ABC World News Tonight with David Muir Fleshy Broadcast – Feb. 5, 2024


ABC World News Tonight with David Muir Fleshy Broadcast - Feb. 5, 2024

Tonight breaking news as we come on the air in the west the deadly storm mudslides in California and the reports coming in right now of an avalanche in Nevada Northwest of Las Vegas the images as we come on tonight also breaking from London King Charles has cancer suspending his public duties just days after King Charles was released from the.

Hospital for treatment of an enlarged prostate the royal family tonight revealing King Charles has now been diagnosed with an undisclosed form of cancer news tonight Prince Harry will go home from the us what we know at this hour Maggie Ry live in London here in the US that deadly storm the scope of this growing tonight breaking news from.

Nevada word of at Avalanche and in California life-threatening flash flooding torrential rains and mudslides dangerous driving cars hydroplaning off highways wind gusts up to 100 mph Ginger Z and Rob Marciano both in the storm Zone tonight the major news from the Senate tonight for the first time in years Republicans and Democrats rat s.

Coming up with a bipartisan plan to address the border and the News late today the conservative leaning border patrol Union the officers who Patrol the Border endorsing the plan but tonight the house Speaker signaling Republicans in the house are not interested amid pressure from Donald Trump not to go along with any deal Rachel Scott live on.

The hill the breaking news in the case of the Michigan mother charged and her son's deadly school shooting tonight her fate now in the hands of the jury and the two questions late today the jurors have now asked the judge tonight news coming in on the US strikes the retaliation against Iran back militants what's still to come and Mary Bruce has.

New reporting tonight we remember one of the heroes of 9911 the New York City firefighter who stood there with President Bush and the extraordinary moments country music star Luke Colmes and the song he loved as a boy and his surprise performance with Tracy Chapman who of course wrote it get anywhere Tracy Chapman surprise.

Return to the stage Joanie Mitchell at 80 her first performance at the Grammys ever s Leen Dion surprise appearance helping Taylor Swift make history from ABC News world headquarters in New York this is World News Tonight with David mure good evening it is great to start another week with all of you at home we do begin tonight with that.

Troubling news from London Buckingham Palace tonight reporting King Charles has cancer less than 18 months into his Reign the palace is not saying what type of cancer or what stage except to say that it is not prostate cancer the 75-year-old Monarch released from the hospital one week ago today after treatment for an En llarge prostate it.

Was during that hospital stay the unrelated cancer was found tonight we have learned that King Charles has personally called his sons William and Harry to share with them the news ABC News Tonight confirming Prince Harry will be going home to the UK to be with his father tonight President Biden just a short time ago reacting to the news in.

ABC's Maggie rouy leading us off from London tonight the shocking announcement from Buckingham Palace King Charles diagnosed with cancer the 75-year-old Monarch seen just Sunday waving at wellwishers attending church with his wife Queen Camila this latest blow coming just days after he was released from the hospital.

After procedure for an enlarged prostate then the queen was asked how he was recovering how's the Bost the palace saying it was thanks to this intervention that diagnostic test identified a form of cancer not detailing the specific type or stage of the disease only that it is not prostate cancer before being named King at age 73.

After the death of Queen Elizabeth in September 2022 Charles was Britain's longest raining air King Charles has only been King for less than 18 months he waited decades to take on that that role and he was very keen to hit the ground running and this diagnosis coming now has forced him to take a big step back from that Royal sources say the.

King called his siblings and children to personally tell them the news Prince Harry expected to fly to London to visit his father in the coming days the king receiving an outpouring of support from world leaders including President Biden call concerned about him just heard his diagnosis talking to Charles beginning outpatient treat M today and will step.

Back from public duties in the latest health scare for the royal family the palace sharing the king's prostate condition on January 17th the same day it was revealed Katherine Princess of Wales underwent successful abdominal surgery though her condition was kept private Kensington Palace said it was not cancerous on January 26th the King.

Was admitted to the same hospital for his procedure and visited the princess he was discharged on January 29th a week later the pal sharing his cancer diagnosis saying the king feels wholly positive about his treatment and looks forward to returning to full public duty as soon as possible and David while the king is.

Stepping back from public events we do expect him to continue on with his duties as head of state we understand this includes his weekly audiences with the Prime Minister now we also expect Prince William to step up and take on many of his father's responsibilities while he also balances this with caring for his family at home David people in.

The UK and around the world pulling for the king tonight Maggie ruy leaning us off thank you back here in the us tonight into the deadly storm slamming the West in fact the scope of this growing at this hour there is breaking news coming in from Nevada word of an avalanche reports of multiple people possibly missing and in California.

Tonight life-threatening flash flooding torrential rains and mudslides days of rain from an atmospheric River more than 10 inches in parts of the state hurricane level winds from this gusts up to 100 m an hour Rushing Water in the normally dry l Los Angeles River right here more than a month's worth of rain in just 24 hours mudslides in the hills.

Around Los Angeles burying cars damaging homes trapping some residents inside in Santa Rosa a tree blown down across multiple Lanes of the 101 in Ventura a man rescued from rising Waters under the 101 a ladder truck used to lift him up Ginger Z is standing by with the forecast from California Rob Marciano also live in Los Angels tonight Rob we.

Can see the alarming conditions right there behind you we're also following news of this Avalanche in Nevada driven by this system yeah David for as much of a mess that rain is made here it is all snow in the mountains and that is a significant Avalanche happening in Nevada 50 mies Northwest of Las Vegas in Lee Canyon outside of the ski resort and.

We're just getting reports in now that everyone is accounted for we will stay on top of that story going forward and here in Southern California has been nothing short of a dramatic and clearly a destructive day tonight torrents of mud and debris rushing through neighbor neighborhoods across Southern California SUVs encased.

In thick mud at least a half a dozen homes here sustained damage multiple people had to be rescued so many slides in the hills around Los Angeles but this is by far the worst this home being pushed off its property onto this roadway everything inside exploding out of it and sliding down this hill including this piano Ryan Davis and his.

Family woken up around 2:00 a.m. by a terrifying sound and it felt like a jet engine was started like right outside of our window and then we look outside and then there's just mud and debris coming down that atmospheric fire hose of rain and wind parked over the California coast for days dumping more than 10 Ines of rain in spots hasn't just been heavy.

Rain heavy surf has been pounding this Coastline all sorts of debris coming up through here and look at this erosion here in Santa Barbara and these waves they just keep on coming Los Angeles getting more than a month's worth of rain in just 24 hours watch as this SUV flips over and slams into the guard rail on the five freeway the driver was okay.

Twift water rescue teams tested to their limits overnight rescuing three people in San Bernardino County after they tried driving their SUV with a trailer through a flooded Road they were screaming for their life it was by far the scariest moment they said that they have ever been in and in Northern California powerful wind gusts taking.

Down massive trees the driver in this car in Santa Rosa rushed to the hospital Sunday and near Santa Cruz one person was killed after a tree crushed this home here in the Hills above La the workers here are trying to shut off the gas the home here the people they were not home thankfully but you can see just how frightening this force is and how.

Unstable the ground is here just getting around town a rock and debris all over the hills and the roadways here ground is unstable and this rain just refuses to stop David it's going to be another long night Rob Marciano right there in the middle of it all Rob thank you right to Ginger Z now also in the storm Zone to time this out in the 2 2 4 hours.

Ahead Ginger hello to you hey there David we're at nearly 30 hours straight of rain in Los Angeles that's really hard to do and it is not going to stop for the next six or so so let's look at that static atmospheric River it has barely moved all day and it's going to finally make its way into Orange County and San Diego by tomorrow.

Let's talk about that high risk second day in a row for a big population like Los Angeles that is really rare down to San Clemente includes San Bernardino the landslide still possible tonight the flood watch is now in to Arizona and Nevada the winter storm watches all the way to Colorado the timing is important because we finally moved the fire hose.

It's a little lighter into Southern California ascendido down to San Diego Then isolated downpours will be heavy at times through Wednesday morning quick look at this Los Angeles River behind me is still surreal because it's usually dry and now we've got these ferocious Rapids our atmospheric River experts at scrips oceanography say this is a strong.

Alino this is what we expect but with climate change we can expect more extremes extreme drought to extreme rainfall more often David anyone who knows La Ginger knows that that picture is so extremely rare right behind you there Ginger Z and Rob Marciano are thanks to both of you there tonight to the other news major news in fact from.

The senate for the first time in years Republicans and Democrats have come up with a bipartisan plan to finally address the border the other major headline on this late today the conservative leaning border patrol Union the officers who Patrol the Border endorsing this bipartisan plan but tonight the house speaker saying.

Republicans in the house are not interested amid pressure from Donald Trump not to agree to any solution in a presidential election year Rachel Scott on the hill tonight's Senate leader unveiling the most sweeping border security package in decades Republican leader Mitch McConnell reminding his party this.

Is something they wanted for years and Senate Republicans have assisted not just for months but for years that this urgent crisis demanded action and now the conservative leading border patrol Union announcing it supports the deal the 8 billion package adds 20 billion to strengthen the Border hiring new officers and border patrol agents it.

Includes a trigger mechanism when migrant apprehensions reach 5,000 a day the Border will automatically shut down and it makes it harder for migrants to claim Asylum Expediting the process to address the backlog it also contains $60 billion for Ukraine and 14 billion for Israel but the Bill's future now deeply uncertain Republicans increasingly under.

Pressure from Donald Trump to kill the bill Trump wants to run on immigration in November and today called the deal a great gift to Democrats and a death wish for the Republican party now many top Republicans who wanted a deal are doing an about face this was house Speaker Mike Johnson in November uh we want to pair border security with Ukraine.

Because I think we get bipartisan agreement on both of those matters but today Johnson blasting the compromise he wants cold for calling it a waste of time and Deb on arrival are you killing the bill because of political Confederation you talk look I I've been very clear from the very beginning about the.

Elements that were necessary to solve the Border crisis I just don't believe that the Senate bill as I've explained in all of our statements meets the criteria that's necessary to solve the problem today I spoke to one of the Republicans who wrote the Bill conservative Senator James Langford of Oklahoma is this pressure from Trump.

Misguided is it helpful the president has something he's trying to accomplish he's trying to get elected back to be the president of the United States I've got something I'm trying to accomplish it's securing the nation and our and our borders right now so he's got his purposes right now I've got mine President Biden says that he would sign.

That bill into law immediately it is a rare compromise between Democrats and Republicans the border patrol Union insisting that it is a step in the right direction calling it far better than the status quo but it does face an uphill challenge in the Senate and the speaker calling it dead on Aral in the house David Rachel Scott live on the hill.

Rachel thank you now to the US military strikes retaliation for for the deadly drone attack killing three US troops tonight President Biden now saying more is coming so let's get right to Mary Bruce Mary what do you know well David the president has ordered additional retaliation but the White House won't say when or where it will come the goal.

Here is to stop these Relentless attacks on US forces without starting and sparking a wider war with Iran this all began with that powerful direct response against the drone at strike that killed three US service members in Jordan the US hitting 85 targets inside Iraq and Syria over the weekend the usn our partners then also launching dozens of.

Air strikes in Yemen hoping to blunt attacks on vital shipping rots and while David the president is confident that these attacks have been successful that they are degrading the militants capabilities David they are still launching attacks on US forces no sign they're backing down all right you'll keep us posted Mary Bruce live at the.

White House thanks Mary now to the major news in the trial of Michigan mother Jennifer crumbly tonight charged in her son's deadly School attack this evening here the two questions the jury asked today Trevor Ral in Michigan tonight the Michigan jury deciding the fate of the first parent charged with their child's deadly school.

Shooting sent home after 7 hours of deliberations without a verdict six men and six women are weighing whether Jennifer Crumbley is responsible in the 2021 Oxford High School shooting she's pleaded not guilty to four counts of involuntary manslaughter several jurors are parents several are gun owners today the jury asking the judge two questions.

One senator on the burden of proof needed to convict the other about what they can infer after the shooter did not take the stand Jennifer Crumbley son was not called to testify in his mother's trial after his lawyer said he would take the fifth prosecutors argue Jennifer Crumbley could have prevented the tragedy had she done the smallest.

Thing differently the defense saying any other mother could have easily been in her shoes and late today the father of Justin Schilling saying he hopes the jury looks at every aspect of the case I hope that they're taking their time and they're making sure to look at all the evidence and make sure that they make the right.

Decision and David the jury will be back here at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow to continue weighing this Landmark case David Trevor all again tonight thank you Trevor when we come back here we remember a hero from 911 you'll remember him standing right beside President Bush at Ground Zero and Tracy Chapman Selene Dion Joanie Mitchell the surprises.

Overnight tonight potential new trouble for Boeing after a supplier raised new concerns about some 737 Max aircraft Boeing reporting that Spirit Aeros systems told them they found two improperly drilled holes and fuselages they provide to Boeing tonight Boeing says it doesn't affect planes already in service but that adjustments may have to.

Be made to about 50 planes still in production potentially delaying delivery when we come back here tonight remembering that hero of 911 you'll remember him standing with President Bush at Ground Zero tonight we have learned that 911 hero firefighter Bob Beckwith has died he famously stood side by side with.

President Bush during a defining moment at Ground Zero he was 69 back then and Beckwith was already retired when the World Trade Center was struck he put on his gear joining the search for survivors the president placing his arm around him in that iconic image speaking to First Responders three days after the attack tonight former President Bush.

Saying beckwith's courage represented the defiant resilient Spirit of New Yorkers and Americans after 911 Bob Beckwith was 91 when we come back tonight the unexpected moments Tracy Chapman returning to the stage Joanie Mitchell performing at 80 and the moving moment Seline Dion surprise appearance amid her.

Health battle ABC World News Tonight with David M sponsored by vivg guard and vivg guard hulo finally tonight here it's hard to choose a favorite moment from last night's GR ramies but right at the start seeing Tracy Chapman hearing her voice again that was something the whole night was the 66th annual Grammy Awards the.

History made and the surprises Tracy Chapman on that stage Chapman and her 1988 bit fast car covered by country star Luke Coles as a kid it was his favorite song saying it meant so much to him his entire life last night we're side by side you got fast car fast enough so you can fly away we got to make a.

Decision Chapman so private performing again had a feeling that I belong had a feeling I could be someone Miley Cyrus performing right after winning her first grmy didn't fight but we C then remember I just my firsty and Joanie Mitchell at 80es sides her first performance at the.

Grammys ever After A near fatal brain aneurism she worked to restore her voice I don't know there was Fantasia honoring Tina Turner who we lost this past year Billy Joel his first new song in 30.

Years and Seline Dion surprising the audience battling a rare neurological condition she walked onto that stage when I say that um I'm happy to be here I really mean it from my heart there to present album of the Year Taylor Swift Taylor Swift making history winning album of the year for a record.

Fourth time all I want to do is keep doing this so thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to do what I love so much mind blown thank you so muchl Swift making history last night and seeing so many Legends last night who paav the way really for the musicians of today I'll see you tomorrow.

Good night thank you for making World News Tonight with David mure America's most watched newscast

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3 thoughts on “ABC World News Tonight with David Muir Fleshy Broadcast – Feb. 5, 2024

  1. Couldn't it be, by conserving those documents successfully saved and reluctant to present them over, is because he proved no longer long after elected [legitimately], his possess FBI modified into as soon as making an try to conspire to slice his throat?That modified into as soon as day one or so into his presidency.So, seeing the next years of his presidency, having to dodge mud balls practically daily.This might get any man lose his self belief in his country, and especially, his fundamental opponent, being roughly 95% of the overwhelming bigoted Democrat Occasion.I marvel now what Trump, no doubt, thought of the criminal guidelines of this nation known as, The united states?Step into his sneakers for in some unspecified time in the future and learn in regards to the technique that you might get felt.

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