Biden admin torched for ‘shamefully defending’ China visa coverage


Biden admin torched for 'shamefully defending' China visa coverage

Uh meantime a Fox News Alert now today President Biden is hosting the Japanese prime minister for an official state visit the two are reportedly planning to deep in the US Japan military Alliance it all comes ahead of Biden's first ever Summit tomorrow with Japan and the Philippines the three nations expected to discuss how to react to a potential.

Conflict in Taiwan as well as threats from China while focusing on shared goals on Military technology and infrastructure let's bring in Dr samantra Mitra global itics expert and director of research and Outreach at the American ideas Institute doctor look I think this meeting is great I think it's important I think it's vital but are.

These meetings with Japan and the Philippines a little too little too late when it comes to Joe Biden's response thank you Todd uh well you're right one of the things that Joe Biden wanted to do is something that Republicans have been talking for a long time is to form an alliance system based in Asia where Japan Australia and.

Philippines and all the other allies are bigger part one of the things that they need to do however is to make Japan Philippines Taiwan spend more than 1% on the defense and Alliance System only means something when the states have capability to achieve the burden that they're supposed to take so yes Japan coming to Philippines and forming an.

Alliance with the United States uh balancing China is great only given if they spend money for their own defense which they're not currently they're a rich country they can do okay so spending money is one concrete action I I just am leery of me meetings about meetings about meetings so what concrete steps do you want to see Joe Biden take.

Either with Japan and the Philippines or on our own to counter the China threat well off the top of my mind the four things that I can think of is number one as I mentioned uh CA them influence them to spend more money at least more than 1% in defense which is amazing amount of money for a rich country like Japan number one number two.

Organized Tech transfer with Japan and Australia so we have uh United Kingdom and Australia in arus alignment but we don't have Japan in it so if we can invite Japan to be a part of that Alliance then we would have Tech transfer when it comes to military number two number three we should invite Japanese investment in United States.

Look there is a very easy solution to that you know Japan's manufacturing is not as cheap as China obviously so we are not sending our manufacturing to Japan but what we can do is invite them to invest in the United States help American workers and uh manufacture uh and do hard tech quantity like chips stuff for example example uh and number.

Four we should have joint patrolling and interoperability of forces between Japan Australia uh Philippines so we for for now we have like different tank systems uh countries have different tank systems countries of different air defense systems that needs to be interoperable these are very simple things to do uh it could be done in a matter of like a.

Couple of years uh I think those are the things that we should focus on okay so this topic seems like the B Administration is on board understanding the China threat but yet there's another issue issue out there that sort of demonstrates maybe they don't truly understand the threat Biden and his administration are defending its Visa.

Exemption program for Chinese Nationals currently allowed to arrive in Guam after Republicans called it out as a loophole that can be exploited here's what the White House says they basically say allowing Chinese Nationals to enter Guam where we do have a lot of military bases mind you and the Northern Mariana Islands without a Visa is appropriate.

Because it's ultimately good for those territories economies Iowa Senator Joanie ER not agreeing with that scolding Joe Biden telling Fox News digital quote the Biden Administration shamefully defends an outdated immigration policy while our national security is on the line allowing our military base and National.

Secrets in Guam to remain at risk shows just how seriously this President takes the threat of China your thoughts doctor no I think the Visa exemption is absolutely sholic I mean if if you say that China is one of the systemic threats according to the n new NATO Doctrine then obviously we need to stop people from you know going to places.

Which are of military importance but it is also just one of the issues the ultimate issue is not just high quality Visa Espionage uh but also open borders 20,000 Chinese men crossed the southern Border in the last one year there is no way to vet them we have no idea whether they're intelligence we have no idea whether they're military we have no idea.

Whether they're operating with local gangs or local members it's absolutely insane these are the people who would be in different parts of this country and going to be like sleeper cells look I I don't mean to say that there are no genuine refugees but if you don't vet 20,000 military age men coming to your country from your Southern border then.

You don't have a border you don't have a country yeah these military agen aren't going to Guam's beaches they're not hanging out at California's beaches they're here for a reason and the fact that our Administration current Administration doesn't seem to appreciate that threat to your point is shambolic it's shocking it makes no.

Sense Dr sumantra Mitra always amazing Insight we appreciate your time sir thank you I'm Steve duy I'm Brian kilme and I'm Angley Airhart and click here to subscribe to the Fox News YouTube page to catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis

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3 thoughts on “Biden admin torched for ‘shamefully defending’ China visa coverage

  1. We are on a factual route. Now we must allow Philippines and Japan to assemble their alliance with us salvage in their hearts. And I judge Biden is allowing them room to develop on us. We are in a position to’t perform that if we pressure them to pay us extra. We need them greater than the money

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