Ask Duration – Might well furthermore 31, 2024


Ask Duration – Might well furthermore 31, 2024

Oral questions the H for North umberland Peter B thank you madam speaker well breaking news GDP last week last week GDP per capita was worse than 2017 this week it's worse than 2016 after 9 years as NDP liberal government Canadians are getting poor a recent study from The Frasier Institute.

Found that Canadians are experiencing the worst decline in living standards in the last 40 years food banks are being overwhelmed the cost of housing has doubled homeless encampments are now across our country Canadians need a break will this prime minister stop his inflationary spending stop his carbon tax stop putting ideology before.

Canadians and just for goodness sake stop that's right the honorable parliamentary secretary the member today talks about the Fraser Institute I've heard him and other conservative MPS in the past talk about Rebel media citing from them for example they ought to expand their Horizons and actually look at the list.

Look at the IMF list on GDP per person or per capita Mr Madam speaker the reality is we actually lead we we in fact are ahead of Japan Germany France and the United Kingdom the reality also is that they want to cut pensions unemployment would be higher under them it's an endless list matter speaker remind members to please listen to the.

Questions they may not like the answer but they should be listening to the questions The Honorable member for North hland Peter Bo South well there you have it over and over again these liberals say Canadians you've never had it so good well the reality is far from the truth we learned today that 7% That's how much the GDP per capita declined in.

The first quarter things keep getting worser if in fact the the carbon tax keeps getting these Liberals are capable of a carbon tax carve out why will they not give a carve out for all Canadians across this summer we know the carbon tax adds to the cost of living they know it we know it Canadians know it it's time for on on Monday they'll have the.

Opportunity to vote for a common sense motion to save Canadians 35 cents per liter on gas will they vote in favor will they finally give Canadians a break parliamentary secretary to the ministry of housing infrastructure and communities the member officite is obviously from Ontario Madam speaker what he just made clear what the.

Conservative party always makes clear is they want to ruin the rebate for their constituents a quarterly payment that disproportionately and positively benefits lower inome Canadians and middle- inome Canadians he talks about and he always does GDP per capita again I refer him to the IMF list we are ahead of powerhouses like Japan Germany the UK.

And France it's a hard time Madam speaker we have more to do but we're going to approach this in a responsible way not like the like the other party with austerity agenda member North umberland peterel as always the Liberals give us just half truth the reality is that Canada has the worst GDP per capita in the G7 those are the numbers and more.

Than that our constituents are feeling it your constituents are feeling it the longer these Liberals are in government the poorer Canadians get Canadians desperately need a break will they agree to giving Canadians a fuel tax holiday or better yet call a carbon tax election yeah that's Co The Honorable parliamentary.

Secretary Madam speaker I've been hearing the member's opposite talk about Roach I'd like to tell them about my last road trip when I was driving across Canada with my family we had to cancel our camping plans because of wildfires we had to reroot our road trip because of wildfires we are taking action to make sure we're fighting climate change.

The members opposite they're letting the planet burn The Honorable member for Luis s Madam speaker the CAA has conducted a survey of its members vacations plans and unfortunately the results are brutal one Quebec paper said that inflation gas prices and mortgage renewals are weighing on Quebec's vacation plans this.

Is exactly the three theme things we've been raising for Canadians every day and that's exactly what this liberal government washes its hands of and all this while yesterday the government ridiculed families when will the government finally understand its management has been poor m Madam speaker the member across the way knows full.

Well that the government of Quebec is not included in the Canadian price on pollution the back stop because Quebec has its own carbon Market the member also knows that what he is he what he's proposing is to save a cent or two uh per liter of gas in Quebec but to save the money that they are saying they'd have to go back and forth to.

Mexico also summer to uh have these savings member for L I repeat Madam speaker inflation taxes mortgage rates for nine years this government has not controlled spending at all or its inflationary budgets or deficits they're feeding inflation and directly in in boost mortgage rates as for taxes we know that they've invented new taxes and.

Even worse their block allies want to hike the carbon tax and they have they've punished people will these people finally understand one day that quebecers are fed up of paying tax and having extra tax The Honorable Minister thank you madam speaker that's exactly what we have to do is understand the situation it's very simple Madam speaker.

Eight out of 10 families in Canada receive more back from the carbon rebate and the reason is quite simple because all of these carbon revenues are redistributed to cides the richest Canadians pay more than they receive but the middle class receives more than they pay and that is why eight of every 10 Canadians family families re.

Get more back in their pockets from the price on pollution so it also invol avoids pollution The Honorable member from M quagan the Liberals have turned the official languages Community into a NeverEnding source of reasons for the for the fear to Fear the Future of French after the member for San who claims that bill 96 prevents anglos from.

Uh being treated and after uh the member for Glen gar Prescot Russell insults researchers concerned about decline of French yesterday the liberal from aled palon said that Quebec must become a a bilingual to become strong and not just a unilingual frankophone province and according to him French reduces us so once again is.

This the liberal position if not will they call their mp2 order if there's one thing Madam speaker that we cannot be clear on it's the liberal party's commitment and the government of Canada's commitment to respecting our two official languages in all of our institutions and at all levels of.

Government in Canada we are here to protect frankophone minorities outside of Quebec and we also recognize the decline of French across the country including in Quebec and yes we recognize that there is a lingu linguistic minority in Quebec as well The Honorable member for M Quan this is indicative of a cultural.

Program Pro problem in the liberal program the ra on of the language committee is to promote French in Canada and all the Liberals have to do is uh out of their 156 members pick five of their own who speak French and want to protect it and all they have to do is uh only follow these two criteria and they can't even do that so let's get back to.

The member for Alfred Pon who defends in committee that English should be the official language in Quebec uh become one rather what is he doing here it's is it hard to send a liberal who doesn't want to harm the French language Madame speaker the member from Alford Palo is just as much as Eva quebecer as the colleague across the.

Way there are 35 members from the government from Quebec and we want to protect French and Quebec and the official languages and minorities across the country is is what we want to protect and the block is here to do one thing turn Quebec quebecers against each other create quarrels and divide people we're not here for that and we are in.

Favor of linguistic Unity Madam speaker let's the onethird of people enrolled in the ndp's Dental Care Program are in Quebec the need is there and the NDP has delivered but the conservatives in the block don't want Dental Care for Seniors children or people living with disabilities the conservatives are.

Spreading misinformation I don't care about the impact this could have on people's health and pocketbooks we can't let them do this will the government counter the conservatives misinformation and ensure that Dental Care is available to everyone who needs.

It The Honorable member or minister of public services and procurement thank you madam speaker surprising news from the conservative leader last week at Radio Canada in Quebec he said that the Canadian Dental Care System doesn't exist he said this live on the radio in Quebec the dental care system didn't.

Exist yeah we're talking about misinformation we need more well he's totally disconnected in saying that we don't have a system even though there's thousands that are signed up for it and uh others are as well care the NDP forced the government to do it and now we want to make sure that all Canadians get it beginning in June children under.

18 and persons with disabilities will benefit from the ndp's dental care plan tens of thousands of seniors are already saving money thanks to this dental coverage but the conservatives want Canadians to pay out of pocket they already want to ask Dental Care for Seniors they're spreading disinformation and doing everything they can to take it.

Away will this government put into place all the resources necessary to fight conservative disinformation and stop them from denying dental care for Canadians parliamentary secretary to the minister of Health well thank you very much speaker and I want to thank the member opposite for a very important question um the conservatives are in.

Denial they will continue to deny that somehow Dental Care does not exist because they really don't care about Canadians they don't care about the seniors hundreds of thousands of seniors already have access to dental care because what conservatives will do is they will cut this really important essential program that is already.

Looking after our seniors we will continue defend the dental care program and grow it so that all Canadians who are legible can get access to good oral Healthcare the are member for Sturgeon River Parkland well Madam speaker after 9 years it's clear that Canadian families that this NDP liberal government is not worth the cost.

Canadians are struggling to make ends meet rent and mortgages have doubled and groceries have doubled and now the summer family road trip that so many look forward to is Coming Out Of Reach In fact families from my riding who look forward to going to Jasper every summer are having to cancel this trip because of this liberal NDP liberals carbon tax.

That's why conservatives are calling on this NDP liberal government to give Canadians a break this summer by aing the carbon tax and all other fuel taxes it will save Alberta families and all Canadian families hundreds of dollars why W this NDP Li government give Canadians a break here The Honorable parliamentary secretary to.

The minister of environment and climate change Madam speaker let me talk more about that road trip as I traveled through the mountains Rockies I couldn't see them you know why because of the thick smoke coming from wildfires could only see about two cars ahead of me we're fighting to save the family road trip to make sure that Canadians get to.

Experience this beautiful country what are the conservatives doing they're letting the planet burn the honor member sergeon River Parkland well Madam speaker yesterday the liberal Health Minister and that liberal over there showed Canadians just how out of touch these Liberals are with the lives of everyday Canadians apparently any family.

Vacation that isn't using a bicycle needs to be canceled because it's destroying the planet conservatives are calling on this NDP liberal government to ask their carbon tax this summer to give Canadians a break so they can enjoy a summer vacation unlike these outof touch liberals conservatives want our children to explore our great country.

Why are these liberals telling them to stay at home instead and just look at their phones The Honorable government house leader what happened yesterday in this house is that the health Minister exposed the conservatives the conservatives had uh offered up uh what they called hundreds and hundreds of.

Dollars in savings but the health Minister was describing what you would have to do to access these savings that the conservatives were claiming 38,000 km in an automobile locked up with your children non-stop would be the requirement in order to derive the savings the conservatives were claiming they should be ashamed of themselves.

It's misinformation Madam speaker you know we weren't doing too too bad I just want to remind members to please keep their thoughts to themselves until they're being recognized by the speaker The Honorable member for sason grasswood okay thank you madam speaker after nine years this NDP liberal prime minister is not worth the cost instead of offering.

Tax release this government increased the carbon tax by another 23% conservatives are asking this prime minister to immediately ask gas taxes that would save a Saskatchewan family $860 this summer alone will the prim Minister vote with us on this side of the house on a common sense conservative motion so Canadians can afford a summer.

Trip here here The Honorable commentary secretary to the Minister of Housing infrastructure like some others Madam speaker their math is off the reality is that Canadians benefit eight out of 10 Canadians end up better off as a result of the rebate where it applies in the various provinces Madam speaker he talks.

About taxes though funny I heard an interview where the leader of the opposition told a journalist from the national post that Bakers bake bread and conservatives cut taxes it's not exactly true this government has voted has put in place measures to cut taxes for the middle class to cut taxes for small businesses they voted against that every.

Single time honorable member for Saskatoon grasswood thank you madam speaker I spy with my little lie a government that wants to ruin family summer holidays yes do you remember playing that game while traveling through this beautiful country sure you do we all do but yet yesterday the liberal Health.

Minister describes this family wrote trip as a punishment but for all average Canadians it's quality time will this prime minister show some compassion and vote for us on Monday so Canadians can afford a summer road trip The Honorable government host leader Madam speaker the conservatives stood in this house and promised Canadians sunshine and flowers.

And hundreds of dollars in savings if only the Liberals would agree to their their crazy proposal what we found out is that you'd have to drive back and forth to Mexico several times in order to save the money that they claimed what happens Madam speaker when you do that is families are locked in cars and they can't stop and all of that these things.

Uh that the conservatives come up with Madam speaker are just crazy order order I think it's other members want to contribute they should wait until they're being recognized the Arn for Colonia Lake Country after nine years this NDP liberal prime minister is not worth the.

Cost on Monday this house will vote for our Common Sense conservative motion to save Canadians 35 cents per liter on gas until Labor Day by axing the carbon tax the federal fuel tax and GST on gasoline and Diesel families really need a break this tax holiday will save the typical Canadian $670 this summer so will the Prime.

Minister vote with us so Canadians can afford a simple summer road trip or will he keep Canadians home this same great question The Honorable Minister Madam speaker you know on the other side of the benches they just don't do the math since this government has come into power Madam speaker things like the CCB the child caner child benefit have.

Lifted over 450,000 children out of poverty so that they can have gymnastic classes so they can go on that summer Road trip Madam speaker also $10 a day child care we're saving families thousands of dollars rather than 35 cents on the dollar why don't they invest in families the honor for colonal Lake.

Country these Liberals are becoming more unhinged and out of touch and there's the perfect example of the Liberals social agenda socialist agenda where they tax people to oblivian and then they look at what they can give back a little bit that is actually your own money now Canadians can't even afford to feed themselves they can't afford to.

Visit loved ones they can't afford to save for their future certainly taxes keep going up and the carbon tax just went up 23% give people a break give people a tax break will the Liberals vote for our Common Sense Bill to give families a tax break and act all federal fuel taxes this summer or will they just keep Canadians at home honorable uh.

Government house leader Madam speaker let me remind that member of her record in the last election she went around Colona Lake Country telling everyone you know what we're going to do we're going to put a price on pollution now she's coming here and flip-flopping saying oh I must have been mistaken Madam speaker I must have been mistaken I really.

Didn't do that it's really selective Amnesia on our part that member has also voted against every single tax relief measure that this government has put forward in this house that favors the middle class and asks a little more of those able to pay the honorable member F Pon the climate change adaptation expert group.

Created by Quebec tabled a disturbing report on Tuesday the experts expect warming to reach 4.5 degrees in Montreal and 7.6 degrees in the north five times higher than the target set in the Paris agreement meanwhile also on Tuesday the Liberals and the NDP voted for $30 billion in tax breaks for oil companies.

Another $30 billion to greenwash this increase in dirty oil why not redirect or find solutions to climate change adoption or redirect these sums the ministry of environment and climate change mad Madam speaker I think it's really important to take this moment to speak about uh the report we tabled.

With the ipcc to show that our current emissions are the lowest in 30 years in 30 years stripping out covid it shows that what we're doing now to fight emissions by putting a ceiling on emissions here in Canada and it's working The Honorable member for leontin while the Liberals and the NDP are.

Giving handouts to oil companies in the west the forest fires have already begun and Monte there was a tornado on Monday and on Wednesday Metro media predicted a hot dry summer with a high risk of drought violent storms and forest fires now is the time to invest massively to mitigate the impact of natural disasters every dollar invested now will save 15.

Later according to Quebec experts so why not once again uh redirect the handouts to oil companies to climate change adaptation the honor honorable government house leader madam speaker the member was talking about catastrophes I know what she's talking about here in in gatau we seen uh recent floods floods in recently leers and we.

Are the first and only government to have tabled a credible uh plan to fight climate change and greenhouse gas emissions she should uh also address the members across the way that clearly deny CL change I don't know why she's not doing this or they Desy any Investments or measures to tackle climate change for New.

Westminster Southwest Madame speaker the best time to buy a home or rent an apartment in this country was nine long years ago before the NDP liberal government Coalition broke our country their policies have doubled rent doubled mortgage payments and doubled down payments it's a housing nightmare for young Canadians for families like the.

Hamiltons in St John it means paying $1,500 each month to live in a leaky moldy apartment because they have nowhere else to go will the Prime Minister stop funding photo ops and bureaucracy and instead start getting homes built in this country to help Canadians that desperately need help The Honorable PR secretary to the Minister.

Of Housing infrastructure and communities the colleague should check the record Madam speaker under Steven Harper housing costs doubled in fact when he talks about for example things like bureaucracy they use the term Gatekeepers in the pejorative every time they get what they're actually talking about is not working not working with.

Partners not working with provinces and in particular municipalities we know that working with municipalities with Mayors with councelors with public servants at the local level is fundamental because that's where zoning decisions are made the housing accelerator fund is leading to zoning changes we're going to get more homes.

Built through that way and many others the honor new Brent Southwest that's not good enough homes are not being built fast enough to help Canadians Mr Mr Cory Hamilton is a husband and a father of four he is worried he believes his six-year-old son has been sick because of the family's living conditions but the Hamiltons like many other Canadians.

Across this country have no decent options because of Canada's housing crisis caused by this prime minister's wacko ideology that makes everything more expensive after 9 years the prime minister is not worth the cost what does the prime min have to say to the Hamilton family and other desper cadians across this country The Honorable leader.

Of the government in the house well the first thing I would say is that they're very well represented by the member from St John the second thing I would say is they should talk to this Member of Parliament and tell him to stop advocating for a cut to zero in Regional development uh agencies and a COA in this country and the third thing I would.

Say is that every single every single housing measure put in place and proposed by this government that member has voted against if you're the Hamiltons you want him gone Madam speaker the Aral member order the AR member New Brunswick Southwest had an opportunity to ask his questions and he should take the opportunity to listen.

order I'm glad the member can compose himself The Honorable member The Honorable member foras thank you madam speaker after nine years of this prime minister the housing crisis has become unbearable for quebecers while homelessness and hunger are spreading across Quebec affordable.

Housing is becoming increasingly rare almost two years to obtain a building permanent in Montreal it's a shame quebecers deserve better than this incompetence can this liberal block government put an end to this uncontrolled spending and finally give Canadians what they truly deserve the honorable.

Minister thank you Madame speaker 1 2 3 4 five six are the numbers of affordable housing units that the conservative leader built throughout his entire career as Minister of Housing across the entire country yet he in talks about insults.

He insults the Quebec municipalities saying they're incompetent yet they are building 8,000 affordable housing units who's incompetent or the 8,000 units or the six from the conservative leader the honor member from Madame speaker nine nine years of this prime minister means nine years of misery for quebecers they have no.

Affordable housing and now find themselves in motels or in the streets the block claims to defend Quebec's interest but turns their backs on them and votes for every measure that could alleviate their suffering they voted against the conservatives Common Sense affordable housing bill but for 500 billion in in centralizing inflationary.

Appropriations can this liberal block government come to the aid of quebecers instead of ruthlessly wasting their money The Honorable Minister let's try to look at things 10 9 8 7 six six rather affordable housing using that the conservative leader had built throughout his entire career as housing Minister across the entire.

Country Madam speaker it's surprising to hear him talk about affordable housing and in insult uh my colleagues yet in his writing there are 134 units that have been built in recent months by the Canadian government the honor Theo lady Smith Madame speaker new Democrats want to make voting easier and.

More accessible for Canadians that's why we push the government to make changes to the Electoral Reform Act or Bill but this government has proposed changing the election date allowing 80 additional MPS to qualify for a pension Canadians are struggling with high costs they don't want politicians to make laws for their own financial gain new Democrats.

Will introduce an amendment to keep the original election date will the government support it The Honorable parliamentary secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs thank you very much Madam speaker and while some members in the house seem to be focused on pensions we're focused on Fair elections we're focused on Fair and.

Participatory elections we're focused on elections where people can vote and vote fairly uh obviously every party in this uh this place wants to have a fair election and everybody wants to engage we will ensure that through a bill c65 that will make it easier for CLS to vote we'll make sure there's no foreign interference and we'll get the job done.

Thank you madam speaker the H for North iseland poo River Madam speaker grain farmers are anxiously waiting for the Liberals to make a decision on the Bungie and V merger if this merger goes forward they dominate The Market in the Prairies and own 47% of Vancouver ports this would mean less competition and lose hardworking Farmers about $770.

Million a year the minister of Transport has until Satur Sunday to send his recommendation will the minister meet with the farmers unions and Grain Terminal workers before making a decision yes The Honorable parliamentary secretary to the minister of Agriculture.

And Agri food obviously we take uh competition very seriously in Canada and we want to ensure that farmers get Fair access when they export their grains we will be speaking with the minister of Transportation about this issue and I know he's already seized with this particular issue thank you much The Honorable member for Markin Stouffville.

Thank you madam speaker every year approximately 4,500 people die by suicide in Canada that's equivalent to 12 deaths every day the impacts of suicide extend far beyond the individual it affects families friends and communities Canadians need timely access to Suicide Prevention supports no matter where they live can the minister of.

Mental health and addictions tell us how we're working with all Partners to strengthen our Suicide Prevention framework thank you The Honorable minister of mental health and addictions Madam speaker today we released Canada's First National Suicide Prevention action plan my heart goes out to the many families and friends who have lost a.

Loved one to suicide and the ripples of pain that are felt throughout communities The New National Suicide Prevention action plan brings together all orders of government and Indigenous Partners to towards a better collaboration on suicide prevention this is about working together to save lives Madam speaker if you are someone you.

Know is thinking about suicide call or text 988 the honor member Cal Calgary Florest lawn Mark carbon tax Carney should show some courage show up to finance committee and answer what he'll do when he's coordinated as a leader Canadians are terrified he'll take the country down this destructive path that this.

Liberal NDP prime minister did that caused Carnage that doubled rents and mortgage that made food unaffordable all on the path to quadruple the carbon tax after 9 years none of these carbon tax Crusaders are worth the cost will the liberal lap dog NDP and their costly coverup Coalition Partners get their future.

Leader to testify at finance committee yes or no the AR and government house leader well I I'm old enough Madam speaker to remember when that member was running under Aaron carbon tax ool the fact is that the finance committee has a lot of work to do in passing a budget that ensures fairness for every generation major investments.

In housing major investments in making sure that Canadians especially young Canadians can get ahead in life these games that the conservatives play they got to get off it obviously math is not a criteria to be the finance critic over there here's what we suggest he do get to work on passing that budget for Calgary Forest well liberal Matt says.

That budget Balan themselves and that Minister should want and give courage to carbon tax Carney to show up he'll be his leader soon enough after all and Canadians are terrified to know what path carbon tax carne is going to take the country down once he becomes liberal leader and they need to know if he's going to continue down the same.

Extremist woke whacko policy ideologically driven path as this current liberal NDP prime minister so will this C Cy Coalition step up give carne some some courage and get him to testify at the finance committee yes or no The Honorable leader of government house leader Madam speaker the H member for Edmonton watn Madam speaker I'm not.

Sure what words we're still allowed to use in here but I think it's okay and fair to say that this is the most incompetent Reckless government in Canada's history consistently undertaking radical experiments with objectively terrible results an RBC report today says that quote a slow bleed over the last two years years has.

Left per capita output back at 2016 levels Canada's per person income has been falling for two years now when will this NDP liberal government recognize that the more it borrows and spends the worse it makes things for Canadians honorable Parliament the secretary the Minister of Housing infrastructure and communities the.

Conservatives again use GDP per capit or per person that's what he's talking about as a measure as a measure of critique which they can do it is one measure not a particularly useful one as most economists will tell you but let's look at that again on that particular list compiled by the IMF and other organizations the the country leads.

Japan the UK Germany and France we have a AAA credit rating reaffirmed by Moody the lowest debt and deficit in the G7 and we're going to lead the G7 and economical growth going forward in the future Madam speaker honorable member for Edmonton watas in well Madam speaker let's take a look at some uh some liberal history if we can let's take a.

Look at the Trudeau Legacy okay the Trudeau Legacy 14 deficits in 15 years in the 70s and 80s a liberal government that has not run a single balance budget yet so that's 24 deficits in 25 years that's the Trudeau Legacy it led to economic Devastation back then it's leading to economic Devastation right now how can anybody in the NDP or.

Liberal caucuses support this economic disaster un unfolding The Honorable parliamentary secretary groundbreaking legislation to deal with the crisis that is climate change Madam speaker the first government that has acted meaningfully on the issue of reconciliation lifting 2.3 million people out of poverty.

Hundreds of thousands of kids out of poverty and we're going to continue that record you know what on on particular Madam speaker which we don't talk enough about as a country pensions they want to deplete they want to join Danielle Smith to deplete the Canadian pension plan by 53% Madam speaker we will not let that happen The Honorable member for.

Tbon the Liberals promised that the whole commission would have access to all in information on foreign interference but the justice is saying that the Liberals are holding back information the prime minister's Office Center redacted information and worse worse yet yesterday uh prime minister the Prime Minister said that the Justice.

Had had enough information but that is not up to him to decide it's up to her to decide when she has enough information so will the Prime Minister stop sabotaging this foreign interference inquiry The Honorable parliamentary secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs thank you madam.

Speaker commission let me be very clear has brought access to classified and unclassified documents as agreed to by all the parties this this is a very important point to make that under her mandate the the commissioner's mandate all parties agreed to examining foreign interference the 201921 elections bolstering security.

Of our Democratic processes protecting cones of diverse backgrounds we will continue to make sure that she has the information she needs and to which all parties in this house have agreed to thank you The Honorable member for the Liberals promised to Justice hog access to all of the information but the.

So the Prime Minister needs to keep his promise Justice hog and this created this because the Liberals refused to shed light on foreign interference and the Prime Minister had even tried to invent a false inquiry by appointing his own investigator a friend of the family he will not succeed today and so he needs to get out of the way of Justice.

Hog so she can do her job The Honorable parliamentary secretary hog is a distinguished jurist in this country the independent commission has brought access to classified and unclassified documents as agreed to by all parties in this place the only exceptions relate to access to.

Solicitor client privilege and cabinet confidence these exceptions will be applied by professional and impartial public service we want the truth and we will always uh do everything in our power to get the truth thank you madam speaker are a member for leads Grenville Thousand Islands and R Lakes 110 million tax dollars flowed out the door and.

Business was booming for the liberal employment Minister after his lobbying firm got direct access to the prime minister's office and the Finance Minister insiders lined their pockets while Canadians were lined up at food banks after nine years of this NDP liberal government Canadians can see that it's clearly not worth the cost or.

This kind of corruption so will the minister face the Ethics Committee on Tuesday or will they try to deflect and distract like the minister who's not going to answer the question that I've just put to him uh leader of the government Madam speaker Canada has one of the strangest conflict of interest and ethics uh guidelines and rules for.

Officials and for ministers that exist in the world uh this Minister has complied with all of them and and has answered all of the questions that the M the member just put Arma for leads Grenville Thousand Islands and R Lakes it's always great to hear the front bench over there talk about the ethics rules in this country when he sits next.

To a prime minister who's broken our laws ethics laws twice the public safety Minister broke those laws the trade Minister broke those laws it's a cabinet of Serial law Breakers and now we have the uh we have the minister from Edmonton who lined his firm's Pockets when they direct access to the prime minister's office and the finance.

Minister's office we know that the minister doesn't want to answer the question and we know that they're going to try and get him out of his appearance on Tuesday will they call in the RCMP The Honorable government house leader once again the member knows very well that the minister has complied fully with all of his obligations under.

The conflict of interest and ethics guidelines the member keeps going on a bit like ja uh on this this issue uh but uh I guess that's the job he's been given and that's why we have to continue to answer these questions that have been answered repeatedly Madam speaker sou sh St Margaret's the prime minister's green.

Slush fund chair resigned after lining her Pockets with taxpayer money another NDP liberal green slush fund director was caught funneling $42 million of taxpayer money to companies she owns and now the minister of the environment before his election Lobby the pmo more than 25 times to help this director put that $42 million in her pocket or I know.

You're going to say he was just like John mlan saying I'm just getting together to have a few laughs so will the Liberals investigate every taxpayer dollar the environment Minister stuffed into this corrupt director's companies want to remind the member he us to address questions and comments through the chair and not directly to the.

Members The Honorable um government house leader well madam speaker once again we see conservatives really try and uh reach and take wild swings ministers are required to submit to the most rigorous conflict of interest and ethics requirements in the Western World this Minister that Minister all ministers have fully complied with those.

Requirements Madam speak The Honorable member for Lex we thousands of seniors including seniors in mying of black Wei have already been to the dentist to get treated which shows the success of the Canadian dental care plan but the opposition continues to oppose this program uh over and over the uh.

Opposition leaders even playing the ostrich by saying that the program doesn't exist can the minister of public services and procurement give us an update on how this program is already making a difference in the lives of seniors here in Canada the honorable Minister I'd like to thank my colleague from L St Loui it's this is very.

Surprising news Madam speaker the conservative leader said on Rio Canada last week that the Canadian dental health plan doesn't exist whereas 2 million seniors have already signed up for it and have already begun to receive treatment on May 1st as 60% of providers are already uh signed up so instead of spreading.

Misinformation we are encouraging all seniors in Quebec and elsewhere to sign up for this new dental care plan which will make a big difference for their health The Honorable member for me Madam speaker I am shocked the member for Alfred P has said that uh it is not relevant that French should be the only official language in Quebec he said the.

Entire country should be be by lingual to be stronger not just frankophone provinces this is unacceptable and not one single Quebec Liberal has stood up to denounce what he said not even the member for Pep youo when will the liberal uh members finally stand up to defend Quebec The Honorable parliamentary.

Secretary Madam speaker I'd like to thank my colleague for his questions because it will finally allow me to talk about the conservatives in action for the past nine years concerning the pr priority that should be given to the modernization of official languages in terms of the action plan Madam speaker I would just like to remind this.

House that uh we have uh doubled the investment in the official languages action plan and we're going to be there for french- speaking peoples and for minor minority languages in Canada and Quebec The Honorable member asked his question I would have liked to him uh to uh have him listen to it to the answer instead of uh engaging.

In conversation and heckling Prince George after nine years of this NDP liberal government six British Colombians die every day from overdose deaths in BC are up 380 per. overdose is the leading cause of death for children aged 10 to 18 in BC despite this the minister of mental health and.

Addictions claimed BC's radical drug experiment was a success really she's even refused to rule out expanding the deadly program to Toronto and all will the Prime Minister commit today to keeping the rest of Canada safe from his failed drug policies minister of mental health and addictions Madam speaker it never ceases to amaze me how much.

Misinformation members on the other side can present unto this floor and to Canadians Madam speaker BC requested a pilot program the pilot program continues and we continue to work with them in order to save lives I've also been unequivocally clear having worked with the premier and with Toronto public Health to reject their proposal we don't.

Work in hypotheticals on the side of the house M speaker we work with evidence experts and the best comprehensive measures that we can take to save lives in this overdose crisis shame on them the for land FRN Kingston thank you madam speaker Madam speaker with respect to the dairy barn at the joyville correctional institution which is.

Scheduled to open in July number one what was the original budgeted cost number two what is the actual cost number three has Dairy quota been made available by Dairy Farmers of Ontario and if so what are the contract details and how much will that cost and finally will any of the milk that is produced be entered into the General.

Supply Republic consumption thank you madam speaker honorable parament to secretary to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs I want to thank uh uh the member for his ongoing interest in Corrections and in the well-being of prisoners who are incarcerated uh that's a complex question uh we'll take note of that and we'll make sure he we get back to him.

With the details it's almost an order paper question style what I would say is that correction Service Canada is committed to making sure that inmates leave our Correctional Facilities better than they came in so we provide vocational training whenever we can and wherever we can to ensure that they truly are rehabilitated and can make.

Contributions to society in the future thank you madam speaker The Honorable member for B businesses that make up our main streets are the lifeblood of our communities over the years and especially during the pandemic Main Street businesses experienced considerable difficulties I know that the Min Min Minister.

Responsible for the southern Ontarian development agency put in place a program that will help Main Street businesses to grow and prosper officite may not see the value in supporting our small businesses but on this side of the house we know just how important they are to our regional economies can the minister share in this house how.

Important this program is The Honorable Minister J I would like to thank the member for AWA V member from Ottawa V for her important question the my Main Street program is extremely important for small business and for our communities delivered through the Canadian Urban Institute is going to deliver $15 million to small businesses.

On main streets and the organizations that support them our government knows that those businesses are the vi iancy of the and success of our communities and we're going to continue to deliver important programs that grow businesses and we thank our hardworking entrepreneurs and all the organizations that support them thank.

You The Honorable member for Churchill Kiana naski Madame speaker Canadians are struggling all while this government lets Rich oil and gas corporations off the hook the recent parliamentary budget officers report on corporate taxes is clear oil and gas corporations pay among the lowest federal tax by industry in.

Canada as they jack up our carbon emissions and our country Burns they made a record $120 billion in profits in 2022 so when will this liberal government stand up for working Canadians and bring in an excess profit tax on greedy oil and gas corporations who are clearly not paying their fair share the honorable parament secretary.

To the Minister of Housing infrastructure and communities Madam speaker we have eliminated inefficient fossil fuel subsidies we have introduced a tax on share BuyBacks throughout we have it made it a priority to focus on tax fairness at all levels and that includes the corporate sector we're going to continue to be there for.

Canadians we're going to continue to make sure that those who are doing well are paying their fair share it's important for the future of this country there's so much at stake and I thank the member for the question yeah the honor Fort York Madam speaker with their anemic new defense policy our North strong and free the Liberals finally.

Recognized there's a Canadian Arctic and its sovereignty needs some protection this severely underfunded twood decade policy includes the building of Northern Operational Support hubs the problem is the policy has zero dollars for these hubs in 2024 2025 can the minister of National Defense informed Canadians how he can build anything without any money.

For a year and an abysmal 2 million in 2025 26 has he ever shopped for a house in the north will there even be a sovereign Arctic in 2044 The Honorable parliamentary secretary uh Madame Madame President I really want to say thanks to the member for his question because again a reinforce uh the fact that we have.

Introduced a wonderful defense policy update where we are increasing our spending and we have actually taken notes we're listening to our partners we're in listening to our CF member $8.1 billion over the next 5 years and we will continue to help our military as they are always ready for us mercy and that brings us to the end of.

Question period I have a point of order The Honorable member for Char Char St James Way headingly

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