BREAKING: U.S., U.Ample. Delivery Missile Strikes On Houthi-Managed Yemen


BREAKING: U.S., U.Ample. Delivery Missile Strikes On Houthi-Managed Yemen

NBC news is reportingthat the United States and Britain have launched military strikes againsttargets in Houthi controlled Yemen, and that's according to two US officials. They targeted multiple locationswith fighter jets and Tomahawks fired from Navy ships. Keep in mind that this is also happeningwith the backdrop of Israel continuing to do airstrikes in Lebanon. So essentially opening a new frontof this war, in Lebanon. They at first took out a Hamas,target and claimed.

That they had nothing to do with it. By the way, they don't wantto take responsibility for it, but now they're specifically goingafter Hezbollah in Lebanon. And the reason why you see militantgroups like Hezbollah or the, you know, Iran backed Houthi rebels attackingcargo ships and like the Red sea. And the reason why they're engagingin this behavior is because they see what's happeningin Gaza and they want it to stop. So rather than maybe getting Israelto reconsider how it's carrying out this war in Gaza,the United States has decided to carry.

Out military strikes on behalf of Israel. And this could obviously I mean,this is already an escalation and it could further escalate from here. And what I'm concerned aboutis that we're going to be fully involved in yet another endless regional war withmultiple different countries involved, and it's just not a good sign at all. President Joe Biden said the strikes,which were supported by Australia, Bahrain, Canada and the Netherlands,targeted areas used by Houthi rebels to endanger freedom of navigation in oneof the world's most vital waterways.

Ray, this is about,Israel's economic interests. And, you know, the Houthi rebels havebeen, holding these ships captive in response to what Israel's been doingto Palestinian civilians and Gaza. Again, there's a nonmilitary solution tothis, but seems to be the case that the US isn't interested in carrying that out. Yeah. I mean, it's despicable that they woulduse that as a justification for their launch when they've shown that, you know,they don't care about the freedoms, any freedoms for the Palestinian peoplein Gaza or the West Bank, for that matter,.

When they're only willing to tweet outtheir outrage about what's, the the ramping up of settler violencein the West Bank and the indiscriminate bombing in Gaza is as far as they'll go. But they won't, they won't condition anyof their aid to Israel on them actually improving those conditions whatsoever. And, you know, they'll say that wedon't want Israel to continue to use 2,000 pound bombs, but we will continueto supply them to them. I mean, to pretend that you careabout freedom of of navigation. It's absurd. It's ridiculous.

But this is a massive escalation. And it just goes to show that,they don't care about coming together to do negotiations. The the nonmilitary responseto to any situation. It's strike first. Ask questions later. Well, what I'm terrified aboutis this escalating to a hot war between the United States and Iran. And that is somethingthat Netanyahu in particular, has been goading the United States intopushing the United States to engage in.

He succeeded in getting former PresidentDonald Trump to rip up the Iran nuclear deal, which actually was keeping Israeland the international community safer because it ensured that the signatoriesto that deal, had the ability to engage in oversight and ensure that, thatIran was not building nuclear weapons. Once you rip up that deal, well,then there's nothing holding Iran back. Iran can go aheadand build nuclear weapons. And if Iran is such a threat,you wouldn't want them to do that, right? But to me, the way it reads isthe instability, the fear of Iran building nuclear weapons, would be yet anotherreason to persuade the United States.

To engage in a hot war with them. And that would be a disaster.Guys, this would not be an easy war. Anyone who thinks that it would bean easy war is absolutely delusional. And if you think it would be an easy war,then by all means, go ahead and enlist in the military,and you go ahead and fight that war. But I don't think that we should riskthe lives of our soldiers when this war, it could very easily be prevented. And what's so sick is that. We know that there hasn't been any attemptto engage in, like, negotiations.

And try to get Israel to rein insome of their military operations in Gaza. But instead, you have this statementcoming from the Biden administration. Today's defensive action followsthis extensive diplomatic campaign and Houthi rebels escalating attacksagainst commercial vessels, Biden said in a statement Thursday evening. What what extensive diplomatic campaign?What are you talking about? I mean, just last weekwe shared a story about how, well, look, there were Houthi rebels who wereattacking a US ship and the US responded. These were drones.

The US responded by killing ten of theirmilitants and sinking some of their boats, like I don't. There was never any diplomatic talks. But when I say diplomatic talks, I'm noteven talking about the Houthi rebels. I'm talking about making a dealwith Israel and ensuring that as they move forward, they engage in targeted strikes,actual targeted strikes, if they're specifically going after Hamas. You look at Gazaand that does not appear to be the case. And that is what got Hezbollahand the Houthi rebels all riled up.

So there is another option.I'm just putting that out there. And the US is pretendinglike that option doesn't exist. It's like, yeah, frustrating. Especially after the reports thatthe State Department has done no research on the ground to determine whether or notthere the strikes of Israel are targeted or that they are potentially committingethnic cleansing or genocide before again sending them massive amounts of weapons. So the idea that they would takeany sort of steps negotiating before doing this targeted strike is laughable.

And it reeks of them thinkingthat we are stupid. And as the American people,you know, regardless of party. But, you know, Biden,specifically, the Democratic Party, 80% of people want an end to this. And you're just continuing,like even out of your own self-interest. It's an election year. You think you'd think that even notfor any altruistic means, or out of care for the Palestinian people,but out of your own, self-interest as Joe Biden or the Democratic Party.

You would have stopped this by now.But it's but they're doing the opposite. They're ramping it up. It's it's absolute insanity. If you enjoyed this video,that's because of our members. They make us independent. They make us strongand they make us honest. Become a member todayby hitting the join button below.

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