🇺🇸 Donald Trump | Libertarian National Conference in Washington, DC (Might perhaps 25, 2024)[Multilanguage CC]


🇺🇸 Donald Trump | Libertarian National Conference in Washington, DC (Might perhaps 25, 2024)[Multilanguage CC]

Thank you very much, everybody. And thank you, Angela, for that introduction. AndI am truly honored to be invited here tonight as the first president in American history toaddress the Libertarian National Convention. Great honor. A lot of people ask whyI came to speak at this Libertarian Convention. And you know, it's an interestingquestion, isn't it? But we're going to have a lot of fun. Well, in the last year, I've beenindicted by the government on 91 different things. So if I wasn't a Libertarian before,I sure as hell am a Libertarian now. And unlike Joe Biden, I don't throw people injail for disagreeing with me. I don't do that. I want to thank some people thathave been really outstanding,.

And they are great libertarians and great people,Ambassador Rick Grinnell, Senator Mike Lee, Cash Patel, and Senate candidate who'sgoing to win from Virginia, Hung Kao. I also want to pay our deepest respects to thetwo young missionaries from Missouri, Davey and Natalie Lloyd, that were viciously killedyesterday in Haiti. It was a horrible thing. And I just want to pay our respects to theirfamilies, their great families, incredible people. And it's a very, very sad momentthat what happened was so horrible. So to Davey and Natalie,please. Thank you very much. I'd also like to express my gratitude to allthe fierce champions of freedom in this room. You are champions of freedom. And I'm hereto talk to you about the rise of left -wing.

Fascism in the country and to need to defeat thecorrupt and incompetent tyrant in the White House, Crooked Joe Biden, the worst presidentin the history of the United States. He is the worst president by far in thehistory of the United States. In fact, in fact, I would say that Jimmy Carteris very happy tonight because he goes down as being a brilliant president by comparison. Everyone here tonight believes that we mustfight for the same fundamental freedoms, freedom of expression, freedom of religion, freedom of the right to own a firearm and freedomover taxation. Oh, oh, that was interesting. Then you're going to like me, firearm. You'regoing to like me. Nobody better than me,.

And we just got the full NRA, the strongestendorsement they've ever given the NRA, so that's good. Freedom from over -regulation, freedom fromgovernment discrimination, and we believe that we do not have a free country if we do not havefree speech, and very strongly believe that. We stand opposed to government tyrannyin all of its many forms. We are opposed to a government that spies on politicalcampaigns, I wonder who that might be, like they did on me, spies on the American people, censors us, and crushes the rights of its owncitizens, which the Biden administration does. We want government out of our business, out ofour wallets, and out of our lives, that's what we want. We believe that Marxism is an evil doctrinestraight from the ashes of hell, having Marxism.

In our government is intolerable, and teaching itto our children is considered to us child abuse. We believe that the job of the UnitedStates military is not to wage endless regime change wars around the globe,senseless wars. The job of the United States military is to defend Americafrom attack and invasion here at home. We believe that property rightsare fundamental to a free society, and that Joe Biden's rampant inflationis a monstrous theft from the American people. We believe that the greatest threatto our country is not from enemies abroad, it's the tyrants, communists, fascists, and thugsattacking our rights and liberties from within. And above all else, we live by thewords of the great American patriot,.

Patrick Hendry, give me liberty or give me death. Our rights and freedoms have never beenmore in danger than they are right now. That is why I have come to extend ahand of friendship to ask for your partnership to defeat communism defeatMarxism and defeat crooked Joe Biden who is destroying our countryhe's destroying our country. We can be libertarian or anything elsethis man is destroying our country. We ain't no threat! We ain't no threat! Thank you. End of it, end of it!.

And by the way, why isn't JoeBiden here speaking to you tonight? You know why? Why isn't he? Becausehe can't put two sentences together. That's why he's done it. The fact iswe should not be fighting each other. If Joe Biden gets back in, there will beno more liberty for anyone in our country combined with us in a partnership. We're askingthat of the libertarians. We must work together, combine with us. You have to combine with us. We cannot give Crooked Joe Biden four moreyears. We cannot give Crooked Joe Biden four more years. Today's radical left DemocratParty is not the Democrat Party of years ago, which still wanted big government, but atleast believed in tolerance and free speech.

Joe Biden's radical left DemocratParty is a fascist movement that wants to throw you in jail. Ifyou post a meme they don't like, they want to throw you in jail if you dosomething that isn't quite to their liking. What you're witnessing under Biden is a toxicfusion of the Marxist left, the deep state, the military industrial complex, thegovernment security and surveillance services and their partners all merging togetherinto a hideous perversion of the American system. And that's exactly what it is. The fact isthat Joe Biden is a threat to democracy. My mission is to liberate our nation from thesefascist frauds and to rescue our democracy, to restore our republic and toevict Crooked Joe Biden from.

The White House so that Americacan be a free nation once again. He's the worst in history. The Biden regimecensors its critic, spies on its opposition, takes away the bank accounts of US citizens as anextra form of punishment, persecutes Christians and patriotic parents and is currently trying toput the leading candidate for president in jail. That happens to be me, while imposing a strictgag order in order to keep me from talking about their crimes and their unconstitutional acts.They want to get rid of the First Amendment, the Second Amendment, due process, the rightto a fair trial and the right to counsel, all the while pushing wealth confiscation and wagingendless and unnecessary wars all over the globe. Anyone can talk about defending freedom, but I'veactually put everything on the line to resist.

These death spots and these stuff. And I standbefore you tonight as your best hope of defeating the weaponized Biden and the very evil regime thathis people, because it's probably not him because he doesn't know where the hell he is, but that hispeople are pursuing, you can make the difference. The Libertarian Party can make abig difference. The Libertarian Party can make a big difference.Together we can make America freer than ever before for citizens of allbackgrounds and all walks of life. We can unleash new hope, optimismand energy. We can release limited government so that the people can have anunlimited future. United, we will be unstoppable. If we unite, we are unstoppable. I will be atrue friend to libertarians in the White House.

And I am proud to be the only president in70 years who started no new wars. I took on the military industrial complex. I brokethe stranglehold on neocons and warmongers on the Republican Party. And instead ofwar, I made peace in the Middle East, something nobody thought was possible, and dealtwith Kim Jong Un of North Korea, where a nuclear war was guaranteed to start in a very short periodof time if Hillary Clinton became president. You know, that would have been a nuclearwar, a hundred percent. And you would have never had the October 7th attack in Israel,it would have never happened. And the attack in Ukraine by Russia would never, everhave happened, wouldn't have happened. hundreds of thousands and even millionsof people would be living today. I unbound.

The United States from globalist agreementsthat surrendered our sovereignty. I withdrew from the Paris Accord, I withdrewfrom the anti -gun UN arms treaty, and I withdrew from the corrupt and veryexpensive World Health Organization. Not a good, not a good thing. I passed themost significant, and this is so important, but I passed the most significant criminaljustice reform in history. And perhaps my proudest accomplishment is to have exposed thedepth of corruption in the Washington swamp. Thanks to me, the entire worldknows that the lamestream media, the lamestream media is fake. It's fake.A great libertarian who may very well be in the room right now, I believe,but he's a great libertarian, D.

Roy Murdoch, who I've become friendswith through his writings in the American spectator in numerous other places, wrotean article yesterday in which he mentions just some of the things that make me alibertarian without even trying to be one. That's nice. D. Roy wrote, Donald J. Trump will address the libertarian party at hisnational convention on Saturday. The libertarian party should nominate Trumpfor president of the United States. Whoa. That's nice. That's nice. only if you want to win only if youwant to win maybe you don't want to win maybe you don't want to win thank you deroy.

No, only do that if you want to win.If you want to lose, don't do that. Keep getting your 3% every four years. Thereasons for doing so, policy and politics, are as solid as the Hope Diamond. D. Roy saysthis, this event is very unprecedented, he said. As the Cato Institute president, Peter Gotler observed in Thursday'sWashington Post, it will be the first time in U .S. history that a presidentialcandidate of a rival party will address the convention of a party that is presumablygathering to nominate its own candidate. Now I think you should nominateme, or at least vote for me, and we should win together. You heard thosewords, nominate me or vote, vote for me,.

Because the libertarians want to vote for meand most of them will and it's very important because we have to get rid of the worstpresident in history and together we will and without it there's a risk that we can havefour more years we won't have a country left. So what is the purpose of the libertarianparty getting three percent? What is the reason to take a chance of having thishorrible president destroy our country which he will do in far less than fouryears, it's not going to take four years. That is why I'm committing to you tonight that I will put a libertarian in my cabinetand also libertarians in senior posts. pretty good. That's pretty big.

Or you can keep going the way youhave for the last long decades and get you 3 percent and meet again andget another 3 percent. Now you want to make yourself winners. It's time to bewinners. You have a lot of common sense. It's time to be winning. So I'm asking for theliberty. Well think of it. I'm asking for the libertarian party's endorsementor at least lots of your votes, lots and lots of libertarian votes based on myfour year very outstanding presidential record. Much of my record is libertarian. As an example, D. Roy, where is D. Roy? Ishe here? D. Roy, where are you? He's great. I like D. Roy. I've liked him for a longtime and he is a libertarian. Thank you D.

Roy. Thank you D. Roy wrote, the 1 .5trillion dollar tax cuts and jobs act was America's largest infusion of tax relief.That's the largest tax relief ever. It sliced individual tax rates for all taxpayersand slashed corporate tax rates from a punishing 35 percent to a globally competitiveand much more than that only 21 percent way down. It was the largest tax cut in thehistory of our country. Now you can like it or you don't have to like it.Immediate expensing of business equipment and other reductions fueled the best economythat our country has ever had for four years. We had the best economy our country hasever had. Black and Hispanic unemployment reached the best levels in history.Female joblessness slid to levels.

Unseen before. Black poverty collapsedto record lows and all of the things, income inequality shrank and it shrankat levels we've never witnessed. Between 2016 and 2019, real median householdincome grew. These were the Trump years, 16 .4 percent, the highest ever to almost $10,000 per family. Think of that. Number two, Trump cut red tape as never before. He promised to kill two old regulationsfor every new one and in fact he ended up actually scrapping eightfor one and he was going to 12 to one and doing numbers thatwere unbelievable. Thank you, D. Roy. D. Roy is and I'm actually just quotingfrom the article that came out today from.

D. Roy Burdock. He said number three, Trump fullyrestrained inflation. We had practically none, prices were rising just 1 .4 percent ashe left office and this was a fraction of the 9 percent inflation that lying JoeBiden repeatedly claims Trump handed him. No, he said we handed him no, it went up to9 percent after he took over the White House and created all the inflationary acts. He dida horrible job. The 30 year mortgage rate as Trump departed was 2 .77 percent versus thealmost 9 percent today and you, by the way, even if you pay 9 percent, you can't getany money, there's no money available. Trump's drill baby drill approachfostered energy independence, which we've never had before. Low fueland electricity prices helped moderate.

Inflation and propel economic growth, butall of these things have now skyrocketed. They have skyrocketed to levels neverseen. Inflation has hit us harder than it's probably ever hit us before and people aresuffering because of it. Trump promoted parental rights in school choice. Trump's educationdepartment repealed the so -called guidance letter that turned on campus sexual harassmentaccusations into de facto criminal convictions. You know all about that. Who else would do thatfor you? Trump restored due process to the, he said, she said, minefieldfor your children. I know many, many people, what they've gone throughwith that is they've gone through hell. In a powerful blow,.

Trump required universities to respect the FirstAmendment, lest they lose their federal funds. I said, you don't respect the First Amendment,we're taking away all of your federal funding. Trump torpedoed Obamacare's individual mandateand got rid of many of its taxes. Medical price transparency empowered consumers to shopfor health care services and compare costs and this is one of the biggest thingthat's happened and it's reducing the price of drugs and everything relatedto drugs and medical care at levels. Not seen before. This will soon be happening.The competition is now slowing what we're ballooning health care expenses. Trump signedright to try, terminally ill patients now can receive experimental and possibly life-saving treatments and went a death's door.

What do these suffering Americans haveto lose? What do they have to lose, U .S.? They are so thousands andthousands of people are now living because of right to try. Trump nominated some300 constitutionalist federal judges a record, including a seldom seen three SupremeCourt justices in one presidential term. Very rarely seen before, if ever, Trump canceledand defunded federal diversity equity and inclusion programs and other state -funded racismschemes. The VA Mission Act, which Trump signed, lets military veterans receive federallyfunded medical care in the private sector. If delays prevent their treatmentin VA hospitals, in other words, if they're delayed, they can go out and get aprivate doctor. We pay the bill. They go out,.

They get a private doctor, they get better. People were waiting on line for twomonths, three months, five months, six months, and not anymore. Trumpsigned a measure that streamlined dismissals of federal bureaucratswho abuse America's beloved veterans. He got NATO countries to pay hundreds of billionsof dollars more for their protection. The only president who did so in substantiallyreducing what we were forced to pay, we got them to pay other nations to pay hundredsof billions of dollars that they weren't paying. No other president was able to do that,reducing very substantially what we paid. During the Trump administration,we had peace through strength,.

No wars other than the completeand total destruction of ISIS. And DeRoy ended by saying thatmost libertarians would say this is a non -exhaustive roster ofaccomplishments like no other, that it truly shines. So again, DeRoy, thankyou very much. DeRoy Murdock, I appreciate it. We could not have writtenthat better. And as you say, there were many other things we did that werequite libertarian also. So I want to thank you very much. That was a great article.Thank you. DeRoy Murdock, thank you. When I return to the White House, we will breakthe deep state grip on our democracy once and for all. I did far more than any otherpresident in that regard. As an example,.

I inherited James Comey, a terrible, terribleperson from the Obama administration. And very early on, I firedhim and lots of others at the FBI in addition to thousands andthousands of corrupt and unnecessary people throughout our government. Andnow we are going to finish the job. We will root out the sickness thathas taken over our Justice Department, our FBI, and other agencies. Our goal willbe nothing less than the rebirth of fair, equal, and impartial justice underthe constitutional rule of law. Since the day he took office, Joe Biden has workedto persecute political dissidents, including conservatives, Catholics, and other Christiansand opponents of his weaponized state. Right now,.

The Biden DOJ is trying to put Christians inprison for 11 years for the time of singing hymns. The moment I win the election, I will appointa special task force to rapidly review the cases of every political prisoner whohas been unjustly persecuted by the Biden administration so that I can signtheir pardons or commutations on day one. We rock! And I want to ensure that libertarians arehelping to lead that task force. You'll be on that task force, many of you. As everyoneknows, it will be my great honor to pardon the peaceful January 6th protesters or,as I often call them, the hostages. They're hostages. There has never been a group of.

People treated so harshly or unfairly inour country's history. This abuse will be rectified and it will be rectified veryquickly. And if you vote for me on day one, I will commute the sentence of RossUlbricht to a sentence of time, sir. Free Europe, free Europe,free Europe, free Europe. He's already served 11 years. We'regonna get him home. We're gonna get him home. I'm proud that I haveput forward a detailed plan to smash the censorship and industrialcomplex and restore free speech. On day one, I will sign an executive orderbanning federal agencies from colluding to censor the lawful speech of Americancitizens. And we will remove the rogue.

Bureaucrats who conspired to takeaway your First Amendment freedoms. We will do that quickly. I will onceagain slash a record number of liberty -destroying regulations. I will stop JoeBiden's plan for the largest tax. He is gonna give you the largest tax increase in thehistory of our country, and I will end that. And I will make the Trump tax cuts thebiggest in the history of our country. We will make them permanent tax cuts. We willalso stop the massive Biden inflation tax, a stealth tax by which Crooked Joe Biden isprinting trillions and trillions of dollars and plundering it for the cronies and politicalfriends that he's got all over Washington. And we will cancel the Green New Deal,which is the Green New Scam. It's a big.

Scam. We will terminate Crooked Joe'sinsane electric vehicle mandate. And we're gonna bring your energy costs downby 60 and 70%, because we will drill baby. drill. We're gonna drill baby drill. We will eliminate illegal governmentdiscrimination returned to a society based on individual rights and individual merit. we will say. We will say. Ain'tno, hey, ain't no. Hey, don't say. Thank you. And I will also stop Joe Biden'scrusade to crush crypto. We're going to stop it. I will ensure that the future ofcrypto and the future of Bitcoin will be made in the USA, not driven overseas.

I will support the right to self -custody, tothe nation's 50 million crypto holders. I say this with your vote. I will keep ElizabethWarren and her goons away from your Bitcoin. And I will never allow the creationof a central bank digital currency. I will also immediately end the humanitariandisaster on our southern border. We will end it quickly. You cannot have capitalism andalso have open borders because you will soon be turned into a socialist nation, then a poornation, and finally you will be a failed nation. By ending the border crisis, which we will doimmediately, we will save freedom, prosperity, and capitalism in America. And before I evenarrive at the Oval Office shortly after we win the presidency, I will have the horriblewar between Russia and Ukraine settled,.

So we quit spending hundreds of billions ofdollars to fight other people's wars and so that we start immediately savingthousands and thousands of lives. And I am committed to restoringpeace and restoring stability and to stopping Joe Biden's march toWorld War III. You know you're being led right into World War III. You knowthat. You're gonna have World War III, and it will be a war like no other becauseof the weaponry, the massive weaponry. It will be a war like no other. Wewill stop it. And I'm the only one that's gonna be able to stop it. I willprotect American sovereignty from the creeping hands of global government. And aswe speak, Joe Biden's minions are in Geneva,.

Secretly negotiating to surrender more ofour liberty to the World Health Organization. Drafts of the agreement show that theywanna subjugate America to foreign nations, attack free speech, empower the WorldHealth Organization to redistribute American resources. They're gonna takeour money and send it all over the world to other countries that we need for ourown citizens in the event of a pandemic. And it can happen again. I am hereby demandingthat Joe Biden submit these monstrosities to the Senate as treaties. They have to besubmitted as treaties because he cannot be allowed to do that, destroy our country he is. If he does not, I will rip them up andthrow them out on day one of the Trump.

Administration. On education, we willcut federal funding for any school, pushing Marxist and communist raceand gender theories on our children. We will keep men out of women's sports. And Iwill not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate or a mask mandate.We will shut down our out of control federal department of education and give itback to the states and local governments. I will return power to the states, localgovernments and to the American people. I am a believer in the 10th Amendment. Iwill always defend religious liberty and the right to keep and bear arms.And I will secure our elections. So in conclusion, to every freedom loverhere today, and there are a lot of them,.

And all across our land, I say this isno ordinary election. Freedom itself is at stake. This will be the most importantelection in the history of our country. So if you want to strike a blow againstthe corrupt system in Washington, if you want to send a message to all of thepeople who want to take away your liberty, then right now in thiselection, we need your help. We need your support. When I'm in the White House, you will always find an open doorto the Oval Office. Together, we are taking on some of the most menacing forcesand vicious opponents our people have ever seen. But no matter how hateful or corrupt thecommunists and criminals we're fighting are,.

And they are vicious and they arecorrupt, you must never forget, this nation does not belong to them. Thisnation belongs to you, belongs to you. This is your home. This is yourheritage. And our American liberty is your God -given right. 2024 isour final battle. With your help, we will demolish the deep state. We willexpel the warmongers from our government. We will drive out the globalists. We will castout the communist Marxist and fascist. We will throw off the sick political class that hatesour country. And we will drain the swamp and we will restore and rescue our country fromthese tyrants and villains once and for all. Ladies and gentlemen, the great liberationof America begins on November 5th,.

2024. It will be the most importantday in the history of our country. And the forgotten man and womanwill be forgotten no longer. I want to thank you. I want your support.And again, you can either nominate us and put us in the position or give us yourvotes. I would say nominate or give us your votes. But we want libertarian votesbecause you stand for what we stand for. And don't waste a vote. And don't allowthe worst president in the history of our country to come back and do the finaldestruction of America. Thank you very much, everybody. God bless you. God bless you.

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