🇺🇸 Donald Trump | Elephantine speech at rally in Conway, South Carolina (Subtitles) [CC]


🇺🇸 Donald Trump | Elephantine speech at rally in Conway, South Carolina (Subtitles) [CC]

Well, thank you very much. South Carolina. We've had our great relationship withSouth Carolina. Thank you very much. And I'm thrilled to be back in thisbeautiful state. We love this state. With thousands of hard-working,God-fearing American patriots. Thank you. And thanks to proudcitizens like you last month. We won Iowa by the largest marginin GOP history. We then went to a beautiful place, New Hampshire, with more votes. We won it with more votes than any candidate has ever gotten in the historyof the New Hampshire primary.

That's good. As you probably heard two days ago, we won everything in the VirginIslands, a nice place, beautiful place. And would you like to go sometime?We'll all go together. Now, we won everything in the Virgin Islands, and thenwe had a great night, month, year, decade. In Nevada, we love Nevada.99% in the Nevada caucuses. We even won the primary that wedidn't participate in. We won the primary by 48 points, and we didn'tparticipate in it. It was very nice. I think I was known as not this name. … Time. Well, we won the primary by a lot.We didn't have much competition,.

To be honest with you. But we gotmore votes than anybody in Nevada, and the caucuses, we got more votesthan anybody in the history of that. So, so far, we're breaking every record. AndI have a feeling we're going to do that again, right, Henry, in South Carolina. We're going to do it again. I think so. We don'thave much competition. I will take. Turned out we have a lot less competitionthan we thought. Fourteen days from now, each and every one of you isgoing to get out and vote and deliver a gigantic win right here inSouth Carolina. And this November, we're going to win the White House, andwe're going to take back our country.

We're going to take it back. Terrible. Carriable what's been happening. Early votingfor South Carolina begins. The primary begins. You got to get out. We want to send a signalfor November. We just want to send it. We want to win this thing so big we want to senda signal because we have to take back. They are destroying our country.This man is destroying our country. So on Monday, go vote. Early voting. Go vote. Let's not forget that this week wealso had another massive victory that every conservative should celebrate. We crushed CrookedJoe Biden's disastrous open borders bill. Crushed.

It. Mike Johnson did a very good job, andthe whole group did a great job in Congress. We crushed it. We saved America from yet anotherhorrific Biden -betrayal desire. I don't think he knows what the hell he's doing anyway, so.I always say, by the people that surround him, or by sometimes I'll interchange,I'll say, by Barack Hussein Obama. Barack Hussein. But every time I say that, thefake news. That's a lot of fake news back there. The fake news. Every time I say it, any timeI want to have a little fun, Governor, we have fun sometimes, even though the country is goingto hell, we have to have a little bit of fun. But every time I interchange BarackHussein Obama, remember Rush Lomba, he'd go, Barack Hussein Obama. I wonder what hewas getting at. But every time I do interchanging,.

We do a little interchanging, they sayhe doesn't know who the President is. He thinks it's Barack Obama. I say, no, no. But I think Barack Obama has a lotto do with running the country right now, and we can't let that happen. He has a lotto do with it. The other day, I got caught. I do the invitation where Bidencan't find his way off the stage, right? He can't find the stairs. Well, rightthere, I got one. I have two. I got three, and I could jump off the back oroff the front if we had to, right? So I do the invitation. It's just fun. I say,this guy can't put two sentences together. He can't even find his way off the stage, and then Igo, watch. I'll imitate him, and I go like this..

You ever notice, he always just, he startsoff good because he's pointing at the stairs. And then after that, he's like, and thenhe turns around, huh. And in Nevada, where we did so well, we hada wall in the back. This, we don't have a wall here. We havegreat people as opposed to a wall. I like people better thanwe were, but we had a wall, and I walked back to the wall. Where are we?And then I came back, and we had a great, and we did a very good speech. They said,he was unable to find his way off the stage. You know why? Because they're among the mostdishonest people you'll ever see. So what I do, you have to be very carefulwith sarcasm and having a lot.

Of fun because they don't like fun.They use it to your disadvantage. But I will say that I've never seensuch spirit as we have right now. You look outside. I mean, this is a big place and all,but I think you have four or five times the number of people outside.You can't get them in. Would anybody like to give up their place? No.No? No Vernon? The answer is no. I just made a very short, you know, we have big, we have big screens outside. I made alittle short speech, but we're going to have to come back and maybe use the airportto something. But we got to get everybody.

We got to get everybody out. We got to geteverybody out. We got to get everybody out all night. But among other travesties,Biden's horrendous border plan would have allowed millions and millions. Thisis the worst border plan I've ever seen. You know, you don't need a bill or plan. Allyou have to do is President say shut the border, like I did. I said, shut the border.You don't need bills and plan. Would have allowed millions of illegal aliens a year,flooding unchecked across our borders, virtually unlimited number of illegals from countries suchas Somalia, the Congo, Libya, Yemen, and Iran. A lot of people coming in from Iran,a lot of people coming from China, a lot of people coming from Russia.You know, it's interesting. They're.

Coming from these places. Sadly, Idon't want to say this to the women. I don't want to insult the women, but there arevery few women coming in. They're almost all men, 18 to 25. That means fighting age. That's fighting age. So they have something planned,and we're not going to stand for it. They are destroying our country.This group of fascists, they're destroying our country. They talk aboutdemocracy. Biden is bad for democracy because he's grossly incompetent.That's why he's bad for democracy. He is bad for democracy. Plus, he uses DOJand FBI and everything he can to go after an opponent. And nothing has ever happened likethat in this country. Now, it does happen in.

Third -world countries and banana republics,but so far it hasn't, but it's happened here. And I think it's reverberating againsthim. I looked at the polls. I think it's actually been very bad. It's hard to sayit's good to be indicted, but it's sure as hell has helped the polls, hasn't it,because I've never had polls like that. No, he's bad for democracy. You know,it would have given him new authority. The bill would have given him newauthority to grant mass asylum, which, by the way, Bird Brain loves massasylum. There's nothing nice about her. I will never run against PresidentTrump. He's a great president. The greatest president in my lifetime,which is actually quite a bit now,.

The greatest president in my lifetime,she said, I will never run against him. Then she comes over to see me atMar -a -Lago -sur. I will never run against you. She brought herhusband. Where's her husband? Oh, he's away. He's away. What happened toher husband? What happened to her husband? Where is he? He's gone. He knew. He knew. But no, think of this, think of this. Iwill never run against you, sir, but it's all over the type. We've got like 19,the great Dan Scavino. He made 19 versions of it. I will never run against him. Will you runagainst him? I will never. Little while later, I'd like to announce, what kindof a thing? We don't need people.

Like this. And I'll tell you what, she did a job. She was fine. She was okay. But I didn'tput her there because I wanted her there at the United Nations. That was up to me.I wanted to take your Lieutenant Governor, who's right here, and make him Governor. That's what I wanted. And I wanted you to havePeggy as a first lady. You got the best first lady. So, that's, I'm not interested in thattoo, because this man, when I was campaigning, for a long time, I got along with her,made contributions to the governor. She'd always called contributions, coffeeyears. And then I decided to run and I said, one person I know I have is Nikki.I have Nikki Haley. Tricky Nikki..

I have Haley. And so now I announce, andI call various people for endorsements. I don't think they mean much,unless it's my endorsement, right, Henry? It doesn't mean much. Andshe didn't return my call. This year's ago. And then I call her againand again. Finally, she returns. No, I'm sorry. I'm with somebodyelse. I won't tell you who, because it happens to be now a friend ofmine. We've all unified and friends. But you know what? She's not shy.No, no, no. No, it's not shy. But I had a man who, at the time, I didn'tknow. The Lieutenant Governor believed in Donald Trump. He believed in me. And I hadthe Lieutenant Governor, and the Governor.

Had some other candidate. And Henry, weblew that field away like nothing, right? And him, he and Peggy, atsix in the morning, I said, who the hell is the guy? I said, thatguy is campaigning like hell. You're Lieutenant Governor. And I wanted himbecause I felt he deserved it. We won. And I'll never forget my speech. I said, I would much rather have the LieutenantGovernor than the Governor. This is after we won. And everyone understood exactlywhat I meant. But he became the Governor, and you're one of the most popular governors andmaybe the best governor in the whole country. He didn't expect to build up like that.

He didn't think he doesn't, and he doesn't evencare. He just wants to do his job. He's a great, he's a great gentleman. That's a greatcouple. Thank you very much. And Peggy, thank you very much. Appreciate it. What Crooked Joe is doing to ourborder is a crime against this nation, but he will not get away with it.He's not going to, we're not going to allow these horrible offenses to takeplace. He'll be tried by the ballot box. You know that? He's going to betried in, by, and for the ballot box. in November. I have to say that otherwisethe fake news would say, oh,.

He was very threatening. Remember whenBiden used to say, well, I'd like to take him behind the barn and punch him. Ifhe ever punched me, it wouldn't last long. That's one would let. No, it's real.It wouldn't last long. One, two, three seconds. I'd go like this. That wouldbe the end. I wouldn't have to be violent. No, but when he said it, the fakenews said, oh, that's so cute. That's so nice. He said he'sthreatening to hit the hell out of me. And they thought it was nice.Now, if I said I'd punch him in the face, he'd go down like a ton of lard.Remember that expression? Ton of lard. They'd say, he's a fascist. It's terriblewhat he said. You know, by the way,.

We have a group of a lot of women. You loveNorth Carolina, right? We have a lot of, they've followed me now. This is the129th rally that they've attended. Could I ask them, even though it'sNorth Carolina, it's close enough, right? We love North Carolina. Would youstand up, please? Look at these people. Look at these people. Beautiful women. You're notallowed to say that anymore, but I'll say it. You are not allowed to say beautifulwomen that usually is the end of a career, but I'll say it. They're beautifulwomen. They're incredible women. The only thing I don't understand,I see one husband there, good. Their husbands are home 129 times. What thehell are they doing? What did they say? No,.

They're great people. Thank you verymuch. Thank you. Thank you very much. Appreciate it. That's support. And wewere treated very well, as you know. You know, Laura, she lives in NorthCarolina. She named the baby with Eric, named the baby Carolina. No discrepancy. I said, is that North or the South? They said,it's both. It's both. So she's great. Thank you very much, everybody. Thank you forcoming. I appreciate it. As you probably know, two days ago, the Biden Department of Injustice let Crook and Joe off the hook forsome of his very egregious crimes, including his brazen theft of classifieddocuments long before he was ever president.

He's been doing this for 50 years. They couldn't believe it. I remember a certainsenator got up and said, no way, he did that. No way. But he did it. He tookhim when he was a senator. You can't do it. Now, in my case, I'm covered by the PresidentialRecords Act. I'm allowed to do what I do, but he wasn't covered. He was a vice president,not covered, and he was a Senate. But this is yet more proof that we have a weaponized two-tier system of justice in this country. Crook and Joe got off scot -free. And Idon't know if you call it scot -free. They said he was a mental basket case. Okay, so Iwouldn't say it's totally scot -free. In fact, I think maybe if I had mychoice, I'd take the other.

I'd go through a little process, but that'sbetter than what happened. But they said he was a disaster mentally. And he willfully stolegigantic numbers of classified documents. But because of his condition mentally, is this guygoing to make it to the starting gate seriously? Well, it shows you the power of incumbency, doesn't it, if that happens? It's sort of anincredible thing. But I've been saying no, but you never know. It'll be the firsttime I've been wrong in a long time, right? Trump was right about everything. We calledevery war. We called every single problem. And we would have never had any of thoseproblems. We wouldn't have had Israel attack. We wouldn't have had Ukraine and Russia fightingand killing everybody and blowing up their cities.

And we wouldn't have had inflation because it wasstarted by energy. It was started by oil gasoline, which doubled, more than doubled. But thesedocuments stuffing them in his drawers, stashing them in crumpled boxes,and those boxes were heavily used. You know, when you look at those boxes,those suckers were in and out. A lot of people saw those documents. They didn'tsee the ones we had. We had them locked up and we had Secret Service all the timebecause I was president all the time. And leaving them strewn all over thegarage for his precious Corvette. You ever hear him talk about theCorvette? It's my Corvette? You can cut that garage door with thescissors. You know, flimsy is the word.

You can take up scissors and just go likethis. Those are the ones you buy for $139, right? The whole door. Notincluding the motor. On top of it, all Biden aides deleted incriminating evidenceafter the appointment of the special counsel. So they — see, I did behave withthe special. I was very nice. I knew exactly what they were doing.It was election interference. I knew it exactly. As soon as I got even acall, this was election interference. I knew that. But we worked with them.We were going to give them whatever they needed. They came over to Mar -a-Lago. It was all very nice. In fact, I even treated them to lunch. I wasn'tthere, but I treated them to lunch.

Obviously, I should have treated themto dinner. The lunch wasn't good enough, right? But I understood. But despite allof the facts, I was actually president, and the president has tremendous powersof declassification, authority, et cetera. We did everything right. Biden's thugs arestill trying to put me in jail on fake charges for crimes that they openly admit thatKrucker -Joe did. He — he actually did these crimes. Now, I'm not lookingfor anything to happen to this guy. He wouldn't know the difference. Imean, I don't think he even knows the difference. He — she goes, we are.That's like — there'll be no revenge. No revenge. Does everybodyagree no revenge? No revenge.

But this is selective politicalpersecution — not prosecution, persecution. If there was one shredof honesty or decency left and the radical left of Democrat Party — andthere's not, but it's a radical left. They've gone so far off. Openborders, high interest rates, horrible what they're teachingyour children in school, a woke military — we have a great military,but it's headed by woke people at the top. They're trying to change. It's notgoing to happen. We defeated ISIS in four weeks. Everyone said it wouldtake four years. We did it in four weeks. We have a great military. Butthe Biden DOJ, the entire phony boxes.

Hoax against your favorite presidentand me would be immediately dropped. Everybody says it. We had three orfour legal scholars today say, well, that's the end of that case againstTrump because you can't have one guy get out. And then another guy whodid nothing wrong — nothing wrong. He did tremendous wrong. And I'm noteven asking because if you look back, all presidents have taken a lot of stuff.I mean, that would mean every president, including Obama, Clinton, Bush, every oneof them would right now be in the who's gal. That wouldn't look too good in history,would it? But we did everything right. He did everything wrong. And what theyshould do is that case should be dropped.

Immediately by deranged Jack Smith. Doyou ever hear of deranged Jack Smith? He's a prosecutor. He's a prosecutor.He's prosecuted a lot of people. And he loses in the end because hegoes too far. He's one of those guys. He goes so crazy. He goes —that's why we call him deranged. When I return to the White House, I willhave no higher priority than cleaning up this rot and this corruptionand restoring fair, equal, and impartial justice under the constitutionalrule of law. The special counsel's report tries to let Biden off by claiming that he is toomentally incompetent to convict at a trial. But if Joe Biden is not fit to charge, they'renot going to charge him with the crime,.

But it's okay for him to become commander-in -chief. Think of that one. Thank you, that one. All right, thank you very much. Just a little interlude. You know,that used to happen all the time. Now it doesn't happen too much. You know,I used to say to people, you go get them, you go get them. And then I gotsued, so I said, what the hell? So now I say, please treat them kindly. This way I don't get sued. Please treat themkindly. They're lovely people. Go home to mom. But we know that Joe Bidenhas always been too mentally incompetent. Is he gone? I think he's gone. We don't havethat. Remember, we used to have it all the time,.

And I used to get angry with the camerabecause they never show the crowd. They'll never show the crowd outside, which ismany times the size of the crowd inside. They never do. But I used to get angry, andthen I figured it must be the equipment. But I used to complain. They'd show me my face,and a few of the people right back there, very attractive people. But they would never showthe crowd, and I'd complain, I'd call them up, I'd call Fox, would call everybody, wouldsay, why aren't you showing the crowd? Because it's so impressive. And then I realizedit's very expensive equipment. It's probably new, steel cable, steel bar, so you can't turn. Andthen we had a couple of incidents like that, and that equipment was ableto turn like a pretzel.

It was like over, around, down, underthat get chin shots. They got over the head shot. And then I realizedit was just fake news. They don't like seeing crowds like this becauseit just happens. I mean, it's crazy. But this is far bigger than what wehad, and this is 10 months out. I mean, this is far bigger than, look, nobody had morespirit than we had in 2016 and 2020. Again, much more, much more than2016. Much more than 2016. Bad thing happened, bad things. But thisblows both of them away. There's never been spirit. And the reason is, you likeme, do you ever see where they say, well, we have two people running, I lovethis, these people, they're so dis,.

We have two people running, andthey're both extremely unpopular. I'm not unpopular. I'm 92% in theRepublican Party. I'm not unpopular. Thank you. I mean, brain dead, she's got,you know what she's got? Like, 12 percent. She's got 12 percent. Therewas a poll came out today, 87 to like 9, and they're 3 percent undecided. 3 percent.No, we're going to, we got to win this thing. We have to win it big. We have to win,not against Earth. That's irrelevant. We have to win it. We have to set, that'swhy you have to vote. We have to set a signal out to the whole world that comeNovember it's going to be different.

And the reason we have the spirit is becausewe see how bad they are. If you like me, I love you, I love you. I mean, we've neverlost here. We've never lost here. We won our primaries. We won our general,and we don't lose in South Carolina. But, you know, I'll tell you, we have to sendout the signal that we're not playing games. In November, we're going to win. We're going to takeit all back. And this is sending out the signal, just like in Iowa, just like in NewHampshire, just like the Virgin Islands. You know, they said, oh, she really, sheworked hard on the Virgin Islands. You know, she got nothing. The real problemfacing our country is not Joe Biden's decline. The real problem is that JoeBiden is causing America's decline.

He's causing it. Who the hell would allowpeople to pour into our country? Who would allow this to happen? We built 561 miles ofwall. We were ready to put up another 200, way over what I projected and said. We're going to put up another200. Everything was done. It was all made. Fantastic people.Tom Holman, you know Tom Holman, the great Tom Holman. He's, I think he's heresomeplace. Brandon Judd from Border Patrol. The people from ICER represented. TheICE, how about ICE? They walk into a pack of the toughest gangs. They just walkin. You don't see anything happening except fists are flying. And then two minutes later,you see them walk out carrying real thugs,.

Dangerous people, people that killyoung girls, walk into school. They knife them. They use a knife, not a gun, because it's more painful. These are realbad people. And the job that ICE does, we took out thousands and thousands of MS -13,the toughest gang, right, Lieutenant Governor? The toughest gang in the world, we took out thousands of them. And ICE didit. ICE is very incredible, brave patriots, really. And they don't get treated withrespect just like our great police officers. They do not get treated with the kind of respectthat they should get. In everything he does, Crooked Joe Biden puts illegal aliensfirst. He puts Ukraine first. He puts.

China first. Well, he has to put China first. He gets paid off by China. The guy getsmillions of dollars. He gets millions of dollars. Why the hell wouldn't heput them first? He's actually afraid because they'll reveal, becausethey know how much he really got. You know, Congress has done a good job,but it's many times. If they find that, it's a little bit like the border. Whenthey say that so many people were screened, they don't talk about the millionsof people that came through. They come through the border, millions of people,and nobody knows what's going on. What's happening there is so bad. But when you look at it, he putsall of these countries first. He puts Hamas first.

He puts Hezbollah first. He puts the environmentalmaniacs first. And I'm all for the environment. Nobody is more for it than me. But they'retrying to destroy our country. You know, China is now building a coal plant aweek, and we are not building anything. We're not building anything. The windmillsaren't working. The most expensive form of energy ever. Germany tried it.They wanted to go for windmills and solar. They would have been outof business in about three months. Can't fire up. The big factoriescan't do it. And you have clean, beautiful natural gas. You have cleancoal. You have great things. We have more, by the way, we have more liquidgold under our feet, right?.

Mr. Congressman, great job youdid. Great speech. Great speech, Michael. But they put everyone first,except us. He puts America last. And he puts our workers last. He putsour… Safety last? We don't know. You know, the people coming into our country,many, many terrorists coming in. In 20, they just did this chart on one of the fakenew stations. I couldn't believe it. This is real news. 2019, they showed thatunder Trump, there were no terrorists. We had all sorts of bans. We had bans oneverything. We didn't like people. We didn't like countries. We didn't like what was happeningin the country. We didn't let them in. But we had big bans. And I had to get, we got approvalthrough the Supreme Court of the United States.

It was very controversial. But we never had aterrorist attack during the four years that I was president. And we won't again. Wewon't again. Won't happen. You know, I wanted to talk about thatso badly during my term. I said, you know, it's two and a halfyears, three years, three and a half years. I wanted to talk about it. Michael,I wanted to say we never had a turret, but I didn't want to. I was afraidwhat might happen the next day. But we got through four years without anattack. And they knew they can't attack. They can't attack when Trump is president. Notgoing to happen. Because as your president, I put America first every singletime, every day and every night.

But before we can defeat Crooked Joe Biden,this November we first turn, and we have to, the page forever on America last. He actuallysays, we've got to stop MAGA. Do you ever see him? How about the scene where he had,like, the devil's colors behind him, right? And he's up there. Now, fortunately,he was stuttering badly, and he has a- he just- and this is not from anyproblem other than the brain's not working too well. We got to put America-we got to put- make America great again. Oh, is that what it means? Because he doesn'tknow. If you asked him what does MAGA stand for, he would not be able to tell you. And I'vecalled for cognitive tests. I actually think anybody running for president should havetests, I think, and I pass them every time.

Dr. Ronnie Jackson gave me the first one.Anybody running for president? I don't think Nikki would pass the test, I reallydon't. But anybody running for president, regardless of age, I thinkthey should pass the test. Vice president, certain positions. They sayit's not constitutional. I'd be willing to wave it. Let's wave that. But I think theyshould. Hailey is the candidate of globalists and war mongers who want to spend trillionsand trillions of dollars on endless wars. She's always in favor of fightingwars. You know, during my term, we defeated ISIS. We knocked out thebiggest, the worst terrorists in the world. You know that. We took out theworst terrorists, the two of them.

You know who they are? Took themout. You don't have to mention the names. Everyone knows who theyare. Salomeini, you know that, right? Al -Baghdadi, you know, the founder.The founder of ISIS. We took him out. Salomeini, the head of, I mean, hewas, I think, the Iranians actually, they were so afraid of this guy. He was a viciousguy. Father of the roadside bomb, all of the soldiers that summoned this room, I saw some inthis room, where they lost their legs, their arms. They got badly, so badly. But he was,we took him out. And Al -Baghdadi, the founder of ISIS, trying to rebuildit again. I wiped it out. I wiped him out. I wiped it out. We got him done.Conan, remember Conan the dog, right?.

Conan. We gave Conan a medal. Conan thedog. Conan was pretty warm. That was the last thing he heard was Conan running at him.But they're gone and we defeated. And we didn't go into one war. I'm the first president in 76years that didn't get into a war, first one. That's a big thing. It's easyto go into war. You know, we rebuilt the military. It's easy togo into war. We're going to go in and knock the hell out of somebody. We have thebest equipment in the world because of me. I rebuilt the military. We had fighters yet, sowe're 53 years old. And we have all brand new F -35s now. And the greatest, we have the greatest,the greatest military in the world. We really do. When I went after ISIS, I was told four yearsand we took them out in just a matter of weeks.

The whole thing gone, 100%. I rememberwe got it down to 98%. And I said, let's get out of here because Irandoesn't want ISIS. There are enemies, natural enemies. Russia doesn't want. Isaid, let them finish off the final two. Let's get the hell out of there. I wantedto get out after 20 years of ridiculous spending of billions and trillionsof dollars. And the fake news said, he didn't finish the job. It's 98%. Ifigured let them take out the two a little. So you know what I said? All right, fellas, go and knock the hell out of them andlet's get the hell out. We finished 100%. We knocked out ISIS. General RaisinCain, right? Raisin did. No, Raisin Cain.

General Raisin Cain was great. He did agreat job. We got some great generals, not the guys you see on televisionthat leave Afghanistan. Let's take the soldiers out first. Let'stake the military out first. If I ask a child, there's a beautifulchild sitting in the 10th row right there about 11 years, 10 years old. IfI ask that young man, who do you think, what do you think we should do? Shouldwe take the military out first or last? He would tell me, sir, last. What's wrong withyou asking me a stupid question like that, sir? We took the military out first. Wedidn't take our equipment. We left $85 billion worth of equipment. We left the saddest.

Look, we had 13 incredible soldiers. I've gottento know their families. 13 military killed, violently killed, blown up.38 people so horrifically hit, and nobody talks aboutthem. Do you ever hear that? You've probably never heard that fromanybody else. Nobody talks about the 38 people so badly hit. Legs gone, armsgone, faces just so sad. I visited many of them in Walter Reed. By the way, oneof the greatest hospitals in the world. Those doctors are incredible. Whatthey do is incredible. Five years ago, they could have never lived, butit's incredible. 38 so badly, so badly hurt. And we left a lot ofhostages. We left a lot of Americans there.

We got out with the planes.Remember the planes? He said, it'll never be another Vietnamwith the helicopters. This made Vietnam look like it was a picnic. It wasterrible. People falling off the planes. Remember that scene of the planes leaving,and they had many people sitting on the wings of the planes and the wheels ofthe planes, and they were falling off at 3 ,000 feet. That's three times theheight of the Empire State Building. They were falling off the planes. That wasnever a scene like that. And there's never been an embarrassment like that in the historyof our country. We've never been so embarrassed. And that's why Putin, I believe, because Iknow Putin very well, very smart, very sharp.

They hate when I say that, you know? They say, oh,you called President Xi of China. Say, very smart man. They ask, is he smart? I said, well, let's goa step above that. Let's say he's a brilliant guy. The press goes, he called President Xi brilliant.Well, his guy controls 1 .4 billion people with an iron fist. I'd say he's smart, but herespected this country. We didn't play games, and we took out billions, hundredsof billions of dollars out of China. No president has ever taken out 10 centsout of China. We took out hundreds of billions of dollars. So, Nikki may havestarted her career in South Carolina, but she's now 100 percent the candidateof Wall Street and the war machine. She wants to go to war with everybody. She wantsto kill people, kill people. Countries that don't.

Want us there. Countries that don't want us there.We're all over the place. We took a lot of it out. They don't want us there. Itcosts us billions and billions and trillions of dollars. And I justput a truth out. Is everybody I hope on truth? It's the greatest. David,you're on track. I just put it out. They want to give like almost $100 billionto a few countries, $100 billion. And I said, I'm telling you this, this is breakingnews. We have breaking news. I said, why do we do this? If you do,you give them not $100 billion. You give it to them as a loan. It'scalled a loan. Give them the money. And if they can pay it back, they payit back. If they can't pay it back,.

They don't have to pay it back because,you know, they've got some problems. But if they go to another nation, they drop uslike a dog, like a female drops a male after a date because he doesn't like her, right? If thathappens to our country, then very simply, we call the loan and we say we want our money becausewe give money and then they go to another side. As an example, let's say we giveall this money. We were already into Ukraine for over $200 billion. Andthey could make a deal with Russia in the next three weeks and all of a suddenthey don't want to deal with us anymore. We've given hundreds of billions ofdollars. And why are we at over $200 billion? And the European nations are, ifyou add them up, it's a very similar sized.

Economy. They're $25 billion. So we're at$200 plus and it affects them much more. We have a thing called an ocean between us, right? It affects them much more. Butwe're at $200. They're at $250. I did the same thing with NATO. I got them topay up. NATO was busted until I came along. I said, everybody's going to pay. They said,well, if we don't pay, are you still going to protect us? I said, absolutely not. Theycouldn't believe the answer. And everybody, you never saw more money pour into Secretary General Stoltenberg. Well, I don't know if he is anymore,but he was my biggest fan. He said, all these presidents came inthat make a speech they'd leave,.

And that was a bit. And they allowed money and they wouldn't pay it. I came in, I made a speech, and I said,you got to pay up. They asked me that question. One of the presidents ofa big country stood up and said, well, sir, if we don't pay and we'reattacked by Russia, will you protect us? I said, you didn't pay? You're delinquent?He said, yes. Let's say that happened. No, I would not protect you. In fact, Iwould encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. You got topay. You got to pay your bills. And the money came from blowing in. And Henry would knowthis. If I said, yes, I will,.

You don't have to pay. Yes, I will.Most politicians have said to that, yes, we will protect you under anycircumstances. Well, then they never paying up. I said, no, no, you have to understand.You don't pay your bills. You get no protection. It's very simple. Hundredsof billions of dollars came into NATO, and that's why they have moneytoday, because of what I did. And then I hear that they like Obama better.They should like Obama better. You know why? Because he didn't ask for anything. Wewere like the stupid country of the world, and we're not going to be the stupidcountry of the world any longer. We're not going to be. Got bad under this guy. Sohe now wants to send them 50, 60 billion dollars..

I have to say one thing. I think the greatestsalesman ever in history is Zelensky. And I like Zelensky because during the hoax of, youknow, I made a threatening phone call to him. And when they asked him, he said, no, it wasn't threatening. It was a very nicecall. He could have played to the bandwagon. He didn't do that. He told the truth. So Ilike Zelensky. But that war has got to end. We can make a deal on that war. Oneof the things we're going to do is we're going to get that war ended.That war is a disaster. Thousands, hundreds of thousands of people are beingkilled far more than you're reading about. And you notice you don't hear about thatwar anymore. You know why? Because they're.

Not doing well. That's why. Becausethe fake news is totally bought in, and now they're saying, this is not working out. No, we got to get that war settled,and I'll get it settled. It would have never happened with Putin. Itwould have never happened. And it, and by the way, it didn't happenfor four years. It didn't happen. We'll get it settled. But we're fighting forthe people of our country. We're going to stop that war. We're going to stop otherwars that are happening. When you think of what took place in Israel just a shortwhile ago, it would have never happened. Even the Democrats were ontelevision the other day..

Deface the nation. Did you ever watchthe show, Deface? Ladies and gentlemen, it's Donald Trump on Deface the Nation.No, I think it was Deface the Nation. They're all sort of the same. All very radicaland crazy. But they were saying that, you know, one thing I will admit, if Trump werea president, you wouldn't have had Israel attacked. You wouldn't have had Ukraineattacked, and you wouldn't have had inflation. Other than that. But we're going to drainthe swamp. We started off. We fired Comey, that fraud. We got rid of that guy and gotrid of a lot of others. And then we had COVID came in and that we had the greatesteconomy in history, even for four years. The greatest economy, but just prior to COVID,.

We had to fix that. Nobody knew what it was.You know, I get great credit for economy. I get great credit for the military.Great, great credit for foreign policy. Victor Orban, did you ever hear of him?Prime Minister of Hungary? Great guy. He was interviewed recently and he said, they said, what's going on? The whole world is blowingup. He said, I have a simple solution. Let the United States of America electquickly. Donald Trump. It will all end very fast. You're not going to have any moreproblems. He said, you're not going to have any problems. He's one of the toughest guys,a smart guy, great guy, loves his country. But he said, and I don't use this term,but he used this term. China was afraid.

Of Donald Trump. Russia was afraid.Remember when I stopped their pipeline, Nord Stream 2? I stopped it. I said, it's over. We're not going to do it. You're not goingto have a pipeline going all through Europe. And I stopped it and it was done. AndBiden came in and he approved it. Like, so crazy. We were going to be sellingbecause we were going to drill, baby drill. And we were going to be selling oiland natural gas and everything else to Europe and all over the world. But thesefoolish people, these stupid, stupid people, what they've allowed to happen to our country. And the reason, the reason that we're all doingso well, and you're respected too. By the way,.

Make America, MAGA is very respected now. You see, Jamie Dimon, the head of one of thegreat banks, one of the big banks. The other day he was there, well,no, we have to respect MAGA. We have to respect. You better believe theyhave to respect MAGA. And MAGA, I think, is 90 percent of the Republican. They like to say,well, Trump has a solid 35 percent of, no, no, no. It's not 35. We have 90, 95. He's liftingoff. That's our front row Joe. Stand up, Joe. Front row Joe. Look at these people.Whoa. Whoa. They might even have your record, North Carolina. Okay? Allthese North Carolina women. But they come to a lot of events that— and they're rich people, I think,.

Right? You have plenty of cash.They got a lot of cash. They got to have a lot of cash. They followme all over the place. Thank you. Thank you. Now, they're greatpeople, actually. But as President, I ended the NAFTA disaster, the worsttrade deal ever made, and replaced it with a brand -new U .S. M .C .A. that'sMexico and Canada, who are ripping us off. I know there are neighbors, but theywere ripping us off. The best trade deal they say ever made in our country— I know it's good because they want to renegotiate the deal. And foryears, we suffered with NAFTA. And everyone said, you'll never be able — youknow how to get it knocked out in Congress,.

That one. That couldn't be executive order. And amazing. But it was a giant win for SouthCarolina, and farmers, manufacturers. It was a tremendous win for Iowa. It wasa tremendous win for Wisconsin. But it was a great win for you. I took on CommunistChina like no administration in history, bringing in hundreds and hundreds ofbillions of dollars — hundreds of billions. And I would say my relationship got to be a littlebit sour. There are a lot of people who think that COVID came because of that. They said,how do we get this guy out? Now what they're trying to do is use the Justice Department,the local DAs, and the Attorney Generals. But nothing is going to work. Look,we're doing a great job. We're doing.

A great job. If we do a great joband we have the people on our side, nothing they can do can hurt us. We're doingsomething that's never been done before. We're straightening out a mess. Then I gave — outof China — I gave our farmers $28 billion right out of those tariffs that China was paying, rightout of the tariffs from China. Manufacturers, too. Remember, the night I won the Iowa caucuses, theChinese stock market took a tremendous nosedive. Some people would say a little bit ofa mini -crash. I won Iowa by the record that we talked about, and the marketdropped. Then the next week I won New Hampshire. The market went way down. TheChina market — what does that tell you? That tells you that you don't have to sayanything. And I'm not looking to hurt them,.

But they have to treat us fairly.We're not looking to hurt China. We'll have a good relationship with China, I hope. But they respected us. They didn'twant those tariffs. You know, for the first year, they pretended likethe tariffs didn't bother them. I made it 25 percent, then I made it 35 percent,and they kept saying, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. We don't care aboutthe tariffs. We're China. I said, I can't believe it. They don't care. There's a lotof money. But that's okay. Then I made it 45. Then I got a call from the top man, PresidentXi, who you have to respect for strong. Can you imagine him dealing with Biden?Biden walks and he falls asleep. They said,.

Get this guy out of here. He won'tknow. He won't know where he was. But I got a call from the top guy.He said, please stop the tariffs. You're killing us. I said, ah, okay.But they're great negotiators. I mean, they are great negotiators. Much betterthan the people we have negotiating. We have these guys go over therebegging. They're like beggars. But they knew that Trukka Joe and Nikki Haley arevery good for China. They're China people. They're into China. Donald J. Trump is good for the UnitedStates of America. That's what I'm good for. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. time should we give you David should we give you.

Club for growth. Club for growth. David, stand up, please. He's now with us 100 percent. He'swith us 100 percent. Thank you. Thank you. Good to have you, man. Now, did theyshow you the picture of Mitt Romney? He's like kryptonite. If you touch Mitt Romney,you go down. I had a certain center. I won't say which one. I endorsed him. He took a 44 -pointlead, and then Mitt Romney got involved with him, and he started saying, here'sthe endorsement of Mitt Romney. That's a kill. He went from 44 -point lead to a 10 -point deficit. But I got involvedbecause I knew it wasn't true. And he won his state. It was a great victory.I don't want to tell you the senator.

A lot of people know. Could have beenmore than one senator. Mitt Romney is kryptonite. Mitt Romney is a friend of NikkiHaley. And you saw the screen. I think you saw the screenshot. And that was actuallywhen she was with Barack Hussein Obama. Oh, oh, do we have good work? This was not, you know, exactly, this was not onthe screen. They, congratulations, people in the back. And Obama also. She actuallydropped Romney for a little while for Obama. But this is where, you know,one thing with a politician, Henry knows this better than anybody. Whenthey come out with an idea, they change for elections. A certain person was running and he wastotally against a certain agricultural product.

All of a sudden, just before theelection, he came out and he said, I love it. I love it. But you know thatthey're going back to where they came from, right, Henry? They always comeback where they came from. Her policies are horrible. Herpolicies on social security. She wants to raise the age by 10 years.Okay? No, no. Now she'll deny it, but if she ever got it, she'll never getit. You know, she's got like zero chance. Zero chance. But you know what? If she ever did, she would go back because they always goback to what they originally thought. But it's no wonder Joe Biden and histhugs are so desperate to stop us.

They know that we are the only ones who canstop them. We're the only ones. That's why they are weaponizing law enforcement for thehigh level purpose of election interference, which is illegal, whatthey're doing too, by the way. They love to talk about democracy, but they'rethe ones who are weaponizing the DOJ, the FBI, our election systems, local DAs. I gotDAs. If I fly over a Democrat state, if I fly over what's called the blue stateof my plane, I get a subpoena the next day. Please report to a grand jury. Right,Vernon? I get a subpoena. I had more subpoenas than anybody probably in history.I think I had between Congress and every Democrat DA. I think I had my OSA. I said,I got indicted more than Alphonse Capone.

Do you ever hear of Alphonse? A verynice gentleman, Scarfett. Al Capone, the greatest of them all, the greatestmobster of them all. Trump got indicted more. Can you imagine? And it alltook place within a matter of minutes. It's election interference, election. Iwonder what my great father and mother, they're up in heaven. Believe it or not, my father was a tough guy, but he wouldmake heaven because he had a great heart. And my mother, there's no doubt about it.My father is questionable, but my mother, there's no doubt. But they're both up there,and they're looking up, and they're looking, and she's going to say, Mary, ourson is indicted more than Al Capone.

How the hell did this ever happen? And itall took place within moments. But they're coming after you in many ways. They'recoming after you. I'm just, you know, I'm just stopping them. I'm stopping them. I always will. Somebody asked me theother day, a very important, a very, very successful, a very, very successfulguy asked me, they see what we have to go through with these maniacs, they'relunatics, and they see what I go through. And I say, it doesn't bother me because I havesuch support. It really doesn't bother me, which probably tells you there's a little bit of a screw loose there because a lot ofpeople would be not able to function.

But it actually makes me,it inspires me. They said, if you had it to do again, you had agreat life. I had the greatest life. I had the most beautiful places. I hada beautiful life. They did tremendous. Had a book. It became the biggestbook. Had a, I mean, many books, but had a book, one of the biggestbooks ever. Thing called The Art of the Deal. Had a television show.Became the top show. The apprentice. I didn't know anything about television.I didn't know anything about books. One of the greatest real estate developers.What I do best is build. I build. I'm a great developer. That's what Idid. I made a lot of money with it.

You see that. You look at my statements,which are now public for everybody to see. I did great. But they say to me, youhad a great life. I have great homes, Mar -a -Lago, and many others like it.Then they say, you had it to do again. Would you do it? I never hesitate. I said,absolutely I'd do it. I would have none of this happening because what I'm doingis necessary. And if I didn't do it, our country is gone. I believeour country would be gone. I really do. I really do. So ina sense, I'm doing it for you, but in a sense, I'm doing it formy family. I'm doing it for a lot of great people. But I don't evenhesitate. They ask me two questions.

First is that, would you do it again? And they'realways surprised when I say, absolutely. You know, you've got to go to Joe. On Monday, I have a courtcase. On Tuesday, it's okay. It's all right. Just saying, I wish whatever state I'm supposed to bein well, and they can all see and they understand. They get the game. Look, normally when thishappens, you go like that. You announce, here's what happens. You get indicted. Yougo to the microphone. Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to announce my retirement from politics. I will be going home to spend moretime with my family and to fight for my name. That's what happens. 99.9 percent, right? Henry wouldn't know because he's not even close.Okay. Henry would not know that.

But that's what happens. We've seen itmany times, Henry, right? Politicians, they always announce they're going to fight fortheir name and they're going to go back home to their family, which they should havebeen home there a long time ago, right? That's what they do with me. They indict me.I explain what it's about. Total bullshit, all cases. Right? And my poll numbers goup. My poll numbers go up. How do you figure that? But Joe Biden and the fascists thatcontrol him are a true threat to democracy. You know, he's controlled by fascists andbad people. All of this persecution is only happening because we're leading so big in thepolls. If I wasn't running right now, or if I was in fifth place, or if I was like Haley, like70 points down, I wouldn't be under indictment.

I wouldn't have any problems right now.In the latest morning, console poll, highly respected, we're at 80 percent ofthe Republican primary and we're dominating Crooked Joe in the general election bynumbers that nobody's ever seen before. In fact, our lead against Biden isthe largest it has ever been, six, seven, eight, nine. We have won at 11, 11points, which is hard. I have a friend that called me. He's not into politics.He said, could I ask you a question? How come you're only leading Biden by eightpoints? I said, because if I ran this book, speech that I'm supposed to beusing, but I decided not to, if I, you know why? Because I feelat home with South Carolina.

I'm at home. I'm at home. Now, if Iran this book, if I ran that book, you start off with 39 points ifyou're a Democrat. I actually told my children they're great. I havegreat children, smart children. They worked hard, very hard. I said,I don't want to get in your way, but it's a lot easier and a lot safer to bea Democrat. It's true. If I ran that book, nothing else, just a book, has nolife, no nothing, you get 39 points. That's why it amazes me. In otherwords, a Democrat between the unions, the civil service, and a few other groups,I won't mention them, but you get 39 points, right? So no matter who you are,this microphone would get 39 points.

We start off with nothing. We startoff with nothing. We don't have that. We have to run the whole EastCoast like I did twice. I did twice. I did better the second time.But we have to run the East Coast. Then we have to take the Midwest. Then we have to do all sorts of things. I'll never forgetthat incredible 2016, when everyone said, well, he has no chance. Rememberthey gave me a 2% chance, right? Remember the poll, the number? Somegenius sold his whole company to the New York Times. They paid him millions ofdollars because he gave me a 2% chance. And then as you win states, yougo from 2% to 4% to 10% to 14%.

So I start off at 2% the eveningof the evening, that fatal evening, that fatal for the enemy, totallyfatal for the enemy. So I start off at 2%. And then it comes out. DonaldTrump has won the state of Florida. Oh, that's nice. So now I go from2% chance to an 8% chance. Then we win Georgia. We win North Carolina. Wewin South Carolina. We win ultimately Pennsylvania. We rando. East Coast. Andyou remember that lunatic with the glasses? She had a lot of hair, the glasses, and shewas screaming. She's become a famous woman. So we go from 2 percent to 6 percent to12 percent to 14. Now they're starting to get a little bit nervous. And then theysaid, well, North Carolina is a firewall.

Donald Trump has won the state of North Carolina.They said that we won North Carolina. Don't worry, South Carolina, we won that oneeasy. But they had North Carolina, your neighbor. North Carolina is a firewall. He won't be able to get throughNorth Carolina. We won that one. And now they're starting to get worried.So now we're at a 30 percent chance that we won a couple of others. Then wewon Wisconsin. That was a big one. And now we're at 40 percent chance. Sowe went from 2 to 40. And these people are going crazy. It was one of themost incredible evenings in history. They wouldn't call Pennsylvania, eventhough I was leading by so much with.

So many votes in that if I would havegotten no more votes, I would have won. I said, why aren't they calling it?They were probably trying to build up the ballot count because they thought,but ultimately it wasn't necessary. But then ultimately late at night, Iwon the great state or the great. Look, Pennsylvania was a very special place.The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Never call it a state. I'm glad I corrected myself.You know, if you don't correct these people, they have a field day. Even whenyou do correct, they'll put it in. Oh, did he say state? They don't have thecorrection. I never correct because I hate to admit I'm wrong. It's the Commonwealth ofPennsylvania, David. So we win the Commonwealth.

Of Pennsylvania, great Commonwealth, where Iwent to school and a lot of things happened. And that was one of the most exciting eveningsanyone's ever had. We had a great time. The radical left Democrats want Nikki Haleybecause they know that she's easy to beat. She's very easy to beat. Haley supports a23% national sales tax, and she wants to gut Medicare and social security and raise theretirement age of social security by 10 years. Anybody getting ready for the socialsecurity, would you mind? So you're ready for next year in six months? Darling,in six months, I'm getting my social security. I've waited for years for this.Oh, Nikki Haley just added 10 more years. That's not going to have much of an impact,right? She just added 10 years. But she gave.

Land away in your state. She gave land away,as you know, to China. But most importantly, I'm beating Biden in almost everypoll, and she's not beating Biden. She's misrepresenting a lot of things. And on theamnesty bill, she sided with Crooked Joe Biden, and I sided with the people of the UnitedStates of America. A little different. The Radical Left Democrats riggedthe presidential election of 2020, and we're not going to allow them torig the presidential election of 2024. We're not going to allow it. Not going to allowit. And every time the Radical Left Democrats, Marxists, Communists, and Fascists indict me, I consider it a great badge ofhonor. I consider it a great badge.

These are very bad people. Theseare very crooked people because I'm being indicted for you. Thank you verymuch. I appreciate it. Never forget, our enemies want to take away my freedom becauseI will never let them take away your freedom. They want to silence me because Iwill never let them silence you. I never will let that happen. Andin the end, they're not after me. They're after you. I just happen to bestanding in the way, and I always will. So we're delighted to be joined todayby a gentleman. I give him big play, so I don't have to do too much,but we're really happy to have so many incredible political people thatlove your state and love our country.

Governor Henry McMaster is here. Henry,thank you, and our First Lady. Peggy, thank you, Peggy. Lieutenant GovernorPamela Evatt is here. Thank you, Pamela. Great job. Great job. Wehave many members of Congress. Russell Frye, Nancy Mace, WilliamTimmons, Joe Wilson, Mike Walts, who you heard before. Ori County GOP Chairman, Reese Boyd. Done a great job. Thank you, Reese.And our 2020 Ori County Captain, Jerry McDaniel. I see Jerry back there someplace. Hi, Jerry. A man who did a fantastic job as ambassador. Hereally one of the best. He really brought a lot of people together. Ambassador EdMcMullen. Thank you. A very good person.

Pastor Mark Burns. Mark, stand up.Wherever you may be. A fantastic woman. A true patriot. Laura Loomer. Laura,thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Laura. I A man who is on our side, he's committed tous, and he really does get it. And politically, he's as savvy as anybody. Thereis David McIntosh. David, thank you very much. And the next congressmanfrom North Carolina is Sixth District. I have to go to this one becausehe's a friend of my son, Don. And my son says he's such an incredibleguy. He suffered a terrible tragedy. His brother very recently diedfrom an overdose of fentanyl.

Unknowing, unknowing, and it's been devastatingto him. But the Sixth District, North Carolina, Addison McDowell, he's here someplace. Addison, thank you. Thank you. We're with you. Hehas my complete and total endorsement, OK? So go get him. Go get him. Your brother'slooking down and he's very proud of you right now. So thank you very much. Fromthe very first day that we take back to White House from Crooked Joe Biden, Ibelieve, and I believe this strongly, we're going to have the four greatestyears in the history of our country. And frankly, we have to. We have to. Wehave no choice because we're so far behind. We had the greatest economy in history.And now we have what's gone on. I mean,.

The inflation, what it's done to people. It's devastated people. 35,40, 50 percent, if you think, for basic staples. We appointed over 300federal judges and three great Supreme Court justices. That was a big thing. Wefully rebuilt the United States military and created Space Force the first timesince Air Force 78 years ago, right, Mr. Congressman? And you helpedus, Mike. You helped us, Mike. That was a good speech you made,Mike. I was very proud of you. I didn't know his wife had more time than you,though, and that's pretty impressive. Stand up, please. She had more time. She'sgreat. That's very good. We passed a thing.

Called right to try. You know what that is? Thatwas a big deal. They've been trying to do it for 70 years. It's not as easy as it sounds, butthis is where we have the greatest doctors and lab technicians and labs in the world formedical purposes and for other purposes, too. And we have drugs and space age thingsand bio that nobody in the world has, but we're not allowed to use them becausethe FDA says they may be dangerous. I said, wait a minute, maybe dangerous.People are terminally ill. They're not going to be dangerous.These people have to take them. And I was able to work a deal andget it passed. Oh, are you? Oh, thank you. Wow. That's good. We've savedthousands of lives. Thank you very much.

You're OK now. Wow. And I never met that womanin my life. I know what happens. They'll say she was a shill. They put her in. That'sgreat. That's great. Many, many people, thousands and thousands of people have been saved. And we gave them the right to try.We gave them the right. They were going to Asia. They were goingto Europe. They're going all over the world. And if they had no money,they were just going home and dying. Most of them had no money. They gohome and die. But we gave them a license. And it was very tough because thedoctors didn't want it because they didn't want it on the records. The drugcompanies hated the idea because.

They didn't want to take somebody thatwas very severely ill, terminally ill. And if the drug doesn't work, they'regoing to have to report it. So we made the insurance companies hated it. Andthe country hated it because the country ends up being sued all the time. So theyhave to sign what's called the release. And we released the country from liability.They released the drug companies from liability. And the drug companies didn'thave to report when somebody is that ill. They had a separate list. And thiswas such a success, right, to try. And thousands and thousands ofpeople are living now who would be dead. And some are living withouta problem, where they're literally.

Healthy people. They don't even have togo back. That's so, I'm so proud of you. That's so great. Wow, that's reallynice. Thank you very much. That is so nice that you do that. Thank youvery much. And for our great veterans, we passed VA Accountability andVA Choice. Now, Accountability. Accountability is we fired 9 ,000 people from theveterans, administration, the hospitals. They were sadists. They were thieves. They would beat up oursoldiers when our soldiers weren't in prime time. They couldn't have done it inprime time. They would have gotten their ass kicked. But they did.They were sadists. They were actually, who would think this? And you couldn'tbecause of civil service laws.

You couldn't do anything aboutit. They would steal. In Arizona, we had somebody stole $400 ,000 andthey couldn't fire the person. They caught them stealing $400 ,000 and youcouldn't fire them because of the laws. But we got accountability done and we gotsomething that was even better. VA choice. We had choice. If you couldn'tsee your doctor within 24 hours, you go to a private doctoroutside. We pay the bill. We saved thousands of lives.Thousands and thousands of lives. And we are the most. Thank you. That was so great. You know,it's interesting when I did that. I.

Came up with that idea at a meeting. Ihad a meeting with a lot of generals, and they were saying how bad itwas in the Veterans Administration, because people would have to wait three,four, five months to see a doctor. You're pointing, right? Three, four, fivemonths. Sometimes they'd never get to see a doctor. And I said, I have an idea. If youdon't see a doctor within the first few days, you go out and you get a private doctor. I thought I was so brilliant. I said,this is a great idea. They've had that idea for 50 years. They couldn't get itpassed, right, Mike? They couldn't get it passed. But we got it passed with the help ofthose people right there and plenty of others.

Russell helped in a little bit later stage.Russell is so great. But we got it passed, and now they are seeing the doctor ifthey don't have. And sometimes, you know, the doctors are great. But they're just loaded. And what happens is we sendthose people out, we pay them, we have deals worked out with many doctorsall over, and they come back and we're saving thousands of lives by doing that. I mean,some people go in, they're not very sick. And after waiting for four or fivemonths without seeing a doctor, they become terminally ill. For something thatcould have been done with a simple procedure, even a simple pill, theybecome terminally ill waiting.

That's happened many, many times, thousandsof times. And I'm very proud of Right to Try because everyone said you couldn't get itapproved. It would almost be impossible. I had to go through Congress, so we appreciatethe congressman and David, your help too. We appreciate the people in the room. A lotof these people worked very hard on that one, especially. And we had the most secure borderin the history of our country. Three years ago, we had the most secure borderin the history of our country. We ended catch and release in ourcountry. We had catch and release, but it was in Mexico. We released them inMexico. We built tremendous hundreds of miles of the wall. We got Mexico to give us freeof charge, 28 ,000 soldiers right on our border.

And we created the strongestborder that we've ever had. We got rid of so many things. And formedical reasons, if you were sick, you couldn't come into our country. Youknow all about that. We had a lot of things. They've given it all up. Now we have peoplethat are not only in many cases from prisons and jails and from mental institutions,we have people pouring into a country that are very ill and diseasesthat can be passed on to others. And they're coming in by the thousandsand tens of thousands. And if you want, I said to my people, shouldI do it? And they said, well, you could ask, would you like tohear the snake? Does anybody know?.

You know the snake, right? Should we do thesnake? Does everybody have time? It's not too long. So this is a little takeoffon a very successful song from many, many years ago. And it was redone alittle bit to make it more pertinent. But I think it is because we have peoplecoming into our country who shouldn't be here. We have people coming into our countrywho are going to cause tremendous problems, 100 percent certain that there'llbe terrorist attacks in the country. That's a pretty big statement. So we did this.We wrote it and people really understand it. It's very understandable and beautiful and tragic,both at the same time. On her way to work one morning down the path along the lake, a tender-hearted woman saw a poor, half -frozen snake.

Her pretty -colored skin had beenall frosted with the dew. Poor thing, she said, I'll take you in andI'll take care of you. Take me in, O tender woman. Take me in for heaven'ssake. Take me in, O tender woman. Cried the vicious snake. She wrapped himup, all cozy, in a comforter of silk, and laid him by the fire side withsome honey and some milk. She turned away from him and looked him in theeye. She said she finally had arrived, and now she could be happy, takingcare of this magnificent creature. Take me in, O tender woman. Take mein for heaven's sake. Take me in, O tender woman. Cried the vicious snake. Sheclutched him to her bosom. You're so beautiful,.

She cried. But if I hadn't brought youin by now, you surely would have died. She stroked his pretty skin again and kissedhim and held him tight. But instead of saying, thank you, ma 'am, the snake gaveher a vicious bite. Take me in, O tender woman. Take me in for heaven's sake. Take me in, O tender woman cried,the vicious snake. I saved you, cried the woman, and you've bitten me,but why? You know your bite is poisonous, and now I'm going to die. Shut up, sillywoman, said the reptile with a grin. You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in. That's what's happening on ourborder. We're allowing, we're allowing,.

We're allowing people to pour in. We'reallowing people to pour into our country. They shouldn't be allowed to pourinto our country. They're going to cause tremendous problems. Andagain, mental institutions, we have, they're coming in from, they're coming infrom everywhere, and it's a very sad thing. This is going to, this is not going to turnout well. And the biggest problem I have, even with the election, is ten months isa long time. Ten months is a long time. These people have done such damage to our country. I would oftentimes say in speeches that if youtook the five worst presidents, I then change it to the ten worst presidents. If you took the tenworst presidents in the history of our country.

And added them together, they wouldn't have donethe damage that Biden has done to our country. It's true, it's true. This border problem is a bigproblem. This is big, this is big stuff. On day one, I will terminate every open border policyof the Biden administration, and we will begin the largest domestic deportationoperation in American history. We have no choice. We have no choice.We don't want to do that. We have no choice. Dwight Eisenhower, President Eisenhower, was actually a pretty tough guy, tougherthan people think, and he did it years ago. We will restore law and order. I willdirect a completely overhauled DOJ to investigate every radical out -of -controlprosecutor in America for their illegal,.

Racist, and reverse enforcement of the law. I'm also going to indemnify all policeofficers and law enforcement officials throughout the United States to protect them from being destroyed by the radical leftfor taking strong actions on crime. going to rebuild our cities into beacons ofhope. Our cities are falling apart, running all cases by Democrats. The crime in our cities,they go in and take away department stores, hundreds of people walking in thugs, walking outwith television sets, walking out with everything. And we're going to take care of that very quickly. We're going to take care of it.We're going to take care of it.

We will take over. The horribly run capital of our nation inWashington, D .C. and clean up, renovate, and rebuild our capital so that itis no longer a nightmare of murder and crime. People killed. Every week,people are killed walking into what? They come from Nebraska. They comefrom South Carolina. They come from places all over the country. Theygo to see our beautiful Washington, D .C., and they end up with a bullet intheir head. We're not going to have it. I lost a great gentleman whoworked in the administration last week. You probably heard. It was acar hijacking. They didn't just hijack.

The car. They looked at him and theyshot him, and then they took the car. These people are people we're going todeal with. Very tough. We're going to deal with them. Very tough. We're notgoing to be protecting the criminal. We're going to protect the peoplethat the criminals are killing. They're killing people in ourcountry. And we're going to have a capital that you're going to beproud of. And unlike Nikki Haley, I will always defend Medicare and SocialSecurity for our seniors, always, always. On day one, I will sign a new executive orderto cut federal funding for any school pushing critical race theory, transgenderinsanity, and inappropriate racial,.

Sexual, or political contentonto the lives of our children. And I will not give one penny to anyschool that has a vaccine mandate or a mask mandate. And I can't even believeI have to say it, but I do have to say it because I guess I'm a politician. Iguess I don't feel like a politician. I will keep men out of women's sports. AndI will fully uphold the Second Amendment, our very under siege. We will protect innocent life and will restore free speech intoour country. We don't have free speech. We don't have a fair press and wedon't have free speech. And I will secure our elections. One of themost important things. Remember,.

To have a great country, you have tohave strong borders and free elections. We have neither. We have neither. Our goalwill be one day voting with paper ballots, voter ID, one day voting. By the way,the paper ballots cost 9 percent the cost of what you're doing right now. Andthey're faster and they're far more secure. So if you want to save America, votefor Trump. Get out and vote. Vote. The primary is Saturday, February 24th. Earlyin -person voting begins this Monday and ends on February 22nd. It's closed Sunday.Remember that the 18th and Monday, the 19th for President's Day, butgo out and get a little bit early. Nikki is pushing Democrats to vote.She wants Democrats because she's not.

Getting the Republicans. They don't. And theDemocrats aren't going to do that. She did the same thing in New Hampshire. They allowDemocrats to vote in the Republican primary. Do you ever hear that one? Well, hate to say youhave a little bit of that too, but not as severe. But she's pressing the Democrats. Details are sc.Donaldjtrump .com. So, in conclusion, together we are taking on some of the most menacing forcesand vicious opponents our people have ever seen. We've never seen anything like what's happening in our country. And the danger fromwithin is far greater, in my opinion, than the danger on the outside of ourcountry. That's danger, but this is serious. The fascists, the communists, theserious socialists. We don't even.

Talk about socialism. And remember Isaid, we will never have a socialist country. I was right. We skipped oversocialism. We went right down to communism. It's horrible what's happening. Butno matter how hateful and corrupt the communists and criminals weare fighting against may be, you must never forget this nation does notbelong to them. This nation belongs to you. This is your home. This is your heritage. Andour American liberty is your God -given right. From Columbia to Conway, from Greenville toGarden City, and from Fort Worth to Conway. Holy Beach to Myrtle Beach. We stand on the shoulders of SouthCarolina heroes who crossed the oceans,.

Settled a continent, tamed the wilderness,laid down the railroads, raised up those big, beautiful skyscrapers. I did that.One -two world wars defeated fascism and communism and made America thesingle greatest nation in the world. But now… We are a nation in decline. We are a failingnation. We are a nation that has the highest inflation in 50 years. Where banks are collapsingand interest rates are skyrocketing. Likewise, we are a nation where energy costs have reachedthe highest levels in our history, where we are no longer energy -independent or energy-dominant as we were just a few short years ago. We are a nation that is beggingVenezuela and others for oil. Please,.

Please, please help us, Joe Bidensays. Yet we have more liquid gold under our feet than any othercountry anywhere in the world. We are a nation that justrecently heard that Saudi Arabia and Russia will be reducing theiroil production while at the same time, substantially increasing the price. Andwe met that threat by announcing that we will no longer be drilling for oil in largeareas of Alaska or elsewhere on our land. We are a nation that is considered bythe radical left's Green New Deal. Yet everyone knows that the Green NewDeal is fake. It is the Green New Scam. It's the Green New Scam. Andit will lead to our destruction.

We are a nation whose leadersare demanding all electric cars, despite the fact that they don't go far, theycost too much, and whose batteries are produced in China with materials only availablein China, when an unlimited amount of gasoline is available inexpensively in theUnited States, but not available in China. And now we are a nation that wants tomake our revered and very powerful, magnificent Army tanks consideredthe best in the world, all electric. so that despite the fact thatthey are also not able to go far, Fewer pollutants will be released intothe air as we blast our way through enemy territory in an environmentally friendly way.And they also want to make our fighter jets.

With a green stamp of energy savings,though losing 15 percent efficiency, but allowing us to keep our enemies'atmosphere clean of as we viciously and unceremoniously attack them atlevels they've never seen before. Who are these people that would do thisto us? Who are these people who would ruin our country? We are a nation thatended oil exploration and production in the United States of America just as theprice of oil reached an oil time high. What other country would do such afoolish and self -destructive thing? We can be energy -independent, and wecan even be energy -dominant. And yes, quickly says that President Trump is sayingyou'll be energy -dominant very soon.

We are a nation that surrendered inAfghanistan, leaving dead soldiers, American citizens at $85 billion worth of thefinest military equipment anywhere in the world, and also abandoning Bagram, one of thebiggest military bases anywhere in the world, and only one hour away from whereChina makes its nuclear weapons. And we are a nation that allowedRussia and Ukraine to fight, killing hundreds of thousands of people, andit will only get worse. It would never have happened with me as your president, andfor four straight years it didn't happen. Likewise, the horrifying attack onIsrael would never have happened. They wouldn't even have thought of doingsuch a horrible thing if President Trump.

Was in the Oval Office. Iran was brokeunder Trump and the Trump administration. They didn't have the money to fundHamas and Hezbollah and all of the other instruments of terror. They had no money at all. But those sanctions were liftedby the corrupt Biden administration, and now Iran is a rich country with $200billion and another $6 billion for hostages. Think of it, $6 billion for five hostagesand $10 billion for electricity for Iraq, all compliments of the incompetent Bidenadministration. And China with Taiwan is watching and they're next. We're a nationthat allows radical left terrorists to violently attack our cities, leavingbehind massive destruction and death,.

And nothing happens to the criminalsthat do these terrible, terrible things. There is no punishment, but whenpeople who love our country protest on January 6th in Washington, D .C.,they become hostages for many years, unfairly imprisoned for long periods oftime. We're a third world nation that has weaponized its law enforcement against theopposing political party like never before. Nothing like this has ever happened inour nation. We've got a federal Bureau of Investigation that won't allow bad election-changing facts to be presented to the public, and which offers $1 million to a writer offiction about Donald Trump to lie and say it was fact where Hunter Biden's laptopfrom hell was Russian disinformation.

And the FBI knew it wasn't, but 51 intelligenceagents said it was, and the Department of Justice that refuses to investigate egregious acts ofvoting irregularities and fraud. And we have a man who is totally corrupt and the worst presidentin the history of our country, who is cognitively impaired, in no condition to lead, and is nowin charge of dealing with Russia and possible nuclear war, which would be World War III andfar more devastating than any of the previous World Wars because of the power of weaponry,weaponry like no one has ever seen before. We are a nation that no longer has a freeand fair press. Fake news is all you get, and they are indeed the enemy of the people.They refuse to discuss the Biden crime family, but enjoy covering false indictments of Donald J.

Trump, who has done nothing wrong exceptwin an election that they didn't think could be won. We are a nation wherefree speech is no longer allowed, and where crime is rampant and outof control like never, ever before. We are a nation that is allowing Iran to builda massive nuclear weapon and China to use the trillions and trillions of dollars it hastaken from us to build a military to rival our own. And less than three years ago, we hadIran, China, Russia, and North Korea in check. They respected us. They were afraid of us.They weren't going to do a thing against us, and everyone knows it. Now Russia andChina are holding summits to carve up the world. And perhaps most importantly,we are a nation that is no longer admired,.

Respected, or listened to on the world stage. We are a nation that in many ways has become ajoke. We are a nation that is hostile to liberty, freedom, faith, and even God. We are a nationwhose economy is collapsing into a cesspool of ruin, whose supply chain is broken, whose storesare not stock, whose deliveries are not coming, and whose educational system is rankedat the very bottom of every single list. We are a nation that just sold a once greatcompany, United States Steel, to Japan. We are a nation whose stock markets continued. Successis contingent on MAGA winning the next election. If we don't win the next election, the stockmarket will crash just like it did in 1929. We are a nation where large packs ofsadistic criminals and thieves are.

Allowed to go openly into stores, beat them,kill their workers, destroy their customers, leave with arm loads of goods, but with noretribution whatsoever, where the authority of our great police has been taken, where theirfamilies and pensions have been threatened, and their lives would be destroyed for themere mentions of the words, law enforcement. We are a nation where fentanyl and allother forms of illegal drugs are easier to get than groceries to feed our beautifulfamilies. We have become a drug -infested, crime -ridden nation, which is incapableof solving even the simplest of problems. We will institute the powerful death penalty fordrug dealers, where each dealer is responsible for the death during their lives of 500 people.Mothers will never again be forced to watch their.

Children overdosing and hopelessly dyingin their arms, screaming, what can I do? What can I do? Save my baby. What can I do? We area nation whose once -revered airports are dirty. They're a crowded mess. You sit and wait for hoursand then are notified that the plane won't leave. They have no idea when they will, whereticket prices have tripled. They don't have the pilots to fly the planes. They don'thave qualified air traffic controllers, and they just don't knowwhat the hell they are doing. We are a nation that screams at citizensviciously at all ports, but if you are an illegal alien you're We are allowed to flow through our bordersby the millions and millions and millions,.

No matter where you came from, includingprisons and mental institutions. We are a nation that has lost its confidence,its willpower, and has lost its strength. We are a nation that has lost its way, butwe are not going to allow this horror to continue. Three years ago, we werea great nation, and we will soon be a great nation again. It was hard workingpatriots like you who built this country, and it is hard working patriots likeyou who are going to save our country. We will fight for America like no onehas ever fought before. 2024 is our… Final battle! With you at my side, we will demolish thedeep state. We will expel the warmongers.

From our government. We will drive out theglobalists. We will cast out the communists, Marxists and fascists. And we will throw offthe sick political class that hates our country. We will route the fake news media. Wewill drain the swamp. We will liberate our country from these tyrantsand villains. Once and for all, we will be liberated. We will be free. Likethose patriots before us, we will be free. We will not bend, we will not break, wewill not yield, we will never give in, we will never give up, wewill never ever back down. With your support, we will go on to victory, the likes of which no one has ever seenbefore. We will evict Crooked Joe Biden.

From the White House, and we will takeback our country on November 5th, 2024. The great silent majority is rising likenever before, and under our leadership, the forgotten man and womenwill be forgotten no longer. We are one movement, one people, onefamily, and one glorious nation under God. And together, we will make America powerful again. We will make America wealthy again. We will make America strong again. We will make America proud again. We will make America safe again.

And we will make America great again. Thank you very much, Paul. Thankyou very much, South Carolina. God bless you all, Godbless you, get out and vote. Get out and vote. Thank you.

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