🇺🇸 Donald Trump | Historical Speech at CPAC 2024 in DC (Subtitles) [CC]


🇺🇸 Donald Trump | Historical Speech at CPAC 2024 in DC (Subtitles) [CC]

USA! USA! USA! This is a nice crowd. That's a beautiful crowd. Thank you. That's a great honor. They have rooms packed outside of this hall. If anybody would like to give up their space,let other people come in.

Please let us know. We'll take care of it. Now, it's a tremendous celebration. Thank you very much. And hello to CPAC. We've been coming here a long time, and it'sgotten bigger and better and more beautiful. And thank you very much. It's a big election going on today. You probably have read a little bit aboutit.

And I'm supposed to be in a slightly differentlocation, not too far away, but nevertheless, it's different. And I said, no, I'm sorry. I have to be at CPAC today. I have to be there. And I want to thank Matt and Mercedes Schlapp,two great people, along with the entire staff. Thank you very much, Mercedes. Thanks, Matt. The entire staff of the American ConservativeUnion, that's what it is.

It's a Conservative Union. It's also a Union of Common Sense. I've been saying it more and more. You know, Conservative, it's Common Sense. And I don't know, maybe we'll have to putthat, Matt, on the bottom of that. A group of people with Common Sense to saveour country and make America great again. It's pretty simple, isn't it, huh? We have a tremendous group of people. A group of dignitaries, leaders, world leaders,and local leaders.

But we have, from all over the world, peoplewith us right now at this moment in the room. And I'll just mention a few, President ofArgentina, who's gotten a lot of publicity. He's gotten a lot. He's a great gentleman. You know, he's MAGA. He's MAGA. Make Argentina great again. It's true. Now, when he said, I am MAGA.

And then I realized he's one of the few canreally do it well. Make Argentina great again. Javier Millay. Thank you very much, Javier. Thank you. Thank you very much. It's a great honor to have him with us. Senator J .D. Vance. He's doing a fantastic job.

Thank you, J .D. Congressman Corey Mills. Thank you. A very powerful competitor of mine. He is a quick one. He's a smart one. Vivek. Where is Vivek? Rameshwamy. Thank you.

He endorsed me when he endorsed me. I said, that's a great endorsement. Thank you, Vivek. Former senator and somebody that's been verynice to me over the years. I don't know why, but he has Rick Santorum. Thank you, Rick. Where is Rick? Thank you. Thank you, Rick.

Former acting attorney general, somebody that'sbeen very loyal to the administration and to his country, Matt Whitaker. Thank you. Matt, thank you very much. The former chair of my council of economicadvisors, Kevin Hassett, with a nice smile, always has that beautiful smile. Somebody that very shortly will be a UnitedStates senator, Kerry Lake. Where is Kerry? Where is Kerry?.

Wow. That's a pretty good hand you just got, Kerry. I'll tell you. Well, she was very close to being governor,but unfortunately a lot of the voting machines just didn't work. They weren't working that particular day. The lines were miles long. They weren't working too well that day, Kerry,but it's one of those things. And then the judges said, well, not our fault.

We better straighten out our elections prettyfast, because otherwise we're not going to have a country any longer. That's true. Thank you, Kerry, very much. U .S. Senate candidate from Virginia, HungCao. Whoa. He's got support. He's got some support. Wow.

Wow. A man who is tough and smart and loves ourcountry. He's the head of America First Legal. He's won a lot of cases, I can tell you. And he's a real, real guy. He's a real patriot. Stephen Miller, my friend. Stephen Miller. He's around here someplace.

There's a lot of people in this room. Thank you, Stephen. President of the Vox Party in Spain, SantiagoAbescal. Thank you very much. Thank you, Santiago. Great to meet you. They've made a lot of progress, too. You'll be number two and number one very shortly,it seems like. That's what I'm reading.

Let's see. You know, a lot of it's fake news, so we can'tgo by everything. But that's what I'm hearing. Federal Deputy from Brazil, Eduardo Bolsonaro. Eduardo, wherever you are. North Carolina GOP chair, and I think he'llbe probably going to a national position very shortly. Michael Watley, fantastic guy. And we all know and love a man who, greatbravery, in the administration, really a brave.

Person. He went through hell and back, and he beateverybody. He just beat them along the way. Rick Grinnell. Thank you. The President of Moms for America, KimberlyFletchner. That's a good group. They just gave me their award. They just thank you for that wonderful award.

How about Moms for America picked Donald Trumpas the man of the year? Can you believe this? Is that? Have I made progress? Oh, boy. And a man, the greatest, single greatest advertiserand purchaser of advertising in the history of America. Mike Lindell. The greatest.

An incredible lawyer, one of the most respectedlawyers in the country, John Cole. John, thank you. Thank you, John. And Stephen Moore, we all know he's got greatpredictions if Trump wins. If Trump doesn't win, he says it's going togo bad. It's going to go bad fast. Stephen Moore, highly, highly respected economists. Thank you, Stephen. And a man who I've had respect for for certainlya long time, I won't tell you how long, too.

Long. But somebody that I've listened to over theyears, even when he was on CNN, that's when people used to watch CNN a lot. He always had the number one show. He's an incredible, they start booing. I agree with you. But he's an incredible guy, an incrediblemind, that loves our country, and he fights like hell for our country, the great Lou Dobbs. Where is Lou?.

Thank you, Lou. You look good, Lou. And we have time for it. We have so many people. Tom Fitton, where's Tom Fitton? Stand up, Tom Fitton. Stand up, Steve Bannon. Where's Steve Bannon? Where is Steve?.

Where is Steve? Stand up. Bannon, where the hell is Bannon? Are we still looks good? Tom always looks good. I don't know. I think he does that weightlifting stuff,Tom, right? But Bannon looks good. We love Steve.

We love them all. We love them all. We have so many others in the audience, andI want to say hello, but we have to get down to business because I want to win the awardas the best, whatever the hell they call it, the best speaker, I think they say. Who made the best speech? And if I keep introducing people, I'm notgoing to win it this year. I've won it like nine years in a row, right? I got to get going.

So thank you, everybody, for being here. We appreciate it very much. We appreciate it very much. Gorka, did I see the Gorka man? Yes, stand up, Gorka. Quick, get up. How good is he? Sebastian, Seb. They call him Seb.

I call him Sebastian. Thank you, Sebastian. I just spotted you. It's lucky you're nice and tall. Four years ago, I told you that if CrookedJoe Biden got to the White House, our borders would be abolished, our middle class wouldbe decimated, and our communities would be plagued by bloodshed, chaos, and violent crime. We were right about everything. So believe me, when I offer you another warning,and we've been right about so much, just about.

Everything, if Crooked Joe Biden and his thugswin in 2024, the worst is yet to come. Our country will go and sink to levels thatwere unimaginable. And just think about it, with four more yearsof Biden, the hordes of illegal aliens stampeding across our borders will exceed 40 to 50 millionpeople. Medicare, Social Security, healthcare, andpublic education will buckle and collapse. It will collapse. As sure as you're sitting or standing there,it will collapse. Our economy will be starved of energy by CrookedJoe's vindictive, green new scam. It's a green new scam.

It'll be the destruction of our country. It is indeed a scam, and most of them knowit. Some of them, the fools believe it, but mostof them know it. Millions of manufacturing jobs will be chokedoff into extinction, and you'll have constant block outs and blackouts and rampant inflation. Ruthless gangs will explode even more intothe suburbs. And when they talk about suburban women, they'regoing to love me so much. They're going to say, oh, I wish we had thatguy back. The gangs will be invading your territory.

I can tell you that while weaponized law enforcementhunts for conservatives and people of faith, religious, Hamas and Antifa will terrorizeour streets while they're brutal ideology. And it is brutal indeed. It is brutal and horrible like nobody's everseen before. It takes over our schools. China will dominate us, not just economically,but militarily. And that's what they want, and that's wherethey're heading. But they weren't heading there with me. I took over $400 billion out of China, andthey weren't too happy about it.

And then all of a sudden, we had the Chinavirus. Now I happen to think it was incompetence,but a lot of people disagree with that. And a declining crooked Joe Biden, he's thecrookedest, most incompetent president in the history of our country. We'll soon have us losing World War III. We won't even be in World War III. We'll be losing World War III with weapons,the likes of which nobody has ever seen before. These are the stakes of this election. Our country is being destroyed.

And the only thing standing between you andits obliteration is me. It's true. It's true. It's true. Victor Orban, with somebody I respect greatly. A lot of people respect him. Tough guy, smart guy. He made the statement recently. He said, you bring back Trump.

It'll all stop. They all listen to Trump. They respected Trump. He actually said it stronger than they saidthey were afraid of Trump. I don't want people to be afraid of me. But he said, China was afraid. Russia was afraid. They were all afraid of Trump. Bring them back, and it'll all go back.

And I will tell you, we had things at a levelthat nobody's ever seen before. We had no wars. We had defeated ISIS. We got rid of the worst terrorists in theworld. You know that? And solely defeated, we took 100 percent ofISIS gone. And then we had no wars for four years. We had no wars first time in 72 years thatthat happened, no wars. Hillary Clinton during one of our debates,if you remember that, she said, look at him,.

Listen to him. He's going to cause wars. We'll be in wars. No, no. It turned out that I was able to stop warsfrom happening and brought our troops back home. We got out of these ridiculous, endless wars,killing people on both sides, costing trillions of dollars. Crooked Joe and his henchmen have you trappedand it's an express train barreling toward.

Servitude and to ruin. It's moving at a speed that Joe doesn't understandbecause Joe actually, I don't think he knows what the hell is going on, to be honest withyou, but he's surrounded by some very bad fascists. A vote for Trump is your ticket back to freedom. It's your passport out of tyranny. And it's your only escape from Joe Biden andhis gang's fast track to hell. And in many ways, we're living in hell rightnow. Because the fact is, Joe Biden is a threatto democracy.

He really is a threat to democracy. I stand before you today, not only as yourpast and as a proud political dissident. I am a dissident. Remember this, I've been in debt. Dided more than Alfons Capone, Mr. President. Do you know who that is? Even the President just said, I do. Scarface, Al Capone. If he had dinner with you and he didn't likethe smile in your face, he thought you were.

Mocking him by smiling, you would be deadbefore you got home and said hello to your wife. And Alphonse Capone, I have I got indictedfour times by this gang of thugs for nothing. Or as I say respectfully to the people fromforeign countries for bullshit. Thank you. Now, it's very dangerous. It's very dangerous what's going on. They've weaponized government. They've weaponized the DOJ, the FBI.

We've never had anything like this in thiscountry. And it's a phenomena that's taken place manytimes, but in third -world countries and in banana republics, not in the United Statesof America. So it's very dangerous. And they are indeed a threat to democracy. And I'm here to unleash this captive nationfrom Joe Biden and his gang. A very bad people, very sick people, smartpeople, intelligent people, but they're hell -bent on the destruction of American freedom. It's happening in our country, and it's soobvious.

I have people come to see me from other landswhere this has gone on, especially in South America, Latin America. And they'll say, the same thing happened tomy country 20 years ago. It was the same thing. It's all happening. And if we don't stop it, this is it. Twenty, twenty -four. If we don't stop it, this is our last train. If we don't stop it, we're going to have acountry.

It won't even be a country. You want another truth. It won't even be a country. It's breaking up. If we can break out of the Biden nightmare,and it is a nightmare, he's the most incompetent person. Can you imagine this man who can't walk offa stage, he can't find the stairs? Where are they? Where are they, he asks.

Where? He makes a two -minute speech because that'sabout the only they couldn't get any more fuel than that. Whatever happened to the cocaine they foundin the White House is… Where is it? By the way, I have to say, because I havesuch respect for this audience, and CPAC, I would have never spoken and I never didabout him because of my respect for the office of the President. I have great respect for that office.

But once I got indicted the first time, rememberthat? I got indicted, and I got impeached twice. We won that, and we'll win all of this stuff. But once I got indicted, I said, well, nowthat loves have to come off because they did something. Those, you know, the fake news before theseindictments came, the fake news almost everyone of… Well, he'll never be indicted. You don't do that.

He was a very popular… You know, I got more votes than any sittingPresident in history. I got almost 75 million votes. Substantially more than any other President,sitting President, has gotten, and they would say, oh, no, he'll never be indicted. These are people that some of them truly haveTrump derangement syndrome, and they were saying, he'll never be indicted. They won't do that. They'll never…

He did it. They did it. They actually… And it was all done by him in order to goafter your political opponent so that you can damage him enough that you can maybe win. But it had the reverse effect because ourpoll dumpers have gone through the roof. Can you believe this? They've gone through the roof. That wasn't supposed to happen.

And it's probably never happened before. I've watched over the years as politiciansget indicted, and they start by going to a microphone about two minutes after it happens. Ladies and gentlemen, I would be resigningfrom office today, and I will be home, go home with my family and my friends, and Iwill fight for my name. Well, that's the last you ever hear from thatpoor guy. And with me, we have a big voice. We have… You can see by this crowd today.

Look at that. Standing room only. They're all over the place. They have three rooms like this that have… And I have a voice that I can explain it all,like the laptop from hell when they impeached me. And it turned out I was right. You have to go through all that. And now they say, you know, we shouldn't haveimpeached him.

He was right because the laptop from hellshowed that I was 100 percent right. All of these things, we were right on allof it, but we're in a very bad path. It's a very, very dangerous path that we areon as a country because the other side, which I find tends to be a much nicer group of peopleand maybe foolishly so, but the other side can also get nasty. And at some point, they probably will haveto do that because we cannot let this weaponization go on against the Republican Party, againstreligion, against conservatives. We cannot let this continue to happen. So we can break out of this Biden nightmare.

We're… It's a nightmare. Our country is no longer respected. We're left out all over the world. We have to break out of the nightmare thatwe're in. And we have it in the grasp to make Americaricher and safer and stronger and prouder and more beautiful than ever before. I think we have a final shot at it, but ifwe don't do well in this next election, or if they cheat enough that they can steal it,which is, I think, the only way they can win,.

Who the hell can win when you have 16 millionpeople pouring into our country from places unknown? We have no countries that nobody ever evenheard of from all over the world. Yesterday, they had many people caught fromprisons in, you remember this, right? Prisons in the Congo. Let me tell you, the only good thing is theymake our prisoners and our bad gang members look like very nice people by comparison. That's the one good thing. All of a sudden, we're starting to like ourprisoners and our horrible violent criminals.

Because they're nicer than the people thatare flowing in. They're coming from Asia. They're coming from the Middle East. They're coming from all over the world. Coming from Africa. And we're not going to stand for it anymoreas a country. We're not going to stand for it anymore. They're destroying our country. And we built five, four, five, six, seven,eight.

Think of it, we had the safest border threeyears ago. We had the safest border in the history ofour country. Now we have the worst border in the historyof the world. There's never been a country ever, third worldcountries. They've never been like this. They would have fought with sticks and stones. They didn't need rifles. We have the best in the world, but we leteveryone, because we're fools. Either they want to destroy our country orthey're stupid.

And I don't think they're stupid because anybodythat can cheat on elections like they do is not stupid. That means they want to destroy our country. But who can win an election when you havethat? Who can win an election when you have highinterest rates? You can't buy a home, where you have bad education,where everything's woke. We did things that nobody can imagine. So many things. A thousand elements we did.

We have a book. This, the thousand things. We did things that nobody could even imagine. And then all of a sudden, something very badhappened. Israel would have never happened. The attack on Israel would have never happened. Remember, Iran was broke. They were broke. Ukraine would have never happened.

I talked to Putin a lot. I got along with him well. Although he did announce the other day thathe'd much rather see Biden as president. And I agree with him. I agree. Because, you know, I ended Nord Stream, right? I ended Nord Stream. Nobody ever heard of Nord Stream, too. That's the biggest pipeline in the world.

Going into Germany, what's that all about? We defend Germany and Europe, and then theygo and pay billions of dollars to the people that we're defending them against. How do you figure that one, right? And I stopped it. It was over. And then Biden comes in, and within threedays he approves. Nord Stream. But he kills Keystone Pipeline, right?.

He kills Keystone. He approves the Russian pipeline. The biggest in the world, billions and billionsof dollars a month come flowing in. But he ends the Keystone XL Pipeline. And then they say, Trump is too nice to Russia. I'm nice. I'm the one that gave him the hundred javelins,the thousands of javelins that knocked out the tanks, but they knocked out a hundredtanks in the first two days with javelins that I gave.

Remember, they said, Obama gave pillows, andTrump gave javelins. And then they say, oh, Trump was so nice toRussia. Putin would say, if you're being nice, I hatelike hell to think of what you'd be if you were not nice. But we were tough, and we were smart, andwe were right. We were right just on everything. We were right. And what they've done is unthinkable. What they did with the border, allowing thesepeople to flow in, is unbelievable.

But to achieve a great future, we first haveto throw off the chains of our out -of -control political class. And that begins with telling Crooked Joe Biden,you remember the apprentice? Crooked Joe Biden, you're going to be thefirst You're fired. Get out of here. Get the hell you're destroying our country. You're fired, Biden. Get the hell out of here.

Get the hell out of here, this guy. He goes after his political opponents. Let's go after them, see if he can indictthem so that maybe we can win a little bit of a backlash when the numbers go up. But anybody that does that and all these otherthings they've done, they're destroying our country. We're not respected anywhere anymore. We're left at. We've become a joke as a country.

For years you've watched as the entire Washingtoncesspool has been feeding on the wealth and hopes and dreams of hardworking Americans. Really hardworking Americans. They've feasted on the profits of job -killingtrade deals. They've gorged themselves on the spoils ofendless wars. And now what they crave, they want it so badly,is permanent political power and dominance for whatever reason. They're sickos, that's why. In 2016 we gave these corrupt insiders theirchance to change.

And with Biden they answered with hoaxes andwitch hunts, censorship, lockdowns, and with total repression. Eight years later the swamp has rejected yourrighteous pleas to reform. And we have to do this and we're going toreform and we're going to have freedom again. We're going to have freedom again. We do not have freedom. And we have the most corrupt press anywhere. These people are corrupt. They are corrupt.

Not all of them. About 92 percent. Now you have some wonderful journalists. You really do, but you have, they're justoverwhelmed by the people that know they're doing so wrong. I watch ABC, CBS, NBC. I mean, it's so, I don't even talk about CNNbecause nobody watches them anymore. MSDNC. MSDNC is horrible, horrible.

But fortunately not a lot of people are watchingthem anymore. They've tuned out. But the press has to straighten itself out. You know, they're all doing badly and they'redoing badly because they're fake news. That was another one we called, right? Fake news. The only problem with that term, it's notstrong enough. I wish it was stronger. At the ballot boxes November, it's you andthe people you have to be and will deliver.

A reckoning like they haven't even imaginedbefore we're going to straighten out our country. We're going to bring our country back. For hard work in Americans, November 5th willbe our new Liberation Day, but for the liars and cheaters and fraudsters and censors andimposters who are who have commandeered our government, it willbe their judgment day. YES! Have a great day. Thank you. When we win, the curtain closes on their corruptreign.

And the sun rises on a bright new future forAmerica. That's what we have to have. I believe it's our last chance. You know, I used to say how important in 2016that you got to do it. It's the most important election. I meant it, but that was nothing comparedto where we are now. What, you know, we had a big border problemand I solved it. So much so that in 2020, I couldn't even mentionit. I'd say, let's talk about the border.

Sir, you've solved that problem. You don't have a border. I don't care. I want to talk about the border. I talk about the border. Everybody would sit there. They wouldn't even say anything because wehad no problem. I solved it. But who would have thought that now we havea border problem that's 20 times worse than.

What we had in 2016, 20 times. And we'll solve that one too, but it's goingto have to be very strong action and it's going to have to happen fast before our countryis just totally overwhelmed. Your victory will be our ultimate vindication. Your liberty will be our ultimate reward andthe unprecedented success of the United States of America will be my ultimate and absoluterevenge. That's what I want. Success will be our revenge. I love those young people over there.

The closer we get to this magnificent liberationof our country, the more desperate the Biden regime's evil persecution against us has become. They become more and more violent. The Stalinist show trials being carried outat the Joe Biden orders set fire not only to our system of government, but to hundredsof years of Western legal tradition. You see what's happening. They've replaced law, precedent, and due processwith a rabid mob of radical left Democrat partisans masquerading as judges and juriesand prosecutors and executioners. That's what they are.

I've gone through trials. The level of hatred from these judges. There's no way you get fair trials. The level of hatred from prosecutors, whenthey know you've done nothing wrong, it's sick. These are sick people. The only crime I've ever committed is defendingAmerica and those who want to destroy it. I will fight those who want to destroy it. And they're very…

Angry at me because I won an election thatwasn't supposed to happen, and they were caught off guard. And they said, we'll never let that happenagain. And in 2020, they cheated like dogs. And we all know it. We all know it. For that and that alone, Biden and his derangedprosecutors, attorney generals, local district attorneys are trying to take away my liberty. They're trying to take it away.

They're trying to steal my liberty. If there's any shred of justice left, theywill fail, and we will win. And so far, we're doing very nicely. Thank you. But I would rather lose my freedom than surrenderto This group of thugs and tyrants, fascists,scoundrels, and rogues. The more the corrupt establishment tries tostop us, the more you know the day is near at hand when we will break free from theirgrip. We're going to break free very soon.

We're going to break free from their gripvery soon. You heard the J6 hostages, didn't you? You heard that. And I will tell you, there's never been inthe history of our country a group of people treated the way they've been treated. There's never been anything like it. Carpenters, mechanics, lawyers, firemen, policemen,military people. They went to protest a rigged election, andthey've been sentenced to years in prison when they burned down Portland and they takeover a vast section of Seattle, and they burned.

Down Minneapolis. And I had a watch television as a CNN reporteris standing saying, this is a peaceful protest. I'd like to say this is a peaceful protest. And the whole damn city behind him is burningto the ground. Did you remember that? As far as the eye could see, Minneapolis burningto the ground is this is a peaceful protest. And then he got hit on the knee and he wentdown. It was crazy. Now, it's crazy what's going on.

And if I tell you what, if I didn't bringin the National Guard, because the governor didn't want to do it, they'd never want todo it. If I didn't bring in the National Guard, Iwish I didn't wait six days. But if I didn't bring in the National Guard,you wouldn't even have a city there. You wouldn't even have that. That city was going down. They'll only motivate us more to make Americagreat again. We have to make America great again. That's our mission.

People say, what is your mission, sir? I remember when Ted Kennedy, he was actuallya friend of mine, slightly different viewpoint on life, but he was a friend. But they asked him a question. It took him down. What plans do you have for America? Why are you running? And somehow, you know, that's a much harderquestion than you think, because, you know, you're answering all the little details.

Then they ask, what are your plans for America? It took him down. Actually, it took him down. I just say, my plans are very simple. Make America great again. That's all I say. Make America great again. Very simple. Thank you, Gordon.

The first and most urgent action when we winwill be the seal of the war. of the border, stopping the invasion, drillbaby drill, send Joe Biden's illegal aliens back. Back home, we'll do a lot of all of thosethings, and we're going to have to do them fast, because no country can sustain what'shappening in our country. You look at New York, where I originally camefrom. I love New York. And you take a look at what's happening. Hundreds of thousands of people, they've takenover the streets.

Madison Avenue, they've taken over Queens,they've taken over Brooklyn and the Bronx, they've taken over the whole city. The little leaguers can't play anymore, becausepeople are there that can't play. But it took longer than I thought, but I predictedthis. It's called the migrant crime, and it's farmore deadly than anybody thought. They will actually have fistfights with policein the middle of the street. You saw that the other day, where they attackedpolice. Even our bad criminals, they never had fistfightswith cops. You know, they do things, and they talk, andthey shout.

But these guys are actually, and you knowthe interesting thing in their country, if they ever did that, they'd be dead withinseconds. They'd be dead. I know where they come from. I know the people that run those countries. I know the presidents and the dictators. I know every one of them. Some are dictators, some are prime ministers. But they're tough guys.

They're tough guys. And those thugs that gave the middle fingerto our police and then started fighting them and actually threw two of them down and startedbeating the hell out of them. Although they fought back bravely, the two. But these are tough people, and they knowthat in their country, they'd be dead within minutes. They would be dead as a doorknob within minutes. And so they came over here. So it took a long time, but now it's talking.

Now you're seeing it. It's migrant crime. It's a new category of crime. And I wanted to call it Biden migrant crime. But it's too long. So we just call it migrant crime. We have a new category, migrant crime. And it's going to be more severe than violentcrime and crime as we knew it. Because we have millions and millions of people.

And they came from prisons and jails. They came from mental institutions and insaneasylums. No, they're not the same thing. An insane asylum is a mental institution onsteroids. Okay? It's silence of the lambs. Okay? You know that. Hannibal Lecter.

They're all being deposited into our country. And then you have terrorists. And then you have drugs. And then you have human traffickers. And they're coming over at levels never seenbefore. We've never seen anything like this. Three years ago, we had the safest and mostsecure border in U .S. history. We ended catch and release, except when itwas catch and release in Mexico. We had catch and release in our country.

We built 571 miles of border wall, far morethan I said I was going to build. And I couldn't get the damn thing throughPaul Ryan. He stopped at Paul Ryan, a super rhino. He's a super rhino. I couldn't get it through Paul Ryan. Mitch, they said, sir, if you wait till nextyear, I said, you sure? They said, don't forget I had never done thisstuff before. I'm the president, and these guys are bullshittingme. They said, sir, if you would just sign thisbudget and wait next year, we'll put it in.

Then next year came. I said, where's my wall? They said, sir, we're not going to be ableto get it. In the meantime, they give trillions of dollarsto the Democrats for the Green New Scam. So what I did is I approved the military,and I took it out of the military. That's how I built it. I built the wall through the military. And the military, by the way, the Army Corpsof Engineers did a great job. But I built it through 571 miles and 200 milesready to go.

It was laying there ready to be installed. It would have been three weeks. The entire thing would have been double whatI promised. And then we had the rigged election, and theysaid, we don't want to build the wall. We don't want to build it. And I said, you know, they really do wantopen walls. I figured it was maybe just talk. I said, they really want an open border. Nobody could understand it.

They really want an open border. And that's when it began. And that's when our country had really – becausewe can look. We can drill. We have more energy. We have more liquid gold than any other country. We can drill. We can do all of these things. But we have a problem because we have, bythe time this guy trying to be nice – but.

I don't have to be nice anymore because heindicted me. But I'm trying to be nice anyway. But by the time this guy gets out of office,we'll have 18 million people, in my opinion, in our country that shouldn't be here. And they do come from prisons and mental institutions,and they are terrorists. And we're going to be paying a price, andit will be the largest deportation in the history of our country. And we have no, we have no choice. And it's not a nice thing to say, and I hateto say it.

And those clowns in the media will say, oh,he's so mean. He said, no, no, they're killing our people. They're killing our country. They're killing our people. We have no choice. You know, when I went to Mexico, I said, Mr. President, you're going to have to give us28 ,000 soldiers because the caravans. That was another name I came up with. I come up with good names.

Long -time politicians come to see me. Sir, could you give a name to my opponent? I said, how long are you a politician? Twenty -eight years. So you can't come up with your own names,but I do. Caravan. But I went to the President of Mexico. I said, they're coming through your countryin thousands and thousands of people in these caravans.

They have one coming up now. Supposedly, 25 ,000 people. They're going to walk right into our country. We have no idea who the hell they are. But it started with Honduras. It started with El Salvador. They just started. But now it's just, it's, we're equal opportunity. We have every country.

We have countries that, honestly, nobody hasever heard of. We have languages coming into our country. We don't have one instructor in our entirenation that can speak that language. These are languages. It's the craziest thing. They have languages that nobody in this countryhas ever heard of. It's a very horrible thing. I said to the President of Mexico, you'regoing to have to give us 28 ,000 soldiers for your charge.

No, no, no, Donald. I will not do that. I will not do that. I cannot do that. And I said, no, no, you will. You will, I promise. Are you going to do it? No, no, no, I will not do it. I said, listen, you and my friends, I reallylike them a lot.

So I said, listen, you and I, give me a negotiator,because I don't want to do this with you. And he said, I will do that. And he sent me this very handsome guy, veryguy, so handsome, so beautifully dressed. In fact, I asked him for the name of his tailor. Then when I found out how much he paid forthe suit, I said, for God, I'd keep it. But he was a handsome devil. And I said, listen, you're going to have todo a few things. You're going to have to give me 28 ,000 soldiers. You know, Tom Holman was up before.

He's fantastic. And he does go around saying, I love thisguy. He says, Trump was the greatest presidentin history. And on the border, there has never been inhis lifetime any president that was even close. And he's right about that. He's right. I mean, we know the results. But Brandon, you have unbelievable people. All they had to do was leave it alone.

But I said, you have to give us 28 ,000 soldiers. No. Then the new guy comes in, the representative. Yes, sir. What can I do? Now, I asked Tom Holman, Brandon Judd, anda person from the State Department, a wonderful woman. She's been there for over 20 years. She's covered Mexico for over 20 years.

She knew it. And she was competent. She was good. She wasn't a good negotiator. And I said, what would you like? Give me your top. I want a top 10 list. Well, sir, we'd like a remain in Mexico, butwe've been trying to get that for years. You won't be able to get that.

And you won't be able to get a catch -and-release in Mexico. You know, we have catch -and -release. And we catch a criminal, and we release themin our country. I said, no, no. Catch -and -release is fine in Mexico. Title 42. I want that with the sick people and withthe children. You've got to get the children back to theirparents. All of these things, they gave me a list.

But they thought they were wasting time. It was a list of 10 things, tough, tough things. Just ask Tijuana if they were tough. Tijuana became one of the largest cities inthe world all of a sudden. They said, what the hell is going on? So this guy comes in and I say, look, numberone, I want 28 ,000 soldiers free of charge. And he goes, oh, we're not going to do that. We're not doing it. He thought I was crazy, by the way.

I said, oh, no, you're going to do it, 100%. No, no, we're not going to do it. They said, you're going to do it. I guarantee you, you're going to do it. He goes, no way. I said, way. And he said, we will not do that, sir. We will not do that. I said, here's what else you're going to do.

Remain in Mexico. Nobody comes into our country until they'rechecked at the board. You're going to do a Remain in Mexico. You're going to do catch and release intoMexico, not into our country. You're going to do all sorts of things. You know, we had a lot of medical problems. People were coming in, deathly sick with very,with a disease, highly contagious disease. They said, I don't want our people catchingthese diseases that we never even heard about. They have diseases nobody's ever even heardabout.

I'm sorry. I feel badly for the people, but we don'twant to have this contagion in our country. I'm sorry. And we did that. So we had a list of these 10 things, one tougherthan the next. And he said, we're not even going to thinkabout this. And the person from the State Department,this really good woman, but she said, sir, you're just going to be wasting your time. And I said, all right.

I said, I'll make you a little bit. I'll bet you I get all 10 within minutes. And she thought I was crazy too. So after he said, no way, I said, way. And then I said, here is what's going to happen. If you don't approve this, and if you don'tgive us those soldiers, and their soldiers are not politically correct, you know, oursoldiers, if you say, excuse me, Madam, you're not supposed to be entering our country, ma'am, please don't enter our country. Then they get indicted because they talk toit too rough, you know.

We have the greatest soldiers in the world,but they're not allowed to do their job. I approve that with ISIS. Our soldiers knocked the hell out of ISISonce I took over and took it away from our fake television generals. We have great generals, but not the ones likeMillie and these guys on television. They're fake. I had generals that were really tough. I had generals that I had a hold back, okay? We have great military, and it's only wokeat the top.

I don't think it could ever be wokenized atthe lower levels because these are great people, tough people. I really don't believe they could do it. It was only at the top. And remember, when I let them go, four weeks,we were told four years and it probably can't be done. I knocked it out at four weeks. Our military is great. I said to one of the generals, what's yourname?.

Kane, sir, my name is Kane. He looked better than any movie actor youcould get. My name is Kane, sir. I said, all right, Kane, what's your firstname? They call me Raisin. I said, what? Raisin, sir. Your name is Raisin. Kane?.

Yes sir. I love you. You're the man I'm looking for. You're the man I'm looking for. And I said, why is ISIS so tough? He said, they're not tough, sir. They just don't let us do our job. I said, why not?.

He said, because this is after I flew to Iraq. You know, I flew to Iraq in a plane. Some of you know the story. It was all dark after spending 20 years anda trillion dollars. We can't turn the lights on in a plane. I sat with the pilots, the most handsome humanbeings I've ever seen. It's not my thing, but they're handsome. Not my thing. Not even a little bit, but they are handsome.

Central casting. Better looking than Tom Cruise and taller. It's true. So, I'll deviate from the story. Now, by the way, when I deviate, they'll say,oh, he went from, no, no, a really smart person. Can go through various stories, always comeback and conclude everything. Okay. Don't worry. We'll get back to the, we'll get back to Mexico.

But this is almost, right now, this is moreexciting. So, the planes off. I said, why are you doing that? Because sir, we're flying over an area that'svery dangerous where we spent 20 years eradicating. And so, I said, I want to go sit with thepilots because I often do that. And I'm sitting with the pilots and I getup there. I'm feeling my way up. And the plane was absolutely dark. No lights on the outside, no lights on theinside.

It was, it was a little spooky. We're up there, 40 ,000 feet, getting readyto start going down and they're telling us we can't have any lights, no lights, no lightsin your cabin, sir. And then they pull down the shades anyway. So, I'm sort of feeling my way. I get up there and I see this captain withthe crew cut. The whole deal he's got. Yes, sir. It's an honor to be with you, sir.

And I said, captain, I don't see any lights. You know, we're getting close. Is there a problem out there, captain? No, sir, we'll be landing in less than 30minutes, sir. I say, all right, and I'm sitting in a seatthat's right in the back between these two handsome human beings. And, you know, they always give, they alwaysgive the best pilots, Air Force One and Marine One, the helicopters, you can't, which isgood. One thing you know, one thing you know, yougot great pilots.

They, these are the best. And so he said, no problem, sir. We'll be landing in a little while. And then 10 minutes go by, 15 minutes. I haven't seen one light. There's nothing. It's like, and I'm getting a little nervous. You know, do you ever see? I'm trying to act cool as a cucumber.

And it's, you know, anything about planes. You have the computer. I call it the computer voice. It's the most beautiful voice. If I had that voice, I would have been president20 years earlier. But the most beautiful voice, so professional. 1 ,000. That means you're 1 ,000 feet over the ground. Now, I haven't seen a light.

I haven't seen anything. It's just dead. There's not anything. That means we're like really low. We have this massive plane. We're just right off the ground. Then it goes, oh, I'm going to be in the air. 900. 800.

700. 600. Now, we're 600 feet off the ground. We're flying in. The plane is dark, with the exception of atiny little light that they've got on there. Dashboard underneath everything and totallyconcealed. There's not a light anywhere. I've never seen anything. It was, like, dark.

Five hundred. I said, Captain. Are we okay, Captain? Everything fine? Yes, sir. No problem. We'll be on the ground in just a few minutes,sir. I say, what ground? So, 400, 300, 200, capital C.

Are we okay? Yes, sir, we'll be landing momentarily, sir. One hundred. Now, usually when you're in these planes,I do it a lot. You have lights bursting, you know, bursting. Big lights. You got to run with it. It's lit up like a candle. There's not one light.

There's not even a little pit, what they calla pigeon light. That's a tiny little light. One hundred. And I want to ask him again, but I want toshow some bravery, because I thought we were going down for the count. And then all of a sudden, and it's genius,there is no light. And then all of us are 100. And then being, being beautiful, landing likenothing to it. Sir, it was an honor to be with you today,sir.

Thank you, Cap. Does anybody have a towel? I'm saying, does anybody have a towel? I need a towel. So I'm going to go to the bathroom. So now I'm walking out and getting ready togo down and meet the generals in Iraq to find out why we're not defeating ISIS. And I see my staff and I say, that was quitean experience. I just had, yes, sir, great landing.

And he said, yeah, well, sir. And I said, let me ask you a question. Is the President of the United States allowedto give himself the Congressional Medal of Honor for President? Because I did a very brave thing. I was very, I was so brave. allowed to do it and they said sure wouldnot be a good thing to do. Now, here's the problem with that story. The fake news media will lead tomorrow.

Donald Trump wanted to give himself the CongressionalMedal. That's right. Thank you. It's true. imitate Biden, who can't find the stairs ever. You know, you have so many stairs, and you'vegot one there, you've got ramps, you've got everything. Here, you only have two or three stairs. Sometimes you have six, seven stairs.

The craziest, they want to waste their money. My father would say, what the hell are theydoing? All you need is one stair. But for Biden, you need many. But when I imitate him with the stairs, becausehe never can find his way. If you ever see Secret Service runs up andgrabs him and, you know, helps him off the stage. This is what we have negotiating nuclear weapons. So he finishes his speech.

And he, do you ever notice? He, oh, he finishes. The speeches last about, would you say, averagetwo, three minutes, right? Very quick. They're very quick and not good. Not good. But the press gives him good marks. I remember one, he made such a bad start ofthe Union speech, everything was stumbling, mumbling.

He didn't know what the hell he was doing. And I said, I'm going to watch CNN, MSDNC,to find out what they say. Because that was one of the worst speeches. They said, not since FDR has there been aspeech so magnificently delivered. I'm telling you, I've never, ever forgottenit. Not since FDR, I said, it's impossible. They're just, they're fake. They're terrible. But you know what, when he goes, and he alwayspoints, he goes like this.

Thank you. Where am I? Thank you. And that's it. And then he goes, and he points. You ever notice? And it's always he ends up going in the oppositedirection, ultimately. But he goes, and then, Sometimes he trips over and…

And then we don't But if there's a wall behind him, he endsup walking into the wall. And then one of these incredible guys fromSecret Service, all these beautiful guys, they run up stage. Look at these guys, like, central casting,right? They'll run up stage, they'll grab them, andthey're not meant to smile. You know, they're very hard -line. When I tell stories, they're like this. I guess they train that way.

They never smile. You say, good morning. They're not warm, sure. They actually turn away. It's good. This way you don't have to say good morningall the time, okay? No, they train them. But one of these guys will run up and grabthem and take them off the stage. This is what we have as our present.

But the worst thing is when I do that, thefake news, I call up my wife, our great first lady, she was a great first… People love her. People love her. Oh, look at that. Wow. Mercedes, that's pretty good. She's good. And she loves our country and she loves thepeople.

It's true. When I give these big rallies, we give rallies. They say, we love our First Lady. They have signs. We love her. They always show a high heel, you know? We love our First Lady. But I called up our First Lady, I say, so,baby, how good was that? She goes, you are okay.

She's a very tough critic. I'll go into a group. I'll speak in front of 55, 56, 68 ,000 peoplesometimes. I'll call her up. I'll say, how good was I tonight? Was that unbelievable? She goes, well, your hair didn't look good. Oh, that's not good. But it's very hard to get like, you know,once in a while she'll go, you were really.

Good tonight. That's like a major. But I said, in this case, I said, how goodwas that tonight? She said, you were really good tonight. But what happened? You couldn't find your way off the stage. Because the fake news said Donald Trump couldn'tfind his way off the stage. I said, wow. Or when I interject a name, like I go, ourPresident, Barack Hussein Obama, Rush Limbaugh,.

Remember? He would always, right, said, Rush would go,Barack Hussein. You couldn't hear Barack or Obama, but thename Hussein, he'd be screaming. I mean, I don't know exactly what he meantby that. I think I do. But he'd go, Barack Hussein. So I'd go, Barack Hussein Obama, our President,has done this. Now, I meant that because there are thosepeople that say he's running our country because Joe is not strong on aptitude.

So there are those. We don't know that that's true. But they go out and they say, Donald Trumpheadline. Donald Trump doesn't know who the Presidentof our country, he thinks Obama is the President, Lou. Look at the great Lou Dobbs. He thinks Obama is the President. So when I'm sarcastic, because I'm sort ofa sarcastic, I find humor and sarcastic, but it's very dangerous to me because they takeit very seriously.

But it's a very serious subject because ofwhat happened. To finish the first story. What happened? Hey, by the way, isn't this better than readingoff a frickin' teleprompter? What? Right? Anybody can do that except, except for my Anybody can read off a teleprompter exceptfor Biden. He can't do that either.

He can't do that either. He asks questions. Uh, news conference. Hey, when I'm in a news conference, peoplewith these many exes, these lunatics are screaming at me. They're just screaming like crazy. And you know, you take them and I love it. You know, it's like a mental challenge. It's horrible people, but they're screamingand you're answering and you get them.

And then sometimes they get in trouble becausethey said you were too tough, you were too nasty, too this, the people don't like that. I understand that too. But he asks like a question and it's, uh,Bob from NBC. Okay. Mr. President, sir, uh, we just wanted toknow, are you feeling well and was everything good? And did you have ice cream today? Then he picks up the paper and he reads theanswer.

Yes, it was vanilla. No, but think they ask him questions and theygive him an answer. That never happened to me. Right. I walk out there and it's like a free forall. But it's a, it's a sad thing. Okay. So now I go off and watch, you know, thisis all genius. Okay.

You do know, I hope you. I always say my uncle was the longest servingprofessor in the history of MIT. Dr. John Trump. We have a lot of great aptitude. They'll say he rambled. Nobody can ramble like this. Nobody. If they did, they'd be, they, they wouldn'teven try. You know what?.

They go step by step and they would neverget off that sucker. They go step by step. But what happens and it's very interesting,we get on the plane, we get off now where I've just learned that I should not give myselfthe congressional medal of honor. My people are saying, can you believe he hasthat question? But we get off the plane and I'm walking down,I'm going down this big ramp. I took the high stair. You know, I don't like the children. We call it the children's.

I never had a problem with it, but I'm walkingdown and I'm looking down and I see these central casting people. A general, another general, a colonel, a staffsergeant could be in any movie. These guys, it's like perfect. They're like perfect individuals. If I were casting a movie on the military,I would pick these guys. There's nobody you could hire in Hollywoodthat looks like this. So I walked down and this is where I met GeneralRaisin Cain. And what's your name?.

General, what's your name? And he gave me his name. What's your name, Sergeant? Yes, sir. And I love you, sir. I think you're a great sir. Kill for you, sir. Then he puts on a Make America Great Againhat. You're not allowed to do that, but they didit.

I remember I went into the hangar, and therewere hundreds of troops. And they're not supposed to do this, but theyall put on the Make America Great Again hat. Yeah? Not supposed to do it. I said, you're not supposed to do that. You know that. They said, it's okay, sir. We don't care. Wait a minute.

And I met these people, and I said, so whatdo you think, General Sir? Would you like to rest up? See, this is before Biden. See if I had Biden. I'd say I'm not Biden, but we didn't knowhow bad he would be, because we hadn't been tested yet. Sir, I said, he said, would you like to restup for a little while, then we'll have a meeting. We're all set. And this place is like all bunkers.

You know, windows know nothing. It's all bunkers, real stark, but beautifulin a certain way. Billions and billions of dollars, of course,many years ago. And I said, no, I'm okay, General. Let's get the business. He was probably surprised that we started. I say, so General Mattis and all these guysthat tell me back in Washington that it'll take four or five years to defeat, I says,why? Sir, it's not true, sir.

It's not true. I said, what's not true? We can do it very quickly. How quickly? Four weeks, sir. Wait a minute. I was told four years, and you might not beable to. Sir, we can have it done in four weeks. Why?.

How? What were they doing? Sir, it's our job as a soldier. When they come in from Washington, they'rea higher rank. We respect them. We have to respect them. That's our job. I understood exactly what he was saying. He said, sir, when they come in, they tellus what to do and we do it.

I say, don't you question what this? No, sir. We don't question they came in. They had a plan, and we said we'd do thatplan. What was wrong with the plan? We attacked from way far away, sir, and onlyone place that happened to be here. We're hundreds of miles away. By the time the planes got there, they practicallyhad to go back and refuel. I said, what would you do, General?.

You don't mind if I… tell you, sir, do you?” He said, I don't mind. I'm waiting to hear. He said, sir, we have auxiliary ports, andwe have runways all over the place. They're portables. We call them portables. We put them up faster. We take them down even faster.

And they're damn good, sir. What I'd do is I'd hit them from nine differentlocations. I'd hit them from the left. Now he's getting excited. I'd hit him from the right, I'd hit him fromup top, I'd go right the hell under the damn ground. I would have been in trouble with the religiousright, but they love me, so I don't care. I would have been a picture. Please don't do that, sir.

I would have been in by just so proud of myself. able to stop. But I'd hit him. from the left, I'd hit him from the right,I'd hit him from east and west and north and south there, they would serve. They would be over very quickly. I said, well, why didn't they do it before? Because, sir, some of the ports and some ofthese runways are located in countries where they didn't want to be politically incorrect.

And use a runway and attack the enemy. And this averages, sir, attack them from certainpoints. I said, so you'd attack them and you'd hitthem hard, right? Yes, sir, I'd hit them so hard. And I said, and it would take you four weeks,maybe more, maybe less, sir. So I said, you got to be kidding. I said, I'm going to go back to Washingtonand I'm going to think about this because nobody ever told me about this. He says, sir, we'll have time left over.

If I go back to Washington and I call andjust spoke once, well, are you sure you can do this? Or we can do it, sir. I'm telling you, sir, because we have thegreatest military in the world. You know, you see these clowns, these stupidpeople with Afghanistan. You see these stupid people, Matt, from Afghanistan,the withdrawal, the worst, most embarrassing moment in our lives. They take the military out first. I knew Abdul.

I said, Abdul, you'll get hit so hard. Eighteen months. We didn't have one soldier killed in Afghanistan. I was the one that got the, I was the onethat had it ready. It was enough. Twenty -one years. That was enough. It was ridiculous, but I would have neverlet Bagram go because Bagram is one hour away from where China makes their nuclear weaponsand they let it go.

They left at the dark of night. They left the dogs behind and they left thelights on. And you know who occupies it now? China. So I said, sir, Raisin, how's it going? I said, sir, just about over, sir. We're going to save a little time, sir. And I said, all right, could call me. So he does his thing.

I get a call that ISIS is on the run. The next day I get a call that ISIS is reallyin bad shape. Next day I get a call that they're surrounded. Next day I speak to somebody and I say, isit really going that well? Sir, it's a miracle. It's not a miracle. It's our military. It's our great military with people that knowwhat the hell they're doing. And they say, sir, we have them now totallysurrounded.

Most of them are gone, but there's a largegroup. Just give us the word. Give us the word for what? Don't forget I had never done this stuff before. I grew up in New York doing real estate deals,really good ones, as you found out. You know, you find out. Even though they want to take as much moneyas they can away from me, I think we're going to find him $450 million. Let's give them a fine.

You know, usually get a $500 fine. I get a $500 million fine. These people are sick. It's all part of weaponization and it can'tbe allowed to happen. But I said, what are you talking about? We have, sir, a large group, and we're readyto extinguish them. We're ready to send them to hell. I said, we're talking about human beings. You know, naively.

He's laughing. We're talking about human beings. No, they're not human. Sir, these are animals. These aren't human beings. These are animals. I said, well, maybe if you fly over them withthose incredible, thunderous planes, the greatest planes in the world, maybe you'll shake themup a little bit and they'll surrender, sir. They don't know what a white flag is.

I remember that statement. They don't know about surrendering, sir. They're horrible, horrible people, but theyare brave. They're not going to be surrendered. try it. Two days, fly over them back and forth lowas hell. Well, we've got a couple of bullet holes inour planes, but we'll do it if you want. Just give it a shot. Get a call back two days later.

Sir, they're not going to surrender. We've been doing it now for two days backand forth. Back and — just give me the order, sir. I said, you got the order. Thank you, sir. A day later, I get a call. We have defeated 100 percent of ISIS. Isn't that a great story? Isn't that a great story?.

Right, Mike? 100 percent of ISIS. 100 percent of ISIS isGod. So, you know, doing stories like that — probably— Matt, probably I won't get the best speaker this year because I went off the stupid teleprompter,but maybe we'll roll. So, it was an amazing thing, and I learnedso much. I tell that story sometimes rarely becauseit's — you know, it's a rough story. But I tell it because you have to know whata great military we have if you let them do their jobs. And I equate it with our police and law enforcementpeople.

We have the greatest law enforcement peoplein the world, but they're not allowed to do their job. It's the same exact thing. Chicago could be solved in one day. New York could be solved in a half a day. The New York police — I grew up with them. They're the greatest people. Now, a lot of them have left, and they'vegone down to other states, and they've retired. But you have great people, and they can dotheir job if they're allowed to do their job.

But they don't want to lose their pension. They don't want to lose everything. When you see these department stores where300, 400, usually kids walk in there with the masks on and rob the store, destroy thestore, billions of dollars, then the store closes, the whole thing starts to collapsethe city, I could solve that problem in one day. In one hour, in one minute, when the wordgot out that we took a very tough action. When kids walk out with television sets, likebrand new, beautiful, $2 ,000 television sets, and they're walking out, and the police aretold, stand down, don't do anything.

If the police would be allowed to do theirjob, and they would do it really strongly, it would end. That whole phenomena would end immediately. It would never happen again. You don't even have to do it in every city. All you have to do is do it in one. That's why I'm giving immunity to police sothat they stop crying, because they don't want to get sued. They don't want to lose their wife.

Their family, their pension, their house. It would stop immediately. So when I equate the military story and Italk about what they did and how we defeated ISIS, it's the same exact thing for the police. We have the greatest police. They could stop it in Los Angeles. They could stop it in New York. They could stop it in Chicago. They could stop it everywhere.

But they're not allowed to do their job. And if they do their job, they lose everything. They lose their pensions, their house. They lose their family. And we're not going to let that happen anymorebecause our cities all run by Democrats, right? We've radical left Democrats for the mostpart, but Democrats, it's a cesspool. It's a cesspool. Okay, now we go back to one little final storythat I have to finish. So as you remember, the president of Mexicosent a representative.

Lou. See, they'll say he rambled. He's cognitively impaired. No, it's really the opposite. It's total genius. Yes, you know that. It is. It's totally true. these fakers up there.

He rambled on endlessly, telling these horribleand very boring stories. No, they're very informative stories. They're very important stories, actually. But no, that's, there's no cognitive problem. If there was, I'd know about it. In fact, if there was, you'll be the firstto know, because I will tell you. I will tell you. But so what happens is I'm talking to thegentleman, and he's very confident. And I said, no, you're going to do it.

You're going to do it. And he thought, this is a weird conversation,because he kept saying, no, I said, no, you're going to do it. 100%. Don't even think about it. No, I said, no. But sir, I said, no. How many times do I have to say no? I said, say yes.

And he said, I can't do that. I said, here's what I'm doing. It's Friday evening, starting Monday morningat 7 o 'clock. Mexico is going to pay a tariff of 25% onall of the cars that you stole from our country, by the way. You know, they stole 32% of our manufacturingcars. The United Auto Workers are going to votefor me, all those people, because that deal they made with China. All electric cars.

The all -electric mandate. Everybody has to have an electric car, whichdoesn't go far. Got a couple of problems. Doesn't go far. Doesn't work in cold weather. Remember? Four weeks ago, I won in the largest margintimes two. History in Iowa. And it was 40 degrees below zero at electionnight.

40 degrees. This was serious call. If I walked from here to here, let's say that'sfive yards, I was freezing my ass off by the time I got there. This was so cold. You never saw so many electric cars pulledover to the side of the road. You could have had any one of them. I don't know what the hell the people did. I guess they saved them in some way.

But no, they don't go far. And these are the people we have making decisions. No, you want to have everything we want tohave choice. Like in school, we want to have choice. And with cars, we want to have choice, right? You know? We want hybrid. So I said, I'm going to sign this document. And at seven o 'clock on Monday morning, everything,including cars.

And by the way, Mexico is our number one tradingpartner. Can you, but who the hell knew that? Can you imagine? Mexico is our biggest trading partner. And you know why? Because I put so many tariffs on China thatthey really had to pull back. And we saved a lot of businesses. We saved the steel industry because of it. But Mexico is our biggest trading partner.

I said, you're going to pay 25% tax or tariff,call it, whatever you want. It's similar, but not actually. And you're going to pay it on every singlething that comes in from Mexico into the United States. And like every other country, they rip usoff big, big. We don't have any good deals. I changed the South Korea deal. I changed the Japan deal. I could sit down and do nothing but changedeals.

I said, who the hell negotiated for the UnitedStates? And then you wonder why we have a $2 trilliondeficit. Now, if you look at it now, it's gotten toa level that nobody can even believe. It's so bad underbite. But I said, that's what's going to happen. And that's going to be a hell of a lot morethan 28 ,000 soldiers. And I'm okay with it. But I'm ready to sign it. You just tell me when to sign it.

Yeah. Now it's he's, now he's doing this. He was a very confident man just moments before. Now he's grabbing his collar, he's pullinga Kimberley. Sir, may I, may I call our President, please? Please give him my warmest regards. And I said, will you make it quick? I'm late. I got the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax to takecare of.

I got to take care of that hoax, Mike. So make it quick on how much time. Think of what I could have done if I didn'thave to go through all that bullshit, right? Think of how good I would have been. So he comes back in five minutes and he said,sir, I'm pleased to tell you that it would be our great honor to supply you with 28 ,000soldiers free of charge. It would be our great honor. I'm honored to adhere to your request forRemain in Mexico. Millions of people saying, oh, God, here'sa guy.

You ever see what happened to Tijuana? It was like people. They had no earth left. It was like, you looked at it as, became,I think it was the fastest growing city in history. Tijuana. Nice place. But we have, they said, what about catch andrelease in Mexico? Yes, sir.

We'd love to have you release people thatyou catch prisoners at murderers. We think it would be a wonderful thing forour country, sir. We would love it. Sure, you could do whatever the hell you want. And we got everything. And then this fool, this stupid fool, releasedMexico of all of these obligations. And then last week, for the first time, Ican't even believe it, I heard Mexico saying, we're not going to negotiate with the UnitedStates unless they give us $10 billion. These are stupid people.

How about the hostages? The hostages with Iran, Iraq, but the hostages,we gave Iran $6 billion for five people. $6 billion. $6 billion for five people. A hiker, you know, a hiker goes over and says,oh, look, there's Iran. Let's go hiking. We give them $1 billion to get the hiker out. We gave them $6 billion, and then we gave$10 billion because they supplied some electricity to Iraq.

What the hell do we care if they supply itto Iraq? Iraq. I should have never remember. I used to say a long time ago, don't go intoIraq. Don't do it. But I was only a civilian, so I didn't getthat much press. I said, don't go into Iraq. But if you're going to do it, keep the oil. Do you remember I used to say that all thetime?.

Keep the oil, but don't do it. But keep the oil. Iraq now has $300 billion. Iran has $224 billion. And Iran controls 100 percent Iraq. So for years, they'd fight each other, andthey were the same. Four years and years under different names,but religious thing, but they would fight each other for years, and they were the twopowers, and they were check -baiting each other.

So they'd fight and fight and fight for fiveyears. They'd throw a little gas. They'd throw another one, and then all ofa sudden, they would go back, and the border basically remained unchanged. This has been going on for centuries. And then we come along, and we blow up oneof the sides. We blow up Iraq. And now Iran is taking over Iraq. So Iran, they might as well change the name.

So Iran has their $200 billion that they allmade in two and a half years. Two and a half years. I told China, and I told all of the countries,France, everybody. I said, listen, if you buy one barrel of oilfrom Iran, we're not going to do any business. We're going cold turkey, which wouldn't havebeen a bad thing, anyway. We're going cold turkey. You're not going to do it. And we're going to put a 100 percent tariffon anything that gets through. And President Xi told of this.

He said, all right, well, we won't do it. We won't do it. They didn't buy. By the way, they're buying billions and billionsof dollars worth of oil right now. But China didn't buy. Nobody bought. Iran was broke. And they had no money for Hamas, and theyhad no money for Hezbollah. They had no money for anything.

They went down to almost nothing. And there were a lot of stories that Iranwas unable, and all these terror groups were angry at Iran because they weren't payingthem. And the terror groups were all breaking up. If I were President, Israel would have neverbeen attacked. Would have never been attacked. As soon as I was forced out with a riggedelection, we can never let that happen again. Don't let it happen again. As soon as I was forced out with this riggedelection, Biden took the sanctions off.

Iran went back to levels that they've neverseen before, more than they've ever done. And now they're rich as hell. They're selling oil to everybody. They're making so much money. They don't know what to do. They're a very rich nation. With me, they were broke. They were broke. I remember a Democrat congressman on DeFacethe Nation.

Ladies and gentlemen, it's Donald Trump onDeFace the Nation. It is DeFace the Nation because their newsis so fake. But he was saying that, well, whether youlike Trump or not, he did break Iran. They were broke. They had no money. I said, that's nice of him. He probably, you know, lost his chairmanshipor whatever he was. But we did a great job. We did a great job.

So what happened is Mexico agreed to all ofthese things. We took the money out of the military. We built the wall. We had the safest border in the history ofour country. The history of our country. And, you know, it's very interesting becausewe built the wall, but a lot of people were coming up at the beginning. Once they saw that I meant business. Once they heard some of these stories thatI'm telling you right now, they didn't come.

They weren't coming. The caravans were much smaller. The people trying to get in were in a mucheasier situation to handle. When you have an idiot like Gavin Newsom saying,if you come up, we're going to give you pension funds. You're going to have pensions. You're going to have, we'll give you a mansion. Do you ever see the things that he's promising? Free healthcare, free education.

Who the hell wouldn't? I may move there myself, actually. No, but people all over the world are hearingthis. That California, look, a lot of people thinkGavin Newsom is going to run in a certain way. I hope so. I hope so. Because he's destroyed California. He's destroyed it.

But he's got a hell of a line of crap. I watched him on Sean Hannity, who's a goodman, Sean. Sean, we love you very much. Sean, are you happy to be watching? Which you will. But he was on Sean Hannity and he was saying,no, no, California's never done better, blah, blah, blah. We got to do this. We're doing that.

We're doing that. I'm saying, wait a minute. The place is failing. They don't have water. The notified people in Beverly Hills, youcan only use 40 gallons of water. They don't have water. By the way, they could have so much water. I had it all set. All of the federal government approvals weredone.

All he had to do was sign a little piece ofpaper. And I won't let him get away with that again. Because he had to sign one piece of paper,and water would be pouring down from up north, pouring down from Canada. You know, it comes down the artificial veinsand the natural veins where the water poured down. They take this water and they send it outto the Pacific, way above California. They send the water out to the Pacific toprotect a little tiny fish that's not doing too well anyway.

And people don't have water. And the farmland is barren. You go down this best land there is in thewhole country, they can't farm it because they have no water. And it's true. In Beverly Hills, you pay a fortune in taxes. They say you can only brush your teeth oncea day. Who the hell wants to meet? You can't use too much water on your hair.

That would put me out. I would not want to be. They put restrictors on showers. They put restrictors on faucets. You buy brand new faucets. Aren't they beautiful, darling? Oh, yes, look at them beautiful brass faucets. They're so beautiful. Let's try them.

Oh, shit, no water is coming out. Drop. It drops out. You turn on the shower. I'm going to take a shower tonight. My hair is going to look better than it everlooked. I get that whole deal ready. I'm all set to go. Turn on the shower.

Ding. Ding. Now, and they have so much water. I said to some of our great congressmen thatasked me to help them with a problem up in that area, up north in California, I said,I see you have a drought. They said, no, we don't have a drought. We have so much water. You don't know what to do. But they sent it out to the Pacific.

We're not going to let them get away withthat any longer. It's ridiculous. It's ridiculous. And frankly, I believe, you know, I gave aspeech up there. We had like 100 ,000 people show up. I said, what the hell is going on over here? I always hear Republicans can't win. California, you can't win. I will tell you, if God came down and Godwas the Voschecker, I believe we would win.

In California. I think it's so crazy. They send out 36 million ballots. Get sent out to people unknown. They're sent out all over the place. How many people from California know peoplethat get six, seven, eight ballots? Okay. Our elections are so corrupt. I think we'd do very well.

I think I would do very well in California,actually. And I think I would do well in a lot of placesbecause it's common sense. Remember, not conservative. It's common sense. I'm conservative. But the words are common sense. Our country is run by people that are destroyingit. We're not going to let it happen again. We're going to have a great military.

We're going to have a great… Everything in our country is going to functionproperly again. It's going to function well. We're going to be respected all over the world. We're going to be respected like we've neverbeen respected before. And it won't take long. It's like… Orban said, from Hungary, put Trump back in,and the whole world is going to be fixed. He said that very strongly.

Put Trump back in. What do you do? They said, what do you do, sir? What do you do? The world is blowing up. He said, it's a very simple solution. Put President Trump back in office. It will all be healed very, very quickly. So I want to apologize for literally not repeatingthis beautiful speech.

But I thought some of these stories are instructivebecause they tell you our military is great. They tell you our law enforcement is great. They tell you our president is incompetent. They tell you a lot of things, some of whichyou knew and some of which you didn't know. So now I'm going to the place I'm supposedto be. I'm going to South Carolina. I'm supposed to be there. And if I do poorly, I'm gonna blame Mercedes. Forget about that.

I'm going to blame Mercedes because I am supposedto be there and I'm not there. And if I do poorly, I'm blaming everybodyin this audience, but I think we're going to do okay. I just want to thank everybody and ladiesand gentlemen, for those of you from a beautiful place. Go South Carolina, go out and vote right now,please. Get in those cars and drive fast. I'm going to leave you with this one finalmessage. We're going to win the election.

We're going to win it big. We're going to win it bigger than ever before. We're going to do things that nobody believed. It's going to be more important even than2016. We are going to make America great again. Thank you. Thank you very much, everybody.

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