Alan Dershowitz: We can now now not allow this to happen


Alan Dershowitz: We can now now not allow this to happen

Welcome back America we're here with my friend Harvard law professor Meritus Alan dwiz Alan dwiz uh I don't know about you but this campaign now out of the United States and the state department and the White House against Israel uh is really quite shocking and appalling it's almost as if they've opened up another War Front against the.

State of Israel what's your take on this the United States is allowing Hamas to win and if the United States doesn't change its policy if President Biden doesn't get more more strongly behind Israel Hamas will win it will have accomplished all of its goals ending the possibility of peace with Saudi Arabia turning the world turning academics.

Against Israel uh turning the United Nations against Israel if Hamas is allowed to win its terrorism is coming to a theater near you now President Biden got it right the other day on Ukraine where he said we cannot allow Putin to win because if we allow Putin to win he'll move into Poland he'll move into other countries why does that not.

Apply as well to Hamas if Hamas is allowed to win it will keep its promise of doing it again and again and again but this time it won't be limited to Israel it will move to Europe it will move to the United States it will move to our allies we cannot allow terrorism to win and that's what this Administration by tying Israel's hand.

By saying to Israel we're going to micromanage you we're going to tell you how many soldiers you can send in whether you can go into a hospital where they're holding hostages whether you can go into Rafa where the entire command structure of Hamas still survives and exists if those restrictions are placed on Israel it's an invitation to Hamas to.

Just do it again and again and again if Crime Pays it's repeated and if Hamas crimes are allowed to pay they will be repeated and this time we will be the targets the obvious question then is why is Biden linkoln why are they doing this is it for politics is it ideology I mean Lincoln brought in this guy Mali who is a disaster what is this all about this.

Is all about politics this is all about Michigan this is all about trying to make sure you don't lose the Muslim vote in Dearborn the extremist left woke Progressive vote look if the Democrats want to win this election they're going to have to move to the center and they're going to have to support Israel you do not win an election in America by.

Turning against our Ally Israel and supporting Hamas the Biden Administration is making a terrible mistake look Biden has a place in his heart for Israel so does blinkin I've known them both and in their hearts they support Israel but in their minds and with the pressures they're getting from the extreme left of the democratic party.

They are violating their own principles they're violating their own conscience and they're turning against America's strongest Ally in the Middle East it will hurt America it will hurt Israel and I have to tell you it will hurt the Democrats in the election and they'll deserve it they'll deserve to be hurt if they abandon Israel where were you and I.

Disagree is on the heart issue if blink's heart told him that he supports Israel he never would have hired Mali if Lincoln's heart tells him he supports is he wouldn't make the public comments that he's making about Israel if Biden's heart supports Israel he wouldn't be doing and saying and standing with the King of Jordan saying what he said and.

So forth and so on and saying things behind the scene let me just say this they're undermining the state of Israel to the point where the people in Israel are feeling abandoned by the United States and I don't blame them what do you think I agree with you and when I saw him standing next to the king and not even mentioning that Jordan has.

Killed more Palestinians in Black September and has done more harm to the Palestinian cause and has done more harm to the cause of Peace yes they brought about peace in Israel but boy they have during Black September what they did to the Palestinians and and the idea that somehow he Jordan is complaining about the occupation let's remember that.

Israel was prepared not to occupy a single inch of the West Bank in ' 67 they sent emissaries to the King of Jordan to abdullah's father and said don't attack us and we won't even take over Jerusalem we won't even recapture the Western Wall and Jordan began to attack Israeli civilian Targets in West Jerusalem and it was only after that.

That Israel went into the West Bank and captured it so the entire occupation issue of the West Bank was all the fault of Jordan so let's point fingers where they deserve to be pointed at Jordan at Egypt at Hamas but not at Israel Israel wants to be left alone alone Israel wants to live in peace it's wanted to live in peace since 1948 and the world.

Won't allow it to and now the world is turning against it and particularly the young people who have no idea of the history they think of Israel as a colonialist country it's the least colonialist country in the world you want to talk about colonist countries talk about New Zealand talk about Australia talk about other countries.

Where strangers came and took over the land Israel the Jewish people are the indigenous population of Israel and they went back to their homes and they were willing to accept a two-state solution in 1937 1948 1967 it's been rejected every time this is a one-sided issue morally and the world just refuses to see it hey Sean.

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3 thoughts on “Alan Dershowitz: We can now now not allow this to happen

  1. I know Putin is an unsightly dictator, who does shady stuff. HOWEVER, I true don’t explore ANY evidence that “Putin will are attempting and push into Poland and other international locations” etc..?? Also, I’m no longer so definite Putin killed Navalny. The timing doesn’t profit him at all. He used to be getting some first rate press after Tucker interview, so it why kill that by straight away offing Navalny?? But after the false “border bill”, location nukes narratives failed to push the Ukraine funding over the sting…. It’s new timing that Putin would resolve to (allegedly) off his main political enemy THE NEXT DAY?? Nah sorry… that has CIA written ALL OVER IT!!

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