‘A world coalition which stands for democracy and liberty’: NATO turns 75


'A world coalition which stands for democracy and liberty': NATO turns 75

Admiral before you go as mentioned at the top of the show it is the anniversary 75th anniversary of an organization you once LED NATO it's being marked by Foreign ministers today in Brussels heads of state will do so in Washington uh this summer we just want to get your thoughts about the legacy of the organization and why now perhaps.

More than ever it's so vitally needed yeah what a wonderful question for a former Supreme Allied Commander of NATO I'm I'm proud to answer it Jonathan um think of NATO like a computer program NATO 1.0 was the Cold War NATO of the US versus the Soviet Union we needed those NATO allies to stand toe-to-toe with the Soviet Union uh NATO 2.0 emerges after.

The 9911 attacks the United States was attacked and all of our NATO allies Every Nation came with us to Afghanistan to avenge that and NATO 3.0 is what we see today brought on by Vladimir Putin now strengthened by the addition of Sweden and Finland to the north um together these 32 nations are well over half of the world's gross domestic.

Product they have 3 million troops under arms almost all volunteers 15,000 combat aircraft it's an extraordinary Alliance it's standing up to Vladimir Putin and we watched a few moments ago and I think we were all moved by Martin Luther King's speech it was extraordinary there's another extraordinary speech in the middle of all this it's Ronald.

Reagan Mr gorbachov tear down this wall what gave Reagan the strength to make that speech the answer is NATO happy birthday NATO well and and Admiral I want to put this map up again and of course you you talked about how the addition of Sweden Finland uh turned uh the Baltic into the Baltic Lake but but we've heard whining.

I'm so sick and tired of Donald Trump and his allies trashing the United States trashing the West saying that we've seen our best days that it can only be great again if he's there America is Great America has been great America will be great look at that map of NATO and and it and on that M that is.

The West that is the West that's supposedly been in retreat it if if you and I went back to 1989 and somebody show showed us this map and said this is what NATO's going to look like in 30 we tell them they're out of their mind and it's not just the strongest military Alliance in world history Admiral I'm so glad you brought.

Up the GDP because I hear all this whining about America failing America falling the Europeans being wimps you combine America's GDP with the eu's GDP and like you said in that NATO alliance right there we have over half of the entire globe's GDP well over 5060 trillion to Russia's $1.3 trillion it's not even close China.

167 trillion dollar and they're struggling to avoid the Lost decade that the Japanese had in the 1990s talk about the strength of America the strength of the West and the strength of NATO today stronger than ever stronger together is how we would phrase that and it is a remarkable economic Coalition but militarily United.

States obviously has the largest defense budget in the world the second largest defense budget in the world collectively when you add it up is the budget of all those European allies uh we do laps around this size or scale of both China and Russia combined and oh by the way in Asia the Japanese the South Koreans the Australians the kiwis of New Zealand the.

Singaporeans the Filipinos all want to work with NATO together so it's even beyond the European piece of this it's really a global Coalition which stands for democracy and Liberty and collectively is so strong together against these authoritarian regimes U today 75th Anniversary again happy birthday.

NATO M together we cannot fail right which is why Donald Trump wants to break NATO into a million pieces because that's what Vladimir Putin wants it's for anyone with eyes to see uh Harry Truman was President uh of course when this Alliance was put together and coming up the grandson of Harry Truman will be on the show to talk about NATO.

75 years later retired fourstar Navy Admiral James tus thank you very much for being on this morning hey everyone MSNBC has a new and improved app you'll get realtime alerts and Analysis live blogs in-depth essays video highlights and the best 2024 election coverage download the new MSNBC app here's how to do it you tap on the App Store on your.

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3 thoughts on “‘A world coalition which stands for democracy and liberty’: NATO turns 75

  1. Russia called US authorities for diplomacy changed into rejected by US because they've performed this for years..nonetheless it undoubtedly's changed into US who began to expending NATO surrounding Russia border..Putin warned US many events and tried to forestall struggle.. after a complete bunch billions fund to Ukraine struggle with Russia, Putin peaceable in energy,Russia economy doesn't nearby sanctions.. nonetheless it undoubtedly backfired on US changing into extra inappropriate to others countries..it changed into US who meddling in international countries inflicting all chaos for the duration of the enviornment because its advantages for the US.. Russia and China definitely no longer frail democracy as an excuse dawdle struggle and invaded others countries, in actuality someday of human history China went to other countries for industry change,no longer as invader.. it's changed into ROME who consistently had struggle to alter into international superpower and till this day because struggle is in their blood.. But US definitely no longer acknowledged the leisure when their crimes accomplice Israel genocide of Palestinian and permitted with Israel murdering harmless human..US is previous due as the international superpower because no international superpower closing extra than 250 years and that’s the threshold for US empire..

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