๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ Donald Trump & Mike Johnson | Fat Press Briefing with Subtitles [CC Multilanguage]


๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ Donald Trump & Mike Johnson | Fat Press Briefing with Subtitles [CC Multilanguage]

Well, thank you very much. It's anhonor to have you at Mar-a-Lago, my 18 million dollar house,on the ocean and the bay. And it's one of the problems we have. Wehave a court system that's very corrupt. We a border that is open. We'vea lot of problems in our country. And we've an election problem, and thatreally what we're here to talk about today. Speaker Johnson is going to bebriefing you on what we discussed, what we agree on, but I wouldlike to demand that our border be closed because we have millionsof people coming into our country. Millions and millions of are pouring in atlevels that nobody's reporting, nobody is.

Going talk about. But I believe you could have15 million already in. Some are terrorists. They come from jails andprisons, institutions, they come from mental institutions and insane asylums. They come form all over the world, not just SouthAmerica. They're coming from all the over world. Venezuela announced that theircrime is down 67 percent because of the fact that they've taken the gangmembers, the leaders and the members, and they have deposited them very nicelyinto the United States of America. That's just Venezuela. It's happening with the Congo, it'shappening countries all of Africa,.

Asia, South America, all overthe world, it's happening. Our country is like a dumping ground,and we're gonna have it stopped. And Biden should do it immediately, heshould close the border immediately. He needs no legislation, he doesn't need thisgentleman, he does need anybody, he can do it. I did it without any legislation. Ihad the best border we've had in ever,. Hecorded history he could close it immediately. If he would have left it… We had Stay in Mexico, Remain in Mexico. We had Catch & Release in Mexico,not here we. We had everything.

It was perfect. It a great situationwe had, and now we have the worst ever. I don't believe in the history of theworld there's been a border like this. But we probably have 15 million people,and they come from places that you don't want to know about and there are going tobe big problems, and it's getting worse. It's “migrant crime”. It's a newcategory of crime: “migrant crime”. And I'm just demanding, I just demand,as a citizen I demand the border has to close. Because our country cannottake it. No country could take. It's not sustainable by any country. And wewant to also mention election interference, and we want talk about electionintegrity for a little while.

But basically, that's whatwe're working on. And I'll introduce the speaker, who you know very well. He's doing a really good job under verytough circumstances. And I appreciate he came to Mar-a-Lago. We have a great conference, And there's a big turnout, becausepeople want this to be healed. They want our country to be healed,they want the country to be united. And I think most people are united on thefact that they don't want people pouring in from prisons and jails and mental institutions. They don't want that to happen.They don't want it to take place..

And it's not going to happened for long. And that's why I say that November 5th is going be the most important day inthe history of our county. That's the election. It's goingto be the most important day in the history of our country. Thank you very much. And, Speaker, thank you. Thank so much, Mr. President, andit's good to see you all. We're so delighted to here with our formerand future president in this beautiful facility. Mar-a-Lago is famous around thecountry, we're grateful to have been here.

With President Trump as our nomineein our party, we are very looking forward to that historic day of November.Because we will grow the House majority, We're going to win the United States Senate, andwe're gonna win back the White House as well. The American people need us to do that. They'reexcited for that day in November, cannot get here soon enough. The Speaker of the House, when weare not in session, the Speaker is required to go around, fly around the country, and be withall of our candidates and incumbents all around. Been to, I think, 23 statesnow in the last several weeks, and everywhere we go. One of firstquestions that people ask about is this issue of election integrity. Theborder is the number one issue in America.

There's never been a political issue thatscored so high in the polls as a matter of concern. And it doesn't matter whereanyone lives, because as we say now, every state is a border state.They're deeply concerned about that. And election integrity is tied to border,the lack of border security. President Biden has created a catastrophe, and he did it bydesign. We documented 64 specific executive actions that he took from the day hewalked into the Oval Office and that his agencies took under Secretary Mayorkas toopen the border wide, to invite everybody from around the world to come here, includinghardened criminals and dangerous persons. And the result, we all know, the officialnumber is nine million encounters at the.

Southern border alone, just since JoeBiden took office. But the actual number, is probably close to 16 million illegals who havecome into the country because they desired it. They designed it, they engineered it tobe that way. His actions did that. He ended the remaining Mexico policy underPresident Trump's administration. They reinstated catch-and-release that had beenpracticed under the Obama administration. They stopped building the wall.They did everything exactly the opposite of what this presidenthad achieved. And that's why we have this catastrophe. It has all sorts ofterrible effects on the American people. We know that Fentanyl is the leading causeof death for Americans age 18 to 49. We.

Knew that violent crimes are beingcommitted on innocent Americans now, Lake and Riley and many others who are nowlosing their lives because these dangerous people are in our country and it must stop andthe American people are demanding that it does and It doesn't matter which political partythat any American is in they have the same desire They want safety and security and we cansupply that but among the problems that flows from this open border catastrophe is Directlyrelated to this threat to our election integrity. Why is that? You need to understandsomething really important about federal law since Since 1993, theNational Voter Registration Act, we call it the motor voter law, allows people tosign up to vote when they get a driver's license.

If an individual only asserts orsimply states that they are a citizen, they don't have to prove it. Theycan register that person to go in a federal election. And you see states arecurrently prohibited, believe it or not, states prohibited from asking someoneto prove that their a citizens. The Federal Voter Registration Forum just has acheck-up box, and if you do that, you're good. The states can't allow it. We think that's aserious problem. And so what we're going to do is the House Republicans are introducing a billthat will require proof of citizenship to vote. It seems like common sense. I'm sure all ofus would agree we only want U .S. citizens to vote in U-S elections. But there aresome Democrats who don't want to do that..

We believe that one of their designs,one of the reasons for this open border, which everybody asks all around thecountry, why would they do this? Why would the allow all thischaos? Why the violence? Because they want to turn these people intovoters. Right now, the administration is encouraging illegals to go to their localwelfare office to sign up for benefits. Well, guess what? When you go a welfare officer,they also ask you if you would like to register to vote. And so many people, we think, are goingto do that and you know what if the numbers are so high there's so many millions of illegals inthe country that if only one out of a hundred voted they would cast potentially hundreds ofthousands of votes in the election that could.

Turn an election this could be a title election inour congressional races around the county it could if there are enough votes affect the presidentialelection and so that's why House Republicans are going to act I'm going announced to you today herestanding alongside President Trump that We will do everything within our power to ensure that wedo have free and fair elections in this country. If we don't have that in a constitutionalrepublic, we have nothing. It's the basis of who we are as a nation, and we owe that tothe American people. And so what we're going to do is introduce legislation to require thatevery single person who registers the vote in the federal election must prove that they'rean American citizen first, have to prove it. That will be a new part of the Federallaw and a very important one. Our bill.

Will establish new safeguards. Itwill put us on par, by the way, with virtually every other democracy around theworld that also prohibits non-citizen voting. And this is a critical thing for us to do at avery critical time. Our Bill also will require states to remove noncitizens fromtheir existing voter rolls. That's a big problem too. And it will provide accessto databases from the Department of Homeland Security and the Social Security Administrationadministration to help the states administer this. As the entity that is responsiblefor regulating federal elections, Congress has this responsibility. We cannot waitfor widespread fraud to occur, especially when the threat of fraud is growing with every singleillegal immigrant that crosses that border.

This is something most Americans aredeeply concerned about. The latest poll says 78 percent of the Americanswho are polled say that preventing illegal immigrants from voting inour elections is a top priority. In every place I've gone around the country,whether it's out west, Midwest, Long Island, Deep South, it doesn't matter. Everybodyis concerned about this. We have a job to do. Here's what you need to look for,and I'll turn it back to the president. When we put this bill on the floor,you're going to see a record vote by Republicans and Democrats. You'll seethat the Republicans stand for election integrity. And then we'll be ableto ask this very important question.

But the Democrats, they're going to have togo on record. Do you believe that Americans and Americans alone should be the ones whovote in American elections? We're about to find out their answer. And I think that willbe a very interesting one for everybody to see. Mr. President, thank you againfor hosting us today. I'll turn it back to you. Yes, sir. Thank you, yes, Sir. Do have any questions? We're getting along very well with the speaker andI get along with Marjorie. We have a speaker. He was voted in and it was a complicated processand, I think, it's not an easy situation for any speaker, and he's doing a very good job, heis doing about as good as you're going to do.

And I'm sure that Marjorie understandsthat. She's a very good friend of mine. And, I know she has a lot of respect for the speaker. And would you support a Ukrainian aid billif the Speaker was to move forward with it? We're looking at it right now, and they'retalking about it. And we're thinking about mak ing it in the form of a loan insteadof just a gift. We keep handing out gifts of billions and billions ofdollars, and we'll take a look at. But much more importantly to me isthe fact that Europe has to step up and have to give money. They haveto equalize. If they don't equalise, I'm very upset about it becausethey're affected much more than we are.

The Ukraine situation would have neverhappened if I was president, would've never, ever happened. And everybody says that,including Democrats, that it happened to such an outrage. People, millions ofpeople are dead right now, both sides. Millions of are people dead. Cities are blown toashes. You'll never rebuild those cities. That's certainly not like they were, so beautiful.And this is something should have ever never happen. and October 7th should have neverhappened in Israel, should've never happen. What happened there was outrageous. Iran wasbroke when I was president. People weren't buying oil from Iran. They weren' allowedto. If they were going to buy oil from iran, then they weren''t going todo any business in the U .S.

And I said it to China. I say it everybody.They were doing business. They we're broke. They didn't have money for Hamas. They don't moneyfor Hezbollah. It would've have happened. October seventh would have never had happened,it did happen, and now it's a disaster. And it's only getting worse,so it is very sad. No, I stand with the Speaker. We'vehad a very good relationship. And while you were in office, you said that you would sign a federalabortion ban if Congress sent it to your desk. Why should Americans trust your word thathe would not do it now if he were reelected? Because we don't need it any longer, becausewe broke Roe v. Wade, and we did something.

That nobody thought was possible. We gave itback to the states. states, and the states are working very brilliantly, in some casesconservative, some in cases not conservative. But they're working, it's working the way it is supposed to. Everylegal scholar, real legal scholars, wanted to have it go back to the state. Democrat, Republican,liberal, conservative and we're able to do that. You know what we did was give it back the theStates and now the State's are work their way through it and you're having some very, verybeautiful harmony to be honest with you. You have, well, you have some cases like Arizona thatwent back to, like, 1864 or something like that. And a judge made a ruling, but that's going to be.

Changed by government. They're goingbe changing that, I disagree with that as well. The Press. Excuse me, please. Just a follow-up.Over the last few decades, Mr. President, you both have considered yourselfpro-choice and pro life. Which one is it? Well, do you know exactly whichone it is? And when I was in New York and when I a Democrat also,just like Ronald Reagan. You know, Ronald Regan was a democrat. We sortof followed a very similar path. But if you look at whatwe've done with Roe v. Wade, we did something that everyone saidcouldn't be done. And we got it done,.

And I give great credit to the Supreme Court andthe justices for having the courage to do it. What they did is very simply giveit back to state. And I'll tell you, the Democrats are the radicals in this becausethey're willing to have abortions in the seventh, eighth, ninth month. They're even willing,and you can call it what you want, but you go back to the governor of Virginia, of the previousgovernor Virginia the Democrat governor, Virginia. We're talking about execution of a baby afterbirth. And you say what want but that's extreme and that radical and nobody should have thatand it has to be ended. Please, go ahead. Go ahead, please. Mr. President, doyou think the motion to vacate rules should be finally changed or do you thinkthat it's just creating chaos right now?.

Well it is unfortunate that people bring it upbecause right now we have much bigger problems. The country is, we're a nation in decline, we area declining nation. We have tremendous inflation, the inflation is coming back at levelsthat nobody thought they really would have. If you look at the categories of inflation theyhave the worst categories. Many categories are not included and if you includedthat your inflation number would be substantially higher than it isnow, and it's already at records. So inflation is back, a lot of bad thingsare happening in our country, but that's the least of it. You've got Russia could endup in a world war between Russia, Ukraine, all of the chaos, and that something shouldhave never happened, it would have happened.

What's going on with Israel, October 7th,could have ended up with a World War. We have a president that can't put two sentencestogether. We have a president that can't find the stairs off a stage. We've a Presidentthat doesn't know what the hell he's doing. And we could end up in a world war. You know, wehave just a little bit less than seven months now, months before November 5th. But that's an eternitywhen people are incompetent. Go ahead, please. Do you support the House's FISAbill that was passed this morning? Which one? The FISA Bill. Anddid you talk to anyone? Well, I'm not a big fan of FISA. I lookedat it and I studied it. And I know it probably better than anybody. Youknow, they spied in my campaign,.

You do know that, right? And theydid lots of other bad things. I'm not a big fan of Pfizer, but I toldeverybody, I said, do what you want. They put a lot of checks and balances on, andI guess it's down to two years now so that it would come due in the early part of myadministration on the basis that we live up to the polls, because all the poll we justhad another one come out were leading by a lot. But it comes out quickly. I say, You doWhat You Want. I think it's terrible. Yeah, Bob. You're trying to testifyon your trial. Yeah. I would testify. Absolutely. It's a scam. It isa game. That's not a trial, that's not. That is scam if you read Jonathan Tarly, ifyou read Andy McCarthy, if you read the legal..

They said there's not even a case there.That is election interference by the Biden administration. They actually took their top guy,one of their interference, and it's got to stop. It's a third world country. Thiscountry has never done it. But you read Jonathan Terrell, you read Andrew McCarthy, you reading the legal scholars. Every singleone of them said that whole thing is a scam. It is not even a crime. And what they're doingis crime, they are criminals. All right, Bob. Why do you believe it is important for youto testify, take the stand in this upcoming trial? And, what are you watching asjury selection begins in New York? Well, you know, jury selection islargely luck. It depends who you.

Get. It's very unfair that I'm havinga trial there. It is very fair that we have this judge who hates Trump and hastremendous conflict, as you now know. Tremendous conflict. Nobody can believethat this Judge isn't recusing himself. The conflict is at a level thatnobody has ever seen before. So I have that and I venue. We have allthese things that were asked for. They don't give us anything. It's awitch hunt that takes place in New York and that is taking place and it'svery bad for New york and is very bad and its very bad for the judicialsystem in the U. I'm testifying. I tell the truth. I mean all I can dois tell the truth and the truth is that.

There's no case. They have no case andagain you have to read the scholars read all of the legal scholars. I haven't seenone legal scholar that said this is a case and in fact even you people said oh geethat's It's too bad this is the first one. All of them are scams. They're allabout election interference. We have a president that doesn't know where heis. He can't speak. The whole world is collapsing. The world was on fire. Theyhave no respect for our country anymore. And the only way he thinks he canwin is by doing this, you know, trials of Trump. We had Fawny in Atlantawho's been so discredited now. That was a set up with her boyfriend, so they couldtake trips and take a lot of money out.

And that's something that should bedismissed. Not just the prosecutor dismissed, the case should dismissed every single one ofthem said, look at what happened with Biden. He gets off scot-free. With 50 years ofdocuments and classified information, he gets of scott- free. And I'm still fighting that trial. The whole thingis a disgrace, and it's a disgrace to our nation. US and Israeli intelligence reports. Have youspoken with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu? How should the United States respondin the same question for you, Mr. Speaker? I don't want to say who I spoketo. But for the president of our country to actually put out a warningthat he thinks that we're going to.

Be attacked or they're going beattack, that's pretty pathetic. They wouldn't be attackingIsrael if I were president, I can tell you. And they never did. Theywould be not attacking. Iran was in no position to attack. They had no money. Theywere broke, but now they have $221 billion. And they had Iraq, who has $300 billion, and Iraq has become a subsidiary of Iran. Withall that we've done, with all of the fighting, all the death, look at what happened,how incompetent the whole thing is. But I don't want to say who Ispoke to, I think it's a very, very dangerous period. This isa dangerous time in our nation..

And a big reason that it's dangerous that wehave a president that's grossly incompetent. Thank you all very much.

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