Israel-Hamas battle: Rafah refugees ordered to transfer away earlier than Israeli invasion | LiveNOW from FOX


Israel-Hamas battle: Rafah refugees ordered to transfer away earlier than Israeli invasion | LiveNOW from FOX

Giving you a live look out in Rafa as the vote on Palestinians future in the UN did pass by a wide margin now at 8:01 on the East Coast I want to give you a different live look this one out in Gaza as we are following breaking news at this hour Israel ordering new evacuations in gaza's southern city of Rafa forcing tens of thousands more.

People to move as It prepares to expand its operation and adding that it's also moving moving into an area in Northern Gaza where Hamas has regrouped Israel now evacuating the Eastern third of Rafa pushing the operation to the edges of the heavily populated Central Area alth those Israel's moving to the city has so far been short of the full scale.

Invasion that it originally planned joining us live this morning to further discuss the latest on this breaking news situation related to the Israel Hamas war is Dr K ahed with the Independent Women's Forum she's a senior fellow there good morning to you Dr k a pleasure speaking with you here on live now from Fox good morning Jana thanks.

For having me so we are following this breaking news very controversial this morning as these ground invasions continue into an area where Palestinians have fled to get some type of Refuge from the Israel Hamas War but if we look back you were there from the very beginning out there in Israel on October 7th uh what were you seeing can you.

Catch us up please yes this entire war is so tragic and is a war of Choice by Hamas this is exactly what Hamas has intended to do I was able to see a few days after October 7th um the atrocities the places of the atrocities the violence the dehumanization and the annihilation of human beings by Hamas I looked at bodies in the morgs I looked.

At remains of bodies I looked at the incinerated remains of human beings it it's so beyond our imagination the level of violence that was inflicted by Hamas on Jewish people the violence I believe um had the character of genocidal Annihilation and as a result Israel is obliged as a sovereign state and member of the International Community to defend.

Its own people against this islamist jihadist group just as the United States was obliged to defend us from Al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups just is the Muslim World United to defend syrians and Iraqis Kurds and yazidis from Isis this is no different let's not forget while we're on the verge of what could be even more human suffering both for.

The Palestinians and for the Israelis as this operation deepens in Rafa it could all end if Hamas releases the hostages and God forbid the remains of dead hostages that they are still keeping this these leaders of Hamas are so dis ibly cowardly they hide in tunnels inside faanes that means ranks of hostages while they're moving.

Underground in perfect security and safety the Hamas leaders as their Palestinian people are sacrificed for their political aims above ground and what's extraordinary is the increasing excoriation of Israel in the International Community whether it's President Biden whether it's the United Nations vote there seems to be.

Absolutely cart Blan for heras to not only act as it wishes but to be lionized and aized by American protesters this is a complete perversion of moral ethics there is no moral Clarity and as a Muslim woman and I speak just as a Muslim woman in this instance not speaking for the Independent Women's Forum the Muslim World itself has.

Betrayed the Palestinians by failing to Shield them from the theater of war every other conflict people are allowed to flee the theater of war and this has been completely prevented by the surrounding Muslim region it's a cataclysmal tragedy Dr K great dialogue and you discussed Palestinians being impacted.

Literally being used as human Shields as Hamas continues to impact this area you can see on the screen how Palestinians and others have fled to get some type of refuge on the Israeli side they're demanding that hostages be returned but Hamas saying they displaced some of them so we don't know if this is being used as some type of tactic so they can get.

More demands met or if they're saying this so they can get more of those Palestinian prisoners released Jan I think I want to say something you've you've mentioned an extremely important point when I use the word human shield this is these are not my definitions I met with Muslims who had been held hostage by Hamas on October 7th and Ham.

Asked themselves said to the Muslim hostage of position we have now found our human shield this is exactly what this jihadist group wants the jihadist group in their own words speak about being ready to perform a million October 7s they they they speak about being able to sacrifice a million Palestinian lives they are so genocidal their genocide is.

Not only explicitly aimed at the Jewish people they are willing to expend every last Palestinian life to achieve this and as for the amount of Aid which Israel is allowing in and which the world including our country the United States has hugely provided to the tune of 7.1 billion dollars of us Aid to unra alone which continued until January 24th.

That Aid has built massive terrorist infrastructure tunnels which I have visited inside the tunnels six years ago that Hamas is constructing in order to promote this level of terrorism so when delegates at the United Nations vote for a Palestinian State I am absolutely in favor of a Palestinian State as is the United States as is much of the world.

But it cannot be a platform for terrorism you can't have a Palestinian state if there are no defined and agreed borders and you cannot negotiate with violent non-state actors that means terrorist groups find fined by Iran and other Muslim Brotherhood patrons perhaps there is a role for Qatar which is very disturbing not only in negotiations but.

Actually supporting these groups and then expect a Sovereign Nation a member of the International Community to make peace it is so perverse and in the middle of it Palestinian innocent men women children babies and The Unborn are made porns by the entire International Community this has to stop and the leadership must.

Come from the United States Dr K as we discussed this humanitarian Aid I know we can have this candid and Frank conversation there was a humanitarian crisis before October 7th if we're being honest and this Amplified and already tense situation and chaotic situation that was out there in this region we're hearing from IDF they're saying they're.

Going in to these Rafa areas to try to help get humanitarian Aid in but we have seen several times I mean you discussed those tunnels Hamas taking that humanitarian Aid that was coming into the region from those that needed it hiding it in the tunnels we've seen how they've been brought out of the tunnels stripped of their clothes bellies.

Looking very full as if they had eaten all of the aid that had come in all at once it's so tragic and it's so obscene not even um after October 7th but let's not forget in the time before October 7th Israel was actually providing work permits to tens of thousands of Palestinians living in Gaza so that they could come to Israel earn income and.

Bring it back to their families let's not forget Israeli Tech billionaire AAL valdman who built two uh companies inside Gaza in the tech industry to employ gazans and yet his daughter and her future fiance were murdered on October 7th so the level of Crisis and the level of Corruption of Hamas and don't take my word for it there are.

Important philanthropists who are bringing out voices of very brave Palestinians in Gaza who tell us grandmothers that all of the aid goes underground who tell us that the cargos are being um uh surrounded by armed guards and then sold on the black market back to Palestinians when the world has donated that Aid the corruption is at.

Enormous levels and this also feeds into why the state of Egypt has been an incredible partner to try and help contain the Hamas group because Egypt itself has been victim to jihadist attacks smuggling tunnels all kinds of unrest and violence from these jihadist groups so I think now that the Israelis are committed to going in and Performing.

Some kind of operation in Rafa they have an enormous and difficult task speaking to to former uh us uh counterterrorism experts they explained to me it's extremely difficult to distinguish a Hamas Commando from a civilian because they've melted away they've given away their uniforms I've also spoken to many survivors of October 7th who say there's.

No mistaking that much of the Palestinian Community was supportive of hamas's actions so now they have to go into this melee they have to be prepared for booby trap tunnels huge amounts of armament while um there were strikes reported in the Rafa region it was less reported that Hamas had fired multiple Rockets into Israel from Rafa they are.

Militarily capable in this last Bastion that Palestinian people are trying to survive so it is the worst kind of urban Insurgency Warfare that only a push murer who's fought in mosul or an American that's fought in fua could possibly understand and those battles took years great points you're making and when you said that point about some.

Palestinians working with Hamas it made me think back to that first ceasefire negotiation and when you saw those Palestinian prisoners being released for God knows what they were arrested for some of them for terroristic acts themselves you would see parties in the middle of the streets and then learning that some of the families were paid off.

By Hamas if certain people did things in the name of Hamas as you seen right here in America when people get on YouTube and make those videos saying their allegiance to Isis and then they go out and do terroristic threats Dr K the viewers wanting to know what's next with these ceasefire negotiations we're seeing what's going on with the UN.

What's next what do we need to be keeping a close eye on you know I think the most important thing is the United States has to affirm her commitment to Israel remember President Biden is uh announced suspension of of important weapons to the United States He is the fourth president since 1956 to suspend Aid or.

Threaten to withhold Aid to Israel so this is not the first time Israel is uh recognizing that it may have to act unilaterally and alone uh but I think it's very very important that the United States clarifies we do not stand with radical jihadist groups we do not stand with a group like Hamas that can incinerate babies that can uh violate.

Sexually women um to the point of death and then even after their death continue sexually violating them I think that that is very important I also think the United States has to understand the protests that are happening here which appear to be in the guise of supporting the Palestinians are more and more overtly pro- Hamas Hamas has been uh a.

Grandis and idealized here in a way that is extremely dangerous and this conflict will end I have confidence in Israel that it will be able to end the the conflict and the region is going to support that because they also don't want to host Hamas in the Gulf region but our radicalized American Youth is here to stay and they are being.

Manipulated in this case to Pro to support Hamas I don't know what they will do in the future and we have to think as a nation what are we going to do about our education system our young adults our college students students which are now Petri dishes for any kind of radicalization at the moment it's disruptive and it's violent Civil.

Disobedience as well as unacceptable and completely illegal hate crimes against Jewish people but this violence could deepen and become more disruptive and more dangerous and I think we do not have our eye on the wheel here in the United States while we also do not have a clear view of what's happening internationally in the last Point I've.

Just come back from Colombia South America which um was the first time that I've been to South America they are very concerned about the rising influence of islamists Colombia is struggling with some elements of Hezbollah cells Colombia is watching what's happened to Venezuela which is now very deeply engaged in Iran um there is a president.

In Colombia South America who's broken off diplomatic relations with Israel despite a free trade agreement between Israel and Colombia with over 130 corporations which are heavily invested in both countries so on our doorstep the gateway to South America is now seemingly wanting to pledge allegiance to Hamas even though 51 million.

Colombians disagree with that and if we do not lead the way and show we are very clearly committed to defanging Hamas and restoring peace for the Palestinians as well as the Israelis there are many dangerous messages that are reverberating across the world Dr Ked truly a pleasure speaking with you this morning here on live now.

From Fox I'm sure it won't be the last thank you for joining us for this breaking news situation you enjoy the rest of your day it's my pleasure thank you so much as we continue to bring you these breaking news headlines giving you another live look out in Rafa as we're following breaking news now at 8:16 on the East Coast learning that Israel has.

Ordered new evacuations in Rafa where they are learning that Hamas has regrouped

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3 thoughts on “Israel-Hamas battle: Rafah refugees ordered to transfer away earlier than Israeli invasion | LiveNOW from FOX

  1. Please my chums. One can condemn the fright that occurred on oct Seventh as well to the dreadful of us that carried it out whereas silent desiring to glimpse as few ineffective innocent folks as possible on this battle. You’ll want to presumably dispute dreadful things about the palestinians to demonize them, however the reality is loads of the of us which will be dying are now not allotment of hamas and so they maybe private loads more in in type with yourselves than you'd care to confess. They’ve households and like them, they actually feel wretchedness and pleasure and laugh at farts. They ethical are looking to live their lives free of the considered instantaneous dying, as any human would. Hamas is guilty for this battle, but dont pretend that israel is now not governing its occupy actions, and the lives of innocent folks are “unavoidable oh so sad but it needed to happen collateral injure.” It is now not immoral or antisemetic to critize these that cause the deaths of of us that in fact dont have to die. We wants to be main of this in every other case its now not going that we'll switch away from the observe as a species, and it is execrable for industry for our species.

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