๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ Donald Trump | Minnesota GOP Lincoln Reagan Dinner in Saint Paul, MN (Also can 17, 2024) [CC]


๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ Donald Trump | Minnesota GOP Lincoln Reagan Dinner in Saint Paul, MN (Also can 17, 2024) [CC]

I got a teleprompter that's gone. This one'salmost gone, but we've been there before. Supposing that happened toBiden. You know what happens? He'd go like this: Bye. He'd leave. I'll stay here with you for an hour. We'll have some fun, but I want tothank Tom, and he's been an amazing guy, actually. We've gotten to know each othermostly over the last year, and his wife is even more amazing. She's so great. She's beenwith me, and she convinced him to be with me, and now he's more with me than her,and it's a very complex relationship. And now they're two great people,and thank you very much. Thank you,.

Tom. Great job. Very respected in Washington.But I want to just start off by saying hello, Minnesota. This is a great state.We're going to win this state. 1952. Can you imagine? I thought wewon it in 2016. I know we won it in 2020. We've got to be careful. We'vegot to watch those votes. We don't need the votes. We've got to watchthe votes. That's the big danger. Stop the steal. There's a lot ofdifferent names we have for it, but all of them are pretty accurate. I'mthrilled to be back in the Twin Cities with the hardworking patriotsfrom the heartland of America. This is really the heartland.And I'm here tonight to declare.

That we're officially expanding the,this is an official expansion, Tom, of the electoral map. We're going toput this because this is so in play. Did you see? Two polls came out. One had meone point behind. One had me two points up, and another one's coming out tomorrow. And the word is that I'm two points up. Idon't know if that's good or bad. How are you two points up to Biden? He can't talk. He can't walk. Can't find his way off astage. Can't put two sentences together, although he has agreed to debate. So Idon't know. Maybe they know something. He's going to be so. You act up for those debates,.

You watch. I want to thank Minnesota GOP ChairDavid Hand for the incredible job that you do, David. Thank you. A really goodman. David, are we going to win? What do you think? You're an important guy.He may be the most important guy in the room, Tom. I'm sorry. You know? If heโ€” whatever it takes, you know, whatever it takes. But thank you. Andthank you to you, your beautiful wife. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Andwe're really counting on you to do the job, as we'll give you the ammunition. And Ithink you will do it based on everything we're seeing. A very good friend of mine,one of the great governors of the country, Doug Bergham, as you know, from North Dakota.

Thank you, Doug. The best hockey playerin the history of Congress. There's no question about it. Pete Starburn, my friend. ACongresswoman who's a patriot and a real fighter, and she's always been withme right from the beginning. Michelle Fischbach. Thank you, Michelle.Thank you very much. And the greatest purchaser of advertising in the historyof the country. There's never been, I don't know, his pillows are excellent.But I'm more impressed with the purchasing. If he could buy my edge, you'd never, forwhat I spend, you would never have any empty spot without a Trump ad. This guy'sthe greatest buyer of edge in history, Mike Lindell. And his beautiful,just married, beautiful new wife.

Thank you very much for being withus. That's great. It's a beautiful couple. I've said that a lot before,but this time I know it's perfect. I've said so many times, what a beautifulcouple. Two weeks later, how you doing? Well, we broke up. That one'snever breaking up. But Mike, it is true, though. He had a commercial.You know, you call up like the networks, you call up Fox. They do a 30 secondcommercial. A minute is very hard to buy. This guy's commercials at last 10minutes. They never stop. And now he sells pillows and he sells sneakers.He sells anything. And we love him. He's a special guy. He's gone to how manyrallies have you come to this over 100?.

Yeah. No, it's amazing. He's our friend. And he does it out of love. And we love him.With the help of everyone here tonight, we're going to take back the White House andwe are going to make America great again. do it. Two days ago, it was announcedthat inflation in April continued to rage at a brutal 3 .4 annual rate. Nobody canbelieve it because they're just not stopping it. That's that's above the probably 30 points thatyou've picked up over the last couple of years. This is a level that people have not seenbefore. Consumer prices just hit an all time high. And since crooked Joe Biden and heis crooked. He's the worst president in the history of the country. How we can be one pointdown or two points up in Minnesota to this guy.

I don't know. There's only one wayit can happen. They cheat. That's the only way. That's the only way. Somepeople like it. Some people don't. But that's the way it is already. I tellyou. And I never use the word folks. You know why. That's all he uses.You ever watch folks folks folks. It's a nervous habit. It's an I did aplay by play of his State of the Union address. Man was he jacked. But he used heused the word folks like 40 times folks. I never use I used to use it. He uses dice, you know, one or two times in a speech.But groceries are up 22% eggs are up 50% electricity is up 4050 60% gasoline is up56% car insurance. You can't even get it.

It's up 52% if it's available.And then if you need it, they don't give it to you. Theyfight you like hell. And meanwhile, real wages are down by almost 5%. Thisis what we have. This is by dynamics. You know, he thought it was such a good termthat to explain no, it's a disaster. No, inflation has eaten, you know, it's acountry buster. And we have inflation like we haven't seen in I guess 78 years,but I think it's probably longer than that. That's why this November, the people ofMinnesota are going to tell Crooked Joe Biden, right? The apprentice you're fired.Get out of here. Get out. You did a lousy job. Worst president in history.You did a terrible job, Crooked Joe.

His inflation catastrophe is in effecta colossal tax on American families. We will call it the Biden inflation tax.This is a tax that you don't know about time. We it's just I just came up withit like it's the biggest tax in history. It's called an inflation tax. It's about 50%. This is like going to Congress and raisingyour hand for a 50% tax. That's what it is. When I left office and we hadvirtually no inflation. We had nothing. We had only success yet in the past three years, it's an amazing thing. Yet in the past threeyears, the taxes cost us an average. If you think the average Minnesota family is astaggering twenty eight thousand dollars.

Think of that. Who could think of that?Twenty eight thousand dollars in tax and the Biden price hikes are continuing to drain one thousand one hundred and sixty five dollarsfrom the typical Minnesota family budget. single month. I mean, think of these numbers.These numbers are staggering. And, you know, if somebody got a little bit of a wage increase, it doesn't matter because the priceshave gone up so much. It's a sad thing. Now they want to go to an EV. Everybody hasto have an electric car. Is that wonderful? They don't go far. By the way, thatends on the first day. First day, first day. And if you wantto buy it, you can buy one.

You know, I'm not knocking it. If you want to go,you know, three, four miles and then back home, plug it in, get ready for the purchaseof a newspaper. The next day, you know, you want to go down buy a newspaper likein the old days every once in a while. But now we're going to end it rightaway immediately. And I think people, if they want to buy an electric car,I think it's great, but they have to be able to buy gasoline powered.They have to be able to buy hybrids. The hybrids are good. You know, the hybrids aregood, but the electric, they don't go far. They're very expensive and they're all going to be made inChina. And now they want to make electric trucks, and the trucks are a disaster because the batteryis so big, it takes up half of your payload.

To go to California, you need six stops, and youhave no chargers. Other than that, it's very good. If you go with like an 18 -wheeler, if you go, youcan go from New York to California without a stop. And you know, it's something Inever even heard before. One of the truckers told me they're beggingfor help because they're going to be put out of business. They're allgoing to be put out of business. He said, you know, with a bigtruck, you buy a gorgeous, I won't even use the names, but youknow the names of these companies, and you have this massive tank with dieselfuel. And as it goes along, it gets better and better because you're burning fuel andit gets lighter and lighter with a battery.

It just stays the same weight. You justgot to lift that battery. But they're too big. The batteries are too big.They don't work. It's not something that's even feasible. But thesepeople don't want to hear about it. They don't want to talk about it.In three minutes, a sane person, if they were in government, could be talkedout of going all -electric trucks because the batteries are so big and so heavy,they take up half of your payload. And in three minutes, but theydon't want to hear about it, you say you have to stop six times insteadof no times. They say we don't care. I mean, who could say that? These are radical lunaticsthat we're dealing with, they're lunatics.

And now they want to go all -electric army tanks, OK? So that when we go in and blast the crapout of an enemy that we have and that we hate, and sometimes we should be there. Many timeswe shouldn't be there, to be honest with you. But we blast the hell out of an enemy. Wedo it in an environmentally friendly way. What are we doing? And now it turns out, youknow, we make the best tanks in the world, and now it turns out that in terms of armytanks, you have to put a truck on the back of the army tank because the battery isso big, it's going to have the tow truck, and it still doesn't go far, and it stillcosts twice as much, and it's not effective. But it does keep a clean environment,which is very important, because I know.

Up in a place called Minnesota, they like cleanair. And you know what? You had the cleanest air in history for four years using naturalgas โ€” Trump โ€” natural gas and clean coal. Unbelievably. That's true. That's true.That's true. The whole thing. And you know, all this stuff has to be made in China,because that's what they have. We have a thing called gasoline. We have more liquid goldunder our feet than any nation in the world, including Russia and including Saudi Arabia. I did ANWR in Alaska, the biggestfind in the world. It's probably the size โ€” probably the size of SaudiArabia. And in his first week in office, they ended it. Ronald Reagan triedto get it. He couldn't get it.

Everybody tried to get it. I got it approved.They were getting ready and this guy ended it in the first day in office. Sosad. I mean, so sad. And ultimately, that's what caused inflation. Your energyprices went up so much and very simple, whether you make donuts or whether youmake tires or whether you make anything, you have to turn on the furnaces and you have toget the trucks moving and all of the other things. And the energy is what caused this massiveinflation that we've suffered through. And then everything caught on. I mean, youever see bacon where it went up four times, four times over a course of three years. So I don't eat bacon anymore. It'stoo expensive. But unbelievably,.

Crooked Joe Biden went on television last weekand he proclaimed in an interview with Americans can actually that he's saying that Americanscan actually afford his brutal inflation tax. He said they could afford it. Hedeclared that families, quote, have the money to spend. They have the moneyto spend. They don't have the money to spend. They've run out of money. I mean, they're onliterally people don't have if they get sick, if they're away for two or three days of income. I don't know. What do they do? You know,you're spoiled. You're a lot of rich, very rich people. You know, you saidall sorts of records tonight. Have you heard that? You set attendance recordand you set a money raising record.

But can you imagine if if you miss a coupleof days of work, can you imagine you can't pay your bills? I mean, we have the highestpercentage of that that we've ever had. And Biden blamed his economic disaster on companiesshrinking the size of their sticker bars. OK, can you believe that? But, you know, it's a funny thing. I don't know if you cansee it out there. Does anybody have good eyes out there because this is OK? I justgot this study. Somebody handed it to me. So we're not as a joke. I said, anybodyhave any tic tacs? And the guy said, yeah, I have one. Look at the size of thatsucker. Could you? Can you see that, Pete? This is called Biden tic-tacs. Can you see it, Tom?.

This costs more money than the onethat was like 10 times bigger. This is inflation. That's a perfectโ€” the guy actually handed me, do you have any tic -tacs? Yeah, here, takemine, sir. I can say, what the hell is that? I'm never going to lose this. This isgoing to be a part of our โ€” Terrible. But Americans are not struggling. Youknow, this is the worst platform. Who put this stage up here? This is the worstโ€” the frickin' place is falling down. I notice it keeps tilting furtherleft. Like too many other things. A crappy contractor this was. No,it's true. You know, I'm known as being a pretty tough negotiator,and sometimes I get a bad rep.

A contractor does a bad job. I meta lot of great contractors there, but he does a bad job. I don'tpay him. And then they say, Trump doesn't pay his, but I pay my bills.I pay the bills so fast that they're good. But this happens to be, look, theteleprompter is useless. It fell down. I don't know why it fell down.It's not like, I don't mind. I've lost teleprompters to wind. There's no wind inhere. So why the hell did it fall down? Did you see it? It fell down. I'mstanding here listening to the great Lee Greenwood and the teleprompterfalls off the stage. Now I put my hand on this thing and the thing tiltsover. This is not, I think it was Emmer.

Maybe Emmer doesn't like me. No, this sucker is really tenuous, I'mtelling you. This, at some point, I'll be, I won't leave and we'll finish up, but this suckeris gonna be sitting down there on the floor. I've never had this before. I've neverhad a podium that's falling down. I've had teleprompters. You know, I was in Ohio.In fact, our great Senator from, yeah, from North Dakota, you were there for somebodythat's gonna win, I think, Bernie Marino. And we had 45 mile an hour winds. Wehad 25, 28 ,000 people. By the way, in New Jersey last weekend, we had107 ,000 people. That's a poll, right? That's a poll. But we were inthere to help Bernie Marino get elected.

Running for the Senate, he's doing well.And we had 45 mile an hour winds. And we had two teleprompters that weregoing like this. And then one broke and fell. I was waiting for thatto happen. And I'm supposed to be speaking for an hour and a half and I'msaying, we're all by ourselves up here. We got no teleprompter at this stage, but at least we had winds. Here we don'thave anything that's falling apart. This is what happens in America when you don'tdo things right. We don't like that, do we? We don't like that. out like that.But Americans are not struggling to make ends meet because they're buyingtoo many snicker bars. We don't talk.

About that. They're struggling becausewe have the worst, most incompetent, most corrupt president in the historyof our country without without question. One of the most vicious effects of theBiden inflation tax is how Crooked Joe has made it impossible for millions of Americans, especially young Americans to buy ahome, a car, or even make their rent. You know, young Americans are gettingout of high school and getting out of college and it's a disaster forthem. They've never had anything like it. They've never had anything likeit. High inflation means that high prices, high interest rates, high mortgagerates and death for the American dream.

It really is. It's death. You know, wetalk about death and a lot of farmers here. For farmers that I took greatcare of, we got them $28 billion from China. Can you imagine? Do you think Bidenthinks about getting you money from China? He thinks about giving them money,but we have $28 billion we got you, but we also got rid of the estate tax onyour farms and small businesses. Because a lot of people, you know, they love their family. They love their family, and they want to. Now,if you don't love your family, then you shouldn't leave it to them. And is there anybody inthe room that doesn't love their family? Because I actually have three or four people,usually, when we do, they raise their hand.

In which case, this tax doesn'thelp you much. But we gave you, we got rid of the death tax or theinheritance tax on small farms and businesses. And that's a big thing.But remember this, it's all going back. If Biden gets elected, how the hell do youelect this guy? Who would elect this guy? He's destroyed our country. He's destroyed ourcountry. You know, I have great respect for the office of the president, for the presidency,and I would never speak about him that badly. But then they did something that is unthinkable.They took a president that got 75 million votes, more votes than any presidentin the history of our country, sitting president, no sittingpresident, even come close to that.

And they indicted him for nothing.And you see what's happening, all falling apart. It was a nothing and thenthey indicted him again. Then we had Fannie, Fannie Wade, you know, I call her Fannie Wade,took the surname of her great lawyer boyfriend. We hired him because of his expertise. Henever did it before. They paid him almost a million dollars. They traveled allover the world. Didn't they take nine trips to him? I don't think you, whatwas the last time you took nine trips? He didn't take nine trips in his entire tenureas a politician in this state. I guarantee, and your wife wouldn't let you, she wants youto work hard. But they took nine trips in like eight months. In other words, they were takingtrips and then they said, oh, well, he's paying.

He's being paid. So think of this. So he's gettingalmost a million dollars and he's taking her for these lovely cruises, Norwegian cruise lines. Oh,that's beautiful. These people are just beautiful. And they're going on Norwegian and they'regoing all over different trips to Alaska, to Europe, all over the place.She wants to indict me for, for like mobster stuff, okay, mobsterstuff when I didn't do anything wrong. You know, today, if you say, I don'tbelieve the election results are correct, they want to indict you because they don'tlike talking about it because you're coming too close to home. But we talk aboutit and we're proud to talk about it. And if you're chilled, you're going to havevery dishonest elections. And the biggest risk.

We have here is exactly that, because we haveplenty of votes here. We're going to win. But the biggest fear and the biggest, becauseso many people say, will it happen again? Will it? And we have great people. But thesepeople were born to cheat. You know, they're born to cheat. They have no shame. But think ofit, Fani. It's F -A -N -I, but they pronounce it Fani. How do you, if you had the name, if youhad the name F -A -N -I, it's called Fani, right? How do you get Fani? I think when she becamethe DA, she gave it a little Frenchie stuff, you know? Fani. Fani Wade. It'sFani Willis. We call her Fani Wade because her boyfriend, she's so in love with him. And here's the beauty though. Think about her. Youguys have all seen this whole deal. So she said,.

No, no, we took trips. Yes, we took trips.And then she realized that, well, she paid for the trip because she paid him, you know, allthis, almost a million, probably more than that. And they used that money to pay. So then she said, no, no, I didn't pay for, I paidcash. That's right, I paid cash. Now she's got a real problem. Because nowthey're saying, where'd she get the cash? But they don't go after the Democrats. They only go after the Republicans. Think of it.She said she paid cash. She didn't pay cash as she would have. But if she paidcash, it's a bigger problem, right? Now she has a real problem. Where'dshe get the cash? But they leave.

Her alone. She's now running foroffice. And they leave her alone. These are corrupt people. Theseare bad people. Very bad people. We have deranged Jack Smith in NewYork. He's a deranged individual, Washington. And he has destroyeda lot of lives over the years. And always seems to get overturned because hegoes too far. He's a deranged individual. And now you find out that in Florida, hetampered with the evidence. You saw that, right? He tampered with the evidence. Hegot his hand caught in the cookie jar. You know the expression? But this is what we have. And they're using, they've weaponized,they've weaponized Biden. They've weaponized,.

They call it lawfare. AndI call it warfare because we have to fight these people strong.If you're a congressman, a great one. Like Michelle or Pete. Whenyou get a subpoena one day, you're out of business. You'reout. You might as well just, just a subpoena. Pete gets a subpoena. He doesn'twant to hear about it. Michelle gets a subpoena. That's what they do. They've used this asa weapon. This is cheating on election, no different than they did four years ago. This is cheating on elections. Today I saw inWashington, D .C., there's a lockbox. Looks nice, except there's a problem.The door is open on the bottom,.

The big door. It's totally open.They're taking pictures of it. This is a whole big scam. They havelockboxes all over the place. It's a whole big scam, hundredsof millions of dollars going in, and that's what we have to be careful of,because we have all the votes we need. We have all the votes. You don't have that problem inNorth Dakota like we have, but I'll tell you what. We have all the votes we need, andI'm counting on the chairman and Tom and everybody to make sure thatJust just give us an honest count. We're going to turn this datefor the first time since 1952. But it's true. I never talked this way because,.

You know, I used to treat Bidenwith a little respect. Not a lot, but a little more than he deserves. And and,you know, talk about he didn't do a good job. But now I say he's the worstpresident. He's incompetent. He's a not a smart person. He has noidea. Can't he can't find the stairs to a stage. See all the stairs wehave. We've got more stairs here. They're all over the place. Howthe hell do you not find him? You can walk in any direction. And yethe you ever watch him. He goes like this. And then he and so far he's doinggood because there's a stair over there. But then he walks into a wall and stuff. ThankGod for the secret service. They usually run up,.

Take them. This is what we'rerunning against. How the hell do they get 50 percent of the vote?They start off with a big advantage. Remember that they start off with a big advantage.They start off with, you know, certain votes that they get almost automatically. But we're goingto be getting a lot of those votes this time. I think we're actually going to be getting a lotof those union votes that they typically get. I think we're going to get a lot ofthe union votes. United auto workers are fed up with United auto workersin terms of their leadership. But I think we're getting that. I think we'regetting a lot of teamsters voting for us. We're doing polls. We're like an82 percent and tough to get the.

Top guys. But I think we're going to getsome top guys very soon. So I think we're really eating into them. African-Americans, Hispanic -Americans. We're getting numbers like nobody's everseen before. So we have to put it away. We have to be careful. Guard the vote.I call it guard the vote. Mr. Chairman, we have to guard we have to guard thevote and we have to make sure that vote is counted and they don't add ballotsand all of the other things that they do. They'll do anything. Theyhave no shame. On day one, we will throw out Bidenomics and we will reinstateMeganomics. We're going to have Meganomics. We're going to make it the most exceptional. We will beagain the most successful country in the world.

We'll stop the Biden stupid spending spree.We'll end his inflation death spiral. This is a death spiral. We'll terminate his greennew scam. You know what the green new scam is, right? And we're going to drill babydrill like we've never drilled before. And we're going to bring down energyprices and you have very high energy prices here. And you know whatI did for you up north? Nobody's ever done what I did for you. Andthey ended it immediately, right? Didn't they end it immediately? It'slike they came in and they just ended it for no reason. They don't even knowwhy they ended it. It was perfect what we did. And I get so many thanks. Iremember when I did it, I was here.

And miners and people were coming up to me andthey had tears in their thank you sir for giving us our livelihood back and then they ended it likein the first couple of days of the administration it's along with many other things like theKeystone pipeline and lots of other things that should have never been ended but just asI did before I will rescue Minnesota from and I'm going to rescue Minnesota from all of theravages you've been and we're going to rescue the Iron Range again we're going to rescue theIron Range before I took office the Obama Biden administration had wiped out the Iron Range everyjob it was gone seven plants were idled in 2000 workers were laid off immediately and then it gotworse and worse but after and I came up here and I met some people and they just told me it took meabout a figure a minute and a half to figure it.

Out and I opened it up like nobody's ever openedit up and it was doing great and then these people came in they closed it I don't know they closedit nobody knows why they said the environment it's not the environment but after I imposed powerfultariffs on foreign steel the Iron Range came roaring back to life I put big tariffs becauseChina was dumping massive amounts of steel in our country and killing all of our steel companiesthe people that like me the most actually are the steel guys they like me they say thank youyou saved our businesses but now they're sort of siphoning it off and it's not a pretty picture Itell you these people what they're doing to this country are between the border where millions ofpeople are coming in I mean think of it millions and millions of people are coming into our countryfrom mental institutions and from jails prisons.

They're coming in they're pouring in we haveterrorists coming in we're gonna do a massive deportation but we have no choice it's not likenot like we have a choice and we start with the criminals hundreds of thousands of criminals arecoming into our country hundreds of thousands iron ore shipments out of the support of Duluth's swordby nearly 50% under the Trump administration. I rescinded the federal withdrawalof, in superior, you know, superior national forests. Did anybody everhear of superior national forests? Good. Well, I opened it up. What's wrong withthat? You know, they close it. They say, we don't want to, I don't knowthese people. I think they just want to make your lives miserable and destroyour country. It's so crazy. I mean,.

You know, seriously, like, whywould they want an open border? Why do they want high interest rates?Why do they want to quadruple your taxes, which is what is going to happen? Allthose things we talked about, I mean, it's going to happen. Why do they wantto have men playing in women's sports? They want men. You got to lookat the weightlifting records. A record that stood for 18years, 18 years, it stood, it was solid. They just couldn't break it. Thosebeautiful, powerful, extremely strong women. There weren't too many men could lift like โ€”but these are men, so โ€” but extremely strong women. And they were looking, and theyput a quarter of an ounce โ€” think of.

That โ€” a quarter of an ounce there, aquarter of an ounce there on the barbell. And they get up, and they lift that sucker.They're going to do it. Mom's in the first row, right where you are, beautiful woman. And she's so proud of her daughter. My daughter'sgoing to lift that โ€” Mom, I'm ready. I've been working 10 years for this. I'mready. Olympic tryouts, right? And she gets it up. Huh. Mom, I don't know, Mom. Thisis getting โ€” this is a heavy sucker. Huh. Oh, Mom. I can't do it. Wow. Boom. Can't do it. She couldn't do it. Just thatlittle extra they couldn't do. This guy who transitioned โ€” he transitioned. Thank you verymuch. He comes in. Have you lifted before? No,.

Not much. He goes, how much is a 2 .8, you know? I should be able to do that. He walks upto the โ€” They put 30 more pounds on. Well, I mean, what did he break itby? Like hundreds of pounds, Tom. And then you allow this to happenin Congress? The worst is the swimming. How about the swimming? Right?How about the swimming records? These are records that women won't bebreaking, maybe in about 400 years, if everything goes well. But with the kindof idiots we have running this country, not a lot of people will be left, becausethe power of weaponry today is very scary. We could very well end up in thenext five months in a World War III.

Because we have incompetent people. He's anincompetent person. Joe Biden is incompetent. And let me just tell you. I would havenever said โ€” He's grossly incompetent. Everything he's done. Look at Afghanistan,the way they โ€” I was leaving Afghanistan. We're going to leave with dignityand strength and our equipment, and we're going to stay in Bagram. And wewere taking the soldiers out last, right? Last. You don't take them outfirst. We took them out first, and then they were free to have โ€” theyhad a free -for -all. But we were going to keep Bagram, the big air base.You know who has Bagram right now? It's only one hour away from where Chinamakes its nuclear weapons. You know who.

Has it now? China has it now. The guy is justa horrible thing. So when he did that, I said, now the gloves are off, I can say anything I want. Think of it. Alphonse Capone, thegreat โ€” has anyone ever heard of Alphonse Garface? Has anyone? This wasnot a nice person. Even Doug would have a hard time living with him. You wouldsay, did you get the hell out of here? This guy's dangerous. No, ifhe didn't like you for dinner, he would kill you. You would never befound โ€” let's put it this way. Do you have any wetlands around or swamps?Because he liked wetlands, you know? He just dumped them in the wetlands.But, Alphonse Capone. was indicted.

Less than me. I was indicted over a shortperiod of time, four times. My whole life, I never even heard of the word. And now,all of a sudden, I'm like a professional. And my father, who was a straight guy, hewas a straight arrow, no games. He was all business. He was just a good man, but hewas all business. He's looking down right now with my beautiful mother, and they'resaying, my son got indicted four times. That's more than Alphonse Capone. What the hellis going on? That country is going haywire. No, but this is, they've used this. This is,they've weaponized the DOJ. And these are local prosecutors, but they'veweaponized local prosecutors. They've taken people from the DOJ, andthey've put them into local offices..

They've weaponized the whole thing. And ifyou're a normal but a very good politician, and you get a subpoena, you get some form of agrand jury notice, you're sort of out of business. You know what you say, likehundreds have said before, I will go home now to my family. I willwork on my relationship with my family, and I will fight for my name. And by the way,that's the last you've ever heard of that person, he's gone, because they've weaponized, andthat's what their form of cheating is now. And if you're a congressmanor a senator or anything, at least I have a voice so I can get upand say, here's what the indictment is, and I can explain it. And a poll came out today,88% say that these indictments are bullshit.

So that's a very positive thing. Andmore importantly, my poll numbers are much higher than they would have been withoutit. You know, they've gone too far. In fact, I heard they were coming down with anotherone, they called in for, what, don't do it! We're gonna indict this guy into the WhiteHouse, don't do it, you ever hear that? No, my poll, I don't think my pollnumbers, Tom, what do you think, I don't think my poll numbers would beas high, and it's not a pleasant thing. You know, I have a judge in NewYork who's totally conflicted, totally conflicted. This man is the mostconflicted judge. that you could ever have in history. And I hate to say a man's crooked,but he's so conflicted it becomes crooked.

And this is what we have, this is what we have,and it's a very sad thing. But when you explain it, I have a big platform, like these thingsand lots of them, and I can get on television whenever I want, I can explain a lot of work,but my poll numbers are much higher, I think. Wouldn't you say? They're much higherthan they would have ever been, Doug. Much higher. So we get somethingout of it. We get something out of it, but you have to do a lot of work, and it's avery unfair situation, but they weaponize it. That's their current form of cheating. Andthis never happened in the United States before. This happened with thishorrible president who's just a, he's destroying our country, he's destroyingour country, he's a horrible human being, too.

And then they go, you know, it's alldisinformation. His biggest disinformation, he's a non -athlete. Okay, I'm a verygood golfer. I'm a very good golfer. I really am one twenty nine thirtyTwenty -nine club championships. It's a lot twenty nine club championshipsand he can't play and He said the other day. It's all disinformation I'll playTrump at any time. I'll give him three aside. He's gonna give me three asideDid you ever see him swing is like this? The guy I don't believe he can hit a ball 50yards I've seen I know I know sports very well and I know golf very well and I know good golfersI can look at a guy take a practice swing before the round starts I can tell you whether ornot he or she could play This guy has no and.

He said they asked him what his handicap isI'm a six point two six point two, you know, six point two is a very goodplayer He's a six point two. It's got to be that extra little point two, youknow, like I've never even heard of it I played only about 40 freaking years. I've never heard ofa six point two. I've heard of a six I've heard of a seven, but I've never heard of a six point two,but he wants to make it like accurate You know, like in other words like it exists He'sall about Disinformation pilots come in. He said I used to fly a plane Truckers comein. I used to drive a truck People come in from Minnesota. I used to live in Minnesota RightHe is so full of shit this guy Terrible Terrible Terrible No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Thank you, everyone. True. True. It's… Now,the fake news back there, they'll say, Oh, he used foul language. Every once in a while,you have a good… Every once in a while, you have to use, you know, there's justno other word to describe it, right? Say, he didn't use nice words. He didn't usenice words. It doesn't work quite the same, does it, huh? But now it's sad what'shappening. It's sad what's happening, because it's not based on anything. And he was never a smart person. He was alwaysโ€” you know, I knew Ted Kennedy very well and, for some reason, very different persuasionpolitically. But he lived in Palm Beach largely. You know, they had the Kennedycompound, and I was there for a long time.

And I did him a big favor one time. And heliked me. I liked him. I got along with him, but, you know, very differentin a lot of ways. But I said, who's the smartest person in the Senate? Hesaid, the smartest person gave me a name. I won't tell you because he's still aroundand I can't stand the guy. Okay. I said, who's the dumbest person in the US Senate? Hesaid, probably Joe. I said, who the hell is Joe, Joe Biden? He said, he doesn't understandthe basic concepts of taxation of foreign. He doesn't anytime it gets a little bitcomplex. He just doesn't understand. And he's our president now. And that was whenhe was in primetime. He's not primetime anymore. But less than four years ago, wehad the most secure border in US history.

We ended catch and release, built 571miles aboard a wall and got Mexico to send 28 ,000 soldiers to our borderfree of charge. I said to the president, we need your soldiers. Why? Isaid, because you've got caravans. I came up with that name. I'mgood with names. You know, I come up with a lot of good names, alot of them I can't use again because they were against my Republican opponentand now I get along with them, you know? But we've come up with a lot of goodnames. Pocahontas was a good name, I think. That actually drove her out ofthe presidential run, right? Pocahontas, so many good names, but it's acaravan. It's like a caravan.

I came up with that. It's thousands ofpeople walking through Mexico. So I said to the president, you got to give us 28 ,000soldiers. I want them now and they got to stop people from pouring over our border, you know,over the border while we're building the wall. We're building the wall. We did farmore than I said we were going to do. And I had another 200 miles of wallalready built, ready to be put up, could have been done in three weeks. And that'swhen I realized I didn't want to put it up. And the reason they didn't because they didwant open borders. I couldn't even believe it. It doesn't make sense. An open borderdoesn't make sense. You can let people in, but you got to know something about the people.

They're coming in from all over the world, notjust South America. So I said to him, you got to give us 28 ,000 soldiers. He left. at me. Oh,that's so funny. Why would we do that? I said, because you're letting people come through yourcountry and they're pouring into our country. You have to do it. And I really like him too. I'mlow. I really like him. He's a good guy socialist, but that's okay. You know, what thehell? You get along with people. Well, I got along with a lot of them, but Iwas the toughest president during Russia. I stopped the pipeline. You know, theyalways say he was very nice to Russia. No, I was the worst to Russia, but Igot along with Putin. We got along. It's nice to get along with somebodythat has a nuclear capability, right?.

It is. I got along with him, but he said, I'd hate like hell to see if you weren'tnice, because if you're the nicest, I ended the biggest job they've ever done, thepipeline. When Biden came in, he approved it. And then they say he was soft on Russia.I was the worst on Russia. By the way, Russia would have never attacked Ukraineif I were president. Never. Not even a possibility. And Israel wouldn't have happened. October 7th would have never happened. Theywould have โ€” because Iran was broke under me. I said to China, I said to everybody,every nation, you'd want to buy from Iran, you want to buy oil? You'll never dobusiness in the United States again.

And they didn't want to takea chance, and they didn't. And Iran was broke. They had no money forterror. But we did a hell of a job, and people are realizing it. I think that'swhy we're up in just about every poll. Nationally, swing states, and now evenyour state. That was a big story, you know, because it came out two days ago, and it showedwe were one point down. Another one came out, we were one point up. But whenit came out that, in Minnesota, we're tied or up a little bit or maybe downjust a little bit, everyone was so impressed. And I'm saying, like, why wouldn't we be up alot? I have a friend. He's a very smart guy, but not political. And I had a poll comeout last week. I'm up eight over Biden,.

Nationally. But no, but his attitudewas, could I ask you a question? How could you only be up eight pointson this guy? That was a, you know, a question I get a lot. It's almostembarrassing, to be honest with you. Crooked Joe came in and turned our countryinto a dumping ground for other nations. They dump everything right into ourcountry. In Venezuela, violent crime was 67 percent two months ago. It's now72 percent. It's down. Violent crime in Venezuela is down 72 percent because they'retaking their gangs and inmates and criminals and drug dealers and mental patients and peoplefrom all sorts of institutions that are trouble. And they deposit them in the wonderfulUSA. They're dumping everybody into the.

USA. Pretty soon we're going to say, let'sgo for a vacation to Venezuela because it's safer than the United States. And I'm serious. It is so terrible what they're doing.They're dumping from all over the world, the Congo. They come from theCongo, from prisons. In the Congo, in Africa. But they're coming fromAfrica. They're coming from Asia. They're coming from all over the world.They're coming from the Middle East, and they're coming from really bad places, and they're putting them in our beautifulcountry. They're destroying our country. This idiot, this stupid, stupid man isdestroying our country. He doesn't know.

What the hell he's doing. He doesn'tknow what he's doing. Just days ago, an illegal alien was arrested inthe sanctuary state of California. Isn't that wonderful sanctuary? Soundsso nice, isn't it? Sanctuary in charge with sadistically raping two women lastweek in the back of a windowless van that police said was disgustingly outfittedas a, quote, a rape dungeon on wheels. That's what it was. They went aroundraping women all over the place. Nobody did anything about it. Detectives believethis monster had many more victims whom he drove late at night into remote mountainareas, and in many cases would kill them. When I return to the White House,we will stop the plunder, rape,.

Slaughter, and destruction ofour American suburbs, cities, and towns. We're going to stop it fast. We willshut down immediately all deadly sanctuary cities. We're going to close them down. And, youknow, the people in sanctuary states, they don't want them. They really don't want them. It's not so bad. If you would have saidthat five years ago, seven years ago. But the people, they don't wantthem. They don't want that. They don't want sanctuary cities. It's thepoliticians that do somehow it's good politically. I don't actually think itis. But we're going to shut them down. I'll shift massive portions of federal lawenforcement to immigration enforcement..

I came in and saved a couple of yourcities. Remember that. You remember that, right? Remember that I came inwith a big force that we saved. And Minneapolis, we really saved.Remember that idiot from CNN? Oops, I shouldn't say that I'm doing a debatefor them. They'll be slightly tougher. No, I have fake tappers. They said,I just wanted to bait this guy. But, you know, and I'm going toI'm going to demand a drug test, too, by the way. I am. No, I reallyam. I don't want him coming in like the State of the Union. He was high asa kite. I said, is that Joe up there? A beautiful row. And by the end of theevening, he's like, well, it was exhausted,.

Right? Now, we're going to demand a drugtest. But fake tapper and these people, they're going to be fine.They're going to be fair. I think they're going to be fair. And ifthey're not, you know, you have to deal with it, right? You have to deal with it. But Ijust wanted to accept. And, you know, the only one who wanted to do it on basicallyCNN and another agree to two of them, I guess. And they just agreed or somethingto a vice president debate. I said, how can I have a vice presidentdebate? I haven't even picked. I haven't even picked the gentlemanor woman yet. I haven't picked. A lot of people think it's that guyright there. I don't know who the.

Hell knows. These would be very good. Wehave a lot of them would be good, Doug, right? We have a lot of good people. But asyou may know, in addition to the millions of people pouring across our border, JoeBiden is now reportedly planning to bring in massive numbers of Gazans from the MiddleEast and resettle them in American communities. I can't believe you don't with Tlaiband AOC plus three and all of these things. You don't like that. And I'msurprised in Minnesota. I thought you were a very liberal place. Ithought you were very liberal. I'm so surprised. So disappointed. You've hadenough, right? They're saying in Minnesota, I've done my share. Let's end this stuff.Let's end it. And now it's it's pretty amazing,.

Actually. How about where they were flying? And did you see it got caught twomonths ago, everyone's, you know, the pouring through. that we found outthat they're flying them over the border, freely flying thousands and thousands ofpeople over the borders into little towns and great states that they didn't do anythingto deserve this, and they're being swamped now. I just don't understand the thinking, you know? We're really, you know, some peoplesay, you're conservative, or I say, yeah, I'm conservative, I guess, but I'mreally more of a common -sense person. I think we're the party of common sense. I'dalmost rather. And that means you need borders,.

You need a strong military, you need goodeducation, try and get low interest rates, low taxes, but basically, it'ssort of mostly common sense. Like, we just went over men and women'ssports. We don't want to have men in women's sports. It's actually very dangerous,you know? Women are being very badly hurt. Now they want to do boxing.They want to have women in boxing. You can't do these things, okay?You can't do these things. And professional boxers know it very wellbecause they play around. They say, you can't have women in boxing, but theyactually want to have women in boxing. The whole thing is crazy. And I think,you know, we're really the party of common.

Sense. I'm making a speech in a week tothe, let's see, what would I call it? A couple of parties that generally don'tvote for us, but they would be with us. They vote for that party. And I'm makinga speech that's a little bit of a secret right now, but I'm making a speechto a certain group of people that get 3 or 4 percent. You knowwho I'm talking about, right? The libertarians, they're great people, and theyare based largely on common sense. And I say, you know, they get 3 or 4 percent. Thelibertarians get 3 or 4 percent every year, no matter who runs. And every oneof those votes is a Republican vote. Wouldn't you say, I mean, I thinkevery one of those votes, Mr. Chairman,.

Is a Republican vote. And I'm going tosay, why aren't we doing this together? Why are we doing this? You know,you're going to get your 3 percent. You're going to feel wonderful, butyou're not going to get anything. There's no value in that. Butyou add that 3 percent to us, and we can't lose. We'll win by record number.members. And that's basically my speech. It's very simple. That's basically my speech.But they'll be coming from one of the biggest terrorist havens on the planet, the place wherethe October 7th attack was planned. I mean, they're coming in from places like thatand they're coming into our country. And they launched the attack rightfrom the areas where they're coming.

Into our country. It's not wecan't let this happen. We have to stop it. We're not going to have acountry. We're poisoning our country. These people will be impossible to vet.The vast majority support Hamas and even neighboring countries like Egyptand Jordan don't want them. You know, Jordan doesn't want them. Egypt doesn't want them. They don't want them. But Crooked Joe Biden says,we'll take them here. It's nothing but trouble. You know, you've heard the snake quite a bit, right? Everybody heard thesnake. I should have brought it. I should have done the snake. But butbasically you take snakes and you're going.

To get bit. And we're taking people thatare people that other people don't want, and I guess for a reason. You know, neighborsdon't want to take them, any of them. And it's a sad thing. It's a very sad thing.But we have to be very, very vigilant. Look, we have a country that's very fragile. Wehave a country that could very quickly end up in World War III because we havestupid people running our country. We were guaranteed no wars. All ofthese things wouldn't have happened. Think of it. That Ukraine wouldn't havehappened, inflation wouldn't have happened, Israel attack wouldn't have happened.None of it would have happened. President Xi wouldn't be flyingplanes all over the place,.

Over Taiwan. He wasn't going to do that.He would have never done that with me as president. And everybody admitsit, even the Democrats admit it. But it's no wonder Joe Biden and histhugs are so desperate to stop us, and they know that we are the only ones whocan stop them. You know, this MAGA movement, Make America Great Again, Joe. You know the wayhe says, we're going to stop the MAGA movement. He doesn't have any idea what MAGAmeans. No, he has no idea what MAGA means. We will stop the MAGA movement.Pause. Oh, pause. Remember that one? This is what we're dealing with. And you know,in the debate, you notice we'll have debates. I think, you know, we're going to have thisdebate, sort of. If he makes it through.

The debate, and I think he will, they'llsay it was the finest debate performance in history. There was no way that Trumpcould have competed with the intellect. This is the greatest ever. I watchedafter that horrible State of the Union speech on CNN and MS DNC, where theygo. That's MS Democratic National Committee. For those of you thataren't very, MS DNC, it is MS DNC. Terrible people. Terrible, terrible sickpeople. But I watched where they were saying how great this was. This was thegreatest performance since FDR. You know, FDR had the golden, the golden tone. And he wouldsit up and he'd give State of the Union speech. FDR, beautiful voice, beautiful, veryhighly educated guy and beautiful.

Tone. We will fight and nobody will beat us. Wewill fight and fight and fight. And you know, he'd do it so beautifully. And then Joe Biden, uh, do you ever notice he's always like, howthe hell did this ever happen to our country? He's always coughing, butit's not like a cough. He puts his hand up. Then he walks out.He starts shaking people's hands. I don't want to say. Do you ever notice howmany people don't want to shake his head? The people don't want to shakehis hand. It's disgusting. The radical left Democrats rigged thepresidential election in 2020, and we are not going to allow them torig the presidential election in 2024.

Thank you. Mr. Chairman, you havea lot of spirit in this room, you know. You're sitting on a wild pony.Chairman, you're sitting on a wild pony. You got to pull that pony. You got to getit going. Everybody has to get out and vote. That's the big thing. They told me tosay that, sir, could you please say, because we have a lot of people.You know, some people, they love us, but they don't tend to vote. Idon't know for whatever reason. But they love us more than they've everloved anybody. But they don't vote. We got to get them out to vote. We do that.Then they can cheat a little bit at least, you know, because becausethey will cheat a little bit.

You know, you can't stop them. I sawa news announcer the other night on television. They were talking abouta certain state. And they said, well, you have to win it by at least fiveor six points more because they cheat. And they're talking about thison, like, a program. I say, isn't that terrible when they're allowedto say that, where they're allowed to say that you have to win by six pointsbecause they cheat? So we can't do that. But we're going to get everybody out tovote. There's more spirit now than there was in 2016 or 2020. And we got a lot ofvotes. But by a lot. Because they've had four years of watching. You know, whenI did 2016, the border was a big issue.

I almost got elected on the borderand the border was bad. But it was nothing compared to this. It was likea peanut. It was like 5% compared to this. I fixed the border and theborder in 2020 was not an issue. Just wasn't an issue. I used to killpeople. tell my people backstage, these genius people, I say, I wantto talk about the border. Sure, they don't want to hear about the border.You fixed it. I said, isn't that lousy? You do a good job. You can't talk aboutit anymore. But we still got millions of votes more, but I couldn't talkbecause we fixed it. But this border is many times worse. This isn't just a little bit.

This is many, many times worse than itwas. It was peanuts compared to what it is now. This is the worst border inthe history of the world. There's never been a country in history that hada border like this that's leaking. And we have at least 15 or 16 millionpeople. That's bigger than almost every state. We have at least 15 or 16 millionpeople. It could be much higher than that, have poured into our country,and we have no idea who they are. And bad things are going to happen, and wehave to get them out of here fast because bad, bad things are going to happen. Everytime the radical left Democrats, Marxists, communists, and fascists indict me,I considered a great badge of honor.

I really do, actually. You're luckyto have me instead of some stiff that would crawl into a corner. They'dcrawl into a corner. Mommy, mommy, I don't like this job. Mommy take mehome, they'd say. I had so much fun. Darling, I have a little bad news for you. Gohome to our great first lady who says hello, by the way. They love our firstlady. I had my very tall son get today graduated from high school.All six foot nine, six foot nine. He was easy to spot. You look overthere and you have this one kid like six foot nine. But he got good marks. He'sa good boy. It was a big day. Actually, you know, for a while the judge saidyou can't go to your son's graduation.

But but the it was it was a lot of people nothappy about that. But it was a beautiful it was a beautiful thing to watch. But if you thinkabout what we're doing and what I'm doing, I'm being indicted for you and neverforget our enemies want to take away my freedom because I will neverlet them take away your freedom. Thank you. Thank you. They want tosilence me because I will never let them silence you. And in the end,they're not really after me. They're after you. And I'm just standingin their way. And I always will. I'll be standing right in their way. They're notdoing anything to you. From the very first day that we take back the White House from CrookedJoe Biden, I believe we're going to see some of.

The greatest years ahead ever with so muchpotential in our country that's untapped. They've just turned off everything. They'veturned on a lot of things, and they're all bad. Everything they did was just bad. In my firstfour years, we ended the disaster known as NAFTA, the worst trade deal ever made in thehistory of our country, and replaced it. Everyone said you'll never be able to endit. We got it ended by Congress, right, Pete? And replaced it with the brand -new USMCA, thebest trade deal ever made. It's a fantastic, giant win for Minnesota farmers and dairyproducers and manufacturers and everyone else, and I know it's good because Mexicoand Canada are dying to change it. They're trying to get to change. And this guywill probably give them a change. Don't do it,.

Joe. Don't do it. I took on CommunistChina like no administration in history, bringing hundreds of billions ofdollars pouring into our treasury, when no other President hadgotten even 10 cents from China. And I think I made people aware that Chinais a threat, certainly an economic threat. And we took in hundreds of billions of dollarsfrom China. I then gave $28 billion, as I said, to the farmer. And in my next term, Iwill pass the Trump Reciprocal Trade Act. You know what that is? If China or anyother country makes us pay a single dime, if they make us pay, let's say, 100or 200 percent tariff, which they do, we will make them pay a reciprocaltariff of 100 or 200 percent right back.

In other words, you screw us and we screwyou. And you know, a lot of politicians and a lot of senators, one of them is not thatmuch into the economic world. And I said, I want your support. We were allset to do that until COVID came in. Then we had to focus on the COVID stuff,which was a terrible gift from China. And we did a great job on it with thetherapeutics and everything else. But when we left the stock market, itwas higher than it was pre -COVID. I mean, it was sort of an amazing thing. Wedid a good job on it. We never got credit. I got credit for the military. Igot credit for knocking out ISIS, Soleimani, al -Baghdadi. I gota lot of credit, Space Force.

But we never got credit for the jobwe did for the job we did, you know, with this unknown dust that happenedto fly in from China, the pandemic, the, as they call it, COVID,as I call it, the China virus. We want to be accurate. A giftfrom China. But unlike Joe Biden, who will destroy Medicare and SocialSecurity with his border invasion, you know, when you let millions of people comeinto our country, you're destroying Medicare. You're destroying your hospitals.You're destroying Social Security. I'll always protect Medicareand Social Security for our great seniors. They deserve it. Theydeserve it. They have to be protected.

We'll never change it. And I didn't change it.We've also gotten abortion out of the federal government and back to the states, which is avery big thing. thing we have to talk about, because a lot of Republican politiciansreally don't know how to talk about it. If you remember what when you look at Roe v. Wade, the big thing was getting it out of thefederal government. Every legal scholar, every legal analyst, everybodywanted it back. Democrats wanted it. Everybody wanted it back. And wegot it back. We took it back and we put it into the hands of thestates. And now it's up to the people. The people are voting all overthe country. They just voted in Ohio.

And frankly, it was a more liberal vote thana lot of people thought. But what it is, is it's the vote of the people.They just voted in Kansas. It was a far more. I won both those states by alot, but it was a far more liberal vote. And in some cases you have a littlebit of the opposite. But we took it out of the federal government whereit never belonged. And this used to be only a question of will itbe in the federal government? Is it in the federal government? Nobody wanted itin the federal. They wanted it back in the states, and now the states are deciding. And I thinkwe've made an issue that was a very nasty issue, a very complex issue, very bad issue, frankly.

I think we've made it much simpler, and I thinkwe've made it much more fair. If the radical Democrat extremists get their way, they willhave a federal law for abortion in the seventh, eighth, ninth month, and evenexecuting a baby after birth. If you remember the governor, the formergovernor, Democrat of Virginia, he said, we'll talk to the mother, we'll talkto the father. If the baby's born, we'll put the baby aside. And then essentiallyhe said, we'll execute the baby after birth. We'll make a decision on what to do withthe baby. We don't want that. They're the radical ones. We're not the radical ones.They're the radical ones, and you have to remember. And you also have to rememberthat every voter has to go with your heart.

You have to go with your heart and yourbeliefs and do what's right. But you have to think about one thing. We have to getelected. You have to get elected. And if you can't get elected, then not onlythe abortion issue, but you have many, many other issues that are very powerful, verybig issues, like issues that run our country. We have to get elected. So I want tothank the six Supreme Court justices, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, John Roberts, BrettKavanaugh, Neil Gorsuch, and Amy Coney Barrett, for the wisdom and the courage that they showedon this long -term, very contentious issue. And getting it back to the states puts thequestion where it belongs with a vote of the people. It puts it really whereit will be, the vote of the people..

And it's really been sort of amazingbecause it's really calmed down a lot. I think you see that, Tom. It's calmeddown a lot. It's now a vote of the people, and our country can finally come together.This issue has been going along for 51 years, and it's been very, very nasty. It's been a rough issue. maybe10 years ago. All they talked about was they wanted to get it back to thestates. We brought it back to the states, and now the states are deciding,and people are coming together. So, it's very interesting to watch, actually, but I want to thank the justices. BeforeI even arrive at the Oval Office shortly.

After we win the presidency, we win. It'sall of us. We're going to win it together. I will have the horrible war between Russiaand Ukraine settled. I'll get it. I know both of them very well. And we will build a great irondome over our country, a dome like has never been seen before, a state -of -the -art missile defenseshield that will be entirely built in America and create job, job, jobs, and much of it will bebuilt, actually, in a place called Minnesota. A lot of it's going to be built righthere. One of the nations that are being put Don't you think, you know, I watchIsrael and I watch those rockets go up, 300 rockets go up, and virtuallyevery one of them is knocked down? Well, we're a big target. And the level ofpower, the level of power of these weapons,.

Especially the nuclear weapons, thepower is so incredible. We deserve to have a dome like other countrieshave domes, like Israel has a dome. Think of Israel without the dome, withoutthe iron dome or whatever you want to call it. But that's what it is. And it waslargely manufactured and it was largely conceived by us. We can dosomething that was so incredible. It really will be a safety net. And Ithink we deserve to have it. And again, it's made in the USA. It really works. I mean,they shut down every, I think every missile, maybe one got through, but theyshut down close to 300 missiles. Now think of what would happen if theydidn't have it, 300 missiles. You might.

Not even have an Israel right now. Weneed that same kind of protection for ourselves. We have to have it and we'll doit and we'll do it at the highest level. It'll be an amazing thing. We're going togive our police back their protection and we're going to give them back their respect.As president, when the writers came to burn down Minneapolis, I insisted on sendingin the National Guard to save the city. I saved your city. Remember though, Velchi, Velchi, remember Velchi. This is a peacefulprotest. This is largely peaceful. The entire city was burning down behind you. Remember thescene? The fire looked like it went for miles. He's saying, this is a peaceful protest.And then somebody threw something,.

Hit him on the leg and he went down,right? He went down. He's down. He's down. It's a peaceful. It was realpeaceful. You lost half your damn city. If you didn't have me as president, you wouldn't have. Minneapolis today. Andyou wouldn't have had a couple of other cities that we saved or little beautifulareas that we saved. We saved them for you. But what I'll never forget thescene of this guy screaming that this is peaceful. It's peaceful. Andpeople are throwing everything at him, including bullets. Unbelievable.Unbelievable. Where are they coming from? Under my leadership, we will stand up tothe radical Marxist DAs who have set loose.

Thousands of dangerous, horrible, dangerouscriminals onto our streets. We're going to rebuild our cities into beacons of hope, safetyand beauty better than they've ever been before. We will take over the horribly run capital ofour nation in Washington, D .C., and clean up, renovate and rebuild our capital so that it'sno longer a nightmare of murder and crime, but rather it will become the mostbeautiful capital anywhere in the world, and it will be safe for people of Minnesota to go. and see those wonderful monuments tomonumental people. It will be safe. It's a cesspool of crime and graffiti rightnow. You have to see our capital, what happened to our capital. They're going to cleanit up, make it more beautiful than it ever was.

Be the most beautiful capital in the world. Onday one, I will sign a new executive order to cut federal funding for any school, pushingcritical race theory, transgender insanity, and any other inappropriate racial, sexual, orpolitical content onto the lives of our children. And I will not give one penny to any schoolthat has a vaccine mandate or a mask mandate. And as you've already heard tonight, Iwill keep men immediately out of women's sports. Is that okay? I will fully uphold ourgreat but very under siege second amendment. We're going to withhold the powers andthe beauty of our second amendment. We need our second amendment, probably morethan we've ever needed it before. It's under siege. Tomorrow I go to Texas, I goto Dallas, and I'm speaking before the NRA.

And there's a rumor that they're goingto give me their full endorsement, so that's a nice endorsementagain. That's a rumor. I don't know anything. I don't know. I don'tknow. Don't say it. It's only a rumor. Maybe they're going to give it to Doug. Whothe hell knows? We will protect innocent life, and we will restore free speech. And Iwill secure our election so importantly. You have to have borders, and youhave to have free, fair elections. Our goal will be to protect innocent lives.be one day voting with paper ballots, proof of citizenship, and voter ID.We will have voter ID. But until then, Republicans must win. We have to win to put usin that position where we can make these changes.

They're not drastic changes. You know, I've negotiated over the last number ofyears with the Democrats about voting, and they never want to give up on something calledvoter ID. Can you believe it? Just a little take, like, this is me, this is I want tovote, pictures sort of look similar. It doesn't even have to be perfect. We'lltake any. They don't want to give it up. You know why? Because they want tocheat. They want to cheat. There's only one reason. We won't give youvoter ID with the meeting start off. All right. We're all set to start,sir. But we will not give up on voter ID. Why? Because you're cheaters.That's why that use the meeting..

It starts there and it ends there whenthey don't want to give up voter ID. We want a landslide. in your state and wewant a landslide in our nation. We have a chance to have it. That is too big torig. Okay, too big to rig. Remember, I used to say five. I used to sayfive. This was six months ago. Now I say 10. And I think I could make itprobably 20. The view took the 10 worst presidents in the history of the United Statesand added them up. They would not have done near the destruction to our country as Crooked JoeBiden and the Biden administration have done. It's true. You take the 10 worst presidentsin the history of our country, the 10 worst, they will not have done the damage that thisguy has done to our country just on the border.

Alone. What he's done, Afghanistan, themost embarrassing day in the history of our country that is not even possibleto think a thing like that could happen. He took the soldiers out first. No, you stupidguy. You take the soldiers out last. And I was all set to do it. We were leaving withdignity and strength. 21 years was enough, but we were keeping Bagrambecause it's one hour away. As I said, China's where they make their nuclear weapons. But we were going to leavewith dignity and strength. Instead, we left $85 billion worth of equipment behind.We lost America. We left Americans right now. They're behind right now. There'shundreds of Americans that didn't.

Get out and we lost 13 unbelievable soldiersand 38 horrifically wounded that nobody ever talks about horrifically wounded. Nolegs, no arms, the face, everything. And that's what happened tous because we're stupid. We were run by stupid people. You know,I dealt with the head of the Taliban, which is really the ones that do thekilling and the ones that run Afghanistan. I dealt with his name was Abdul. AndI said, Abdul, don't kill our people anymore. Don't do it. And I can't reallyexplain it. This is too tough. But I said, we will. you so hard, harder thanwe've ever hit anybody, Abdul. Don't do it. But why, but why doyou send me a picture of my home?.

He said to me. He said, Abdul, youhave to ask one of your wives on that. I'm not giving it to you. But Isaid, I will, we will hit you so hard. And you know what? For 18 months, we didn'thave one soldier killed in Afghanistan, not even a soldier shot out. And then wehad a rigged election. Biden took over with a rigged election, really big, badly rigged. Biden took over and look at what's happened to ourcountry. But just there, when they saw this guy, they went wild. And don't kid yourselfwhen Putin saw that horrible withdrawal, that stupid, incompetent withdrawal, Millieand all these guys that didn't know what the hell they were doing, when he saw that,he said, wow, these guys are incompetent.

Now I can finally go in anddo my number on Ukraine, which was always the apple of his eye. Buthe would have never done that if it was me, but we would have never given him. the powerto do it. The other thing that did was energy. The energy went up to close to $100 a barrel. So, all of a sudden, he's making a fortuneby going into a war. And we allowed that to happen because we had peoplerunning that are grossly incompetent. And don't kid yourself. The biggestrisk we have is the next five months. We have five months of danger to ourcountry. We could end up in World War III because of this lunatic. We couldend up in World War III, and I mean it.

And one thing you'll never have withme, you'll never have a war. You know, Victor Orbon. He's the head of, you know that, Hungary. Very tough guy. Considered to be verytough. He's the Prime Minister of Hungary. They said, what's going on with theworld? The world is coming between Israel and Ukraine and China flying planesall over Taiwan. You can see they're just itching to take that one. What's going on?He said, only one thing, Trump isn't here. If Trump was here, none of thiswould be happening. He said they were afraid of Trump. I don't want touse that language because I don't want people to think old or afraid of Trump.Trump, Trump. But they respected me.

But he said, no, no, Trump. They were afraidof Trump. They didn't know what the hell to do with Trump. They wouldn't have, they wouldhave never done it. And it is true. There's no way Putin would have gone and there's no wayshe would be doing what he's doing right now. And October 7th, that would have neverhappened. And you know what else? A little something to add on. You wouldn'thave had inflation. We had no inflation because our energy prices were low. The energycaused the inflation when it went up so much. So if you want to save America, register,get an absentee or a mail -in ballot, vote early and vote on election day, youhave to. Whether you vote early or not, you know, people are disputing,well, I want to vote on Tuesday.

A lot of Republicans want. But whetheryou do it early, you vote on Tuesday. You've got to make sure you goand vote. You've got to get out and vote. You've got to get people thatlove us. They love everything we say. But they're just not used to voting. They're justnot used to it. They have to do it. You know, it's an amazing thing. People that haveguns, people that legitimately have guns, they love guns and they useguns for the right purpose. They're not. These are not criminals,but they tend to vote very little and yet they have to vote for us. There'snobody else to vote for because the Democrats want to take their guns awayand they will take their guns away.

So you got to get all your friends that love us, respect us, but they just typicallydon't vote members of the NRA. That's why I'm going to be talking to the NRAtomorrow. So you got to get out and vote. This year election season in Minnesotabegins on September 20th and goes all the way to November 5th. Isn't that ridiculous?By the way, you know what that does? It gives them the right to cheat because all those days,all those weeks and weeks and weeks and those ballots are sitting on the floor with waterpouring all over them and they shovel them. They show you ever see the wayit's like we're like a third world country. This is going to be themost important election in the history.

Of our country. I believe that's somuch. I used to say it with 2016. And I believed it. And then we straightenedit out. We had a great economy. We rebuilt our military. We did so much. We created SpaceForce. We did so much. And I didn't have to say it in 2020. I didn't considerthat the most important election. This is the most important electionby far that we've ever had. Much more important than 2016. And in conclusion,today we're taking on some of the most menacing forces and vicious opponents orpeople that our people have ever seen. We've never seen anything likewhat's happening. But no matter how hateful and corrupt the communistsand criminals we're fighting against,.

Maybe you must never forget this isnot a nation that belongs to them. This is a nation that totally belongsto you. It belongs to you. This is your home. This is your heritage. And ourAmerican liberty is your God given right from Rochester to Duluth fromMarshall to Minneapolis and from St. Cloud to St. Paul. This state haspioneered. I mean, you have been pioneered by men and women who brave thewilderness and the frontier to build a life for themselves and their families. And theylove your state and they love our country. They were farmers and miners andmanufacturers and shipbuilders, soldiers and lumberjacks. And they helpedbuild this country into the single greatest.

Nation in the history of the world.But now we are a nation in decline. We are a failing nation. We are anation that has lost its confidence and willpower and strength. Think ofthat. We are a nation that has lost its confidence. But we are not goingto allow this horror to continue. Less than four years ago, we were a great nation.We were respected all over the world. Everybody respected us and we will soon be a great nationagain. is hardworking patriots like you who built this country, and it's hardworking patriotslike you who are going to save our country. We will fight for America like no onehas ever fought before. We don't have a choice. Twenty -twenty -four is ourfinal battle. With you at my side,.

We will demolish the deep state. We willexpel the warmongers from our government. We will drive out the globalists.We will cast out the communists, Marxists, and fascists. We will throwoff the sick political class that hates our country. We will route the fakenews media. We will drain the swamp, and we will liberate our country from thesetyrants and villains once and for all. Thank you. Thank you very much.Like those patriots before us, we will not bend, we will not break, wewill not yield, and we will never give in, we will never give up, and wewill never, ever, ever back down. With your support, we will go on to victory, thelikes of which no one has ever seen before. We.

Will evict the worst president in the history ofour country from the White House on November 5, 2024. The great silent majorityis rising like never before, and under our leadership, the forgottenman and woman will be forgotten no longer. Like four years ago, you were not forgotten,but you are forgotten now. We are one movement, one people, one family, andone glorious nation under God. And together, we will make America powerful again. We will make America wealthy again.We will make America strong again. We will make America proud again. We willmake America safe again. We will make America free again. And wewill make America great again.

Thank you, everybody. Thank you. Thank you, Minnesota. God bless you, everybody.God bless you. God bless you, man.

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3 thoughts on “๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ Donald Trump | Minnesota GOP Lincoln Reagan Dinner in Saint Paul, MN (Also can 17, 2024) [CC]

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