Bitcoin’s possibility/reward ratio will blow your thoughts


Bitcoin's possibility/reward ratio will blow your thoughts

All right that locomotive continues folks Bitcoin ETFs uh trading 111 billion last month triple what they did in January February uh with us now pomp investment investor Anthony uh pomp leano you know pomp this is the kind of thing you talked about right I mean the the demand has been absolutely through the roof uh here's the interesting thing.

Though because it went I guess what was the high recently 75 72 something like that 72,000 72,000 it's pulled back to 65,000 a narrative there're out there now saying see gold is up and Bitcoin is down it's not a store value what do you say to folks who are saying maybe it's got some investment opportunities trading opportunities but it still has.

Impr proven itself as a store of value well when you want to store value usually what you're talking about is not storing value from yesterday to today where you're trying to store value is from today for five 10 15 20 years right and so when I think of Bitcoin I think about can I actually preserve my economic value for my kids or my.

Grandchildren and right now Bitcoin I think is probably the best place that you're going to be able to do that now if we go and we look at what people have been historically using as a store of value there's gold and there's dollars gold is up it's near an all-time high but we're talking about now it hits an all-time high because when it goes up.

$10 $20 $30 right these moves aren't meaningful to people who buy gold right here and see a 3040 $50 increase in the price now the dollar is down in purchasing power terms 25% since 2020 so you've lost 25% of your purchasing power in four years Bitcoin during that same time period is up 800% and so what I think people are.

Starting to realize is wait a minute if I store some or a large portion of my wealth in Bitcoin everything around me gets cheaper over time rather than more expensive and that's what you want out of a store of value Larry thinkink on our on our Network last week made a lot of news I mean are you surprised at how how much someone like him he has come.

Around I mean a couple years ago he was definitely in a no Bitcoin Camp yeah well I know that there was a lot of people who spent a lot of time with him really educating him and I think that uh both Larry Fink and the folks at Black Rock don't get enough credit for the work that they put into it this is not a hey I woke up one day and all of a.

Sudden I think bitcoin's good now right they went and they did the work they did the research they really spent a lot of time there's a gentleman over there Robbie mitnik uh who leads digital assets he spent a bunch of time talking internally with folks really trying to make sure everyone knew what is it that we're going to be buying and offering to.

Clients now Larry fin is one of the kings of Finance if Larry fin says hey I think this has got a shot people are going to listen and so what's interesting is uh the messenger really matters there's things that bitcoiners have been saying for 10 15 years but now all of a sudden when it comes from Larry Finn think it has a different weight to.

It and so I think that we should only continue to see the traditional Finance folks kind of take those same talking points and repeat them in different mediums you know it's every parent knows that right you can tell your kids something over and over again and Taylor Swift says it then it's right okay uh let's put up this chart uh this is a.

Chart from our friend yurian timr who is really just absolutely amazing and it shows uh bitcoin's re risk reward ratio folks this is going to blow your mind because you're going to see a lot of dots a lot of bubbles up there all confusing except look at the top corner right look at the top right corner up there all by itself that's Bitcoin the.

Rest of those bubbles all jammed up that's all the other assets risk versus reward so what what does that tell you like it does it mean to me it means okay it still may be volatile right in the last 11 years number one asset eight times the worst three times yes so buckle up boys and girls but you want to be there so if you go back over 10 years.

Now bitcoin's compound annual growth rate for a decade is 60% or higher and so when you look at that you say to yourself okay obviously it is going up in price but the question is if you're building a portfolio the average investor is not going to go put 100% of their portfolio in one asset like Bitcoin instead what they want to do as.

We've seen through various uh portfolio constructions Etc is you want to take a couple non-correlated assets put them together and then have a portfolio that should do well over time Bitcoin tends to be very low correlation or no correlation to traditional assets it goes up a lot it is volatile along the way and so the key thing with Bitcoin is.

If you think that you're going to speculate or you're going to gamble or you're going to trade this thing you probably aren't going to do so hot but if you can simply learn to just buy an asset hold it for the long term bitcoin's been very good to those investors and I think that it'll continue to do that moving forward so 30.

Seconds the having thing we talked about before could that be a sell on the news kind of event again Bitcoin goes up and down a lot day-to-day and I think that if people are looking at that uh Anything Could Happen price could go up it could go sideways it could go down right um but I do think that the having is is just classic economics 101 if you.

Cut the incoming Supply from 900 Bitcoin to 450 and demand just stays the same we don't need more demand for the price to go up we just need demand to stay the same cut the supply in half and then you should have price go up now again it's not going to happen overnight it takes a few months in order for this to work into the market and so I think that.

People should expect six to 12 months later to really see that material increase in price all right great stuff absolutely thanks for you've been killing it brother

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