Brian Kilmeade: China is doing the entire thing they are able to to weaken us


Brian Kilmeade: China is doing the entire thing they are able to to weaken us

Friend Brian kilme co-host of fox and friends and host of one nation all right Brian I thank you for doing this by the way very short notice you're a prince let me dial up your conversation with Senator Rand Paul this morning on Fox and Friends who owns the algorithm Tik Tok owns their own algorithm and it's.

Actually not Tik Tok bite dance and who owns bite dance Chinese government no they don't see you've just told a lie Brian you can't say on TV something that's a about a company that is an out andout lie and it's provably and you they're not owned by the Chinese government so let me clarify yes every entity and I'll give you an example uh.

Alibaba Jack ma thought he had a little problem with the Chinese government how'd that go he is now I think working in soup kitchens and Alibaba belongs to somebody else so they have to answer to the Chinese government I watched that CEO on Capitol Hill he did not say that back door was closed to the Chinese government he know everybody knows the.

Access to Americans Larry cudow has got a different if you had the app and you don't and I had the app and I don't I would get different things to me that you would get to you but guess who's collecting that data Tik Tock is collecting that data that data is acceptable to the Chinese government if the CH if you're comfortable and I don't.

Think you are but if ran Paul is comfortable with 170 million Americans having their personal data their likes their dislikes their emotions all chronicled and given to the Chinese government if you feel comfortable with that have at it you keep the app but I'm more in India's Camp who banned 59 Chinese apps including Tik Tok Australia.

New Zealand uh Canada to a degree have all dialed back because they're concerned about the access that Tik Tock gives uh their the access and the susceptibility of their citizens to the Chinese government you know couple things on this um this is one of these stories we shouldn't have to make this any harder than it needs to be because.

Tik Tock and bite dance the way they're constituted now there's National Security risk the FBI director Ray came out and said that other experts we going to talk to um another expert later in the show on this whole National Security angle but look I negotiated with China for several years on trade one of the things you.

Learn as a matter of law in China as well as common practice these Chinese companies are instrumentalities of the Chinese Communist party they are instrumentalities they are not independent the ownership technically may not be the CCP but they do what they are told to do and inside the the um.

Constitution inside the uh documents for these companies anytime the CCP or the Chinese government wants information from the company they must give it to them they don't have a choice Cas rest there is no choice and that's what you right I don't look I Rand Paul's a friend and he's a real smart guy most of the time I agree with him but I just.

Don't understand his point this time well a couple of things you know Mike gager I watched a lot of those hearings a lot of people watching Robert her I saw that but I went to cpan and I just watched those intelligence hearings all of our heads from the FBI the CIA the dni said Tik Tock is a huge problem leaves American susceptible and America.

Susceptible so if they're not killing us with the fentanyl which they make with uh with um uh with the pills on down through Mexico if they're going to now go at America and and shape what we think Give an example go for hard go look really hard for anything positive about Taiwan think about uh some of the things on the app uh one if there's one.

If there's one story Pro about Israel there's 100 negative about Israel Pro Palestinian Pro Hamas and if you want to know why Americans next generation is exercised against Israel and caught so many people by surprise look at the 170 million most of between 16 and 24 that choose tickto as their source of news that's what that America suddenly.

Realizes our allies aren't necessarily allies of the Next Generation because of what China has allowed to shape their minds with through this app that came into this country ridiculously in 2016 what's wrong look Steve minan was on another Network this morning and he said he's going to try to put a group together to buy it and he said it's a.

National security risk as it is now with the B Dan ownership okay and instrumentality of the CCP he said it should be a us business a US owned business what's wrong with that that's exactly right yeah no one said no one says hey you could beat Instagram congratulations have at it but in our country we should not allow Russia China.

North Korea Iran the the parade of enemies against America to control our news outlets say you know obviously they wouldn't allow be allowed to buy CBS they wouldn't be allowed to buy NBC but they're allowed to go and buy their and put Tik Tock into our country and dominate our news feed and shape what we see and learn it makes no sense they.

Don't do it do you think the CCP would let Fox News or some other company go in there Facebook's not allowed in there Instagram not in there Snapchat's not allowed in there so obviously a communist country's got different rules they look at it as a problem there's Warfare obviously we're at War we get hit with bombs we fight back and then.

There's what we're going through right now subtly China is doing everything they can to weaken us and underline and outline and circle our divisions whether it's something in ethnicity whether it's a the trans situation whether we're looking at uh giving bad information to kids and getting them depressed you know what what want that's.

Right it's going to cyber hacking spying surveillance personal in I mean we know this I just don't see what's so hard about about this story what the best principle we can have is to get bite Dan out and make Tik Tok a US company you know better you know the answer to this the answer is there's a lot of very powerful people lobbyist in there.

There's also a lot of young people who may or may not vote but certainly have their voices heard there's some really great people on there making a lot of money millions of dollars probably doing it an ethical way I get it I understand it but also when you pay Trent lot and when you pay Joe Crowley and you pay these former politicians to be lobbyist.

And they go in there and they say hey buddy don't vote for this don't be part of this let other people worry about this we got to get the next generation of Americans to vote for us so don't go do that you know we're free you should at there are certain times in life you should just do the right thing just make this a US business but if they and if.

They don't sell it dies it will that's the we have to protect ourselves I mean you got all these guys saying it's a national security risk I mean they're not wrong they're correct I mean I'll give Biden I'll give Biden some credit on this he's on the right side of this issue but he's wrong to have his campaign be on it he's wrong to hop on.

It on the Super Bowl and do a ridiculous ad that sends a bad message Barack Obama sitting Indian style in the Oval Office talking to a guy with a nose ring who happens to be an influencer talking about the need to do whatever because he knows a lot of people on Tik Tok might vote for him where are your ethics and values China owns it I'll give him a.

Half a credit for it right I'll give him half he might have forgotten about the end well that's a joke just no I understand Bri kill me you're so good you're so right Ram Paul good guy I agree with him most of the time not on this does Schumer bring it to the floor um I believe you'll have to absolutely I believe too much support for it right.

And all these stories and stuff you're doing on a network and helping and all these stories they're cascading and there'll be a vote on the floor and I believe the vote's going to pass Brian Kill made the best the best

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3 thoughts on “Brian Kilmeade: China is doing the entire thing they are able to to weaken us

  1. ah yes, Kilmeade competing to be the executive dogshit liar on FOX, up towards some stern competition …TikTok is NOT owned by the Chinese language communist authorities (the same Chinese language communist authorities that gave multi-million greenback patents to Tramp and Tramp without end complemented as being so improbable, for the length of his presidency) … however hiya, Tramp/FOX/Repub et al know you that MAGA morons are sooo silly boring to know nor care regarding the fact

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