40 other folks reportedly ineffective in Moscow shooting assault, in accordance to Russian news companies


40 other folks reportedly ineffective in Moscow shooting assault, in accordance to Russian news companies

We're still on this breaking news out of Russia that is the crocus Hall the Music Hall that is currently on fire Russian media the Tas organization is reporting that the roof of this is partially collapsing as we speak what we know is that it appears three gunmen Russians are calling them terrorists entered this concert hall shooting on their way in.

And inside the hall killing multiple people at least 40 people are dead 100 are injured that number is likely to go up it is a massive emergency scene around this concert hall as you can see by the sheer number of blinking lights out there a number of ambulances the Russians have said that their number one task right now is to make sure that they.

Get more survivors joining the conversation is founding partner and Washington correspondent at Puck news Julia aafi um also one of our uh favorite Russia guests knows a lot about the country Julia the um the spokesperson for Ukraine's military intelligence agency called the shooting a deliberate provocation of the Putin.

Regime which the International Community has warned about what do you make of that coming from the ukrainians well there's a lot of blame going around right now when we know the least about who is behind this uh Dimitri mvdv who you remember used to be the president of Russia he was a kind of liberal darling who led Russia through.

The reset under President Obama has just come out and said that you know if Ukraine is behind this then they deserve a massive retaliation he said a death for a death uh people are pointing fingers all over the place but we don't know a lot we've also seen the Ukrainian government come out and say that they have nothing to do with this um the.

White House has echoed this and said they haven't seen any evidence suggesting that uh the government in Kiev has any connection to this attack but uh Maria zaharova who is the spokeswoman for the Russian foreign Ministry has shot back and said you don't know anything it could be the ukrainians and I also see a lot of um.

Friends and people uh I follow on social media in Russian talking about how this might be in fact a provocation by the Russian Security Services Ambassador McFall mentioned that the 1999 terrorist attacks on residential buildings in mosow where hundreds of people were killed in their sleep when the these residential buildings exploded in the.

Middle of the night that that was how Putin came to power and it has been a longstanding theory that Putin and the FSB were actually behind those attacks that he used them to crack down and and seize power uh a lot of people didn't believe that theory of course until Putin didn't go into Ukraine two years ago so of course A lot of people are now.

Deeply suspicious people who don't approve of the uh Putin government or what he's doing are now deeply suspicious and think that this might be yet another um whether the Russian government is behind this or not that this might be used as a pretext to close the borders call up a massive mobilization of the.

Country which uh Putin has been loathed to do at this point and to crack down on any remaining freedoms yeah again we don't know who's behind this um and I appreciate the uh the insight into what people are speculating about um I wonder though when you're talking about how the Russian government might use this uh this tragedy to their advantage do you I.

Mean when we've seen inci in the past that have happened within Russia um Vladimir Putin has has gone harder on Ukraine used it to strike harder on Ukraine might that happen Julia that absolutely might happen which is why I mentioned what Demitri MV who uh is a kind of ID for the Hawks in in Russia why I mentioned what he said um.

But in general as Ambassador McFall mentioned every time that there has been a terrorist attack in Russia and there have been many many many of them uh the response has not been an enlightened one shall we say and often it's accompanied not just by counterterrorism operations uh which we've seen a lot of in the predominantly Muslim Northern Caucasus.

Region of Russia but a Crackdown in the rest of Russia against whatever civil liberties or election rights or Democratic rights remain to Russian citizens whoever is behind these attacks uh the Kremlin tends to use them to to crack down down and tighten the screws not loosen them Peter was that your experience when you were reporting from.

There oh yeah absolutely it's it's you know and as Julia just said I mean the problem with Russia is that so many things that may sound far-fetched or outrageous or conspiratorial are either true or at least sound plausible enough that it it does raise the question of whether we'll ever know right they will PE people who will blame the Russian.

Government for this and they will never be convinced otherwise it will be people who blame Ukraine for this and will never Beed otherwise they'll blame ketchin they may blame the United States because the United States had that warning issued by the embassy a few days ago and it's you know an open question whether there will ever come enough.

Information that will convince many people you mentioned the apartment bombings as did Ambassador McFall from 1999 essentially we've been doing a lot of reporting lately my wife Susan Glasser and I on a new project and one of the things we found is how many people who doubted at the time that those apartment bombings were actually.

The work of the government it seems so outrageous to think uh so changed their minds today that they have become more open to that idea so it is a it is a culture at a society where suspicion uh is plentiful and hard facts are hard to find um what about the timing of this Peter this comes only a few days after the.

Election it does yes and therefore you know people may make a connection that obviously he won the election such as such as it was an election that wasn't really an election he doesn't need this in order to to to boost his political standing at this point but you know could it be used as a predit kit for some sort of an action a Crackdown at.

Home as Julius says or uh increased escalation in Ukraine of course uh and that's you know we're in the early stages of this right now we're just you we're staring at these horrific images and thinking about the poor people who lost their lives and been injured there but there is a political subtext to this uh and and the question is whether or.

Not this will lead to something much worse um Michael uh let me ask about uh sentiment within Russia obviously we saw the election Vladimir Putin won overwhelmingly um does this sort of thing help him or does it hurt him I know he might use it to crack down as Julia and Peter and you have been saying but does it does it show more.

Vulnerability in the Russian psyche what what does it do well just as we don't know and we may never know who did this attack we actually do not know if Vladimir Putin won over overwhelmingly I just want to underscore how hard it is to know anything factually out of Russia today uh because they don't want us to know.

Facts and they chase our journalists out but secondly uh there's going to there's already in my feed just I'm I bet you we jul and Peter and I have similar feeds uh there's two kinds of reactions one outrage and we need to deal with these terrorists and and kill them and go on the offensive uh two there are lots of Russians already blaming Ukraine without.

Any facts but three uh there are others saying why are we so vulnerable uh you know these are more liberal-minded people but why are we wasting all our time fighting a war in Ukraine uh if security threats are really here you mentioned before the break all these crazy ideas about who's a terrorist right uh chasing around.

Those people why aren't they chasing the real terrorists uh that is a sentiment you see uh at least on my uh social media channels coming out of Russia today so so yes publicly of course the the news controlled by Putin will all be about this is horrible and we are going to to find Revenge but there's this sub text going on you know maybe we're not.

Taking care of our own uh while chasing around you know alleged LGBT activists who are also on the terrorist list

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3 thoughts on “40 other folks reportedly ineffective in Moscow shooting assault, in accordance to Russian news companies

  1. A 😢😢😮😢😢😢 unhealthy & contaminated😮😢😢😮😮😢 retired director from Normal Dynamics, previously worked in San Diego, doubtlessly better than 85 yrs ancient now, is abusing US Gov's monitoring satellite to harass accepted US civilians, interior USA & all over the realm for his bear entertainment & amusement. These a ways-off sensors of the monitoring satellites are in a position to decoding the words you're pondering for your mind, could presumably be, by air vibration or by scanning the brainwaves from your mind.The Israeli IDF are the exercise of the same satellite applied sciences to perceive on the Hamas management hiding deep interior the Gaza Tunnels. IDF once released footage of these movies in mighty degraded resolution. This will presumably even had been the system how our intelligence companies and products got categorised data on Xi Jinping's missile deployment within China.This retired Normal Dynamics director could presumably presumably had been the mastermind within the motivate of the airplane break killing the Secretary of Commerce Ronald Brown of the Clinton Administration, within the airplane break in 1996 in Croatia.The US as we learned and studied in American high college does not exist anymore; it has been destroyed. United States had been ineffective. American voters don't maintain human rights. This retired Director of Normal Dynamics is certainly a nationwide disgrace of the United States. If this The United States disgrace must harrass any American civilian, he very finest locations this American into our Gov. blacklist for monitoring, and he can harass this American civilian.

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