Biden, Trump projected to rob Virginia primaries: The News4 Rundown | NBC4 Washington


Biden, Trump projected to rob Virginia primaries: The News4 Rundown | NBC4 Washington

Virginia votes on super Tuesday today voters in more than a dozen states headed to the polls to take part in the biggest day of the 2024 primary calendar we are breaking down what's at stake as those results come in plus as a mother I live in with this pain every day the fight against fenel how two local mothers are trying to change penalties.

On drug dealers and March is col rectal cancer awareness month a DC woman who survived it is now sharing her story rectal cancer you know it's listening early and it's making sure that you don't you don't go from a stage one or two to a stage three or four here her cautionary tail plus the new treatment that helped cure.

Her you're watching The news4 Rundown thanks for joining us for the news4 rundown our newscast streaming for you I'm Drew Wilder and I am Amy Cho it is March 5th on this super Tuesday the biggest election day of the 2024 primary season and we begin with Breaking News NBC News can now project that former president Donald Trump will win the.

Virginia GOP Primary well this isn't necessarily an unexpected result it is a major blow to his Challenger Nikki Haley we want to get right to Northern Virginia bureau chief Julie KY who is at a polling place in leeburg with more hey Julie hi there well maybe not an unexpected result for Donald Trump and Nikki Haley hoping to do far better than.

That in the Commonwealth as you mentioned NBC News Now projecting Donald Trump will win the Virginia primary the margin that we're looking at right now with just 9% of the vote in Donald Trump with 63% of the vote Nikki Haley capturing 35% of the vote now she told me in an interview last week that she hoped to be competitive in Virginia she.

Would not put a number on that but that 35% that's pretty much what we've seen her getting in most of the earlier primary States and I think she hoped to do much better than that in Virginia particularly in the Commonwealth where it's an Open Primary meaning that independent voters even Democratic voters could vote for Nikki Haley and we.

Certainly heard from some of them today who did so this is got to come as uh a welcome Victory and a predicted victory for the Donald Trump campaign but a great disappointment for the Nikki Haley campaign let's take a listen now to what voters had to tell us today about why they were casting their ballots a mostly steady stream of Voters.

At this Laden County polling place it leans Republican about half of the GOP voters we met casting their primary ballot for Donald Trump Steve Johnson hoping to vote for the former president in a general election for a third time well I just think uh I like to like the job that he did you know when he was when he was uh president and agree with.

His his policies and he's also the most likely to be the nominee Trump voters telling me they are untroubled by his legal challenges but Donald Trump has twice lost general elections in Virginia by a 10-point margin in 2020 his remaining GOP Challenger Nikki Haley hoping Trump's relative unpopularity in the.

Commonwealth along with an Open Primary will keep her competitive here this couple both casting ballots for Nikki Haley in part because they aren't ready for the GOP contest to be ended just yet with Trump as the nominee I decided to put Nikki Haley down because I would like to hear both sides for a a little while longer before we start getting.

Inundated with just one person this Haley voter says she's looking for an alternative too so I filled in my circle for um Nikki Haley and I'm looking for somebody who has Common Sense kind of can be middle of the road I'm looking for somebody that can bring people together instead of um separate them while there are three names on the.

Democratic ballot President Biden faces no real challenge this woman who voted early hoping he'll get four more years President Biden in my opinion and as a very lifelong Democrat he's doing a very good job but the prospect of a Biden Trump rematch well this reaction speaks for quite a few voters and if though we are looking at a rematch in the fall a.

Biden Trump rematch do you know what you do I got nothing I no I don't I don't know I hope we I hope we're not and based on the Virginia results it's looking increasingly like that might be the choice that she is going to face come November more numbers coming in now as more of the Virginia vote is counted Donald Trump's lead over Nikki.

Haley widening in Virginia 61% for the former president 37% for Nikki Haley however here in Lowden County and we saw it here uh in leeburg today where we were speaking to voters Nikki Haley uh getting a lot more of the vote here in Lowden County so far 52% Donald Trump 46% Nikki and certainly her campaign was hoping that in the Suburban areas and.

Particularly with with Women Voters and again drawing in some of those independent and Democratic voters that she could come much closer to Donald Trump in places like Lowden Fairfax County Prince William County but as we look across the Commonwealth of Virginia large swats of it strong red territory those areas moving strongly towards.

Donald Trump back to you now all right Julie K reporting live for us Julie thank you so much now this is just the rest the start of the results coming up when we are not on air make sure you have the NBC Washington app and check out we will have all the results updating live certainly going to be a very busy.

Night and here's a look at some of the Other Stories We are following for you tonight today the DC Council gave final approval to sweeping anti-crime legislation aimed at high-profile crimes such as car jackings gun crime and retail theft the council debated several controversial parts of the Bill all afternoon as an overflow crowd of.

Residents made their voices heard ultimately the anti-me legislation was approved and will now go to Mayor Muriel Bowser for her signature a woman was stabbed and killed inside of a laundromat in Camp Springs Prince Georges county police say a man attacked her at about 12:30 this afternoon in a strip mall over on Allentown Road which.

Is right across from Joint Base Andrew police say A man was also stabbed and is now in critical condition the DC Council also gave final approval today to legislation that'll impact how much you pay when you go out to eat in the district the legislation caps those added service fees at 20% and requires signs informing customers of those fees.

Before they order it also limits how much food delivery companies such as Uber Eats can charge restaurants per order independent Senator kirston Cinema will not run for reelection this year the Arizona senator announced today that she will leave the Senate after just one term she was elected in 2018 as a Democrat Cinema became an independent in.

2022 after she broke with the party over ending the filibuster two local mothers are sharing the pain of losing their teens to fentanyl it's in an effort to try to save other lives yeah they testified today before State lawmakers in Maryland advocating for a bill that calls for tougher punishments for fenal and heroin.

Dealers news fors Mauricio Casia spoke with the mothers about how are honoring their children's Legacy e Flores and edit montalvan carry the memories of their children mothers who have bonded over a shared and tragic loss Eis lost her 16-year-old son jaded in November of 2022 as a mother I live in with this pain every day so sometimes.

I cry four five times a day Ed lost 15-year-old Ashley to fentanyl last January she says Ashley's lost is a terrible thing something that's marked her for the rest of her life we caught up with the two mothers along with Montgomery County council member Natalie fan Gonzalez before they made their way to Annapolis to testify in favor of a.

Bill that would crack down on Fentanyl and heroin Distributors if passed the bill would increase maximum prison time to 20 years for people who distribute fentanyl or heroin that results in death or serious harm and it would allow the crime to be prosecuted in a jurisdiction where the distribution took place or where the overdose occurred something.

That lessens the burden for families trying to fight cases in cities or counties where they don't live identical bills in the Senate and House are currently being discussed in the Judiciary committees the mothers admit it's hard to share their story but they say they find their purpose in trying to make sure other families don't have to.

Go through the same thing this is hard to fight and we need help we need help I'm here because I'm representing them she says I only want Justice for my daughter I want people who sell these drugs to pay the general assembly has until April 8th to approve the bill Macio Casas news4 in 2023 there were 99 deadly.

Overdoses just in Montgomery County well March is coloral cancer awareness month this is the third most common cancer in the US according to the American Cancer Society more than 150,000 people are diagnosed every year we are working for you with what you need to know about getting screened plus a DC Survivor emotional journey I think.

Colorl cancer has a lot of early onset people now when Sasha Roth from northwest DC noticed bleeding as she went to the bathroom she initially Shrugged it off it was a a very good lesson of listening to your body I was just very you know going through my day-to-day I didn't really think anything of it and I was like I got this.

She would later be diagnosed with stage three rectal cancer Roth had a rare genetic mutation which which meant chemo likely wouldn't work for her she learned of a new immunotherapy that had never been used and decided to take a chance I was patient number one so I was you know kind of took a shot in the dark this would be a.

Lifesaving trial for me Roth did her treatment at Memorial Sloan kering in New York making the trip every month for infusions the trial worked and completely cured her but it was also Bittersweet the news coming the same week her mom died of breast cancer extreme justos of you know timing for me and also for the future of cancer.

Combined with what she was dealing with and her dad died of brain cancer in 1999 it's why Roth is passionate about giving back she helps raise money for Charities like standup to cancer which funded her clinical trial she also wants to raise awareness about the importance of screenings people either silently suffer or they're embarrassed to go go to get a.

Colonoscopy and I think it's so important that you really truly advocate for yourself a cancer prevention doctor from MedStar Georgetown University Hospital says early detection makes a big difference if the the the cancer is at stage one you can possibly require surgery but you don't require any further treatment you can avoid all that.

Morbidity from that an important reminder as doctors continue their work to find cures and we of course are so glad that is doing well now doctors say the recommended age to start those screenings is 45 but that's earlier if you do have that family history of cancer so something very important to to.

Keep in mind and talk about it with your friends and with your family too absolutely we'll still to come on the news for rundown making hory this women's History Month yeah our Jumanji sat down with the local architect and we'll explain how she's leaving an impressive mark on that industry coming up you get into an.

Accident with a delivery truck how did you know it was Amazon big blue arrow on the side of the blue truck but you're told Amazon isn't to blame the news4 I team getting answers on who is really driving those trucks and delivering your packages next on news4 Welcome Back To The news4 Rundown Collision confusion the news4 I team.

Says it was hearing from viewers who said they were involved in accidents with Amazon delivery trucks leading Down a Bumpy Road to get help yeah that's because as consumer investigative reporter Susan Hogan reports who's responsible for that might not be so clear you see them everywhere zipping around on city streets back roads and.

Highways those blue trucks with that familiar Signature Smile delivering Amazon products to millions of Americans every day I was in the Middle Lane and he came over over from the left side but Henry Garland wasn't smiling the day he said one of the trucks sideswiped him while traveling down entrate 270 near Rockville how did you know it was Amazon.

Big blue arrow on the side of the blue truck Garland said to cause $2,000 in Damages and thought after exchanging information repairs would be easy you just wouldn't believe how many different scenarios that played out in this and how many different people that I've talked to over this that's because he found out that truck emblazoned with the.

Amazon logo and that driver who he says hit him really wasn't Amazon these people are not Amazon employees the person that comes to your door with your package says Amazon on on the on the uniform the truck says Prime and Amazon they're not Pat Regan is a personal injury lawyer in DC who says he's handled dozens of these kinds of cases.

Involving Amazon on delivery trucks including this accident in December when a delivery truck hit a DC woman while she was in the crosswalk her son called me and said my mother was hit by an Amazon van the driver makes the left turn never stops runs right over her he says she suffered multiple broken bones and just got out of the hospital last.

Month your viewers are going to be looking at this saying yeah that's an Amazon van despite the Prime logo rean said the truck was actually a third- party company what Amazon calls a delivery service partner or DSP and the company says they use more than 3500 of them to deliver 20 million packages a day across 19 countries they say Amazon.

On their uniform they say Prime and Amazon on the truck but they disavow any legal responsibility that's what Patty means found out when a third-party Amazon driver rolled his van last summer crashing into her front yard in Arlington in the police report he admitted he was tired who do you think.

Is responsible to pay for this damage Amazon Amazon is responsible to pay for this damage she says calling Amazon initially got her nowhere she was directed to the dsp's insurance company Patty says that was a dead end too so she ended up filing a claim with her insurance company who took over the fight I would drop de if I heard from.

Amazon 2 months after the fact well it wasn't 2 months and it wasn't Amazon 8 months later after a lot of back and forth calls emails and even hours on a chatbot Patty says she just heard last week the DSP will pay her claim the news4 I team reached out to Amazon about its DSP program they tell us there's nothing more important to them than.

Safety which is why over the last five years they've invested more than A8 billion dollars in safety technology and programs in their delivery vehicles and that they said has led to a decreased Collision rate by 40% and when it comes to those vans and trucks according to Amazon dsps can use their own vehicles or lease Amazon branded vehicles through.

A third party but rean argues the Blurred Lines can be confusing to customers Amazon controls every aspect of it an Amazon spokesperson disputes that saying they make it very clear about their relationship with dsps the mirr was hit by his mirror on the truck it hit right in here Henry says the DSP driver that hit him initially gave him.

An expired insurance card he was finally able to file a claim with a different insurance company but 3 months later they denied it and I'm like what he sideswiped me neither dsps in Henry or Patty's cases returned our calls or emails now Amazon told us lapses is in insurance with dsps can actually result in a.

Breach of contract and Amazon said they offer training to drivers on how to handle accidents meantime Pat Regan told us he plans to file a lawsuit against Amazon and the DSP to help pay for his clients recovery I'm Susan Hogan news4 it team coming up on news4 DC is a town known for museums but the Daughters of.

The American Revolution museum is not about the American Revolution at all we'll find out what's going on in there and what is in a museum about the American home coming up welcome back to the news for rundown you know there's a new DC Cafe that is making a difference one dish at a time yeah the nonprofit Emma's torch just.

Opened in the Brookland neighborhood it offers paid job training and English classes for refugees the name Emma's torch is a nod to the Statue of Liberty and the poet Emma Lazarus who wrote those famous words give me you're tired and you're poor Emma's torch was really created as this idea that when we welcome in the.

Stranger when we say to refugees not only do are we okay with you being here we see inherent value in what you bring to the table we all benefit working here is amazing I like it so much I like it the different persons is different cultures Emma torch has two other locations in New York one of their former students went on to open his own.

Restaurant now had the chance to check it out and it smelled so good in there that cinnamon roll looked incredible it was so hard not to eat all of them but yes kudos to them for for all the awesome work they've been doing well our city is known for museums and you have likely been to a lot of them before yeah but there's one right next to the White.

House grounds that might not be on your radar Tommy McFly takes a walk through history in the scene you've probably been pasted the Daughters of the American Revolution building by the White House or maybe seen a show at Constitution Hall did you know there's an entire Museum to the American.

Home inside as well let's go check it out well what goes on here is the business of the DAR Society members and not members come in and visit the building cuz it's beautiful and why not around the library a walk through time period rooms that each represent the American Home by decade from 1690 to 1940 Patrick who comes here is it the.

House Hunter crowd is it people who love interior design I think it's a little bit of everybody the building's film credits include National Treasure House of Cards vep parks and wreck and many more so if someone has an afternoon and they come check this out what are four things that are quirky fun interesting that you who spent so much time in these.

Rooms would point out to someone who's on a a day trip the ultra room Ultra period room that everyone should see before they leave the door is the New Jersey period room because that that's our ultimate what I call Relic room all the furniture and the woodwork was made from this Battleship called austa which sank off of the uh coast of New Jersey.

In 17 in the 1770s wow and the da New Jersey D ladies got Salvage rights to it and they they they took the remains apart and dried out the wood for a year and had it made into furniture and all that so I'm just picturing like Gilded Age women on a little Robo going out and like taking the wood off of the boat I'm sure it was more industrious than that.

Had the other one is Tennessee room and tenness room because they we do have a small collection of White House Furniture in the 18 and so uh if you can't go to the White House you can come and see them here the Connecticut boardroom because it's you just mentioned Gilded Age and it's the ultra Gilded Age room so you can actually walk.

In and you can go you can go to the windows and look at the ellipse and see the front lawn of the White House which is really kind of cool W Jersey Tennessee Connecticut and Indiana Indiana and I I think Indiana is is really nice because it's a colon Revival room and that's our latest room that's the uh 19 late 30s room and that just.

Shows uh well a home in a wealthy Jewish household you know we show off these beautiful Antiques and all this pretty stuff but there's also a cultural context you know each of the rooms has a story using an app you can scan each room to learn more about the contents our catalog of all our our objects is also online through proficio and that's.

That will also be on the DAR museums part of the Dr website the Dr museum open Monday through Saturday and free for you to come and check out and enjoy I'm Tommy McFly news4 that is super cool I had no idea that was there I'm going to have to check it out yes thank you Tommy well a University of Maryland alumni is making.

History yeah Janet EPS was among the crew that made it to the International Space Station today EPS is only is the only black woman to be part of a long-term mission to the ISS she and three other astronauts took off from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida on Sunday the astronauts are set to relieve their colleagues from spacex's Cru s.

Mission they will also oversee the arrival of two new rocket ships during their six Monon stay well March is women's history month and we'll be highlighting women making her story all month long tonight we're talking to the first black woman CEO of the American Institute of Architects yeah Lisha Woods says if she has her way seeing a black.

Woman architect will one day be the norm not the Unicorn news fors jumi olabanji has her story if you search the top 100 Architects you're lucky to find one woman listed there definitely uh no black Architects and it is because the the image of architecture has historically been you know a different a.

Different image and so what I said was important for AIA is to showcase those that are in this space we need to elevate and celebrate women and minority leaders because people that aren't in this profession people who are in school they need to see that there's a place for them at this past year at our conference our Whitney M Young Award uh.

Whitney Young spoke to aia's members over 50 years ago and basically threw a challenge out to them that they were not representing the black community that they were not doing what they needed to do uh to encourage blacks to become like Architects and so AIA created an award in his honor and they've been giving out that award and Robert Easter who's a.

Professor at Hampton University during his acceptance speech he said 50 years ago when whitne ham young gave the speech about the lack of black Architects there were 2% black Architects and here we are over 50 years later and there are 2% of black Architects don't give me an award change the number and to me he threw down the.

Gauntlet and he said if you want to make a difference if it matters that I'm the first president right I'm not an architect I'm an Association Management professional I run an association that's my job and my job is to represent the architecture profession to elevate to make sure that people are aware of what they do and why the work that they do is.

So important but it's also to change those numbers and so I spend a lot of time talking to firm leaders about the importance of again having a diverse leadership team if people don't see it in the leadership they don't see a place for them in the company because they need to know there's an opportunity to grow and what I have seen in these past.

Two years is many of those firms putting out diversity reports and I sat with a group of CEOs from our largest firms and they said all right we we did we pulled the numbers it's not pretty mhm but we have to start somewhere and they took a look at where they have opportunities to improve and they're trying to make intentional steps.

Steps I just love that the norm not the unicorn and as she's climbing her way to the top she's also trying to send that elevator back down for the Next Generation right and her message that she doesn't want an award she wants to see the number change of the amount of black women who are in that industry great interview and you can actually.

Find more of Jim's interview with Lisha and Other Stories celebrating women's history all month long streaming right now on Roku and Amazon Fire TV yes just download the NBC Washington app and scroll down to the her story playlist that's gonna do it for the news for runtown thank you for joining us I'm Drew Wilder and I'm Amy Cho we will see.

You back here tomorrow

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3 thoughts on “Biden, Trump projected to rob Virginia primaries: The News4 Rundown | NBC4 Washington

  1. The girl who said she is hoping Nicky Hailey will carry people collectively, doesn't she know President Trump is the one to achieve that! He brought many jobs and alternatives for tons of people! And he goes to discontinue these abominable illegals from entering, discontinue medicine fancy fentanyle from entering our boarders,and human trafficking must be stopped, criminals must be prosecuted to the fullest for his or her crimes!

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