🇺🇸 Donald Trump | South Carolina Republican Vital Victory Speech (Feb 24, 2024) [Subtitles CC]


🇺🇸 Donald Trump | South Carolina Republican Vital Victory Speech (Feb 24, 2024) [Subtitles CC]

Thank you very much. Wow. That is really something. This was sooner than we anticipated. It was an even bigger win than we anticipated. And I was just informed that we got doublethe number of votes that has ever been received in the great state of South Carolina. So that's pretty good. So it's a record time soon.

There's something going on in the country. Some really great things are going on. You look outside, and you see all of the horror. You see millions and millions of people comingacross the border illegally. We don't know where they come from. They come from jails. They come from prisons. They come from all sorts of places that wedon't want to know. They come from mental institutions and saythis happens.

And we don't want that in our country. We're not going to stand for it. You have terrorists coming in. You have people coming in that we just can'tdo. Could sustain what's happening to the UnitedStates of America in no country. So we're going to straighten things out. The border is the worst it's ever been. In 2016, we won. And we had a bad border.

And I talked about the border a lot, talkedabout it a lot. And so we're going to fix it. We're going to fix it. We fixed it very quickly. And in 2020, we couldn't talk about it. Although we did get millions of more votesa second time. But now there's a spirit that I have neverseen. We ran two great races. But there's never been ever, there's neverbeen a spirit like this.

And I just want to say that I have never seenthe Republican Party so unified as it is right now. Never been like this. And a big part of that is the people standingbehind me. These are the biggest officials in South Carolina. But I say like the biggest officials in ourcountry, as far as I'm concerned, they're really, they're state figures, but they'renational figures. And in the truest sense of the word, theylove our country so much. And they want to see our country succeed andbe respected again.

Right now, we're laughing stock all over theworld. Our country is going to be respected again,respected like never before. So this is a fantastic evening. It's an early evening and a fantastic. You can all go down and you can celebratefor about 15 minutes and we have to get back to work because the big date, the big date,you know, Michigan's coming up. We're doing great. The auto workers are going to be with us 100percent because they got sold out by this country.

But Michigan's up and we're going to havea tremendous success there. And then we have a thing called Super Tuesday. And I think we're leading 91 to 7 overall. If you don't mind, may I have the pleasureof introducing some incredible people because they stuck right from the beginning, fromthe very moment we announced and they believe in make America great again. That's what they believe in. They believe in America first. We're putting America first.

First of all, my family, Melania Baron, DonJr. and Kimberly, Ivanka and Jared, Tiffany and Michael. They're so supportive. So supportive of me and we really appreciateit and love them. We have a great family and we have incrediblefriends and we're going to be up here on November 5th and we're going to look at Joe Biden andwe're going to look him right in the eye. He's destroying our country and we're goingto say, Joe, you're fired. Get out. Get out, Joe.

You're fired. They're destroying our country and we're goingto, I just wish we could do it quicker. Nine months is a long time. I just wish we could do it quicker, Mr. Governor. I wish we, is there anything you can do withyour vest powers to make that, you know, in certain countries you're allowed to call yourelection date. If I had the right to do it, I'd do it tomorrow. I'd say we're having an election tomorrow. Henry, is there anything you can do?.

I want to start off because right from thebeginning, Henry McMaster, the governor of this incredible state. And much more importantly, his wife Peggy,she's with him all the way. I'll tell you. Never saw anything. What a couple. But I'd like to ask him to say a few words. He's a very special man, an incredible governor,very popular in the state. And really, I mean, he gave us some very goodadvice.

And he has right from the beginning. You know, from the day I announced I had thelieutenant governor, he was the lieutenant governor. And from right at the beginning, when I announced,then I said, I don't know the gentleman. Is he good? They said, he's really great. I said, well, I hope so. And you know what? Within about two weeks, I said, that guy isunbelievable.

You know, I never got the support of the governor. She supported somebody else, but I had thesupport of somebody much, much better, Henry McMaster. And we won in a landslide. And I'd like to ask the governor to say afew words. Please, Henry. Thank you, Mr. President. I'll be very brief. Y 'all, I'd like you all to remember thismoment that you were here.

This is a great moment in American history. We will probably never see another one likeit. Every time a rocket launches, you know itgoes up slow and then it's climbing and climbing, and then boom! That next stage comes off and it goes. Well, we just did that. We just hit maximum and we're going all theway. So I'm going to ask somebody else to say becausehe came on board and Lindsey wanted him and the Lieutenant Governor wanted him and everybodywanted him.

Henry and Peggy wanted him. So I thought he was okay, but he didn't lovespeaking about himself because he's a good person. See, I have no problem with that. It's a problem. What a personality. I don't know. But he endorsed me, and then we asked himto go and do a few shows. And they're not often nice shows.

They're very hostile. And what he did was I said, is this the sameman? And he campaigned nicely, but he's a highquality person when he was supporting me. The day, is that correct, Lindsey? When he went out? Tim Scott, Senator Tim Scott, he went outand he was ripping it. I said, what happened to Tim Scott? What a dynamo. And he has been one of our great advocates.

He's been doing things that have been unbelievable. And I'm just very happy he didn't have thatsame energy drive because I think I probably would have been out of the race a long timeago. But I want to say a very special man. I really do mean it. So many people have such great respect forhim, and you're very lucky to have him in the state. Tim, please, say a few words. Hello, South Carolina!.

The longer I speak, the less you hear of him. So let me just ask one survey question, andyou better answer it loud and clear. Is South Carolina Trump Country? Thank you very much. Really great job, amazing. Another man, not a lot of people know him. He doesn't do too much television. He happens to be a little bit further leftthan some of the people on the stage. But I always say, when I'm in trouble on theleft, I call up Lindsey Graham, and he straightens.

It out so fast. And I'll tell you, no, no, no, no, remember. Remember. What? I love him. He's a good man. Come up here, Lindsey. Come up here, let's see. Come here.

Okay, are you ready? America, the nightmare you're facing is justabout over. Help is on the way. This is the most qualified man to be Presidentof the United States. And let it be said that South Carolina createdthe biggest political comeback in American history. Thank you, Lincoln. So, I have a son who's a very talented guy. He works so hard, and we love him.

And his wife is very good. She goes on and a Laura. And I want to thank Eric and Laura for doingsuch a fantastic job and really really amazing. They're amazing people. Let's go down a little list of some of thepeople that are up here tonight because every one of them is a star in their own right,and your Lieutenant Governor is going places. You do know that, right? Pamela Evans. And really going places.

And Speaker of the House Merle Smith, who'scoming up at a couple. You know some of these people are actuallybusy. He's running to get over here. But we want to thank you, Speaker of the House,fantastic person, doing a great job for this state. An Attorney General who's been in the newslately a lot, winning cases. Oh, I wish we had such a good Attorney Generallike that in New York. He's a great Attorney General. Alan Wilson, thank you, Alan.

His father happens to be up here too. Remember his famous, you lied, remember? He's been loved ever since, hasn't he? Treasure Curtis Loftus. Curtis, thank you very much. Wherever you may be. Thank you. Thank you, Curtis. Mark Hammond, Secretary of State.

Thank you, Mark. Ambassador, and this is a great ambassador,one of the best. Any time we had a problem, I'd just call EdMcMullen, and he would solve the problem very quickly. Ed, thank you very much. We have a man who's done a really good jobin the state, your South Carolina GOP Chair, Drew McKessick. Thank you. Thank you.

We have a highly opinionated, Drew, for people. I'll tell you, they turned very positive onyou very quickly, Elizabeth. So you have a beautiful, beautiful state rightnext to North Carolina. We love North Carolina. In fact, they named their daughter, Carolina. And I said, which state? She said both. She's very, I think I know which state, butthat's okay. But they have the most beautiful daughternamed Carolina.

So we love both of them. We love them both very much. We want them both very easily. And one of the reasons we want North Carolinais a man named Michael Watley, who looks like … Who looks to me, we g ave him our endorsement,and he looks to me like he's going to be going on to the National Republican Party as theboss, Michael Watley. Where is Michael? Michael, thank you very much.

And he's going to be working with Laura. And we may be putting Kellyanne in the grouptoo. Do we like Kellyanne? We love Kellyanne. But you're going to do a fantastic job, bothof you. We appreciate it very much. What a job he's done in North Carolina. You know, that evening of 2020 with thosevotes coming in, we're leading in Pennsylvania. And all of a sudden, no, something happened.

It went boom. And then we're leading all over the place,Georgia, and then boom. And we're leading. But North Carolina, I said, when is NorthCarolina … when is that going to go? When are they going to drop lots of ballotsinto that one? And you know what he did? He just kept that thing, and we never hada problem. And I said, that's my kind of guy. He had hundreds of lawyers.

How many lawyers did you have? He had 500 lawyers to make sure they didn'tcheat, and they didn't cheat in North Carolina. And then I said, that's my kind of guy. So I appreciate it. Great job. We're very proud of you, and you're goingto do a fantastic job. And come election period … you know, weused to have election night. Now we have election period, because someof these elections go on for 48 days, 61 days. Then they announce, they get all this equipment,then they announce … they'll be announcing.

The vote in three weeks from now. Can you imagine? They don't know what they're doing, but Iwill tell you, you have done a fantastic job, and we very much appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you, Michael. We also have a lot of members of Congress,including members of Congress out in the audience. This room is full of energy, and our partyis full of energy like never before. And I mean it.

There's never been unity. There has never been unity in our party. Just the fact, think of it, we've had a lotof primaries in this state. The fact that we got double the number ofvotes in history, there's never been anything like that. Who's ever heard of that? So we have members of Congress with us. I'm very proud of this one because I sortof said, that guy would be great. We had somebody that did a vote that I wasn'texactly happy with.

He voted to impeach your favorite president. And until then, oh by the, he'd love to havethat vote back, I could tell you. But until then, until then, he was a man thatcouldn't be beaten. I said, really, let's see. I said, who do we have that's good? And they said, the best we have is a man namedRussell Fry. And Russell Fry got out there, beat him sobadly in the primaries, he had my support. And he's been a fantastic, a fantastic congressman. So wherever you may be, hi Russell.

What a great job. Thank you. Thank you very much. That was great. We got rid of that one. We got rid of a lot of them. Almost, I guess every one of them, almostevery one of them, now they're gone. The impeachers are all gone. Nancy Mace is here, a non -controversial person.

But she's a real advocate and she's becomea real advocate. And I appreciate it Nancy very much. Thank you very much. She's a very strong woman and we want strongwomen. We like strong women. William Timmons, congressman William Timmons. He's been a fantastic warrior for our country. Joe Wilson, I spoke to you about him before. He is tough and he is smart.

And he and his beautiful wife produced a wonderful,wonderful attorney general. So Joe, thank you very much and you've donea fantastic job. Loves our country. Michael Walts knows more about the militaryprobably than anybody. And we see him on a lot and they always wanthis opinion. And he's got very strong opinions and he hatesto see what's happening to our country. That I can tell you, but he'll straightenit out. We'll all straighten it out together. Michael Collins.

Michael Collins. Michael, thank you. Thank you Michael. Great job. A very non -controversial person, but a verygood person. And he's a very capable man, Matt Gates. Thank you Matt. That's not bad Matt. Wow.

Wow. That's impressive. I'm very impressed, right? Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes,yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Matt, what's going on? How many people did you put up here? That's fantastic. And by the way, before I forget, we have agroup of people, and I know this is okay with.

You from North Carolina. It's about 60 women that travel all over thecountry with me. Every time I'm out, we do a rally. We have to do it. At least it has to be up -significant. So usually rallies, but I think they're upto number 121. They've done 100. They're all beautiful women. Obviously, they're very wealthy.

They look so wealthy and beautiful. Look at them over here. But they travel all over the country and wayover 100, and I'm trying to figure out the husband. They're all happily married. They have these wonderful husbands. One of the husbands is standing right there. He's the smartest one of all. But I just want to thank you.

Your support is so incredible. I get out, and it's like a breath of freshair. I look at these incredible people, and atleast here we're having one that's very close, right? You don't have to travel out to Californiaand Texas and all the other places. Well, we very much appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Very special women. A woman who is actually out campaigning today. She is the hardest worker. I said, Marjorie. This is Marjorie Telligree. I said, Marjorie. I said, Marjorie, you don't have to do. She went to a polling sector, and she hadthe Trump flag, and she's waving it and screaming vote.

I said, Marjorie, it's 4 .30. It's just about over for the vote. Please, she said, nope, nope, I'm stayinglonger. This is the hardest working, wherever youare. The most incredible woman. She's respected by everybody. She is very smart. And I'm just very happy that she's on ourside, right, Eric? I'm very happy that she's on our side, right?.

So it's been an incredible period of time. We have a country that is a failing nation,but we're not going to have a failing nation very long. We are not going to allow, we are not goingto allow this to happen. We love our country. We love it dearly. We're going to fight for our country. We're going to fight for our rights. We're not going to let this go on becauseit is not sustainable by any country.

You cannot let, I believe, the number by thetime we get him out. And remember the date, November 5th, it'sgoing to be the most important date, perhaps in the history of our country. The election is on November 5th. So we have Michigan coming next week. We have Super Tuesday. We have ball coming. You know, we've set a record so far in everysingle. In Iowa, we got the most votes in historytimes too, just like this.

The biggest margin of it. We then went to New Hampshire. You know, New Hampshire and Iowa, they'vebeen around a long time politically. And we went to New Hampshire. We got the most votes in the history. That's like who has the most home runs? Who has the most hits in baseball? Or who threw the most touchdowns in football? Who got the most points in basketball?.

It's very simple. We got the most votes in the history of NewHampshire primary. That's a tremendous, and that goes back somany decades. And we beat them. You know, you have John F. Kennedy. You have a lot of good people to beat. And we beat them by not a little bit, by alot. And then we went Virgin Islands. I want to thank the Virgin Islands becausethey made a very strong play for the Virgin.

Islands and we got 100 percent of the VirginIslands. And then, of course, Nevada, as you know,we went to Nevada. We got 99 .6 percent of the vote. And then they had a primary. And this is no candidate. You know, it's called, this is at variousforms, unknown candidate. But this is no candidate. Got 65 percent of the vote. And they think I was the no candidate becauseit was a caucus.

It wasn't a primary. And you have to know what you're doing. You have to go into the caucus, not the primary. But without going into it, I think we wonby 50 points or something like that. So and then we come here and what an honorthis is. You know, in South Carolina, I've won everyprimary by a record and we've won every election by a record and people like these two andlike this great governor and your great lieutenant governor. And I have to say, thank you very much, Pam.

What a job. Thank you. They make it really easy. And many of them, as I was announcing, seemslike a long time ago, but as I was announcing before I finished the speech, they said, we'reendorsing Trump. Those are friends. Those are great, great friends. And we had some strong competitors. I mean, we had some very strong competitors,but these were real friends.

South Carolina, thank you very much. Go home, get rest. We have a lot of work ahead of us. We love you all. God bless you all. God bless you all. Thank you very much. God bless you.

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