Appropriate-flit media feedback loop leaves Trump with warped understanding of his ethical subject


Appropriate-flit media feedback loop leaves Trump with warped understanding of his ethical subject

Can I ask you I mean because you've been inside the fox complex or you've reported you have deep connections and and have reported out from there you know the the arrangement between Trump and the national Inquirer was explicitly symbiotic right literally saying we want a story about Ted Cruz go published go write one and and the national inquir.

Would fabricate one right do you think that Trump even does he have the access to even be able to have an arrangement like that at Fox News I mean he communicates directly with Sean Hannity yes he does with individual hosts not with the network as a whole Lan Murdoch who runs fox is in Australia a lot of the year he's not wired in the way that.

His father rert was or the way that you know other Moguls like David pecker were LAN doesn't want to be but Lan wants to keep the business humming and this is all about business that's what's exactly is the same with David Becker and The Inquirer this is entirely about a financial relationship they have a they believe they have a fici what's the word.

F they believe this is the responsibility they have to the shareholders to keep the prot Trump propaganda going to keep the viewers is watching and then what you'll see on the air on Fox when they interview voters the voters are saying the exact same things that Jesse Waters is saying right well it's a feedback loop from from a.

Legal perspective this seems like Tera Incognito to some degree right Lisa I mean I was struck by last week when the jurors literally multiple jurors were saying I'm worried about my safety and judge Maran said I am directing that the Press simply apply common sense and refrain from writing about anything that has to do for example with physical.

Descriptions of the jurors that's just not necessary it serves no purpose I mean he's asking the press and that included the mainstream pest fairly but like is his ability to to circumscribe the the amount of information put out there as it concerns the Press reduced to just requests or is there anything legally he can do to G against this I.

Think many of us in the Press who are in that room took those requests more as a directive as he continued in that Court transcript it became clear that it wasn't really much of a request at all and there were some people in the who were really bristling at what they perceived was an incursion on their first amendment rights that having been.

Said I want to go back to something that you and Brian were discussing about the feedback loop because I do think that there is a point to the gag order in that you're cutting off some of that feedback loop I notic the Trump of it all the Trump of it all which is to say you know one of the things that struck me is Trump took something that he liked.

That Jesse Waters said at 5 o'clock he added to it and made it more Insidious and then three hours later that entire thing comes back out of Jesse waters's mouth to the extent that the gag order succeeds in interrupting some of that feedback loop where Trump gets Amplified by conservative media but also is taking from conservative media and that stack.

Of Articles the things that he likes that might be a good thing particularly when the DA's office is arguing republication is a violation of the gag order in and of itself which is something that Todd blanch argued to the contrary he said you know the gag order prohibits making statements or directing others to make statements it doesn't.

Prohibit publication the DA's office almost laughed at that and said your honor this isn't a totally fair analogy but defamation law prohibits republication if you can be held liable for republishing somebody else's lies why is it okay for him to do it in the context of this gag order but don't sleep on this when he's sharing these.

Lies from Fox he's misinforming himself as well as his fans he's actually getting a war sense of this trial of the surroundings of why his fans aren't showing up to the courthouse which cracks me up that he thinks the thousands are being denied entry when no one really wants to come he's being misinformed which by the way really hurt.

His presidency and it's hurt his post presidency as well all of us in our lives we need someone to tell us the truth yes to tell us when we got catch up on our our our our tire when there's hair Dy dripping down our face it doesn't seem Trump has that person instead he has the opposite he has these people that lie to him on television.

Every day and every night and I would argue that probably hurts him over time during this trial do you think removing him from part of the feedback loop changes the sort of mendacity over a fox I mean I because Jesse Waters came up with these juror like conspiracies independent of Donald Trump remember that Donald Trump theoretically uh just.

Retweeted you know an edited version of what J Jesse Waters came up with and I just wonder does the toxicity level decrease at all if the gag order is more punitive if it's enforced which is the other and you know want to point out Alex something to you because the dynamic between Mara and Trump now is very much a parallel to the dynamic.

Between Trump and judge L Kaplan who oversaw both EEG and Carol trials there was a moment on excuse me because I'm reading from an NBC news article to use your phone where at the last trial he said Mr Trump I hope I don't have to consider excluding you from The Trial I understand you are very eager for me to do that and As Trump was walking out of.

The courtroom I remember him like sort of pounding table go I would love that I would love that well and that's sort of the dynamic that's going on with Maran and Maran knows that too and so the trick for him is to hold out the stick without actually hitting Trump with it well that'd be incedible and that is something I mean we we started this.

Segment talking about the ways in which Trump trump is running right up to the line right-wing media is saying go get arrested sit in J sit in sit in the cell for six hours it's not only going to be great for your brand it's going to be great for fundraising we have details I think Trump raised $5.6 million in the first week of the hush money trial an.

Average of $1 million a day he knows where the that his bread is buttered on there it's so perverse that all of a sudden these Law and Order Republicans care deeply about the humanity of the Criminal Justice System right Jesse Waters is comparing Trump's treatment to Guantanamo Bay prisoners I I fantasize I know that's not going to happen that.

We're going to see some movement as a result to actually improve the prisons and the cour houses and all of the R I know it's not going to happen but it's incredible to see how they're waking up all of a sudden to what it's actually like to be a criminal defendant right well it's as it concern concerns one particular person who might face jail.

Time their God that's what this is about they are worshiping their cult leader do you why haven't we gotten a ruling from Judge Maran on this gag order yet well judge Maran is a very very careful jurist he said yesterday at the end of the hearing that he wanted the parties to give him any additional Authority that they wanted to bring to his.

Attention you'll recall that he invited Todd blanch to cite case law to him that said essentially that republication was not a violation of the gagar he did not so both parties had an invitation to give him more between Tuesday night and today I suspect we'll see something from Judge michan tomorrow or Friday in writing that he'll read.

From the bench and then make available for the public to see in the meantime the DA's office has told us they're going to file a third order to show cause with respect to some additional statements and then just yesterday while we were at the trial Donald Trump I guess before the trial must have done an interview with a news Outlet in which he.

Said some of the same things about Michael Cohen that have gotten him in this pickle in the first place so you know the escalation is happening even before the verdict or the ruling comes out on these existing violations yes poking the bear quite literally well hopefully the guard rails will um narrow tomorrow when the trial begins again.

With Dave pecker on the stand Lisa Rubin Brian steltzer no two better people to talk about this with thank you both for your time and wisdom this evening for

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