Biden delivers remarks on promoting American investments and job development


Biden delivers remarks on promoting American investments and job development

I want to recognize all the labor unions here today including Steel Workers Auto Workers Sheet Metal Workers FCI ibw communications workers boiler makers machinists I'm proud as rock said to be labeled the most pro-union president American history you heard me say it before wall Street's important a lot of good folks there but they didn't build.

America the middle class build America and unions built the middle class folks leaders from Key American indenes are here as well including steel aluminum solar semiconductors automakers and members of my cabinet are here as well Janet yell in the front row is Murderers Row here Treasury Department Julie Sue our trade of of Labor Katherine Tai our.

Nation's trade representative and outstanding members of Congress as well from Michigan Debbie stabenau is here Debbie welcome and uh Hal and Haley Stevens uh um is here no I guess she there you are you did make they told me you might not be able to make it I'm sorry all right and congresswoman Debbie Dingle again you smile Debbie it's.

Okay Alysa slotkin well you should be you you're you're you're responsible for a lot of this thank you for joining us as I announced a series of actions to make sure American workers and American Business and corporations can compete and win in the industries of the future because that's what this is about the fact is American workers are can outwork.

And out compete anyone as long as the competition is fair but for too long it hasn't been fair for years the Chinese government has poured State money into Chinese companies across a whole range of Industries steel aluminum semiconductors electric vehicles solar panels the industries of the future and even critical health equipment like.

Gloves and masks China heavily subsidized all these products pushing Chinese company to produce far more than the rest of the world can absorb and then dumping the excess products onto the market and unfairly low prices driving other manufacturers around the world out of business you know I won't go into it but we were talking today.

About how many aluminum plants there used to be and how many there are now the price is unfairly low because Chinese companies don't need to worry about a profit because the Chinese government subsidized them and subsidize them heavily and Chinese relies on other anti-competitive tactics as well like forcing American companies to.

Transfer their technology in order to do business in China I spent a lot of time with xiin ping early on I told him he said why am I being unfair with China not unfair I said look we'll play by the same rules if you want if you want to do business in China you got to have a 51% Chinese owner you got to provide access to all your intellectual property Etc.

You want to do that in America with silence sometimes it just outright steal through cyber Espionage and other means and it's been a well documented and internationally recognized when you make tactics like these they are you're not competing it's not competition it's cheating and we've seen damage here in America to name one example back in 2000.

When cheap steel from China began to flood the market us steel times across Pennsylvania and Ohio were hit hard and any of you from those areas know well more than 1,800 iron workers and steel workers in Pennsylvania and Ohio lost their jobs I'm not going to let that happen again that's why today I'm announcing new tariffs and key sectors.

Of the economy that are ensure that our workers are not held back by unfair Trade Practices they include thing I'm announcing today 25% tariff on Chinese steel and aluminum products and we'll counter China's overc capacity in these industries and we're making major investments in clean American Steel and aluminum clean American Steel and.

Aluminum it's a big deal clean because of the way we manufactured here it it's half as much carbon as steel made in China last month my Administration announced the largest investment in clean Manufacturing in all of history up to 1.5 billion dollars in six clean steel projects Across America creating.

Supporting thousands thousands of union jobs next a 100% tariff on electric vehicles made in China people say wow because we're not going to let China flood our Market making it impossible for American autom automobile auto manufacturers to compete fairly we're also implementing a 25% tarff on electric vehicle batteries from China.

And 25% Tire FR critical minerals that make those batteries folks look I'm determined that the future of electric vehicles will be made in America by union workers period and we'll do it by following International Trade laws to do it American companies are investing 10 of billions of dollars in electric vehicles.

And batteries and thanks to my bypro infrastructure law we're building a network of 500,000 charging stations all across America creating thousands thousands of ibw jobs Across America electric charging stations the reason to do this is simple electric charging station has to be as easy defined as a gas station and that's.

What this will be You're Not Gon to have to worry about you're taking off and you're not goingon to be able to make it all across the country and one without having to figure something else out our partners around the world are making similar Investments they also want supply chain for electric vehicles that isn't dominated by unfair trade practice.

From China America can continue to buy Americans I want to make this clear not withstanding what the other guy saying can buy any kind of car they want whether it's gas electric or hybrid but we're never going to allow China to unfairly control the market for these cars period next we're going to raise tariffs on Chinese.

Solar panels from 25 to 50% here again because the Chinese government is subsidizing excess capacity they're flooding the market they're driving manufacturing companies out of business in Europe but we won't let that happen here in America we're putting a 50% tariff on semiconductors made in China these are those tiny computer all of you.

Know this but for the public those little tiny computer chips smaller than the fingertip that power everyday lives everything from smartphones the automobiles to dishwashers satellites look American vanity cheaps but over time we stopped making them we invested other overseas now thanks to my chips and science act one of the most.

Significant Investments ever in science and technology we're bringing this vital industry back home where it started in the United States of America and finally we're putting tariffs on health equipment like masks and gloves that nurses and doctors wear every single day pandemic caught us any taught us.

Anything we need to have a secure PL supply of essential supplies here at home folks these key sectors my Administration is combining investments in America with tariffs that are strategic and targeted it's a smart approach compare that to the PRI what the prior Administration did my predecessor promised increase American.

Exports and boost manufacturing but he didn't either he failed he signed a trade deal with China they were supposed to buy $200 billion more in American Goods instead China Imports from America barely budged and now Trump and his magga Republicans want to cross the board tariffs on All Imports from all countries if reelected well that would.

Drive up cost for families on an average of $1,500 per year each year it simply doesn't get it for years I've heard many Republicans even democratic friends say China is not on the rise me China is on the rise America is falling behind I've always believed they got it wrong America is rising we have.

The best economy in the world and since I've come to office the GDP is up our trade deficit with China is down to the lowest level in over a decade and we're standing up against Chinese government unfair economic practices now at the same time we're standing up for peace and stability across the Taiwan Straits I've.

Revitalized our Partnerships with the Pacific allies and India Australia Japan South Korea the Philippines Pacific island nations I've made sure the most advanced American technologist we develop or invent can be used by the CH can't be used by the Chinese government to undermine our national security frankly before it Reigns frankly uh for.

All this tough talk on China has never occurred to my predecessor to do any of that bottom line I want Fair competition with China not conflict and we're in a stronger position to win that economic competition the 21st century against China than anyone else because we're investing in America again and American workers let me close me close with this.

I come from Scranton a town like a lot of workingclass middle class neighborhoods all across America like graine Wisconsin which I visited last week once a Manufacturing in Boomtown until trickle down economics came along and the middle class and Racine got hollowed out six years ago my predecessor showed up carrying a golden.

Shovel promising thanks to his new10 billion manufacturing complex would be buil and Racine he said it would be the eighth wonder of the world big promises that never came true he used that golden shovel to dig a hole and then he fell into it well it's not a my that's part part of my well I'm delivering for racing delivering thanks to investment.

My Administration Microsoft is investing billions to build a new data center in Racine creating thousands of good paying jobs because the view from Scranton and towns a lot different than from Mara Lago it's a view where that money doesn't determine your worth Everyone's entitled to be treating with dignity and respect and everyone deserves a fair.

Shot we leave nobody behind that's the America we're building together that's why I've never been more optimistic about our future and I'm really going fast because of the rain we have that's why we have to remember who we are we're the United States of America and there is nothing there's nothing beyond our capacity when we do it together God.

Bless you all better get out of the rain thank you very very much

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3 thoughts on “Biden delivers remarks on promoting American investments and job development

  1. The price of living is now not livable. Wages are so low that folks can’t even take into story living an inexpensive existence. Our country is in shambles and is in crisis. In wish to sending and supporting other countries issues why can’t the authorities focal level on this country? I know why. Other countries issues are a approach to distract the opposite folk of how onerous it is correct to outlive. In 1960 the minimum wage used to be $1.00 an hour. It’s 2024 and minimum wage is 7.25 an hour. Does anyone else detect the downside with the authorities’s incapacity to impress what a livable wage is? The US is now a third world country.

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