Australian Migration updates – September and October 2022


Australian Migration updates - September and October 2022

Foreign migration here with updates in migrationlegislation for September and October 2022. it is the 11th of November 2022 today as Irecord this and its Bravo migrations 14th birthday anniversary whatever you want tocall it we're so happy to have been able to help people over 14 years and we worked on over 7000 Visa applications in this period becoming one of the long-lasting most experienced migrationfirms in Australia so we want to thank you for watching all the content we put out there wewant to thank our team past and presents and all the clients we helped over the years withoutyou this was not going to be possible in terms of what has been happening September and Octoberif you follow our videos you will remember that.

We had several budget announcements in this uhcalendar year in Australia we had the previous government the Liberal Party um announcing abudget in March because we had an election in May everything they announced there in terms ofmigration most of it was thrown out of the window because they lost the election in May and the newgovernment started with the labor party they have made some announcements in May in relationto increasing the number of Visa places for permanent visas in Australia for the financialyear that started on the first of July 2022 and they also announced millions of dollars ofinvestments in the department of Home Affairs to help process the Visa backlog that we've had fora couple of years there now since the pandemic hit things got really slow when the financial yearstarted they announced they were going to do.

Another budget study and there will be moreannouncements in October we did have a budget announcement to top up the main announcement inOctober but we saw in August 2022 we saw one of the biggest invitation rounds for the subclass 189permanent independent skilled Visa in recent years all of a sudden on the same day the Governmentinvited more than 12 000 people to apply for the 189 permanent Visa this is a points tested Visathat requires an invitation from SKU select it was a shock great news but everyone was likewhoa where did that come from the majority of the people uh invited were from outside ofAustralia people who had expressed interest in applying for that visa and who were outsideof Australia and not all occupations in the list of occupations for the Visa the MLT SSL notall of them were invited so we're like wow okay.

Um they used up pretty much all the allocation ofvisas that the previous government had announced in October early October we had another roundof invitation is another 11 000 plus people I said again most people outside of Australiabut not in all occupations by the end of October the new budget was announced and they said theyhad allocated 32 000 places for the 189 Visa so this means that there's around 8 000 places leftto be used all the way up to 30th of June 2023. this is amazing news finally the 189 Visa ismoving after years and years of the liberal government driving it down this is a Visathat doesn't require a job offer people can come and live anywhere in Australia so theprevious government really didn't want to um uh encourage this visa and they wanted to phaseit out really now with these huge skill shortage.

We have in Australia there's you know a need forpeople to work in all kinds of occupations and professions the current governments desperate tobring people into Australia as soon as possible however there's a couple of problems with allthese invitations all of a sudden we already have a clogged up system in terms of Visa processingvisa application processing for this Visa if you look at the estimated processing times inthe department of Home Affairs website it says 45 months that's almost four years for the visa to beprocessed after you have been invited and lodged your visa application so if we are already behindin processing applications and now we invited um 23 24 000 people that's another 24 000applications that will clock the system so is this investment going to be enough andwho is the department going to hire to work.

On these Visa applications if we don't haveenough people in the country to fill out the job vacancies so again this is great butwith just 8 000 places left we don't know if you should keep this Visa as a plan a youshould really be looking at other Visa options um because if you're in Australia it maybe that you are not invited that the next invitation rounds are again dedicatedto people who are outside of Australia um or if you are invited and you're here you'regoing to be on a bridging visa for four years so if you can express interest for a 189 visitsbecause our application your occupation sorry is in the medium and long term list and in most casesthat occupation may also be in the list for the 186 permanent employer Visa so if you're here andyou have a skill chances are at the moment with.

The job market the way it is chesses are that youare working in your occupation so maybe consider approaching your employer And discussingthese other Visa via the direct entry even if you need to consider all these if thisis the best option for you uh before you even approach your employer even if you'reoutside of Australia in here there's a link um in the description of this video where youcan contact us and we can organize an assessment with one of our agents for you so yeah lotshappening in the 189 Visa realm but there's also lots happening when it comes to sponsorship visaswe've saw um maybe because of the investment in uh processing hiring people to process the backlog ofvisas but we finally are seeing applications that were sitting there for a while moving and beingapproved and um in the beginning of November the.

Government released an order of consideration ofthese applications involving the sponsorship Visa what does that mean this means that there'll be apriority set in terms of who gets processed first in which order your visa application willbe processed so priorities being given for sponsorship visas for people in the healthcareand teaching Industries so doctors nurses Early Childhood teachers secondary teachersand so on this is followed by applications for sponsorship visas made by accredited sponsorswhat is an accredited sponsor it's an Australian company that has been sponsoring people fora number of years and who has a good record of approval and has a minimum turnover and hasobtained not only a standard business sponsorship approval which is necessary for a company tosponsor someone on the 4-H Visa but has also.

Become accredited so there's been extra checked bythe Departments and given priority they normally have priority but with this order of considerationthe number two in the priority list number three is for applications for uh the 4-h2 sponsorshipVisa where the position is located in a regional area so Regional area in Australia since 2019 forthe purposes of migration and these applications is anywhere in the country except Sydney Melbourneand Brisbane metropolitan areas which are the largest cities in Australia so if you're onthe Gold Coast in Adelaide in the whole Western Australia the whole Tasmania these are Regionalareas and Your sponsorship visa application will be processed faster and then everyone else comesinto a processing so again if you are in Australia and you have a job offer your forage to maybeprocessed super fast and you're going to be able.

To get PR faster rather than sitting on whateverVisa you are on now a student visa covid 408 Visa um you really need to get on a sponsorship visaand move towards the permanent residence and who knows you can you may like I said if you'rewaiting for a 189 you're probably eligible for a 186 via the direct entry stream anyway soum better to have an employer Visa rather than wait for this Holy Grail of visas which is the 189and we're seeing a lot of people who are hopeful again after this huge invitation rounds but itmay not be necessarily a good thing it's better than what it was but yeah not necessarily uh goodfor you in your situation another update we had from the labor government at the moment that theyfinally um set a date for when the unlimited work permission for international student visa holderswill end so this started in January 2022 again uh.

In a network to address the problem of a lack ofskilled people working in Australia because we had our borders closed for two years the governmentsaid okay if you're international student you're in Australia you're going to be able to work onLimited hours I have been in Australia for 27 years and I have never seen this happen beforethis is the first time that's how desperate the government is to help employers find workers butthe previous government who announced this never said when this was going to end so we're like okayis it going to be you know six months should we get excited about this the current governmentsaid it's gonna stay on and it's gonna stay on until the 30th of June 2023 so we have a bit oversix months there for you in Australia who holds um a student visa for you and your dependents to workfull-time after June next year things will go back.

To normal which is part-time work for the mainapplicant main holder of that Visa the students um unless that student is undertaking a mastersby researcher a PhD and the student's spouse can also only work part-time unless the student isenrolled in a masters by coursework Masters by research or a PhD as well so back to normal inJuly next year another bit of news with with seeing and that doesn't come from the Departmentof Immigration uh but it came from IELTS the organization that manages the exam the Englishlanguage except that is accepted by the department of Home Affairs IELTS has announced they will nowaccept multiple sittings and combine your results um your best results so at the moment you go yousit for the IELTS exam there's four components listening reading speaking and writing you scorewhat you score you get those results and if you.

Didn't pass and you didn't achieved the scoreyou needed in one component you have to sit for the whole exam again what they are doing is thatyou're going to be able to sit just for one or two components and then we don't know how yet becausethey haven't released details we don't know how they will combine those results are you gonnahave two sets of results or one with your best scores but we are going to wait and see now whatIELTS does doesn't necessarily um transfer to the Department of immigration's rules so we don'tknow how those changes will reflect in migration law but you can always count on us to be hereexplaining the changes to you in playing English and as soon as details are known counts on usbeing here to let you know thanks for watching again happy birthday to Bravo migration and Iwish you a great rest of your day bye.

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