Biden’s age mocked in Italian TV skit


Biden's age mocked in Italian TV skit

President Biden sat down for a rare one-on-one interview last night not with a journalist of course but with NBC light night host Seth Meers during that softball interview Biden Shrugged off concerns about his age and tried to flip the script going after Donald Trump some uh documents recently leaked some classified documents and this isn't.

A gotcha show but I do want to ask about it that says you are currently 81 years old who the hell told you that yeah that's classified number one you got to take a look at the other guy he's about as old as I'm but he can't remember his wife's name it's about how old your ideas are look I mean this is a guy who wants to take us.

Back but while President Biden may be cracking jokes with Seth Meyers he's become the joke to critics around the globe just watch this skit from an Italian TV show Presidente good evening Mr not president stay he okay no.

No Bravo as they say Kaye what are your thoughts on the interview look this was definitely an attempt to resurrect his likeability his likeability his approval has been under the water you can see it in this Harvard Harris poll Trump is up and he is actually underwater by double digits so I think this is a smart communication strategy the interview you.

Know I laughed here and there other parts no you know he seemed old and to kind of fit into the stereotype that that he has been given rightfully so but I think what you are watching here is a carefully curated trip out of the metaphorical basement and I say metaphorical because the basement's in Delaware the new basement is the White.

House residence we will not see from him often when we do it will be carefully curated and I would love to know how carefully curated this was he seemed very prepped to pull out his aviators to act like he was walking off set he had a great answer to this Taylor Swift question how did Seth Meers give him these Topics in advance I have no idea.

But I would love to know cuz he seemed very queued and prepped for this yeah I want to know why he's not queued and prepped for a real sit down with a journalist like when is that going to come and it's necessary now if he's getting ready to change border policy that'll be one of the bigger things that he does in his presidency if he can.

Effectively do it although when you broke some news and told us what wasn't going to happen in terms of executive orders now I'm not really sure what that's going to look like but I'm still waiting for that occasion for the president whomever he would like to sit down with who's an actual journalist to ask him some tough questions about why.

Did you wait so long why didn't you consider helping out your party to take a look at hr2 when when the house sent that Republican Le resolution over you know why didn't you jump in then like what what have you been doing with with the relationship with Iran what are your goals what is your what do they always ask people oh what's your foreign.

Doctrine nobody can ever really answer that but what is your policy going to look like and we don't get that we don't get it and we don't get enough of it and so we wait for the ice cream shop moments and Seth Meyers and and who can't answer a Taylor Swift question easy my gosh the woman wears Diamond en crusted lub vuon boots and that's what.

It's like for us on the home front Congressman but the and the reality is so and globally we're we're being mocked everyone is laughing at the commander-in-chief we're heartbroken they're mocking us well the question is whatever happened I mean it is the satire it's it's the court gesture is always the one that actually says things.

That nobody else can say whatever happened to late night uh TV which used to serve as that they used to serve as that sort of starter minder they may it may be piercing you may not like it if you're on that political side but it actually represented a a different opinion a sort of a punching bag if you would but it was always to a point of.

Saying let's get back to a reality this is not reality Kay I go back to you this was practice it was prep I came in last night the only thing he did here was upset New Yorkers on that street right out there because we had to go all the way around because he's sitting inside and his aviators give me a break his AV ators were he didn't have them on the.

Plane he had them in there cuz they had already practiced this dark Brandon that's dark BR would you have asked a dark Brandon question would in a million years you have thought about unless you prepped it that's what he might have wanted to put the glasses on if true well we definitely have the gutell show which is our late night that.

Does exactly that it's independent freeth thinking and it pushes the envelope because Americans deserve to hear the truth but they will not hear it to that point anywhere around I guess where Biden is if these softball interviews keep happening and The World Keeps mocking I would I would love for the.

President to have crossed the street and come over to Fox and sat with any of two dozen people you know for for a challenging and respectful discussion and debate about what's happening in this country because you know we are in very serious and dire times from immigration to inflation people are very concerned and it's like yucking it up.

With the president doesn't do anything to make it better and they obviously buried him on an unfunny and unwatched show with Seth Myers because if they wanted to showcase his comedic talents then I'm I'm sure someone would have gone along for the ride during the Super Bowl but they don't want him to be seen it has to be so so carefully constricted.

And I think it's tell they poke him when they want him to speak sad and it's it's telling that the only late night comedy show that pokes fun of him is apparently Global besides Gutfeld right you know none of them dare to do it oh Mr President let's just ask you softball questions hey everyone I'm Emily compono catch me and my co-hosts Harris vulner.

And Kaye mechineni on outnumbered every weekday at 12:00 p.m. Eastern or set your DVR also don't forget to subscribe to the Fox News YouTube page for daily highlights

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3 thoughts on “Biden’s age mocked in Italian TV skit

  1. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Biden ou L’Oncle Sam Le Malade . Franchement il faut le Destituer pour des Raisons de Santé, Dégénérescence Mentale et de Démonce. C’est de La Violence Faite à personne âgée et Vulnérable. Il est un hazard pour lui-même, pour Les USA et Le Monde. Vous êtes la Risée du Monde y compris en Brousse 😉

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