ABC News High: “Rust” armorer stumbled on guilty; Nikki Haley drops out; Re-criminalizing laborious remedy


ABC News High:

This is ABC News live Prime I'm Phil Lipoff in tonight for Lindsey Davis and we are coming to you right now with breaking news tonight a verdict in the trial of rust armorer Hannah Gutierrez the jury finding her guilty of involuntary manslaughter we find the defendant Hannah Gutierrez guilty of involuntary manslaughter as charge from.

Count one find the defendant Hannah Gutierrez not guilty of tampering with evidence as truction come to that verdict coming down after 2 and 1 half hours of deliberations as Gutierrez was taken into custody her anguished loved ones as you see looked on prosecutors had told jurors that.

Gutierrez repeatedly failed to maintain proper firearm safety and that her negligence led to the death of Alina Hutchins actor Alec Baldwin has also been charged with involuntary manslaughter he was handling the gun that actually killed Hutchins that trial is set to begin in July we are standing by to get legal analysis but first let's.

Get right to mola langi MOA what can you tell us about the verdict well Phil it took the jury just two and a half hours to find Hannah Gutierrez guilty of involuntary manslaughter Gutierrez as you know the armor on the movie set of rust here in New Mexico she was taken into custody tonight the defense argued that.

Gutierrez was being used as a scapegoat but the jury ultimately uh AG ageing with the prosecution's argument that Gutierrez repeatedly skirted critical weapon safety checks and carelessly brought live ammo onto the movie Set just days before a gun that actor Alec Baldwin was rehearsing with fired a live bullet back in October 2021 killing the.

Movies cinematographer Helena Hutchins Baldwin has pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter charges and pH his trial is scheduled to begin in July all right mola thank you ABC News legal contributor and professor of law Kim wayy joins me now to break this verdict down Kim Russ armor or Hannah Gutierrez found guilty of involuntary.

Manslaughter what from the prosecutor's arguments do you think stuck with the jury as they came to the conclusion well the entire movie Set would seemed to be you know just right ripe with negligence top to bottom I mean her job as armorer was to manage firearms and someone was killed and that I think it's very difficult for the.

Defense to really uh get around the the notion that that's potentially criminal negligence because it should not happen given that that was her job that was her reason to be on set always hard to read the te Leeves before the verdict but jury deliberations only lasted about two hours what do you make of the fast decision here from the.

Jury well again uh the evidence demonstrated that there were multiple opportunities to double check that this was an a live round and it wasn't uh a fake and that she wasn't even there when the incident happened that uh they potentially traced the bringing of this actual live round onto set to her uh she brought something allegedly from her car.

Onto the set so all of these things as a jury went through the the jury instructions and said you know willful willful disregard for the safety of the people on the movie Set uh I think it was just difficult probably for them to reach any other conclusion and the blaming others when this was her job my guess is a jury saw right through that.

It's obviously really high-profile case how do you think this paves the way for the trial of Alec Baldwin now who's also charged with involuntary manslaughter well I think with Alec Baldin it's harder I mean he has said publicly that he didn't pull the trigger that's going to be difficult for him when you have forensic experts and.

Firearms experts explaining how this sort of antique like Gun Works reportedly have to actually pull the trigger that being said he was there to to read his lines and be an actor and there are hundreds of people on movie sets that job is to do these other things and you know guns kill people so I think that's probably a harder case.

For the prosecution than it was for for this defendant U but this verdict is probably nothing that he you know he likes to hear I'm sure he's very concerned in this moment for his for his own future I would imagine ABC News legal contributor Kim wayy Kim thanks so much as always next tonight to the race for the.

White House after super Tuesday the Biden Trump rematch is shaping up once again Governor Nikki Haley by out congratulating Donald Trump but not endorsing him saying it's now up to him to earn the votes of Republicans who did not support him President Biden meantime has made an appeal to Haley's voters already saying there is a place for them.

In his campaign ABC's Rachel Scott reports tonight Donald Trump's lone remaining Republican Challenger Calling it Quits I said I wanted Americans to have their voices heard I have done that Nikki Haley congratulating Trump but not endorsing him instead urging the former president to heed the message of her supporters who have serious reservations.

About another Trump term exol show 79% of Haley voters would be dissatisfied with Trump as the Republican nominee 79% also say he would be unfit for office if convicted of a crime it is now up to Donald Trump to earn the votes of those in our party and Beyond it who did not support him and I hope he does that at its best politic is about bringing.

People into your cause not turning them away this is now his time for choosing President Biden quickly promising Haley supporters have a place in his campaign saying I know there's a lot we won't agree on but on the fundamental issues of preserving American democracy on standing up for the rule of law on preserving NATO and standing up to.

America's adversaries I hope and believe we can find Common Ground Trump now the deao Republican nominee predicting the party will come together and we're going to have unity and it's going to happen very quickly today one of the last remaining Republican leaders falling in line Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell hasn't spoken to Trump in.

Three years publicly blaming him for January 6th there's no question none that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day but today McConnell endorsing Trump saying it should come as no surprise that his nom he will have my support reporters.

Pressing the senator on how he could condemn Trump in 2020 and endorse him now I said in February of 2021 shortly after the attack on the capital that I would support president Trump if he were the nominee of our party and he obviously is going to be the nominee of our party Rachel joins us now and Rachel.

There is that open question everybody thinking about right now uh who Nikki Haley supporters will decide to to support in the general or if they'll even vote at all exactly look a lot of attention's being given to the fact that Nikki Haley did not endorse Donald Trump today but far beyond that is where do her voters actually go and when you look.

At these exit polls you see the majority of her supporters in states that have already voted say they are not committing to supporting the former president and especially if he's convicted of a crime remember Donald Trump still facing 91 criminal charges so Trump certainly has his work cut out for him if he wants to win over that.

Group of Voters F Rachel Scott for us tonight Rachel thank you all right let's get straight to Rick Klein now and Rick Trump is of course now marching toward that nomination never faster than he is right now he will formerly clinch it soon and set up that general election rematch yeah Phil he's on track right now to win the nomination outright in.

The next week or two maybe in next week's contest but if not then by the 19th and now it's almost a done deal because Haley has dropped out and it was striking to me to see how many big blue States like California and Massachusetts big blue red States like Texas and Oklahoma and Arkansas didn't matter Trump romed everywhere the one exception.

Of course was in Vermont where you saw Nikki Hy pull out her only victory in a state anywhere in this entire process you also saw a few places like in Virginia where there were there were pockets of the state where Nikki Hal is running a lot stronger than her 30-point loss here in the suburbs outside Washington DC Haley was actually running.

A pretty big increase and that's where really how the the frame up for the general election begins is that uh everyone knows that Donald Trump's going to have to work to get those Hal voters back but there are some star contrasts from even what we saw the last time these two men ran I mean just start with the polling averages our our partners at.

5308 have looked at this and they have Trump up on average by about two points nationally that's reflected in a bunch of recent National polls and in the critical Battleground States Trump is up in all seven of the likeliest Battlegrounds these are the states that are almost almost certain to be deciding the election this fall and Trump goes in.

With an edge that is a big difference from four years ago where Biden had an edge in most of those States these were six out of these seven were states that Joe Biden carried last time and he's going to need to carry the majority of them to win the presidency with the state of the union tomorrow you're going to start to see him square up in that.

Race against Trump but right now he he decidedly is starting from behind as the general election essentially begins now Phil yeah and you know this better than most a lot of real estate between now and November all right Rick Klein thanks so much thank you just 24 hours from now President Biden will leave the White House and make his way to Capitol Hill.

Where will enter the house chamber and deliver his State of the Union Address effectively kicking off his reelection bid for an audience of millions and the stakes simply couldn't be higher joining me now for more is Ali zadii assistant to President Biden a National Climate adviser as well sir thanks so much for taking the time uh to speak with us.

What's the vision for the future uh that the president is expected to lay out to the nation tomorrow night you know the president from day one uh has been and talking about the need for the country to come together to take on the crises that we Face uh and in do it in a way uh that pulls us out the other side stronger than we were going in um that's.

Exactly what he's done uh in this chamber in 1987 he was the first to put forth legislation on climate change years later in 22 he passed the largest investment in climate change in the history of this country the result is not just environmental leadership it's jobs and factories popping up all across.

The country Economic Opportunity and revitalization so he's got proof points against that theory of the case that he laid out at the beginning of his presidency it's a vision for the future that seizes the possibilities that seizes the opportunities embedded in the crisis that we face and it's centers around this idea that if we come.

Together we can do anything as a country well on that note and I do want to get to the climate in one minute but on that note many Americans are increasingly frustrated over their finances despite the administration's economic winds on issues like credit card fees student loans unemployment housing and more is the president expected to be more.

Aggressive tomorrow night and connecting the administration's economic winds to a public that in in many cases is just as frankly not feeling it you know just this week the president hosted a competition Council that announced yet a again uh a set of initiatives that crack down on those junk fees on those uh efforts and.

Initiatives by corporations that are fleecing Americans he wants to make sure that the winds from this economy which is growing booming and frankly leading the world in a comeback out of the covid crisis uh return to the American middle class it's an economic theory that lifts people from the bottom up and the middle out uh and it's something he's been.

Focused on from day one it's certainly a place where he continues to elevate the priority whether it was the set of announcements this week uh or what we've got going forward I think people recognize though unemployment lowest it's been and sustained at that place more folks covered with Health Care prescription drug prices going down.

Thanks to the president's signature legislation the economy growing and outpacing our competitors uh overseas the US worker finally off the sidelines in places of massive growth like the clean energy future and competing once more on the global stage yeah let's talk about that the country's future and climate change as you know is.

A top issue among Democratic and many independent voters across the country as the National Climate adviser to the president how can he outline its progress on the issues for those who really care about the environment well at the same time acknowledging the concerns among among climate Skeptics I guess look he's accomplished so much uh.

There's a lot more to be done but we've got Tailwinds behind us now propelling our progress 26 million Acres conserved in places the North Slope of Alaska or that region around the Grand Canyon that he declared a National Monument we've quadrupled the number of electric vehicles sold since we took office 170,000 charging stations now lining our.

Roads and highways we're producing capable of producing many more of the products that will be needed to build this Clean Energy Future 8X expansion in our Solar manufacturing capacity and all across the country what that's meant is jobs I remember flying with the president to New Mexico to visit a wind manufacturing facility just earlier that.

Week on Main Street they had held a job fair and that's the story that we're seeing playing out all across the country a visible difference on clean energy on conservation thanks to President Biden's leadership assistant to President Biden and National Climate adviser Ali zadii thank you so much for taking the time appreciate it thank you.

33 million people are under flash flood alerts tonight from New Jersey to Maine the rain becoming heavier into the night the system racing North at this hour as another system takes shape right behind it reaching the East Coast by Friday night ABC senior meteorologist Rob Marciano tonight with the timing and the track.

Rob hey Phil this second storm is coming pretty quickly and we've seen the rain steadily increasing throughout the day across New York and up the I95 Corridor a really horrible evening commute with a lot of ponding on the roadways and the rain as you mentioned is only going to get worse worse if it's on our doorstep you see the brighter colors there.

Rolling up through Philly and New Jersey and across Long Island but we're expansive all the way back through Buffalo and Pittsburgh so this will take some time the front kind of squeezes some of that moisture and more rounds of the the Reds and yellows coming especially east of the Hudson through 7: a.m. it begins to begin to it begins to.

End west to east but I think Boston's morning commute could be a very difficult one the next storm coming in on Sunday will bring another couple of inches Saturday and Sunday I should say so 2 to four to 5 Ines potentially in the Northeast and the southeast and with this next system there's a severe weather threat coming tomorrow and.

Friday damaging winds large hail isolated tornadoes Dallas to shreport to mobile as we go through Friday but here in the Northeast by the time we get done with all this come Sunday morning we're talking about over A month's worth of rain coming to this area Phil it's a lot of rain in a short period of time Rob thank you now to that frightening scene.

On board a United flight from Houston to Fort Meyers flames shooting out of one of the engines passengers watching it Through the Windows the pilot turned back to Houston Chief National correspondent M Gutman reports tonight that midair scare a passenger filming his flames shootout from the engine of a United plane on its way to Fort Myers.

Florida I was texting my family and I didn't know what was going to happen so I was just telling them that I loved him very much United Airlines flight 11:18 taking off from George Bush International Airport in Houston Texas around 6:30 p.m. Monday minutes later passengers hearing a loud bang and feel violent shaking Panic set in with a lot.

Of people um a lot of the people around me were screaming and crying David gruner taking this video the orange Flames erupting from the engine the pilot telling Air Traffic Control there are 167 people on board we've got both engines one of them just had a serger stall the aircraft Landing back in Houston less than an hour later.

Emergency crews waiting on the tarmac in a statement tonight United saying the plane experienced an engine issue adding the flight landed safely and the passengers deplaned normally Phil United said that nobody was hurt in the incident and that they secured a new plane to take the passengers to Fort Meyers that evening.

Now the FAA says it is investigating the incident the latest involving a 737 that plane do back in the air tomorrow Bill all right Matt thank you at least two crew members on a commercial ship in the Red Sea were killed after their ship was struck by hoodi missiles fired from Yemen the first deaths to be blamed on those militant attacks Chief Global.

Affairs correspondent Martha radit with the story tonight for the first time after months of Miss attacks on cargo ships the Iranian backed houthis have left crew members dead killing three on board this cargo ship and critically injuring three others in the Gulf of Aiden the ship a Liberian owned carrier seen in these drone shots billowing.

Smoke the surviving crew abandoning ship a USG guided missile Cruiser now headed to assist this comes just days after the houthi sunk a cargo ship carrying 21 tons of fertiliz viser in the Red Sea we will continue to uh hold them accountable and we call on governments around the world to do the same but since January there have already been.

Four large scale us and British joint air strikes on houthi Targets in Yemen including 150 missiles and launchers which appear to have done little to slow down the houis the houti missile attacks aimed at commercial vessels and US Navy ships have happened almost daily at one of the world's busiest and most important shipping.

Routes Phil the Iranian backed houthis have been threatening this busy shipping route since the fall claiming to Target ships headed to Israel in order to thwart the war in Gaza but at this point the US has no other plan except to keep hitting the houthis who are not even close to running out of missiles Phil Martha RIT from the nation's capital.

Martha thank you a dramatic move here in New York City the National Guard is being sent into to the New York City subway to protect Riders tonight New York's Governor Kathy hokel on the crime they are seeing on the subway and what they're now doing about it ABC's Aaron kerski in New York tonight the National Guard is set.

To patrol the New York City subway system a show of force after a series of violent attacks I've certainly noticed a difference in crime in subways particularly that even have me as an NYPD employee fearful of my safety while crime in the city overall is down the start of the year has seen a spike in the Subways and the governor says it's.

Giving Riders anxiety saying things are getting better doesn't make you feel better especially when you've just heard about someone being slashed in the throat or thrown onto a subway tracks 750 National Guard members along with 250 State and Transit police officers will Patrol the platforms and check bags for weapons joined by teams of mental.

Health workers the deployment comes after a Subway conductor's throat was slashed just last last week our station WABC was there when that conductor met the Doctor Who was on the train and saved his life God bless you you're a good man my angel just today Phil we learned of another attack a conductor hit by a.

Bottle she's going to be okay thankfully the police believe many of these crimes are being committed by repeat offenders so the governor is trying to figure out some way to prevent them from riding bill AR kki in New York City tonight Aaron thank you at least eight people were shot at a city bus stop in Philadelphia's burol neighborhood.

Gunfire erupted around 3: this afternoon police finding the victims at least four suspected to be juveniles three suffering from gunshot wound to the leg and the fourth was shot in the chest their current condition remains undisclosed the motive still unclear but police are urging the public to come forward with any.

Information there is still much more to get to here tonight on Prime Florida Governor Ronda santis says he'll send state troopers to crack down on spring break hotspots but next Oregon voters decriminalized hard drugs less than 4 years ago but why have so many come to regret it does it feel like a scapegoat it definitely feels like a scapegoat um.

I feel like people are blaming measure 110 for problems that existed before 110 whenever news breaks we are here in Israel a nation at war after that brutal surprise attack by Hamas on the ground in Ukraine reporting from Leon main the scene of a horrific mass shooting ABC News live is right there everywhere from the scene of that.

Deadly missile strike in Dena Ukraine reporting from the earthquake in Turkey in Rolling Fort This Tornado tore through this little town from the most devastating disaster in Hawaii from Charleston South Carolina on the 2024 campaign Trail in Iceland let's go traveling with the president in Mexico City wherever the story from the front.

Lines from Southern Israel outside the Gaza Strip in beir from the FD reporting from the nurses on the picket line here at 10 Downing Street in London streaming live to you wherever the story is wherever the story is wherever the story is we're going to take you there you're streaming ABC News live ABC News live you're streaming ABC News live ABC news.

Live streaming free everywhere America's number one streaming news first thing in the morning there's a lot going on got another Avalanche warning that's up to catch you up with what happened overnight a dangerous ice storm is impacting the morning commute what's happening today escalating tensions in the Middle East what people are talking.

About the migrant crisis fast straightforward with some fun in between how does billionaire sound sounds good to me the Moose started chasing a dog first thing in the morning America this morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News live this week on Good Morning America G Brooks has something super special to.

Share this is just too too cool I cannot wait to show you and he's sharing it with Robin and you Robin Roberts me and GMA I'm so excited let's do this this week wait till you see this only on GMA I love me some good morning America and I promise you are going to love this Good Morning America live from Nashville this.

Week welcome back it is one of the most Progressive places in the country and nearly four years after oregonians voted to decriminalize hard drugs the move has ignited controversy some even advocating to make them illegal once again making this state a cautionary Tale on drugs in tonight's Prime Focus our Ashen Singh.

Looks at the Dilemma the state is now facing all sides admit something isn't working the question is what now Oregon is 3 years into a revolutionary approach to treating drug addiction but in one of the most Progressive states in the country some are getting cold feet you just don't see as many police stopping people on the.

Sidewalks for using drugs the voters of Oregon were misled about what path we were going down it didn't create homelessness it didn't create crime but I think by almost everyone's accounts it's made all of those things worse it hasn't worked we are still in an addiction crisis we are in a housing crisis um measure 110 cannot fix that in.

Your mind was B measure 110 a mistake we are going to walk through downtown and offer some information and resources uh to our community and the houseless people thanks to a ballot measure in 2020 small amounts of lethal drugs have been decriminalized in the state and.

Open drug use is a common sight I come from uh downtown I come from being homeless and I accepted and asked for help and needed a lot of resources and received the help so today I'm out here helping my people uh because I've been there you've literally been there yeah how you doing my friend have you been down to the bhrc center.

Rico Mahia hey man good to see you walks the streets of Portland with a group of volunteers cheers from local advocacy groups home with the big HRC Outreach team in Sarah to find people who may need treatment we get you down to the center and you can get a shower getting those in the throws of addictions into treatment can sometimes feel like a.

Losing battle can you explain sort of this idea that recovery is a process it's a Continuum this is about small victory it's about shelter it's about building relationships we're out here letting people know the information about our Center and a lot of times it takes people a while to receive the help they are not going.

To make that Split Decision um right away in 2020 voters approved ballot measure 110 which decriminalized possession of small amounts of some drugs it provided funding to addiction recovery services using some of the revenue generated from legal cannabis sales in the state basically if you buy marijuana.

From a dispensary in Oregon you're partially funding resources that help people suffering from addiction get back on their feet good morning Dan morning how you doing good that money helps people like Dan Hood we're going to discuss those four applications we put in okay he's looking for a steady job after.

A few fall starts getting sober the new position the Staffing training the Central City Concern just opened up today let's go for it do you remember trying it for the first time I do do you feel like you can do anything in the world you have the most confidence uh just feel Unstoppable you know and in that time how often were you.

Using what were you using I was using heroin and meth every day and then uh later on I started doing fentol every day what do you want people across the country to know about this process about what it's like about what you guys are maybe getting right or wrong here the harm reduction helps a lot man um I think helps people get more honest um.

They can open up more rather than trying to hide you hopeful about your future oh yeah I got nothing but to look up Dan credits his success to recovery Works an organization run by Joe Bazi who helps addicts get into treatment The Recovery Center opened a year ago with funding for measure 110 come on in welcome to recovery Works.

Newberg this is opioid replacement therapy so if I take this medicine fentanyl will not have the same effect on me people come in completely addicted to fentanyl um and get on our suade program and you'll start to see people truly change when they're not spending their time chasing.

Fentanyl and they're feeling good um you know they can really be productive members of society we provide safe injection equipment so a variety of different syringes Haven weok has been working in harm reduction for decades now she runs a harm reduction Center in downtown Portland 110 allows us to engage them.

And help them get the supports before that transition to injection happens and she also helped write ballot measure 110 what have you made of the public outcry against measure 110 it's made me sad that people want something to blame does it feel feel like a scapegoat it definitely feels like a scapegoat um I feel like people are blaming measure 110.

For problems that existed before 110 mhm Oregon has some of the highest rates of addiction in the country um we have some of the lowest access to treatment in the country the crisis here has been here for a long time how about public use not just possession public use is a messy scenario um it's kind of a loophole it is a loophole but the solution isn't.

Putting people in jail for it the solution is making sure people have access to housing making sure people have safe places to use and safe places to be right now people who get tickets for open drug use are given a choice pay the fine or call a hotline that will direct them to treatment services while the.

Fine goes away Portland Police are on the front lines of open drug dealing and drug use and see their duties constantly changing it's gone from like property crimes to stolen cars and for the last last year or so year and a half it's been predominantly fentel where fentel has basically become our full-time job but.

It is not a crime to use drugs in public in organ currently what do you guys do when you do see someone using in public if we have Outreach workers that day uh we offer you the chance of talk an Outreach worker um but you're going to get a $100 Citation for possession of a controlled substance I provide you with a treatment card it has the screening.

Number that's the card this is the card you call that number to do a health screening um my understanding is they'll also pay the ticket for you the hotline is now seen as a symbol of measure 110 shortcomings after 3 years and over 7,600 drug violations only about 200 calls have been made what's frustrated you about all this.

Every day I tell people about measure 110 and we're years into this or I'm like oh you know it's a $100 citation the treatment card um and people like well I voted for that um and then they're upset with me about it and I'm like I I'm sorry I don't know what to tell you point blank do you think measure 110 has been a failure I just.

Work here 3 years after the controversial policy took a effect Oregon residents want to see a change the issue is that they didn't Implement all of the things that were needed for it to work properly here um such as shooting or smoking sites those implements were not in place and so it hasn't worked I think maybe.

Some changes that make it so that it's not quite so public a coalition of local business owners and citizens threatened to put the issue back on the ballot this fall how many more youth do we have to lose to this how many more young adults do we have to bury before people start realizing it's not.

Working that Coalition put pressure on the legislature to fix what they see as obvious issues this is a kind of notorious corner here Max Williams is in charge of that Coalition everybody wants people to go to treatment but the actual consequences of that policy and how it's worked out on the ground um you know.

Just didn't deliver uh you know we decriminalized the drugs 90 days within the passage of the measure um and simultaneously at the time we were ranking 49th out of 50th Nationwide in access to treatment in your mind was ballot measure one sent a mistake no I'm I don't I'm I don't think.

I'd go as far as to say about measure 110 was a mistake I I think that there are there are pieces of it that need refinement do you and your colleagues feel pressure to get this right well every time I do legislation I feel pressure to get it right that's fundamentally why I'm here and legislation is really hard you mentioned.

The houselessness and Mental Health crisis that have existed in the state and in the city of Portland long before measure 110 was ever introduced does it feel like measure 110 is sort of a scapegoat for these pre-existing issues I don't think it is fair to say that somehow ballot measure 110 caused what's happening and I think fundamentally.

Oregon was really unprepared for the crisis that is fentanyl because of our lack of treatment options and we just have to fundamentally think differently about how we attack that last week the state legislature passed a bill that aims to fix some of the concerns about public drug use under the new policy people caught.

With drugs could spend up to 180 days in jail far more than Democrats had hoped for and far less than the year-long jail sentence Republicans were pushing for the bill also gives the option for a conditional discharge allowing people to choose treatment over incarceration but Oregon lawmakers know there's still more work to be done there.

Are real issues that we cannot continue to just allow to go without an answer because there's no magic wand that is going to somehow solve the drug crisis it just doesn't it doesn't exist a hard reality our thanks to Ashen Singh for that there is still much more to get to tonight coming up a man claims.

He was stung by a scorpion while sleeping which luxury resort in Las Vegas he is now suing but next US Airlines say they need to make up for lost Revenue so which fees are they now jacking up what does it take to be the most watched newscast in America we are part of an operation is.

This our combat Operation Center approaching the gate militants came in from different directions reactor so you have a couple loaded and ready to go the house is destroyed but the flag not a car in how important it made the USA great work hi it's David David I'm David I know you are you every night ABC's World News Tonight with David mure is.

America's most watched newscast Jimmy Kimmel what will it be will you go back to your normal Oscars night of sitting alone on the couch scrolling tiktock and eating Churros or will you accept the awesome responsibility of of hosting the Oscars taking on with it all the attendant expectations pressures and scrutiny the choice is.

Yours the churo for sure yeah no man you're supposed to why do all the beautiful dummies come to me for advice the Oscars Li Sunday March 10th at a new Time on ABC you want a bite the strongest females fight for the survival of their families oh hey the Queens you should.

See me in a crowd first thing in the morning there's a lot going on yet another Avalanche morning that's up to catch you up with what happened overnight a dangerous ice storm is impacting the morning commute happening today escalating tensions in the Middle East what people are talking about the migrant crisis fast.

Straightforward with some fun in between how does billionaire sound sounds good to me the Moose started chasing a dog first thing in the morning America this morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News live Housewives of Beverly Hills star Amica Jan celebrity attorney Tom Gerard this story was a nuclear.

Explosion today several victim comes will get a chance to finally meet Eric jority and that's sort of a loss for what to say did you see the documentary the housewife and the Hustler I did I wanted Erica to say I'm sorry face to face Erica why did it take you so long the housewife and the Hustler too only on Hulu why do so many people start.

Their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R ml Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first.

Listen now that's a part of the story it you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here it's lunchtime in America so what are we serving up well how about everything you need to know you know that sounds pretty good it to me your health your money breaking news pop culture with the biggest Stars music Trends and of course good.

Food GMA 3 what you need to know a third hour of GMA in the afternoon so join us afterno for everything you need to know I love that I'm Marcus Moore covering the wildfires in Greece wherever the story is we will take you there you're streaming with ABC News.

Live welcome back with spring just around the corner you may be planning your next trip and while you may get a good deal on that ticket airlines are starting to jack up some of those extra fees like baggage Let's Take a Look by the numbers in 2023 in the first 9 months alone domestic Airlines generated a staggering.

$5.5 billion from checked bags and now some want more this week Delta Airlines increased the price of its check bags by $5 to 35 total dollars Delta is the third major US carrier to hike its bag fees in recent weeks United Airlines did so last month increasing the overall fee to $40 unless you prepay online at least 24 hours before your flight and just.

Days before that American Airlines instituted a similar fee uh charging $35 ahead of time and 40 at the airport how about this $0 that's the industry defying price Southwest charges for check bags allowing every customer to travel with two of them for free and Southwest says it has no plans to change that policy.

All of this is to say if you don't want to get hit with extra fees do be sure to read the fine print on your ticket and the most upto-date checked bag policy of course from whatever Airline you are flying there is much more ahead here tonight on Prime the Dartmouth men's basketball team votes to unionize could it change the face of college sports and.

We speak to a real life princess who is using her Fame and her title to fight child marriage Whenever Wherever news breaks it's so important to always remember that lives are changed here in London in Buffalo Uvaldi Texas Edinburgh Scotland from Poland once again tonight thank you so much for streaming with us Ukrainian.

Refugees here in warsong do you think you'll ever be able to go back home we're heading to a small community outside of Mexico City splintered houses and splintered lives in the magnitude of the devastation you're streaming ABC News live reporting from Rolling Fork Mississippi Santa Fe New Mexico Raleigh North Carolina the US capital Mayfield.

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Wherever you stream your news first thing in the morning there's a lot going on got another Avalanche warning that's up to catch you up with what happened overnight a dangerous ice storm is impacting the morning commute what's happening today escalating tensions in the Middle East what people are talking about the migrant crisis fast.

Straightforward with some fun in between how does billionaire sound sounds good good to me the Moose started chasing a dog first thing in the morning America this morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News live national forests are good places to get away but sometimes bad things happen in.

Good places it's the stuff of nightmares all I can see was their feet sticking up my knees went weak this is a human skull we were definit against the clock how many more victims are out there wild crime at Blood Mountain now streaming only on Hulu people really want to know what it.

Feels like to be a photographer right shoulder down there we go it's this ying-yang of danger and this incredible V Beauty that's his first breath that's so cool all right this is it these moments that you immortalize makes a lot of difference there's a masterpiece everywhere look at.

That with so much at stake in our world right now more Americans turn here to David than anywhere else and now America's most trusted most watched newscast ABC's World News Tonight with David mure is available to you on YouTube why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to in the know and get a.

Different take on the day's top stories start here now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming make it your daily first listen wherever you get your podcasts this week on Good Morning America G Brooks has something super special to share this is just too too cool I cannot wait to show you and he's sharing it with Robin and you Robin.

Roberts me and gmaa I'm so excited let's do this this week wait till you see this only on GMA I love me some good morning America and I promise you are going to love this Good Morning America live from Nashville this week welcome back a small plane crashed in Washington state did the plan's parachute save the occupants and a man.

Is suing a Las Vegas Resort after he was allegedly stung by a scorpion these stories and More in tonight's Rundown after scenes of chaos last year that led to nearly 600 arrests and two deaths in Miami Beach alone the sunshine state is cracking down in a new ad Miami Beach.

Even raking up with spring break and it's not us it's you we just want different things you just want to get drunk in public and ignore laws 140 state troopers Now set to be deployed to Spring Break hotpots and in the air drones used to spot potential problems Miami Beach clamping down warning visitors to expect curfews early Beach.

Closures and bag checks a potentially seismic shift in Collegiate Athletics the Dartmouth College men's basketball team now the first college sports team in history voting to unionized players voting 13 to2 in favor of joining the local service employees union arguing that student athletes are in fact employees.

Of their school but Dartmouth sees it differently the school and its trustees appealing a decision by a National Labor Board to consider the players employees and call for an election in the first place deeming the board's ruling as unprecedented as it is inaccurate Boeing has not fully cooperated with the national.

Transportation safety board's investigation into an Alaska Airlines door plug that fell off mid-flight last month NTSB chair Jennifer hendi said during a senate hearing we don't have the records we don't have the names of the 25 people that is in charge of doing that work in that facility it's absurd that 2 months later we don't have that.

According to hendi Boeing has not provided the NTSB documents and information they had requested concerning the opening closing and removal of the door in a statement to ABC News Boeing said that the company has quote worked proactively and transparently to support the investigation and that with respect to.

Documentation if the door plug removal was undocumented there would be no documentation to share a California man suing the Las Vegas Venetian Resort saying a scorpion stung his testicles while he slept there Michael farie and his family were at the luxury resort last December when he says the Scorpion stung him at least three or.

Four times it was eventually found clinging to his boxers he was treated at a local hospital and filed a report with Hotel staff he still had to pay for the room he says and is now suing the resort for an unspecified amount a small plane equipped with a parachute crashed into a neighborhood in bellw Washington officials said the.

Plane went down shortly after takeoff due to an engine failure the parachute deployed and the plane ended up in a wooded area pilot and the passenger were not injured Federal investigators intercepted a package in Wisconsin containing roller blades that they say tested positive for cocaine the kosha.

County Sheriff's Office says the package came from columia and that the roller blades Wheels were infused used with a gelatin-like substance that allegedly contained cocaine according to UNICEF 720 million women alive today were married as children a cause our next guest has dedicated her life to as an activist a.

CEO a real life Princess Princess Mabel vorana of the Netherlands was the wife of the late Prince friezo and is sister-in-law of King villam Alexander she is using her platform to advocate for girls rights co-founding vow for girls a global initiative seeking to end child marriage thank you so much for taking the time I know it's a busy.

Schedule uh before we get into the work the amazing work that you're doing with child marriage tell us how you came to the the royal family in love very easy easy I was an activist I met my husband we fell in love and uh and I'm uh and one of the reasons why you fell in love with me is because of the commitment with which I do my work and uh including.

Work on ending child marriage well let let's talk about that um vow for girls tell us what it is and what it is it that you do so every year 12 million girls get married before the age of 18 that's a girl one girl every 3 seconds and I've met countless of these girls I remember the girl who told me that her wedding day was not a happy day.

Because it was a day she had to leave school I remember girl girls who told me that their sisters who ended up as child Brides actually are dead now because they died in child birth because their bodies were not ready to give birth for many of these girls a marriage who doesn't bring Love Actually it brings domestic violence at the hands of their.

Husbands so child marriage is not a happy thing and these are girls that if you asked them what they had wanted to do with their lives and they say they wanted to be a nurse or they wanted to you know be a police woman or some of them wanted to be president and I believe that you know child marriage has basically taken the futures of these.

Girls away and that can change and that has to change because it's a big human rights abuse but because it's also stupid because we know that a woman who are a girl who doesn't end up in child marriage but who stays in school will earn more money in her lifetime and invested in her family and help to lift her her community out of poverty I love.

How you speak very frankly um your organization has worked extensively with the wedding industry so what are the vows you have encouraged couples to to incorporate um in there for your cause now these local projects happen all over the world and we realize that when people hear about it including the people who might be listening now that.

They say we want to make a contribution and then we realized that the wedding industry and celebrations in general is a huge industry in America alone a hundred billion dollars a year is dedicated to to um to weddings and so we realized if we can mobilize a small part of that to help that make sure that girls elsewhere in the world can choose.

Their own Futures that would make a huge difference your travels have taken you all around the world I know you just got back from the Dominican Republic recently um you know a lot of this people people here in America mostly will hear that and just be so shocked about child marriage but it is cultural from from place to place so I would.

Imagine education is a part of what you do education definitely is a big part of this and so last week I was in the Dominican Republic many of us think the Dominican Republic is BAS basically a tourist destination but there one out of every three girls is married before 18 and the projects what I saw and these are projects that don't cost a whole lot.

Of money I mean really small grants overall um they help to keep girls in school they help to make sure that girls know about sexual reproductive health services and how you can avoid getting pregnant they help to make girls realize that if one of them is getting married that they have to Rally around and and stop it they help to realize the.

Teachers to realize that this is not a good thing you called yourself an activist you're an activist obviously before you were a princess um I I'm I'm curious that there there are so many amazing causes that need attention all across the world how did you come to this well the size of the problem made me realize this is something that needs.

To be tackled but also the the issue was not getting the attention it deserves these 12 million girls were invisible they often live in rural circumstances they don't speak English they're under 18 they can't self organize everybody should have the same opportunity that's what I strongly believe and that's why I'm so passionate about this issue.

Princess Mabel thank you so much for taking the time to come in and speak with us thank you so we often see untold stories as tragic but what about all the happiness director Shawn Wang decided to bring the joys of his life to the on to screen his grandmother's and their delightful short film is now nominated for an Oscar our.

Lindsey Davis sat down with Wang and his grandmothers to discuss making art as a family and their exhilarating road to the Oscars you have said that your grandmothers are the purest form of joy in your life how did you decide I'm going to document.

This well I think it it all goes back to 2018 and in 2018 we had made made a Christmas card together white tries to feed me blueberries I say no she says eat I say no she looks in the camera slaps me they look at each other and create a plan to essentially tie me up and kill.

Me it was the most fun I've ever had making anything up to that point and so I knew that I wanted to make something else with them at some point but I didn't really know what and then fast forward to 2021 I had moved home to the Bay area where I'm from where we Shot the movie and it happened to coincide with a lot.

Of you know Rising anti-asian hate crimes that were happening in the country but especially in the Bay Area where uh you know we all were at the time and so I would go read the news and be sort of filled with this sort of extreme anger and then I would go hang out with them and be filled with extreme joy and so I kind of just wanted to make.

Something that was you know a container for people like them and them to feel seen in all of their Joy their pain their silliness their humor can you ask n and wo uh they say in the movie oh you're taking our lives and turning us into superstars.

How they feel now that that came to be she said um I'm so happy I feel like I'm dreaming I feel like I can't even in my dreams I could never have imagined this we're so thrilled and we're so Overjoyed with the amount of love that people have sort of showered us with and the film with and then she said thumbs up to me but um she said thank you you.

Know how about for wife she said this is my American dream uh it's like the dream has come true n in the movie says the days you spend feeling joy and the days you spend feeling pain are still the same days spent so she chooses joy and and that's such a lesson for all of us and I just.

Wanted to ask n n how does one go about choosing Joy how did she get to that Revelation I've never translated for them before too so I'm like I feel like I'm in like expert mode right now uh she said you know there's so much going on in life and so and there's so much happening but uh if we can just only think you know especially at their age.

You know the the Stu stuff that brings them sadness almost isn't productive and so uh we're just going to try and focus on the joy um and it's a decision we as the viewer are really like a fly in the wall as they're in bed at night and talking about like the smells and all of that they just seem like they were so comfortable on camera how were you able.

To to get that just authenticity well I think Sam who shot the film and is also one of our producers we talk a lot about how heart doesn't cost anything and the shoot itself was very very intimate it was me him maybe a sound person and ultimately I think what makes this film special is them and the amount of.

Intimate access that we had and intimate relationship that we share we really brought them in and it was a film made with them and for them and about them but also about this kind of meta Narrative of me making a movie with them and them being my movie stars so if you win then what happens you go up and and no speech just a dance party I said that.

Once I was half kidding but the more I think about it I think you know maybe Oscars need everyone just stands up has a 45 second dance party uh I'm not I'm not against that okay all right and your reaction when you found out that it was Oscar.

Nominated it was such a I describe it as a chaotic Joy because um that entire experience of getting nominated was right in the middle of me premiering my first feature film at Sundance too so I premiered my first feature film on a Friday had this Whirlwind weekend of finally kind of having this thing I made be at this.

Prestigious Festival that I love so we flew home late Monday night maybe got back at midnight went to sleep at 2:00 in the morning got up at 5:00 in the morning watch the Oscar nominations with them and it really was this you know we the film has gone so much further than we had ever expected ultimately we would have still made the movie because.

Ultimately it was to capture them and their Spirits for my family but to have that Oscar nomination to experience it with them was truly like she said I could never have imagined a real labor of love our thanks to lindsy Davis be sure to catch our brand new special road to the Oscars featuring all of our conversations with.

The 2024 Oscar nominees Friday at 8:30 p.m. Eastern right here on ABC News live and streaming on Hulu also be sure to tune in to countdown to Oscars on the red carpet live Whit Johnson and Lindsey Davis will be hosting featuring the biggest stars and nominees that's Sunday March 10th coverage begins at 1:00 p.m. Eastern right here on ABC News live and.

That's our show for this hour I'm Phil Lipoff stay with ABC News live for more context and Analysis of the today's top stories thanks so much for streaming with us and coming up in the next hour the breaking news just in a verdict in the rust movie trial of armor Hannah.

Gutierrez charged with involuntary manslaughter and evidence tampering and new fears that the recent violence in Haiti could spill over into neighboring countries why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories.

Lot of new news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R murl Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here it's.

Lunchtime in America so what are we sering up well how about everything you need to know you know that sounds pretty good your health your money breaking news pop culture with the biggest Stars music Trends and of course good food GMA 3 what you need to know a third hour of GMA in the afternoon so join us afternoons for everything you need to.

Know I love that Friday night this is a story about a beautiful young woman who goes on spring break and her life intersects with a monster there have been no reported sightings of 17-year-old who went missing a mystery for years now for the first time exclusive interviews with the investigators who solved it now all.

New details into the hidden life of a killer it still feels so raw into the darkness the all new 2020 Friday at 98 Central on ABC Housewives Beverly Hill star Jane celebrity attorney Tom gerardi this story was a nuclear explosion today several victims will get a chance to finally meet Erica jority.

And that's sort of a loss for what to say did you see the documentary the housewife and the Hustler I did I wanted Erica to say I'm sorry face to face Erica why did it take you so long the housewife and the Hustler too only on Hulu what does it take to be the most watched newscast in America we are part of an operation.

Combat Operation Center we're approaching the gate militants came in from different directions nuclear reactor so we have a couple loaded and ready to go the house is destroyed but the flag not a car how important it made the USA great work hiate is David David I'm David I know who you are you every night ABC's World News Tonight with.

David mu is America's most watched newscast Whenever Wherever news breaks it's so important to always remember that lives are changed here in London in Buffalo you've all Texas edin bruss Scotland reporting from Rolling Fork Mississippi Ukrainian refugees here in waron we're heading to a small community outside of Mexico City getting you.

Behind the stories as they happen ABC News live Prime we'll take you there stream ABC News live week nights wherever you stream your news only on ABC News live reporting from Monteray Park California I'm Robin Roberts wherever wherever the story is we're going to take you there you're streaming ABC News.

Live this is ABC News live Prime I'm Phil Lipoff in tonight for Lindsey Davis and we are coming to you right now with breaking news tonight a verdict in the trial of rust armorer Hannah Gutierrez the jury finding her guilty of involuntary manslaughter we find the defendant Hannah Gutierrez guilty of involuntary manslaughter as charge from.

Count one we finally dependent Hannah Gutierrez not guilty of tampering with evidence as truction come to that verdict coming down after 2 and 1 half hours of deliberations as Gutierrez was taken into custody her anguish loved ones as you see looked on prosecutors had told jurors that.

Gutierrez repeatedly failed to maintain proper firearm safety and that her negligence led to the death of Alina Hutchins actor Alec Baldwin has also been charged with involuntary manslaughter he was handling the gun that actually killed Hutchin that trial is set to begin in July we are standing by to get legal analysis but first let's.

Get right to mola langi MOA what can you tell us about the verdict well Phil it took the jury just two and a half hours to find Hannah Gutierrez guilty of involuntary manslaughter Gutierrez as you know the armor on the movie set of rust here in New Mexico she was taken into custody tonight the defense argued that.

Gutierrez was being used as a scapegoat but the jury ultimately uh agreeing with the prosecution's argument that Gutierrez repeatedly skirted critical weapon safety checks and carelessly brought live ammo onto the movie Set just days before a gun that actor Alec Baldwin was rehearsing with fired a live bullet back in October 2021 killing the.

Movies cinematographer Helena Hutchins now Baldwin has pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter charges in Phil his trial is scheduled to begin in July all right mola thank you ABC News legal contributor and professor of law Kim wayy joins me now to break this verdict down Kim Russ armor or Hannah Gutierrez found guilty of involuntary.

Manslaughter what from the prosecutor's arguments do you think stuck with the jury as they came to the conclusion well the entire movie Set would seemed to be you know just right ripe with negligence top to bottom I mean her job as armorer was to manage firearms and someone was killed and that I think it's very difficult uh for.

Defense to really uh get around the the notion that that's potentially criminal negligence because it should not happen uh given that that was her job that was her reason to be on set always hard to read the te Leeves before the verdict but jury deliberations only lasted about two hours what do you make of the fast decision here from the.

Jury well again uh the evidence demonstrated that there were multiple opportunities to double check that this wasn't a live round and it wasn't uh a fake and that she wasn't even there when the incident happened that uh they potentially traced the bringing of this actual live round onto set to her uh she brought something allegedly from her car.

Onto the set so all of these things as a jury went through the the jury instructions and said you know willful willful disregard for the safety of the people on the movie Set uh I think it was just difficult probably for them to reach any other conclusion and the blaming others when this was her job my as a jury saw right through that it's.

Obviously really high-profile case how do you think this paves the way for the trial of Alec Baldwin now who's also charged with involuntary manslaughter well I think with Alec baldman it's harder I mean he has said publicly that he didn't pull the trigger that's going to be difficult for him when you have forensic experts and.

Firearms experts explaining how this sort of antique like Gun Works reportedly have to actually pull the trigger that being said he was there to to read his lines and be an actor and there are hundreds of people on movie sets that job is to do these other things and you know guns kill people so I think that's probably a harder case.

For the prosecution than it was for for this defendant U but this verdict is probably nothing that he you know he likes to hear I'm sure he's very concerned in this moment for his for his own future I would imagine ABC News legal contributor Kim wayy Kim thanks so much as always next tonight to the race for the.

White House after super Tuesday the Biden Trump rematch seems to be shaping up Governor Nikki Haley bowing out congratulating Donald Trump but not endorsing him saying it's now up to him to earn the votes of Republicans who didn't support him President Biden meantime has an appeal to Haley's voters already saying there is a place for them.

In his campaign ABC's Rachel Scott reports tonight Donald Trump's lone remaining Republican Challenger Calling it Quits I said I wanted Americans to have their voices heard I have done that Nikki Haley congratulating Trump but not endorsing him instead urging the former for president to heed the message of her supporters who have serious reservations.

About another Trump term exol show 79% of Haley voters would be dissatisfied with Trump as the Republican nominee 79% also say he would be unfit for office if convicted of a crime it is now up to Donald Trump to earn the votes of those in our party and Beyond it who did not support him and I hope he does that at its best politics is about bringing.

People into your car not turning them away this is now his time for choosing President Biden quickly promising Haley supporters have a place in his campaign saying I know there's a lot we won't agree on but on the fundamental issues of preserving American democracy on standing up for the rule of law on preserving NATO and.

Standing up to America's adversaries I hope and believe we can find Common Ground Trump now the deao Republican nominee predicting the party will come together and we're going to have Unity and it's going to happen very quickly today one of the last remaining Republican leaders falling in line Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell.

Hasn't spoken to Trump in three years publicly blaming him for January 6th there's no question none that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day but today McConnell endorsing Trump saying it should come as no surprise that as nominee he will have my support.

Reporters pressing the senator on how he could condemn Trump in 2020 and endorse him now I said in February of 2021 shortly after the attack on the capital that I would support president Trump if he were the nominee of our party and he obviously is going to be the nominee of our party our thanks to Rachel Scott President Biden meantime is.

Neck and neck with Donald Trump in many of the major national polls and trailing Trump in the key Battleground States so let's get to to ABC chief White House correspondent Mary Bruce right now and Mary the president preparing to deliver this very important State of the Union Address tomorrow night and tonight his team no doubt knows the stakes could not.

Be higher they certainly do Phil look this is a pivotal moment for President Biden and this white house and his campaign know it he is trailing in the polls to Donald Trump facing those persistent concerns and questions over his age so the president tomorrow night really has to sell skeptical voters on his accomplishments and show the.

American public that he is up for another four years on the job now I'm told he will reflect on his record and hit on some of those issues that are posing the biggest challenges to his campaign like the economy and immigration now still no word on whether the president will call out Donald Trump directly by name but this is perhaps one.

Of the biggest audiences he will get all year the last best chance for the president to try and change perceptions and sway people as the general election kicks off feel there's no question the pressure's on yeah high stake speech Mary Bruce from the White House Mary thank you thank you 33 million people are under.

Flash flood alerts tonight from New Jersey to Maine the rain becoming heavier into the night the system racing North at this hour as another system takes shape right behind it reaching the East Coast by Friday night ABC senior meteorologist Rob Marciano tonight with the timing in the track Rob hey Phil this second storm is come.

In pretty quickly and we've seen the rain steadily increasing throughout the day across New York and up the I95 corridor really horrible evening commute with a lot of ponding on the roadways and the rain as you mentioned is only going to get worse worse if it's on our doorstep you see the brighter colors there rolling up through Philly and New.

Jersey and across Long Island but we're expansive all the way back through Buffalo and Pittsburgh so this will take some time the front kind of squeezes some of that moisture and more rounds of the the Reds and yellows coming especially east of the Hudson through 700 a.m. it begins to begin it begins to end west to east but I think Boston's.

Morning commute could be a very difficult one the next storm coming in on Sunday will bring another couple of inches Saturday and Sunday I should say so 2 to four to 5 Ines potentially in the Northeast and the southeast and with this next system there's a severe weather threat coming tomorrow and Friday damaging winds large hail.

Isolated tornadoes Dallas to shreport to mobile as we go through Friday but here in the Northeast by the time we get done with all this come Sunday morning we're talking about over A month's worth of rain coming to this area Phil it's a lot of rain in a short period of time Rob thank you overseas tonight did Russia Target Ukrainian president zalinski a.

Russian ballistic missile striking Odessa today just 300 feet from president zalinski and the prime minister of Greece what Ukraine and Russia are saying about it tonight here's ABC's James Longman tonight one of the closest calls yet for Ukrainian president vadir zinski a Russian missile narrowly missing him.

And the Greek Prime Minister during a visit to the port city of adessa that strike leading to immediate concern zalinski was targeted the missile Landing just 300 ft away from both leaders neither was hurt but the Ukrainian military today not officially connecting the attack to zelinski's visit instead calling it Russian.

Terrorism zinski saying the two leaders saw the explosion adding the Russians don't care where they strike even with International guests present the Kremlin claims they targeted a hanger housing Ukrainian Naval drones it comes as President Biden is expected to push for more Aid to Ukraine in his State of the Union speech so this is waiting to be.

Exported yes we' got a first look inside a secret Ukrainian weapons manufacturing facility struggling to fill the ammunition sausages on the battlefield without that US military aid stuck in Congress Ukraine is doing what it can to try to make as much of its own ammunition but it will never be enough to beat Russia for that they need the.

United States Ukraine says it can use as many as 20,000 shells a day but some units are resupplied with just 50 shells a daily the current challenge for 2024 is to multiply our existing production so you're making every month what you would make year what we did in yeah in 2018 2019 so we greatly.

Increase James joins us now James as you've been reporting Ukrainian forces are dangerously low on ammunition and in need of us support you actually went inside a Ukrainian weapons facility yeah that's right Phil it was fascina in to go inside this was exclusive access they very rarely allow journalists into these places I think a.

Lot of people think that Ukraine doesn't make any of its own weapons that it relies exclusively on the west that is not the case they do what they can but Ukraine says that over decades they've signed agreement after agreement with the West to dearm to deescalate to get rid of basically all of their weapons and so that is why there is such a.

Deficit that's why they need more help they need the help not just to to uh prevent the kinds of losses that we're seeing currently in the East they are seeding land uh to Russia but also to try to help prevent the kinds of attacks that almost hit president zalinski today Phil all right James Longman thank you there's still much more to get to.

Tonight coming up the mother of Jim Foley was murdered by ISIS 10 years ago speaking to us about her new book and coming face to face with one of the men found responsible for her son's death but next concerns the recent vience in Haiti could spill over to neighboring countries whenever news breaks we are here in Israel a nation at war after.

That brutal surprise attack by Hamas on the ground in Ukraine reporting from Leon Maine the scene of a horrific mass shooting ABC News live is right there everywhere from the scene of that deadly missile strike Dena Ukraine reporting from the earthquake in Turkey en rolling Fort this tornado tore through this little town from the most.

Devastating disaster in Hawaii from Charleston South Carolina on the 2024 campaign Trail in Iceland let's go traveling with the president in Mexico City wherever the story from the front lines from Southern Israel outside the Gaza Strip in beir from the FBI reporting from the nurses on the picket line here at 10 Downing Street in London.

Streaming live to you wherever the story is wherever the story is wherever the story is we're going to take you there you're streaming ABC News live ABC News live you're streaming ABC News live ABC news live streaming free everywhere America's number one streaming news with them Good Vibes pies on myone everything is so F little bit of sun.

Just a little bit Brea just a little bit smile little I'm it I've been running through the pictures of my life everything is so little bit of sun Good Morning America Jimmy Kimmel what will it be will you go back to your normal Oscars.

Night of sitting alone on the couch scrolling Tik Tock and eating Churros or will you accept the awesome responsibility of hosting the Oscars taking on with it all the attendant expectations pressures and scrutiny the choice is yours the churo for sure yeah no man you're supposed to why do all the.

Beautiful dummies come to me for advice the Oscars live Sunday March 10th at a new Time on ABC you want to invite reporting from the capital I'm Rachel Scott wherever the story is we'll take you there you're streaming ABC News live welcome back we are tracking several headlines around the world at this hour officials in the Philippines.

Are raising alarm Bells after an incident yesterday in which they say China used water cannons on their supply vessel in the South China Sea country also accusing China of conducting quote dangerous Maneuvers that led to a collision between the Philippine and the Chinese Coast Guard vessels China's Coast Guard says the Philippine Vessel.

Illegally intruded into its Waters the White House is urging Haiti's prime minister Ariel enri to begin transitioning out of power as soon as possible after a series of deadly gang attacks rocked the island nation HRI remains stranded in Puerto Rico as gangs threat Civil War the violence has brought life to a halt all flights into.

Port of Prince are cancelled and the Dominican Republic has closed its airspace to flights to or from Haiti parts of Southern Bolivia were left underwater Tuesday after Heavy Rain wreaked havoc on the region with vehicles stranded roads became Rivers the flooding is just the latest in a series of extreme weather events that.

Have plunged many Bolivian regions underwater since February the government said Monday that 43 people have died two have gone missing during the devastating rainstorms in recent weeks the Syrian Civil War has raged now for 13 years one group fighting against the country's autocratic president Bashar al-assad at least in 2012 was the Islamic State or.

Isis who viewed journalists as enemies as well Jim Foley an American freelance reporter with the online news agency global Post covered the conflict and was captured by a group of Isis terrorists from the United Kingdom many will remember this last image of Jim before he was killed in 2014 after being held hostage for 2 years in their new book.

American mother Jim's mother Diane Foley along with novelist colum mccan are now telling Jim's story but they're also telling Diane's story of confronting one of her son's Killers face to face something many people may not know Diane thank you so much uh for taking the time uh to sit with us I will just tell you my condolences uh uh for your son.

Covered this for the better part of 10 years and I'm sure 10 years even in it's still um still remarkably painful so thank you for coming and talking to us about this um you say in this book that you know Jim wanted to cover the human the human spirit I mean he's covered wars in Afghanistan Iraq Libya Syria all over why did he want to do it in war.

Zones what was it about that because it's very particular for journalists to want to be in war zones well I think at that initial it was because he had three younger siblings in the military but also Jim was quite a pacifist so he was interested in why people go to war why did soldiers um choose to go to war and what happens to the civilians what.

Happens to the Innocents in the midst of War so he really felt a lot of these stories were something we um needed to hear that they were essential stories for us to understand you decided to meet one of the men found responsible for Jim's death Alexander cot uh you spoke to him in a Virginia courtroom after he pleaded guilty to conspiracy to murder.

Um I guess this would for sure be an individual choice but why talk to him at all Jim would have wanted to me to I I was odd once I had the opportunity I thought yes um Jim would have done that and would not have wanted me to be afraid and he also would have wanted me to hear him out um and as a mom I wanted to tell him about Jim so I thought well.

There's some openness there he's offering this um as part of his plea deal so I felt certain I wanted to meet him you ever apologize to me he did several times several times not for what he did but for what he did what what we went through what we endured understood yeah um you say in the book that you were bitter that it took three days for.

President Obama to call your family um what things do you wish the US government had done differently to try to free Jim well I was more angry and bitter that I had been told over and over that Jim was our country's highest priority when in fact that wasn't true and after he was um so horrifically killed I I was was just.

Angry I felt as an American that we could do much better that I wish they'd just been honest with me and told me they didn't have any idea what to do and you founded the James W Foley Legacy Foundation um in honor of Jim obviously and all the Americans Ron detained abroad what was your hope um in also writing this.

Book well I I want the average American to know that they can make a difference we can make our country better and that even an ordinary person like myself and and Jim's um death has made a difference for others that now um our country prioritizes the return of us hostages and wrongful detainees though it's still not easy I mean it's very difficult and.

I also want folks to um value our journalists particularly those working so hard to investigate Pro the issues and be an i unbiased um Observer and people who dare to go into conflict zones and attend riots and um risky Endeavors to bring us what's going on well Jim certainly did and it's a remarkable Spirit you have.

And and a real pleasure to meet you thank you uh for sitting with us thank you for the book Diane Foley um your book that you wrote uh with colum mccan is available now and there is still more to come tonight we speak with actress danda wise about her role in the new film The Horror Thriller.

Imaginary why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R ml Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start.

Here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcast start here this week on Good Morning America G Brooks has something super special to share this is just too too cool I cannot wait to show you and he's sharing it with Robin and you Robin Roberts me and GMA I'm so.

Excited let's do this this week wait till you see this only on GMA I love me some good morning America and I promise you are going to love this Good Morning America live from Nashville this week what does it take to be the most watched newscast in America we are part of an operation this our combat Operation Center we're.

Approaching the gate militants came in from different directions nulear reactor so you have a couple loaded and ready to go the house is destroyed but the flag not a in it how important it made the USA work hi it's David David I'm David I know you are you every night ABC's World News Tonight with David M is America's most watched.

Newscast stepping out of the comedy drama fatherhood in the jaws of Jurassic Park Dominion actress danda wise now captivates the horror Thriller imaginary the terror unfolds as Jessica played by wise moves her family into her childhood home but things take a rather dark turn when Jessica's stepdaughter Alice forms an IR bond with a stuffed bear beyond.

The bounds of an imaginary friend trust me take a look across the Palm they pronounce it skull she's a total Daddy's girl your dress is so pretty thank you okay it goes downhill from there danda joins us now it's so nice to have you thanks so much for coming we really.

Appreciate it and this movie we were just talking about scary movies which you love even this is this is a little bit of a you know a career move to this kind of Thriller but let's talk about imaginary at its core it's about the power of imagination we were just talking about imagination and and a thriller for the kid inside each and.

Every one of us what was it like to step into this role from others um I think everything I mean I'm a nerdy actor everything gets the same approach there's no like style for one versus the other what really appealed to me and what I was attracted to was just the notion of playing a character significantly softer than I've ever.

Played before so every day on set this was my Mantra every day on set I was just like I'm a damel I had to remind myself it's just like I'm a damel I need to be saved you know I'm like I'm a horror movie protagonist save me um so yeah it was just really fun to uh tap into that kind of vulnerability so you play Jessica who writes and illustrates.

Children's books sort of to understand her own past trauma um it's a departure from your other roles what was it about that sort of I don't have the D damel that that attracted you to I had just come off of you know Jurassic world Dominion which required a year and a half of me lifting heavy heavy weights and pumping before every take you know.

And uh I'd always wanted to play in the horror genre it requires a level of like Stakes that you don't get in many genres like even in dramas now like contemporary dramas are very understated they're very simple they're very very small and you might get like one really intense scene if you're shooting a horror movie the.

Whole time your nervous system is going to be a wreck like the entire time it just it takes a lot of requires a lot and you know you just saw a photo of uh the young actress Piper braa her emotional availability I mean she's just she's extraordinary she absolutely is um and creepy in the appropriate in the appropriate way um we also just saw a.

Picture of you behind the scenes as well well there's that Chanty um we we also saw a picture of you behind the scenes there you are you executive producer too on this that is definitely that photo is definitely giving executive producer total executive producer what was it like to wear both hats uh a joy you know I will say as an actor uh the process is.

I prepare a lot so then by the time I'm on set I could just be really available to the casting crew you know anything that comes up day-to- day but even just um you know joining with every Department I'm a filmmaker at heart you know so it's something that you you get for free but you should compensate me for you know like you're going to get it.

Anyway doesn't matter what project you're going to bring it no matter what yeah I'm going to bring it no matter what but it was nice to have a seat at the proverbial table all right so let's then we got to talk about the antagonist um this teddy bear is your leg shaking it is cuz I I told you I don't like actually my leg goes all day.

Long that's another story you're like that is not Chanty related that's like I don't know nervous energy I don't know um no Chanty this teddy bear but yeah it is thanks for pointing that out to Wanda um Chanty is no laughing matter we can show the teddy bear um what imagination it's called imaginary imagination is at the is at the core of this um how did.

Your imagination influence how you either helped produce this or acted in it as we see there uh that's a great question and no one's asked me that in this entire press run huh and no one's ever pointed out that my leg shakes I know look at us going through first together um I mean it was just allowed to go wild you know uh hor movies I love.

Horror movies I really love horror movies um and it was a balance because you know this is a lot of journalists have been pointing out they called them Gateway horror movies you know there were horror movies I watched that were okay for me to watch when I was probably not I say they were okay for me to watch but I probably shouldn't have been.

Watching Freddy Krueger when I was 10 it's fine guess my 10-year-olds didn't but dwan it was so nice to meet you I could talk to you about a million other things but imaginar is in theaters uh starting Friday March 8 a pleasure and that's our show for tonight I'm Phil Lipoff ABC News live is here for you all night with the latest news.

Context and Analysis you can always find us on Hulu Roku Pluto TV the ABC News app and of course good night people really want to know what it feels like to be a

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