10 De–ad in Saskatchewan Mass Stabbings, Gaze for Suspects – LIVE BREAKING NEWS COVERAGE


10 De--ad in Saskatchewan Mass Stabbings, Gaze for Suspects - LIVE BREAKING NEWS COVERAGE

Foreign thank you for being here I'd like to welcome and acknowledge the presence of Chief Evan Bray chief of police with the Regina Police Service he'll be available to answer any questions with respect to anything occurring in the city of Regina after we finish this statement I'm here today to share with you the.

Details of today's serious incident and to ask for your continued vigilance today September 4th at 5 40 this morning the Saskatchewan divisional operations communications center for the RCMP docc received a call reporting a stabbing on the James Smith Cree Nation in the following minutes our docc.

Received multiple calls reporting additional stabbings at different locations in the community the suspects named were Damian Sanderson and Miles Sanderson Melford RCMP officers and other resources were immediately dispatched to the locations in the community to help the victims and to track the two.

Suspects at 7 12 a.m Saskatchewan RCMP issued an initial dangerous persons alert to residents of the James Smith Cree Nation and surrounding communities including Candle Lake Prince Albert malford Humboldt and roster informing the public of stabbings being committed by two male suspects and.

Asking the public to seek immediate shelter and shelter in place as the police investigation Advanced and new information came to light Saskatchewan RCMP sent several additional updates to continue to inform the public of this rapidly unfor unfolding event at 7 57 am an updated alert was sent to.

The same communities with the names descriptions and pictures of the two suspects at 8 20 the dangerous person's alert was extended to the entire province of Saskatchewan as the investigation confirmed the two suspects Damian Sanderson and Miles Sanderson were traveling in a vehicle.

At 9 45 a.m a fourth dangerous person's alert was sent to the entire province indicating multiple victims in multiple locations were located including one victim outside the James Smith Cree Nation one in the community of weld and Saskatchewan and that some victims were believed to have been attacked randomly.

A description of the suspect vehicle and the correct picture to identify miles Sanderson were included at 11 25 we sent requests to Manitoba RCMP and Alberta RCMP to extend the dangerous persons alert to the residents of their provinces at 1207 a fifth update was sent advising the residents of Saskatchewan the.

Suspect vehicle had been seen by a driver on Arcola Avenue in Regina and asked them to consider Sheltering in place at this point in our investigation we have located 10 deceased individuals in 13 locations in the community of of James Smith Cree Nation and Weldon Saskatchewan.

Several additional victims have been injured 15 of which at this point have been transported to various hospitals there may be additional injured victims who transported themselves to various hospitals we ask any injured person who hasn't already spoken to police to please call 310 RCMP that is 310-7267.

Currently we are actively looking for the two suspects helping the victims and investigating the many crime scenes we're dedicating a maximum number of resources to this investigation and thank our many provincial and inter-provincial policing Partners who are providing additional support let me be clear we are still looking for.

The two suspects we are asking residents across Saskatchewan and our Navy neighboring provinces to be vigilant at this stage in our investigation we believe some of the victims have been targeted by the suspect and others have been attacked randomly the two suspects are Damien Sanderson and Miles Sanderson.

Damien Sanderson is described as a 31 year old male five foot seven 155 pounds with black hair and brown eyes Sanderson is a 30 year old male six foot one 240 pounds with brown hair and brown eyes their pictures are available on social.

Media channels and websites if Damian Maya and miles are listening or receive this information I would ask that they turn themselves into police immediately they are considered armed and dangerous they are believed to be in a black Nissan Rogue SUV with Saskatchewan license plate.

119 MPI at this point we don't know if they have changed Vehicles since this morning their location and direction of travel is unknown this is why we need everyone in the province to stay vigilant and Report any suspicious activity by calling 9-1-1 immediately.

If you see the suspects and or their vehicle do not approach them or the vehicle immediately leave the area and call 9-1-1 our thoughts are with the many victims deceased and injured their family friends and communities it is horrific what has occurred in our Province today.

Know that the Saskatchewan RCMP is committed and will remain committed to use every resource we have to locate and arrest these individuals thank you Sergeant Audrey soucy will provide this information in French now and myself and chief Bray will be available to answer questions right after.

Mercedes is community is Demi Sanderson a mouse and Sanderson is DeJean Smith is a community I I was known a complete Candle Lake Prince Albert Melford humble and roster I think they found me the public designs.

Foreign foreign foreign perspective minutes Saskatchewan please RCMP set.

Foreign foreign Sanderson Damien Sanderson is in Missouri Elizabeth see Damien emails music music universe.

Never company representative it is a person Mercy I will now ask assistant commissioner Blackmore to answer your question are there any questions.

Yeah I guess it's Brandon harder from Leader Post newspaper just wondering if the if you can offer any information about the relationship if any between the two suspects and uh if they were known to police at this point we're still in the initial stages of the investigation and determining that information.

And uh this may be as well for chief Bray but uh I guess are we confident that they're still in the city or or um you know I um could they could they could they be traveling elsewhere yeah we're we're the last information that we had from the public and it was information from the public uh that they.

Were cited in Regina and as assistant commissioner Blackmore had indicated that was around lunchtime today we've had no further sightings since and we have no information to to believe differently so we're operating as if you know they are in the city but at this point I mean we're we've got lots of resources similar to what the RCMP have.

Dedicated to this uh both in and around the city and of course the alerts have gone out so if if they have left the city we will you know see if if uh citing or if information comes to us uh from somewhere else but until then we're operating as if they're here and uh with uh with the rider game uh going on here obviously the large public event takes a.

Lot of police resources as well you've got folks assisting RCMP in in the search I guess could you just talk about your approach to managing that uh with a person on a personal level or policing level sure so first priority is is Public Safety and so we do have a large amount of resources dedicated to ensuring we have adequate resources.

Throughout the city and certainly around uh the rider game that's going to be happening both inside and outside of the stadium but along with that and I think as importantly we have a lot of resources dedicated to ongoing investigations working collaboratively with the RCMP to try and and determine the whereabouts of our suspects so that.

We're able to locate them take them into custody and ultimately eliminate the threat that exists I'm wondering what oh Sama keg from CBC I'm wondering what you can tell us about what you've done in terms of efforts to catch them just a lot of the public have been sending us messages saying we know to stay home but what are the RCMP doing.

And I know we're not to share where you guys are and what you're doing but what can you tell us without outing your officers about what you guys have been doing I can't speak to specific investigative steps that have been taken but I can tell you that every Avenue is being explored some of those.

Um you know involve technological resources some involve Human Resources we're taking all steps possible to attract these individuals and any information that comes in from the public or other sources that we obtain the information we're following up on that information immediately we've received statements from a number.

Of police organizations saying that they're setting up their own checkpoints in their city and that people should anticipate that happening can you tell us which police organizations or have all police organizations kind of volunteered to help in this search we've had um significant assistance from police.

Agencies across the province as well as from our RCMP resources in Alberta and Manitoba have been providing assistance to us and offering assistance and resources you know the longer an event is protracted or goes on obviously people need to be relieved and resources need to be replaced so we're considering all that and taking that into.

Consideration we've had exceptional cooperation from not only the Regina Police Service but other police agencies throughout the province including the Saskatchewan or sorry the Saskatoon Police Service and the prince Albert Police Service have both been outstanding in assisting us with resources and any asks that we have of.

Them and just uh sort of to reiterate the question from earlier but is there anything you can tell us about the history of these two at all other than just that you're looking for them at this point uh we're still taking those investigative steps uh to determine history we'll we'll certainly look into that we're looking into that.

Um the priority right now is to locate them and and make sure that we have them uh in custody so that we can ensure the public of their safety last question uh what are you hearing from Manitoba and Alberta as well since you've expanded the alert to other provinces what are you hearing from other jurisdictions at this point in time we have no indication.

That they've traveled to another Province but given the fact that they are in a vehicle we can't say with 100 certainty where they are right now and we believe it's prudent to notify the residents of those provinces that there is a possibility they could have traveled to those locations and making them aware of this current situation.

That we're dealing with thank you loganstein with cgme news is this and maybe it is a little too early to determine but is this the largest mass killing in Saskatchewan's history I can't speak to that at this point in time it is certainly a very significant event um if not the largest certainly the.

Largest we've seen in the last number of years but it could very well be the most significant and earlier you would said uh 10 bodies in 13 different locations was that uh like a slip or no so we have 10 confirmed deceased individuals we have 13 active crime scenes that we are investigating so at some of those crime scenes there may not have been a.

Deceased individual there could have been injured individuals who were not deceased okay thanks that's why that's why I'm just hoping that you can give us a bit of an idea about Communications the public may expect going forward I know in these types of events like we've already had a number.

Of alerts uh if the suspects are spotted elsewhere are folks going to expect to receive another alert or how's that going to be managed what should folks expect to see certainly as we receive credible information that there may have been seen elsewhere we will provide that information to the public just to again.

Make people aware the province of Saskatchewan is very large and having extended the alert to Manitoba and Alberta that's a large geographical area so if we do have reason to believe they're in a specific area we would certainly communicate that information to the public and how would you communicate it it will be will it be an.

Alert will they check Twitter will they how will they know we would use the Saskatchewan alert system and put out that alert to be able to ensure that we've got that information to as many people as possible and fully CTV news I'm so at this point with the deceased and the injured they all sustained the same type of injuries.

From the same type of weapon at this point in time we know that the initial calls were for victims of stabbings the rest of the investigative pieces that are putting in being put into place right now uh will confirm if there were any additional injuries but that's the information we have at this point in time and then from their trip.

From their starting point to Regina have there been any indications of injuries closer to this area we haven't received any information of that nature yet no and then just one question for for the chief um from the public you you were informed that on Arcola Avenue that's where the vehicle was cited which direction was it.

Headed you know we we don't I don't have that information and I'm not sure that we were given that information but I am going to reiterate we we still are operating with the belief that the suspects are in the city and so it's with that that that we're taking all of the steps that we have you know I I think another thing that's important and.

I'm going to reiterate what assistant commissioner Blackmore had said earlier is it's very common in situations like this for people to have information I think it's safe to say someone knows potentially the whereabouts of these suspects someone knows information that might be helpful to police and so this is a time where we are asking the public.

To reach out and help and and we are receiving that information that's coming into the RCMP to the Regina Police Service through various means social media different means but you know I don't think we can underscore the importance of that because that will really bring about the Swift resolution of the situation and then given the.

Crowd and the size of an amount of people downtown at the writers game today um extra forces are and are barricaded there I guess yeah we've we've got a lot of police resources that are dedicated to a typical Rider game today we have additional resources as a result of what's going on there's we work very.

Well with the security for example inside the stadium and so a lot of our efforts are around the stadium in the city itself and of course collaborating with the RCMP not all uniforms some of them are not in uniform and we've got investigators working diligently on this as well thank you.

Question here and you said stabbing earlier what kind of weapon were they stabbed with are we talking about a knife are we talking about something else possibly I don't have that information at this point in time the calls came in that victims had been stabbed when the calls came into our docc and is there any idea as to what.

Kind of motivation people could have to carry out an attack like this it was a look you know premeditated at all or we don't have that information it appears that some of the victims may have been targeted and some may be random so to speak to a motive would be extremely difficult at this point in time our investigation will certainly focus on.

That aspect of it though as well in my final question here we talk about getting information from the public how can we confirm that that is in fact reliable information and it's not just someone just texting in or calling in just yeah so that's the job of our investigators and both the Regina Police.

Service and the RCMP have multiple investigators assigned to doing exactly that confirming that information ensuring that it is reliable information taking all of those steps to ensure that we're giving the most recent most accurate information to the public as quickly as possible you spoke about a a few of the incidents.

Potentially being targeted I guess are you able to expand on that at all about why police might think that was there some relationship that you're aware of between the suspects and the victims or I can't speak to that at this point in time that's still part of the investigation okay well thank you so much for being.

Here today

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