Alvin Bragg is no longer any Atticus Finch: GOP Strategist


Alvin Bragg is no longer any Atticus Finch: GOP Strategist

And it's time for the hot topic of the hour jurors in former president Trump's so-called hush money trial will return to court at 9:30 this morning to continue deliberating for a second day after leaving the courthouse with no verdict yesterday afternoon now while deliberating the jury submitted two notes to judge Maran they asked for five.

Things they asked for David pecker and Michael Cohen's testimonies about a meeting that they had with Trump back in 2015 where they allegedly discussed a conspiracy to get him elected by killing negative stories about him they also asked to have the jury instructions read back to them former president Trump is required to stay inside the courthouse.

While the jury deliberates he spoke to reporters in the courthouse hallway during day one of deliberations watch I would say in listening to the charges from the judge who as you know very conflicted and corrupt because of the confliction very very corrupt uh Mother Teresa could not beat these.

Charges these charges are rigged the whole thing is rigged the confusion is nobody knows what the crime is cuz there's no crime nobody knows what the crime is the da didn't name the crime they don't know what the crime is that's what the problem is it's a disgrace this thing ought to be ended immediately the judge ought to end it.

And save his reputation and the former president is also urging the new yor court of appeals to expedite its review of his gag order that order bars him from talking about anyone involved in the case including Witnesses Joe pinion your reaction I mean look it this whole thing seems like One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest I mean.

You have a president who is not able to talk about the case you have to remember that the entirety of the people working for the actual campaign are pretty much verboten from actually talking about the case and then you have anyone from Michael Cohen uh to the media trying this case in the court of public opinion so uh you have to either say either.

You're going to prohibit everyone from talking you're going to sequester the jury or you're not and that's not what happened here and now you hear uh the jurors themselves seem quite confused as we are because it apparently you no longer have to actually find a crime to convict somebody of you just have to put them on trial and let the whole thing.

Run its course really disturbing especially when you hear the judge with all of these new instructions like for example they don't have to agree on the second crime how is that unanimous then exactly yeah I mean that that's certainly an issue and to Joe's point about the jurors being confused supposedly there were 50 plus pages of.

Jury instructions why couldn't they take those back in writing like why did they have to listen to judge Maran review them again I don't even know how long it takes to Read 50 pages but it takes a while it's really really difficult for people to remember everything I was thinking that as well why is this like a secret I I don't it's all a secret it's.

Crazy and then and then to to president uh Trump's point about you know they're not having to to to agree on that second crime this is like a Choose Your Own Adventure criminal proceeding right and again it makes it very difficult for all the jurors to believe unanimously that he is guilty when when you can choose your own second crime that's a great.

Point Todd you've been talking about this all morning what have you learned in response to the jury instruction question that is New York law they do not get a copy of it that is a stupid law that I think needs to be changed but with regard to the massiveness of a 50-page document if you will Trey gy who actually has done this been in the.

Courtroom I think he said it best when he said when I was a prosecutor I didn't understand the jury instructions that I was writing that just shows the complicated nature of this so for those individuals in the courtroom 12 people who probably have never done anything like this before including the two lawyers this just shows how difficult it.

Is going to be for them to weigh through the moras of information in what should be a relatively simple case and should be no case at all and I'll just add one more thing when I had to write jury instructions hands down my least favorite thing to do because it it's a silly exercise it's all about preserving issues for appeal but it's a lot of.

Wasted paper and it is to Trey G's Point completely lost on the jury I wonder what you all think about the questions that the jury came back with um our team on baroma Boulevard hit the streets of New York City asking people if they think this verdict in president Trump's so-called hush money trial is going to impact this election in November watch.

This there's a lot of people who enjoyed the Trump show who have have enjoyed the ride thus far it's just been an extension of The Apprentice um but at the point where he gets convicted that may be the end of the end of the ride for a lot of them no doesn't seem to be changing anything else so why would it change that so yes absolutely I think.

That that office should hold a lot more honor a lot more respect a lot more Integrity so I I honestly don't think that it's at least in my opinion it's good to have a president that's been convicted of a crime to be president do I think it will impact no could it impact yes I don't think uh it'll have much of an impact because it's not going.

To sway the forward to see the way I don't think people in the middle probably half of them will see it as sort of political wish hunt half we'll see them as here he goes again um is it constitutional I mean he's a citizen they found that they can prosecute him for a crime I don't know Todd what do you think about that John.

Ratcliffe former dni told me he doesn't think a conviction is going to matter anyway people have made up their minds but I don't know what what the people in the street said I think the polls are leaning the way John ratliffe thinks if for no other reason then look at your wallet that's all that matters to people at the end of the day how much money do.

They have and I don't think that Trump getting convicted is going to matter look 78,000 people across three states with a difference between for president Trump being elected in 2016 I think it will matter to some people ultimately though I think again uh Alvin Bragg he's no attic as Finch and this is not really going to be what most people are talking.

About all right let's come back to this we got a lot more to add to this

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3 thoughts on “Alvin Bragg is no longer any Atticus Finch: GOP Strategist

  1. Chief McConnell
    These charges never will deserve to were introduced within the major save. I quiz the conviction to be overturned on allure.
    8:50 PM · May perchance well even 30,

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