‘A fool’: Michael Cohen sounds fright on national security threat of Trump’s money crunch


'A fool': Michael Cohen sounds fright on national security threat of Trump's money crunch

So Michael let's let's talk about what Donald Trump said today that he will post his reduced amount of $175 million very quickly what do you think can he do that look uh it's certainly a whole lot less than the 500 million that he was looking for that he could not get that his son Eric was crying on television that this is something that nobody has.

Ever had to do before they were obviously unable to do it do I think that he can raise the 175 million the answer is most probably uh it's certainly like I said a lot less than the 500 million there are things that he can do you know one of the things that I was saying uh earlier today is I wish that Tish James had reached out to me I.

Would show her exactly where the money is for the 500 million that she should have gone after a long time ago instead of giving him the opportunity of 30 days to raise this Bond um look the situation sure but he's going to also yeah well well she certainly could uh I will say that the again the 175 is a lot easier for him to raise than the.

500 I was interested in what your thought was on what he said about taking foreign money I mean he said I think you'd be allowed to but I don't need to borrow money you know we've been in his head what do you make of that response what does it mean to you yeah nothing that you know that Donald Trump is lying when his lips are.

Moving he knows that he's probably reaching out to foreign entities or foreign individuals and so he wants to just make sure that he's you know putting this out there in advance of him actually doing it because that's what he intends to do he doesn't say things you know just haphazardly there's always a reason behind his insanity and um this.

Is just another one of them he couldn't get it domestically and so he'd rather try to reach out to anyone anyone that will give him the money as long as he doesn't have to post his own money I mean that's just who he is and my prediction he will wait till the absolute last day day 10 before which he posts whether it's cash which it won't.

Be or a bond and we will not know where that Bond was secured from and Jen I've also said this on a ton of shows already this is the part that we all As Americans need to be extremely extremely careful of because if it is a foreign uh entity imagine God forbid a million times that Trump becomes president that foreign entity will own the president of.

The United States of America now if he does get it domestically could you imagine we also have a president who is significantly compromised for somebody who had done him the major favor of giving him whether it's 175 million or $500 million it places America's national security in a very precarious situation question no matter who it is.

Well let me ask you this cuz I do I agree with you this is a really important thing for people to understand you're obviously not advising him but you do know who he has close relationships with who would you think he's reaching out to who should Americans be concerned he might owe something.

To well are you talking about domestically or you talking about foreign if it's domestic just take a look at the list yeah well look can we hit the Dom one first just take a look at the at the membership list over at Mar Lago right I mean you know we already saw that he showed top secret documents to an Australian billionaire.

Right there's plenty of billionaires that hang out with him over at maral Lago and each and every one of them sees Donald Trump as a fool and that they think that they can get something out of him because most of these Mega billionaires actually did get stuff out of him while he was the president as far as foreign I mean look he's talking.

About his love affair with with Kim Jong-un his great respect for Vladimir Putin his great friendship with XII ping you have Muhammad Ben Salman that for whatever the reason might be gave two over two billion dollars to Jared Kushner who's never been in the finance world before right I mean there are plenty of really wealthy autocrats out.

There that would be more than happy to loan Donald money especially if they know they can own him if he becomes the president hey everyone MSNBC has a new and improved app you'll get real time alerts and Analysis live blogs in-depth essays video highlights and the best 2024 election coverage download the new MSNBC app here's how to do it you tap on.

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3 thoughts on “‘A fool’: Michael Cohen sounds fright on national security threat of Trump’s money crunch

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