🛑 Hungary’s PM Orban supports Trump after Florida assembly | TGN News


🛑 Hungary's PM Orban supports Trump after Florida assembly | TGN News

Hungary's prime minister Victor Orban expressedsupport for former US president Donald Trump's return to the White House during a meetingin Florida Orban known for his nationalist policies believes only Trump's leadership canbring peace particularly in Ukraine he lauded Trump's previous tenure citing peace in theMiddle East and claiming there would not be a war in Ukraine if Trump had been reelected orban'sstance on immigration and sovereignty has garnered support Among Us conservatives despite his clasheswith the EU over Democratic erosion and ties with Russia Israel intensified its assault on the GazaStrip targeting a major residential Tower in Rafa causing damage and displacing numerous familieswhile no casualties were reported concerns arose about a potential Israeli Invasion amid theongoing conflict nearly 31,000 Palestinians.

Have been killed over 72,500 wounded and thousandstrapped under Rubble the humanitarian crisis in Gaza exacerbated by a 17-year blockade has leftmuch of the territory in Ruins displacing most of its 2.3 million population the internationalCommittee of the Red Cross called for an end to hostilities to facilitate Aid distribution andurged Hamas to release hostages without conditions negotiations for a ceasefire and the release ofhostages faced obstacles with Egypt estimating the Reconstruction cost for Gaza at over 90billion the Israeli military reported ongoing operations including arrests weapon seizuresand the killing of over 30 fighters in various Gaza locations gaza's Health Ministry documentedat least 82 casualties in Israeli attacks with specific incidents causing significant civiliancasualties in K Yunis and the northern Gaza Strip.

Israeli forces reported killing dozens of Hamasfighters in the Gaza Strip within 24 hours with operations targeting areas such as K Yunis andCentral Gaza the IDF claimed the destruction of enemy military facilities and the capture ofFighters while Palestinian sources reported air strikes on a high-rise building in Rafa despitewarnings civilians were injured in the attack the Hamas controlled Health Ministry stated that82 Palestinians died and 122 were injured in the past day bringing the total casualties sincethe Gaza conflict began to nearly 31,000 killed and over 72,000 500 injured however these figurescouldn't be independently verified while casualty counts don't distinguish between civilians andFighters a majority of victims are reportedly non-combatants the conflict originated from ahamas-led attack on Southern Israel in October.

Resulting in Mass casualties and abductionsAmerican and French forces intercepted dozens of drones in the Red Sea after Yemen's houti Rebelstargeted a cargo vessel and US destroyers in the Gulf of Aiden the h aligned with Iran have beenattacking ships in the Red Sea since November in solidarity with Palestinians amid the Gazaconflict the group claimed to have launched 37 drones prompting US Navy ships and aircraft toshoot down 15 uavs French forces also downed for combat drones advancing towards EuropeanNaval vessels the defensive actions protected commercial ships including the cargo vessel trueconfidence previously struck on March 6th the UK Maritime trade off operations confirmed anattempted attack on the Singapore flag Propel Fortune attributing it to outdated ownership datathe houthis vowed to continue attacks until the.

Gaza Siege ends Yemen's houti Rebels attackedthe Singapore flagged vessel Propel fortune in the Gulf of Aiden triggering explosions butthe ship continued without impact or reported injuries the houti military spokesperson claimedresponsibility for the attack stating they also launched 37 drones targeting American warships inresponse the US Navy along with Allied warships and aircraft reportedly shot down 15 bomb carryinghouti drones in the Gulf of Aiden in the Red Sea this incident follows a fatal houti missile strikeon a commercial ship in the Gulf of Aiden earlier in the week marking the first casualty in theircampaign over Israel's conflict with Hamas the houti attacks ostensibly aimed at pressuringIsrael have expanded to unrelated targets including a cargo ship in February and an Americandrone the US conducted air strikes in Yemen on.

Friday destroying houti truck mounted anti-shipmissiles the conflict has persisted since 2014 with the houti rebels holding Northern Yemen whilebattling a saudi-led coalition since 2015 US air strikes in January have resulted in houti fightercasualties and one civilian death during a visit to barut Jesse Baker a top US Treasury officialurged Lebanese authorities to prevent funds from reaching Hamas through Lebanon the visitcoincided with with stalled ceasefire negotiations between Israel and Hamas raising concerns ofregional escalation particularly in Lebanon where Hezbollah an ally of Hamas has clashedwith Israeli forces Baker expressed concerns about the movement of funds from Iran throughHezbollah into Lebanon and Beyond compliance with global anti-money laundering and counterterrorismfinancing standards was emphasized as essential.

For Lebanon to attract investment and addressits economic crisis Baker urged crackdowns on illicit Financial Services thriving amid lebanon'sbanking collapse which facilitate circumvention of us sanctions by groups like Hamas and Hezbollahwhile Hamas denied knowledge of the matter Lebanon Central Bank described the meetings with Baker aspositive affirming efforts to regulate licensed financial services and suggesting that unlicensedoperations should be addressed by law enforcement Poland's foreign minister rodc Sikorski suggestedthat the presence of NATO forces in Ukraine is not out of the question echoing French presidentEmanuel macron's recent comments sikorski's statement came during discussions marking the 25thanniversary of Poland's NATO accession reflecting a broader European debate on how to Aid Ukraineas Russia gains ground and Kiev faces ammunition.

Shortages macron's remarks initially controversialbroke taboos among allies prompting discussions on a potential Western troop deployment whilethe Kremlin Wars of inevitable conflict if NATO sends combat troops sikorski's commentsignals a shift in Poland stance aligning more closely with macron's initiative this shift posesa dilemma for Europe as the US Congress withholds Aid to Ukraine potentially leaving the countryvulnerable ahead of a meeting with us officials polish leaders seek to Rally support for Ukrainefearing Russian expansion into the region Poland situated on NATO's Eastern flank with Ukraineas a neighbor has historical concerns about Russian aggression and sees Ukraine's fate ascrucial to its own security Canada announced a 4.4 million Canadian dollar investment toassist defense manufacturers in increasing.

Production of NATO standard 155 mm Munitionscrucial for Ukraine's defense against Russia's Invasion IMT defense in ingersol Ontario and twounits of General Dynamics ordinance and Tactical Systems in Quebec will receive the funding defenseminister Bill Blair emphasized collaboration with industry to boost ammunition production though notimeline was provided Ukraine has faced a shortage of ammunition termed shell hunger since Russia'sInvasion NATO signed a 1.1 billion Euro contract for 155 mm artillery rounds in January with someearmark for Ukraine but deliveries are expected by the end of 2025 India is poised to finalize aneconomic agreement with the European free trade Association efta comprising Switzerland NorwayIceland and lonstein after nearly 16 years of negotiations officials anticipate the agreementwill bolster trade in investment with the efta.

Countries potentially investing up to $100 billionover 15 years in India's burgeoning Market of 1.4 billion people while India's Federal CommerceMinistry has yet to comment recent years have seen India sign trade agreements with Australia and theUAE with negotiations ongoing with Britain these efforts align with prime minister Narendra modi'saim of achieving $1 trillion in exports by 2030 the efta established in 1960 as an alternativeto the Europe an Union is a significant player in global trade having Inked numerous agreementswith countries and territories beyond the EU the third-party political movement No Labels hasdecided to feel the presidential candidate in the 2024 election following discussions anddeliberations with various prospects during an online convention attended by 800 delegatesfrom every state the decision to move forward.

Was supported although the actual candidateswere not announced No Labels plans to unveil its candidate selection process on March 14ththis development comes as several potential candidates including former un Ambassador NikkiHaley and former Maryland governor Larry Hogan have declined the idea of running while retiringWest Virginia senator Joe manin also ruled out a presidential run No Labels aims to offer abipartisan ticket amid concerns about voter dissatisfaction with both major parties nomineeshowever some Democrats fear that a No Labels ticket could split votes and Aid Donald Trump'sre-election bid group groups like move on in Third Way have criticized No Labels questioningits transparency and viability nonetheless No Labels has amassed funding from undiscloseddonors and secured ballot access in all states.

As it pursues its goal of presenting a bipartisanalternative in the presidential race the second us Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan revivedcorruption charges against former New York Lieutenant Governor Brian Benjamin prosecutorsaccused Benjamin of directing a $50,000 State Grant to a developer in exchange for campaignpain contributions the appeals court found sufficient evidence of a quidd proquo to supportbribery honest Services wire fraud and conspiracy charges reversing a prior ruling by US DistrictJudge Paul otkin while two charges of falsifying records were on hold pending appeal the case hasbeen returned to otkin however the death of the developer Gerald mdal and a Supreme Court decisionlimiting certain corruption cases may impact the prosecution Benjamin's attorney maintained hisinnocence stating Benjamin's actions were routine.

Fundraising efforts prosecutors alleged Benjaminsteered the grant to a charity run by migdal in exchange for campaign support the appeals courtemphasized the inferred agreement between Benjamin and migdal highlighting the transformation ofcampaign contributions into criminal acts due to corrupt intent Benjamin resigned as lieutenantgovernor in 2022 following the charges The Fulton County Board of Ethics has removed complaintsagainst district attorney fonnie Willis from its agenda citing jurisdictional issues thecomplaints arose due to concerns about Willis's romantic relationship with a special prosecutorinvolved in a case concerning former president Trump's alleged election interference onecomplaint filed by Resident Steven Kramer questioned whether Willis benefited improperlyfrom the hiring of the special prosecutor another.

Complaint filed by talk show host Gregory mantelalleged multiple violations of the Fulton County ethics code by Willis the ethics board's decisionto drop the complaints comes amidst scrutiny from national leaders and a republican-led state senatecommittee Ashley Merchant the defense attorney representing a trump campaign operative testifiedbefore a Georgia State Senate committee about the relationship between Willis and the specialprosecutor the judge overseeing the election interference case is expected to rule on whetherto disqualify Willis's office from the prosecution which could result in the case being transferredto another District Attorney's Office the case involves allegations against Trump and his alliesregarding attempts to overturn the 2020 election results in Georgia with Trump pleading notguilty to the charges Federal prosecutors filed.

Opposition to Hunter Biden's attempts to dismisstax rated charges rejecting claims of political motivation they argued against Biden's assertionsthat charges were escalated to appease Republicans emphasizing the independence of the prosecutionfrom political influence prosecutors also refuted claims regarding the legality of special counselDavid Weiss appointment stating it conforms to the law Biden's attorneys have not responded tothe filings and the judge overseeing the case requested their response later this month Bidenpleaded not guilty to tax related charges and federal gun charges House Republicans impeachmentinquiry into Joe Biden has faced setbacks including Revelations of false information froma key informant Hunter Biden's deposition weaken support for impeachment among House Republicanswho invited him to testify publicly on March 20th.

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1 thought on “🛑 Hungary’s PM Orban supports Trump after Florida assembly | TGN News

  1. Trump is telling Orban 'I no doubt had been further up Putin's arse than you presumably would possibly perhaps perhaps also ever have faith.' Orba n reluctantly is of the same opinion but reminds Trump they’re both Putin's current Poodles and Vlad will always rating their backs the least bit instances. What a pair of prime ar*e Hol es.

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