ABC Records Top: Honorable-Palestinian campus protests escalate; Abortion fight; Battle to fund HBCUs


ABC Records Top: Honorable-Palestinian campus protests escalate; Abortion fight; Battle to fund HBCUs

live tonight campus protest cracked down the chaotic and dramatic scene that played out 3,000 miles away from Columbia University this time on the UCLA campus as violence erupts and dueling protests clashes arrests and more we have all the details on the Tipping Point being reached on campuses.

Across the country and what the police Crackdown we saw last night means to movements Coast to Coast plus as of this morning 4 million women in this state woke up with fewer reproductive freedoms than they had last night the political fight in Florida and very real battle for women as the state's six we abortion ban comes into effect what comes next.

Why the band now closes the door on the last major abortion access point in the Southeast and I have payroll that we're about to miss the third payroll so you have staff that not been paid have not been paid but they still fight for this institution they still teach it it's an issue many historically black colleges and universities are facing across the.

Country the struggle to keep their doors open in tonight's Prime Focus we take you to North Carolina for an in-depth look at the existential threat being faced by HBCU Nationwide as they fight for funds and resources for the next generation of graduates good evening everyone I'm lindsy Davis thanks so much for.

Streaming with us we're following those stories and much more including the vote just a short time ago in the Arizona Senate to repeal that 1864 near total abortion ban what happens next and why the issue will still resurface come November plus the potential Israel Hamas hostage deal that could be announced any moment the message the secretary of.

State is delivering tonight and with May comes the start of AA nhpi month celebrating the remarkable role played by members of the Asian-American and native Hawaiian Pacific Islander Community we're covering just some of the community's achievements by the numbers but we do begin with Nationwide protest of the Israel Gaza War coming to.

A violent Crescendo on some campuses students demand their colleges divest from funding to Israel some tactics turning aggressive several universities have called in law enforcement to restore order and all more than a thousand arrests made including overnight at the University of California Los Angeles were dueling.

Encampments through fireworks Plywood And even police barriers glasses are cancelled there today at at the University of Arizona Police deployed quote chemical irritants on protesters here in New York City hundreds of police officers in riot gear removed students who barricaded themselves inside an academic Hall at Columbia University and.

The NYPD is now at forom University to disperse a growing crowd there students vowing not to give up ABC Stephanie Ramos leads us off tonight from Columbia University with the latest tonight the NYPD releasing new video inside the raid at Columbia University officers in riot gear marching up that ramp to get into the.

Second story of Hamilton Hall then moving floor by floor in a massive show of force breaking open locked rooms with hammers cutting their way through locked metal doors police taking more than 100 protesters into custody at nearby City College this is the New York City Police Department.

Officers there moving into breakdown tents and making arrests nearly 300 in all facing charges ranging from trespassing to criminal mischief to burglary the NYPD taking down the Palestinian flag and putting the American flag back up today the mayor defending the crash down and blaming outside agitators for training.

And leading students who broke in and seized that building there is a movement to radicalized young people and I'm not going to wait until it's done and all of a sudden acknowledge the existence of it so far neither police nor prosecutors are saying how many of those arrested were from outside the school the White House today pressed on whether the.

President supported deploying the NYPD into schools they have the right to peacefully protect as long as it's within the law and that it's peaceful uh Force forcibly taking over uh building is not peaceful it's just not tonight with Colombia's lawn now cleared of tents for the first time in two weeks Pro Palestinian protesters and.

Professors slamming School administrators and the police response this is the conscience of a Nation speaking through your kids through young people who are are risking their Futures who are risking suspension Expos criminal arrest tonight new protests popping up in the city students at forom University.

Setting up an encampment inside a building overnight a disturbing turn at UCLA with an allout brawl after counter-protesters tried to break down a pro Palestinian encampment fist fights erupting people hitting each other with wood and long sticks using metal barricades as weapons this is the moment someone threw a.

Firework into the protest encampment the violence unfolding for more than 2 hours before police and riot gear moved in Governor Gavin Newsome saying the delayed response by law enforcement was unacceptable and demands answers tonight as campus protests rage from Arizona to Wisconsin there is mounting frustration on all sides.

There's just no valid points being made either side everyone's just yelling at each other it's still a lot of tension there and and Stephanie joins us now from Colombia Stephanie give us a sense of how things have changed as far as the police presence just in the last 24 hours well Lindsay it has changed significantly the police presence is.

Still here but certainly not what we saw last night here outside Columbia University Police are authorized to be on campus through May 17th the graduation ceremony will take place on the 15th so they will be here throughout all of that and for many in this class they are relieved because four years ago they didn't get a graduation ceremony.

Due to the co pandemic Lindsay understandable all right Stephanie Ramos from Colombia for us once again thanks so much Stephanie in the Middle East now there is an Israeli deal on the table for a ceasefire and the release of hostages still held by Hamas negotiators are waiting for Hamas to respond Secretary.

Of State Anthony blinkin is in the region tonight and says the time is now for Hamas to accept the deal ABC's Tom Sufi bur reports from Tel Aviv tonight hamas's response to that high stakes us brokered ceasefire and hostage deal expected at any moment Secretary of State Anthony blinkin meeting face Toof face today with prime minister Benjamin.

Netanyahu saying the time is now for Hamas to accept the offer there is no time for delay uh there's no time for uh further haggling the initial phase of the Israeli offer includes a six- week pause in the fighting and the release of Palestinian prisoners in in exchange for 33 hostages including the injured 23-year-old American Israeli hsh goldbug.

Pollen seen here in this Hamas video Missing part of his left arm blown off on October 7 by terrorists when he was captured blinkin also meeting today with the family of 64-year-old American Israeli hostage Keith seagull it's believed around a 100 hostages are still being held in Gaza we will not rest until everyone man woman soldier.

Civilian young old is back home and tonight the US doubling down warning Israel not to invade Rafer in southern Gaza where more than a million Palestinians are taking Refuge saying peace in the region is at stake but Netanyahu defiant vowing Tuesday Israeli forces will go into Rafa to root out the remaining Hamas.

Battalions with or without a deal so many hoping for a deal Tom Sufi bur joins us now from Tel Aviv it what's the latest you're hearing about just How likely Hamas is to respond to this ceasefire deal y linday we're just getting word a Hamas leader quoted on Lebanese TV saying hamas's position on the proposed.

Ceasar deal is negative but they're still studying it it's not the full Hamas response and negotiations could still continue Lindsay very interesting all right Tom sopie bur for us thanks so much Tom now to Florida where that State's six-week abortion ban took effect today and Donald Trump is defending States that have taken their.

Own action on abortion vice president kamla Harris in Florida saying she and the president believe these decisions should be made by women with their doctors not the government here's Rachel Scott after spending Tuesday stuck in a Manhattan courtroom tonight Donald Trump parachuting into key Battlegrounds Wisconsin and Michigan before he has to.

Fly right back to New York where his criminal trial resumes tomorrow in wakaan today Trump veering off teleprompter to defend himself on an issue that could decide the election abortion basically the states decide on abortion and people are absolutely thrilled with the way that's going on just this week Trump telling Time.

Magazine he won't object if States monitor pregnant women to make sure they comply with abortion bans and prosecute women who violate them today he doubled down now I say it's up to the state they'll ask me a question about I say that's up to the state so I say to you uh I think we did a very good job in that a lot of people are very happy with.

It today vice president KLA Harris firing back in Florida where the State's new abortion law just went into effect Banning abortion at 6 weeks before most women even know they are pregnant basically under Donald Trump it would be fair game for women to be monitored and punished by the government whereas Joe Biden and I have.

A different view we believe the government should never come between a woman and her doctor Florida's near total ban means abortion access is now largely cut off across the entire South as of this morning 4 million women in this state woke up with fewer reproductive freedoms than they.

Had last night this is the new reality under a trump abortion ban a big issue in Florida and Beyond Rachel Scott joins us now from the campaign Trail Rachel what are you hearing from the campaigns about how the abortion issue will play out come November get Donald Trump elected L if.

One thing is for sure we know the Biden campaign is counting on the issue of abortion rights to really Galvanize Democrats and possibly even Independence heading into November but both campaigns are keenly aware that this issue could be on the ballot in as many as 13 States including several key Battlegrounds and the fact that abortion rights has won.

Every single time it has been on the ballot Lind could be pivotal Rachel scottt from a trump event in Freeland Michigan thanks so much Rachel the Arizona Senate has approved the repeal of that Civil War era abortion Ban two Republicans voted with Democrats one week after the Arizona House approved the repeal.

Governor ktie Hobbs is set to sign it into law which would return the state's 2022 abortion law into effect the 2022 law bans abortion after 15 weeks with no exceptions for rape or incest the repeal can't take effect until sometime in the fall while the 1864 law takes effect on June 27th unless a court intervenes for more about the latest abortion ban in.

Florida we want to bring in chief medical officer Dr Robin shikler from Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida uh Dr thank you so much for joining us what are your conversations like with patients who arrive at Planned Parenthood for an abortion and are more than six weeks pregnant yeah so that's a very hard.

Conversation and um you know we actually did have to start having those before today because Florida does have a 24-hour waiting period so there were patients that we saw yesterday and even the day before um that we wouldn't be able to get in before May 1st um it's it's a hard conversation we tell them that we would not be able to provide the.

Abortion to them in the State of Florida and we provide them their options and if they want to continue seeking an abortion then we have patient Navigators that can help them get to where they need to go um and get the resources to get to where they need to go and so when you say you provide them options does that mean you give them recommendations.

Outside of the state yes so we give them recommendations um for different clinics that are outside the state and if they need something um like navigation services from us we can provide that and I want to back up for a little bit because we've heard a lot of conversations about um many women not.

Even knowing that they're pregnant at six weeks is that something that you run into as well yes so the way we date a pregnancy is we count from the first day of the last menstrual period that's also basically what ultrasounds go on so if someone has a regular period by the time they've Miss.

A a period they're already four weeks along and so that gives them little time to to one even just realize that they missed a period um and two to obtain the care that they need so six weeks is really a tiny amount of time and the majority of patients that I've seen in my practice don't even know till they're at.

Least six weeks and what are you hearing from these patients right now especially in regard to to having to seek Health Care out of the state of Florida yeah these patients are frustrated um you know and it's a mixture some patients are aware of what's going on some people um you know are busy in their lives and and don't have the time.

To keep track of everything going on and so it's the first time they've heard about it when we say we can't take care of them they're frustrated they're mad they they just came in to get health care and now they're being told that they can't um and that they have to travel hundreds if not thousands of miles out of the state of Florida from.

Their home to get that care and with the six week band now taking effect what concerns you most with regard to a pregnant person's physical and emotional health yeah I think you know people are going to continue pregnancies that put them at High risk.

Of both physical and mental and emotional harm and anguish and distress and I think we're going to see an increase in things like maternal morbidity or our sick women who are pregnant because we can't intervene before any of that happens and can you tell us about what's next because there's a lot that that still isn't.

Known as you said even for somebody to Define what constitutes putting the mother's life at risk and I know that there's an amendment on the ballot for the November election to limit the governor government's power tell us what that Amendment seeks to do yes so this amendment is really to get our rights back it's to to be able.

To seek medical care and obtain that Medical Care without the government intervening in that care and we deserve that right our patients deserve that right to seek whatever Medical Care they need and abortion happens to be part of that medical care for many people Dr Robin shikler we thank you so.

Much for your time and insight really appreciate it thank you next night millions are on alert for tornadoes at this hour the Heartland bracing for another round of possible Twisters as well as hail and damaging winds 15 reported tornado in the last 24 hours from Texas to Iowa this one in West Morland Kansas kicking up debris the.

Tornado destroyed homes and took one life our chief meteorologist Ginger Z is tracking it all tonight hi Ginger hey Lindsay yes we've already seen one observed tornado so people are seeing them rip across the Texas Panhandle and unfortunately we've got a long night ahead so let's look at it Dodge City Kansas Garden City down to.

Lck in that watch currently I expect those will keep extending East as we go through the night so you're thunderstor watch goes all the way to the Mexican border 3 to 5 in widespread possible in that flood watch that includes Waco Houston Austin Alexandria and shreport so a lot of people going to get dumped down with rain tonight into early.

Tomorrow then let's talk about what happens into the later hours because this doesn't just stop once the sun goes down in fact it'll keep on keeping on up till midnight and Beyond even Dallas Fort Worth could hear some rumbles of thunder and right on the edge of SE severe thunderstorms and then tomorrow we'll clear it out and destabilize the.

Atmosphere again just enough enough to kick off more for the very similar area wit to Falls in there in abene the main threat tomorrow is damaging winds but I want to leave you with this idea because we had such a prolific April second most tornadoes for the month since records began in 1950 but climatologically may is the month we've got to look out for.

Lindsay really dangerous time that we're just entering then Ginger our thanks to you reports of an active shooter outside of Wisconsin middle school today immediately sent that school into lockdown police say a 14-year-old was possibly armed with a rifle and authorities then moved in on that teenager here's Pierre Thomas with what.

We've learned so far tonight the small community of Mount HB Wisconsin shaken after reports of an active shooter headed toward a middle school reports of shots fired at the school children and staff fleeing the school put on lockdown sources telling ABC News shortly afternoon police encountered a 14-year-old with what appeared to be a.

Rifle police RAC to the scene the gunman did not breach the school and was neutralized in a confrontation with officers so that there is one injury it's going to be the suspect images all too familiar today nervous parents waiting SWAT teams emergency vehicles and a dead body this has been a shock I mean so scary it's devastating to hear.

What's going on you know um I'm texting my son right now he was barricaded in the classroom they stopped that but they're still lockdowns I don't want no kid to go through what's going on nor parents go through this parents and police understandably shaken the fear real as mass shootings have become routine in this country even at schools.

No one forgetting Uvaldi and many others like Parkland and new town so many school shootings here Pierre Thomas joins us now Pierre are police saying anything else about that suspect tonight they've released no information on him so far but sources are telling us he's a juvenile Lindsay that town is traumatized tonight but grateful no one.

Else was injured all right Pier Thomas for us thanks so much Pier now to disgrace movie Mogul Harvey Weinstein who was back in court for the first time since his rape conviction was overt in New York here's ABC's Eva Pilgrim tonight disgraced movie Mogul Harvey Weinstein back in a Manhattan.

Courtroom for the first time since his 2020 rape conviction was overturned nearly a Week Ago by the States appeals court hary Weinstein is now Presumed Innocent we're very confident that if it goes to trial the only words we'll hear at the end of the trial are not guilty tonight that new trial now scheduled for some time after.

Labor Day the 72-year-old who defense lawyers say suffers from a host of health issues arriving to the hearing in a wheelchair and making no statements during his 20-minute appearance we believe that we have a strong case and so we look forward to uh having a new day in court Weinstein's case galvanizing the me too movement the.

Onetime Hollywood Titan serving a 23-year sentence outside of Albany for that conviction but on Thursday the state's highest court tossing out the verdict saying the judge overseeing the trial back in 2020 erroneously allowed testimony from accusers unrelated to the case Lindsay Weinstein remains in custody at the hospital meanwhile his.

Legal team is appealing a separate conviction in California Lindsay Eva thank you Johnson and Johnson has agreed to a proposed deal worth 6 and a half billion dollars to settle allegations linking its talc-based baby powder to ovarian cancer the company is facing tens of thousands of lawsuits Johnson and Johnson discontinu the powder in the.

United States in 2020 but still insists that it was safe plaintiffs have three months to vote on the offer an American Eagle flight declared an emergency today following a possible bird strike during a flight from Washington DC to Q West the pilot reported the strike while taking off from Reagan National Airport 69 passengers were on board the flight.

Diverted to Baltimore where it landed safely no one was hurt and we still have much more to get to here on Prime tonight a major investigation in Texas what officials say is causing an overdose outbreak but next historically black colleges and universities face funding challenges in tonight's Prime Focus we take you to North Carolina.

Where an extreme case is threatening a school's more than 15 50e history but we need capital and I need cash as king um I don't want to have to sell any of our land yeah because in the black community in africanamerican community we know how hard it's been to get these get this land whenever news breaks we are here in Israel a nation at war after that brutal.

Surprise attack by Hamas on the ground in Ukraine reporting from Leon the scene of a horrific mass shooting ABC News live is right there everywhere from the scene of that deadly missile strike inra Ukraine reporting from the earthquake in Turkey in Rolling Fork This Tornado tore through this little town from the most devastating disaster in Hawaii from.

Charleston South Carolina on the 2024 campaign Trail in Iceland let's go traveling with the president in Mexico City wherever the story from the front lines from Southern Israel outside the Gaza Strip in beir from the f yeah reporting from the nurses on the picket line here at 10 Downing Street in London streaming live to you wherever the story.

Is wherever the story is wherever the story is we're going to take you there you're streaming ABC News live ABC News live you're streaming ABC News live ABC news live streaming free everywhere America's number one streaming news this is not about parents who just let their kid watch violent movies play violent video games this is about parents who.

Neglected their son ignored his cries for help then bought him a gun the first parents in America to be charged in a school shooting they purchased that gun for him and bragged about it you don't get to walk away from that that's a criminal act sins of the parents the crumbly trials the opposite of love is not hate it's just being ignored only on.

Hulu what does it take to be the most watched newscast in America we are part of an operation s our comat Operation Center we're approaching the gate militants came in from different directions nuclear reactor so we have a couple loaded and ready to go the house is destroyed but the flag carry how important it made the.

USA great work hi appr is David David I'm David I know you are you every night ABC's World News Tonight with David mu is America's most watched newscast can you believe it it's 25 years of breakfast and bed surprising moms Across America oh my goodness oh my good and for our 25th anniversary we're.

Making it the biggest surprise yet a full-on breakfast and bed Extravaganza like you have never seen before so go to good morning or scan this QR code to find out how to enter a deserving mom you love for breakfast and bed let's go the ship is incredible it feels like living in a science fiction.

Movie we just saw what no one has seen before wow look at that oh my go we are heading into the unknown Hammer Hammer Hammer it doesn't get any more Cutting Edge than this welcome back everyone historically.

Black colleges and universities have long been a pillar of the African-American community providing a safe place for students to learn when they were barred from studying because of the color of their skin despite proof of their success and value they still face some unique challenges one of them funding while it impacts many HBCU St.

Augustine's University is at a Tipping Point with a long Legacy now in serious Peril ABC's Morgan Norwood traveled to North Carolina where the University's president is now hoping for a miracle for me was uh pretty much a no-brainer still not really understanding at that.

Time the magnitude of what a HBCU can do for my life I was going to use this opportunity to manifest who Marcus Buress is going to become these are the moments that make Dr Marcus Burgess Proud to be an HBCU graduate you have to think that at one point or another there were no the options for.

African-Americans but it's the Legacy the representation and history that makes Dr Burgess even more proud to be the president of a historically black college we do a great job of opening up the world for students that it may have been closed off R this is St augustin's University in.

Raley North Carolina founded in 1867 the chapel this building right here those rocks were brought from The Rock query these buildings were built by faculty staff and students when you think about who we produce you have 40% of black Engineers 50% of black teachers uh 70% of um black doctors and dentists and 80% of black judges St a is.

Just one of 11 HBCU in North Carolina just 25 mil Northwest is north Carolina Central University founded in 1910 hello how are you Dr David Jackson is Provost and vice Chancellor let's just check and a historian at heart barriers were very rigid and so really out of necessity African-Americans.

Created parallel institutions not just in terms of churches and businesses but also educational institutions yeah what were those challenges back then and would you say that they're the same today some of them uh certainly over but uh the need for financial support the need to um maintain uh infrastructure the need to recruit talented faculty I.

Think those things remain the same and while Central's finances are secure that's where our provos offices are at s the funding to further that vision is fading I'm looking at this six-story building right here our girls dorm it needs a new boiler so I have two outdated dorms that really to be torn down and built up the code seog is.

Struggling to keep the doors of the school open when I got the call in December somewhere in that timeline that uh the accreditation was lost what I considered coming as the entran president I didn't hesitate so you inherited this according to sax the southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on colleges the.

University's accreditation is on hold over financial and governance issues the institution was put on probation and in response the university sent a letter of arbitration to sax on March 11th it gave us 90 days so within that 90 days we're still accredited it allows our seniors to graduate from an accredited institution what went wrong here and I.

Know this was before your time but what's your understanding of how we got to this point the biggest piece starts with our missing audits from 21 22 and 23 a $34 million budget there was only $130,000 that can be accounted for so a new Finance team was brought in and they literally had to recreate all of those financials and it took them about two.

Years to do that would you go as far to say that this was mismanagement oh most definitely the university tells ABC news they've since parted ways with the finance department that would have been responsible for the alleged mismanagement we also reached out to the attorney for former University president Dr Christine mcfa who in a statement.

Said we are not at Liberty to discuss the financial situation at St augustin's University adding it is our position that St augustin's termination of Dr mcf's employment was unrelated to the school's financial situation but despite who's to blame the financial woes are extensive according to federal tax documents obtained by ABC News the IRS.

Hit the university with a nearly 7.8 million doll tax lean for unpaid payroll taxes dating back to 2020 I have payroll that we're about to miss the third payroll so you have staff that not been paid have not been paid but they still fight for this institution they still teach and our our students they want to see this class get to the graduation day.

But they are hurting they are Hur what do you say to them I'm sorry thank you be angry with them but they continue to teach they continue to work in spite of since this.

Interview in March employees have continued to go without a paycheck including Dr Burgess there's a ripple effect to this crisis if seog loses accreditation 85% of students lose financial aid transferring is just not something I would have ever thought um but I'm still thinking about it nothing is really.

Finalized right now I really hope that something can happen because all my peers are confident that this school will remain strong and stay open Stog needs to raise close to $32 million in order to pay its debtors and keep the doors open historically black universities and institutions both private and public.

Across the country are historically underfunded due to state and federal underinvestment lower endowments and less alumni support alumni giving is is very very critical and that's an area where uh all of our institutions uh could stand to to perform better generationally African-Americans are just getting to a point where they have.

Generational wealth that can be passed to an institution America's HBCU have faced a number of recent challenges and a complete overhaul State lawmakers in Tennessee stri Tennessee State University of its board during the height of of a funding crisis and in Mississippi lawmakers proposed a bill that would have shuttered the state's.

Only public HBCU there are a lot of other St a St Augustines around this country around this world with time running out employees unpaid and students in limbo St Augustine's university is in desperate need of a miracle and though they've had an outpouring of support from alumni Community donations it's hardly enough.

We need Capital cash is King I don't want to have to sell any of our land yeah because in the black community in African American Community we know how hard it's been to get these get this land Dr Burgess can visualize the future success of St OG we are thankful for the alumni and Community who brought food and support he's hoping others can look.

Beyond the missteps and see it too I'm forever reminded by my senior year $1,200 is what I needed to graduate one of our board members Dr Rett Jackson he was on campus and handed me an.

Envelope and it wasn't one check it was several checks from his Sunday school class and he told them about this young man at cling Unity University who just needed a chance I'm living testimony of why you should always look to help somebody if you can we need that chance he says he's just trying to give.

Others that chance our thanks to Morgan for that still much more to get to tonight coming up the penalties these voters are facing after being caught on camera dumping garbage cans full of trash into the water but next May marks the beginning of Asian-American native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month we take a look at the rich history.

By the Numbers what does it take to be the most watched newscast in America an operation to capture Isis Fighters is this our combat Operation Center we're approaching the gate now militants came in from four or five different directions operational nuclear.

Reactor so you have a couple loaded and ready to go the house is destroyed but the flag there's not a tear in it not a tear in it how important is this label right here May the USA look at your smile you're proud of this I love it great work hi where are you where are you.

Appreciate you thank you DAV good to meet you is David David yes yes I'm David I know who you are you every night ABC's World News Tonight with David mure is America's most watched newscast whenever news breaks we are here in Israel a nation at war in Rolling Fort This Tornado tore through.

This town from Leon main the scene of a horrific mass shooting from the scene of that deadly missile strike ABC News live everywhere in Iceland let's go on the 2024 campaign Trail here at 10 Downing Street wherever the story is we're going to take you there your street ABC News live ABC News live you're streaming ABC News live ABC news live streaming free.

Everywhere is that you pretty good that's me and my big booty how much do you make on only fans versus say an episode on Sopranos oh way more on only fans celebrities can absolutely make a living on only fans Bella is the model he made of over 20 million do you consider what you do pornography or sex work only fans not just sex if I had it.

To do all over again I would have done it sooner oh Hulu Whenever Wherever news breaks it's so important to always remember that lives are changed here in London in Buffalo you vdi Texas edin bruss Scotland reporting from Rolling Fork Mississippi Ukrainian refugees here in.

Waron we're heading to a small community outside of Mexico City getting you behind the stories as they happen ABC News live crie we'll take you there stream ABC News live week nights wherever you stream your news only on ABC News live why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get.

A different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with four Edward R murl Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming.

Wherever you get your podcasts start here it's lunchtime in America so what are we serving up well how about everything you need to know you know that sounds pretty good your health your money breaking news pop culture with the biggest Stars music Trends and of course good food GMA 3 what you need to know a third.

Hour of GMA in the afternoon so join us afternoon for everything you need to know I love that reporting from Monteray Park California I'm Robin Roberts wherever wherever the story is we're going to take you there you're streaming ABC News live welcome back everyone during the month of May Prime will celebrate.

Asian-American native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander heritage month and the contributions of those racial and ethnic groups to America's Rich cultural fact Fabric and since it is May 1st it is also this evening's by the numbers with 81% population growth between 2 and 29 and 24 million residents asian-americans are the fastest growing racial or ethnic.

Group in the US that's according to the Pew Research Center with 61% population growth native Hawaiian and Pacific Islanders are not far behind still the number of nhpi residence is small making up 1/ half of 1% of the American population nonetheless alone or in combination with other racial and ethnic groups they comprise 6.8% of our.

Military veterans that data from the US Census a very high number given the small size of its population and the census also tells us that 59% of Asian-American adults have earned a bachelor's degree making them the most educated racial or ethnic group in the United States and $18,000 that's the median household.

Income for asian-americans making them the wealthiest as well higher education means higher income which is a well-known fact and we still have much more ahead here on Prime we sit down with rates on artist Mike Towers talking about his career and new project and a b takeover at a baseball game the unlikely hero will emerge to save the.

Day whenever wherever news breaks it's so important to always remember that lives are changed here in London in Buffalo yaldi Texas Edinburgh Scotland for from Poland once again tonight thank you so much for streaming with us Ukrainian refugees here in warsong do you think you'll ever be able to go back home we're heading to a small community.

Outside of Mexico City splintered houses and splintered lives in the magnitude of the devastation you're streaming ABC News live reporting from Rolling Fork Mississippi Santa Fe New Mexico Raleigh North Carolina the US capital Mayfield Kentucky Minneapolis Mexico tongas national forest Alaska getting you behind the stories as they happen giving.

You a front row seat to our world as it plays out in real time live ABC News live Prime we'll take you there stream ABC News live week nights America's most honored streaming news program only on ABC News live streaming free right now wherever you stream your news can you believe it it's 25 years of breakfast and bed surprising moms Across America.

Oh my goodness oh my goodness and for our 25th anniversary we're making it the biggest surprise yet a full-on breakfast and fed Extravaganza like you have never seen before so go to good morning or scan this QR code to find out how to enter a deserving mom you love for breakfast in.

bed whenever news breaks we are here in Israel a nation at war in Rolling Fort This Tornado tore through this town from Leon main the scene of a horrific mass shooting from the scene of that deadly missile strike ABC News live everywhere in Iceland let's go on the 2024 campaign Trail here at 10 Downing Street wherever.

The story is we're going to take you there you're streaming ABC News live ABC News live you're streaming ABC News live ABC news live streaming free everywhere let's go the ship is incredible it feels like living in a science fiction movie we just saw what no one has seen before wow look at that oh my.

God we are heading into the unknown Hammer Hammer Hammer it doesn't get any more Cutting Edge than this get ready America every Friday the hottest Trends Styles and must have what's the right stuff to buy right now I really love that it's time to buy the right stuff yes and Save big time too.

The right Stu Fridays on GMA you're going to love it why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories start here now that's a part of the story bet you didn't see coming make it your daily first listen wherever you get your.

Podcasts boers are caught on camera dumping garbage cans into the ocean what's causing a so-called overdose outbreak in Texas and an unlikely hero emerges to save a baseball game these stories and much more in tonight's rundown Florida Fish and Wildlife officials telling ABC news they've.

Identified this group of young voters watch as they dump trash right into South Florida waters we know where the violation occurred it's just a matter of falling through and applying the appropriate charges now it happened off the coast of Boer tone over the weekend the video showing the group boating in large swells dumping two garbage cans.

Full of trash in the ocean even appearing to celebrate Florida offishal Wildlife telling us that actions like these harm not only the environment but the livelihoods of the local community authorities across Austin continue to investigate the largest opioid overdose outbreak they've seen in years officials reported four confirmed.

Deaths and another four Poss ible in more than 51 suspected overdose cases and said those numbers could rise as they Reed more toxicology reports officials say the spike in overdoses was from an apparent deadly batch of Narcotics that was circulating in Austin Johnson and Johnson on Wednesday said it plans to pay nearly $6.5 billion.

Dollar over 25 years to settle almost all of the thousands of lawsuits in the US which claim its talc-based product caused ovarian cancer the plan would resolve more than 99% of all pending talc lawsuits against Johnson and Johnson and its Affiliates in the United States in a major news study published in the medical journal jamama.

Researchers are looking to set the record straight on hormone therapy in newly released recommendations the researchers say hormone therapy can be a safe way to treat hot flashes and discomfort associated with menopause researchers attempted to reassure women and doctors that a prior 2002 study suggesting health risks like cancer may.

Have been overblown United Methodist delegates repealed their Church's longstanding ban on lgbtq clergy with no debate removing a rule forbidding lgbtq people from being ordained or appointed as ministers a measure that forbids district superintendent or Regional administrators from penalizing clergy.

For either performing a same-sex wedding or for refraining from performing one was also passed the start of Tuesday night's game between the Diamond bags in Los Angeles Dodgers was delayed nearly 2 hours after a bee Colony swarmed the top of the protective netting behind home plate Matt Hilton turned into the star of the.

Night for removing the bees he suited up then Rose toward the Swarm earning cheers from fans in the St Hilton not only earned a brief slice of stardom he also got got to throw out the ceremonial first pitch when the work was done a week of heavy rain has ravaged parts of the Southern Hemisphere.

Including in Brazil where eight people have died and 21 are injured the government predicts a risk of flooding across the entire region as well as landslides in some areas as more heavy rain is expected for the next several days in Indonesia 12,000 people are being evacuated after the ruang volcano began erupting yesterday yesterday.

Spewing fire and rocks the massive eruption could trigger a tsunami so thousands of residents of the island nearest the volcano are waiting to be evacuated by military boat and now to an ABC News exclusive Robin Roberts one-on-one with WNBA star Britney Griner who's speaking publicly for the first time about her 10 months behind bars in.

Russia the mistake that changed her life at the Moscow airport this is Russian Custom Service footage of Britney Griner putting her carry-on bags through the scanner unaware that life as she knows it is about to end as the agent tells her to search her backpack so you reached down cuz you've been told to go through your bag yep and you felt.

Felt the cartridge cartridge and I'm just like oh my God how like how did I how did I make this mistake did they ask you what was in it they asked um I looked at him I was just like I don't know I was just like CBD but but it wasn't CBD Russian authorities determined that between the two cartridges is actually 7 G of cannabis.

Oil containing THC the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana do you know there are those who say come on how did you not know that you had cartridges in your in your luggage what do you say to the Skeptics I would say have you ever for forgot your keys in your car left your car running have you ever you know where's my glass they're on top of your.

Head when did you realize that I'm being detained the moment they took my passport and they took my boarding pass 134 days into her detainment Britney Griner goes on trial in himy Russia I had no intent to break any Russian laws I made an honest mistake and I hope that and your ruling that it doesn't end my life here can you plead guilty yes what.

Was the thought process with that I understand what I did was a mistake and it was an accident but at the same time it happened she is sentenced to 9 years of hard labor yes what were the conditions like there really cold um it's a Work Camp you go there to work there's no rest then in December 2022 Britney finally.

Gets the news there will be a prisoner Exchange you are told you're heading home that it's happening mhm I was thrilled like I'm happy I'm just like oh my God like a win for more of Britney griner's story be sure to watch the full interview tonight on a special edition of 2020 at 10 p.m. Eastern here on ABC the.

Embattled children's television producer at the center of a bombshell docu series is now taking legal action over the project Dan Schneider is accusing investigation discovery of defamation over quiet on the set according to the Los Angeles Times Schneider was the producer behind hit shows like Drake and Josh I Carly and The Amanda Show the.

Docu series included former Child Actors and made sexual allegations of sexual abuse and discrimination on the sets of Schneider shows in a statement to the time Schneider said in their successful attempt to mislead viewers and increase ratings they went beyond reporting the truth and falsely imply that I was involved in or facilitated horrific.

Crime for which actual child Predators have been prosecuted and convicted the investigation discovery has not yet commented acclaimed rapper singer Mike Towers has quickly grown into one of the top lyricists and hit makers coming out of Puerto Rico amassing hundreds of millions of streams worldwide I got a.

Chance to sit down with a superstar to talk about his recent success and path to startom 2023 was already just a huge year of success for you World Tour multiple Latin Grammy nominations two albums how do you plan on topping that I mean you already have lafala which has.

Stayed at the top of the charts already for two consecutive weeks what's next you know that gots me up to keep my focus on and and to stay like consistently Mak him making making music and dropping it too and I feel like I I have more levels to to get into so I'm ready to to keep winning when you think back to 2016 you Dro your first mixtape.

To where you are now but about eight years later is it is it hard to believe it's like it's been a journey I've been learning too much but if you ask me back back then like let's say let's keep it way back like if you ask me 2012 2013 that I I will be where I'm at I probably like d a little bit but I I work to be in a good position but I don't pay.

Attention to that cuz whenever I'm winning like I don't like to celebrate too much and when we are like when we don't get the results that we want just pass the Pati and you've been listening to Reon and Latin music all your life are you are you surprised to see just how much success that it's seeing at this point I could say surprised but I I.

Would say more than I've been studying the game how how it been going from when I was a little kid my uncles of my my my fathers you know they were F of of the that music was already like popular in in the underground and everything but when you see the ution and now me being part of it like one of the faces of the new era.

Is like damn it's it's been I like I'm telling you when I was a kid I didn't even knew I was going to be part of it why do you think it is that now we're starting to see so many people blow up especially coming out of Puerto Rico in particular starting with like Daddy Yankey and and Beyond I think for the new generation they've been studying the.

Game but when you think about all the artists in the little island it comes way back from the salsa days like Frank to m r like big names that they already were all around the world performing their their song So now for us it's like the the the way is already like open for us it's green light so for me it's like the new.

Generation they already study all that so they can come wrong they got to go hard what do you think it is about you your work the way you've studied your skills your love for for the Beats for the lyrics that sets you apart like how have you become one of the faces of this music movement I think if if I got to tell you like I had a formula I think is.

That every song every concept I Tre it it like it was the last one so when I'm in a future like a remix or a song that there's a lot of other art artists I don't care who it is I got to my name got to be like damn he make him you know sometimes you got to let him know so that's that's my way to let him know and every time every song you're letting.

Him know yeah when Mike is on it you know he's going hard what is your favorite song on your new album my favorite song is called la like like the title of the album cuz it's like what I really started doing in the music like what I like it to do then it went like okay the people like this and they want this so I.

Got to mix what I love to do with what they what people want yeah what are you looking forward to most about the future do you have like a new goal that you've set or or what is what's your biggest plan or ambition I'm not doing this for for a long time so I'm preparing my my way just to I'm going to be coaching the Next Generation.

And helping giving them like my my game to them too but I want to do aot another thing so now I'm trying to do all the music that I like the future music I already have recording so I have a lot of goals that I want to do and the music will me but this is like a process a enjoy yeah well we'll Enjoy your music for right now and we thank you so much.

For talking with us thank you thank you L for having me here pleas and thanks all the fans that are watching this love and you can stream all of Mike Tower's hits wherever you stream your music including his latest single with Bad Bunny adino and that is our show for this hour I'm Lindsay Davis be sure to stay tuned to ABC News live for more.

Context and Analysis of the day's top stories thanks so much for streaming with us and coming up in the next hour crackdowns on campuses across the country as police try to clear Pro Palestinian demonstrators and how a community of amateur sleuths helped a.

Lost dog find its way home why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the now and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with for Edward R mural Awards and see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast.

Worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here it's lunchtime in America so what are we serving up well how about everything you need to know you know that sounds pretty.

Good your health your money breaking news pop culture with the biggest Stars music Trends and of course good food GMA 3 what you need to know a third hour of GMA in the afternoon so join us afternoon for everything you need to know I love that me whenever news breaks we are here in.

Israel a nation at War en rolling for this tornado tore through this town from Leon Maine the scene of a horrific mass shooting from the scene of that deadly missile strike ABC News live everywhere in Iceland let's go on the 2024 campaign Trail here at 10 Downing Street wherever the story is we're going to take you there your streaming ABC News live ABC.

News live you're streaming ABC News live ABC news live streaming free everywhere what does it take to be the most watched newscast in America an operation to capture Isis Fighters is this our combat Operation Center we're approaching the gate now militants came in from four or five different directions operational nuclear.

Reactor so you have a couple loaded and ready to go the house is destroyed but the flag there's not a ter not a in it how important is this label right here made the USA look at your smile you're proud of this I love it great work.

Hi where are you where are you appreciate you thank good to meet you is David David yes yes I'm David I know who you are watch you every night ABC's World News Tonight with David mure is America's most watched newscast Whenever Wherever news breaks it's so.

Important to always remember that lives are changed here in London in Buffalo yaldi Texas Edinburgh Scotland reporting from Rolling Fork Mississippi Ukrainian refugees here in war song we're heading to a small community outside of Mexico City getting you behind the stories as they happen ABC News live Prime we'll take you there stream ABC News live week.

Nights wherever you stream your news only on ABC News live reporting from Monteray Park California I'm Robin Roberts wherever wherever the story is we're going to take you there you're streaming ABC News live good evening everyone this is ABC News live Prime I'm Lindsay Davis thanks so much for streaming with us we have a.

Lot of news to get to this evening but we begin with the violent Crescendo in the protest of the Israel Gaza War some tactics turning aggressive as students demand their college is divest from funding to Israel several universities have called in law enforcement to restore order and all more than a thousand arrests made overnight at UCLA.

Dueling encampments through fireworks and plywood classes there cancelled today and here here in New York City NYPD officers in riot gear removed students from historic Hamilton Hall at Columbia University and the NYPD is now at forom University to disperse a growing crowd there ABC Stephanie Ramos leads us off from Columbia University.

Tonight just hours after student protesters set up an encampment in a campus Building fora University calling in the NYPD to disperse the crowd warning lawlessness will not be tolerated officers moving in and making arrests it comes as the NYPD releases new video inside the raid at Columbia University overnight officers in riot.

Gear marching up that ramp to get into the second story of Hamilton Hall then moving floor by floor in a massive show of force breaking open locked rooms with hammers cutting their way through locked metal doors police taking more than a 100 protesters into custody at nearby City College this is.

The New York City Police Department officers there moving into breakdown tents and making arrests nearly 300 in all facing charges ranging from trespassing to criminal mischief to burglary the NYPD taking down the Palestinian flag and putting the American flag back up today the mayor defending the Crackdown and.

Blaming outside agitators for training and leading students who broke in and seized that building there is a movement to radicalize young people and I'm not going to wait until it's done and all of a sudden acknowledge the existence of it so far neither police nor prosecutors are saying how many of those arrested were from outside the school the White.

House today pressed on whether the president supported deploying the NYPD into schools they have the right to peacefully protest forcibly taking over uh building is not peaceful it's just not tonight with Colombia's lawn now cleared of tents for the first time in two weeks Pro Palestinian protesters and professors slamming School.

Administrators and the police response this is the conscience of a Nation speaking through your kids through young people who are are risking their Futures who are risking suspension expulsion criminal arrest overnight a disturbing turn at UCLA with an all outdraw after counter-protesters tried to break down a.

Pro Palestinian encampment fist fights erupting people hitting each other with wood and long sticks this is the moment someone threw a firework into the protest encampment the violence unfolding for more than 2 hours before police and riot gear moved in Governor Gavin Newsome saying the delayed response by law.

Enforcement was unacceptable and demands answers tonight as campus protests rage from Arizona to Wisconsin there is mounting frustration on all sides everyone's just yelling at each other and there's no common ground that there still a lot of tension there and and Stephanie joins us now from Colombia Stephanie give us a sense of how things.

Have changed as far as the police presence just in the last 24 hours well Lind it has changed significantly the police presence is still here but certainly not what we saw last night here outside Columbia University Police are authorized to be on campus through May 17th the graduation ceremony will take place on.

The 15th so they will be here throughout all of that and for many in this class they are relieved because four years ago they didn't get a graduation ceremony due to the co pandemic lindsy understandable all right Stephanie Ramos from Colombia for us once again thanks so much Stephanie now to Florida where that State's six we abortion ban took.

Effect today and Donald Trump is defending states that have taken their own action on abortion vice president kamla Harris in Florida saying she and the president believe these decisions should be made by women with their doctors not by the government here's Rachel Scott after spending Tuesday stuck in a.

Manhattan courtroom tonight Donald Trump parachuting intoy Battlegrounds Wisconsin and Michigan before he has to fly right back to New York where his criminal trial resume dos tomorrow and wakaan today Trump veering off teleprompter to defend himself on an issue that could decide the election abortion basically the states decide on.

Abortion and people are absolutely thrilled with the way that's going on just this week Trump telling Time Magazine he won't object if States monitor pregnant women to make sure they comply with abortion bans and prosecute women who violate them today he doubled down now I say it's up to the state they'll ask me a question about I say.

That's up to the state so I say to you uh I think we did a very good job in that a lot of people are very happy with it today vice president KLA Harris firing back in Florida where the State's new abortion law just went into effect Banning abortion at 6 weeks before most women even know they are pregnant basically under Donald Trump it would be.

Fair game for women to be monitored and punished by the government whereas Joe Biden and I have a different view we believe the government should never come between a woman and her doctor Florida's near total ban means abortion access is now largely cut off across the entire South as of this.

Morning 4 million women in this state woke up with fewer reproductive freedoms than they had last night this is the new reality under a trump abortion ban all thanks to Rachel Scott and the Arizona Senate has approved the repeal of that Civil War era abortion Ban two Republicans voted with Democrats one.

Week after the Arizona House approved the repeal Governor Katie Hobbs is set to sign it into law which would return the state's 2022 abortion law into effect the 2022 law bans abortions after 15 weeks with no exceptions for rape or incest the repeal can't take effect until sometime in the fall while the 1864 law takes effect on June 27th.

Unless a court intervenes in the Middle East there is an Israeli deal on the table for a ceasefire and the release of hostages still held by Hamas negotiators are now waiting for Hamas to respond Secretary of State Anthony blinkin is in the region tonight and says the time is now for Hamas to accept the deal ABC's Tom Sufi bur reports from Tel.

Aviv tonight hamas's response to that high stakes us broker ceasefire and hostage deal expected at any moment Secretary of State Anthony blinkin meeting face Toof face today with prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu saying the time is now for Hamas to accept the offer there is no time for delay uh there's no time for uh further haggling.

The initial phase of the Israeli offer includes a six we pause in the fighting and the release of Palestinian prisoners in exchange for 33 hostages including the injured 23-year-old American Israeli HS goldbug pollen seen here in this Hamas video missing part of his left arm blown off on October 7 by terrorists when he was captured blinkin also.

Meeting today with the family of 64-year-old American Israeli hostage Keith seagull it's believed around a 100 hostages are still being held in Gaza we will not rest until everyone man woman soldier civilian young old is back home and tonight the US doubling down warning Israel not to invade Rafer in southern Gaza when more than a million.

Palestinians are taking Refuge saying peace in the region is at stake but Netanyahu defined vowing Tuesday Israeli forces will go into Rafa to root out the remaining Hamas battalions with or without a deal our thanks to Tom next night millions are on alert for tornadoes at this hour the Heartland bracing for another round of.

Possible Twisters as well as hail and damaging winds 15 reported tornadoes in the last 24 hours from Texas to Iowa this one in West Morland Kansas kicking up debris the tornado destroyed homes and took one life our chief meteorologist Ginger Z is tracking it all tonight hi Ginger hey Lindsay yes we've already.

Seen one observed tornado so people are seeing them rip across the Texas Panhandle and unfortunately we've got a long night ahead so let's look at it Dodge City Kansas Garden City down to leic in that watch currently I expect those will keep extending East as we go through the night s you're thunderstorm watch goes all the way to the meic.

Border 3 to 5 in widespread possible in that flood watch that includes Waco Houston Austin Alexandria and shreport so a lot of people going to get dumped on with rain tonight into early tomorrow then let's talk about what happens into the later hours because this doesn't just stop once the sun goes down in fact it'll keep on keeping on up till.

Midnight and Beyond even Dallas Fort Worth could hear some rumbles of thunder and right on the edge of SE severe thunderstorms and then tomorrow we'll clear it out and destabilize the atmosphere again just enough to kick off more for the very similar area witto Falls in there in abene the main threat tomorrow is damaging winds but I want to.

Leave you with this idea because we had such a prolific April second most tornadoes for the month since records began in 1950 but climatologically may is the month we've got to look out for Lindsay really dangerous time that we're just entering then Ginger our thanks to you now to disgrace movie Mogul Harvey Weinstein who is back in court for the.

First time since his rape conviction was overturned in New York here's Eva Pilgrim tonight disgraced movie Mogul Harvey Weinstein back in a Manhattan courtroom for the first time since his 2020 rape conviction was overturned nearly a Week Ago by the state's appeals court poy Weinstein is now Presumed Innocent we're very.

Confident that if it goes to trial the only words we'll hear at the end of the trial are not guilty tonight that new trial now scheduled for some time after Labor Day the 72-year-old who defense lawyers say suffers from a host of health issues arriving to the hearing in a wheelchair and making no statements during his 20-minute appearance we.

Believe that we have a strong case and so we look forward to uh having a new day in court Weinstein's case galvanizing the me too movement the onetime Hollywood Titan serving a 23-year sentence outside of Albany for that conviction but on Thursday the state's highest court tossing out the verdict saying the judge overseeing the.

Trial back in 2020 erroneously allowed testimony from accusers unrelated to the case thanks to Eva now to an ABC News exclusive Roman Roberts one-on-one with WNBA star Britney Griner who's speaking publicly for the first time about her 10 months behind bars in Russia the mistake that changed her life at the Moscow airport this is.

Russian Custom Service footage of Britney Griner putting her carry-on bags through the scanner unaware that like life as she knows it is about to end as the agent tells her to search her backpack so you reach down cuz you've been told to go through your bag yep and you felt felt the cartridge cartridge and I'm just like oh my God how like how.

Did that how did I make this mistake did they ask you what was in it they asked um I looked at them I was just like I don't know I just like CBD but it wasn't CBD Russian authorities determined that between the two cartridges is actually 7 G of cannabis oil containing THC the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana do you know there are those who say come on.

How did you not know that you had cartridges in your in your luggage what do you say to the Skeptics I would say have you ever for forgot your keys in your car left your car running have you ever you know where's my glasses they're on top of your head when did you realize that I'm being detained the moment they took my passport and they took my.

Boarding pass 134 days into her detainment Britney Griner goes on trial in himy Russia I had no intent to break any Russian laws I made an honest mistake and I hope that in your ruling that it doesn't end my life here you plead guilty yes what was the thought process with that I understand what I did was a mistake and it was an accident.

But at the same time it happened she is sentenced to 9 years of hard labor yes what were the conditions like there really cold um it's a Work Camp you go there to work there's no rest then in December 2022 Britney finally gets the news there will be a prisoner exchange you are told you're heading home that it's happening mhm.

I was thrilled like I'm happy I'm just like oh my God like well win for more of Britney griner's story be sure to watch the full interview tonight on a special edition of 2020 at 10 p.m. Eastern on ABC still much more to get to coming up cheering the cheerleaders how inclusivity is changing the sport and changing lives but next the search for.

Nearly two dozen people after major flooding and the threat isn't over yet whenever news breaks we are here in Israel a nation at war after that brutal surprise attack by Hamas on the ground in Ukraine reporting from Leon Maine the scene of a horrific mass shooting ABC News live is right there everywhere from.

The scene of that deadly missile strike in Dena Ukraine reporting from the earthquake in Turkey en rolling Fort This Tornado tore through this little town from the most devastating disaster in Hawaii from Charleston South Carolina on the 2024 campaign Trail in Iceland let's go traveling with the president in Mexico.

City wherever the story from the front lines from Southern Israel outside the Gaza Strip in Beirut from the FBI reporting from the nurses on the pck line here at 10 Downing Street in London streaming live to you wherever the story is wherever the story is wherever the story is we're going to take you there you're streaming ABC News live ABC News.

Live you're streaming ABC News live ABC News live live streaming free everywhere America's number one streaming news this is the first time you are sitting down like this to tell your story Britney are you ready you've been told to go through your bag and you felt felt the cartridge what were you thinking of that moment when you felt.

That my life is over right here you've just been told you're going to be 9 years in one of the worst prisons in Russia Britney Griner Robin Robert prisoner in Russia tonight on ABC what does it take to be the most watched newscast in America we are part of an operation is this our combat Operation Center we're.

Approaching the gate militants came in from different directions reactor so we have a couple loaded and ready to go the house is destroyed but the flag not carry any how important it made the USA great work hi it's David David I'm David I know know you are you every night ABC's World News Tonight with David mure is America's most watched.

Newscast reporting from the protests at Columbia University I'm Stephanie Ros wherever the story is we'll take you there you're streaming ABC News live welcome back we're tracking several headlines around the world first to Brazil where eight people have died and 21 are missing after a week of heavy rain the government predicts the risk of.

Flooding across the entire State as well as landslides in some regions because heavy rain is expected for the next several days and 60 US troops have left Chad as part of a US Security review in the region the Pentagon confirmed that today the move is reportedly temporary until after Chad's presidential election last month in neighboring ner hundreds.

Took to the streets to demand the departure of US troops after the ruling H ended a military Accord with the United States talks are still underway about the pace of us withdrawal and in Indonesia 12,000 people are being evacuated after the ruang volcano began erupting yesterday spewing fire and rocks the massive eruption could trigger.

A tsunami so thousands of residents of the island nearest the volcano are waiting to be evacuated by military boat a series of eruptions in April damaged hommes and closed the nearest airport now to an inspiring story that redefines team spirit this is the time of your cheerleading and dance hits the world stage in Florida flipping the script as.

Fans cheer on the cheerleaders and as ABC's Victor rendo discovered the sport is now more inclusive iive than ever as two incredible athletes and their moms reveal what they've overcome to clear the path for par Olympic gold United States E from the mat to the lifts tumbles and flips cheer is a sport that brings people together across.

Genders ages and abilities this is fun and for athletes like Kennedy Elby oh yeah and JD hece USA an opportunity of a lifetime to represent the US on the world stage I hereby declare these 2024 World Championships open at the international cheer Union World Championships it's incredible yeah yeah it's pretty awesome especially for.

Someone like me who many people did not think that I'd be able to do the stuff that I'm doing right now so it's just wild cheers have a huge impact just for Kennedy for her confidence and for her communication skills and her socialization in 2023 ush here was recognized as a Sports organization by not just the Olympic Committee but also.

The paralympic committee giving the sport a much bigger platform I started in 2017 working with disabled athletes and really helping them shine in cheerleading and dance that was good Energy's good Lee trudell is the director of Special Olympics and adaptive abilities cheer teams why is inclusion so important inclusion is.

Important cuz it's part of the work part of our everyday life so it's just giving the opportunities for the athletes and the families to really showcase and shine on what they can do always be strong always putting out our best hit your pose as a teen Kennedy was diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder we didn't actually know if she would be.

Able to walk or talk at the beginning so we didn't really know her future her mom Lisa put her in cheer class along with her older sisters I think she kind of wanted to be just like her big sisters so that's where it kind of started I guess she decided to try out for the High School cheer team so that's where it really started to grow and that.

Became her whole entire world and so cheer was you know everything she felt part of the school you know she really felt like she was part of something and would you say that cheer helped Kennedy we have a community now and it is our whole world right now arms up United States small and mighty he's a daily inspiration to me at 3 years old Jaden.

Lost his hearing from complications with a brain tumor he can endure just about anything and come out of it Standing On Top Jaden's Mom Angela a cheer coach encouraged Jaden and his brother Bailey to participate in cheer what kind of impact has this team had on your family a big one you know Jaden was a quote unquote normal boy when he was little.

Until we had to go through the struggle with him he's had so many things to overcome he wasn't swallowing he lost his hearing but throughout that process you know we've saw how many times he wasn't necessarily included in everything equally with his peers so to be able to be a part of something that promotes inclusion and everybody being.

Side by side equally important cheer has opened up a lot of doors to me in my life and I think it's a huge blessing to watch it open up doors for my kids as well through hard work and perseverance both Jaden and Kennedy are part of USA cheer participating in the ICU World cheerleading and dance championship in Orlando one Special Olympics came it.

Became her whole world especially being here with the USA cheer team she's just on top of the world how excited were you to make the team I was so excited keep going keep going keep going here we go tell us how's Team USA looking oh my the best they've ever been what are your hopes for your teams just to feel good about themselves.

So as long as they're confident as long as they feel good about what they did on the floor that's all we can ask of them at the competition the USA adaptive abilities team taking home the silver medal the Special Olympics team two gold medals for Palm and Hip Hop how proud are you of Jaden oh immeasurably proud I'm so proud of you you're my sweet girl.

Your eyes light up you know when I ask you anything about the team how much do you love competing with Team USA I love it a love for cheer and inspiring others I just want to say don't give up on your dreams and your Visions cuz your current situation or what you think you can do shouldn't hold you back from what you want to do anyone can do anything as.

Long as they are committed determined and have their mind in the right place they can do it red white blue USA up a great message for us all there are thanks to Victor for that and still to come how a community of amateur sleuths.

Help to find a lost dog find his way home why do so many people start their day here from ABC News this is start here to be in the know and get a different take on the day's top stories a lot of news today so let's get into it listen now to the Daily News podcast honored with for Edward R murl Awards.

And see why the New York Times calls it a news podcast worth listening to start here ABC News make it your daily first listen now that's a part of the story I bet you didn't see coming wherever you get your podcasts start here this is not about parents who just let their kid watch violent movies play violent video games this is about parents who.

Neglected their son ignored his cries for help then bought him a gun the first parents in America to be charged in a school shooting they purchased that gun for him and bragged about it you don't get to walk away from that that's a criminal act sins of the parents the crumbly trials the opposite of love is not hate it's just being ignored only on.

Hulu is that you PR good that's me and my big booty how much do you make on only fans versus say an episode on Sopranos oh way more on only fans celebrities can absolutely make a living on only fans Bella is the model he made of over 20 million do you consider what you do pornography or sex work only fans not just said if I had it to do all over.

Again I would have done it sooner oh Hulu what does it take to be the most watched newscast in America we are part of an operation this our combat Operation Center we're approaching the gate militants came in from different directions nulear reactor so we have a couple loaded ready to go.

The house is destroyed but the flag not car how important it made the USA great work hi appr David D I'm David I know you are you every night ABC's World News Tonight with David M is America's most watched newscast only in our modern world could this next story have a happy ending it involves a lost dog a distraught owner.

And a community of amateur sleuths chipping in to help ABC's Danny new has this heartwarming Tale as we know when the internet decides it's collectively going to solve a case the investigation can be quite galvanizing so this is one of those moments where we're thankful for social media yes a few weeks ago when Hannah.

Here was on a business trip away from her home in Atlanta yoga she got a call that her best good yoga pal Hazel was nowhere to be found my heart just like dropped basically Hazel had eaten something not great for her and when the dog sitter took her to the vet according to Hannah Hazel was.

Taken outside um still had a catheter in her leg taken outside without a leash Hazel ran away from the animal hospital but that's when Hannah asked folks on social media for help within hours she had people from as far away as Australia on the case I would call like the car wash that was on the street that Hazel was found on to see if maybe they had.

Surveillance footage and the guy was like I just got off the phone with someone asking me for that after 5 days of phone calls and flyers a woman found Hazel on her porch and you can probably guess how she recognized her Hannah and Hazel were finally reunited she had lost a third of her body weight but sat on Mom's lap all the way to a different.

Vet then Hazel immediately ate all the treats she wanted and proceeded to sleep around the clock for 3 days as you do when you're finally home safe I see just how much so many people did it's incredible very sweet our thanks to Danny for that and that is our show for tonight I'm Lindsay Davis ABC News live is here for you all night with the.

Latest news context and Analysis you can always find us on Hulu Roku Pluto TV the ABC News app and of course on ABC the news never stops thanks so much for streaming with us have a great night whenever news breaks we are here in Israel a nation at war in Rolling for.

This tornado tore through this town from Leon Maine the scene of a horrific mass shooting from the scene of that deadly missile strike

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