ABC News Prime: Trump can’t put up bond in NY; Biden warns Netanyahu; Arizona preps for election


ABC News Prime: Trump can’t put up bond in NY; Biden warns Netanyahu; Arizona preps for election

Live tonight Donald Trump facing a personal financial crisis the former president's lawyers say he cannot obtain a bond for the $464 million civil fraud judgment against him citing quote insurmountable difficulties what happens if Trump can't secure a bond by the end of the month and can you describe what the threats were.

Hanging lynching stabbing killing everything under the sun keeping misinformation at Bay as election officials are hard at work getting ready for a presidential rematch Arizona is working to ensure votes are properly counted and that election workers are safe but the threats are taking their.

Toll good evening everyone I'm Stephanie Ramos and for lindsy Davis thank you so much for streaming with us we're following the stories and much more including a blunt warning from President Biden to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu about the impending offensive into Southern Gaza this as Israeli forces launch a raid on.

The largest hospital in Gaza with thousands of civilians in the area plus deadly spring break violence the bloody scene on a Florida beach as crackdowns on crowds get more intense and an arts and crafts retailer that saw a pandemic sales boom files for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection but we begin tonight with a possible looming.

Financial crisis for former president Donald Trump in the middle of his presidential campaign Trump's lawyers today revealed Trump is unable to secure a bond for the 464 million dooll civil fraud judgment against him here in New York saying he is facing quote insurmountable difficulties but that he is financially.

Stable and has substantial assets New York State Attorney General Laticia James has signaled she will try to seize some of some of his properties if he's unable to pay the Judgment including Trump Tower payment is due at the end of the month meanwhile Donald Trump is out on the campaign Trail and defending his speech during a rally in Ohio warning of.

A bloodbath for the country if he loses the election John Carl will have more on that in just a moment but first ABC's senior investigative correspondent Erin kerki leads us off with more on Trump's looming Bond and what comes next wow he has long promoted himself a billionaire I'm really rich I'll show you that in next second but tonight.

Donald Trump telling a New York appeals court he cannot cover the $464 million Bond he must post one week from today as he appeals the Civil fraud judgment against him Trump's lawyers saying they face insurmountable difficulties they approached more than 30 insurance companies for help and were rejected by each one the main reason Trump does not.

Have enough cash and the insurance companies were unwilling to accept his real estate assets as collateral Trump and his eldest Sons were found liable for fraudulently inflating the value of their real estate to get favorable bank loans if Trump does not secure a bond by next week New York attorney general Laticia James can ask the court to seize.

His properties which she told me she is willing to do you're prepared to have the state move to seize Trump's asset we are prepared to make sure that the judgment is paid to New Yorkers there's also the possibility that Trump could put his buildings up for sale now to raise is quick cash but his lawyers say that kind of fire sale would result in.

Irrecoverable losses if his appeal succeeds so bottom line Trump wants the court to let him post a smaller Bond his lawyers say securing anything close to 464 million is a practical impossibility so much uncertainty there and his legal bills mounting Aon kerski is with us now and Aaron you are tracking a new development with that.

Hush money trial set to get underway next month the judge has just ruled that in that case two key witnesses will be allowed to testify the recipient of the hush money porn actress stormmy Daniels as well as Trump's former fixer Michael Cohen who wrote her the check the defense had tried to keep testimony from.

Those two out but they will be allowed to testify and the judge also ruling Stephanie that prosecutors will be able to refer to the Access Hollywood tape that's the one on which Trump explains how he grabbed women Stephanie from from so many years ago Aaron gurki for us here in New York City thank you now we go inside the crisis in Haiti.

With our team on the ground there amid the chaos as relief agencies warn nearly one and a half million people there are now facing famine violent gangs have toppled the government leading to deadly conflicts and Urgent efforts to rescue Americans trapped in the country ABC's Matt Rivers is in pter Prince tonight with Americans desperate to escape the.

Gang Warfare in Haiti we fly to Port of Prince the epicenter of the violence the only relatively safe way to get into Port of Prince right now is helicopters like this one soly right now because what Prince is a war zone and as we land it doesn't take long before we witness the horror so many have endured here for weeks the charred remains of cars of.

Businesses all around us and not far away the bodies of at least 13 people riddle with bullets left to die on the streets Crews collecting the dead today no one is safe for many there's no food hospitals abandoned this is one of the main hospitals in Porter prince it's now completely closed it was looted during some of this fighting and just look at.

The destruction here in downtown PTO Prince this is the aftermath more than a week later of this massive battle that took place between the gangs and the police doctors saying without care many are dying in their homes have you ever seen a situation quite so bad tonight nearly 8,000 Americans asking for help the state department.

Airlifting dozens out of the country Sunday that first US chartered flight landing in Miami but the vast majority still stuck like Richard Lubeck who told me of his daughter's worry at first few days I didn't tell him what's going on but then when things started happening I said well I better come clean and they're seeing everything on the news.

The bad stuff Matt Rivers joins us now from Porter Prince Matt you've done extensive reporting in Haiti before what are you seeing there now yeah Stephanie I've been here many times this is my eighth trip in the last couple of years alone and yet some of the neighborhoods that we drove through.

Today places that I've been to before they really did shock me and it takes a lot to shock me in a place like Haiti that unfortunately is so used to this uh levels of violence but they've never seen anything like this before it truly did Shock Me entire sections of this Capital City completely decimated Stephanie by this violence and Matt we.

Understand there's a curfew there in PTO Prince so we will let you go but thank you so much for your reporting we do appreciate it now to the Israel Hamas War President Biden spoke with the Prime Minister Benjamin n yahu today for the first time in more than a month even as Israeli forces launched a new raid on the.

Largest hospital in Gaza claiming Hamas has regrouped inside the facility here's ABC's Matt Gutman in Israel tonight President Biden with a blunt warning to Israel about its impending offensive into Southern Gaza speaking with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu amid a deepening Rift for the first time in 32 days the president.

Warned any military operation in Rafa where 1.5 million are seeking shelter would be a mistake the key goals Israel wants to achieve in Rafa can be done by other means it comes as Israel launched that operation inside gaza's largest hospital alifa what they say started as a high Precision operation in the middle of the.

Night but became a battle explosions and gunfire lasting for hours senior Kamas terrorists have regrouped inside the shifa hospital and are using it to command attacks against isw the IDF saying at least 20 gunmen were killed and about 200 men detained it was the first rid into the hospital complex since November when the IDF took us to.

See the tunnels beneath the hospital's largest building thousands of displaced pound Palestinians have been Sheltering there that fighting happening in Northern Gaza where the UN now projects famine for about 300,000 people any time from now to May there is a very small window in order to possibly Stave off this famine we're talking Days Every Day.

Children are dying today maybe it is you know tens and 20s and 30s tomorrow it would be hundreds and then it would be thousands and Matt joins us now from Israel Matt what else can you tell us about about that call between President Biden and Netanyahu Stephanie what everybody wants to know about that call is the tone of.

It remember after the State of the Union President Biden was caught off Mike saying he's going to have a come to Jesus talk with Netanyahu we don't know about the tone but we do know about the substance one of the things they talked about and agreed to is that Israel would send a military delegation to Washington to hear an alternative approach to an.

Invasion or possible plans of the Rafa area in southern Gaza and the white house now saying that it would be very unlikely for Israel to begin that offensive before hearing from Washington first Stephanie all right Matt thank you so much we're joined Now by Bob kitchen vice president for emergencies and.

Humanitarian action at the International Rescue committee Bob thank you so much for speaking with us as we heard in Matt's report it's now projected Northern Gaza will face famine in the coming months we've been hearing about extreme hunger and food shortages in Gaza for quite some time now but famine is very specific and a very serious.

Designation for those that may not be aware of the gravity surrounding that word famine explain to us what this means exactly the fact that the the world's Authority has said that famine is imminent in Northern Gaza is is is terrible um what it means is that people are not just skipping food skipping meals they're now facing real health.

Concerns they're facing death unless the food situation changes and changes very rapidly and Bob I can't imagine a region being able to recover quickly After experiencing famine when a population experiences famine like this how does that impact their long-term prospects for economic and social recovery it will take years and billions of dollars and.

Real time for people to recover to get back to their homes to rebuild their homes to rebuild hospitals schools it is catastrophic the humanitarian situation on the ground and there's no end in sight we we have to get to a ceasefire immediately or we'll start seeing greater numbers of people dying from hunger and Associated illness than we we.

Are seeing now because of the violence so so difficult and and Bob I want to ask you about this report a un report that was just released today which projected famine in Northern Gaza by May how does this relate to what IRC workers are seeing in Gaza right now well the report predicts imminent famine for the North and says there's a.

Very high risk of famine in the central area of Gaza with a slightly lower chance of famine in the the southern part where the bulk of the population is displaced to around Rafa IRC and our partners are working across Gaza but our emergency medical team is in the central area where there's very high risk of uh famine it is very very difficult to.

Deliver Aid at the moment the constraints upon the importation of Aid by the Israelis is strangling the aid flow and we can see the consequences of that in these food security these hunger figures right in front of us now and Bob we're we're looking at the images right now the images of Destruction and despair with this scope of Destruction.

Even if a ceasefire were reached in the near term how long will it take for Gaza to recover well it all depends on what comes with a ceasefire ceasefire speaks to the cessation of hostility so no more intense fighting the other thing that has to change and has to change immediately is the flow of humanitarian.

Aid food at a huge scale to try and help communities catch back up on the food that they've missed to try and help them stabilize in their health um so the the stopping of fighting is is urgent it's needed but it has to come with a mass increase in humanitarian assistance that can freely move across borders all the way around the Gaza Strip if we're going.

To make a difference in the catastrophic humanitarian need we're seeing on the ground right now and finally Bob I want to ask you about that phone call between President Biden and prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu today Israel's stated intention to invade Rafa was the major focus of that call we know that President Biden has warned against an.

Invasion of Rafa what would be the impact of a major military ground operation in Rafa well there's more than a million people in Rafa at the moment who have fled from other parts of Gaza to find safety Rafa itself is not safe right now but there's nowhere else for them to go for them to go to safety so uh a military offensive in Rafa now.

Would result in the loss of life in their tens of thousands we predict many people would lose their life because they wouldn't be able to get to another place that's safe so I'm glad that President Biden and Prim Minister Nya who spoke today I hope the message got through that moving forward with this offensive is terrible uh and that we.

Should instead direct our attention to an immediate ceasefire Bob kitchen thank you so much for your time and for your insights Bob kitchen with the International Rescue committee Switching gears now to the deadly violence during spring break in Florida police are searching for suspects after three separate shootings.

Within an hour in Jacksonville beach one person was killed three others wounded ABC's Victor okendo is in Florida with the details tonight authorities in Florida grappling with spring break violence vowing to crack down on Rowdy partygoers in Jacksonville Beach gunfire erupting overnight sending people running this is.

Players weekend it's St Patrick's Day it's spring break so the fact that we had a couple of Bad actors out here is extremely tragic authorities investigating three separate shootings that left one 21-year-old man dead and three people shot two suspects among the injured several suspects still on the loose and in New Smyrna Beach Northeast.

Of Orlando Thursday drop the gun hey police seen chasing 16-year-old Fel Xander Solis Gusman who is being charged as an adult for brandishing a firearm on a crowded Beach authorities say the teens started running towards the ocean throwing down the weapon and his bag which deputies say contain marijuana and after last.

Year's deadly violence during Miami Beach's spring break this month officials enforcing an emergency curfew and additional safety measures Victor joins us now from Miami Beach and Victor how are those new measures working so far Stephanie those strict measures appear to be working we've spoken with business owners here up and down iconic.

Ocean Drive on Miami Beach and they tell me that this year things have been smoother and safer compared to years past Stephanie that is certainly good to hear Victor Endo for us in Miami thank you civil rights attorney Ben Crump today filed a wrongful death lawsuit on behalf of the family of Daryl Tyrie Williams who died after police.

Repeatedly shocked him with a taser last year the lawsuit names the City of Raleigh the chief of Raleigh Police and six police officers as defendants Williams's mother spoke at a news conference today this was my son and it's not a day that goes by that I don't think about how he was viciously murdered yes he was Ted so many times as.

If he was some kind of vicious animal I want Justice attorney Trump said the case is a $25 million lawsuit the Supreme Court appears likely to reject strict limits on government contact with social media companies the case was brought by two Republican Le States and five right-wing individual.

Social media users who allege the Biden Administration engaged in a quote broad pressure campaign against online platforms to remove content about the pandemic and the 2020 presidential election that it considered harmful the White House has argue that his contact with social media companies was aimed at protecting Public Health National.

Security and election Integrity the majority of justices signaled today that they do not believe the Biden Administration went too far we pivot now to the race for the White House on the campaign Trail Donald Trump warning of a quote bloodbath if he loses the election and his campaign explaining what they say Trump meant by that here's ABC's.

John Carl today Donald Trump is defending comments he made at a rally in Ohio warning of a quote bloodbath if he doesn't win the presidential election in November Trump made the comment as he was talking about the Auto industry vowing to impose 100% tariffs on some Imported Car.

We're going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line and you're not going to be able to sell those guyss if I get elected now if I don't get elected it's going to be a blood bath for the whole that's going to be the least of it it's going to be a blood bath for the country that'll be the least of it today Trump insisted he.

Wasn't talking about political violence at all saying quote I was simply referring to Imports Allowed by crooked Joe Biden which are killing the automobile industry but the world saw what happened the last time Trump lost a presidential election as Trump's supporters violently attacked the capital on January 6th and in Ohio.

Trump paid tribute to those arrested for their actions on that day please rise for the horribly and unfairly treated January 6th hostages he saluted during a rendition of the national Anthem that was recorded by people in prison for what they did on January 6th Trump called those now.

Serving prison sentences hostages and Patriots suggesting he'd pardon them as soon as he gets back into office today the Biden campaign condemned Trump's prediction of a bloodbath accusing him of having an affection for violence and a thirst for revenge and alleging Trump wants another January 6 and John Carl joins us now John the the former.

President has now gone a further step in saying what he would do to those who were part of the January 6 committee yeah uh this is entirely consistent in a way with what Trump has made the central theme of his campaign one of Retribution C retribution the promise to annihilate his enemies this happened not long after he uh praised.

The January 6th uh prisoners as hostages and Patriots he issued several posts on social media uh calling for the prosecution and arrest of Liz Cheney and other members of the January 6 committee uh it's it's quite remarkable he is essentially saying that he wants to Pardon those who attacked the capital but he wants to prosecute the people who.

Investigated his actions on January 6th Stephanie all right John thank you so much for that update and we have news tonight that supreme court Chief Justice John Roberts has denied former Trump adviser Pete Navarro's last ditch emergency request to remain out of prison Navaro will now report to prison in Miami tomorrow as.

Scheduled he will serve a four-month sentence for contempt of congress for refusing to cooperate with the January 6 commission the final tally in Russia's election shows Vladimir Putin secured 87% of the vote extending his already 24-year rule until at least 2030 Observer said the landslide win recalled the illusionary elections of the Soviet.

Union it was Putin's highest result ever election officials also claimed the turnout was 77% the highest in modern Russian history Princess Kate was reportedly spotted out and about near her Windsor England home this weekend Kate and Prince William were seen shopping in a video obtained by TMZ it is the first video of Kate since her.

January abdominal surgery and the controvers over the family photo released last week the palace says the princess will not resume public duties until after Easter now to a missing college student and to the newly released body camera video showing him walking by a police officer moments before he disappeared in.

Nashville this is the last known video of Riley strain who vanished 10 days ago while on a fraternity trip the 22-year-old from the University of Missouri disappeared after he was escorted out of a Nashville bar own by country singer Luke Bryan there he is the bar says Riley was served one alcoholic drink while he was there.

Police say there is no evidence of Foul Play Riley's phone last pinged within a twem radius of the Cumberland River where his bank card was discovered yesterday we still have much more to get to here on Prime the journey to Parenthood through C Sur surrogacy couples share their story but next we travel to the critical background.

Battleground State of Arizona to hear from election officials who have faced increased threats since 2020 they are lifting up the curtain behind how they count votes and they say they won't be intimidated and will continue to speak out against lies that the 2020 election was.

stolen whenever news breaks we are here in Israel a nation at war after that brutal surprise attack by Hamas on the ground in Ukraine reporting from Leon main the scene of a horrific mass shooting ABC News live is right there everywhere from the scene of that deadly missile strike in Dena.

Ukraine reporting from the earthquake in Turkey en rolling Fort This Tornado tore through this little town from the most devastating disaster in Hawaii from Charleston South Carolina on the 2024 campaign Trail in Iceland let's go traveling with the president in Mexico City wherever the story from the front lines from Southern Israel outside the.

Gaza Strip in beir from the FBI reporting from the nurses on the picket line here at 10 Downing Street in London streaming live to you wherever the story is wherever the story is wherever the story is we're going to take you there you're streaming ABC News live ABC News live you're streaming ABC News live ABC news live streaming free everywhere.

America's number one streaming news first thing in the morning there's a lot going on got another Avalanche warning that's up to catch you up with what happened overnight a dangerous ice storm is impacting the morning commute what's happening today escalating tensions in the Middle East what people are talking about the migrant crisis fast.

Straightforward with some fun in between how does billionaire sound sounds good to me the Moose started chasing a dog first thing in the morning America this morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News live what does it take to be the most watched newscast in America.

We are part of an operation this our combat Operation Center we're approaching the gate militants came in from different directions reactor so you have a couple loaded and ready to go the house is destroyed but the flag not car in it how important it made the USA great work hi apprciate it's David David I'm David I know you are watch you every.

Night ABC's World News Tonight with David mu is America's most watched newscast we're in Miami let check out a golf tournament that's loud howy and controversial we got exclusive access we are about to party we're not from the country club we love the game of golf we're trying to have fun with.

It Sports watching is a form of information manipulation when you do something wrong as a political regime you can't just get rid of the stain power play the booming business of sportswashing now streaming long with them good vies pies on my phone everything is so got a little bit of sunshine more just a little bit Brea.

More just a little bit smile little more I'm in it ah ah ah I've been running through the Str pictures of my phone like everything is so little bit Sunshine Good Morning America welcome back there is concern tonight as election officials prepare for primaries and the presidential election about the unprecedented number.

Of threats they are facing just for doing their job some have held firm others have decided to not seek re-election in this divisive climate in tonight's Prime Focus our Avery Harper travels to the critical Battleground State of Arizona where the barrage of threats after the 2020 election has skyrocketed the cost of running.

Elections by millions but officials there say the 2024 election will be fair and every vote will be counted Arizona a critical Battleground in the race for the White House God bless godess God bless conspiracy theories have flourished here since the 2020 presidential election when crowds of trump supporters gathered outside the.

Maricopa County tabulation Center in Phoenix curling unsubstantiated rumor that votes for the Republican president were not being counted this is doing a credit to nobody to be lying are we going to win Pennsylvania four years later there remains no evidence of widespread voter fraud but officials say the threat.

Environment has skyrocketed the cost of running elections millions of dollars more as a result of things that have been added to the process since 2020 Maricopa County Steven Richard a lifelong Republican has a big task ahead do you fear that those folks could be replaced with people who would want to overturn election results.

With folks who are Bad actors of course we have good laws we have good institutions But ultimately we need good people every single printer has a barcode scans we print ballots on demands he's overseen voter registration and early voting here since January of 2021 you really have no understanding of what.

Election Administration was before election denialism I don't know what normal ever looked like because I came in January 4th my third day in office was January 6th we had people outside of our facility and election Administration has very much been a Hot Topic ever since I've been in office and so this is a lie that then leads to targeting uh of.

People which is part of the reason why we do so many tours is I just want to humanize the process this is where both the board Bo operations and the recorder operations happen he showed us around their Phoenix facility as they prepared for Arizona's presidential primary and that all important November election showing us how ballots are.

Sorted as they come in and where they're coming from we have eight Maricopa County voters living in Egypt so much of the work here available to watch on live stream this is the best team right ballot processing is the best team all right these are teams of different parties the lanyard that they're wearing either.

Republican or democrat or yellow as an independent he showed us how election workers verify voter identification on mail and ballots they're actually doing signature verification right now and that's when that green ballot affidavit envelope comes back he gave us a look at the room where votes are tabulated that is going to be the election management.

Server the results will be stored in there this is just like any other where it's an inventory system and Richard walked us through the warehouse where they store all the supplies necessary to run an election anywhere in the county Maricopa County we're larger geographically than seven states despite efforts to make the process even more.

Transparent and secure richer and other election administrators in the county have been on the receiving end of numerous threats both the Board of Supervisors and I have had a number of people arrested by either local authorities or by the FBI for valid threats and we're not talking about stuff like we think you stink at your.

Job or we don't like your hair or we don't like the way you dress or or even we think you're a traitor we're talking about the stuff like we are coming to hang you we are coming to shoot you richer is running for reelection he's facing an opponent backed by Arizona lawmakers who deny the outcome of the 2020 election what do you make of the.

Fact that uh many of the catalysts for this election denialism the conspiracy theories uh the threats that come your way they're coming from within your own party yeah it's it's really sad and we're we're better than the the driil that you might see on the 27th comment on a blog post but some of that has been elevated by people who are in positions.

Of power and and words matter and there's a lot of folks who have endured what you have received lots of threats and they say I'm not doing this work anymore yeah why do you keep doing this job why are you running for reelection uh when there's lots of other folks who are leaving uh this sort of work in drugs right no it's it's definitely true.

And it's it's sad in fact I mentioned that five member Board of Supervisors four of whom are Republicans of when I took office at least three of them will not be there in January 2025 and so one had resigned two have said that they are not running for reelection Clint Hickman is one of those supervisors not running for.

Reelection your own party is shoving knives in your back when you walk out the door and it's it's very difficult and it's been very difficult to deal with for myself my colleagues Steven Richard recorder Hickman supported Trump in 2020 and received threats after Trump's loss I didn't take a phone call from.

President Trump uh all what occurred in Georgia can you describe what the threats were hanging lynching stabbing killing everything under the sun at one point Hickman said 100 people came to his house while he his wife and children were.

Home he says two sheriff's deputies stood guard outside the deputies warned us we're going to tell everybody you're not home don't make it hard for us there's just two of us you know and I said okay well how do I know if you guys get in trouble and they said if you start having pounding on the door we're not going to let that happen if pounding.

On the door you know be ready now Hickman says he isn't running for reelection making him a part of The Exodus of election administrators across the country you are not unlike many other election administrators election workers that we're seeing depart from this work it's horrible to talk to Citizens and say hey can you come out.

And help run an election Can You observe the election I don't want any part of that because of bad behavior because of criticism it's ridiculously horrible so if you can't get the best expect the worst back at the tabulation center Richard wants it clear what the stakes are this year we're going to be good in 2024.

We've got more resources than we've ever had to administer elections the board is committed their side of the operation is committed everyone understands the game plan arizonans are going to be able to participate their vote's going to count it's going to be valid it's going to be bipartisan it's going to be fair and it's going to be certified eventually.

our thanks to Avery for that report we still have much more to get to here on Prime coming up a group of cyclists save a woman from a wild cougar attack but next it is March which means it's time for a little March Madness but just how far-reaching is the hysteria and the hype we will tell you by the.

numbers we're in Miami check out a golf tournament that's loud howy and controversial we've got exclusive access we are about to party we're not from the country club we love the game of golf we're trying to have fun with it Sports watching is a form of.

Information manipulation when you do something wrong as a political regime you can't just get rid of the stain power play the booming business of sports watching now streaming on blue this is ABC News live the crush of families here in Poland at Refugee Cent In Putin's Russia on the ground in Ukraine close to the front line from the.

Capital destructive Cat 4 storm along I Boston is in the Bulls let's go ABC News live America's number one streaming news anytime anywhere streaming 24/7 straight to you for free thank you for making ABC newsline America's number one streaming news you should see me the strongest females fight for the.

Survival of their families oh hey the Queens you should see me in a crowd first thing in the morning there's a lot going on got another Avalanche warning that's up to catch you up with what happened overnight a dangerous ice storm is impacting the morning commute what's.

Happening today escalating tensions in the Middle East what people are talking about the migrant crisis fast straightforward with some fun in between how does billionaire sound sounds good to me the Moose started chasing a dog first thing in the morning America this morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News live.

Housewives at Beverly Hill star Erica Jan celebrity attorney Tom gerardi this story was a nuclear explosion today several victims will get a chance to finally meet Erica jority and that's sort of a loss for what to say did you see the documentary the housewife and the Hustler I did I wanted Erica to say I'm sorry face to face.

Erica why did it take you so long the housewife and the Hustler too only on hula why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R murl Awards.

And see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here it's lunchtime in America so what are we serving up well how about everything you need to know you know that sounds pretty.

Good your health your money breaking news pop culture with the biggest Stars music Trends and of course good food GMA 3 what you need to know a third hour of GMA in the afternoon so join us afternoon for everything you need to know I love that me I'm m varal in Houston Texas wherever the story is we'll take you there you're.

Streaming with ABC News live it is March and that means March Madness the NCAA college basketball tournaments getting underway this week for both men and women and it's also this evening's very fun by the numbers you be the judge sticking with the men's bracket for now one and two billion.

Those are your terrible odds as an educated fan of picking all 67 games correctly according to one mathematician that's on me most brackets will be blown to bits in those first Roundup sets those 16 seeds have only beaten number one seeds twice in 152 games number two seeds have fared better beating number 15 seeds 11 times in 152 games we bring.

Up odds because many of you will be suckered into participating in your office pool you know it's you know it's true meanwhile legal regulated gambling took in $2.7 billion last year for both men's and women's tournaments today 38 States plus DC allow some form of sports gambling a far cry from 2017 when just.

One state NADA allowed it and we will wager that more of you will tune into the women's tournament this year nearly 10 million viewers saw the Women's Championship game on ABC last year which was the first time since 1996 that the game aired on a national network and the hype around the women's tournament remains huge South Carolina entering.

Undefeated at 32 and0 but standing in their way is the equally awesome Iowa and their all-time leading scorer you guessed it Caitlyn Clark we still have much more ahead here on Prime the monolith mystery reemerges in Wales Sparky speculation of space aliens and Oprah Making her return to television to tackle the topic of weight.

loss Whenever Wherever news breaks it's so important to always remember that lives are changed here in London in Buffalo yaldi Texas Edinburgh Scotland from Poland once again tonight thank you so much for streaming with us Ukrainian refugees here in warong do you think you'll ever be able to go back home.

We're heading to a small community outside of Mexico City splintered houses and splintered lives in the magnitude of the devastation you're streaming ABC News live reporting from Rolling Fork Mississippi Santa Fe New Mexico Raleigh North Carolina the US capital Mayfield Kentucky Minneapolis Mexico tongas national forest Alaska getting you.

Behind the stories as they happen giving you a front row seat to our world as it plays out in real time live ABC News live Prime we'll take you there stream ABC News live week nights America's most honored streaming news program only on ABC News live streaming free right now wherever you stream your news first thing in the morning there's a lot going.

On got another Avalanche warning that's up to catch you up with what happened overnight a dangerous ice storm is impacting the morning commute what's happening today escalating tensions in the Middle East what people are talking about the migrant crisis fast straightforward with some fun in between how does billionaire sound sounds good.

To me the Boose started chasing a dog first thing in the morning America this morning America's number one early morning news on ABC News live people really want to know what it feels like to be a photographer right shoulder down there we go this this ying-yang of danger and this incredible V Beauty that's his.

First breath that's so cool all right this is it these moments that you immortalize makes a lot of difference there's a masterpiece everywhere look at that me with them Good Vibes on myone everything is so F little bit of sun more just a little bit Brea more just a little bit smile little more I'm.

It I've been running through the pictures of my phone life everything is so F little bit of so sh Good Morning America get ready America every Friday the hottest Trends Styles and must have what's the right stuff to buy right now I really love that it's time to buy the right stuff yes and save big time too The Right Stuff Fridays on.

GMA you're going to love it why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories start here now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming make it your daily first listen wherever you get your podcast a sheriff's office will no.

Longer be on duty overnight cherry blossoms blooming in DC in March and how AI can help you create the perfect bracket for March Madness these stories and More in tonight's Rundown a woman attacked by a cougar while biking in the woods is speaking out after the harrowing experience.

60-year-old Carrie bger was riding with a group of cyclists on a trail last month in Washington state when a cougar pounced on her latching onto her jaw her friends jumped into action and spent 15 minutes freeing berser from the Cougar's hold she was rushed into emergency surgery which ended up saving her life berer said she plans to ride again but.

Not without her friends there to protect her the Washington County Indiana sheriff says his department has no choice starting this Friday the county will no longer have nighttime law enforcement coverage Sheriff Brent Miller says his deputies are working seven or eight days in a row and occasionally have worked 16-hour shifts.

And they can't keep it up he says starting pay is about $99,000 lower than surrounding areas making it harder to attract and keep officers Miller formally requesting the Indiana State Police to cover the overnight two government L studies are found no traces of harm on the brains of victims of so-called Havana syndrome a.

Mysterious health condition impacting US government employees stationed in countries like Cuba China and even here at home the study doesn't mean something didn't happen to the 80 government employees it monitored but that whatever happened wasn't caused by something that can lead to brain damage detectable on an MRI or other similar tests a 2020.

Three intelligence assessment found it was unlikely a foreign adversary was behind the cases of Havana syndrome one of the country's most well-known arts and craft stores is filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection Joanne Fabrics announced today the company is receiving $132 million in new financing and that they.

Expect to reduce their debt by over 500 million as a part of the deal the company says operations will continue as normal at their stores and on online the National Park Service in DC has announced that the infamous cherry blossoms are at full bloom a week earlier than predicted the Park Service says that predicting so-called Peak.

Bloom is challenging and depends on a variety of factors including weather a climate scientist with the Park Service say long-term data shows trees are hitting Peak Bloom earlier each year due to Rising global temperatures amateur bracketologists across the country are turning to Ai and machine learning to get any Inside Edge.

On the notoriously difficult task of creating the perfect bracket for March Madness according to the NCAA the average fan has a one in 9.2 quintilian chance of crafting the perfect bracket free throw percentages three-point attempts and previous March Madness results are being used to train machines that will hopefully give humans an edge.

In a tournament known for upsets and underdogs the human touch might have an advantage over the machines turning now to the challenges of infertility we're taking a closer look and Shining a light on surrogacy following an Ohio couple couple whose path to Parenting began with heartbreak.

Until they decided to make a change ABC's Rebecca Jarvis has their story Ohio natives Meredith and Eric Paris had always dreamed of having a family but the path to Parenthood wasn't easy for them we started having losses uh pregnancy losses pretty early on in the journey and um they could never really quite figure out what was going.

On every 3 to 4 months you know we'd go through the same cycle and we'd lose another pregnancy up to 30% of couples who struggle with fertility are diagnosed with unexplained infertility meaning they fail to conceive for at least a year without an identifiable cause and for Meredith and Eric it led them to consider serving.

There's multiple different types of patients that need to use a surrogate those who can't get pregnant those who can't stay pregnant those where it's medically indicated that they don't get pregnant also same-sex fathers the average cost of surrogacy ranges from about $100,000 to over.

$200,000 depending on a number of factors like using an agency or going Independent Insurance embryo creation and more Meredith and Eric went independent and found their surrogate Desiree on a Facebook matching group we just chatted that whole day and I just had this feeling that it was her the process which includes legal agreements.

And medical evaluations as well as an egg retrieval from Meredith to be implanted in Desiree took a little over a year before the day that Eric and Meredith had been waiting so long for the birth of their son Cole I will never forget after he came out um grabbing Desiree's hand and just telling her you know there are no words I can ever say.

To thank you adequately in desire Meredith found a lifelong friend and through that Facebook group a network of other mothers with a similar experience including swe Shankar she and her husband Gio faced years of difficulties trying to conceive we had seven retrievals eight transfers and five miscarriages I kept.

Thinking to myself you know when is this going to end you know when am I going to have this happy ending um and how am I going to have it to find her surrogate s asked friends to post her story in their networks and it caught the attention of Kathy Buck on the next door app I always thought that that's something that I could do um to help somebody else grow.

Their family the mother of four came across s's post and decided to reach out when I met her and just heard her story and saw everything it just seemed right it was a family affair the day Jaden was born with Kathy's children and husband their for support they've become an extended family to us and we hope that Jaden will grow up and see them as.

Such our thanks to Rebecca who's also openly shared her route her family's route to sery thank you so much Rebecca we have an exclusive look at Oprah Winfrey's return to Prime Time television the TV Legend is getting personal about her weight loss journey and taking a look at the medications helping many Americans achieve their own.

Health goals ABC's Jana Norman has more more let's stop the shaming and blaming Oprah is making her big return to television an exclusive first look at the media Legend tackling a topic that is oh so personal to millions of Americans all of a sudden I took this medication and and it felt like I was free in tonight's an Oprah special shame.

Blame and the weight loss Revolution on ABC she sits down with medical experts and everyday people who are using prescription drugs to find their way to health I was diagnosed with diabetes my labs and blood work were scary and I remember thinking to myself thinking like this is the way I was born and this is the way I'm going to die how are your.

Numbers today completely normal everything is in complete normal range like wow the Project's goal to release the shame judgment and stigma around weight number one thing I hope People Come Away with is knowing that it's a disease and it's in the brain nearly 7 4% of adults over 20 years old in the US are overweight or obese for decades the.

70-year-old entertainment Mogul took us on her journey with weight often mirroring what the country faced at large it is amazing to me that I can't lift it but I used to carry it around every day in 2015 Oprah becoming an ambassador for Weight Watchers I love bread until earlier this month when o announced she was leaving the board.

After sharing she too was taking taking similar weight loss drugs like Maggie a pre-diabetic she became one of the first teenagers to be prescribed one of the medications I had um a healthc care professional at one point tell me that she would be 500 lb by the time she was 16 and that she would die Oprah's return to the small screen comes almost 13.

Years after we said goodbye to the Oprah Winfrey show but tonight's TV event will likely bring on the Nostalgia with a nearly identical set and a live studio audience for the people who think that this could be the relief and support and freedom that you've been looking for your whole life bless you because there is space.

For all points of view our thanks to Jana Norman you may recognize our next guest from hit shows like flea bag and stranger things but now the comedian and actor is ready for his next challenge Brett Gelman is adding author to his long list of accomplishments with his new book The terrifying Realm of the.

Possible nearly true stories Brett thank you so much for being here thank you so much for having me so I've got the book right here you've got a note to the reader and I'm going to read a little a portion of it which I'm sure you're very familiar with it because you wrote it what you are about to read is a series of stories about five people they are.

The essence of deep neurosis and barely functioning Madness they are a people deranged this is this is not an autobiography but rather a series of nightmares nightmares of who I really am what do you mean by that it's the fear that I'm a lot like these characters you know um not all of it is totally fiction there is some autobiography in there and.

Uh yeah I it really it's scary you create these people it's like and then you're like oh wow what in me is making this happen yeah it's fear of who I was who I am who I might become all of that how you know just afraid that I have a terrible personality and you don't I I've I've met you now and we we've shared like few.

Minutes together You' you've got a great personality well I purged it I purged it it's all in the book I left it all in the book and now what's left is just fantastic I see you took a different approach to writing this book a very unique approach you focus on five fictional characters but what made you take that short story approach to this.

Well I just I always wanted to do short stories first of all a novel whoa that's a real undertaking uh but I always was interested in writing short stories I love the short story format I love a lot of short story writers and I wanted to do things too that were not just stories but there's things in there that are.

Pieces you know like little plays and some diary entries and stuff like that and really mess with the format in that way and let's talk a little bit about the characters you've got one character here the first one Abraham Amsterdam talk about the characters and and what made you go in this direction they're they're all very different but.

What inspired these characters well I wanted to show people at different stages of life so I have a child that's Abraham and a teenager an adult a senior citizen an older woman and somebody in the afterlife and I want to basically explore my Neurosis through different ages in that way and and show different perspectives and put a lot of myself in.

It there's a little bit of my mother in there you know in terms of the afterlife I wanted to sort of put forth my imaginings of the afterlife being as big of a pain in the neck as life is and deriving humor out of that which is a fear of mine I mean like you know there's a fear of oh what happens after life and then what if it's.

Not that great and what if it's just like life right what made you dive into a book what made you want to write this book and say you know I'm gonna add author to my titles I just always felt like I had that in me I always had that um the thing growing up you know I watch the great Jewish funny URS like Mel Brooks Albert Brooks and was just like.

Well the a a book you know being an author is something that I I felt like I could and would want to do too and I want to do more you know I want to continue and it was really important to me to to be an author in writing this book and not an actor writing a book and really have my own voice in in that so what's next for you you're an actor.

Comedian now an author what comes next any plans well I'm uh I'm working on we're shooting season five of stranger things oh that's so I'm doing yeah that's really uh fantastic and then no I want to direct I want to complete the the Jew package there okay and uh no and you keep acting right you know figure out what my next.

Book is going to be and be uh be an actor and a Creator thank you so much Brett for coming by and sharing all this with you and sharing the book with us really appreciate it congratulations thank you so much you can buy Brett's book The terrifying Realm of the possible nearly true stories wherever books are.

Sold visitors are flocking to a new mystery monolith on the Welsh Countryside the 10-ft tall silver monolith appeared with no Footprints or tire tracks and so far there is no clue as to how it got there ABC's Lara Spencer has more just on the top of the it's the mysterious monolith that's the talk of.

One UK town and come up I've never seen this before always looks like a UFO was PL something there this shiny silver spear a top of bluff in Wales spotted by local Craig mure who says it seemingly appeared out of nowhere look M taking the video after spotting the thing which he describes as a roughly 10t long long foot and a half.

Wide metal structure the mysterious monolith capturing the internet's attention with many wondering if it came from outer space residents of the nearby town of hey on why making trips to see the statue for themselves one user on their Community Facebook page writing I quite like the monolith hope the aliens don't come and get it too soon the.

Structure in the Welsh Wilderness is just the latest Obelisk like object randomly piercing Landscapes around the world similar sightings puzzling people in Romania Southwestern England and Stateside in California in 2020 be prepared to see these everywhere ah dear this one in Utah also from 2020 was first spotted by state officials and.

Removed an anonymous Collective known as the most famous artist claiming responsibility who is responsible that's Lara's next assignment could you do that for us please Lara thank you for that that is our show for this hour I'm Stephanie Ramos stay tuned to ABC News live for more context and Analysis of the day's top stories thanks for.

Streaming with us and coming up in the next hour we take you on the ground to Haiti and its ongoing crisis and new video in the case of the missing student in Nashville why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is.

Start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R Murrow Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first first listen now that's a part of the.

Story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here it's lunchtime in America so what are we serving up well how about everything you need to know you know that sounds pretty good your health your money breaking news pop culture with the biggest Stars music Trends and of course good.

Food GMA 3 what you need to know a third hour of GMA in the afternoon so join us afternoon for everything you need to know I love that this is ABC News live the crush of families here in Poland at Refugee centers in Putin Russia on the ground in Ukraine close to the front line from the capital destructive Cat 4 store along I.

Boston is in the Bulls let's go ABC News live America's number one streaming news anytime anywhere streaming 247 straight to you for free thank you for making ABC newsline America's number one streaming news Housewives the Beverly hill star Erica Jan celebrity attorney Tom gerardi this story was a nuclear explosion today several victims will get.

A chance to finally meet Erica jity and that's sort of a loss for what to say did you see the documentary the housewife on the Hustler I did I wanted Erica to say I'm sorry face to face Erica why did it take you so long the housewife and the Hustler too only on Hulu you should see me the strongest females fight for the.

Survival of their families oh hey the Queens you should see me in a crowd Whenever Wherever news breaks it's so important to always remember that lives are changed here in London in Buffalo you've all do Texas edin bruss Scotland reporting from Rolling Fork Mississippi Ukrainian refugees here in.

Warong we're heading to a small community outside of Mexico City getting you behind the stories as they happen ABC News live Prime we'll take you there stream ABC News live week nights wherever you stream your news only on ABC News live reporting from Monteray Park California I'm Robin Roberts wherever.

Wherever the story is we're going to take you there you're streaming ABC News live good evening everyone this is ABC News live Prime I'm Stephanie Ramos in for lindsy Davis thank you so much for streaming with us we've got a lot to news to get to this evening including Haiti in chaos as gangs topple the government our team is on the ground as.

Many are trapped in the center of the violence plus newly released body camera video showing a missing college student walking by a police officer moment before he disappeared in Nashville and the new mural by Infamous street artist Bank SE pops up yet again but we begin tonight with a possible looming financial crisis for former president.

Donald Trump in the middle of his presidential campaign Trump's lawyers today revealed Trump is unable to secure a bond for the $464 million civil fraud judgment against him here in New York saying he is facing quote insurmountable difficulties but that he is financially stable and has substantial assets New York State Attorney General Laticia.

James has signaled she will try to seize some of his properties if he's unable to pay the Judgment ABC's senior investigative correspondent Aon kki lead us off with more on Trump's looming Bond and what comes next wow he has long promoted himself a billionaire I'm really rich I'll show you that in a second but tonight Donald Trump telling.

A New York appeals court he cannot cover the $464 million Bond he must post one week from today as he appeals the Civil fraud judgment against him Trump's lawyers saying they face insurmountable difficulties they approached more than 30 insurance companies for help and were rejected by each one the main reason Trump does not enough cash and the.

Insurance companies were unwilling to accept his real estate assets as collateral Trump and his eldest Sons were found liable for fraudulently inflating the value of their real estate to get favorable bank loans if Trump does not secure a bond by next week New York attorney general latia James can ask the court to seize his properties.

Which she told me she is willing to do you're prepared to have the state move to seize Trump's ass we are prepared to make sure that the judgment is paid to New Yorkers there's also the possibility that Trump could put his buildings up for sale now to raise quick cash but his lawyers say that kind of fire sale would result in irrecoverable losses if his.

Appeal succeeds so bottom line Trump wants the court to let him post a smaller Bond his lawyers say securing anything close to 464 million is a practical impossibility so much uncertainty there and his legal bills mounting Aaron kerski is with us now and Aaron you are tracking a new development with that.

Hush trial set to get underway next month the judge has just ruled that in that case two key witnesses will be allowed to testify the recipient of the hush money porn actress Stormy Daniels as well as Trump's former fixer Michael Cohen who wrote her the check the defense had tried to keep testimony from those two out but they will be allowed.

To testify and the judge also ruling Stephanie that prosecutors will be able to refer to the Access Hollywood tape that's the one on which Trump explains how he grabbed women Stephanie from so many years ago Aaron gurki for us here in New York City thank you now we go inside the crisis in Haiti with our team on the ground there amid.

The chaos as relief agencies warn nearly 1 and a half million people there are now facing famine violent gangs have toppled the government leading to deadly conflicts and Urgent efforts to rescue Americans trapped in the country ABC's Matt Rivers is in pter Prince tonight with a Americans desperate to escape the gang Warfare in Haiti we fly to Porta.

Prince the epicenter of the violence the only relatively safe way to get into right now is on helicopters like this one soly right now because P Prince war and as we land it doesn't take long before we witness the horror so many have endured here for weeks the charred remains of cars of businesses all around us and not far away the bodies of at.

Least 13 people riddled with bullets left to die on the streets Crews collecting the dead today no one is safe for many there's no food hospitals abandoned this is one of the main hospitals in Porto prince it's now completely closed it was looted during some of this fighting and just look at the destruction here in downtown Porter.

Prince this is the aftermath more than a week later of this massive battle that took place between the gangs and the police doctor saying without care many are dying in their homes have you ever seen a situation quite so bad tonight nearly 8,000 Americans asking for help the state department airlifting dozens out of the country.

Sunday that first US chartered flight landing in Miami but the vast majority still stuck like Richard Lubeck who told me of his daughter's worry at first few days I didn't tell him what's going on but then when things started happening I said well better come clean and they're seeing everything on the news the bad stuff our thanks to Matt Rivers now to.

The Israel Hamas War President Biden spoke with prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu today for the first time in more than a month even as Israeli forces launched a new raid on the largest hospital in Gaza claiming Hamas has regrouped inside that facility here's ABC's Matt Gutman in Israel tonight President Biden with a.

Blunt warning to Israel about its impending offensive into Southern Gaza speaking with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu amid a deepening Rift for the first time in 32 days the president warned any military operation in Rafa where 1.5 million are seeking shelter would be a mistake the key goals Israel wants to achieve in Rafa can be.

Done by other means it comes as Israel launched that operation inside gaza's largest hospital alifa what they say started as a high Precision operation in the middle of the night but became a battle explosions and gunfire fting for hours senior Kamas terrorists have regrouped inside the shifa hospital and are using it to.

Command attacks against ISU the IDF saying at least 20 gunmen were killed and about 200 men detained it was the first raid into the hospital complex since November when the IDF took us to see the tunnels beneath the hospital's largest building thousands of displaced Palestinians have been Sheltering there that fighting happening in Northern Gaza.

Where the UN now projects famine for about 300,000 people anytime from now to May there is a very small window in order to possibly Stave off this famine we're talking Days Every Day children are dying today maybe it is you know tens and 20s and 30s tomorrow it would be hundreds and then it would be thousands and Matt joins us now from.

Israel Matt what else can you tell us about that call between President Biden and Netanyahu Stephanie what everybody wants to know about that call is the tone of it remember after the State of the Union President Biden was caught off Mike saying he's going to have a come to Jesus talk with Netanyahu we don't know.

About the tone but we do know about the substance one of the things they talked about and agreed to is that Israel would send a military delegation to Washington to hear an alternative approach to an invasion or possible plans of the Rafa area in southern Gaza and the white house now saying that it would be very unlikely for Israel to begin that.

Offensive before hearing from Washington first Stephanie all right Matt thank you so much we're joined Now by Bob kitchen vice president for emergencies and humanitarian action at the International Rescue committee Bob thank you so much for speaking with us as we heard in Matt's report it's now projected Northern Gaza will face famine in the.

Coming months we've been hearing about extreme hunger and food shortages in Gaza for quite some time now but famine is very specific and a very serious designation for those may not be aware of the gravity surrounding that word famine explain to us what this means exactly the fact that the the world's Authority has said that famine is.

Imminent in Northern Gaza is is is terrible um what it means is that people are not just skipping food skipping meals they're now facing real health concerns they're facing death unless the food situation changes and changes very rapidly and Bob I can't imagine a region being able to recover quick After experiencing famine when a.

Population experiences famine like this how does that impact their long-term prospects for economic and social recovery it will take years and billions of dollars and real time for people to recover to get back to their homes to rebuild their homes to rebuild hospitals schools it is catastrophic the humanitarian situation on the ground and.

There's no end in sight we we have to get to a ceasefire immediately or we'll start seeing greater numbers of people dying from hunger and Associated illness than we we are seeing now because of the violence so so difficult and and Bob I want to ask you about this report a un report that was just released today which projected famine in Northern Gaza.

By May how does this relate to what IRC workers are seeing in Gaza right now well the report predicts imminent famine for the North and says there's a very high risk of famine in the central area of Gaza with a slightly lower chance of famine in the the southern part where the bulk of the population is displaced to around Rafa IRC and our.

Partners are working across Gaza but our emergency medical team is in the central area where there's very high risk of uh famine it is very difficult to deliver Aid at the moment the constraints upon the importation of Aid by the Israelis is strangling the aid flow and we can see the consequences of that in these food security these hunger figures right.

In front of us now and Bob we're we're looking at the images right now the images of Destruction and despair with this scope of Destruction even if a ceasefire were reached in the near term how long will it take for Gaza to recover well it all depends on what comes with a ceasefire ceasefire speaks.

To the sensation of hostility so no more intense fighting the the other thing that has to change and has to change immediately is the flow of humanitarian Aid food at a huge scale to try and help communities catch back up on the food that they've missed to try and help them stabilize in their health um so the the stopping of fighting is is urgent it's.

Needed but it has to come with a massive increase in humanitarian assistance that can freely move across borders all the way around the Gaza Strip if we're going to make a difference in the catastrophic humanitarian need we're seeing on the ground right now and finally Bob I want to ask you about that phone call between President Biden and prime minister.

Benjamin Netanyahu today Israel's stated intention to invade Rafa was the major focus of that call we know that President Biden has warned against an invasion of Rafa what would be the impact of a major military ground operation in Rafa well there's more than a million people in Rafa at the moment who have fled from other parts of Gaza.

To find safety Rafa itself is not safe right now but there's nowhere else for them to go for them to go to safety so uh a military offensive in Rafa now would result in the loss of life in their tens of thousands we predict many people would lose their life because they wouldn't be able to get to another place that's safe so I'm glad that.

President Biden and Prim Minister Nya who spoke today I hope the message got through that moving forward with this offensive is terrible uh and that we should instead direct our attention to an immediate ceasefire Bob kitchen thank you so much for your time and for your insights Bob kitchen with the International Rescue.

Committee Switching gears now to the deadly violence during spring break in Florida police are searching for suspects after three separate shootings within an hour in Jacksonville Beach one person was killed three others wounded ABC's Victor okendo is in Florida with the details tonight authorities in Florida grappling.

With spring break violence vowing to crack down on Rowdy partygoers in Jacksonville Beach gunfire erupting overnight sending people running this is players weekend it's St Patrick's Day it's spring break so the fact that we had a couple of Bad actors out here is extremely tragic authorities investigating three separate shootings.

That left one 21-year-old man dead and three people shot two suspects among the injured several suspects still on the loose and in New Smyrna Beach Northeast of Orlando Thursday drop the gun hey police seemen chasing 16-year-old Felix Xander Solis Gusman who is being charged as an adult for brandishing a firearm on a crowded.

Beach authorities say the teen started running towards the ocean throwing down the weapon and his bag which deputies say contain marijuana and after last year's deadly violence during Miami Beach's spring break this month officials enforcing an emergency curfew and additional safety measures Victor joins us now from Miami Beach and Victor.

How are those new measures working so far Stephanie those strict measures appear to be working we've spoken with business owners here up and down iconic Ocean Drive on Miami Beach and they tell me that this year things have been smoother and safer compared to years past Stephanie that is certainly good to hear Victor okendo for us in Miami thank.

You we pivot to the race for the White House on the campaign Trail Donald Trump warning of a quote bloodbath if he loses the election and his campaign explaining what they say Trump meant by that here's ABC's John Carl today Donald Trump is defending comments he made at a rally in Ohio.

Warning of a quote bloodbath if he doesn't win the presidential election in November Trump made the comment as he was talking about the Auto industry vowing to impose 100% tariffs on some imported cars we're going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line and you're not going to be able to sell those go if I get.

Elected now if I don't get elected it's going to be a blood bath for the whole that's going to be the least of it it's going to be a blood bath for the country that'll be the least of it today Trump insisted he wasn't talking about political violence at all saying quote I was simply referring to Imports Allowed by crooked Joe Biden which are killing.

The automobile industry but the world saw what happened the last time Trump lost a presidential election as Trump's supporters violently attacked the capital on January 6th and in Ohio Trump paid tribute to those arrested for their actions on that day please rise for the horribly and unfairly treated January 6th.

hostages he saluted during a rendition of the national anthem that was recorded by people in prison for what they did on January 6th Trump called those now serving prison sentences hostages and Patriots suggesting he'd pardon them as soon as he gets back into office today the Biden campaign condemned Trump's.

Prediction of a bloodbath accusing him of having an affection for violence and a thirst for revenge and alleging Trump wants another January 6 and John Carl joins us now John the former president has now gone a further step in saying what he would do to those who were part of the January 6 committee yeah uh this is entirely.

Consistent in a way with what Trump has made the central theme of his campaign one of Retribution C retribution the promise to annihilate his enemies this happened not long after he uh praised the January 6th uh prisoners as hostages and Patriots he issued several po posts on social media uh calling for the prosecution and arrest of Liz Cheney and.

Other members of the January 6th committee uh it's it's quite remarkable he is essentially saying that he wants to Pardon those who attacked the capital but he wants to prosecute the people who investigated his actions on January 6th Stephanie all right John thank you so much for that update newly released body camera video.

Shows missing College student Riley strain walking by a police officer just moments before he disappeared in Nashville it comes as authorities also discover a new clue ABC's Faith Abu has more tonight Nashville police releasing the last known video of missing college student Riley strain who vanished 10 days ago while on a fraternity trip we.

Want to ask anybody if they know anything uh to please share it the 22-year-old from the University of Missouri disappeared shortly after he was escorted out of the Nashville bar owned by singer Luke Bryan the bar saying Riley was served one alcoholic drink but was asked to leave quote based on our conduct standards the 6'5 senior.

Then seen on surveillance video walking down a Street then stumbling across a parking lot but tonight newly released body camera footage showing Riley minutes later in a friendly exchange with a police officer in the neighborhood how you doing sir I'm good how are you good just yesterday two ticktockers who had been helping in the.

For Riley discovering his bank card by the river you found his credit card we found his credit card we got to hang up she flipped it over and saw his name and she was like oh my God I found his card tonight investigators searching on foot by air and scouring the river using Sonar equipment and Stephanie tonight police.

Say they have no evidence of Foul Play and that Riley's phone last panged within a two mile radius of an area near the river it was just a few minutes after that encounter with that police officer Stephanie thank you so much Faith still much more to get to here on Prime coming up a new bank SE mural has popped up we tell you where but next.

Putin addresses crowds after winning an election the US calls quote a sham whenever news breaks we are here in Israel a nation at war after that brutal surprise attack by Hamas on the ground in Ukraine reporting from Leon Maine the scene of a horrific mass shooting BC News live is right there everywhere from.

The scene of that deadly missile strike in Dena Ukraine reporting from the earthquake in Turkey in Rolling Fort This Tornado tore through this little town from the most devastating disaster in Hawaii from Charleston South Carolina on the 2024 campaign Trail in Iceland let's go traveling with the president in Mexico.

City wherever the story from the front lines from Southern Israel outside the Gaza Strip in beir from the FBI reporting from the nurses on the picket line here at 10 Downing Street in London streaming live to you wherever the story is wherever the story is wherever the story is we're going to take you there you're streaming ABC News live ABC News.

Live you're streaming ABC News live ABC news live streaming free everywhere America's number one streaming news bit of sunshine more just a little bit Brea more just a little bit smile little more I'm in I've been running through the Str pictures on my phone like everything is.

So little B Good Morning America what does it take to be the most watched newscast in America we are part of an operation is this our combat Operation Center we're approaching the gate Militan came in from different directions nulear reactor so you have a couple loaded and ready to.

Go the house is destroyed but the flag not carry in it how important it made the USA great work hi it's David David I'm David I know you are you every night ABC's World News Tonight with David M is America's most watched newscast reporting from the scene of the subway shooting in the Bronx I'm Trevor alt wherever the story is will'll take.

You there you're streaming ABC News live we're tracking several headlines around the world thousands of people gathered in moscow's Red Square to Mark the 10th anniversary of Russia's annexation of the Crimea Peninsula today President Vladimir Putin spoke to the crowd the day after securing a new six-year term.

He said that the return of other Ukraine regions was turning out to be quote much more grave and tragic Nigeria's ruling military hun has revoked an agreement that allowed the US Military to operate in the country there were more than a thousand US troops in nir as of last year bases in the country have been used to counter Islamic Insurgency in the.

Region but concern has been growing for months that the country's rulers were turning away from the US in favor of possibly lucrative Partnerships with Russia and Iran and a new mural by street artist Banky has appeared in London the painting is on the side of a building you see it there which has a heavily.

Pruned tree in front of it the artist used green paint to mimic foliage on the baron tree and even added a person with a hose watering that tree and still to come one woman found herself in an overwhelming situation with more than a 100 dogs how local authorities stepped in why do so many people start their day.

Here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R ml Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a.

Part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here we're in Miami check out a golf tournament that's loud howy and controversial we've got to exclusive access we are about to party we're not from the country club we love the game of golf we're trying to have fun with.

It Sports watching is a form of information manipulation when you do something wrong as a political regime you can't just get rid of the stain power play the booming business of sports watching now streaming on blue the strongest females fight for the survival of their.

Families oh hey the Queens you should see me in a crowd what does it take to be the most watched newscast in America we are part of an operation is this our combat Operation Center we're approaching the gate militants came in from different directions we reactor so.

You have a couple loaded and ready to go the house is destroyed but the flag not car in it how important it made the USA great work hi apprciate it's David D I'm David I know you are you every night ABC's World News Tonight with David M 100 dogs need to find a new home after they were rescued from a property in Florida for now they're capturing the.

Hearts of some officials Jessica Clark from our partner station in Jacksonville has the details on tonight's local Lowdown hey so good morning with puppies in their hands and so did the little animals appreciate it putam County leaders Thursday held an unusual and sweet news conference about a dog rescue this week 124 dogs seized so far from a.

10 acre property in in lockin home to an elderly woman who fed the dogs but had more than she could handle due to the the lack of space and neutering uh the dogss just reproduced at a rate that she was unable to control and due to no Criminal Intent uh no no um mean intention uh it just got out of control and she needed some help these are some.

Of those dogs Now Melting the hearts of County officials chasing after deputies and even crowding around an unsuspecting reporter there's absolutely more at the residents right now I can't give you an accurate count on that um cuz we just don't know these more than 100 dogs putting up burden on the small putham County animal control services are you.

But donations have poured in is this just from the donation the last the last day day and a half yes ma'am more help came from surrounding counties we can share you know we have the ability to do that and because the breeds are small puam County Animal Control is asking for any food that would be for puppies or small breeds.

There is an Amazon wish list on the putam County Animal Services site and this was one of those opportunities that's a bad situation that we can absolutely bring good from I'm sure those cute pups will be adopted in no time our thanks to Jessica Clark for that report that is our show for tonight I'm Stephanie Ramos ABC News.

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