ABC World News Tonight with David Muir Paunchy Broadcast – Jan. 22, 2024


ABC World News Tonight with David Muir Paunchy Broadcast - Jan. 22, 2024

Tonight breaking news as we come on the air in the west the rescues the dangerous life-threatening storms also this new storm moving into the East freezing rain dangerous driving possible Chicago to New York City also tonight the US launching new air strikes and two US Navy Seals lost now identified first tonight tracking this new Storm from.

Texas up to Michigan over to the Northeast multiple States now under alerts for ice and freezing rain as the death toll now rises from these brutal winter storms at at least 75 dead the rescue playing out several stranded on Lake Erie a fire truck spinning out of control and the images coming in out of the West at this hour the rescues and.

The life-threatening storm system hitting now Ginger E standing by to time this out we have breaking news tonight the US launching those new air strikes on Iranian back militants it comes after a missile attack on a US base in Iraq James Longman with late reporting tonight the identities of two US Navy Seals lost now revealed after they fell.

From a ship during a daring Mission the race for president the New Hampshire primary is tomorrow and tonight the showdown between Donald Trump and Nikki Haley Haley trying to make the case that she is the only person left to prevent a trump Biden rematch here in the US Rachel Scott in New Hampshire the border and tonight the Supreme Court rebuking.

Texas the Court ruling that federal agents can remove razor wire installed by Texas authorities the Israel Hamas War the stunning moment of hostages storm Israel's parliament demanding lawmakers do more to get the hostages free and our Matt Gutman tonight inside a massive Hamas tunnel our team shown apparent prison.

Cells mattresses clothing evidence that hostages had been kept there back in the US the Urgent man hunt right now in the suburbs outside Chicago Police searching for a suspect multiple people found dead in two homes your health tonight and your risk for alzheim s a new test that could screen before symptoms appear also tonight with a new study shows about a.

Daily multivitamin and dementia at The Duchess of York Sarah Ferguson and her personal reveal and her message tonight about early diagnosis remembering a famous director tonight you'll know his movies and we have news on Billy Joel what he's revealed the first time in 17 years from ABC News world headquarters in New York this is World News Tonight.

With David M good evening and it's great to start another week with all of you at home we do begin tonight with this new system moving across multiple States the potential for freezing rain and dangerous driving as the death toll from these winter storms and brutal cold continues to grow at least 75 dead now tonight here we're tracking this new.

System from Texas all the way up to Michigan to New York and the Northeast multiple States on alert at this hour for freezing rain sleep and snow the same system bringing winds gusting up to 50 mph blasting snow across South Dakota tonight the images the daring rescue on Lake Erie the Coast Guard and local authorities pulling more than a dozen.

People trapped on the ice to safety the ice and cold treacherous for Millions including First Responders look at this A firet TRU spinning out of control while driving through a neighborhood nearly hitting a house just outside St Louis now this is headed right for the Northeast Ginger Z is standing by to time this out and Trevor Al leading us.

Off from New York tonight tonight that 28 ton fire truck spinning out of control on icy roads near St Louis oh my God watch again firefighters responding to a call losing traction striking a vehicle and coming to a stop luckily no one was hurt but that dangerous ice storm is making travel treacherous across the Heartland ACU weather.

Capturing streets covered in ice outside Oklahoma City the back roads especially are incredibly slick there's about a/ qu inch of ice secretion that happened overnight from multiple waves of freezing rain on Lake Erie east of Toledo a race to rescue 20 people stranded on an ice flow a half mile from Shore the Coast Guard and local.

Authorities rushing to the scene everyone making it back to land safely but tragically the death toll rising from weeks of winter storms at least 75 people killed across 13 states many from hypothermia and car crashes in Memphis where a boil water advisory remains in effect residents like Carolyn Mayfield going several days without water I'm.

Literally going outside getting snow melting it and putting it in the toilet because it takes three gallons of water to flush it one time she thankfully has water now Crews repairing the water system after dozens of mains broke through days of extreme cold and in the west a new storm sparking flash flooding in Southern.

California we you right here okay First Responders rescuing more than a dozen people in San Diego Go part of the 15 freeway shut down snarling traffic as much as 3 in of rain falling in just 3 hours and David the Northeast is next in line for these storms with rain and freezing rain expected tomorrow but then a winter warmup is on Deck with several.

Spots including here in New York City likely near 60 degrees on Friday David you got our attention Trevor Al leading us off tonight Trevor thank you so let's get right to chief meteorologist ters not only tracking this new system but as Trevor mentioned there the big change coming behind it but I guess first things first right.

Ginger yes let's go ahead and get through the winter weather advisories David they go all the way from TOA Kansas to Scranton Pennsylvania that's mostly in most of those places for that freezing rain meaning you see rain fall and then it hits a subfreezing surface and freezes on contact it makes that dangerous slick ice we'll time it out.

Here for you anywhere you see pink on the map has a shot at getting that before the rain takes over so a lot of people from Chicago through Indiana Ohio and then snow on the north side of it really for you know most of New York over into Massachusetts New Hampshire Vermont then after that it's rain that takes over and I think we'll see a lot.

Of fog too because we have a lot of snow cover actually the most to this date in eight years when that happens you'll also have flooding rains possible in Louisiana Mississippi and that warm up everybody waiting David for a good 30 40 degrees warmer than where we were last week all right Ginger Z with us tonight Ginger we'll be watching first thing in.

The morning in the meantime we turn now to the breaking developments we learned late today that the us has launched new air strikes on Iranian back militants it comes after a missile attack on a US base in Iraq also tonight here for the first time we have learned the identities of two US Navy Seals one who fell from a ship the other who tried to.

Save him during a daring Mission the seals were never found here's our foreign correspondent James Longman Tonight Tonight us and British forces launching another major attack on Iranian back militias at multiple targets across Yemen they're aimed at stopping houy Rebels attacks on ships in the Red.

Sea the White House insists the strategy is working the strikes that we have conducted ashore in Yemen have degraded houthi capabilities but so far retaliatory air strikes have failed to stop the houthis and it comes amid escalating tensions in the region US troops at al-assad Airbase in Iraq came under.

Attack over the weekend Iranian back militias fired 17 ballistic missiles and Rockets most were intercepted but the pent says at least two US Personnel suffered traumatic brain injuries it's just the latest in more than 150 attacks against US troops in Iraq and Syria since October and tonight we're learning the identities of the two Navy Seals who.

Disappeared on that nighttime mission to seize these Iranian weapons headed to houie Rebels 37-year-old Christopher Chambers and 27-year-old Nathan Gage Ingram after a 10-day search the Pentagon now confirms the men are presumed dead underscores how dangerous the mission can be um and the dangers that these brave warriors are willing to.

Face every day the strikes hit underground military storage sites and houthi missile and air surveillance capabilities the US and its allies say deescalation Remains the goal David James Longman live from London tonight James thank you meantime back here in the us tonight into the race for president the New Hampshire primary of.

Course tomorrow tonight the showdown between Donald Trump and Nikki Haley Haley had wanted to make this a two-person race and now it is Haley tried to make the case that she's the only person left to prevent a trump Biden rematch Rachel Scott in New Hampshire tonight person it's nice to meet tonight in New Hampshire it's dor.

Dive for Nikki Haley she wanted a one-on-one match up with Donald Trump and now she's got it so we're going to do this get out tomorrow take five friends with you in the final hours Haley crisscrossing the state with New Hampshire Governor Chris newu it is now a twers race and what that means is your decision tomorrow is do we want more of.

The same or do we want a new generational leader haly insisting Trump and President Biden are just too old for the job and she's seizing on this moment Trump confusing her with Nancy Pelosi when talking about January 6th dicki Haley is in charge of security we offered her 10,000 people soldiers National Guard whatever they want Haley.

Pounds when you're dealing with the pressures of a presidency we can't have someone else that we question whether they're mentally fit to do this Trump meantime has turned to mocking Haley's Indian first name nimat highlighting it and misspelling it again and again it's a little bit of a takeoff on her name you.

Know her name wherever she may come from Haley was born in South Carolina she told me Trump's attacks are proof she's getting to him this is what he does when he starts to feel insecure this is what he does when he feels threatened one thing is clear with Florida Governor Ronda sant is out of the race Haley is now the only candidate standing between.

Trump and the Republican nomination and here in New Hampshire she's counting on Independent voters like Deborah barui a cook at a hospital she tells me she's undecided but it's probably going to be Nikki why Nikki because I think it's time for a big change huge so why not Trump after all.

He's done now we don't need it David Nikki Haley is betting on a strong showing in this state but right now she is trailing Trump by double digit she told me that win or lose here she is staying in this race until her home state of South Carolina but that's still more than a month away David Rachel Scott from New Hampshire Rachel thank.

You our coverage of the New Hampshire primary begins on ABC News live tomorrow night 7 P p.m Eastern I'll be leading our streaming coverage with Lindsey Davis and our Powerhouse political team when the results come in we'll also be on the network so stay with ABC news for the New Hampshire primary tomorrow night right here on ABC in the meantime we.

Turn back to the breaking news on the border tonight the Supreme Court rebuking Texas in a 5-4 vote the justice is ruling that federal agents can remove razor wire installed by Texas authorities the Biden administration had argued it was dangerous and inhumane Terry Moran has covered the court for years for.

Us tonight a narrowly divided Supreme Court delivering a victory for the Biden Administration clearing the way for federal agents to remove razor wire fencing installed by Texas along 29 Mi of the Southern Border in a five to4 vote the justices overturned an appeals court ruling that had blocked federal agents from removing the wire the Biden.

Administration had argued that the Razer wire prohibited federal agents from carrying out their duties under immigration law and that it's the federal government not the states that has primary responsibility under the Constitution for Border enforcement but lawyers for the State of Texas had argued that the wire which had been.

Installed on the orders of Texas governor Greg Abbott had been strategically positioned for the purpose of securing the Border order and stemming the flow of illegal migration and accused federal agents of destroying the wire to help thousands of migrants to illegally cross the real grand ABC News was on the ground in September as.

Customs and Border Protection agents lifted or removed the wire as migrants arrived on the Texas side of the real Grant Administration officials and immigration Advocates have called The Wire dangerous and inhumane these graphic photos obtained by ABC News show some of the injuries caused by the wire some requiring Medical treatment while.

The Court's order today did not elaborate on the decision four justices Clarence Thomas Samuel Alo Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh voted to side with Texas and deny the Biden administration's request today's ruling is just the start of what's expected to be a major battle at the Supreme Court over the efforts by Texas and other.

States to take more control over their International borders and the justices will be deciding all this against the background of a crisis at the border and the presidential election David Terry Moran from the court tonight Terry thank you now to the Israel Hamas war and tonight you will see the stunning moment families of hostages.

Storm Israel's parliament demanding lawmakers do more to get the hostages freed and tonight here our Matt Gutman takes us inside a massive Hamas tunnel and what they were shown proof the Israelis say that the hostages had been held there as the IDF launches its biggest offensive in weeks tonight family.

Members of the more than 100 hostages still held in Gaza storming a finance committee meeting of the Israeli Parliament demanding they act to bring them home slamming the desk and shouting now the lawmakers sitting there stunned in a moment highlighting the growing pressure on prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu who reportedly rejected a deal.

Presented by Hamas to end the war in exchange for their release the IDF taking us into Han Yunis in recent days a set of tunnels beneath this house where the military says some 20 hostages were held we descend the stairs there's a half mile straight away a series of turns at this point we're going to have to get.

Hands and knees to get through here it opens up to a Ved room tiled and plastered then beyond those cells a mattress pillow and a toilet on this side right here is a canister that is used or was used to hold an RPG Warhead not far from where the IDF took us hunis has been crammed with many of the nearly 2 million Palestinians displaced in.

Fighting in Northern Gaza thousands again on the Move fleeing Southward anded with the Hamas r on Gaza Health Ministry reporting the death toll topping 25,000 we asked the IDF do all Palestinians in Gaza then have to pay because of what Hamas did we do not see Collective punishment but Hamas EDS himself using them as a human shield.

Unfortunately this tragedy creates this loss of life David a senior Israeli official acknowledging to me that Israel's war aims of both dismantling Hamas and freeing the hostages are competing dismantling Hamas he said will take many months and time is not something the hostages have given the conditions.

They're being held in which is one reason we're seeing this renewed momentum right now for negotiations David Matt Gman live in Tel Aviv tonight Matt thank you now to Boeing tonight after the door blew off in Alaska Airlines flight there are now new safety concerns over more Boeing Jets 171 Max n Jets were grounded already well now the.

FAA is recommending that the airlines inspect the door plug of a second type of Boeing plane the 737 900 ER nearly 400 planes and all safety officials want to make sure similar door plugs are properly secured the planes are flown by Alaska Delta and United Airlines the airlines tonight say inspections have already begun more welcome news on the.

Economy tonight another record day for the stock market the Dow gaining 138 points today closing above 38,000 for the first time ever the S&P 500 also reaching a record High closing at 4850 when we come back tonight the Urgent Manhunt right now in a Chicago suburb multiple victims found dead authorities say the suspect possibly armed and.

Dangerous also news from Sarah Ferguson The Duchess of York what she revealed at her message tonight about early diagnosis and then the study on multivitamins and your memory tonight we have learned of an urgent Manhunt in the Chicago suburb of jolet officials say multiple people were found dead at two different homes police.

Releasing a photo of a person of interest Romeo n considered armed and dangerous they've also released a photo of the vehicle that he's believed to be in there's news tonight about Alzheimer's reearch researchers say they may be one step closer to a blood test helping to identify those at higher risk of Alzheimer's possibly before symptoms.

Begin researchers say the test could be as accurate as the current invasive and expensive Imaging in spinal taps there's also a new study tonight that finds taking a daily vitamin multivitamin May improve memory and fight cognitive decline in old older adults when we come back here The Duchess of York Sarah Ferguson and her personal reveal her.

Message on cancer prevention early detection and we remember a legendary director you'll know his movies to the index of other news and we learn today that a claim director Norman jewison has died snap out of it he was the director behind Classics including Moon struck In the Heat of the Night and Fiddler on the.

Roof nominated for an Oscar seven times awarded an Academy Award for lifetime achievement in 199 9 Norman Json was 97 The Duchess of York Sarah Ferguson urging everyone to get checked for skin cancer Ferguson revealing she's been diagnosed with melanoma she credits the vigilance of her dermatologists that the melanoma was detected when it was it.

Comes less than a year after she underwent treatment for breast cancer the Piano Man Billy Joel about to do something he hasn't done in years his new single turned the lights back on set to be released on February 1st said to be classic Billy Joel his last new song all my life was released in 2007 when when we come back here it was a hit song.

They were just teenagers tonight we remember the leader of the pack finally tonight here they were just teenagers making the top 10 six times tonight we remember Mary Weiss leader of the pack they were the all female group rocketing to the top of the charts in the mid 1960s the shangra.

Laas their number one single in 1964 leader of the pack I met him at the cand St turned around and smil at me you get the picture yes we see known for wearing pants to send a message instead of formal gowns popular at the.

time their first hit song remember walking in the sand oh oh no oh no oh no no their lead singer Mary Weiss was just 15 the shangraw broke up after less than.

5 years together it would be some 40 years before Mary Weiss would perform again we learned over the weekend Mary Weiss died at her home at the age of 75 tonight here Mary Weiss in her own words talking to to NPR about why she was determined to return to her passion Her First Love music decades later it feels like where I belong and now it's time to.

Just have some music in my life and have some fun I just want to rock and roll celebrating Mary Weiss tonight leader of the pack I'm David mure I'll see you tomorrow night good night thank you for making World News Tonight with David mure America's most watched.


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3 thoughts on “ABC World News Tonight with David Muir Paunchy Broadcast – Jan. 22, 2024

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