ABC World News Tonight with David Muir Fleshy Broadcast – March 13, 2024


ABC World News Tonight with David Muir Fleshy Broadcast - March 13, 2024

Tonight breaking news the house votes to ban Tik Tok here in the US Democrats and Republicans more than 170 million Tik Tok users here in the US will the Senate now follow suit also tonight word coming in a young man a student pilot on a passenger plane trying to get into the cockpit three times in midair before being restrained first tonight the.

Future of Tik Tock in the US the house votes to ban it unless the Chinese company that owns it sells it the concern here in this country over National Security and with Tik Tock fighting back tonight what does Tik Tock look like in China why are there far more restrictions and protections in China for young people on.

Tik Tok than here in the US and tonight what will the Senate now do next Rachel Scott live on the hill the breaking headline from Georgia the judge in the case against Donald Trump dropping six charges three of them against Trump 10 charges against Trump remain with the judge's decision now on the future of Da Fon Willis coming at any time tonight.

The SC on board a passenger jet flying from San Diego to Washington DC that young man a student pilot trying to breach the cockpit multiple times what they had to do to restrain him tonight he's facing federal charges also tonight another United Boeing jet with the problem the fifth issue in about a week a flight to the US turning back what was.

Seen leaking from the plane and news tonight in that Boeing case the door that came off at 16,000 ft the video of the workers working on that door erased tonight the image is coming in now the massive landslide in Los Angeles several homes damaged residents evacuated and the new and major winter storm were watching tonight several States on alert.

The warnings and watches already Denver tonight bracing for more than a foot of snow up to 16 in and severe storms from Texas all the way up to Chicago then moving into the Northeast Rob timing it out tonight the danger in Haiti the US now deploying US Marines an anti-terror team to protect the US Embassy in Haiti armed gangs surrounding the capital and.

The evacuations including famous author Mitch album who wrote Tuesdays with Mory what he's now saying tonight our interview just in back in the US the college quarterback arrested tonight during spring break actress Olivia mun revealing her personal battle with breast cancer tonight and the ABC News exclusive Robin Roberts with actors.

Christina Applegate and Jamie Lyn Sigler both are battling multiple sclerosis tonight their fight against m and their fight to help others from ABC News world headquarters in New York this is World News Tonight with David mure good evening and it's great to have you with us here on a Wednesday night word coming in tonight.

That scare on a passenger flight a young man a student pilot trying to breach the cockpit multiple times and the news from Georgia involving some charges dropped against Donald Trump but we do begin tonight with the heated battle over the future of Tik Tok here in the US 170 million users here in this country tonight the house by an overwhelming.

Majority Democrats and Republicans passing a measure to ban the chinese-owned app here in the US unless Tik Tock is sold to an American company within six months the move sparking strong reaction from Tik Tok users some protesting outside the capital many arguing it's not just dancing videos and viral Clips some say it's their.

Livelihood their business Tik Tock fighting back tonight a heavy lobbying effort on the hill but tonight why does Tik Tok look so different in China than it does here in the US why are there more restrictions more protections for young people in China than in the US and if us social media is banned in China many are now asking why allow a Chinese.

Company to have such a large and influential presence here Rachel Scott leading us off from The Hill Tonight Tonight the house overwhelmingly voting to ban Tik Tok the wildly popular social media app unless it's sold by its Chinese parent company bite dance lawmakers responding to concerns Tik Tok poses a national security threat and.

Compromises the data of its 170 million American users this bill therefore forces Tik Tock to break up with the Chinese Communist party this is not an attempt to ban Tick Tock it's an attempt to make Tick Tock better Tick Tac Toe a winner a winner the FBI and top intelligence officials sounding the alarm warning the Chinese government.

Could use Tik Tok to access Americans personal information the problem is their ability to manipulate you they already manipulate your algorithm based on what you like and that can be that can be innocent all social media companies do that to try and tailor your feed but it's a problem when when when the person in Char the entity in charge.

Of manipulating can be an adversary like the Chinese Communist Party Tik Tok denies those allegations but lawmakers now warning Tik Tok could interfere in the election risk in terms of propag Anda the risk to influence our election are just too severe in China Facebook Instagram and YouTube are banned completely and the version of Tik Tok.

Available over there is much different from what we get here listen to how a former Google executive described what kids see on the Chinese version of Tik Tok in an interview at 60 Minutes they show you science experiments you can do at home Museum exhibits patriotism videos and educational videos and they make their domestic version a spinach.

Version of Tik Tok while they ship the Opium version to the rest of the world Tik Tok pushing back hard a fierce lobbying effort on Capitol Hill online users enraged I'm like literally shaking thinking about the possibility of this have there been talks about this before sure this time it's serious we spoke with Brandon HST he uses Tik Tok to.

Promote his plant business my whole business would be devastated yeah I would lose the opportunity to connect with millions of people on a regular basis and the community that I've worked really hard to build would be would be gone how much of your sales are driven from Tik Tok 100% President Biden recently launched his own campaign Tik.

Tok to meet young voters where they are but he says if this bill lands on his desk he will sign it if they pass it I'll sign it as president Donald Trump once tried to ban TiK ToK by executive order but now he's against a possible ban he says it would help Facebook which he's railed against but Trump's change in tune also comes after he met with the.

Top Republican donor who has a major Financial stake in Tik tok's parent company a lot to track there as well let's get right to Rachel Scott live up on the hill tonight Rachel you heard the president there in his campaign obviously they're on Tik Tock as well as you pointed out trying to reach younger voters but the president very clear he.

Says he's ready to sign this bill if the Senate passes it as well yes David and even with the president's support there are no signs that the Senate will move quickly Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer says they only plan to review this legislation and tonight China responding blasting this move insisting that it will only backfire on the US but.

Again David the version of Tik Tok that's available in China is largely educational and far different from what's available here in the US David lot of strong opinions but that's a very important Point Rachel thank you we turn out of the breaking news from Georgia tonight in the case against Donald Trump and several alleged co-conspirators.

Tonight the judge with an unexpected ruling throwing out six charges three charges against trump it comes as that same judge is now set to decide the future of Da fon Willis in this case a decision that could come as early as tomorrow or Friday here's our senior investigative correspondent Aaron kki tonight tonight all eyes on one judge in.

Georgia who's expected a rule this week on whether Fulton County district attorney fonnie Willis should be removed from Donald Trump's election interference case but today the judge handing down a surprise decision and a setback for prosecutors throwing out six criminal counts against the former president and some of his co-defendants.

One of those counts involves Trump's phone call to Georgia Secretary of State Brad raffensberger urging him to find the votes Trump needed to win so look all I want to do is this I just want to find uh 11,780 votes which is one more that we have because we won the state prosecutors seized on that call to.

Charge Trump with soliciting a public official to violate his oath of office but today Judge Scott McAfee ruled they failed to include sufficient details and did not give the defendants enough information to prepare their defenses intelligently judge McAfee used similar reasoning to dismiss charges that Trump and some of his co-defendants pressured.

Public officials to call a special session of the state legislature and desertify the election results the opinion impacts the cases against not just Trump but also his former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows his one-time lawyer Rudy Giuliani and three other defendants the judge gave prosecutors 6 months to decide whether they want to refile those.

Dropped charges addressing his concerns and that phone call with the Georgia Secretary of State will still play a key role in other parts of the case the former president who had been facing 13 counts in Georgia now faces 10 including the most serious one racketeering he's pleaded not guilty the judge is now set to rule by Friday David weather to.

Disqualify the da he's weighing whether her relationship with a prosecutor she hired to help run the case poses an actual conflict of interest or merely just the appearance of one David Aaron kki following all this for us again tonight thank you we're learning more at this hour about a scare on board a passenger jet from San Diego to.

Washington DC a young man a student pilot allegedly trying to breach the cockpit multiple times tonight we have learned off-duty officers who happen to be on board stepping in to restrain him here's ABC's mola langi now tonight a 19-year-old student pilot is facing federal charges after allegedly trying to breach the cockpit while he was a.

Passenger on an Alaska Airlines flight from San Diego to Washington DC he attempted to uh access the flight that three times according to an affidavit Nathan Jones allegedly got out of his seat multiple times and made three separate attempts to open the cockpit door before flight attendants called for help from eight off-duty officers who.

Happened to be on board they restrained Jones and flex cuffs until the 737 landed and uh just very confused um but then he would not listen to to uh taking his seat and after many repeated attempts uh then they decided to just put the the plastic C on here when flight attendants allegedly asked Jones why he did it he said he was.

Testing them agents who searched his belongings found his student pilot's license and notes on how to operate an aircraft well Jones is charged with interfering with a flight crew his family says he has no History of Violence and they're calling for a mental competency exam saying it'll prove he never intended to harm any.

David mola langy tonight mola thank you meantime tonight there has been another United Boeing jet with a problem the fifth issue in about a week now this time in a Boeing trip 7 on its way to San Francisco this is the video tonight of what looks like smoke right there under the right engine that is actually hydraulic fluid leaking from the landing.

Gear the passenger jet was forced to turn around and it comes tonight amid a new headline in the case of that Boeing jet the door coming off at 16,000 feet the video of the workers working on that door was erased automatically wiped clean after 30 days here's Trevor alt tonight watch as moments after this Boeing trip 7 takes off in Sydney.

Hydraulic fluid is seen leaking from the landing gear the plane carrying 183 passengers and crew heading to San Francisco Monday turning around less than an hour into the flight landing safely back at Sydney airport met by fire Cruise it's the fifth incident involving a United Boeing plane in recent days following this engine fire.

And this wheel falling off a jet during takeoff last week and all this comes amid the investigation into that door plug that flew off an Alaska Airlines flight at 16,000 ft today the NTSB says Boeing hasn't given them all the information they need officials telling the Senate Commerce Committee we still do not know who performed the work on.

That door plug and that Boeing has been unable to find the records documenting this work the NTSB also says security footage had been overwritten as part of standard procedure we asked for security camera footage so we can understand who did the work all their security camera footage is erased within 30 days and overwritten in a statement Boeing says.

We will continue supporting this investigation in the transparent and proactive fashion the company promising changes to its safety procedures including added layers of inspection Sydney United says the plane returned due to a maintenance issue and passengers were rebooked on a later flight David Trevor Al with us again.

Tonight Trevor thank you we turned out of the major winter storm we tracking at this hour heavy snow damaging winds heading right across the country multiple States on alert already at this hour California to Montana to New Mexico Denver expecting up to 16 inches of snow from this then Texas up to Chicago then right into the Northeast by the weekend.

Senior meteorologist Rob Marciano timing it out for us hey Rob hi David Denver get some of their biggest snowstorms in the month of March and well here we are winterstorm warnings are posted there we've got high wind alerts back through California this storm's going to draw out but the heaviest snows will be just east of the.

Divide 2 to 3 feet there maybe over a foot in the western suburbs of Denver severe weather at ahead of this we've got watch boxes up for Kansas and parts of St Louis till midnight and then tomorrow that expands greatly we're looking for the rain to rapidly push into parts of Chicago while still snowing in Denver and then look for.

Severe weather maybe some tornadoes across a Little Rock and then rain here in the Northeast on Friday David Rob Marciano with us thank you Rob and from California tonight the image is coming in a massive Landslide taking out multiple homes in Los Angeles and Sherman Oak at least three homes damaged one of them under construction at the.

Time you can see part of the back of this home sheared off residents of other homes had to be evacuated no one was hurt it does come after months of record rains there they're now bracing for winds gusting up to 65 miles per hour we turn tonight to the danger in Haiti we have been reporting here on the spiraling chaos in Haiti gangs.

Surrounding the capital tonight the US now sending in Marines and anti-terror team to protect the US Embassy and news of evacuations including famous author Mitchel album who wrote Tuesdays with Mory we spoke with him just a short time ago Matt Rivers again tonight tonight with Haiti in chaos four army helicopters flying an elite group.

Of dozens of US Marines into Port of Prince to reinforce security at the US Embassy days after the military evacuated some American staffers before the sun came up thousands of Americans like missionary Miriam Codi and her group trapped and desperate to escape they can come and get some they need to come and get all.

With gangs controlling the city veteran L rescue group project Dynamo saying they're headed to Haiti to try and help evacuate American citizens caught in the violence two members of Congress also organizing a private evacuation of 10 Americans out of Haiti that included best-selling author Mitch album who wrote Tuesdays with Mari album and his.

Team saying goodbye to the children at the orphanage his charity runs saying he's luckier than so many others still there amidst the violence when we came over the ha airspace to the Dominican Republic and they said okay we're clear of Haiti airspace my wife and I were kind of hit with a very deep Pang of sadness because our kids are still there.

And our staff is still there but for the vast majority of Americans there like Jill Dolan they can't escape calling on the US government to begin evacuations every day I wake up thinking Lord please send us a chopper please send us an airplane that's going to come and rescue us today and David Porter Prince calm for now but that violence could spikee.

At any moment which would make any potential evacuations that much harder David Matt rivers in the Dominican Republic for us Matt thank you when we come back the college quarterback arrested on spring break tonight in trouble twice within 30 minutes and the Robin Roberts exclusive tonight sitting down with actors Christina Applegate and.

Jamie Lyn Sigler both battling Ms and both opening up right here tonight tonight the college quarterback arrested on spring break University of Southern Mississippi quarterback John White arrested at a resort in dtin Florida the Sheriff's Office says he was cited for underage possession of alcohol on the beach police say the 19-year-old.

Quarterback was then arrested found with alcohol again 30 minutes later when we come back here tonight actress Olivia mun this evening revealing her personal battle with breast cancer and Robin Roberts with Christina Applegate and Jamie Lyn Sigler and their fight against Ms to the index in tonight actress Olivia mun has revealed her battle with.

Breast cancer posting images on Instagram she was diagnosed in April she underwent four surgeries including a double myec me she credits her doctor for the early diagnosis she said a routine mamogram two months earlier didn't reveal it but that the doctor still calculated her risk assessment which then led to more testing when we.

Come back here tonight Robin Roberts with actors Christina Applegate and Jamie ly Sigler both battling multiple sclerosis and the deeply moving interview in a moment ABC World News Tonight with David M sponsored by vivg guard and vivg guard Hy trulo finally tonight Robin Roberts with Christina Applegate and Jamie Lyn Sigler both are.

Battling multiple sclerosis and both are helping others launching a new podcast called messy after four decades in the spotlight Christina Applegate with good friend Jam Lyn Sigler by her side she's doing this because I have this the Tremor so because I love her candid about her life since being diagnosed.

With multiple sclerosis in 2021 Do You Feel The Love Christina I mean yes yes I I live kind of in hell that raw honesty infused with humor carrying her through when we saw you last at the Emy presenting and I can I just say the emotions that I felt when you came out on that stage thank you so much oh my God you're.

Totally shaming me with disability by standing up it's fine okay um were you able to take in the moment yeah I actually kind of blacked out um and I people said oh you were so funny and I'm like I don't even know what I said and I felt really beloved and it was really a beautiful thing then I'm just going to say this that audience stood up for.

Everybody come on Jamie was starring in The Sopranos when she was diagnosed with Ms at just 20 years old the two have bonded over their shared disease supporting each other through its unique challenges for so long I've been celebrated for being the strong one and the positive one that it it felt like I was not that if I would admit that some.

Days were hard but she has really pushed me to be able to say that because I would thought I was letting people down if I would talk about how hard it was sometimes I was kind of putting on a little act for everybody for so long and I just thought that was easier to be light be funny be light don't make people feel.

Uncomfortable and I don't care anymore well Christina Applegate it's nice to finally meet you again yes yes nice to finally finally meet you yeah we are pulling for Christina and for Jamie and for the so many who are battling Ms in this country more of Robin's moving interview later tonight on Nightline I'll see you tomorrow good.

Night thank you for making World News Tonight with David mure America's most watched newscast

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3 thoughts on “ABC World News Tonight with David Muir Fleshy Broadcast – March 13, 2024

  1. Why is the headline “Home votes to ban tiktok” when the epic clearly says that isn't the case at all?The vote become as soon as to space instances on tiktok not being affiliated with the Chinese communist govt whose entry to our deepest knowledge is sure to be vulnerable in any and each manner that it is doubtless you’ll perhaps per chance imagine towards the American people. As a lifelong liberal I become as soon as sceptical about the total 'faux news ” stuff nonetheless I'm in actuality initiating to earn it after I see the headlines intentionally designed to be beautiful and misleading

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