‘3-minute man’: Lawful knowledgeable says Trump testimony will ‘blow up in his face’


‘3-minute man’: Lawful knowledgeable says Trump testimony will ‘blow up in his face’

Did you ever have a flicker when you're taking a shower walking to work or waking up in the morning where you said Donald Trump You've Won every battle you've ever fought why don't you run for governor why don't you run for president did do you ever think about that people want me to all the time what about you uh I don't like it can you imagine how.

Controversial that'd be you think about him with the women how about me with the women that was from 1998 Trump was nothing if not grossly pre today after being warned to keep his voice down in court Trump took the witness stand briefly very briefly in his sexual abuse defamation damages trial the ex-president has already been found.

Liable for sexually abusing and defaming writer egene Carroll she said that he raped her in a dressing room he called her a liar a jury found that he was lying in fact and was defaming her he said on the stand that he considered the finding to be a quote false allegation but again it's not a false allegation in fact calling it a false allegation is.

The defamation he's been found liable of in the first place place and so that testimony was promptly stricken and Trump was soon sent back to the defense table Trump says he will be back in court tomorrow for closing arguments in addition to showing up at his sexual abuse defamation trial Trump has also been reminding voters just who he is.

With increasingly nasty attacks on his only remaining rival in the Republican primary former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley I mean a lot of these Wall Street guys they know me they like me and I see that they're endorsing like Nikki Haley bird brain a woman that I know very well a woman that is not capable of doing.

This job I know it very well she's not tough enough she's not smart enough and she wasn't respected enough she cannot do this job Trump handily won the first two contacts for the Republican nomination but as you can see in the exit polling in New Hampshire that victory was due in large part to a specific sector of the electorate the.

Big wins men broke for Trump 49% to 39% for Haley a 20o difference and single men well they overwhelmingly preferred Trump 68% to 30% plus 38 among single men that's interesting but women well only 51% preferred Trump 47% wanted Haley Katy Fang served as a prosecutor in the state attorney's office in Florida's Miami D County she's.

The host of the Katie Fang show which airs Saturdays at noon here on MSNBC she's been following egene Carol trial closely and she joins me now um I continue to be astounded that the person who is likely to be the nominee continues to draw attention to an accusation that he raped a woman and then defamed her an.

Accusation that was essentially substantiated in the Civil Trial and he was back at doing exactly that today yeah because it's on brand one and two because he's able to raise money off of it and three because he's a virus and the Trump virus infects his followers and it gives them kind of the cover to.

Be able to emulate him and to say and do things that are mimicking of Donald Trump and so because of that that is the reason why Trump feels comfortable to lean into what he has done which has exposed him to a minimum of $5 million so far and we'll see another big verdict come out of this second defamation Tri from Ean Caroll but as the numbers show.

Chris as you see it's it's starting to very much Whittle away I believe at the support that he may have seen previously with female voters but look the truly decent ones were never going to support Donald Trump his misogyny his you know disgust for women the way that he treats them as evidenced by the way that he's treated Ean Carol and others that was.

Never really for the decent women and so because of that when you now see that there is an accountability alarm that is ringing loud and clear across the country in many different courtrooms this particular case is the one that bizarrely so he's decided is the one that he's going to show up to court for it's the one that he wants to take the.

Stand for even though he was merely the three minute man today but it's the one that he's leaning into which makes absolutely no sense but yet if you stop and you think about it it kind of does because it fits exactly the mold that he broke when he was made yeah I I want to read just because I want to get your feedback on the legal strategy here.

Because I don't think there is one I think this is pure ego and insolence and I think it's also just a sense that like no one can hold you accountable so you don't have to listen to anyone because no one ever has before and you know when they're a star they let you do what you want like in a literal sense that's what he said in the actess Hollywood tape in.

This sense he is acting it out in courtroom with a woman who says he raped her and a civil jury uh substantiated so uh he takes a stand and basically the judge is like you can't just let him go off like There are rules and the judge says I want to know everything he's going to say and Miss habba says I do not have an answer to that other than he.

Stands by his deposition his testimony the plan of brought in he's going to say he stands by his testimony there he's going to say he did not make the statements to hurt Miss Carol he's going to say the had to respond the accusations and deny them the statements speak from themselves they have already been put into evidence and that is 100%.

Of what he would say on the witness stand I have cre questions here honor I just ran through it answer my question I can't tell you answer my question I'm not test tring for my client your honor you are making an offer of proof and your client is bound by it and so he then gets on and he begins to essentially defame her again and gets.

Yanked off like is there some legal chess being played here I'm not getting or is this what it looks like I think you're imputing a little bit too much strategy to some situation wherein it doesn't exist I will say this so habba did exactly what her client wanted her to do which was push boundaries because that's a Donald Trump.

Thing you want to push the boundaries to see what should get away with but the the problem is is that Donald Trump has been confronted with two significant things in this particular trial one eing Carrol he finally has somebody who's holding him to task holding him to account for what the wrongs that he has done and that he's inflicted on someone.

The fact that it took someone at her age and that it's a woman to do it is particularly significant but two he's also been confronted with judge Lewis Kaplan so judge Kaplan in this case has had him and Alina Haba on the tightest of leashes and he's not tolerated anything and he's basically said I'm not going to give you leeway in any capacity.

So Alina Hava decided to try but she couldn't get away with it and I think it's GNA blow up in his face because Donald Trump's having this jury that's watching this happened and none of it is positive for Donald Trump Katy Fang as always a pleasure thank you so much

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3 thoughts on “‘3-minute man’: Lawful knowledgeable says Trump testimony will ‘blow up in his face’

  1. Someone who watches any mainstream data media is a uniformed boring eyed self policing sycophant. Your opinions aren't your occupy. The most mighty white males that simplest care about world vitality and merit watch over are your masters.

  2. Right here is so obviously BS. Calling your attackers a liar is against the law now? We know he didnt enact this. He wont be a puppet for the defense power industrial advanced duration. This community is and so are its viewers snd supporters.

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