ABC World News Tonight with David Muir Pudgy Broadcast – March 18, 2024


ABC World News Tonight with David Muir Pudgy Broadcast - March 18, 2024

Tonight breaking news involving Donald Trump his lawyers telling the court he doesn't have the money new video tonight of that missing college student and you'll see it the freeze warnings tonight several States first Donald Trump's lawyers tonight saying he cannot obtain a $464 million Bond after the Civil fraud judgment against him in New.

York his legal team says Trump was rejected by more than 30 insurance companies could New York's attorney general seize some of Trump's properties Aaron kki with new reporting the deadly violence during spring break on multiple beaches in Florida on one Beach a young man with a gun on a crowded Beach what police can be heard saying to him late.

Today President Biden on the phone with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with a blunt warning for the Prime Minister matth Gman on what was said the race for the White House Tonight Donald Trump warning of a quote bloodbath if he loses the election tonight his campaign on what he meant by that the Biden campaign pointing to.

January 6th the country and the World seeing what can happen amid dangerous rhetoric our team inside Haiti with Americans stranded in Haiti some being airlifted back to the US many more still trapped at Mt Rivers inside Haiti tonight this evening the missing college student and this newly released body camera video showing him walking by a.

Police officer just moments before he disappeared in Nashville and authorities discovering a new clue tonight the new message from the CEO of United Airlines after a string of alarming incidents on United flights from that flight skinning off the taxi way to another plane losing a tire just after takeoff tonight the Deep Freeze sweeping across the US for.

The first day of spring Frost and freeze alerts across multiple States and what to expect at the White House the Kennedy family photo with President Biden notably not in it Robert F Kennedy Jr running for president himself what members of his own family are saying about his campaign frees returned to TV on ABC tonight at her message about.

Weight loss in the popular drugs being used to fight it including OIC what Oprah is saying right here also the two giant jackpots growing tonight what are they now worth and when to make sure you get that ticket from ABC News world headquarters in New York this is World News Tonight with David mure good evening and it's.

Great to have you with us here in a very busy Monday night we do begin tonight with Donald Trump tonight Trump's lawyers revealing he doesn't have the money telling the court Trump is unable to secure a bond for $464 million after the Civil fraud judgment against him in New York saying Trump is facing quote insurmountable difficulties claiming 30.

Insurance companies were unwilling to underwrite the bond tonight New York State Attorney General Laticia James signaling she will try to seize some of Trump's properties if he's unable to pay the Judgment ABC senior investigative correspondent Aaron kerski leading us off wow he has long promoted himself a billionaire I'm really rich I'll show.

You that in a second but tonight Donald Trump telling a New York appeals court he cannot cover the $464 million Bond he must post one week from today as he appeals the Civil fraud judgment against him Trump's lawyers saying they face insurmountable difficulties they approached more than 30 insurance companies for help and were rejected by.

Each one the main reason Trump does not have enough cash and the insurance companies were unwilling to accept his real estate assets as collateral Trump and his eldest Sons were found liable for fraudulently inflating the value of their real estate to get favorable bank loans if Trump does not secure a bond by next week New York attorney general.

Laticia James can ask the court to seize his properties which she told me she is willing to do you're prepared to have the state move to seize Trump's asset we are prepared to make sure that the judgment is paid to New Yorkers there's also the possibility that Trump could put his buildings up for sale now to raise quick cash but his lawyers say.

That kind of fire sale would result in irrecoverable losses if his appeal succeeds so bottom line Trump wants the court to let him post a smaller Bond his lawyers say securing anything close to 464 million is a practical impossibility there's no telling when the appeals court May rule but David if Trump is unable to post a bond the Attorney.

General could begin to take ownership of Trump's properties we're not sure that means padlocks and stickers on the door but she told us she is determined to make sure Trump pays hard to know what to expect in the meantime air in the other breaking headline there's also news in one of the criminal cases against Donald Trump tonight the hush.

Money trial scheduled to get underway next month and we learned tonight that key Witnesses and a piece of video that the country will remember will be allowed in this upcoming trial David the judge just ruled that two key witnesses will be allowed to testify the recipient of the hush money porn actress Stormy Daniels and Trump's.

Former fixer Michael Cohen the judge will also allow the Manhattan District Attorney's office to refer to the Access Hollywood tape the one on which Trump explains how he grabbed women David Aon kki leading us off here on a Monday night Aaron thank you in the meantime we're going to turn now to authorities trying to crack down on the deadly.

Violence during spring break on multiple beaches in Florida on one Beach young man pulling out a gun in a crowded area you can hear what police say to him and in another incident police searching for multiple suspects after one person was shot and killed three others wounded during separate incidents in Jacksonville Beach people running for.

Cover ABC Victor Kendo from Florida Tonight Tonight authorities in Florida grappling with spring break violence vowing to crack down on Rowdy partygoers in Jacksonville Beach gunfire erupting overnight sending people running this is players weekend it's St Patrick's Day it's spring break so the fact that we had a couple of Bad actors out here is.

Extremely tragic authorities investigating three separate shootings that left one 21-year-old man dead and three people shot two suspects among the injured several suspects still on the loose and in New Smyrna Beach Northeast of Orlando Thursday drop the gun hey police seem chasing 16-year-old Fel Xander Solis Gusman who is being charged.

As an adult for brandishing a firearm on a crowded Beach authorities say the teens started running towards the ocean throwing down the weapon and his bag which deputies say contained marijuana and after last year's dead ly violence during Miami Beach's spring break this month officials enforcing an emergency curfew.

And additional safety measures those strict measures are working business owners here on ryi beach tell me this year has been smoother and safer than years past David Victor accendo from Florida Victor thank you there is late word tonight of a phone call between President Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin.

Netanyahu the president with a blunt warning for the Prime Minister Matt Gutman from Israel tonight with what was said tonight President Biden with a blunt warning to Israel about its impending offensive into Southern Gaza speaking with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ammit a deepening Rift for the first time in 32 days the.

President warned any military operation in Rafa where 1.5 million are seeking shelter would be a mistake the key goals Israel wants to achieve in Rafa can be done by other means it comes as Israel launched that operation inside gaza's largest hospital alifa what they say started as a High Precision operation in the middle of the.

Night but became a battle explosions and gunfire lasting for hours senior Kamas terrorists have regrouped inside the shifa hospital and are using it to command attacks against Israel the IDF saying at least 20 gunmen were killed and about 200 men detained it was the first raid into the hospital complex since November when the IDF took us to.

See the tunnels beneath the hospital's largest building thousands of displaced Palestinians have been shut during there that fighting happening in Northern Gaza where the UN now projects famine for about 300,000 people anytime from now to May there is a very small window in order to possibly Stave off this famine we're talking Days Every Day children.

Are dying today maybe it is you know tens and 20s and 30s tomorrow it would be hundreds and then it would be thousands and David back to President Biden's call with Netanyahu the two agreed that Israel would send a military delegation to Washington to hear an alternative approach to Israel's offensive in Gaza and David the White.

House says it would be increasingly unlikely that Israel would begin that offensive before hearing from Washington first all right Matt Gman in Jerusalem with late reporting Matt thank you back here at home tonight into the race for the White House on the campaign Trail Donald Trump warning of a quote bloodbath if he loses the election.

Tonight his campaign on what Trump meant by that the Biden campaign pointing to January 6th the country and the world seeing what can happen happen amid dangerous rhetoric and the moment Trump played the national anthem to honor those who are behind bars for January 6th here's John Carl today Donald Trump is defending.

Comments he made at a rally in Ohio warning of a quote bloodbath if he doesn't win the presidential election in November Trump made the comment as he was talking about the Auto industry vowing to impose 100% tariffs on some imported cars we're going to put a 100% tariff on every sing car that comes across the line and you're not going to.

Be able to sell those cars if I get elected now if I don't get elected it's going to be a blood bath for the whole that's going to be the least of it it's going to be a blood bath for the country that'll be the least of it today Trump insisted he wasn't talking about political violence at all saying quote I was simply referring to Imports Allowed.

By crooked Joe Biden which are killing the automobile industry but the world saw what happened the last time Trump lost lost a presidential election as Trump's supporters violently attacked the capital on January 6th and in Ohio Trump paid tribute to those arrested for their actions on that day please rise for the.

Horribly and unfairly treated January 6th hostages he saluted during a rendition of the national anthem that was recorded by people in prison for what what they did on January 6th Trump called those now serving prison sentences hostages and Patriots suggesting he'd pardon them.

As soon as he gets back into office today the Biden campaign condemned Trump's prediction of a bloodbath accusing him of having an affection for violence and a thirst for revenge and alleging Trump wants another January 6 not long after Trump paid tribute to the people who attacked the capital as quote unbelievable Patriots he he posted.

Multiple statements calling for the Liz Cheney and other members of the January 6 committee to be prosecuted and sent to jail in other words David Trump wants to Pardon those who attacked the capital and he wants to prosecute those who investigated his actions on January 6th John Carl covering the campaign for us John thank you tonight supreme court.

Chief Justice John Roberts denying former Trump adviser Peter Navarro's last ditch emergency request to try to remain out of prison Navaro will now report to prison in Miami tomorrow as scheduled Navaro will serve a four-month sentence for contempt of congress for refusing to cooperate with the January 6 Commission Now to the dangerous crisis.

Continuing to unfold in Haiti our team on the ground in Port of Prince with Americans stranded in Haiti some being airlifted back to the US many more still trapped what our Matt Rivers has already witnessed tonight with Americans desperate to escape the gang Warfare in Haiti we fly to Porta Prince the epicenter of the violence the only.

Relatively safe way to get into Port of Prince right now is on helicopters like this one so flying right now because what Prince is a war zone and as we land it doesn't take long before we witness the horror so many have endured here for weeks the charred remains of cars of businesses all around us and not far away the bodies of at least 13 people.

Riddled with bullets left to die on the streets Crews collecting the dead today no one is safe for many there's no food hospitals abandoned this is one of the main hospitals in Porter prince it's now completely closed it was looted during some of this fighting and just look at the destruction here in downtown Porter Prince this is the aftermath more than a.

Week later of this massive battle that took place between the gangs and the police doctors saying without care many are dying in their homes have you ever seen a situation quite so bad tonight nearly 8,000 Americans asking for help the state department airlifting dozens out of the country Sunday that first US chartered flight.

Landing in Miami but the vast majority still stuck like Richard Lubeck who told me of his daughter's worry at first few days I didn't tell him what's going on but then when things started happening I said well I better come clean and they're seeing everything on the news the bad stuff David what I have reported from Porter.

Prince many of times over the years but what I saw today truly did Shock Me entire sections of this Capital City completely decimated by this violence David well we're grateful you're there and please you and the team stay safe Matt rivers in Haiti for us tonight thank you Matt to Russia tonight and Vladimir Putin claiming victory in the.

Presidential election there the US and Western allies calling it a sham Putin with no serious opposition receiving nearly 90% of the vote securing another six more years in office putting them in power for a fifth term in counting he has led Russia as president or prime minister since December of 1999 on Sunday for the first time he addressed.

The prison death of his biggest rival Alexi naly Putin claiming he supported releasing naly as part of a prisoner exchange that was just days before nval died he claims back here in the us tonight and to the missing college student and to the newly released body camera video showing him walking by a police officer just moments before he.

Disappeared in Nashville and authorities discovering a new clue in this case here's ABC's Faith AB now tonight Nashville police releasing the last known video of missing college student Riley strain who vanished 10 days ago while on a fraternity trip we want to ask anybody if they know anything uh to please share it the 22-year-old from the.

University of Missouri disappeared shortly after he was escorted out of this Nashville bar owned by singer Luke Bryan the bar saying Riley was served one alcoholic drink but was asked to leave quote based on our conduct St standards the 6'5 senior then seen on surveillance video walking down a Street then stumbling across a parking lot but.

Tonight newly released body camera footage showing Riley minutes later in a friendly exchange with a police officer in the neighborhood how you doing sir I'm good how are you good just yesterday two ticktockers who had been helping in the search for Riley discovering his bank card by the river you found his credit card we found his credit card we.

Got to hang out she flipped it over and saw his name and she was like oh my God I found his tonight investigators searching on foot by air and scouring the river using Sonar equipment and David tonight police say they have no evidence of Foul Play David all right Faith thanks so much faith of ubay tonight this evening the CEO of.

United Airlines out with a message to customers following a series of incidents in just about a week's time CEO Scott Kirby vowing to keep passengers safe saying quote safety is our highest priority and is at the center of everything we do his message comes after United planes skitted off the taxiway in Houston another plane.

Landing with a panel missing from the fuselage another United passeng losing a tire just after takeoff when we come back on this Monday night the Kennedy family photo at the White House with President Biden and the Kennedy member missing RFK Jr who's running for president what summon his own family are saying about the.

Campaign tonight the freeze warnings even with spring starting tomorrow much of the country in a deep freeze major cities Washington DC New York Boston waking up the temperatures in the 30s 20s further north Frost and freeze alerts from Texas over the Carolinas members of the Kennedy family visiting the White House meeting with President.

Biden on St Patrick's Day Robert Kennedy Jr not among them Carrie Kennedy posting this photo with President Biden and members of her family her brother RFK Jr challenging Biden running as an independent some and his own family calling the campaign dangerous in their words the campaign facing an uphill battle only on the ballot in one state.

Utah so far others remain concerned how an independent run could affect a very close Biden Trump rematch when we come back here tonight Oprah on ABC tonight and our message already about weight loss OIC and the fight that so many face Oprah meantime back on ABC tonight with her message after revealing she's using medication for weight loss Winfrey.

Saying she wants people to understand obesity is a disease she wants to help them bringing together medical experts hoping to ease the shame and the Judgment she calls it a quote very personal topic for me and for the hundreds of millions of people impacted around the globe who have for years struggled with weight and obesity well.

Perspect special shame blame and the weight loss Revolution a short time from now 8:00 p.m. Eastern right here on ABC the massive Powerball and Mega Millions jackpots tonight's Powerball drawing hitting an estimated 645 million and tomorrow's megail Millions jackpot now up to 875 million good luck when we come back here tonight the first grader her.

Voice even Beyonce taking note tonight the surprise from Beyonce finally tonight here the first grader and her voice tonight just listen to 7-year-old Zoe Ariana que Zoe is a first grader from Drexel Hill Pennsylvania she's been learning songs and then sharing them online just.

Listen to Alicia Key's girl on fire this girl is on fire Zoe's latest Beyonce's new country song Texas holdom Zoe first hearing it on the radio then practicing at home nice job thank you then the surprise Zoe did not see coming your rendition of Texas holdam brought me so much joy you are brilliant please keep.

It up all my love Beyonce the flowers and the letter from beonce and right here tonight hello David Zoe and her message follow your passion and dreams and use the beautiful gifts that you were born with we love it thanks Zoe see you tomorrow good night thank you for making World News Tonight with David mure America's most.

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