๐Ÿ›‘ Biden says he’ll price proposed legislation to ban TikTok if Congress passes it | TGN Data


๐Ÿ›‘ Biden says he'll price proposed legislation to ban TikTok if Congress passes it | TGN Data

President Joe Biden has endorsed legislation that could lead to a ban of the popular video sharing app Tik Tok in the United States citing concerns about data privacy in China's influence the legislation which passed unanimously through the US House energy in Commerce.

Committee requires China's bite dance Tik tok's owner to devest its ownership of the app or face a ban Republican house Speaker Mike Johnson supports the bill indicating it will likely come up for a full house vote soon former president Donald Trump opposes the ban suggesting it would benefit rival social media platform Facebook Trump's stance.

Contrasts with powerful Republicans like Johnson and House Majority Leader Steve scalise who view the legislation as crucial for National Security both the FBI and the Federal Communications Commission have expressed concerns about Tik Tok potentially sharing user data with the Chinese government although no evidence has been provided in response.

Biden recently signed an executive order aimed at preventing the transfer of Americans personal data to countries deemed as countries of concern including China if enacted the bill would effectively ban Tik Tok and other bite dance apps from us app stores and web hosting Services the legislation requires bite dance to devest Tik Tok.

Within 180 days or face Prohibition in the US and it creates a process for the executive branch to prohibit access to apps owned by Foreign adversaries if deemed a national security threat despite concerns a poll indicates a divided opinion among Americans regarding a Tik Tock ban with a significant portion of users showing.

Less worry about data privacy concerns compared to the general population the Senate approved a $460 billion spending package containing six annual spending bills ensuring key federal agencies continue operations without a shutdown this bipartisan effort passed with a vot of 75 to 22 aims to meet budgetary deadlines and.

Fund crucial Services the bill already approved by the house awaits President Joe Biden's signature notably negotiations for a second package including defense spending are ongoing to meet the March 22nd deadline for fully funding federal agencies while Republicans secured some policy victories Democrats successfully.

Defended against many republican policy writers the bill includes Provisions such as preventing the sale of boil from the Strategic petroleum Reserve to China and protecting free speech at local school board meetings despite criticisms from some lawmakers the bill also encompasses over 6,600 projects requested by individual lawmakers.

Highlighting bipartisan participation though delayed the process marks progress in breaking away from passing spending bills in one massive package enhancing scrutiny and accountability a group of House Republicans led by representative Russell fry sent a letter to the Biden Administration demanding the immediate.

Termination of a program that has flown over 320,000 migrants into the United States the letter expressed concerns about the secrecy surrounding these flights and their exacerbation of the existing crisis at the southern border fry cited a report by the center for immigration studies detailing the use of secret flights to transport illegal.

Aliens from Latin America to various US cities the letter also referenced the recent murder of lak and Riley by an illegal migrant emphasizing the dangers opposed by illegal immigration fry highlighted the presence of individuals on the terrorist watch list among those stopped at the southern border raising concerns about potential security.

Threats the letter included a series of questions demanding transparency from the administration regarding the flights destinations costs and oversight representative Brian Babin criticized the Biden Administration for exploiting loopholes to bring unvetted migrants into the country warning of National Security risks illegal immigration has.

Served Ed in recent years with over 8.7 million illegal Crossings Nationwide since Biden took office in 2020 and over 1 million encounters since the start of fiscal year 2024 US Customs and Border Protection did not immediately respond to inquiries regarding the matter a federal judge dismissed a challenge from.

Republican-led States against a Biden Administration program allowing a limited number of migrants from Cuba Haiti Nicaragua and Venezuela to enter the US on humanitarian grounds US District judge Drew B Tipton ruled that Texas and other states lacked legal standing to challenge the program as they failed to demonstrate Financial.

Harm caused by it the program which grants parole to up to 30,000 Asylum Seekers monthly aims to provide alternative Pathways into the US and address labor shortages the White House welcomed the ruling emphasizing the program's success in providing lawful Pathways for migrants while reducing unauthorized border.

Crossings since its launch in 2022 over 350 57,000 individuals have been granted parole primarily from Haiti Venezuela Cuba and Nicaragua applicants must apply online have a financial sponsor in the US and can stay for 2 years with a work permit if approved President Biden has extensively used Parole Authority to.

Facilitate entry for humanitarian reasons or significant public benefit the Court's decision received praise from Advocates who view the program as crucial for modernizing the immigration system and relieving pressure on the border the lawsuit did not challenge the programs used for Ukrainian migrants following Russia's.

Invasion house Democrats are concerned about potential interference with their investigation into the Department of Homeland Securities Inspector General Joseph kuari kuari thanked Republican leaders for confirming he is not under investigation by two committees and claimed whistleblower status despite ongoing investigations into his actions.

Democrats question kari's judgment and respect for congressional oversight urging Republican committee chairs not to condone his obstruction kufar office did not respond to requests for comment and his leadership has faced scrutiny for declining investigations into significant events and imposing limits on the inspector General's reach despite.

Bipartisan concerns and calls for his removal kuari remains in his position Republican US Representative Matt Rosendale of Montana has announced his decision to drop out of his rection bid citing defamatory rumors and a death threat against him this marks the second time in a month that Rosendale has entered and then quickly withdrawn from.

A congressional race previously he filed for the Republican nomination for the US senate seat held by Democrat John tester but withdrew 6 days later due to pressure from GOP leaders and lack of fundraising success Rosendale exit from the house race leaves an opening for Democrats in November's election although they still face challenges in.

The conservative leaning District Republican leaders in Washington favored Tim sheii over Rosendale for the senate race seeing him as having a better chance to unseat tester Rosendale departure from the house race has led to a crowded field of Republican candidates vying for the seat former US Army Special Forces Green Beret in combat.

Veteran Derek Anderson has received an endorsement from representative Tom emmer Republican Minnesota Who currently serves as the House Majority Whip Emmer's endorsement adds to Anderson's bid to represent Virginia's seventh congressional district currently held by representative Abigail spanberger Democrat Virginia making it one of the.

Gop's top targets to flip from Blue to Red in 2024 Anderson who launched his campaign last September expressed gratitude for emmer support emphasizing his commitment to conservative leadership and improving the lives of constituents several other GOP lawmakers including house Speaker Mike Johnson.

Republican Louisiana and house Republican conference chair Alise stefanic Republican New York have also backed Anderson's candidacy Anderson who served in the Army from 2006 to 20 2016 and deployed on six tours of Duty throughout the Middle East narrowly lost the Republican primary for the seat in 2022 with spanberger not seeking.

Re-election to her post in the house and instead running for governor of Virginia Anderson is one of nine candidates buying for the Republican nomination for the district Senate Republican conference chair John barasso Wyoming has secured enough votes to become the next Senate Republican whip in 2025 despite being mentioned as a.

Potential candidate for Senate Republican leader baraso focused on Gathering support for the number two elected member spot in Senate GOP leadership the current holder of that position Senate Republican whip John Thun SD is running to succeed Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell Kentucky baraso expressed confidence in.

His candidacy citing his track record as chair of the policy Committee in conference chair ensuring members received credible reliable And Timely information he noted overwhelming support from fellow Senate Republicans baraso has been chair of the Senate Republican conference since January 2019 succeeding th who held the position from.

2012 to 2019 the house Judiciary Committee states that the justice department has not complied with a subpoena requesting transcripts or audio recordings of special Council Robert H's interview with President Biden despite the deadline of March 7th House Republicans leading an impeachment inquiry into.

Biden's handling of classified documents had previously notified attorney general Merrick Garland of The subpoena while the department provided some documents it did not include the requested transcripts or audio recordings the committee with necessary clearances to review the contents is considering its next steps a source familiar with the.

Subpoena had indicated the March 7th deadline for the materials the justice department responded expressing disappointment with the subpoena timing citing ongoing efforts to respond to Congressional requests the letter to Garland from house oversight committee chair James James comr and house Judiciary Committee.

Chair Jim Jordan outlined investigations into Biden's retention of sensitive documents related to his family's foreign business dealings special counsel her in his report released in February did not recommend criminal charges against Biden but described him as a sympathetic well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory her is scheduled.

To testify publicly about his report before the house Judiciary Committee on March 12th the United States is considering imposing sanctions on several Chinese technology companies including chipmaker chunxi and memory Technologies as part of an effort to further curb China's advancement in advanced.

Semiconductors Bloomberg News reported that the Commerce Department's Bureau of industry and security is contemplating adding Chong Xin to The Entity list which limits access to us technology along with five other Chinese firms neither the department the bureau nor Chang Xian memory Technologies responded immediately to requests for comment from.

Reuters last year the United United States took action to block American Imports to a major smic plant after it manufactured the chip used in huawei's mate 60 Pro phone these efforts resulted in the suspension of millions of dollars worth of shipments of chipm materials and parts from at least one supplier integress in recent months the United.

States has been proactive in halting shipments of more advanced AI chips to China as part of its strategy to prevent Beijing from acquiring cuttingedge us technologies that could enhance its military capabilities Turkish and US officials engaged in extensive discussions covering topics such as the conflicts in.

Ukraine and Gaza as well as various bilateral issues during meetings in Washington according to turkey's foreign minister the talks part of a series called the Strategic mechanism aimed to address deep policy differences and enhance cooperation in other areas while relations between the NATO allies have been strained in recent years especially.

Over disagreements on multiple fronts there has been a recent uptick following turkey's endorsement of Sweden's NATO members ship bid foreign minister haken fidden highlighted discussions on Syria Ukraine Gaza defense industry collaboration energy and counterterrorism he emphasized the need for a ceasefire in Gaza humanitarian.

Assistance and progress towards a two-state solution regarding Ukraine fidden expressed turkey's desire for dialogue to end the conflict noting a lack of willingness from Kiev and Moscow despite progress challenges remain including tur tur's acquisition of Russian S400 defense systems which led to us sanctions and turkey's exclusion.

From the F35 program turkey also expressed concerns about us support for Kurdish militants in Syria fidden reaffirmed turkey's stance on Syria and the F35 issue urging Washington to approach the matter with an open mind Turkish president Reb T erdogan has expressed Readiness to host a peace Summit between Russia and Ukraine.

Following discussions with Ukrainian president volodimir Zen in Istanbul erdogan's proposal comes amid turkey's efforts to position itself as a potential mediator between Moscow and Kiev since Russia's Invasion more than two years ago zalinski however dismissed the idea of direct negotiations with Russia and emphasized the need for.

Ukraine and Western leaders to determine peace terms he mentioned an upcoming peace Summit in Switzerland but ruled out Russia's participation the talks between erdogan and zalinski were deemed productive with turkey praised for its mediation efforts on issues like Ukraine's Black Sea grain exports and prisoner.

Exchanges turkey's strategic location and its control of the boss for a strait give it a unique role in the conflict the two countries had previously brokered a Black Sea grain deal which was later abandoned by Moscow leading Ukraine to seek alternative shipping routes turkey has been advocating for an agreement to ensure safe navigation in.

The Black Sea concerns have been raised by turkey's Western allies regarding its relations with Moscow especially given its Rel Reliance on Russian energy and sanctions imposed by the United States on Turkish companies for aiding Russia the erdogan zalinsky meeting follows Russian foreign minister Sergey lavrov's recent discussions with his Turkish.

Counterpart hackin fidden meanwhile both Russia and Ukraine have accused each other of Civilian casualties resulting from drone strikes South Korea is taking Swift measures to address the demands of young doctors regarding pay and working conditions aiming to alleviate concerns without acknowledging a health care.

Crisis prime minister Han duxu stated that the current practice of 36-hour shifts for young doctors would be revised possibly limiting continuous work to 24 hours the move comes as over 10,000 medical interns and resident doctors protest against a plan to increase medical school admissions by 2000 yearly to.

Tackle a doctor shortage while the government remains committed to expanding medical student numbers hans's proposals aim to find common ground with the protesters the plan includes additional allowances for traine doctors starting with Pediatrics and similar payments for other specializations like emergency.

Medicine and general surgery president Yun Suk Yol has taken a tough stance against the protesters threatening to suspend their medical licenses for defying return to work orders despite the president's concerns about chaos in major hospitals officials claim the situation has stabilized in part due to other medical staff stepping up.

Additionally the government has started allowing nurses to perform some procedures previous ly restricted to doctors such as CPR and administering certain medications Japan and India have agreed to strengthen security and economic cooperation in response to China's growing influence in the region during.

Talks between Japanese foreign minister Yoko kamikawa and her Indian counterpart subah manam J Shankar both countries pledged to expand bilateral security cooperation including in defense equipment and Technology transfers they also discussed extending cooperation to new areas such as space and cyber sec security as members of the Quad grouping.

Along with the United States and Australia Japan and India have intensified their ties amid shared concerns about China's assertive activities J Shankar emphasized the importance of India and Japan as major indopacific nations in promoting peace security and prosperity in the region kamikawa.

Highlighted the need for defense and security cooperation given the evolving security environment the ministers welcomed expanding joint military exercises and discussed enhancing Economic Security in supply chain resilience along with cooperation in semiconductor Green Technology and digital.

Transformation additionally Japan reaffirmed its support for infrastructure development in India particularly in High-Speed Rail projects

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