02/12/24: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre


02/12/24: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

Well that was a flash my goodness is that a Polaroid it is whoa taking us back okay I think is the mic okay yeah okay all right everybody happy Monday and good afternoon to everyone hope everyone got some rest after last night Super Bowl uh the president was able to catch some of the game and on his behalf I want to extend.

A big congratulations to the Kansas City Chiefs on their third Super Bowl win in just five season and also congratulations to all the swifties out there the president looks forward to welcoming them back once again to the White House to celebrate their latest Victory as you know it is a White House tradition uh and so without Ado don't.

Have anything much more I know I know you guys are excited about that uh we have our uh the Admiral here my colleague John Kirby who is here to discuss the visit of uh King Abdullah of Jordan and the latest on the Israeli hostages who were freed in Rafa and also the liido coord our private sector investment Forum Admiral thank you.

So afternoon everybody um as you know president is uh hosting King Abdullah here at the white house this afternoon it's the 75th year of diplomatic relations between Jordan and the United States and this meeting will help further strengthen uh our enduring bilateral relationship during the meeting President Biden and the king.

Will discuss the ongoing situation in Gaza of course and efforts to help produce an enduring end to this conflict they'll also discuss increasing humanitarian assistance into Gaza and a vision for a durable peace uh to include uh the viability of a two-state solution with Israel's security guaranteed now before we get into questions I just want.

To express how pleased we are to hear the news of two Israeli hostages freed last night by Israeli Defense Forces in Rafa after 128 days Fernando Sim Marian and Lewis har are now reunited with their families where they belong that's where all the hostages belong quite frankly and so President Biden and his entire team is going to continue to work.

Around the clock to ensure and to secure their release we will spare no effort to do so and that includes capitalizing on recent progress in negotiations with our counterparts in the region and those negotiations are ongoing uh now I've also seen reports that civilians were killed over the weekend in Rafa due to Israeli.

Operations I can't confirm those reports but as we have said many times the proper number of Civilian casualties is zero we don't want to see a single innocent civilian death Israeli or Palestinian but let me be clear there can be no enduring end to this crisis until Hamas releases the men and women that they are holding hostage all of.

Them their release in a prolonged humanitarian pause is also essential for bringing critical relief to in the innocent people of Gaza who have absolutely nothing to do with the underlying conflict and this remains our Paramount objective now as Karine teased just a real quick note on Africa last Thursday the United.

States the government of Zam Zambia and the Africa Finance Corporation convene the partnership for Global infrastructure and investment libido Corridor private sector investor Forum tried to say that 10 times but uh in lasaka Zambia uh this was the first PGI investor Forum held outside of the United States bringing together more.

Than 250 business and government leaders with over a billion in us and G7 financing the corridor will ultimately connect Africans from Western Angola to Tanzania and the Indian Ocean through rural Bridges upgraded 4G and 5G digital connect connectivity increases in solar power investing in Agra business and food security uh and the biggest rail.

Investment in Africa in US history so very exciting we're we're very very pleased to be able to move this forward this this development project um and uh and it's exciting and we'll keep you posted with that take some questions than John first off congratulations uh our order I believe yeah thanks um the president yesterday's conversation with.

Prime minister NY rera the US opposition to uh operations expanded operations inside Rafa um to to root out hamas's remaining battalions there um in your uh outline a few a few seconds ago about what the end stage Hamas released the remaining hostages to end the conflict um does the US believe that Hamas can remain in Rafa uh is that an accept end.

Game of you know how are the Israelis if they can't go into Rafa to remove Hamas how are they supposed to get rid of Hamas from Gaza which the US sets their end goal here oh we never said that they can't go into Rafa to remove Hamas Hamas remains a viable threat to the Israeli people and the Israelis and the IDF absolutely are going to continue.

Operations against their leadership and their infrastructure as they should we don't want to see another October 7th what we said is we don't believe that it's advisable to go in in a major way in Rafa without a proper e executable effective incredible plan um for the safety of the more than a million Palestinians that are taking refuge in.

Rafa they they've left the North and they certainly went South out of conun to try to get out of the fighting so Israel has an obligation to make sure that they can protect them and uh related to the ceasefire uh hostage deal talks U yesterday a Senor senior Administration official says that a framework uh was was nearly reached but.

There are gaps remaining I was hopeing you can provide some clarification of what remaining gaps are in where on which side of the conflict those gaps are I I'm sure you can understand I'm not going to get into the the details of the negotiations we do believe as I've said before that there has been constructive.

Progress towards trying to get a deal in place for an extended pause and getting all the hostages out but it's it's not done and nothing is really negotiated until everything is negotiated and those conversations are ongoing now and it would be really irresponsible for me to to get into the details of it then just lastly for me um you had said the US.

Response to the killing of the three American Service members in in Jordan would be fa phased over over some time a few days uh is it safe to to say that the that the US response at this point is concluded or is it still ongoing you have to wait and see thank you uh John uh secretary Austin is back in the hospital uh we.

Wish him well but he's had to cancel uh a week a trip this week to Europe uh and another gathering of the Ukraine contact Group which he could attend virtually if he wanted to first off has has the president spoken to secretary Austin since he was hospitalized I'm not aware of any conversation between the two of them since uh since this just happened.

Yesterday has the president have any concerns that with his medical problems the secretary can no longer serve not at all um there were conversations here last week I know about the president saying uh that Israel's moves into Southern Gaza have been quote over the top and there were suggestions that that isn't necessarily something new but that.

Is a slightly more direct commentary on what they may or may not end up doing than we've heard from him in the past and we normally hear from world leaders talking about what other world leaders are up to is he changing his rhetoric on this given the concerns expressed by members of his party especially those in swing state Michigan I think the.

President's been pretty dang consistent almost from the very beginning Ed saying it was over the top at the beginning he's been very consistent Ed about uh our concerns over uh civilian casualties and damage to civilian infrastructure and the need for the Israeli Defense Forces to act with precision and deliberateness um and do caution about.

Um taking innocent life I mean that is not a new position by this Administration certainly not a new position by the president was that what he expressed yesterday in their call I'm not going to get beyond the readout uh we I think we we offered you a pretty good summary of the things that they discussed thanks K John uh over the.

Weekend satellite imagery emerged that indicates that Venezuelan military assets have been moved along along their border with Guyana do you have a comment we've uh We've obviously been monitoring this closely uh ourselves uh our assessment is that uh whatever military movements there have been by Venezuela have been of a very of a small.

Nature and size and scale and scope uh we see no indication that there's about to be hostilities or that the Venezuelan military would be capable of conducting um any significant military activities there uh we continue to urge uh uh a peaceful resolution to this and obviously we're going to continue to watch it closely I would remind that.

Anything that we're doing down in Guyana or in that area is done Pur purely for defensive purposes and on uh on Haiti the administration is uh convening a meeting including the keny uh starting today I understand and tomorrow yeah um what what's the goal of that meeting and when would you like to see this Force deployed we think there's a a certainly.

A significant need for a multinational security force of some kind down there to help protect the people of Haiti you're right there are discussions going on started today will go on uh again uh tomorrow over at Fort McNair here in town um so we're we're glad to host them um look forward to uh seeing where we can get but the idea really is to start.

To set out the general parameters of what that multinational security Force could look like and how it would operate um it's a entry-level discussion I have no doubt that they'll be following discussions as appropriate John the on the Jordanian meeting today the jordanians previewed the king's visit here as an effort to uh.

Gather support for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza um the president obviously has been a hard no on a ceasefire is that going to be the position he presents to the Jordanian King today when they meet well let's let the conversation happen before we get ahead of it uh we have been very consistent that uh we don't support a.

General ceasefire at this time which is you know uh uh again a ceasefire that would lead to um both sides laying down arms permanently and and and ending the war now we want to see the war end as soon as possible and we believe uh one of the first steps that's critical to doing that is a humanitarian pause an extended pause that longer than what we.

Saw back in November of a week that would allow us to get all the hostages out get more Aid and assistance in um and then hopefully lead to discussions that that could get us closer to an end to the conflict oh thanks K thanks Admiral so President Biden had told Israel's prime minister Netanyahu that any potential.

Ground invasion in Rafa should not happen without a plan to protect civilians there is the president confident that this message is getting through to Netanyahu and where are these civilians supposed to go so much of the infrastructure has already been destroyed in Gaza he's confident that the our Israeli counterparts understand.

Our concerns uh We've made them privately we've made them publicly um I won't speak for the Israelis or uh or what they may or may not do uh but they uh but they we've heard loud and clear our concerns about where the civilians that the civilians need to be protected uh I I can't tell you here talking Selena what what that would look like uh.

But uh but we we hope and expect that our Israeli counterparts will factor in the safety of those civilians appropriately as they consider future operations down in ra so what could that look like given the situation again I I can't get ahead of where we are right now that's really going to be a question for the Israeli Defense Forces they know.

And they understand our concerns and Israel's prime minister told ABC news without presenting evidence that Israel's military has killed more Hamas Fighters than civilians what is the US assessment of that do you agree with what Netanyahu told us we don't have an independent assessment of those figures and just.

Lastly the white what is the White House reaction to Trump saying he would encourage Russia to attack NATO allies if they don't contribute enough towards defense spending what is the message that not only sends to the world but especially to us allies well now you know I'm got to be careful I can't talk about things been said on the campaign.

Trail all I can tell you is that under this particular president President Biden as commander-in-chief NATO is now more relevant stronger bigger than it's ever been before uh and uh he has really prioritized our network of alliances and Partnerships around the world and of course NATO is right at the Forefront of that uh when it comes to the security.

Environment uh on the continent of Europe um and that's what that's what the American president ought to be about about reinforcing alliances and Partnerships and sending a strong signal particularly to NATO allies about how seriously we take our article five commitments and you've heard from President Biden gosh I don't know how.

Many times we will defend if needed every inch of NATO territory that's what the commander-in chief of the United States ought to be saying when it comes to Nato and just to follow up on that quickly um vice president Harris is going to be in Munich with a lot of those European Security leaders is part of her Duty there to reassure allies.

That that uh deterrence is is still a force here I have no doubt that the vice president will take the opportunity while she's in Munich not only to talk about our uh how this Administration is pursuing our national security interests in Europe and Beyond but how important again uh we consider uh our network of alliances and Partnerships and Trevor.

There's no other nation in the world none that has a network like the United States has because the president and the vice president the National Security team has invested so much energy in the last three years and revitalizing them a lot of allies and partners had a lot of questions when we came into office because they didn't feel valued they.

Didn't feel respected they didn't feel like the United States uh was uh was willing to continue to lead on on the on the world stage and we've proven that we are and on Rafa does the has the president ever threatened to strip military assistance from Israel if they move ahead with a Rafa operation that does not take into consequence uh what.

Happens with civilians we're going to continue to support Israel they have a right to defend themselves against toas and we're going to continue to make sure they have the tools and the capabilities to do that and what's the view about the role that Egypt should play there do they need to reopen their do they need to open that border on their side in.

Order to allow civilians to come through uh they Egypt has been a terrific counterpart with respect to Rafa and um and the use of that gate and allowing people that need to get out to get out people that you know third Third Country Nationals and they continue to do that they've been a terrific partner but it is closed right so the average person.

Can't there will be there have been and I suspect there will be closures at times uh based on the security environment but um but we're not concerned about our ability to continue to communicate with President LCC about um about the the proper use of that gate but just to be clear people are actually penned in right now Gaza civilians who.

Are not able to egress right Palestinians who are not able to ESS so is that something that the president wants to see movement on we don't want to see any forc relocation of people out of Gaza that's home for the Palestinian people well again that's something that we we we have and we'll continue to discuss with counterparts in the region.

But but it's home to those folks that's gaza's home um and they shouldn't be forced to leave Gaza if they don't want to leave now if there's going to be operations in Rafa or around Rafa the Israelis have a commitment an obligation to make sure uh that they can provide for the safety of innocent Palestinian the innocent innocent pal Palestinian.

People that are there but you're not pressuring Egypt allow I'm not going to get into the specifics of diplomatic conversations that we're having uh we don't want to see any Palestinian people forced out of Gaza that that's their home um if there are people that that need to leave that are not Palestinians and want to leave obviously we're.

Working with Egypt to do that thanks Admiral um can you just talk to us about the feasibility of moving the entire civilian population out of Raa is that even physically do there's a lot of folks there uh MJ more than a million some estimates that have it almost at 1.5 million um that's a lot of people that move down to Rafa to get out.

Of the fighting and so again um the the the task of providing for their safety at that number and in such confined spaces is difficult there's no question about that's going to be a heavy lift for any military it would be a heavy lift uh but uh but that's the conversation that we want to keep having with our Israeli counterparts that some.

That that I don't know what it's going to look like we can't tell you what it's going to look like that's really for the idea have to speak to but it absolutely has to be accounted for but do you think it's a it is a realistic goal that it is viable to try to move those people out of that area well let's see what the Israeli Defense Forces come up with and.

If they go ahead with the ground incursion anyway before the civilian population can safely be moved out of that area would there be any consequences from the US I know Trevor just asked a question about you know potentially stripping you know Military Support or security assistance what would the consequence be for Israel.

If they went ahead and did that anyway I want to get into hypotheticals on that we've we've been very clear with our Israeli counterparts privately and publicly about what our expectations are for the treatment of the innocent people uh that are that are down there near Rafa um and we're going to continue to as I mentioned it we're going to.

Continue to support Israel they have a right and responsibility to go after Hamas we're going to make sure that they can continue to do that but as from the very beginning we want to make sure that they do that in a way that accounts for the preservation of innocent life and civilian infrastructure and just since the president is about to meet with a.

Close Ally that publicly supports a ceasefire in Gaza can you just talk to us about whether the president's thinking on that has evolved at all you know is he a little bit closer to potentially supporting that publicly than say a month ago has his thinking on that evolved at all we haven't changed uh in terms of our desire to see an.

Extended pause uh so that we can get all the h hostages home with their families where they belong so we get additional security assistance in and we can see a reduction in the violence we are still focused on trying to get an extended humanitarian policy I'm asking about a permanent poliy I know what you're asking we're what I'm saying is we.

Support and continue to support an extended humanitarian Pa thanks uh thanks John I you talk uh I know you can't give uh specifics about consequences but I mean would the United States policy change under any circumstances you talk about an obligation to protect civilians the president has talked about over the top.

Indiscriminate bombings is there anything would there be any consequences would the US policy change or is it support no matter what I just won't get ahead of where we are right now and I'm certainly not engage hypotheticals we want to make sure Israel can continue to defend itself we want to make sure that humanitarian assistance continues to.

Flow to the people of Gaza and by no means has there been enough there needs to be more and we want to get all those hostages home we believe that the best way to accomplish those three goals is to get an extended pause in place to bring the violence down to get people out and get Aid in and that's what we're focused on and I I get the I get the.

Thrust of the question I'm just not going to engage in hypotheticals about changes in concern that you can give to the Israelis to to help protect the civilians we have communicated uh again consistently and strident since the beginning of the conflict I mean since the time the president went to Tel Aviv on the 17th of October just a week or so.

After the attacks how important it is that Israel knows it's going to have our support and that they do everything they can to protect innocent life on another question if I may what what does what why did the president allow his campaign the president uh allow his campaign to go on Tik Tok despite the national uh Security review of the platform I'd have.

To refer you to the campaign for but I mean it's still the president of the United States he's still sending the president is sending a message to Americans about the N about the safety of Tik Tok by doing that I'd have to refer you to the campaign on that decision thanks green thanks Admiral um sorry to press you on this issue of of.

Rafa but I mean and you say there's you we're not going to talk about um possible halting military aid you're not going to talk about consequences what leverage does the White House actually have uh in terms of uh ensuring that Israel does not launch uh a military offensive in uh in Rafa uh you know without taking the necessary steps I.

Don't think you're all that sorry about pressing me on this but I'll I'll I'll go ahead and that's okay it's all right um uh I look it's not about leverage uh it's about being consistent and I've said it before just in the last few minutes it's about being consistent about our desire to make sure.

Israel can defend itself so that October 7th can't happen again which Hamas obviously wants to do and it's being consistent about the need the how they conduct those operations matter and we have been consistent since the very beginning in talking to the Israelis about about the how about operations and how they're conducted and I would tell.

You um that throughout this conflict there have been moments and there continue to be moments where we have the opportunity and have taken the opportunity to shape their thinking and to help influence the way they have conducted some of these operations and that remains today thank you hi John um you.

Referenced the release of two hostages but also there's reports that in the process of this special operation three hostages were killed along with 100 Palestinians including women and children also Egypt threatened to withdraw from the Camp David agreement if Israel invaded Rapa so how does the White House navigate this rather complex.

Uh picture yeah I I tried to address that in my opening statement not yet uh we don't want to see any civilians killed one at any time Israel Israeli or or Palestinian in the conduct of operations um that the right number is is zero and so while we're very glad that two hostages are now back with their families where they belong we.

Certainly mourn any loss of innocent life as a result of those operations and it just it just underscores I think a couple of things one and again we're not I can't validate the numbers I've seen the reports but I can't confirm them but it does underscore two things one the difficulty of conducting military operations in.

Such a closed in urban environment where there are so many people and as we talked about earlier even more people now in the South and raer than there were before so that that's an added difficulty for the IDF and number two it underscores the obligation that they have and that they know they have uh to be careful and discriminate and uh and.

Very deliberate in how they and how they go after targets last thing on this though and I think it's an important point in you didn't ask this but it's we we do know that Hamas uh leadership and uh end Fighters migrated South they got pressured in the north so they went down to conun of course they were already in conun but they kind of congregated there.

Um and then as the Israelis put pressure on them in con yunus they gravitated further south now towards Rafa they there by their very presence and their operations down there they are further endangering uh the people of uh of Gaza that are now settled or trying to find um Refuge down there in Rafa so there is there is um there are legitimate.

Military targets that the Israelis are going to want to go after in Rafa again we just urge them as we have to be careful I also want to ask you that President Comin he referen over the top and he also said that Israel indiscriminately killing people in Gaza yet he's willing to sign off on almost $14 billion in military aid so how can.

You reconcile the fact that he's worried about civilian casualties without any serious review about how Us weapons are used in a civilian area well I think you know we uh uh just last week um late in the week uh we issued a national security memorandum that that um that codifies existing policies and adds reporting requirements onto those.

Existing policies about our expectations for how military assistance going to be provided to any foreign actor and of course that includes Israel thank you thanks John um just to jump off of Nadia's question um you've been explicit that the US does not support uh an operation inapa without a credible feasible plan to move and.

Protect civilians um yesterday's operation as you've also acknowledged there are reports of Civilian casualties um but is was the operation yesterday within the grounds of the kind of operation that the US would support in Rafa I I can't really speak to the specifics of IDF operations you know I won't do that they should speak to the.

Operations that they conduct and and what that looks like as I understand that again this is rudimentary in early information this was a specific military raid to rescue hostages um and not necessarily indicative of some larger operation that they uh have talked about conducting in to root out Hamas leaders that have now tried to find Refuge among.

The million or so Palestinians that are there yeah so just in terms of you know what the US would support is it is it a question of scale is it a question of more targeted operations like this are okay despite possible civilian casualties whereas a mass operation is not okay like just in terms of us support well with the caveat that this.

Is a Sovereign Nation we're talking about and they get to decide what military operations they're going to conduct what we've said is we wouldn't support operations even the current circumstances where you have again more than a million people there with nowhere to go um and no plan for someplace for them to go so that they can be safe um.

So we look forward to continuing talking to our really counterparts about what that could look like uh thanks so much um John on Tik Tok can you explain what are the National Security concerns that the Administration has about Tik Tok as you know uh it's not approved for use on government devices and that's Remains.

The the case uh today and I think uh um again I don't want to get into too much of the uh uh of the National Security technical reasons behind that but um it does have to do with concerns about the preservation of data and the potential misuse of that data and Privacy Information uh by Foreign actors I think that's as far as I can go it's wise for.

People to use Tik Tok again that's that's not something that I I'm qualified to say from the National Security Council all I can tell you is it's it's banned on US Government devices and we follow that guidance so yesterday was the second anniversary of the Biden har Administration the in the paciic.

Strategy we have a statement from the NC but I'm just wondering how you see the progress so far are you satisfied with the progress I think we've made a lot of progress I mean we've initiated Aus and that process is moving along on schedule to get Australia nuclear powered submarine capability we've elevated the.

Quad the indopacific quad we've upgraded our relationships with Vietnam with Indonesia and with Aion um and of course as you know the president hosted the leaders of Japan and South Korea Camp David and really got not only significant developments in terms of our bilateral relationship with each country each Ally but improved opportunities to.

To get uh trilateral cooperation uh in a much better place than it's ever been I could go on and on including adding capabilities in and around the Korean Peninsula to to keep a better eye on what Kim Jong-un is doing um and of course bolstering all the rest of our alliances and network uh Partnerships in the.

Region does the US believe that all the remaining hostages are being held in Rafa and if so given that that would include Americans are there requests by us officials to the Israelis for any assurances for protection of those cost we sadly don't have a whole lot of specific information about where each of the hostages are who's holding them and.

In what condition they might be and sadly we have to accept the possibility that some of them are are no longer alive we just don't have uh terrific granularity on that we are in constant conversations with our Israeli counterparts about what they know certainly we're we remain in touch with the families of the American hostages I.

Think Jake Sullivan just met with them a week or so ago we'll maintain constant touch with them and and try to get as much information as we can but obviously the whole reason we're trying to get this deal in place is so that you can provide for the safe and secure passage of hostages out yes it's true and we're glad that two hostages were rescued but.

The L but the byy and by by and large the greatest number of hostages safely released were done through a hostage deal right a pause in the fighting where they were able to go and that's why we're putting so much effort into these current negotiations we believe that's the best way to get hostages in greater numbers out.

Safely thank you John I have a question about Afghanistan and then one about Lunar New Year um starting with Afghanistan um the UN is holding its second International Conference on Afghanistan um since the Taliban took power back that's happening next week in Doha so I just wonder what what are the administration's expectations from this.

Gathering and do you see this as a move to normalize the Taliban there are no efforts by the United States government uh to quote unquote normalize as you put it or or to recognize uh the Taliban uh officially we've said uh we've said it numerous times um if they want to be seen as legitimate rulers they need to meet all the commitments that they said.

They would meet and make um and they haven't done that you think anyone should be holding this meeting then I will let the Secretary General speak for what the what meetings the un's holding nothing's changed about our policy when it comes to the Taliban and very quickly happy year of the dragon it's a happy year for you a rabbit um.

But you are a rabbit you were born in 1963 yes you are I have a follow about me being a rabbit all right thank you I did not know that but I appreciate that very much he's a horse what is the it's supposed to be a prosperous year for him what is the president's message for the 20 million asian-americans who.

Celebrated this this holiday over the weekend he hasn't issued a message what this message we have actually I think put something on on social media about the the Lunar New Year and of course we're wishing everybody who observes the Lunar New Year a happy one and a prosperous one even the even the rabbits uh adir I wanted to clarify the.

Position on Tik Tock so the administration still has concerns uh security concerns about Tik Tok even though the campaign has now joined it again I cannot speak nor will I speak for the campaign I can't do that or their decisions nothing's changed about the National Security concerns uh from the nse's perspective about the use of.

Tik tock on government devices that policy is still in place but surely there must have been some conversation between the White House here and the campaign and whether it was appropriate for the campaign to to use it I can't speak to that Jackie last thank you Kar um John just following up on this Tik Tock stuff is is the cious review still.

Happening I'd have to refer you to cfus I'm not in a position to confirm one way or another um what they're what they're looking at so is the administration still weighing a ban on Tik Tok again I have nothing for you on that Jackie I mean I'd have to refer you to to cfus all I can speak to credibly which I have today is that from an NSE perspective.

There are still National Security concerns about the use of Tik Tok on government devices and there's been no change to our policy not to allow that can you understand that like why why there wouldn't be any communication between cifas and the administration broadly I mean with the National Security Council I didn't say there I.

Didn't say there wasn't I just said I'm not able to speak to uh issues regarding cifas you'd have to talk to them it's an independent body and and it's not something I I can't speak for them I think we're all just trying to swear why the president would use this platform that his administration is weighing a national ban on because of National.

Security concerns again I'm not going to speak to any hypothetical ban I can only tell you that it's not allowed on government devices that policy Remains the case and I just can't speak for the campaign or their decisions I apologize thank you so much ad thank you all right uh go ahead Zeke it's scre just for another round of that Tik Tok question.

Are you aware of any communication between the Biden campaign and anyone who works in the White House about the president uh joining Tik Tok look I I I can't speak to uh any conversations on on specifically on Tik Tok uh we got to be really careful campaign 20204 C no no hold on hold on hold on uh so we're not going to comment any specifics and so.

Certainly we would defer to the campaign on any strategy the cfus process uh is separate and not going to get ahead of of what uh we're going to say here um and I would say that the administration uh is on record for um uh for supporting the restrict act as you all know uh something that came up last year and it's a bipartisan Bill and it is indeed.

Tailored uh and risk-based uh approach so we can protect Americans freedom of speech and that's what matters uh as you know as you know there are um uh folks here who are commissioned officers who certain people are allowed to have conversation uh with the campaign but I can't speak to uh any specific conversations that are having.

Happening about this particular issue again it's under cfus review want to be really Mindful and not getting ahead of that and also it's the campaign so that is something that they would have to have to speak to and the reason why it is banned on government uh government uh phones or uh Government properties obviously devices is because that is an.

Act of Congress uh that is something that Congress wanted uh put forward to make sure that no government uh government um devices are used were you aware uh before the before the campaign post that no I am I am very very careful as the White House Press Secretary I have to I I'm in a different kind of in a different box than most and so I do.

Not communicate with the campaign on any strategy or or anything like that uh and so uh I'm just very very mindful of that I did not know know I I knew as as as as you all did if you follow on the special Council report last week um uh when uh Ian Sams was here on Friday um he said the White House was considering uh releasing the transcript of the.

President's conf confers interview with the special Council which you all have objected to that characterization of that you have an update on that review process so look um uh certainly I'm going to refer you to um the my colleagues at the White House Council I know the president's personal attorney obviously spoke to this uh on one of of.

The uh Sunday shows yesterday and so I know they're they're been responsive uh the team here have been responsive to uh those specific questions I just don't have anything to share um the also uh there's discussion about it the the president's ordering it the creation of a task force to uh change policies around the handling of classified.

Information in in a presidential transition giving updates on when the president will create that task force so I don't have any updates on that particular question about the task force um the president's personal notes from his time as vice president were among those items that were reviewed by the special Council and and the inter agency.

And found to contain classified in some cases highly classified information um does the president still keep a diary and notebooks now look uh that particular question obviously the White House Council would be able to speak to more directly but I do want to remind everyone that this was a 15mon investigation and I think the outcome of.

That investigation obviously is it's stated is that uh Council uh the special counsel has not found any nothing to prosecute and I think that's important to note uh and I anything beyond that any specific questions about diary or anything like that I would have to refer to White House Council lastly uh when the president hosts the king later uh.

They're going to be making statements why isn't the president and given all these questions about uh uh special Council and otherwise why is he taking questions I mean look let's be clear uh the day that the special Council report came out the president came out in the evening and took uh and made a statement and took questions he wanted to to make.

Sure that you all heard from him directly uh and so I want to be really let's not forget that that did occur on the day that the report came out uh look the president is is looking forward to welcoming the King King Abdullah to the to the white house uh he comes here every year as you all know uh uh during his presidency and so he looks uh.

Certainly forward to welcoming the king so that said and I said this last week and I'll just reiterate there are a variety of factors that go into decision-making that go into uh uh press if there is going to be a press conference or not during foreign uh foreign leaders it's it depends on those uh those conversations that we have with.

The foreign leaders and how that works out look you're going to hear from the president you're going to hear from the King uh later later today around 4:00 I think that's important you're hear directly from them uh there's just not a press press conference component to this not every trip uh not every visit uh with a foreign leader has a press.

Conference component U as I stated King Abdullah has been here almost every year during this president's uh uh tenure and they that has not been the case a 2 plus two has not been the case I want to follow that real quick because you mentioned that on Friday the German Chancellor gave a press conference across the street in Lafayette Park it.

Seems the White House here at the road look I that is something for the German Chancellor to speak to as to their government why they chose to do that I can't speak to that every there is there are two obviously when when uh foreign leader comes there are two governments that have this discussion they go through the process of what they want.

That trip to look like when they're here at the White House and there are diff different VAR uh various factors that play into that and so every trip is different every trip is different uh and with this particular trip King Abdullah every time he's been here there has not been a two plus two so I would remind uh remind you all of that as.

Well thanks Karine a new ABC News IPOs poll shows that 86% of Americans think Biden is too old to serve another term that is a higher percentage than what we found in a previous pool in September so clearly polling shows this is a persistent issue what is the White House strategy to try and change that perception so look we're going to.

Continue to lead on leadership right we're going to continue to focus on what this president has been able to get done uh what the president hasn't been able to get done uh on behalf of the of the American people uh and look I'll quote a little bit of uh what the first lady said uh I think incredibly well just a couple days ago uh President Biden does.

More in one hour than most people do in a day his age with experience and expertise is an incredible asset and he proves it every day and that's what we believe we believe that his age and his experience because he was a Senator because he was obviously vice president because he has these long um you know long Decades of relationships uh with.

Leaders uh obviously across the globe and what he's been able to do that's what we're going to lean into that's what we're going to speak to we're going to speak to how he turned the economy back on its a feet we're going to speak to the 14.8 million jobs that he was able to create how unemployment is at under 4 % how he's he's able to uh beat.

Big Pharma because Medicare can now negotiate and lower cost for the American people that's what we're going to focus on and I think that's the most important thing at this moment at this time is delivering for the American people and continuing to do that and bouncing off of the previous question the numbers show that President Biden.

Has engaged in about 33 news conferences compare that to Obama's 66 and Donald Trump's 52 by this time in their presidencies can you explain why the president isn't doing so look okay yeah and I hear the question and I know that uh folks want to hear you all and it's important because when you all hear from the president obviously uh so does the.

American people so we get the importance of that and we're always going to try to find ways uh obviously outside of press conferences as well uh to for the president to be out there and we have found some non-traditional ways we think it's important to try and meet uh the American people where they are uh and so that is important as well whether it's a.

Podcast uh that's important or um you know doing doing doing certain things that is not the norm uh obviously the person uh the president I should say uh takes you know takes your questions uh when he's on the road as you know more often than not uh and be finds it important to have those conversations when you all are out there with him on.

The road taking your questions and so he does do that uh as far as press conferences we're going to try and uh make sure when it's the right time for to for those to happen certainly we will we will do so uh but it doesn't mean that this President does not engage uh with with the Press Corps with the white White House Press Corps or uh with other.

Uh reporters uh journalists out there who have different uh different ways with communicating with the American people as well we think that's important too but why is it more effective to forgo a Super Bowl interview and then instead we've talked about this we've talked about this we've believed that it is an important uh obviously tradition.

Uh uh to to watch the Super Bowl and we think there are different ways to communicate with the American people and we're going to try and find different ways to meet the American people where they are and and so that's a that's a choice that we've made here that we think is actually important and uh effective green um there was some.

Reporting this morning that uh President Biden told some campaign donors that prime minister Netanyahu uh quote uh has been a pain in my ass lately or quote he's been killing me lately the reason we don't know what the exact quote is is because the Press was not in that meeting that the president had with these donors why is the president not.

Living up to his full transparency pledge in terms of opening all meetings with donors to the Press so I think that uh um so when the first of all I want to be careful these are campaign campaign events so I just want to be mindful can't speak to each of them or really most of them I know that and as you know when the president does uh speak in.

Front of uh uh um when he does do some of these fundraising events right there is uh when he gives remarks uh formal remarks uh the the Press pool is in there and they are listening to the remarks uh and get to uh get to hear directly what the President says so I think that's also very important I don't want to make it sound like uh he does.

Not there is not a a process there that when he is in front of donors giving uh formal remarks that you all are not in the room as he's speaking uh I can't speak to this particular uh this particular um scenario uh I think that is something certainly uh he he does have private meetings that is true true uh and when he has those private.

Meetings those meetings uh so that there is cander and and honesty and so that he can hear directly uh from folks uh those tend to be uh private but I want to be really careful here uh in speaking into uh every every scenario that happens because I don't I can't speak to that particular scenario should the president of the United States be engaging.

Privately with a random set of financial donors about issues that are of clear public import like his opinion of the Israeli hear but the president has private meetings all the time he does he has private meetings all the time uh and these aren't foreign leaders right these are people who are giving money to Camp I hear you but he has private meetings.

With every day people some of these donors have uh and I want to be super mindful here uh have concerns right as well just like American everyday American people that he has private meetings with or he sees on the road uh it's not every meeting it's going to be public but when he has when he gives remarks at fundraisers there is a formal.

Remark Mar s there is uh the Press pool tends to be in the room or is in the room private meetings are different and so that's the way it's been for the you know for the past three years on this this Administration look I want to be really careful these are campaign obviously some of them campaign DNC related uh meetings so I just want to be.

Super super mindful here and what's the distinction between formal and informal remarks look I would honestly I'm going to refer you on anything that's related to these uh specific meetings I would refer you to the campaign because they are the ones that put put it together they're the ones that uh bring the folks in the room I just want to be super.

Mindful and not go down uh too far too far a rabbit hole here okay MJ um any updates on when the president's physical might be taking place so he will have a physical uh when we uh when we have uh information on that obviously we will uh certainly share that with all of you it will be transparent there will be a uh a a comprehensive uh report as we have.

Done the last two years just don't have a just don't have a timeline for you do you plan on the Press getting a heads up before the physical happens or will we find out once it has taken place we're going to do it the way that we've done it the last two years it's not going to be anything different so the way that we've approached this the last two years.

Will be the same way that we do this uh this year this third year does the White House think that the the idea of the president taking a cognition test a cognitive test as a part of this uh physical is a legitimate idea particularly just on the heels of the special Council report more full as my colleague Selena just mentioned showing.

That many American people have concerns about that look I got this question last week as well and I'm just going to say what the what Dr OK Conor it's kind of a u what he said to me about a year ago uh when the report came out last year uh obviously on his physical uh which is the president proves every day how he operates how he thinks right but by.

Dealing with word leaders by making really difficult decisions on behalf of the the American people whether it's domestic whether it's National Security and so he shows it every day on how he thinks how he operates uh and so that is how uh that is how the Dr OK Conor sees it and that's how I'm going to leave it what do you think about the idea of.

Taking that kind of a test I mean look and I talked about this last week too on on I believe whenever on Friday uh I have known this President since 2009 uh I he is not just uh my my boss you know he's also some a mentor to me and I spent sometimes countless hours with him whether it's in the Oval Office uh whether it's on the road and I.

Believe for me you're asking me my personal opinion uh he is sharp uh he is on top of things he when we have uh meetings with him with his staff he's constantly pushing us getting trying to get more information and so that has been my experience with this President uh anything else outside of that I just shared with you what Dr OK Conor said to.

Me uh and so I'll just leave it there thanks green no you're not going to comment on the campaign Earth decisions but does the White House believe that Tik Tok is giving Americans especially younger Americans false perceptions about President Biden and his broader agenda look I'm going to be really careful about speaking to Tik Tock uh.

Specifically uh because there is a cfus review they're in an independent uh body and they are going to move forward with whatever they decide to do and so don't want to step into that uh obviously more broadly as it relates to social media platforms we've always said there is misinformation disinformation out there that we have to try and combat uh and so.

We've always been very clear we've always been concerned about our young people uh and uh the information that the misinformation dis that they're getting and how that's affecting their lives that is a concern that we have and we've talked about that uh very explicitly very clearly as it relates to Tik Tok going to be really careful.

Because of that cfus review and so just want to be super super mindful uh so uh obviously just not going to comment on specific cases separately the Senate is on track to pass the National Security Supplemental this week still not clear if speaker Johnson's going to bring that up for a vote in the house does the president plan to have any Outreach with.

House Republican leadership to try to get that across the finish line so look you you know how important uh the president thinks it is to get uh that very all important funding uh security assistance to Ukraine obviously Israel indopacific we've been very clear about that obviously uh we had this really um uh careful uh strategic conversations as.

Well with Senate Republicans and democrats for the past couple of months for the border security uh because we we believe that entire package uh was important but obviously Republicans got Republicans specifically in the house got in the way and would not uh move that forward and it's unfortunate because that is the way we believe we.

Would have been able to deal with policy issues and funding issues as it relates to the border the challenges at the border and also immigration uh so we are in constant communication the team here the office of ledge Affairs and other White House officials are and constant communication obviously with leadership on both sides uh on both sides of.

Chamber um uh in each chamber to try and figure out how we're going to move forward how we're going to make sure that this all important uh all important um funding uh gets out there and so conversations are going to continue uh we are obviously what we wanted to see is to the border security uh uh component negotiation piece of that to.

Be included uh but we are where we are and we but we believe it's important important to move forward but would the president get directly involved in those conversations I don't have any conversations to read out obviously he tends to have private conversations we don't read out every conversation he has relationships with folks in Congress uh.

But his office of his office of ledge Affairs and other White House officials are in regular touch uh with Congressional leadership and keeps they also keep the president updated as well which is important okay uh thanks just two things um the first on the guidance we got for the week uh there were public events for the president today and on.

Friday I was hoping you might be able to give us a sense on Tuesday Wednesday Thursday as you make the case that the president has a lot of vigor and is doing a lot of things what is so let me just talk about Friday a little bit because I think people I know that an advisory went out uh on um over the weekend about East Palestine all of you.

Know that he's going to be going to East Palestine on Friday uh he's going to be traveling there uh and it's because of the invitation that he received uh uh from the mayor so it's going to be really important and while while the president's on the ground he'll he'll get a briefing on the ongoing response and speak to the administration's uh.

Work to uh to uh keep North Folk suffk accountable which is incredibly important and support the community as it moves forward uh he also has heard uh loud and clear from uh the folks in East Palestine that they don't want to be defined by an event and so he'll he'll speak to the administration's work to deliver on the needs for family.

Businesses that are affected and let's not forget there is the bipar and Railways uh safety act that he's going to continue to call on Congress to to move forward for on so that is going to be a really important trip uh you are correct uh about that the president will be out there uh meeting directly for the with the American people I don't have.

Any um anything yet for tomorrow Wednesday um or or Thursday uh obviously when when things move or we have something to share we'll certainly put that uh put it put that out there on the daily guidance uh and uh obviously there's some movement happening in Congress as well that we're keeping a close eye on and so once we have more to.

Share we'll have more to share on that and then second you you started the briefing by wishing a congratulations to the Kansas City Chiefs as as well as to all the swifties out there uh I I'm wondering when the Chiefs are invited to the White House does the White House intend to also invite Taylor Swift that's going to be up to the C uh to the.

Chiefs and uh obviously their decision uh to figure out who's going to come with them when they come uh and as you know it's a White House tradition I can't I can't speak to attendance and who will be here uh but we look forward we look forward to having them here and obviously we congratulate them on a on a great win again Annie thanks so much um.

You talked a lot about how um uh and the President says this too that people should watch him when there are questions about his age um and then and the issue seems to be that they are watching him in public events and in some press conferences and are are coming to this conclusion many of them that he's he's too old so what I'm.

Wondering is is he behaving differently behind closed doors because we don't get to see that at all and are you do you see and when you interact with him privately is there kind of a different sort of level of vigor that is perhaps you know not as visible when we're all seeing him so like let me just first say and I was on the swing with him recently.

Right he went to Wisconsin he went to Michigan he went to California he went to Vegas uh and he's going to go to Ohio later this week and so he visited small businesses and he met with uh people uh on the road obviously and spent hours with them so folks have seen him and you all have seen him yourselves as you cover this President uh and so you see.

Him interact you see him engage and even when he was in Vegas he took some questions that you all had uh and that I you know and and answer he tends to answer them in in a in a light way a funny way uh and is sharp with his answers to some of you about that and so look and he's also meeting with world leaders he did that with the German.

Chancellor he's obviously going to do this uh today with Kim AB Abdullah and I spoke already about my experience with him and just to answer your question I spent countless hours with this President whether in the Oval Office uh or um on the road and I have to say he's sharp he's engaged he pushes us for information emails at like 2 o' in the.

Morning or you know is there any sort of I mean look I think a finer point on what it is exactly that like you see that somehow isn't you know coming across to the rest of the American people look I think the fact that when he meets with his his team when he meets with staff uh he is as I said incredibly engaged uh as I said very sharp and ask.

Us back and forth we go back and forth on whatever in information whatever is is maybe the news of the day that's on that's uh that's on his mind uh and it happens very often and so that's my experience with him but you all see him on the road I mean you know he was when we were in Vegas he was asked about uh you know about uh he was asked a.

Specific question about um uh the former president and he answered that in a in a fun sharp you know kind of way and and that's him that is him what you see there is him and so look I think and I do want to step back for a second because I think what's so very important too is This president's record in the last three years and what he's been able.

To get done and that matters and that matters and so yes we're going to continue to be out there uh the president's going to continue to do everything that he can to speak directly to the American people and we believe that is what's important here getting that work done continuing to move forward in a in a in a impressive um.

Record of in the last three years especially for any modern president uh whether it's dealing with infrastructure whether it's dealing with uh beating big Pharma uh whether it's getting the Eon economy back on its feet all of these things are important let's not forget what's going on outside of this country what's going on in Ukraine what's going.

On in the Middle East uh this is something that the president has been able to do in a pretty effective way and then just to follow up quickly on mat's question um when um Super Bowl teams are invited to the White House do they typically have a plus one actually that's a good question I I can't answer that uh right now but look we we are.

Looking forward to having them here uh the Chiefs and they uh it was a it was a great it was a great uh a great win and just like we do in every uh this White House tradition to have uh the the winners of the Super Bowl here and uh so we're looking forward to it can I haven't call on you yet again is the White House doing anything.

To move uh the stalled child and his tax bill in the Senate say that one more time is the White House doing anything to move forward the stalled child and Biz tax bill in the Senate so as you know uh the the president supports that bipartisan uh bipartisan legislation we've talked about it uh in here before uh there's always conversations that.

We're having with Congressional uh leadership staff on important uh obviously important pieces of legislation That Matters to the American people I don't have anything to read out U but obviously we're in support of that particular legislation okay yeah thanks uh sh inflation and the president's video um.

From this weekend in inflation so thanks by way the um sure the president is is blaming companies again now it seems for inflation and based on his policies though does the president accept any responsibility for where prices are since he came into office so a couple of things look uh we understand how grocery uh how grocery prices are a major.

Concern for hardworking families we get it we get that that that there are us the prices are still uh you know kind of uh kind of hurting uh Americans but what we've seen is that prices have gone down for eggs for milk uh for seafood and that's important they they're lower than they were a year ago and we know that's not enough and so what we the president.

Has Contin continuously done and you see this in this video that you're speaking of he's called on large car operations to pass their savings onto hard hardworking Americans that's what we're doing and I think that's important that this President sees that and then in inflation for so for folks who are watching doesn't quite know what that is.

What we're seeing is the size of a product gets smaller even as the prices stays the same and that shouldn't be and so the president's going to call that and it's uh you know and what you're you're seeing it's giving families less of less for their bang uh for their Buck if you think about that and so the president has said and I quote he's.

Tired tired of being he's tired of seeing the American people uh being played for suckers and that is something he's not going to allow uh but as it relates to um as it relates to what the president's going to continue to do he's going to continue to lower uh do everything that he can to lower cost for the American people and you've seen him.

Do that and on on his doctor when can we talk to the president's doctor and how come he hasn't been they haven't been asked to come out here and talk with us given the the her report that challenges the president's mental Fitness so look uh you know just speak to uh the her report really really quickly uh special counsel her is is as far as I remember.

Is a is a uh obviously a a republican a a a uh a prosecutor he's not he's not a medical doctor he's just not it's not for him to speak to it's just not and and you've heard from uh over over the past couple of days since the rport has been out uh you've heard from legal experts from across the ideological Spectrum even uh in a former Attorney.

General and he says and they have come out to say that the stuff in this report uh that is capturing all of your attention right now is just wrong it's flatly wrong it is inappropriate it is gratuitous and so going to leave that there and it is uh obviously up for a a medical doctor to decide on that talk toctor but look I.

Have said the Pres the the medical doctor the the president's doctor is going to do a physical he's going and he has always put forth in the last two years a detailed uh detailed memo on the president's uh on the president's uh uh obviously uh uh uh medical uh physical and so I'm just going to leave it there I don't have anything else to.

Add go ahead Jared just curious to sort of follow up and get some clarity if these transcripts were released who makes that is that the council's office don't have anything else to share that's something that the councils could speak to they've been uh answering those questions for the past couple of days they have to speak to that has President.

Biden expressed the desire to have the full trans Rel you have to speak to the council they've been answering these questions for the past couple of days of incoming on these par on this particular question on the transcript they have to speak to that right good Brian thanks a lot as you know at the beginning of March funding for the government runs.

Out what's the president been doing to avoid a government shutdown and um make sure that the funding is going to be there at the beginning of March to fund important programs like Wick and snap yeah the president thinks that those program should be funded the president thinks that Congress should do their jobs and do the basic part of their jobs.

And fund that fund these incredible incredibly important programs that the American family uh uh believe in or need just to survive and so that's what the president wants to see Congress get to it do their job and make sure that the government does not shut down he did his job the president did his job a couple months ago back in the spring of.

Actually last year not even a couple of months ago and broke it or deal broker to deal with Congress both the house and the Senate uh to get a bipartisan deal forward to make sure that this is during the deficit remember uh and the and the debt ceiling and so he broke at that deal it became law because two-thirds of the House Republicans voted for it it.

Got a bipartisan support in the Senate and that was the deal that he broker now Congress needs to get there to get this done has he designated a negotiating team that he wants involved in the white house we negotiated on this Brian we did we negotiated on this two-thirds of House Republicans voted for support a bipartisan support from the Senate and.

Congress should do their basic job which is keep uh keep keep the government open and make sure these very important uh important uh programs that you just listed out gets funded all right guys we'll see you tomorrow thanks

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