Build a query to Period – Can even fair 23, 2024


Build a query to Period – Can even fair 23, 2024

oral questions The Honorable leader of the opposition after nine years this prime minister is not worth the cost with a 38% increase in homelessness and one quarter of Canadians skipping meals because of a lack of money the block voted for 500 billion in centralized Ing.

And inflationary spending to add to the another 100,000 public servants and doubling Consulting spending they said they had no choice because the government was going to shut down otherwise can the government inform the block that this spending would have been adopted with the NDP regardless of how the block.

voted The Honorable Minister Mr Speaker I find this question somewhat hypocritical because the conservative party is talking about homelessness but in their program and plans this word doesn't even exist I find it hypocritical of a party that voted in this house against all the.

Measures that could have given homes to Canadians and I think that Mr Speaker the conservative party needs to look at what the real intentions of the conservative party are with respect to the fight against homelessness The Honorable leader of the opposition the Prime Minister doubled the national debt Rose hiked taxes and.

Inflation saying that all this money would fund programs generous programs to eliminate homelessness since then homelessness has risen by 38% and 25% of Canadians skip meals because they don't have enough money it's not because with the support of the block that government it's spending all the money.

Of Canadians why is the block liberal Coalition forcing Canadians to feed this obese government rather than it allowing them to feed Canadian families The Honorable minister of Economic Development Mr Speaker it's so hypocritical this party voted against the school food program so when.

We're talking about feeding Canadians let's start with children and they're voting against it when they say yes people are asking for money we're giving them help there's the child benefit they're voting against it and when we say we're going to help Canadians to have Roes over their head and pay their rent they vote against it Mr Speaker.

Make up your mind do you want to help Canadians or cut their services The Honorable leader of the opposition after 9 years this NDP liberal prime minister is not wor birth the homelessness and hunger he doubled the debt increased taxes and caused inflation but said it was all to fund.

Generous programs that would end homelessness well homelessness is now up 38% and a quarter of Canadians are skipping meals because they can't afford them that's because his greedy government is consuming everything Canadians earn why is the NDP and liberals forcing Canadians to feed this morbidly obese government instead of.

Feeding their families The Honorable president of the treasury board Mr Speaker we will take no lessons from the conservatives who purport to care about poverty and Canadians when every single time they vote against those supports $10 day Child Care Early Learning and childhood education they're not supporting our.

Budgetary measures to put food in school lunchboxes for 400,000 and children Mr Speaker it's unbelievable that they will at one hand say they support Canadians and on the other hand vote against those supports every single time thank you The Honorable leader of the opposition I'm grateful that the member points out that we have voted against.

Every single policy that has caused homelessness to rise by 38% we have voted against every single inflationary policy that has forced one quarter of Canadians to skip meals because they can't afford a PL a meal on their table Mr Speaker the government has doubled the debt increased inflation and blocked Home Building why is it that they force.

Canadians to feed this morbidly obese government rather than feeding their families The Honorable president of the treasury board Mr speaker ER government is actually focused on keeping inflation low so that interest rates can come down and I will note that inflation has come down below the targeted range of 3% and at the same time Mr Speaker we have.

Budget 2024 we have supports for renters we have supports for affordable housing we have a national school food program on the table Mr Speaker and we will continue to support Canadians with dental with early childhood education all the while the conservatives vote against Mr Speaker there's no plan on that side of the house we will.

Support The Honorable leader of the opposition she repeats the same costly promises the Prime Minister has been breaking for n years Mr Speaker in a six week period 50 homeless encampments have opened in Toronto let that sink in horrible there are a total of.

256 tent cities in Toronto alone oh my goodness it wasn't like this before this prime minister and it won't be like this after he's gone will he admit that everything is broken after 9 years of his government The Honorable minister of health of course Mr Speaker when that uh.

Member was Minister and had responsibility for housing that there were more than 2 million more Canadians living in poverty and the number of times that he talked about vulnerable people are taking action to help homeless zero he wants to hold out to people in a time of difficulty across the world that the solution is to cut.

The programs they need to take away Dental Care to take away pharmacare and shame on him for it we will stand up for vulnerable people in a way he never has the Aral member for Laie then I have the honorable member for Ley the Hogue commission has complained that the Liberals are still being secretive with respect to foreign.

Interference the pmo is invoking cabinet confidence to redact documents and even to prevent the judge from having access to to them we're not even talking about documents that will be published we're talking about the documents needed for the judge's investigation who then has a mandate to protect strategic information this calls into question the entire.

Effectiveness of this commission the minister of public security has promised that the judge will have access to all the documents does he agree that all of this hiding is enough enough is enough The Honorable minister of public security Mr Speaker I appreciate greatly the question from my block colleague and I also appreciate working with him and.

My other colleagues last summer when we established the H commission he knows full well that we are committed to sharing with the Commission in an exceptional time which is not often uh we accepted to share information from the cabinet like we did under Mr Johnson we're always available to work with the commission to ensure that they have.

Access to all the appropriate documents The Honorable member for La they just can't help it let me remind you the reason we created the whole commission was precisely because the liables have been covering up foreign interference since day one the cretion was committed to put an end to all that and let's get to the bottom of this.

Through a neutral nonpartisan judge the public doesn't need to read all the confidential information but the judge does that's precisely her mandate if the commission doesn't have access to all the information quebecers will lose confidence in this inquiry will the Liberals finally be responsible and evolve all transparent with the.

Judge The Honorable minister of Public Safety Mr Speaker the answer is yes we will continue to remain transparent and Cooperative with the commission I agree with my colleague this is an exceptional Justice like the Justice hog and is in a good position to give Canadians the trust they need in our institutions and Canadians have to.

Understand that at all times the government will ensure that the commission does have access to all the necessary documents to do this important work and I greatly appreciate the work I was able to do with my friend from Laie The Honorable me member for Ros patri Mr speak speaker its waters are warming too fast becoming increasingly.

Acidic and containing less and less oxygen this is the state worrisome state of the St Lawrence River scientists are sounding the alarm we've reached fatal oxygen level for several aquatic species the time has come to give the river a legal personality but the minister of the environment is ignoring this serious problem what will it take for this.

Minister of the environment to give the St Lawrence River rights to protect Quebec's biodiversity The Honorable minister of the environment and climate change I'd like to thank my colleague for his question I'd like to remind him that when we came to power in 2015 Canada wasn't even protecting 1% of our.

Territory Waters and now we're up to 15% and 20% next year at least 30% by 2030 so this is our objective that all countries agreed on at C 15 in Montreal and we have established record amounts with Partnerships across the country to protect uh our territory thank you The Honorable member from Victoria Mr Speaker families saw their homes.

Burned to the ground in Northern British Columbia this week and summer hasn't even started yet the conservatives don't you seem to think that climate change is real and this environment Minister offers up nothing but empty words and delays the Liberals refus to invest the billion dollars needed for a BC water Security fund that would prevent.

Wildfires and save lives they knew this Wildfire season was going to be devastating for communities yet they're leaving British Colombians to fend for themselves will the government fix their mistake and immediately establish a BC Watershed Security fund The Honorable Minister for natural resources and energy speaker and.

Certainly um the issues that we've seen around forest fires last year and unfortunately this year particularly in British Columbia and in the Fort Nelson area have been devastating and certainly our hearts go out to all those folks that were affected it is the reason why we have set aside $350 million to help provinces procure equipment it is the.

Reason why we are actually training forest fires and fundamentally it is the reason why we have a comprehensive climate plan to ensure that we are addressing the existential threat of climate change Mr Speaker the Conservative Party of Canada has a climate plan it is to let the planet burn it is irresponsible it is.

Painful The Honorable member from Thornhill a hattrick for the Prime Minister but not the good T type three reports released in just one day paint a devastating picture of life in Canada after nine years of this NDP liberal government food banks Canada the Salvation Army and the Parliamentary budget officer all say there is more.

Homelessness and there is more hunger they kept telling us that they're spending our money for their own for our own good and everything is fine and it's not their fault Mr Speaker it's been 9 years whose fault is it the honorable parliamentary secretary Mr Speaker grocery price inflation is coming down 1.4% in April.

Down from 1.9% a month before this is encouraging news certainly for Canadians but it's important to know that our government put forward the most comprehensive package of competition reforms in Canadian history why because more competition equals better prices but it's a bit Rich for the conservatives to point to Food Bank.

Lineups when they oppose a national school food program that's going to feed over 400,000 kids across Canada The Honorable member from Thornhill and nine years later it hasn't fed a single child they just don't get it the very policies that they have delivered has given us the worst quality of life in half a century the worst.

Since the last Trudeau ran this place in the past 3 months 25% of young adults have had to go to a food bank in this country 38% more homelessness after they promised to end it and about 50% of Canadians are worse off this year than they were last year how does this government have so much money to spare while ordinary Canadians are literally.

Going hungry and homeless the prary secretary quite the statement from the deputy leader of the conservative party my advice to her is to actually read the report from the Parliamentary budget officer in that report she will see that no less than 50,000 Canadians are supported by the National Housing strategy specifically.

The reaching home program that they would cut we know they Champion an austerity agenda this also from the deputy leader who made clear only a few weeks ago on a yacht no l Mr Speaker that less homes have to be built in Canada they're siding with the nimes we want to build more homes including for the most Bren Ro of this country Mr.

Speak The Honorable member from Stormont Stormont Stormont dundis South Glen Gary after nine years of this NDP liberal government Canadians are hungry and homeless it's becoming more clear the more inflationary spending they do the worse it gets for Canadians and look no further than the Ottawa Food Bank report that came out this week that said half a.

Million visits were made to the food bank in our nation's capital last year that's a 95% increase in The Last 5 Years A 22% increase in the last year alone and 36% of them were children how many more times are they going to hike the carbon tax before they realize it's driving millions and more people to food banks The Honorable parliamentary.

Secretary I find it more than ironic that the conservative member across the way mentions children when he's is going to stand up short in short order and oppose a national school food program a national school food program that food banks of Canada and food secure Canada have advocated for for over 10 years because they know that it will impact.

Food insecurity in this country in a dramatic way a billion dollars in the federal budget 2024 to feed 400,000 more kids and the conservatives say no we won't support that shameful theable member from storus stor dundis South Gary and after nine years Mr Speaker that program has sped exactly zero children in this country the only.

Thing it's doing is feeding the bureaucracy here in Ottawa let's take a look and see what food banks Canada had to say about their poverty measures their report card came out this week and this government got an F a failing grade for what they're doing as they're driving millions or more people to food banks each and every year their report.

Says it's only going to get worse the more they hike the carbon taxx and make life more expensive how many more daming reports need to come out before they ask the carbon tax to help with the price of food The Honorable Minister for families and children Mr Speaker I'd like to share today some of the response from budget.

2024 and the announcement of the funding of the national school food program breakfast clubs of Canada Mr Speaker released a statement saying that this program marks a turning point in the country's commitment to the well-being of children children learn best on a full stomach Mr Speaker and Investments today in children are investments for.

Tomorrow on this side of the house we will continue to invest in the well-being of children and I think the conservatives owe Canadians an explanation why they won't make these Investments The Honorable member for me after nine years of this liberal.

Prime minister quebecers are hungry and increasingly taking to the streets this week there were three devastating reports confirming that the inflationary spending of the liberal supported by the block is hurting families and workers and according to the Salvation Army uh 25% of parents skip meals to be able to feed their children.

How come the block and this prime minister who aren't worth their salt prefer to feed this fat federal government rather than quebecers the honorable Minister Mr Speaker once again I would ask my colleague to tell his colleagues from the conservative party to include in their plans if they're.

Serious about supporting Canadians the word homelessness fight against poverty investing in Canadians I could give them some ideas starting by voting in favor of programs that we're establishing to tackle poverty rent housing and feeding children I think that would be the very base The Honorable member from me Mr.

Speaker after nine years of this prime minister this liberal government supported by the block has caused this crisis and now they want to be plotted Mr Speaker it's not only responsible well because of the 500 billion in inflationary spending that this prime minister established and the block supported which is affecting gas housing.

Everything costs more many more Canadians are lining up at food banks they're the one who created this crisis will the Prime Minister admit it's time to curb the centralizing government's appetite so that all kobackers can finally eat well The Honorable.

Minister Mr Speaker I'd like to remind people who are listening today and Canadians if it was up to the conservative government throughout the biggest pandemic we have experienced people would have suffered enormously Mr Speaker today we're in a better position because a liberal government was there.

To support Canadians in their biggest crisis that we have ever seen and today what we're asking them is simple adopt reform on Dental Care adopt reform on food measures and housing but they're voting against all of this The Honorable Minister forto Rivier let's go back to the case of the member for Glen gar Prescott Russell to prevent.

His dismissal as president of the association the par Franco or the APF the Liberals infiltrated this organization they signed up massive numbers to boost the number of liberals from 25 to 112 including a whole bunch of unilingual angones For the First Time The a PF had to send out an agenda in English it even had to call in.

Interpreters from the unilingual English-speaking liberals suddenly enamored with French did liberals realize that to protect their colleague from the APF they're literally anglicizing him have me The Honorable Minister Global Affairs Canada will always be here to support frankophones.

Internationally in fact Canada one is the co-founders of the International Association of La Fran I'd like to remind my colleague that is a parliamentary an assembly uh APF and we are going to continue not only to support this assembly but also become proud of the fact that it is a a Great Canadian a Franco Ontarian who is chair.

Of this assembly so we are here to be Fred French in Quebec and across the country and worldwide then I have theable member of forto Rivier correction just imagine to protect a liberal who denies the cin of French in Quebec uh and also responsible for decline of the APF but their.

Responsibility doesn't end there all these new French enthusiasts at the APF read the oqlf report yesterday um it ranks Quebec number one with the lowest proportion of workers using French most often the federal public service the Liberals are responsible for the anglicization machine in Quebec workplaces when will they stop fueling.

The decline of French The Honorable minister of global Affairs Mr Speaker we have absolutely no lessons to learn from the Block because we know their objective is still to show that only sovereignty in Quebec will work for quebecers but quebecers aren't fooled they know that they have a strong government a govern government.

That recognizes that there is a decline in French for the first time in Quebec and across the country and we are able to reinvest in the Improvement and protection of French to be here for frankophones across the country so we have really no lessons to learn from them The Honorable member of foral Rivier oh that makes me laugh the.

Federal government is Quebec's worst employer for French coincidentally it's the main employer in the gatau region between 2016 and 2021 the proportion of gel residents working primarily in French fell from 77% to 62% a drop of 177% in only four years we're talking about gattino Hall Elmer Pontiac latit n four liberal MPS their.

Public service is the worst workplace in Quebec for French and coincidentally French is declining in gatau more than elsewhere instead of protecting their colleag at the APF will they protect frankophones in gatau The Honorable Minister lead government house leader Mr Speaker I am very proud of our.

Quebec participation in the government's Federal public service we grew Quebec's participation in the federal public service we are very proud to have public service guard jobs and we are also very proud of Quebec's participation on the other side of the river so yes Mr Speaker we are uh B.

Lingual government that takes care of both official languages on both sides of the river The Honorable member from toic MRA after 9 years of this NDP liberal government more Canadians are hungry and homeless we see it across the country with our own eyes and is now affirmed by food banks Canada's latest report.

According to the report nearly 50% of Canadians feel financially worse off compared to last year and one in four people are going hungry I've heard from several food banks at the fastest growing demographics they serve are working families and seniors Mr Speaker the character of a nation is revealed and how it treats it's most vulnerable.

And Canada is failing them when will this NDP liberal government get off their backs respond to their desperate pleas how about starting now by acing the carbon tax The Honorable parliamentary secretary Mr Speaker I am glad to see that conservatives are finally aligning themselves with food food banks Canada.

We saw over a decade of the Harper conservatives they did nothing to address food insecurity in Canada today what our government is doing is we're creating more competition in the marketplace and we're investing in a national school food program both of which the conservatives oppose I don't know how the conservatives can say they.

Care about struggling Canadians when they oppose and would take food out of the mouths of children shameful The Honorable member from toic McQuack Mr Speaker what an incredibly all-encompassing and comprehensive non-answer that was from the member Mr Speaker just a couple of months ago I visited the food bank in orak New.

Brunswick Oraka was home to base Gagetown Canada's largest military base we were shocked when we discovered from the director of the food bank there that they serve upwards of 50 service military members and their families that's one out of every 10 clients they serve Mr Speaker our brave men and women deserve better and they are asking for.

This government to do the right thing it's not more than what they can give right now why don't they start by axing the tax and getting off their backs The Honorable minister of National Defense Mr Speaker I'm I Marvel at the tarity of a person who would stand in this house and vote against a pay raise a well- earned pay raise for every M of.

The Canadian Armed Forces and vote against that pay raise and then stand up and pretend that they actually care about the men and women who serve our forces The Honorable member from Regina Len after nine long years this prime minister is simply not worth the cost the numbers out from the Canada foods Bank are damning 50% of s people feel.

They're worse off this year than last year 35% of Saskatchewan are afraid they're not going to be able to feed themselves or their family this NP liberal cazy Coalition can do the right thing right now and act attacks so parents can put food on the table for their kids The Honorable parliamentary.

Secretary what is clear Mr Speaker is that that member and that party want to ruin the rebate for Canadians what is also clear they've mentioned homelessness in this house today at quite a shock Mr Speaker and hypocritical if you look at their housing plan it never mentions homelessness they don't want to do.

Anything on these things and if you want to understand the compassion of the party opposite and of their leader specifically look a few months ago what the leader did he went to someone's home stood in front of it and called it a Shaq a member of the working class Mr Speaker that's a respect they have for working people they're not a serious.

Party Mr speak The Honorable member from Port Port Moody ququ liberals made the decision to expand the Trans Mountain pipeline which will result in seven times more tanker traffic in barard Inlet people in Port Moody Coquitlam and Moren B Cara are at risk of evacuation fire smoke inhalation.

And carcinogens in the event of a spill the government of BC and the local health authorities are asking for a plan to protect people yet the Liberals have no plan and the conservatives have no concern to keep people safe what are the Liberals going to do to protect Canadians in my writing and Beyond from a catastrophic.

Spill The Honorable Minister for natural resources and energy thank you Mr Speaker it is of course incredibly important that as we move products to Market we do so in a safe and efficient manner certainly the transport of oil by pipeline is far safer than the transport of oil by rail it is important though that we put in place measures to assure.

British Colombians and Canadians that this will be done safely enormous time was spent on ensuring that we put in place those Provisions with respect to the pipeline but also with respect to Marine shipping certainly the Canadian energy regulator has played an important role in that we will ensure that all of those safeguards are put into place and.

That the pipeline operates in a safe and efficient manner The Honorable member from Tim James Bay the the poisoning of people and grassing arrows represents an unprecedented corporate crime for over 60 years the government has covered up and protected corporate criminality and the result has been a NeverEnding.

Nightmare for people suffering mercury poisoning that impacts everyone including young children we now learn that the dried and Fiber mill has been dumping sulfates into the wabon river which has been driving the Mercury crisis for a new generation so what steps will the minister of environment take to hold that company to a court to.

To count and to work with the people of grassy arrows to finally clean up the disaster in the wagon River The Honorable Parry secretary Mr Speaker what's happening at Grassy neros is a tragedy and all levels of government need to do better indigenous Services Canada is supporting several projects that will help meet the needs.

Of the community without leaving home budget 2024 also provides an additional 57.5 million for the construction of the Mercury care home this ongoing Calamity tragedy at Grasso is a reminder of what happens if we don't protect our water sources from pollution that's also why we introduced the First Nations Clean Water Act to make sure First Nations.

Have tools to protect their water sources and hold polluters accountable The Honorable member from kitner conastoga Mr Speaker in conversations women more than men face being constantly interrupted when women Express their ideas they often go unrecognized until reiterated by a man when women push back they're seen as.

Less likable and negative labels are disproportionately applied to them it's critical now more than ever that men speak up to defend women's rights and underscore their support for lasting gender equality could the Minister of Justice reiterate our government's support on the importance of male allyship and ways our government is.

Addressing this issue The Honorable Minister of Justice and attorney general for Canada Mr Speaker I'm an ally and I'm speaking up I'm speaking up about the epidemic of gender-based violence I'm speaking up about women having full control over their bodies and their Reproductive Rights that includes the right to.

Abortion and the right to free contraception when we as men Make spaces for women's voices we not only learn we help create better more inclusive policies I urge every man in this chamber from every single party to stand up and to be that Ally the fight for gender equality in this country is a fight for all of.

Us the honorable member from Colona Lake Country after 9 years of this NDP liberal prime minister more Canadians are hungry and homeless the government promised to end chronic homelessness in Canada by 2030 the Parliamentary budget officer found homelessness is getting worse with chronic homelessness up 38% the vast majority of homeless.

Individuals in Canada 80% are homeless purely based on affordability reasons this prime minister is just not worth the cost how can this government spend so much with such failing results The Honorable Minister for fames and children Mr Speaker I have a really hard time listening to the conservatives on that side of the house profess.

Concern for Canadians who are struggling when we continue to see them vote against the measures that we put forward to support Canadians when they need us effort to support and strengthen the social safety net like $10 a day Child Care like moving forward with a national school food program like moving forward with dental care to ensure they get the.

Care that they need we will continue to fight for Canadians Mr Speaker The Honorable member for Peterboro kortha Mr Speaker maybe that Minister needs to fight for Canadians by actually listening to them and talking to them because after 9 years of that liberal NDP prime minister things have never been worse Canadians are more.

Hungry and they're homeless the Parliamentary budget officer confirmed what most Canadians already know which is homelessness has increased 38% despite them promising to end it but wait it gets worse from the front page of the Toronto Star City to prioritize larger homeless encampments in New strategy as number of tents cities grow.

Citywide when did the Prime Minister simply give up and say you know what a tent is good enough The Honorable Minister for children for family's children and Social Development thank you Mr Speaker I've said it again once again we hear the conservatives stand in this house and and profess their support for.

Canadians but I have to tell you Mr Speaker that's not what we see day after day when we put forward measures like the national School food program to ensure 400,000 more children have access to food at school what do we see Mr Speaker the conservatives vote against we put for the candidate child benefit what do we see Mr Speaker they vote.

Against we will fight for the honorable member from Southshore St Margaret's after nine years this NDP liberal prime minister is not worth the hunger and the homelessness this prime minister promised to end homeless the result of the posturing long-term homelessness is up 38% because Canadians can't afford a place to live more.

Liberal help like this will produce greater misery for Canadians the NDP liberal government doesn't understand that you can't spend your way out of a problem when will the Liberals use common sense and realize that funding Gatekeepers does not end homelessness you're here The Honorable parliamentary.

Secretary it is a tragedy Mr Speaker anytime a Canadian doesn't have a roof over their head that's unacceptable and it's incumbent on all of us to live up to the challenge to work together to make sure this is addressed in a way that's not politicized Mr Speaker but they're not capable of that as we see he talks about funding Gatekeepers what.

He's really talking about is working with for example not for-profit organizations there's an acquisition fund that we worked with with not for-profits to make possible $1.5 billion as a result we will see that program move forward and units of housing kept affordable for everyday people he's against it as are.

They the honorable member from sou store St Margaret well let's take a look at the record that they are so proud of the results homelessness in Halifax homeless in Halifax have grown from 284 in 2015 to over 1,200 now the housing Minister gave taxpayer money to Helifax to hire 30 more gatekeeper bureaucrats after 9 years the NDP liberal Pres ad Minister.

There are now over 30 homelessness encampments in Helifax again will the Liberals use common sense and realize that funding Gatekeepers does not build homes The Honorable par secretary to the Minister of Housing Mr Speaker I point him to the so-called housing plan of the leader of the opposition which says nothing about homelessness so they can.

Talk about this but we know how serious they are they're not serious at all The Gatekeepers that that he talks about in this case are really Municipal officials Mayors and counselors for example and others who have seen in Halifax in London Ontario in Brampton across the country 170 plus communities who understand that zoning changes are.

Fundamental to getting more homes built missing middle missing middle housing excuse me Mr Speaker fourplexes duplexes triplexes all of that is made possible and they're against it Mr then I have the honorable member for Drummond today we're here debating Federal encroachment on Quebec and provincial jurisdictions and one.

Striking example is the research chairs the federal government is meddling in higher education in determining which fields of study our universities should put first if they want to get their share of the funding we're still with their eddi criteria Ottawa is deciding not only what subjects will be studied but who teaches them.

Ottawa is literally taking control over our universities why doesn't Ottawa let universities hire professors on their own based solely on Merit The Honorable Minister that's so rich Mr Speaker we thought the block was going to pick a fight in other areas but now it's even the universities we invested 3.5 million in science all across the.

Country in our last budget to help researchers and professors in our universities Mr Speaker the block should be delighted that we're investing in research and science we know that people at home are delighted about that and we will continue to invest in science in Canada The Honorable member for Drummond people are delighted but not by.

Answers like that Isabel Hashi gave the example of two computer science Professor positions UW One op strictly to sexual and gender minorities and the other only to racialized minorities forget about Merit it's like the case of a biology professor at Laval University two years ago who cares about qualifications the.

Universi said the university explained that they were simply complying with Federal requirements Ottawa has it wrong you don't fight discrimination by discriminating when are they going to put an end to these criteria that do more harm to universities than good for inclusion The Honorable minister of innovation and science I want to make.

Sure quebecers watch that I bet you quebecers are pulling their hair out Imagine The Block is picking a fight over science imagine that I think they're at the back of their playbook if they're finally deciding oh now it's time to pick a fight about funding for science Mr Speaker we will continue to invest in our universities in research.

And development in science we will help our young people because as we know that today's science builds tomorrow's economy we will continue investing in science Mr Speaker the member for both Mr Speaker after nine years of this prime minister overspending and anti-ir policies are pushing more and more Farmers into.

Bankruptcy according to the UPA one in five Farms can no longer afford to pay off their debt with the help of the block the government is stifling our agricultural sector by blocking billc 234 and voting for more centralizing and inflationary spending when will this government take our agricultural sector seriously and give it a break so it can.

Feed our already starving population The Honorable Minister and government house leader Mr Speaker the conservative party knows full well that the price on pollution does not apply to Quebec and he only needs to step forward for Rose to speak to his leader if he wants uh to see bill c234 passed.

Here in the house it's the leader of the official opposition who controls the determines the fate of that bill The Honorable member for both Mr Speaker what a typical response from the liberal minister they sit in their Lim limos out of touch with reality quebecers and Canadians are starving thank thanks to this prime.

Minister and the block clearly they're not worth the cost in my region Food Bank use is at an all-time high one in four people over the past year 10% of farms in the shoda apalach region have gone under when will this government finally get it and give our Farmers the help they need then I The Honorable minister of.

Tourism Mr Speaker as you know I'm also responsible for economic development in the regions of Quebec and if there's one thing that can help all the regions it's agriculture we have supported the processing and the transformation of farms the green transition to make sure they contribute.

To Net Zero Mr Speaker we are present in and operating in all areas of Quebec and we will continue to be there to support this transition member forur Mr Speaker after nine years of this prime minister more and more quebecers are hungry and homeless the inflation crisis hitting Canadians is.

The result of the centralizing and inflationary spending of this government which is 100% block backed the block which claims to defend the interests of quebecers voted in favor of 500 billion in budgetary Appropriations which are fueling inflation so it's not just this prime minister who's not worth the cost it's the block too to the block and the.

Liberals understand that the more money goes to Ottawa the less money there is for quebeckers the honorable minister of innovation I can say one thing that people watching at home will understand they know that here on this side of the house we're willing to invest in Canadians people can see that the conservatives plan is to cut to cut all.

Programs they have the nerve to stand up today and those watching will see that all the conser who stood up today voted against the Canada child benefit they voted against the dental program they will vote against the school food program I don't know how they can even look at themselves in their mirror but today we've seen the true colors of the.

Conservative party honorable member from charlott town Mr Speaker my province of Prince Edward Island has saved more than 2 million in out of-pocket cost since the launch of Pei's co-pay program last year this Federal funding for Pei has improved access to prescription drugs and made them more affordable for Islanders the success of this pilot can.

Be replicated across the country can the minister of Health Describe the impact that Universal Single Payer coverage for contraception and diabetes medication will have on the health of Canadians The Honorable minister of Health well thank you very much Mr Speaker and I want to start by commending the advocacy and work of the.

Member for Charlotte Town who's been working tirelessly to make sure that Islanders get the coverage they need saving them hundreds of dollars and I can tell you that in the many times I've been out with him in Prince Edward Island over the last 10 months that getting to talk to people what that means not just for affordability but for.

Prevention to make sure they don't wind up with a chronic disease or illness and I'll tell you the conservatives say it's too much for people to hope that they can get the medicine that they need they say it's too much to hope that somebody can get the dental care that we need a 100,000 people got dental care in 3 weeks we are getting it done Mr.

St The Honorable member from Leeds Grenville Thousand Islands and R Lakes at his billion dooll green slush fund the prime minister's handpick chair is being in investigated for lining her own pockets and resigned in disgrace after N9 years of this NDP liberal government this prime minister clearly isn't worth the cost or that corruption but another.

NDP liberal appointed director ctor has been caught funneling $42 million to companies that she has stakes in the Liberals knew it but then they promoted her to the infrastructure bank anyway but wait she suddenly resigned they gave her keys to a bigger Mansion after burglaring the first one will they investigate every dollar she handed.

Out the honorable Minister for Innovation and science speaker now you're seeing the Conservative Party of Canada going after any company Mr Speaker that will work against climate change in this country that's what these conservatives are about Mr Speaker Beyond this questions they're against new technology to help fight climate.

Change they know very well and I've said it many time in this house the moment we heard about delegation we launch an investigation the chair's resign the cr's resign we are investigating we're going to make sure that every dollar Mr Speaker that is span is going to be well spent we're going to restore governance we're going to restore confidence and.

We're going to keep investing in Canadian compan Mr Speaker The Honorable member from leads Grenville Thousand Islands in VTO Lakes it's really too late that we only see the minister get animated after they get caught speaker the NDP liberal appointed chair and another director were caught stuffing their pockets full of taxpayer.

Cash they got caught they resigned they're being investigated but then a third one who was found to be furthering her own interests was then appointed to the infrastructure bank but suddenly res much to the surprise of the minister responsible this is life after 9 years of this NDP liberal government they have no idea where the money is going we need.

To protect Canadian tax dollars will they call in the RCMP to investigate the honorable government house leader well that's the same question he just asked and that the Min Minister just answered but while we're here and have some time Mr Speaker I want to know why there is a woman in Aurora named uh uh Sabrina M and another.

One and they're both women by the way uh her name is Rachel gilland alleging things that don't seem quite kosher in conservative nomination land and that is after the accusations by m m of illegality in a conservative nomination and they just happened to be the only two women in that nomination race why.

order I know that all honorable members all Min order I know that all members and especially all ministers understand that of course that when questions are asked you should be about the administration.

Of the government or the Committees and it's the same thing which is expected of ministers to respond to the administration of government The Honorable member from Vancouver kadra oh excuse me excuse me I've made a mistake the aable member from uh St Albert Edmonton speaker after the Prime Minister got caught turning a blind eye.

To beijing's interference in our elections his government was Dr Kicking and Screaming into calling a public inquiry it has now been revealed that the Prime Minister and the cabinet are instructing the work of the inquiry by refusing to turn over documents to the commissioner a simple question will the Prime Minister end the obstruction and.

Turn over all documents requested by matam Justice Hogue unredacted yes or no The Honorable minister of public for public security Mr Speaker my honorable friend knows very well that there's no obstruction at all he should have a word with his house leader with whom I work very collaboratively All Summer in setting up the hog commission we agreed.

To all the details of the terms of reference including the fact that solicitor client privilege and cabinet confidence were essential things that needed to be protected and of course the people that served in Mr Harper's government would know the attachment Mr Harper had to those principles but our government went a step further and made.

Available cabinet documents that were re relevant to this inquiry and will continue to do everything we necessary to allow them to do work and now is turn to the member from Vancouver Quadra thank you Mr Speaker our government stands proudly on the side of Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms but if elected the opposition.

The official opposition could become the first federal government to create laws that knowingly violate Canadians rights they would do this by invoking the notwithstanding Clause trampling on our Charter as a parliament Arian but even more as a Canadian I find this simply chilling will the Minister of Justice please elaborate on the importance of.

Protecting Canadians Charter rights The Honorable Minister of Justice and attorney general Mr Speaker the charter protects your right to free expression it protects your right to worship whom you choose it protects your right to equality and it protects your right to be Presumed Innocent if you stand for Freedom you don't get to.

Cherry-pick which rights and freedoms you defend but that's exactly what the leader of the opposition has said he would do he has openly declared that he would use the notwithstanding Clause to trample on these very Charter rights no Federal leader has ever done this in Canadian history our government enacted the charter our government stands by the.

Charter and we will always defend the charter rights and freedoms of every Canadian The Honorable member from SK bulkley Valley Mr Speaker decades ago the Liberals promised to stop the closure of rural post offices but in classic liberal fashion they've broken that promise year after year after year we've lost 500 rural post offices since.

1994 33 last year alone and before the conservative start heckling their record when they were in government was even worse how many rural post offices are going to have to close before this Minister finally does something here here The Honorable parliamentary secretary to the thank Mr Speaker and I appreciate the question for the member.

Opposite because he speaks to a very relevant issue that affecting Canada all across Canada not just in his community but everywhere we're working closely with Canada Post to ensure that we change its way so as we can improve delivery across the country it's a serious issue we recognize that we're having deliberations over we're working.

Closely with Canadians and we're going to be more time to discuss how we can improve the operations of the organization to better serve Canada thank you The Honorable member from Spadina Fort York Mr Speaker congratulations to the liberal government congratulations.

On achieving the highest interest rates in two decades on sustained High food prices not seen since the 80s and reducing Canadian Living standards to almost the lowest levels in 40 years years Mr Speaker spread out over 20 years and Beyond the next election budget 2024 solves nothing yes Mr Speaker Canada has come a long way since.

2015 unfortunately it's in the wrong direction given a long list of failures will the Finance Minister resign take the entire cabinet with her and go paint leadership posters for Mark Carney The Honorable president of the treasury board Mr Speaker here our government is focused on keeping inflation low so that.

Interest rates can come down we have a fiscally responsible plan and we will continue to maintain strong economic indicators a AAA credit rating the lowest net debt to GDP ratio in the G7 all the while having supports for Canadians in budget 2024 such as affordable housing such as ECE and early childhood learning such as.

Supports for National School food program Mr Speaker we have a comprehensive plan and we're compassionate thank you a plan to fail and so we come to the end of question period and I'm going to ask all members to take their conversations outside.

Before we hear it is now time for the weekly statement

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