, from a political perspective, the Americanpeople see what's happening. This has added jet fuel to his campaign. You wantto know why he's rising in the polls? Because the American people understand theinjustice is happening and they don't want.

To see their country turn into a banana republic. I'm Ronny Jackson, Ronny Jackson fromTexas, and I just want to say real quick, make no mistake about this, we all know this,these corrupt prosecutors and this corrupt judge are nothing more than puppets of the Bidenadministration and the Biden DOJ right now. You know what? It's a shame. They will doanything. They will lie. They will cheat. They will steal. They will do anything to keep him frombecoming president again. They fear Donald Trump. They fear Donald Trump, and they fear what'sgoing to happen if he becomes president again. And I'll tell you, they should fear,because he started draining the swamp, he's going to keep draining again, and all ofthese people are representative of the swamp..

The sad thing is today, Lady Justice in thecity of New York no longer wears a blindfold. She's wearing the Michael Cohen t-shirt with President Trump behind bars. That's how disgusting this has got tobe right now. And it was mentioned before, this is not the kind of stuff thathappens in the United States of America. This is Soviet -era stuffright here. Everybody out here, I don't care what side of the aisle you'reon. If you're Republican or you're Democrat, I don't care what your political leanings are.You better look at what's happening right here in New York, and it better scare the hell outof you, because they'll come for you next. Donald Trump doesn't like it, he's been himself.

I'm representative of Salazar probablyI'm the only member of this group that can speak in both languages so I'm goingto do that in Spanish when we finish and I have a few remarks that I think aregoing to be very interesting to all of you. I represent district number 27 in Florida,bastion of the ultimate melting pot in the United States and I just want to make very clearthat I am here on of my own volition. I am not on the list of the favorites, I am not looking for ajob and I paid for my own way to make sure and the only reason why I'm here is because thousandsof my constituents back in Miami are terrified terrified when the courts in this country areused as weapons to crush our political enemies regardless of what you think of Donald Trumpregardless of what you think of him regardless.

Of what you feel about him regardless whetheryou want to vote for him or not in November. Donald Trump is not the only one goingthrough trial we all are and I'm not sure if you know that but that's the truth Trumpmay be the one on the stand today but the same forces that are manipulating the courtsystem against him today will be after you tomorrow if we do not stop this politicalcycle circus that we are facing right now. The empirical evidence is overwhelmingand why do I say that how come a person is being charged and we do not know thecharges that are against him are clearly defined that is all political that happens inCuba and Venezuela not in the United States. How come the federal prosecutors six years agodecided not to touch this case but somehow the.

State prosecutors in New York decided that it wasthe right timing because it's all political where why there are no audio recordings don't you guyswant to hear what's happening how come there are no cameras in the courtroom why is that becauseit's all political you know what my parents are Cuban Americans they are political refugees theycame from Cuba 60 years ago and political trials happened in banana republics in banana republicsnot in the United States of America thousands and thousands of my constituents and that is whyI am here not because I'm one of the favorites but thousands of my constituents come from thosecountries the Cuba the Venezuela the Nicaragua very close to us and they recognize and see verywell when there is a political inquisition going on they have lifted they have suffered it and theyescaped it including my parents and yet now we're.

Watching this again where in the United States ofAmerica there is something very wrong with this picture and we have lifted and that's why I amhere talking to you the United States the courts the laws the judges cannot be used as politicalweapons just to silence the other guy because you do not like him the ballot box is where youfight those political battles not in a court of law and in the meantime you I belong to youfor 35 years you should be ashamed of how passively you're sitting passively by while thecredibility of one of the most revered American institutions the judicial system is scramblingin front of your eyes where is your profession where is your impartiality your biased coveragewill cost us for many generations Unfortunately, my constituents know this movie does not endwell, but the problem is that millions and.

Millions of my fellow Americans have never watchedit, so they do not know the dangers we're facing. America and its political genius of theAmerican exceptionality, if we lose faith in it, we are marching towards a very dark place.America is the only hope. Ask my parents and my constituents for humanity, and if we want tocontinue pursuing the happiness of all of us. May the Lord Almighty, the Lord ofAbraham, the Lord of Jesus protect us because we are in a verydark place. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I will give you. Thankyou. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. We are the largest minority in the country.The Hispanics. You're a fantastic job. Fantastic job. Troy Nalesfrom the great state of Texas,.

I tell you what I saw today, this is nothing more, and the American people see it. This is electioninterference. First time to the courtroom, I sat in there for an hour and I said, we'vegot a compromise judge, no question about it. We've already highlighted to you all aboutthe daughter, big mega -donor for all the Democrats. They don't want Donald Trumpoff the ballot. They don't want him on the ballot. They don't want Donald Trump holdingrallies, because what happens at his rallies? This is five weeks sitting in a courtroomwhen he should be outreaching the American people and telling the American peoplewhat he would like to do for this country. And who shows up? Tens of thousands ofpeople show up at Donald Trump's rallies.

The Democrats hate it. There's not anotherperson on the planet that can do that, other than the Pope, the Pope. And when do peoplego, they visit the Pope. What do they say, Pope, what can you do? Would you bless me and my family? That's what they want. Theywant blessings for their family, when they go see the Pope. When people cometo Donald Trump's rallies, they're saying, Donald Trump, we need you more thanever before. Our country is burning. The world's on fire. We need leadership. TheAmerican people are begging for leadership, and they're asking Donald J. Trump, stay strong, continue to fight for the American peopleand the Make America Great movement.

That's what this is all about. And allthe dishonest media, all of you out there, you don't want to talk about it.You don't want to talk about it. But I can guarantee you this, DonaldTrump's gonna be the 47th president. Donald Trump's gonna be the 47th president,and he's gonna make America great again, again. Can you explain your time? Don Jr., have youspoken to your father about how he would feel? So I don't think any of us haveseen a more glaring example of undermining American democracy thanI just witnessed in this courtroom and we're seeing throughout thiscourt case. What is the offense? What is truly the charge? I guaranteeyou the jurors don't know the minutia.

On whether there were records kept rightor if a payment was made properly. It is senseless. Then let's just look at and frivolous. Let's look at the players involved here.Can you just at least do that? Brag. Go back and look at when he ran for DA.He ran on getting Donald Trump. He was paid for. His campaign was paidfor. He's owned by the Soros family. That's who this guy is. Look at the timingof when he brought this case to the court. Just so happens we got no presidentialelection in five months. And by the way, when you're going to accuse the former presidentof the United States and the leading opponent of Joe Biden's in a presidential election for theUnited States of America, you better have a case.

Okay. I'm not hearing anything up there.Take it a little further. This judge, he donates to Joe Biden. His daughter isone of the most prolific fundraisers for the Democrats, for the DNC and for Kamala Harris. I mean, where does it end withthe mockery that has been created here? This should, this case shouldnever should have come to court. This case is totally frivolous. This case has nomerit. Donald Trump is incredibly innocent. And it's only about defeating him in November.Everybody's got to understand that this is a weaponization of our judicial system. So it'sthat serious. It's that scary. It's that bad for the great constitutional republicknown as the United States of America.

Thank you. I'm Congressman Dale Strong from thegreat state of Alabama. I wanted to come here and see it myself so thecommon people of this country can understand what's going on. It's electioninterference at a level never seen before. We're keeping a candidate that isleading the Republican Party from campaigning throughout this country.What we he wants to talk about is inflation. He wants to talk aboutfuel prices throughout this country. He wants to talk about why interest ratesfor those that are wanting to build homes is that six to seven percent and peoplecan't reach their dreams. Let's just put.

It what it is. This is electioninterference at the highest level so that this candidate cannot tellhis story throughout this country. But I'm gonna tell you right now theAmerican people see right through it. I'm proud to be here with Don Jr.,Pam Bondi, members of Congress, Senate, my man right here and I'm telling you rightnow this is the worst thing I've ever seen. I saw it in person today.It shouldn't be happening and America's gonna see right through it.No, let me answer that real quick. No, he didn't ask me to come here. I came here onmy own because I was seeing what's going on. I said rather than someone else trying to tellme what's going on and someone else trying to.

Tell the people of Alabama what's going on,I came here, and I damn sure saw it myself. It is a circus in that courtroom, and I'll promiseyou the people are seeing right through it and Donald Trump is fixed to be the next presidentof America and this is gonna be part of it. The former president had the chance to share hisstory in front of the jury. Why did he choose? I'm Daniel Webster from Central Florida, and I came here today for one reason.I want to support my friend, President Donald Trump. He's a great man. He deserves anopportunity to campaign. He's not happening. All I saw here is what everybody hassaid. This is a farce. It's an unjust thing to bring someone to trial when they'vedone nothing. So I haven't seen a person.

That's committed a crime. I haven't seen anyevidence that proves a commission of crime. All I've seen is there's a liar, a convictedliar. That's the star witness. And secondly, a thief stole money. Where's the prosecutionthere? $60 ,000 is a lot of money. So, I know my people, and they believe this to be afarce, and I think that we're going to prove that. I think we're going to win that.But the key is get him out of theway. Let him go campaign. Lethim become our president again. I think everyone understands this is a farce. The guy thatthere's the star witness, literally, on the stand, yesterday, admitted to acrime that's far worse than anything going on. What is the person on the pin? Knowingly,he also said something to the effect of,.

Hey, I thought he did it, but we've got myown personal interest in it, so it's insane. …

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3 thoughts on “🇺🇸 Donald Trump backed by Don Jr. and MAGA Patriots at “Bolshevik Trial” in Recent York (Would perchance well moreover goal 21, 2024)

  1. Tatiana Todorova, Chicago. The senile and prison Biden launched a fascist mechanism for the utilization of courts in opposition to political opponents, which used to be the case in Hitler’s Germany and Stalin’s USSR and now in Russia. Trump is being “tried” with out victims, with out injuries and with out corpus delicti.

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