Anti-Israel protests on campuses did now not correct occur in a single day: Perino


Anti-Israel protests on campuses did now not correct occur in a single day: Perino

Never forget the 7th of October will never forget the 7th of October one more time not five more times not 10 more times not 100 more times not a thousand more times 10,000 times oober pramas lunatics raging across America's ivy league campuses anti-israel encampments that started at.

Colombia are now spreading like a cancer to Yale and other universities with Passover beginning this week weekend brainwashed radical left-wing students are spewing out some of the most hateful anti-semitic slogans that they can think of at Jewish students some are even getting physically violent one student claims she was stabbed in the eye during.

Protests at Yale things are so bad at Colombia they actually had to cancel all in-person classes and go virtual a rabbi there warning Jews to stay away from campus Because it's just too dangerous but radical AOC seems to have no problem with the current campus protests the squad congresswoman was it a Biden climate event when she said.

This it is especially important that we remember the power of young people shaping this country today of all days as we one once again witness the leadership of those peaceful student Le protests on campuses like Colombia Yale Berkeley and many others but leave it to the New York Times to downplay such disgusting displays of anti an semitism.

As just a pizza party for Jew haters check out this headline at Columbia the protests continued with dancing and pizza uh Dana usually the New York Times um wouldn't describe any sort of violent event here in the United States it's just a dancing pizza party what happened here I I think that Academia for over.

The years has graduated people that now work in a lot of places especially the media and then you see this coming out and one of the things that's happening is this is spreading like wildfire but then you realize it was kind of all there beneath the surface cuz it doesn't just happen overnight this has been building but what I think is really.

Interesting is that these students in the last you know little bit they've gone from calling for a ceasefire to being pro Hamas and being very open of saying like we want Jews to die we want Israel to go away and you have a rabbi having to tell Jewish students for your own safety you have to leave the university this is Academia in 2024 Nate.

Silver had a piece he's used to be New York Times um and now he does his his own thing and he's a real good pollster but he he recommended everyone this weekend like stop trying to go to these Ivy League schools go to a state school you'll be fine and Academia and education has been so important in the especially in the Jewish community that.

This is a real wakeup call for them the tough thing for anti-Semitism truthers is is that we're all watching this it's all available for us to see so the New York Times can have that ridiculous headline but the video and the pictures are there for everyone to see it's very chilling and my last point is the president has put out a statement over.

The weekend through a spokesperson fine great it was like that was a pretty decent statement but why isn't he speaking you he had an opportunity today and Kaylee will remember this let's say of course the president wants to talk about Earth Day I get it but the news of the day is that you have Jewish students literally being told to go home because.

They are in danger of their safety and you don't think you should top the president's earthday speech with something that reassures them that you're on their side I find that missed opportunity to be very unfortunate to say the least happy Earth by the way thank you I appreciate that uh the president to all who celebrate they did.

Catch up to him as he was leaving the Earth Day event let's listen to what he said do you condemn the anti-semitic protest on college campuses I condemn the anti-semitic protest that's why I've set up a program to deal with that I also condemn those who don't understand what's going on with the Palestinians did he just say they're fine people on.

Both sides yeah we have to understand yeah with the Palestinians I I watched that I watched it in Clos caption uh in my office because he just there's nothing he just stopped writing he goes they have to understand what's happening with the Palestinians and then he just slurred four or five words uh and then.

He answered then the follow question right after that was what do you think should happen uh with the president they're calling him for to resign he goes I didn't know she resigned so he was totally out of the loop we're the people next to him you guys would know but don't you breath the president before this is what they're going to be.

Yelling at you these are the issues that's going to be happening Mr President maybe you should take a look at this video before you go out there or also you know that President Trump's going to be in court all day so why don't you want to be in the head of the news and say I'm the president I'm going to talk about anti-Semitism today and.

Lead it absolutely doesn't do that how about this I would actually think the good president would pick up the phone to the Columbia president and the NYPD and said you get on campus uh that's out of control in New York City it's only going to get worse don't wait for them to call if you have to you call the president say you're coming in say you.

Heard about some type of illegal activity happening on that campus I need to go in there now in y we watched live this morning on Fox and Friends uh Jesse I know you didn't get up until Dana was on so I'll fill you in um but that was some of the uh in between segment St but on Fox and Friends at Yale they will block the entrances cops made an.

Announcement you better top block of the entrances they arrested 49 people then it got to be an organized protest it's mixed in with students it's not just Yale students it's not just Columbia students the they the students told us today that they're just passing off pass uh IDs and they're getting out to campus so these are people just creating Havoc.

There's some uh there's some students there and I just think if the president wanted to take control there's Anarchy and there's anti-Semitism I think we can be against Anarchy and anti-Semitism this is not a hard one so so I guess covid and now anti-Semitism have forced the cancellation of inperson learning now yeah apparently so and we know the.

Consequences of that and how devastating it is you know the president was roaming through a forest there it looked like when he was answering these comments you remember the Press Aid and the Easter Bunny outfit that like hopped up and diverted him during the Easter egg roll he needs like a press a disguised as a bear raccoon or something to stop that.

Because that was not a good look you know they put out this White House statement and then AOC the remarks you played happened at that Earth Day event after that Biden said rep okazi Cortez of N I learned a long time ago listen to that lady this was right after she made the remarks condoning the protest imagine if this was happening on Trump's.

Watch and Marjorie Taylor green got up there condoning anti-semitic protests where people are shouting October 7th will not happen one time but 10,000 times cafir bis little one-year-old abducted 10,000 times babies in oven 10 10,000 times margorie Taylor green endorses that and then Trump endorses her what would the headlines be what.

Would the headlines but they don't exist because this is Joe Biden and Ocasio Cortez I'll give you the last word well it did happen when Donald Trump was President I mean one of the reasons Joe Biden said he ran for president was watching Charlottesville right I went to UVA I watched what happened on that college campus when they shouted Jews.

Will not replace us and I think that you know the Biden Administration has made fighting anti-Semitism a key part of their of their agenda Doug mhof the the second gentleman he's Jewish he's talked about it a lot I but I agree I think think you should be out there talking more I think that the the we have lost in this country any ability to to you.

Know reasonably in rationally debate what is happening right now to your point Dana it started off with okay what does a ceasefire look like what is what is an end to this conflict look like what should we do with Palestinian refugees how do we Palestinian governance all of that when it transitions into.

Pramas anti-semitic rhetoric wherever that is right I think that is where the line has to be drawn and I was happy to hear the Biden statement about it and I obviously want to hear more and I'd like President Trump also to weigh in on it as well Mia though I don't think it's a matter of our society being unable to debate this.

Is a these are crazy radicalized kids that we should ask who did this I'd like to know on on on uh Tik Tok how many pro Palestinian stories have been on if they've been on this for if the average 15 to 22 year old has been on Tik Tok for 90 minutes 170 million people on a daily basis and maybe even more what are they learning on their Newsfeed that.

Gets them so insens about the Palestinian cause which is not something on the tip of everyone's tongue for the last 15 years in fact we were talking about the Abraham Accords and the Palestinians have basically elected Hamas and nullified their acceptance as a possible organization and a possible State we're going to give Brian the last.

Word on that I know thank you Jesse ahead nobody's safe from crime in Joe Biden's America even liberal mayors click here to subscribe to the Fox News YouTube page to catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis you won't get it anywhere else

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