ABC World News Tonight Paunchy Broadcast – April 13, 2024


ABC World News Tonight Paunchy Broadcast - April 13, 2024

Tonight breaking news as we come on the US confirming that Iran has fired a barrage of drones and missiles toward Israel a significant escalation in the Middle East also a deadly Rampage at a crowded Mall in Sydney Australia six people killed first that attack from Iran on Israel following through on its threat to retaliate after Israel struck.

An Iranian Consulate in Syria Israel now bracing for hundreds of drones and missiles to arrive it comes just after Iranian Commandos repelled onto a ship linked to Israeli owners seizing the vessel near the straight of Hormuz President Biden returning to the White House meeting with his National Security team defense secretary Austin speaking.

To Israel's defense minister reiterating unwavering us support our brick clet in Israel Selena Wang at the White House and Marine Colonel Steve ganyard with analysis horror at a shopping mall a man wielding a large knife on a killing spree at a crowded Mall near a popular Australia Beach chasing Shoppers killing at least six people injuring several.

Including a 9-month-old baby a hero officer who shot him saving other lives Bridges closed in Pittsburgh after Rising Rivers sent 26 barges floating loose with severe weather in the forecast there and the new storm on the way from Texas to Michigan our weather team tracking it all the record shortage of prescription drugs more than 320.

Medications in short supply including antibiotics cancer treatments and ADHD medications why it's happening and what you can do if your medicines are on the list the police body camera video the officer getting out of his car immediately shooting a teen holding what appeared to be a gun it was a fake what the boy's family is now demanding drama.

On the highway a wrongway driver leading police on a dangerous Chase Chriss Crossing multiple Lanes police finally stopping him finding a 3-year-old and an infant inside and America strong tonight the First Responders is arriving just in time delivering a baby who couldn't wait for the hospital and now the happy reunion from ABC News world headquarters.

In New York this is World News Tonight good evening thanks for joining us on this Saturday I'm Whit Johnson we're following breaking news as we come on tonight the major escalation in the Middle East US officials confirming that Iran has has launched drones and missiles toward Israel following through on its vow to retaliate for the deadly.

Bombing of its Consulate in Syria 12 days ago earlier today Iran's revolutionary guard seizing an Israeli link cargo ship in the straight of Hormuz repelling down from a helicopter and the iran-backed militant group Hezbollah launching a barrage of rockets into Northern Israel the Iron Dome intercepting many of them President.

Biden cutting short his weekend trip to Delaware and returning to the White House to consult with his National Security team about events in the Middle East now meeting with them in the Situation Room Israel closing airspace to all flights as it braces for an Iranian attack and neighboring Jordan also temporarily closing its airspace we.

Have Team coverage tonight Brit clanet leading us off from Jerusalem tonight an unprecedented attack on Israel for the first time Iran directly launching drones from its territory roughly 100 drones on the way expected to be part of 4 to 500 100 drones and missiles from Iran as well as Iraq Syria and Southern Lebanon.

According to a Us official that Us official also telling ABC News the targets are three military bases especially one housing F35 fighter jets the attack retaliation for a deadly strike on the Iranian Consulate in Syria earlier this month likely to unfold over a number of hours according to the National Security.

Council Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tonight saying the defensive system are deployed saying we are prepared for any scenario both in defense and attack Netanyahu once again vowing whoever hurts us we hurt him and a Us official telling ABC News tonight that the US has already shot down some of the drones heading towards Israel.

Just Iran's supreme leader Ali H after the drones were launched saying the evil regime will be punished the Israeli Defense Forces saying the drones would take hours to reach Israel more than 1,000 mil away Israel closing benuron airport and Israeli airspace also closing schools and limiting large Gatherings until Monday night Iran for.

Weeks vowing Swift Revenge after top commanders were killed in a strike the Pentagon says Israel was behind earlier today Iran seizing this cargo ship partially owned by an Israeli family in the straight of hus iran-backed militia group Hezbollah also claiming they struck iron doome air defense platforms with drones those defenses shooting down.

Missiles fired at Israel by Hezbollah last night many of them intercepted Brit clenet back with us from Israel tonight and Brit as we heard from Israeli officials today they're prepared in both defense and attack what are you learning about how Israel could respond tonight yeah we a source tells ABC News tonight that the US has no.

Doubt that Israel will respond whether lives are lost or not and that Iran itself will be the target Whit Brit thank you and we know President Biden returned to the White House early this weekend cutting short his trip to Delaware so he could meet with his National Security team about the events unfolding in the Middle East let's go.

Right to ABC's senior White House correspondent Selena Wang Selena what is the administration saying tonight well what the president is making clear tonight that America's support for Israel security is Ironclad now the White House has been on high alert for days they knew that this attack was imminent the president cutting his.

Weekend vacation short and he is currently meeting according to a Us official right now with his top National Security advisers in the situation room but look anxieties here they are running High officials tell me that there is deep concern that this Iranian attack and a possible Israeli response that that could widen this war which is.

Exactly what the president has been trying to avoid and Selena what are your sources telling you about a potential us role in the military response the us is going to try to intercept everything that they can that's according to a senior Us official who says that Israel is that Iran is trying to overwhelm Israel's air defense.

Systems by launching hundreds of drones and missiles from different directions speeds and altitudes now the US expects that most of that will be intercepted but the fear is that if Israeli lives are lost that the Israeli response will be much bigger and we at risk here as well are US forces in the region and the US has already moved military assets to.

The Middle East in order to protect them with yeah major concerns for that escalation Selena thank you so much let's bring in ABC News contributor Colonel Steve ganyard and Steve what can you tell us about the nature of this attack and just how unprecedented it is for Iran to strike within Israel's borders well it's unprecedented uh in in.

A historical sense with uh for Iran to directly attack Israel what's concerning here as Selena pointed out is 4 to 500 drones and missiles inbound right now to Israel now Israel has the most sophisticated integrated air and missile defense capabilities in the world but with that number of incoming missiles and drones it's almost inevitable that.

Some will get through so Steve How likely is it that the US will now be pulled deeper into this conflict and what could our role look like militarily us has made it clear that they will do whatever they can to help Israel in this attack we know that there are ships uh in the Red Sea uh the US ships in the Red Sea and off the coast.

Of Israel both have very sophisticated anti-missile capabilities but Iran has also said that if the US helped Israel in this attack that US troops in the in the region would become fair game and so the world has gotten very dangerous tonight not only for Israel but for the us as well truly a delicate situation and so much at stake Steve ganard thank.

You and tune in to this week tomorrow morning George Stephanopoulos speaks with White House National Security spokesman John Kirby about the latest developments between Israel and Iran our coverage in the Middle East tonight we'll have much more if news warrant we do move on now to other news and that deadly stabbing Rampage at a busy mall.

In Sydney AUST Australia at least six people are dead and several others injured including a 9-month-old baby chaos erupting as Panic Shoppers tried to flee the scene what we're learning about the suspect tonight and we want to warn you some viewers may find the video disturbing here's ABC's ANZ deera tonight A Deadly Rampage erupting.

At a busy mall in Sydney Australia as a man in tack choppers with what Witnesses called a large knife we saw the guy come up the escalators with a big like knife in his hand and just really calmly he was just walking like he was having an ice cream in the park hundred spilling out onto the streets First Responders rushing to the scene near Bondi Beach I.

Thought I was going to die at least six people killed eight others wounded including a 9-month-old baby some of the victims now in critical condition new video showing an officer administering CPR and this image from video circulating online showing The Suspect with a knife confronted by a shopper on an escalator trying to fend.

Him off and we're now learning an officer who was near the scene confronted The 40-Year-Old suspect shooting and killing him after he raised his knife the suspected murder weapon seemingly just feed away all he was put it down and then um she shot him but we were not in she didn't shoot him well uh he would have kep going he was on the.

Rampage he was on the money Rampage police say the man acted alone and was known to authorities we are waiting to formally identify him and we cannot speculate yet on his identification tonight Australia's prime minister healing that officer who stopped him as a hero there's no doubt that she saved lives uh through her action this was a.

Rare Act of mass violence in Australia and it's still unclear what the attackers motives may have been but again police say they believe they know who he is and they do not believe this was Terror related which and as DEA thank you back here at home a severe weather threat for much of the country in Pittsburgh overnight Bridges were.

Temporarily closed after 26 barges broke loose in the flooded Ohio River the barges have all been accounted for but did cause some damage let's get right to ABC's meteorologist Samar Theodore and Samar you're watching another round of dangerous weather that's right Whit and this round aiming for Pittsburgh and other parts of Pennsylvania let's go.

Ahead and time this out so things are pretty quiet tonight as we move into Sunday we start to see those storms popping up in areas like the Hudson Valley and Upstate New York around 6:00 p.m. by 10: p.m. that then sweeps across the state of Pennsylvania these storms bringing with them an elevated risk for severe weather not only can we see.

Damaging winds but this area in Orange from State College tointon could see isolated tornadoes meanwhile in the Heartland more severe weather will begin to sweep through at the start of your work week from Oklahoma City in Witchita Falls very large Hill is possible but from wo all the way to Chicago we could damaging winds especially on Tuesday we.

See that severe weather threat shift farther east whenit some of these areas can't catch a break okay Samar thank you next tonight a nationwide drug shortage hitting a record high medications for cancer patients among those hardest hit about one in three hospitals saying they've been forced to skip or ration medication to patients ABC's MW has.

Details tonight the stunning health warning from pharmacists drug shortages in the US reaching an alltime High 323 medications it's looked like me having to call up to 60 pharmacies to see if they have my prescription in stock drugs for the central nervous system antimicrobials hormones chemotherapy fluids and electrolytes among the most.

Affected like penicillin lidocaine epinephrine and morphine this is one of the worst times that that we've had as far as we've been tracking Melissa Lyall tells me she and her daughter have been struggling to fill their ADHD prescriptions in Washington state if we can't get her prescription filled and we can't get my prescription filled will I.

Go without so that she can have hers why the shortage the FDA says manufacturing issues fluctuations and supply and demand and discontinuations of less profitable drugs are partly to blame tonight the agency telling ABC News the FDA is working closely with numerous manufacturers to understand mitigate and.

Prevent or reduce the impact I think it's important to not panic I think when you hear about a shortage you think the drug is 100% out and that's almost never the case withit if anyone has trouble finding their medications at their local pharmacy the FDA says try checking out some of the other drugstores in the area.

You can also ask your health care provider or pharmacist for any other alternatives to your medication with important information there and thank you now to the family of an Ohio speaking out after he was shot by a police officer while holding what turned out to be a fake gun akan police releasing this body camera footage of.

The moment the officer fired seconds after approaching the 15-year-old tonight his family demanding Justice here's ABC's Phillip off tonight police in akan Ohio investigating after an officer shot a 15-year-old boy holding a fake gun where you coming from body camera video from April 1st just released shows officer Ryan in Westlake.

Responding to a 911 call he was aiming a gun at people's houses moments later officer Westlake pulls alongside 15-year-old Tavon C Williams where are you coming from C see your hands real quick officer Westlake fires one shot hitting the teen in the hand who immediately begins to scream that the gun he has is fake drop to the ground.

Drop to the ground it's fake it's fake I promise hands be on your back Tavon is cuffed just seconds later etern Tate now Tate the Cuffs removed as he's given first aid the police Union backing officer West Lake saying in a statement when the officer arrived on the scene he was forced to make a split-second decision as the suspect pulled the gun.

From his waistband this is not clear in the video released by police because the teen is out of view for a few seconds as the shot is fired the injured teen head down appearing with his parents and their lawyer at a news conference Aran Police Department needs to be held accountable for the excessive force that you use on our black.

Babies according to the city of akan Officer westlake's file had a number of disciplinary actions and use of force incidents in it one of them had been deemed unreasonable tonight he's on paid administrative leave pending the outcome of this investigation withit Philip off for us thank you next tonight Oklahoma authorities arresting four men in.

Connection with The Disappearance of two Kansas moms Jillian Kelly and Veronica Butler were going to pick up Butler's children but they never arrived they have been missing for nearly two weeks now now to a new legal setback for the president's son Hunter Biden a federal judge denying his attempts to dismiss three federal gun charges this means the.

Case will likely proceed to trial in June Hunter Biden was indicted in September on charges that he lied about drug use on a gun permit application there is still much more ahead on World News Tonight this Saturday the dangerous wrongway driver leading police on a harrowing Chase Crossing Lanes how this ended and who is found inside and the.

Daring rescue from disabled cable cars dangling along a mountain side the 23-hour operation into the night next next tonight the dramatic rescue from disabled cable cars on a Scenic Mountaintop in southern turkey one of the cars slamming into a broken pole spill killing its passengers one of them died 35 other cars left dangling high.

Above the ground for the next 23 hours into the night teams rescued 174 people including children some lowered to the ground others lifted into helicopters the accident is now under investigation and in Honolulu a deadly accident at a cruise ship terminal a van slamming into a group of passengers the driver had just dropped people off at the pier and.

Got out but the van kept moving so he jumped back in the driver's seat he apparently hit the gas instead of the break a 68-year-old female passenger was killed five others injured four in serious condition when we come back the harrowing dash cam video police chasing a wrongway driver through traffic on an interstate and the stunning.

End to the index now a dangerous wrongway Chase on a busy highway outside Detroit police on the trail of an alleged stolen car the driver making a U-turn on interstate 94 speeding across Lanes deputies finally boxing the car in bringing it to a stop shocked to find a 3-year-old and an infant in the back seat the driver is under arrest when we.

Come back the First Responders and the family reunion after its youngest members early arrival finally tonight America strong the two firefighters who answered the call and the eager baby who just couldn't wait to be born Katherine norian was 39 weeks pregnant when she started having.

Contractions they progressed so quickly her husband Jordan started rushing her to the hospital but they didn't get far station two for a medical we have a female in labor in a vehicle forced to stop at the nearest parking lot he called 911 for help they were instructed to turn Hazard on it was one of the scariest moments of my life absolutely.

Within minutes two firefighters from Farmington Hills Michigan pulled up and immediately sprung into action said it's coming and I looked and I'm like are okay maybe and she says it's coming right now and I look I'm like oh yeah yeah it's coming right now two or three pushes later baby Jordan was born a healthy boy 7 lb 3 oz we arrived on.

Scene at 519 and the baby came at 521 and just days after his birth this reunion baby Jordan his parents and big sister Mila welcoming those two firefighters he called us at just the right time I was so glad to have capable hands Tim was uh was the catcher you know and I was basically the Umpire behind him helping out the young family.

And First Responders all grateful for a happy ending it's very exciting to see a good outcome you know we go on so many bad calls every day and to see something you know shine a light on a good things that we do on a day-to-day basis as well well we're shining a light and a job well done I'm W Johnson in New York good.

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