Ask Length – January 29, 2024


Ask Length – January 29, 2024

Mind issues at home in Kings-Hants, and I want to talk first about the economic context because affordability, yes, is a top of mind issue, but I think it's important for my constituents and indeed Canadians across the country to understand where we're at in the.

Current economic context because if all did you was listen to the opposition bench of the Conservatives, you would never really understand some of the positive things that are happening vis-a-vis Canada's economic growth and particularly our investment climate right.

Now. So Madam Speaker, inflation is a global issue. Last statistic by Statistics Canada shows that Canada has a 3.4% inflation rate in the month of December 2023, and we're working to try to help bring that under control.

But where does Canada rate in a global context? Well, I did some statistics and pulled some of the things up around the world. Germany, 3.7%. France the same. UK just over 4%. United States is on par with.

Canada. Ireland, India, Australia, New Zealand. These are all comparable countries, I would submit to you, Madam Speaker. They have higher inflation rates right now than Canada. I know that that is cold.

Comfort. I don't say that to Canadians and to constituents to suggest that this government is going to rest on its laurels. But again it's important because when you hear the opposition talk, you would suggest that Canada is a laggard in the world.

In terms of the affordability question. We have work to do. We are going to continue to do that work. But make no mistake it is important to contextualize that as we move forward. How about our did he want to GDP.

Ratio? When you listen to the member from Carleton and the opposition, you would suggest that Canada is at a terrible situation vis-a-vis its debt to GDP ratio. Madam Speaker, that's not the case.

Canada is actually a leader in the G7 on net debt to GDP ratio. Canada is a leader in the G7 and also has the lowest deficit in the G7. Again you don't hear that being said very much from the opposition benches. It's important for Canadians to.

Understand that. The number that I thought was quite important, Madam Speaker, is actually investment in the country. Yes, we want Canadian equity firms, we want Canadian businesses to be investing in our country, but we know in a.

Globalized economy that we want other countries around the world, other companies, to want to come to Canada and invest in our economic success as well. And the number that I think is quite striking, Madam Speaker, is foreign direct investment in 2023, Canada was third, third.

Overall in the entire world. Now, we're 40 million people, Madam Speaker. We are relatively small country in terms of population in the world. Of course rich in resources and ingenuity. Third in the world not per.

Capita. Overall behind the US and Brazil. That is an incredible feat. It is something every Canadian and every member of parliament in this house should be proud and it's driven by this government's view of investing.

And driving future growth particularly in a transition to a lower carbon economy that. Is a significant number that Canadians should understand. But of course, Madam Speaker, when we talk about affordability, we have to also balance spending with.

Responsibility. We are in an environment right now we saw the Bank of Canada through the governor Tiff Macklem hold interest rates at 5% and his indication is we will expect to see decreases in the interest rate in the benchmark interest rate over the next.

Couple months. That is extremely important. And I'm proud of the way in which this government has walked a very careful and I for one and I know my colleagues in all corners of this place will be focused on that question as well.

On housing, Madam Speaker, I have about 2 minutes left before I'm going to get cut off, but I want to tell you a story. I represent Kings-Hants. It's a rural riding in Nova Scotia just outside of Halifax. Beautiful Annapolis Valley. Come see us sometime.

But I remember talking on doors in the 2019 election as a new candidate, and I would go to rural areas of my ridings where there would be a “for sale” sign on a property, and I would go in and I would talk to the homeowner and I would note that of course they were trying to.

Sell their house and they would say Cody, I'm concerned that I will never be able to sell my house. I had it on the market for two years. And I'm worried I'll never be able to get the equity to be able to go on and retire, move.

On with my life. Madam Speaker, if you were to come to my riding right now, there is little to no real estate available whatsoever. And I want us to understand that in fact in Nova Scotia that is a good thing because for years we were concerned about our.

[indiscernible] trends. In fact my generation at 33 years old when I was coming out of university there were a lot of folks moving elsewhere in the country. We have reversed that trend in Atlantic Canada. That is a good thing.

Economic growth and population growth is a good thing but we need to have the housing to keep pace. And we've heard commentary in this place about past iterations of federal government, Liberal and Conservative, that have not vested in housing, particularly.

Social housing. I'm pleased to say that is something that's changed under this government. The philosophy is to invest in public housing along with market housing that the Honourable Member from Elmwood-Transcona mentioned.

Both have to happen at the same time. I would point Canadians to the fact of our most recent investment which is removing the HST on rental purpose-based housing. Again, owning your own loam extremely important, and we will.

Want all Canadians to have that opportunity. But some people are in a situation where affordable rentals is also extremely I've seen rentals go up from a few years ago in the range of $1,200 to now over $2,000 because of the pressures we've.

Seen. Now, all three levels of government have are to be a part of this. I see my time is quickly coming to a close. I'll carry on after question period ex-I'll look forward to my colleagues giving me.

Questions. let me give way. Thank you. >> The Speaker: The honourable member will have are 2 minutes in the house to conclude his speech after oral questions. Statements by members. [Speaking French].

>> (Voice of the Interpreter): The honourable member for Don Valley Parkway. Brampton centre. >> Madam Speaker, we mourn the lives lost in Quebec mosques 7 years ago today and recognize the traumas of Canada's community on account of.

Islamophobia. We also mourn the civilians, including thousands of innocent children who have been killed in Gaza. Those surviving have been displaced and need humanitarian intervention. 3 days ago the international.

Court of justice ordered to take immediate and effective measures to enable the provisions of basic services and humanitarian assistance to Palestinians in the GAZAN. Out of respect for rule of law, Canada should help Israel to comply with that order.

Canada and its allies to offer funding. Thank you, Madam Speaker. [Some Applause] >> The Speaker: The honourable member for don valley north. >> Thank you, Madam Speaker. Speaker, happy new year to you and everyone in the house.

Our diverse communities in don valley north and Canada have come together to celebrate a range of activities, including Hanukkah, Christmas and new year. Building on the spirit of celebration and diversity I'd like to remind the house of a.

Motion passed in 2016 which recognized the lunar new year to highlight our vibrant Asian community and the invaluable contribution these Canadians are making on our society. The dragon symbolizes strength and prosperity. This year the dragon heightens.

Fortune for those born in the year of rat, tiger, horse and rooster. Speaker, I want to wish everyone a happy, healthy and prosperous lunar new year. [SPEAKING ALTERNATE LANGUAGE] thank you, speaker. >> The Speaker: The honourable.

Member from Thornhill. >> There are many kinds of silence. The silence of indifference, the silence of complicitsy and the silence of cowardis T government's refusal to take a clear position on the baseless case at the ICJ, and their.

Abject failure to protect Jews in this condition betrays all three vices. Calls for the extermination of Jews in Canada have been normalized by this morally bankrupt liberal brain trust. On Canadian values the Prime Minister respond with silence,.

Only toll amplify the hate. worse he Stokes it. it should have been a stark reminder that never again is right now. Silence in the face of lies can be as damaging as deliberately KWUTSing positions of this Prime Minister.

One group of MP's says one thing to one community and he sends another to say the opposite to another community. It may be deafening but everyone hears the shameful cynicism loud and clear and Canadians will get the moral clarity they deserve. >> The Speaker: The honourable.

Member from St. John's, east. >> With 2024 in full swing our team are tackling the issues Canadians are facing head-on. Like child care, dental care, affordable homes, home heating, jobs and more money back in their pocket. I'm focussed on supporting.

Residents through my constituentsty office. Ensuring our unique needs are heard in building more housing, supporting seniors and housing and more local jobs. We're putting Canadian families first and it doesn't involve cuts, far right tactics and.

Exploiting peoples' fears that. May get social media likes, but it does not get the job done. We he are pushing forward with legislation to help Canadians. All of which the opposition has voted against. Signalling what they will do if they're in government.

Thank you. >> The honourable member for Drummond. >> A piece of Quebec's soul has died with him. He loved his language with agriculture. A member of parliament from 1993 he to 1997.

In Drummond in 2008 he's remembered. He was a former member. We remember him. He was a man of great conviction, flawless integrity and most of you will he was a man of action. He's gone on to join other great.

Members of our family. Other members who passed away and are painting the sky blue. Jose, we he will keep our promise to you, and we will honour all the work you did for your cause. good-bye. >> The Speaker: The honourable.

Member for Sherbrooke. >> (Voice of the Interpreter): Happy new year. I'd like to wish all Sherbrookers a happy new year. I wish awe year full of opportunity that you'll be able to take advantage of and caring and kindness to preserve our.

Safe and healthy community. I wish you well heness and health. I'd like to THARNG thank my entire team who meet with care and compassion and support me in my work. I thank Olivia who's professional and experienced.

Jacques who's passionate and sensitive. I thank Gabriel confident and understanding. Marie he who's creative and available. Clement is courteous and efficient. Versatile and Jocelyn who.

Manages the finances so meticulously. I'm deeply grateful to be able to count on such a capable and dedicated team. Your commitment helps us offer high quality service and creates a positive and inspiring work environment.

Thank you for everything and happy null year to you all. >> The Speaker: The honourable member fFrom Fundy-royal. >> This NDP government is not worth the cost to freedom. The Federal Court has just confirmed what most Canadians already knew.

That the use of the emergencies act in 2022 was illegal and unconstitutional. Two years ago this Prime Minister decided the violate the charter rights of Canadians to deal with a political crisis of his own making T decision to invoke the emergencies act.

Directly violated Canadians' most essential right to freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression. the Federal Court found that the illegal use of the act, the reason ares were not provided for the decision to declare a public order emergency and they.

Did not satisfy the requirements of the emergencies act. A Conservative Government led by the leader of the opposition will ensure the emergencies act can never again be be used to silence political opposition. Conservatives will always defend the right –.

>> The Speaker: The honourable member from Kitchener South. [Some Applause] >> Mr. Speaker, among January 15th the Waterloo region lost a great community leader with the passing of Wendy Campbell, the former CEO of the Waterloo region food bank, a position she.

He held for 15 years. Wendy stepped up during the outbreak of Covid-19, which constantly precluded volunteers and staff from sorting food donations. she pack add lifetime of service in a SHOFRT 53 years for carrying over 43 million pounds for the Waterloo region and.

Surrounding areas. despite battling cancer she never lost optimism for life. my thought are with her husband Craig, her parents and her children. They he lost her way too soon C. [Speaking French].

>> (Voice of the Interpreter): Mr. Speaker, 19 others were wounded 7 years ago at the Islamic cultural centre in Quebec city. They were fathers, husbands, loved ones, BROERLTS. They were targeted simply because of their faith.

Simply because they were Muslim. Unfortunately Canada has seen a also an alarming rise in discrimination because of the fighting in Gaza. Palestinians and Arabs, Muslims feel intensely what's happening. They're yelling on the inside.

But asked to be patient and to endure. They're feeling the freedom of speech curtailed. Last year the government appointed the first representative of Islamophobia. She's done an excellent job in addressing the issues.

Thank you. >> The Speaker: The honourable member. [Speaking French] >> (Voice of the Interpreter): Mr. Speaker, life for Canadians has never been so hard. But for the Prime Minister and his Liberal friends life has.

Never been so good. Clearly a Prime Minister who takes $84,000 worth of free holidays is not aware of the hardships of Canadians struggling to make end meet. Mr. Speaker, many Canadians can no longer afford to live or to dream.

They've had to scale back or cancel their holiday plans altogether due to the liberal policies that have driven up the cost of living. Once again, the Prime Minister has demonstrated that he's out of touch with Canadians and their reality.

He's demonstrated he thinks only for himself and he's not the right man for the job. his cabinet is trying to protect the Prime Minister's actions through various maneuvers and trying to distort the facts before the ethics commissioner's committee appearance.

Canadians are not fools. They'll remember this Prime Minister's actions and his lavish lifestyle. >> The Speaker: The honourable member from Aurora- Aurora-Oakridge-Richmond Hill. >> Thank you. hi the pleasure of visiting a.

Hi Hindu temple in my riding. Keeping with the theme of Tamil food we he celebrated. We honour the vibrant and invaluable contributions Tamil-Canadians have made to our country. we also recognize that Tamils.

Face discrimination and persecution and many came to Canada to escape this. Today the national day of remembrance of the Quebec city mosque attack and action against i Islamophobia reminds me of this. Let's build a Canada where every.

Individual regardless of their BROUNLDZ feels they belong and let's all fight discrimination and hate to keep Canada the inclusive and welcoming nation we're proud to call home. thank you. [Some Applause] >> The Speaker: The honourable.

Member from Lambton-Middlesex. >> After 8 years of this NDP-Liberal Government life in Canada has become unaffordable. It unthinkable to continue the carbon tax scheme while millions of Canadians are relying on food banks and are forced to choose between heating and eating.

This government surely understands that there is no way to produce food without using energy to dry grain or heat barns, to bring food to our grocery stores. And the Prime Minister, well, he wants to quadruple the carbon tax from 14 cents a liter to 61.

Cents per liter. farmers in my community are paying thousands in carbon tax every month T Prime Minister's just not worth the cost. The carbon tax carve out is necessary for farmers to help fight food inflation. In response to the government's.

Relentless pressure the senators gutted bill C-234. I call on the house to stop with the desperate tricks preventing farmers from getting the needed carve-out. Drop the senate amendment and send bill C-234 back in the senate in its original form.

[Some Applause] >> The Speaker: The honourable member frFrom Sarnia-lambton. >> I heard how after 8 years of this NDP-Liberal Government Canadians are struggling to pail their bills and keep a roof over their heads. They know he that this Prime.

Minister is it not worth the cost. Mr. Speaker, I and my Conservative colleagues and our leader are back to show Canadians they have a simple choice in the next election. You can have a costly coalition of the NDP and liberals that.

Take your money, tax your food, punish your work, double your housing costs and unleash crime and chaos in your communities. Or you can choose the common sense Conservatives and our common sense plan. We he are back to address the priorities facing Canadians,.

Starting with passing bill C-234 to take the carbon tax off farmers and bring food prices down. our priority are clear. Axe the tax, build the homes, fix the budget, stop the crime, let's bring it home. [Some Applause].

>> The Speaker: The honourable member from Mississauga-Aaron Mills. >> Peaceful mulls limb worshippers were gunned down in Quebec 7 years ago. 3 years ago the Afzaal family was murdered because of their faith.

Every single political party leader in this house stood on the steps of the mosque and recognized that Islamophobia is real and vowed to protect the Muslim community in the face of hatred. Today on the national day of remembrance of Quebec city.

Mosque attack and action against Islamophobia, we not only commemorate the victims and survivors but also reflect on whether we've taken action to combat Islamophobia in all of IT forms, including the suppression of expression. Our government declared ZANN.

29th a national day of remembrance, invested millions in our national anti-racism strategy and appointed a special representative on combatting Islamophobia. More needs to be done by all political leaders in this house and indeed all Canadians.

We remember, Mr. Speaker. [Speaking French] >> (Voice of the Interpreter): The honourable member. January 29, 2017, it's almost 8 p.m., and evening prayers is just ended at Quebec city's grand mosque. Suddenly a young man bursts in.

And opens fire on those there. He killed 6 men and he wounded 19 others in what was the worst racist terrorist act in Quebec's history. In the weeks and months leading up to this mass crime the young man had immersed himself in far right and white supremacist web.

Sites. fuelled by fear and hatred, he committed an unspeakable act. he coldly, methodically murdered people because they were Muslim. This reminds us that words and speech are important. Every word has an impact. We he have a responsibility to.

Fight Islamophobia and all forms of racism and dehumanization of any group of people. Let work together towards kindness, dialogue, understanding and togetherness to build a world for everyone. The honourable member. >> (Voice of the Interpreter): 7.

Years ago a killer killed 6 and wounded 19. Among those praying at Quebec city's grand mosque. They were targeted because they were Muslim. This terrorist event shocked Quebec. We all realized that we were not.

Safe from heinous acts. We all need to be vigilant. Society needs to be vigilant. We all have a part to play in fighting intolerance. if some people need to hear it again, then let's make it clear. Freedom of worship is guaranteed in Quebec.

No one should feel threatened because of their faith. Our thoughts today are with the loved ones of the victims. To all Quebecers who will always live with the scars of this event. We all stand together in saying never again.

>> (Voice of the Interpreter): The honourable member for Carleton. >> (Voice of the Interpreter): Mr. Speaker, today is a very hard day for the Muslim community. Everywhere in Canada. This is actually a hard day for.

All Canadians. we mourn the 6 lives which were stolen by a hateful terrorist at the he grand mosque of Quebec city 7 years ago today. >> People suffered injuries in addition to those murdered and the many others are left with mental scars that will never.

Fully heal. as we reflect on this, on the tragic fate that they suffered, as a result of this evil monster, we must also reflect on the promise of freedom, peace and safety that they were guaranteed as Canadians, that was viciously stolen by the.

Forces of hate and Islamophobia. It must never happen again. we must stands on guard for our Muslim friends and neighbours, for all Canadians to have the right and the freedom to worship in peace and security. [Some Applause] >> The Speaker: The honourable.

Member from Richmond Hill. >> Mr. Speaker, it's a pleasure to rise to honour a proud Tamil-Canadian who lived a life of extraordinary service and impact. Tamil-Canadians were forced to flee the Tamil yen side in Sri Lanka and have endured violence.

In the 1958 anti-Tamil program. A pillar of the early Tamil community in British Columbia, helping to house, feed and translate for newly arrived Tamil refugees. She and her husband invested their time and resources to uplift the community while.

Giving voice to atrocities unfolding in their homeland. In 2022 she helped establish a Tamil chair at the university of Toronto to help preserve the Tamil language. on January 3rd, surrounded by the love of her adults, she peacefully departed from this.

World. She will be remember ared as a loving mother, lifelong learner — [Speaking French] >> (Voice of the Interpreter): Following discussions among representatives of all parties in the house, I understand that.

There is an agreement to observe a moment of silence to commemorate the national day of remembrance of the Quebec city mosque attack. And action against Islamophobia. I now invite honourable members to rise to honour the memory of the victims of the attack that.

Happened 7 years ago on January 29th, 2017. [Speaking French] >> (Voice of the Interpreter): Oral questions. >> The Speaker: The honourable leader of the opposition. >> Welcome back to Canada to the premise after his great.

Vacation. Costing $89,000. Free that he got as a gift. He's the only Canadian who gets a vacation like that. He's not talking about the 2 million Canadian that is have to go to a food bank or to the student in Montreal who have to.

Use homeless shelters after his policies tripled ren are the in his home city. Will he overturn these inflationary policies that have made it difficult. The right honourable Prime Minister. >> Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau: Mr.

Speaker, seven years ago 6 Muslim Canadians were killed and 19 others seriously wounded during a terrorist attack at the Quebec city mosque because of their religious beliefs. We with mourn the loss of these people who were murdered in cold blood.

And we stand with those who have suffered from Islamophobia and hate. Over the course of the last months Muslim Canadians have seen a concerning rise in hate speech and discrimination, and more than ever before we need to stand together.

>> The Speaker: The honourable leader of the opposition. >> Mr. Speaker, 2 million Canadians have to go to a food bank. Students have to live in homeless shelters. In Quebec city the housing costs have doubled.

It's tripled across Canada T cost of housing has doubled since this Prime Minister promised to reduce the cost of housing. Will he finally overturn the policies that create bureaucracy and inflation to allow developers to ensure affordable.

Housing for people who need it. >> The Speaker: The right honourable Prime Minister. >> Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau: Mr. Speaker, the Conservative Leader is launching personal attacks to deviate the attack on house, and the fact that he has no plan. Canadians know that it not with.

Slogans that housing will be built. He has tried in vain to delay the elimination of the GST on rental housing. he voted against the housing acceleration funds, which ahow'd the construction or will allow the construction of more than.

Half a million housing units. There's a lot of progress being done and we'll continue to do that. The honourable leader of the opposition. [End of Interpretation] we welcome the Prime Minister back from his $80,000 vacation,.

Which he got for free. He said, like most Canadians, friends welcomed him for that vacation. he took two — not one, but two private jets paid for by the taxpayer. Burning 100 tonnes of green house gases into the atmosphere.

He wants to tax the heat and the food of Canadians. Did he pay the full carbon tax on each of the 100 tonnes of emissions that he put into the atmosphere as part of his $80,000 vacation? [Some Applause] >> The Speaker: The right.

Honourable Prime Minister. >> Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau: Mr. Speaker, the Conservative leader has simply no plan to address climate change in this country. No plan to the resilience of community in the fight against climate change. Warming climate causes droughts.

Droughts damage crops. That increases the cost of food and groceries. Yet the Conservative Party can't even agree on whether or not climate change is real. Mr. Speaker, we will achieve our emissions reductions, all the while sending Canadians cheques.

To help with the cost of rising prices. There are real solutions. >> The Speaker: The honourable leader of the opposition. >> He says greenhouse gas emissions are driving up grocery prices. he put 100 tonnes of those.

Emissions in the atmosphere for his personal vacation. This is high tax, high flying, high carbon hypocrisy. meanwhile Canadians in Edmonton are facing -50 degree temperatures. On which they were paying carbon taxes just to heat their homes.

And stay alive. Given that he gives himself a free vacation at other peoples' expense, will he at least allow Canadians to heat their homes without a tax? >> The Speaker: The right honourable Prime Minister. >> The Conservative leader likes.

To talk about the challenges Canadians are facing and the cost of living. But he refuses to take action and support them. He chose to delay the passage of bill C-59, which is also hurting his own caucus. Does the member for Battlefords,.

Lloydminster now suddenly oppose maternity leave for adoptive parents? Surely the member for Cumberland-COLChester won't back down on his advocacy to remove the GST on therapy and counselling services. While the Conservative leader is.

Muzzling his own caucus and putting himself first, we'll keep putting Canadians first. >> The Speaker: The honourable leader of the opposition. [INDISCERNIBLE] [INAUDIBLE] >> This one is just too easy. he walk into it.

He had to muzzle a member from Newfoundland who called for an end to his leadership, joining another senator who did the same. Because they understand that their constituents are literally starving and unable to heat their homes because the Prime.

Minister is quadrupling the carbon tax, doubling housing costs and giving the worst inflation in 40 years. Why won't he listen to instead of intimidating his member for Newfoundland and put his leadership up to review? [Some Applause].

>> The right honourable Prime Minister. >> Over the course of the fall we've announced projects on housing that are going to create half a million new homes across this country over the year. We're working hand in hand with community leaders, with mayors.

We're making sure we're moving forward on the priorities affecting Canadians. In terms of standing up for his caucus, the leader across the way will not even mention the fact that the person sitting three seats to his left sat dying with a far right.

Conservative German politician and wants to abolish the United Nations. And is abolishing the United Nations now the position of the Conservative Party of Canada? [Speaking French] >> (Voice of the Interpreter): The honourable member.

>> (Voice of the Interpreter): It's gonna be long, Mr. Speaker. This house passed a unanimous motion urging theivity go to consult Quebec and the provinces on immigration targets. Yet the government seems to be implementing policies suggested by MacKenzie century initiative.

And even more. Because if we continue at that rate, we'll go beyond 100 million by the end of the century. Is the government ignoring the unanimous vote of the house? Or will it review IT policies with Quebec and the provinces?.

The right honourable Prime Minister. >> (Voice of the Interpreter): Mr. Speaker, immigration is essential for Quebec and in Canada immigrants contribute to building new housing. They work in our health care system.

They take part in economic growth of local businesses, and more. We are meeting our economic needs, we're remaining true to our humanitarian commitments and we're developing a stabilizing approach on immigration. our immigration levels are based.

On our capacity to welcome and integrate new comers, and we will continue the work in close collaboration with the provinces and territories, particularly Quebec to ensure that every — >> (Voice of the Interpreter): The honourable member. >> (Voice of the Interpreter):.

If there's stabilization of the current numbers there will be beautiful decades to come. ening we're hearing the end of the last session, and we're starting a new session. Let have a new state of mind. Quebec sent a letter to the government of Canada to ensure.

That the distribution of asylum seekers to make it fair for everyone across Canada and Quebec. Is the government looking at that to ensure Quebec's demographic weight is respected? >> The Speaker: The honourable Prime Minister.

>> Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau: We know Quebec has always been extremely generous when it comes to asylum seekers. we saw that with ROXham road and we see it with the situation that is now present. We'll continue to be there to support the Quebec system and.

Communities that are welcoming new comers with their generosity, knowing that everybody has to do their fair share. Yes, we intend to work with Quebec and the provinces to ensure a better distribution, but also to resolve the.

Challenges that are caused by this increase in temporary residents applications and asylum seekers. >> The Speaker: The honourable member for Burnaby South. >> (Voice of the Interpreter): Thank you. [End of Interpretation].

The City of Edmonton had to declare a housing and homeless emergency while the Conservatives are laughing about homeless people and a housing crisis. Toronto also had to declare one as well with the again you'll hear the Conservatives laughing.

Because they have no concern for people that are struggling with housing or homeless. this Liberal Government doesn't care either. They've be in power for nine years and they don't go the it. The Prime Minister doesn't get it T municipal leader for.

Edmonton doesn't get it. And the 24 liberal MP's in Toronto don't get it. why is this government waiting until things are at a breaking point before acting? [Some A [Some Applause] [Speaking French].

>> (Voice of the Interpreter): Today things were going quite well, but I would with ask the members, the member for Edmonton west, the member for St. Margarets South Shore, please, don't speak unless the chair recognizes you. The right honourable Prime.

Minister. [End of Interpretation] >> Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau: We'll use every tool at our disposal to address housing affordable. We meant it. it will minister of housing recently announced the post.

Secondary institutions can new access the apartment construction loan program for low interest financing to build student housing. This finds innovative and bold ideas to accelerate construction, including unlocking over 500,000 new homes.

Will you the housing accelerator agreement. More examples of the Federal Government in action. [Speaking French] >> (Voice of the Interpreter): The honourable member for Burnaby South. >> (Voice of the Interpreter):.

What a surprise. The Prime Minister broke yet another programs. The rent eviction rate in Canada is at a record high. yet he's refusing to address potential investors like Epp he promised. Why does the Prime Minister say.

One thing during the election campaign and then defend his friends' profits once elected? [Some Applause] >> (Voice of the Interpreter): The right honourable Prime Minister. >> (Voice of the Interpreter): Mr. Speaker, we are taking.

Action on a number of front seat. We're promoting the construction of housing and co-opS. We're ensuring more houses are built faster, working directly and closely with municipals. We're helping Canadians save to build a home with the tax-free.

Savings account for the purchase of a first home. there's more work to be done. I invite all governments across the country to be bold with us to improve the cost of housing and the construction of affordable housing. [End of Interpretation].

>> The Speaker: The honourable member from Regina-Quapelle. >> The Prime Minister must still have sands in his ears from his Jamaican invasion. that must be why he can't hear the outcry from Canadians suffering from his carbon tax. while he was lining up at the.

All inclusive, Canadians were lining up at food banks and grocery prices jumped again. 38% higher than baseline inflation. Now, common sense Conservative bill 234 will help bring prices down by taking the tax off of farm production.

The only problem? Liberal senators gutted the bill. Will the government reject the senate amendments so that the tax can come off and food prices can come down? [Some Applause] >> The Speaker: The honourable.

Deputy Prime Minister. >> Mr. Speaker, our government absolutely understands that the housing and the cost of living are challenges for Canadians. That is why we are aggressively work withing across the country to build more homes faster. The housing accelerator fund.

With more than 30 agreements in place across Canada will lead to 500,000 new homes being built. But the question, Mr. Speaker, is what will the Conservatives cut? They know how to cut. They don't know how to build. And what Canada needs right now.

Is builders. >> The Speaker: The honourable member from Regina-Quapelle. >> We'll cut the waste and mismanagement driving up inflation, like the infrastructure bank, like high price consultants and like sending money to the Asian.

Infrastructure bank to build projects overseas instead he of here at home. but the question was about the carbon tax and why the Prime Minister is so pathologically obsessed with it. he doesn't care Canadians are going to food banks or that.

Mothers are watering down milk or that seniors are skipping meals. he even sent one of his ministers to gut the bill. once again, will they reject the senate amendments so that the tax can come off farmers and food prices can come down?.

>> The Speaker: The honourable deputy Prime Minister and minister of finance. >> You know, Mr. Speaker, when the Conservatives talk about working families, everyone knows those are crocodile tears. This is the party that has voted against early learning and child.

Care. A revolutionary national program which is bringing down costs for hundreds of thousands of families across the country and allowing women with to go to work. These Conservatives have voted against the Canada child.

Benefit. A huge support for families across the country. And, Mr. Speaker, they're gonna vote against dental care too. >> The Speaker: The honourable member from Foothills. >> Today the Prime Minister has an opportunity to help families.

And help families struggling with high food costs. bill C-234 is back in the house after liberal appointed senators delayed and gutted that bill. this is a common sense Conservative bill that will give a carve-out to farmers and ensure Canadians have access to.

Affordable, Canadian-grown food. But when the Prime Minister quadruples his carbon tax, farmers will pay a billion dollars a year, driving up food costs even higher. so will the Liberals reject the senate amendments, take the carbon tax off farmers and lower.

Food prices for Canadians? >> The Speaker: The honourable deputy Prime Minister and minister of finance. >> Let me tell you what is common sense for working families across our country. It is common sense to have a national system of early.

Learning and child care with fees reduced by 50% across the country and down to $10 a day in seven provinces and territories. It is common sense to support hard working families with the child benefit that's lifted millions of families out of poverty.

And it common sense to do what we're going to do this year, which is provide dental care to our seniors having provided it to our children. The Conservatives oppose every single one of those things. >> The Speaker: The honourable member from Foothills.

>> It is uncommon to see a government ignore the fact that 2 million Canadians are going to a food bank every single month. And yet the liberal NDP carbon tax coalition wants to queued quadruple that carbon tax making farming unaffordable. you're increasing taxes on.

Canadians who buy the food. Again, millions of Canadians are going to a food bank every month PT but 234 in its original form will provide relief now. Will the Liberals reject the senate amendments, take the tax off and ensure Canadians can afford to put food on their.

Tables. [Some Applause] >> The Speaker: The honourable minister for agriculture and agri food. >> Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I thank my honourable colleague for his question. but being a farmer I fully.

Understand how important environmental planning is for the government. I'm sorry, but his party does not have the environment plan. we do have an environment plan. With that environmental plan, for example, Mr. Speaker, we're able to invest $1.5 billion into.

Farmers and ranchers across this country. To make sure they stay on the cutting edge. we have and will continue to make sure farmers and ranchers stay on the cutting edge. thank you. >> The Speaker: The honourable.

Member from Lethbridge. >> Never before have we seen ignorance used as a political strategy the way this government uses it. it's shameful. Canadians are struggling day in and day out to heat their homes, put food on their tables and care for their.

Families. The carbon tax only increases that cost more. What do you know, on April 1st the carbon tax is scheduled to go up yet again. This government is going to hike it again. On April 1st.

So what would this government choose to put its feet in reality and acknowledge the STRUG that will everyday Canadians face and show a little bit of compassion, scrap the tax, stop the increase. >> The Speaker: The honourable deputy Prime Minister, minister.

Of finance. >> You know, Mr. Speaker, earlier today the Conservatives were talking about hypocrisy. And that is a subject they know a lot about. They are particularly hypocritical when it comes to talking about supporting working.

Families and the most vulnerable. Since we formed government, 2.3 million Canadians have been lifted out of poverty. The poverty rate in Canada has been cut in half. And you know what they want to do next?.

They want to take rebate cheques out of the hands of Canadian families. More than 100,000 in Alberta and Saskatchewan. That will hurt Canadians. >> The Speaker: The honourable member from Lethbridge. >> There's this government's.

False perception of reality and then there's the reality everyday Canadians are experiencing. I'd invite the honourable member to consider what the reality actually is. If she could only come down from her high horse and enter into.

The everyday life of Canadians, she might understand. Not everyone lives in downtown Toronto and has access to the luxuries that she does. Canadians are struggling. They're struggling to put food on their tables, to pay their heating bills.

They are struggling to be able to care for their families. Record numbers of Canadians are using food banks, and it has a lot to do with the carbon tax. Which is scheduled to increase on April 1st. Will this government axe the tax?.

[Some Applause] >> The Speaker: The honourable deputy Prime Minister, minister of finance. >> Well, it's certainly the case that the vast majority of Canadians do not have access to the luxuries that the leader of the opposition enjoys.

Government provided housing, a chef. People caring for his home. So let's be — people who live in glass houses should be more careful about throwing stones. When it comes to the price on pollution, that returns more money to 8 out of every 10.

Canadians, families in Alberta will be getting more than $1,000 back. That helps them. [Speaking French] >> (Voice of the Interpreter): The honourable member for Lac St. Jean. >> (Voice of the Interpreter):.

New year, new problems. Quebec is completely overwhelmed by taking in asylum seekers. it has taken in more than 65,000 people in 2023. That's 45% of the total for Canada but we only represent 22% of the population. That's far more than our fair.

Share. Quebec is now at a breaking point and it not us saying that, it's the Premier of Quebec. In a letter from the 17th of January addressed to the Prime Minister of Canada. When will the Federal Government redistribute the asylum seekers.

With the provinces? The honourable minister of immigration citizenship and refugees. >> (Voice of the Interpreter): Thank you, Mr. Speaker. First of all, I want to wish my bloc colleague, welcome him back to the house.

We're prepared to make additional efforts. Quebec has done more than its fair share, clearly. But we're here to work together. The honourable member for Lac saint Jean. >> (Voice of the Interpreter): I would invite all the political.

Parties to be careful when we talk about the immigration issue. and I would say that you would have thought the Liberals would have learned their lesson. Not only are the problems failed to be addressed but they're not resolved.

They're getting worse. The Federal Government owed $460 million to Quebec for attacking in asylum seekers. it even said it wasn't automatic. It wasn't bank machine. Now the bill is $470 million. When will the government pay.

Back Quebecers? The honourable minister of immigration, refugees and citizenship. >> (Voice of the Interpreter): First of all, Mr. Speaker, there's good news to come this week. It's clear it's a two-way relationship.

We he continue to work with Quebec to deal with the asylum seekers. It he not too close to being over, but it takes both levels of government. >> (Voice of the Interpreter): The honourable member for Lac saint Jean.

>> (Voice of the Interpreter): Quebec is also demanding that the Federal Government rehe store Visas. Since the Visa requirement was extended the number of asylum seekers win with the from 110 in 2015. But the majority of applications.

Are being refused. That means the majority of these individuals are not refugees. Still, we know that these people can with be subject to trafficking by Mexican crime syndicates along the Canadian border. They're being exploited, Mr.

Speaker. Will the minister restore Visas for Mexicans? >> (Voice of the Interpreter): The honourable member for immigration, refugees and citizenship. >> (Voice of the Interpreter): Mr. Speaker, we are dealing with.

Historic levels, not just from Mexico, but it's clear as I said publically, that it's important to take a stricter view. This is not something that details are being discussed publically. So decisions will be made. I would invite — I would call for patience, but we need to.

Act. [End of Interpretation] >> The Speaker: The honourable member from Thornhill. >> Every time the Prime Minister comes back from another extravagant vacation he didn't pay for or cabinet meets in a luxury hotel, more Canadians are.

Without a home that's affordable. even more are worried about losing it. After 8 years they doubled the cost of a home, the price of rent and a down payment that you need he to buy one. Interest payments are going up a.

Staggering 30% this year. 8 years of liberal NDP government inflationary spending has made owning a home unattainable. How can anyone trust the people that created the crisis to fix it? >> The Speaker: The honourable.

Minister for housing, infrastructure and communities. >> Mr. Speaker, the opposition seems interested in drawing on the anxieties of people who are experiencing. They're very real when it comes to housing affordability in this country.

HOUF, when you actually look at the he plan they're putting forward they have no when had idea what they're talking about. Where we're reducing taxes for home builders, they want to put taxes back on. Where we're making investments to promote affordable housing.

They plan on making cuts. They want to do away with the housing accelerator fund that's created 30 agreements offering-half a million homes. We'll build the homes. Canadians can make their choice. >> The Speaker: The honourable member from Thornhill.

>> Those are photo OPS the minister is is talking about. Home construction was actually down 7% last year. That's even worse than his nameless predecessor who was fired from the gig. You can't live in a photo op. His tweets won't would the help.

The single mom trying to make her mortgage payment next month. and his press conferences will not help the thousands of young people trying to move out of their parents basement. Why won't estop subsidizing the bureaucracy blocking construction and focus on.

Getting builders with shovels in the ground? >> The Speaker: The honourable minister for housing infrastructure and community. >> The Conservatives dismiss as photoOPS but are binding agreements with cities who have agreed to get more houses built.

A new measure this morning will extend low cost loans to college and wills universities and builders to help those young people find a home and to free up supply in community. And if they're concerned with housing stats, as the appropriate metric, I'd point.

Out never once when the opposition leader was a housing minister did he get as many homes built as we did last year. [Some Applause] >> The Speaker: The honourable member from Kelowna-lake country. >> After 8 years of this.

Liberal NDP government Canada's housing crisis keeps getting worse. Canada saw over 17,000 less housing start in 2023 than in 2022. And the average asking rent in British Columbia is now $2,500 a month.

Working class people are living in their cars in parking lots. And their own housing agency even said that there is no plan to build a number of houses that Canadians need here in this country. This Prime Minister is just noter would the the cost.

When will the Prime Minister have a plan to build houses, not bureaucracy? >> The Speaker: The honourable minister for housing, infrastructure and communities. >> Mr. Speaker, we have a plan to billion houses. In fact, we have a plan to build.

Houses in real communities. let's take the honourable member's constituency as an example. she represents the good people of Kelowna. Not only have we put help in place for her community. We've invested $31.5 million to.

Building homes permanently in Kelowna. On both the plan to change the way the city builds home and the specific project she voted against the plan. [INAUDIBLE] >> The Speaker: The honourable member from New.

Westminster-Burnaby. >> Hate led to the murder of 6 worshippers at the Quebec city mosque 7 years ago today. They were killed in cold blood because they were Muslim. The perpetrator of this Islamphobic terrorism was influenced by the hate that.

Continues to multiply online. this Prime Minister promised to take action to combat online hate within his first 100 days in office. Years have passed and there's still no action. When are the Liberals finally going to crack down on online.

Hate? When will they take action? >> The Speaker: The minister interest justice and attorney general for Canada. >> I want to thank the member opposite for that question and acknowledge that today is the 7th anniversary of a terrorist.

Attack at the Quebec city mosque where we commemorate those victims and also take action on Islamophobia. The point he's raising about all forms of hate is a very important one with the we know the radicalization of people that take violent and sometimes.

Lethal act in this country is fuelled by what they learn online. that's why we're committed to addressing this manner in a comprehensive piece of legislation that will tackle this issue and will address and promote the safety of Canadians.

>> The Speaker: The honourable member from Edmonton-Strathcona. >> The same day that the ICJ ruled there was a risk of genocide in Gaza, the liberals paused funding to UNRWA, a lifeline for many of Palestinians. people will lose their lives!.

And unbelievably the Conservative leader has accused 30,000UNRWA members of being terrorists. He does not deserve to lead. We support an investigation into the 12 former staff, but defunding is a punishment and it's illegal.

When will the Liberals stop abandoning Palestinians? [Some Applause] >> The Speaker: The honourable minister for international development. >> I thank my colleague for that important question. These allegations are extremely.

Disturbing and we we take them very seriously. We've communicated that to the head of UNRWA. What we're doing, which is the prudent thing to do, is to pause funding while this investigation is ongoing. We will continue to be there for.

Palestinian civilians through work woulding with with like — working with like-minded partners on the ground delivering life-saving food P medicine and other much needed supplies to the people of Gaza. >> The Speaker: The honourable member from Richmond Centre.

>> Mr. Speaker, through the housing accelerator fund our government is it partnering with the still of Richmond with a tremendous investment on housing in our community. Building over 1,000 new housing units, way more than what the Conservative government had.

Done. While the Conservative leader continues to marginalize our municipal partners, our government is it committed to work withing together with municipalities like Richmond to build more homes faster. Can the minister share with my.

Community how we're working www.our local municipalities to build more homes faster in the city of Richmond? thank you. >> The Speaker: The honourable minister for housing, infrastructure and communities. >> Mr. Speaker, I want to thank.

My honourable colleague, not just for his work to secure $35.9 million for the city of Richmond, but for the thousands of homes that will be built as a result of the changes that we're incentivizing. We're putting federal money on the table to permanently change.

The way that cities build homes, to create more density near the services, infrastructure and post secondary education institutions that people need to do well in they're community. This program is creating thousands, hundreds of thousands of homes across the country,.

Including in Richmond, and I once again want to thank and congratulate my colleague on his important work. [Speaking French] >> (Voice of the Interpreter): The honourable member. >> (Voice of the Interpreter): Mr. Speaker, after 8 years of.

This government, in the Prime Minister's own riding, rent has gone from $760ed a month to $2,249 a month. That's 3 times the cost. This Prime Minister just thinks about himself. He traveled to Jamaica at $9,000 a day on the taxpayers dime.

Can he come back to reality in Canada and take care of Canadians' housing problems? Including in his own riding, Papineau in Montreal. >> (Voice of the Interpreter): The honourable minister of housing, infrastructure and communities.

>> (Voice of the Interpreter): Well, Mr. Speaker, this opposition leader's solution is to state that mayors are incompetent. that is not at all appropriate. We are doing everything we can to build affordable housing. For example, we sign an.

Agreement with Quebec to build 8,000 new affordable housing units. We will continue to make these important and essential investments to build a great many new homes quickly. >> The Speaker: The honourable member.

>> Mr. Speaker, I would have very much liked to have been a fly on the wall when I heard the discussion between the Prime Minister and the mayor of Montreal about housing. The plantE administration blocked the construction of 25,000 new houses and.

Apartments. And the Prime Minister is repaying that inKoch tense by continuing to send the mayor — incompetence by continuing to send the mayor blank cheques. Clearly no solution came out of that meeting. Why not link money to.

Municipalities to the number of housing starts? That's just common sense. >> The honourable minister of transport. Mr. Speaker, everyone knows in order to succeed in housing you need to cooperate with municipalities and the private.

Sector. Just the opposite of what the leader of the opposition is doing. He's insulting the mayor of Montreal, the mayor of Quebec city. He's insulting Quebecers. We don't need him, Mr. Speaker.

We know how to build homes. And we don't need him to come along and just insult Quebecers. The honourable member for Chicoutimi. >> (Voice of the Interpreter): Mr. Speaker, after eight years of this Prime Minister, rent has never been so high T cost of.

Rent has doubled and there isn't enough housing in the first place. we've now learned there's hundreds of now homeless encampments. That's what Canada is like now under this government. People are in the street because.

They don't have enough money to put a roof RF over their heads or because there's just not enough housing. When will the liberals finally listen to our common sense plan and build housing? >> (Voice of the Interpreter): The honourable minister of.

Fisheries ex and oceans. >> (Voice of the Interpreter): Well we, I'd like to tell my colleague that several months ago the honourable member insulted people from the I'ms and he still hasn't apologized. I have a question. Will this member criticize his.

Colleague's words or will he simply bury his head in the sand? We are very proud Quebecers in the islands. We're waiting for an apology. But my colleague should stand up and apologize. >> (Voice of the Interpreter):.

The honourable member. >> (Voice of the Interpreter): Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister should support competent mayors who have sped up housing bills. Montreal, on the other hand, has seen the housing decrease by 37% over last year and in Quebec city 40%.

Once our leader is elected, he'll give federal bonuses to towns this speed up housing starts. When will the liberals finally listen to our common sense plan and finally build more homes? >> (Voice of the Interpreter): The honourable minister of.

Housing, infrastructure and communities. >> (Voice of the Interpreter): Mr. Speaker, it is absolutely — it is absolutely extraordinary to hear this kind of thing on the floor of the House of Commons. It's up to the Federal.

Government to sign agreements with the provinces, not municipalities. We are continuing to build housing. and I hope that the Conservative party will support us. >> (Voice of the Interpreter): The honourable member.

>> (Voice of the Interpreter): Mr. Speaker, the Federal Government's stub RPness on the emergency loans is pushing our SME's to bankruptcy. after the January 18th yesterday deadline, some SME's have lost $20,000 in grants, which means businesses that are already.

Struggling to pay back the $40,000 now have $60,000 in debt. That's a death sentence. The Federal Government could either let them keep the $20,000 or it could secure the loans. Why not give these businesses an opportunity to pay back the.

Loans? >> (Voice of the Interpreter): Mr. Speaker, we know that this is still a very difficult time for small businesses. They still have nearly 3 years to pay the money back. We extended the deadline. For these loans to ensure that.

Small businesses can concentrate on recovering after the pandemic. We are also helping start ups with their taxes, and we're reducing credit card fees by up to a quarter. thank you. >> (Voice of the Interpreter):.

The honourable member. >> (Voice of the Interpreter): Well, it sounds like the liberals are saying there's nothing to look at here, that everything is fine. If that were true entrepreneurs wouldn't have had to re-mortgage their homes or take out personal.

Loans to pay back the Federal Government. Several others are struggling to pay back the Federal Government. The Federal Government will lose all that money unless it wants to start thousands of collection processes. we need to save these.

Businesses. they need a direct line of communication. We need to give them flexibility and we need to let them have the $20,000. BH will the government finally understand? >> (Voice of the Interpreter):.

The honourable minister. >> (Voice of the Interpreter): I'd like to inform the Bloc Quebecois that 80% of the businesses have already paid back the entirety of the loans. I'd also like to remind us that during Covid the Federal Government invested to help.

Businesses with rent, with wage subsidies. We also have many programs with economic development Canada and other federal institutions to help our small businesses. >> The Speaker: The honourable member from Calgary forest lawn. >> In just two years this.

Liberal NDP Prime Minister has doubled the interest payments on explosive debt. That's more tax dollars going to bankers, bondholders and finance minister's bay street buddies than on health care. After 8 years this Prime Minister's not worth the cost.

Like the $35 billion infrastructure bank that's built 0 projects yet lined the pockets of Liberal cronies. when will the minister cut the waste, cut the corruption, fix the budget to bring home lower prices, bring down inflation and interest rates?.

[Some Applause] >> The Speaker: The honourable deputy Prime Minister and minister of finance. >> Mr. Speaker, we've already heard Conservative hypocrisy. Now we with are hearing Conservative alarmism. So let's set the facts straight.

The reality is Canada's public finances are sustainable. And that's not me talking. That is the credit ratings agencies, which have awarded Canada AAA rating. It doesn't get better than that. But the real question Canadians need to ask themselves is what.

Would with the Conservatives cut in their reckless and idealogical pursuit of austerity. We've heard about them from health care. Has the first place they'd go to make cuts. >> The Speaker: The honourable.

Member from Calgary-forest lawn. >> First we're going to cut the amount of liberal seats in this house and replace them with a common sense Conservative government. And let me emphasize the finance minister some free non-consulting advice.

Why don't they cut woke policies and axe the carbon tax to bring down the costs of gas, groceries and home heating and pass bill C-234 for our farmers? Why don't they cut the $20 billion this Prime Minister gives to Liberal consultants to cover up the IP competency by.

His own cabinet. we all know this Prime Minister's not worth the cost. When will the Liberals bring down inflation and interest rates already? [Some Applause] >> The Speaker: The honourable deputy Prime Minister and.

Minister of finance. >> I'll tell you one with thing we know they would cut for sure. Because that's what their votes during the marathon voting showed. They would cut shamefully our support for Ukraine. They would not send weapons to.

Ukraine. The member opposite is an MP for Alberta. And I would like to ask him what his heckling colleagues have just shouted. Why do they support Putin? Have they no [OVERLAPPING SPEAKERS].

[INDISCERNIBLE] [Speaking French] >> (Voice of the Interpreter): The honourable member. >> (Voice of the Interpreter): Mr. Speaker, over the last 8 years inflation has reached a record level. The debt has doubled.

The government has never budgeted a single budget. Has never balanced a single budget. And it completely supported by the Bloc Quebecois. We he the Conservatives with balance the budget by getting rid of liberal waste, like the.

$54 million spent on arrive can. Will he let common sense Conservatives take over? Before asking the deputy Prime Minister to answer — a completely unacceptal regime. That is very important to maintain decorum and respect in this house.

So that we don't associate any political party with unacceptal regimes. The honourable deputy Prime Minister and minister of finance. [Speaking French] >> (Voice of the Interpreter): Mr. Speaker, when it comes to.

Public finances, it's very important to be clear and tell Canadians the truth. And for that reason, it's important to quote objective authorities like credit agencies. Which continue to give Canada an AAA credit rating.

My question for the Conservatives that all Canadians and Quebecers should ask, what will the Conservatives cut because of their austerity ideology? The honourable member. >> (Voice of the Interpreter): Mr. Speaker, Canadians are.

Working hard to buy a house. But we he know that the leader of the opposition believes that slogans and attacks on municipal leaders will lead to more housing starts. Now, on this side of the house we know that the Federal Government is responsible for.

Leading the effort to make housing more affordable. Can the deputy Prime Minister and minister of finance tell the house about how measures many the fall economic statement will enable us to build more housing more quickly? >> The Speaker: The honourable.

Deputy Prime Minister. >> (Voice of the Interpreter): I'd like to thank my colleague for the question. Mr. Speaker, our government knows that we we need to build more homes more quickly. That's why in the economic update we're investing $15.

Billion further in the rental apartment building loans program, which will enable us to build 100,000 more homes in the years to come. We're also announcing no GST on new housing projects. [End of Interpretation] >> After 8 years of this.

NDP-Liberal Government it clear the Prime Minister's not worth the cost. There were three different versions of his Jamaican vacation. first he claimed he was paying all the spendses for his family's say.

Secondly he claimed he was staying at no cost at a location owneded by a family friend. And then he claimed that he and his family stayed with friends. Now, all three different versions can not be accurate at the same time. Which version did he tell the.

Ethics commissioner? [Some A [Some Applause] >> The Speaker: The honourable government house leader. >> Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister and his family took a Christmas vacation. Before their trip the office of.

The ethics commissioner was consulted to ensure rules were followed. The Prime Minister's family then proceeded with the trip and all the rules were followed, Mr. Speaker. >> The Speaker: The honourable member from Sherwood park.

— excuse me, Fort Saskatchewan. Forgive me. >> After eight years, senior public servants have spoken out about lies and abuse of process in the ROOI scam scandal. shortly after their critical whistle blowing testimony these.

Senior public servants were put on leave without pay. They were told they were under investigation less than three weeks after their testimony and they were suspended before the investigation had even concluded. This NDP Liberal Government is.

Punishing public servants for their arrive can testimony. What are these liberals trying to hide with this retaliation and intimidation of witnesses? [Some Applause] >> The Speaker: The honourable member. >> Agencies that are.

Responsible for ensuring that all the appropriate contracting practices are followed have appeared before the committee. And my conversation in early January with the president of CBSA was to the effect that we should share with the committee looking into this.

Information obtained by the internal audit. Mr. Speaker, CBSA is doing it's important work to ensure that everyone is responsible for following the rules. They've called in the police where necessary. they've done internal audits and.

Will continue to do all of this to ensure taxpayers value. >> The Speaker: The honourable member from Edmonton-millwoods. >> For 8 years this Prime Minister is just not worth the chaos and crime, Mr. Speaker. Canadian businesses across the country are being extorted by.

International gangsters because of the NDP-Liberal government's idealogical soft on crime policies. Businesses and family homes are being shot at. In Edmonton since November over a dozen houses under construction by different home.

Builders have been burned down. It was this government that made it easier for criminals to get bail and allowed for shorter jail terms. By scrapping mandatory minimum sentences. Mr. Speaker, when will they start cracking down on serious.

Crime? >> The Speaker: The honourable minister for justice and attorney general for Canada. >> With respect to bail, I'd underscore the unanimity with which this house spoke on amentaling the bail provisions so that we could keep.

Communities safe. That was a sign of success in what can be achieve. What we continue to do is to address crime as the topmost priority of our goth. That means keeping communities safe and protecting victims. we continue to do that with.

Respect to various issues, including autotheft, which is the summit coming up in a few short days. >> The Speaker: The honourable me member. >> I'd like to thank all the small businesses in my riding.

That have continued to show entrepreneurship and work hard to foster economic development here in Canada. we he know many of these businesses face administrative challenges in day-to-day operations and our government has been there every step of the.

Way to listen and adapt regulations to better suit their needs. The Conservative party claims to care for small businesses yet calls for support. Can P president of the treasury board tell this house how we're supporting small businesses to.

Build a stronger economy for all Canadians? Thank you. >> The Speaker: The honourable secretary. >> I thank the honourable member for the question. Small businesses are the back bone of the Canadian economy and.

We stood with small businesses during and after the pandemic, including in terms of reducing credit card transaction fees, establishing a program for small businesses and federal procurement and assisting the tourism sector. We'll continue to stand with.

Small businesses. It's on second reading. We're bringing it back before the house and we will create an efficient and effective economy for all small businesses. >> The Speaker: The honourable member for verdict yeah. >> Mr. Speaker, Canadians are.

Worried about the climate and they expect their government to take action. Premier are struggling to pay for their bills, yet oil and gas CEO's are polluting our planet while raking in record profits ex-bonuses. In some cases they've upped.

Their own salaries by 75%. For far too long this Liberal Government has been stacking the deck in favour of billionaires at the expense of Canadian workers and the environment. Will the liberals reign in these obscene bonuses by making oil and gas Chatham-Kent's pay what.

They owe? [Some Applause] >> The Speaker: The honourable minister for climate and environment change. >> Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I'd like to welcome back my honourable colleague to this house and say I agree he with.

Her. I think the profits of of these companies must be addressed in this house and that's what our government is doing by putting in place measures like no other countries in the world have. We've put forward the world's most ambitious project to reduce.

Gases by 75% by 2030. We've eliminated fossil fuel structures T only country in the G20 to have done so. We're also in the process of putting a cap on the emissions of the oil and gas sector. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. >> The Speaker: The honourable.

Member for Saanich-gulf islands. >> Thank you, Mr. Speaker. We're on the theme of Liberal promises that keep being broken. Bill C-50 is the sustainable jobs act. Which kicked down the road coming up with the sustainable jobs plan.

Laws are like sausages. Better not to watch. >> The Speaker: The honourable minister. >> Following months of filibustering they proposed over 21,000 amendments to the sustainable jobs act in an attempt to prevent workers from.

Getting a seat at the table. The committee was chaotic, the Conservative members were shouting over top of each other. A handful of the thousand of Conservative amendments were passed by the committee in the chaos. I encourage the green party.

Leader to review the nine amendments I put on the notice paper that address and rectify this issue now. >> The Speaker: I wish to draw the attention of the members in the gallery to the honourable Lori HUSAR, speaker of the republic of Estonia, the.

Honourable speaker of the parliament of the republic of Latvia, and the honourable speaker of the parliament of Lithuania.

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