5 Tech Shares to Elevate Now


5 Tech Shares to Elevate Now

Today we're talking about five tech stocksto buy now ahead of the q1 reports let's get started welcome back guys today we are coveringtech stocks but we're specifically focusing on the opportunities that lie ahead as we approach q1reports uh with with a mixed bag of results here from the last quarter we have a lot to unpackso let's get started first I kind of want to talk about what has been driving the mixedresults in tech stocks for Q4 um some compan compes have soared Beyond expectations Whileothers are kind of leaving investors wanting more with their forward guidance so fill usin here what is behind all of this tired of guessing which stocks to ditch markab be'sexclusive report 20 stocks to sell now cuts through the noise uncover the truth behindwall Street's ratings as our list is curated.

From the stocks that top analysts consistentlyrate as hold or sell don't let your portfolio suffer these 20 companies have been red flagedfor a reason so act now and Safeguard your inv Investments this report is free but onlyavailable for a limited time so download today well digitization is hot that shift tothe cloud is still ongoing uh demand for cyber security is still huge and AI is really juicingall of it but there's a huge unknown because nobody really knows who or how much AI is goingto a packed Revenue in some cases the analysts and Market expectations are been way up here so youhave a hard time beating these expectations and stock prices fall in some cases the expectationsare way down here and you get easy beats but I think in all cases Tech is still doing prettystrong uh the real takeaway from this article and.

This video should be that we've had a huge Marketreset as far as um sentiment and expectations is put a lot of stocks back in position to Rallybecause their consensus estimates are still moving higher and they're now above the priceaction yeah I think Thomas has that right I mean just AI alone it's not good enough anymorefor companies to just say to just talk about Ai and their earnings reports they have to actuallybe starting to show investors exactly how they're going to profit from AI um I think some of thesome of the valuations are simply stretched right now and I've been noticing a pattern um I thinkwe'll probably be talking about this here when we talk about some of the other stocks whereanalysts have a lower consensus price Target on the stock than it is now which is just reallytelling investors there's probably going to be.

A little healthy pullback coming on in the techsector all right well let's take a look at some of these tech companies here uh for starters Pao Altonetworks is making bold moves by investing in the future um Thomas why don't you tell us a littlebit more about the long-term benefits with this one and why do you think investors should keep aclose eye on this stock specifically yeah right paloalto is kind of the poster child for whatwe're talking about here it's growing it's got this great trajectory for growth uh because kindof Highly highly Val valued was kind of trading in the high end of the analyst range and thencomes the latest results results were awesome but the guidance was kind of trimmed and cautiousand weak because the company is Shifting its focus instead of like focusing on margins and revenueright now it's going to give up some of its.

Margins and revenues right now by giving away freeservices the long-term implication is trying to regain or trying to gain new clients for long-termgrowth when it gains new clients it can then start focusing on penetrating services is also tryingto move into platformization it's got a bunch of disperate products trying to get them all in thesame place to make it easier for clients to use and for them to sell and to make upsells over thelong term but what you will see after the results I'm sorry if you're trying to say something youknow the stock price crashed like 30% analysts are raising their price targets so what we've had isthe market has moved back down while the analysts are moving back up and we're kind of requaland now I see the upper trajectory uh coming back into play okay well despite a recent drop uhanalysts are also still bullish on zscaler moving.

Along to that one so with positive revisions hereuh could this signal a strong comeback what do you guys think what is the outlook for this oneyeah I think the same Z zscaler kind of got hit by the Poo Alto news because Palo alto's news iskind of bad for Palo Alto now but it may be bad for zscaler long term if paloalto is gaining Zzscaler potential clients but again the analysts are raising their targets and they're leadingthe market higher from its current position so assuming that these upcoming results are stillgood then the stock should rally yeah I haven't looked at Z scaler in a in a couple of days I knowthat when I was last looking at it um I was seeing that the consensus price for Z scaler was belowwhere it was trading so I was thinking it might be ready for a you know that this might be one ofthose stocks we're talking about that's ready for.

A little bit of a pullback and you know one of thethings that I like about zscaler right now is that it's really heavy into the zero trust which a lotof cyber security companies are moving towards but zscaler has been there for a long time and that'swith remote work and hybrid work being the the norm now uh many companies are really lookingto see how they can implement this zero trust platform okay well then there's mongod DB uh theyaren't just surviving here this company is really thriving kind of thanks to its positioning uh inthe cloud and AI markets so what makes this one a leader though and how does this kind of translateinto the growth uh prospects here uh let's just take a closer look at this one what do you thinkabout this company well mongodb is is important because it's a it's Cloud infrastructure butit's also Ai and database infrastructure so.

It's all about building that infrastructure andthe data handling that's necessary for doing the AI they've been focused on AI right from thebeginning they're a leader and applying AI services to their own internal operations butalso for their clients um they've got these these Partnerships with companies like gitlabwhich is the dev SEC Ops platform so we've got this uh it's like a method of a means a platformfor developers globally to be able to work with AI from wherever they are with whatever kind ofprojects or team that they're working with safely and securely um I see mongodb as a competitorfor companies like Oracle which is also big in Cloud infrastructure um again uh the results causethe stock price to implode but analysts are raing their targets um by my calculations the consensusprice Target is almost double from last year and.

It implies 30% upside so stock price might wallowfor a little while but I see upside ahead and all it will take is a catalyst and that could come inthe next quarters reports yeah right well next up is UI path this stock has been on a roller coasterbut a reversal might be in sight uh with analysts impressed by recent results could there be a rallysoon um what are the signals here and what does it mean for investors yeah I think UI path is ontrack for a reversal it's been trending up off a bottom uh the recent results have caused the priceto come back a little bit but that price pullback aligns with the uptrend we've still got support atcritical levels what we're seeing in the results is that after the company's initial push it'sstarting to regain traction with growth and that's because of it's AI powered Bots um AI isall about if efficiency and improving productivity.

And that comes down to Automation and that'swhere uipath is a leader we've got accelerating growth and the analysts are now raising theirtargets consensus is almost 30% above the price action and Rising so this is another one that Isee being led Higher by the analyst if I recall correctly that's a that's one of Kathy Wood'suh favorite stocks recently I think she made a fairly significant Buy in that in the last monthor so right because she's selling Tesla to pay for this yeah exactly okay well the fifth stock we aregoing to talk about today is snowflake snowflake CEO change has kind of ruffled a few feathers uhbut what does this really mean for the company's future I think that it's ultimately a good thingfor the company's future because it puts into place in the CEO position um an AI Centric CEOformer CEO was perfectly capable of running the.

Company did a fantastic job this is just a shiftthat aligns with the current technological shift in the market I think that uh you know the stockhas got upside for sure the analyst responses have been a little bit mixed but we have downgradesoffset by upgrades there's more price Target upward revisions than downward revisions umthey're predicting 30% upside so again this is another great candidate for a rebounder rallygiven strong q1 results yeah snowflakes been in the news uh I think I know Market beat there wasan article out e it's either been out or it might be coming out today or tomorrow or um that new CEOthat Thomas is talking about just bought just made a major buy about you know about5 Million worthof of the company shares which may have been part of a you know might may have been part of apre-arranged deal but still it's it's encouraging.

To see that he's coming in and and putting hismoney into the stock that's a good point because um he was already an executive so he had his skinin the game this is additional skin but that's definitely a a bullish sign for the market yepokay well let's take another look quickly we're here beyond the immediate future now so what dothe next few years hold for tech stocks I mean there's optimism for sustained rallies through2025 uh but what else could drive growth here and kind of what challenges do we need to considergoing forward all right so the the big thing with tech stocks going forward is the expanding use ofdigitization we do not have 100% penetration of the global population with digital yet and withinthe population that is using digital they're not using 100% Digital Services so we've got the userbase is going to grow plus expanding Services plus.

AI efficiencies that's a triple Tailwind for theright companies and I think most tech stocks will benefit from this Rising tide anything else to addthere Chris no I think Thomas I think Thomas hit on it really well AI is going to be the driverof this market and I know investors get tired of hearing that but I think the key thing withto that Thomas said is it's going to be for for the right companies there's going to be some ofthese smaller AI companies that are never going to hit the same sort of scale that the larger onesare going to be playing so you really want to make sure you're focusing on the right companies andthe companies that are really well positioned to take advantage of this to of this shift right umI believe it was Gartner that put out this report but they're talking about how AI is going to boomwe're talking double digit to Triple digit growth.

In AI but overall Tech spending will be flatthis year so certainly some companies are going to get a huge boost some of them are going to getforgotten about right all right well that wraps up these five tech stocks to buy now ahead of q1reports uh with so much to consider from Market resets the impact of AI and Cloud growth it's anexciting time to be investor to say the least uh but don't forget to like share and subscribe formore insights right here at Market beat we'll talk soon

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