Caller nervous lets want our consider January sixth


Caller nervous lets want our consider January sixth

Speaker 1: All right. Let'shear from a few more folks via discord. You can find our discord at We are going to go next to. Speaker 3: Oh, how about.Speaker 1: James from Austin, Texas. James from Austin, Texas. Welcome to the program.Speaker 3: Hey, David, thanks so much for selecting me.Speaker 1: My pleasure. Speaker 3: For a long time. And actually I wantto talk to you about. How I first found you. So bear with me a minute while I do this. So. Ifirst watched your show on January 5th, 2021, and I'm sure you remember what happened the dayafter that. Yes I do. Yeah. So I was I could see the powder cake that was being created witheverything that Trump and his supporters were.

Building to. And if you because you seem to bethe only one at the time who was openly talking about what could happen on that day. And sowhen I watched your program on January 16th, your coverage of that event, you gaineda lifelong supporter of me on that day, for sure. So thank you for yourearly coverage of this situation. Speaker 1: I appreciate that. Thank you.Speaker 3: Yeah. So what I wanted to talk about was. They tried to steal it once. It didn't work.It is quite possible that they will try again. It's probably a certainty that they will tryagain. And quite a big possibility that they'll have a lot more success there next time.Speaker 1: I fear the same thing and am cautiously optimistic it won't happen.So just to place that and now you can.

Kind of continue with the question part.Speaker 3: Thanks. Okay, so. The January 6th rioters did not have the facts on their side.But if they try this again. And it goes their way. I know I don't support violence except as anextreme last resort. So I'm not suggesting or implying that in any way. But if we haveto do our own January 6th with the facts on our side, how do we approach that situation?Speaker 1: Well, by definition, we wouldn't have to do our own January 6th because we're not goingto try to steal an election we didn't win. I think that's the critical aspect to this, James.Speaker 3: Oh absolutely I agree. But if we're in a situation where they're trying tocertify an election that they've in effect, stolen. We can't just sit by and watch themdo that. We have to stand up against that..

So how do we do that in a way. If the if thesituation comes to that, which I think is a strong possibility. How do we do that the right way?Speaker 1: Well, the right way is what we did last time, except being more prepared forthe different aspects of it. So number one, we need to understand that they're going to makeattempts through courts. Those did not succeed last time. But c ourts need to be better preparedfor the sorts of arguments that are going to be made. Number two, there was a physical attemptto stop the process on January 6th. Security needs to be significantly bolstered. Probablyneed to build a perimeter even further around the Capitol. Like if if you do that. Pence toPence's credit, and I know this is such a low bar. Pence wasn't willing to do the thing Trumpand John Eastman wanted him to do. So if you have.

A wider security perimeter and probably multiplesecurity perimeters and you're more prepared, January 6th, as far as the proceedings inthe Capitol go off with no interruption. So I think it's understanding the things theydid and the things that they may do and being prepared. It shouldn't be a situationwhere we have to resort to violence on our side in order simply to make the rightfulwinner, the president. It should not come to that. And I don't believe that it will.Speaker 3: Okay? I certainly hope not. Speaker 1: All right. James from Austin,Texas. Great to hear from you. Appreciate it. Why don't we go next to Christy fromAustralia? Christy from Australia. Welcome to the program. What's on your mind today?Speaker 3: Hi, David. I'm just thinking from.

An Australian perspective for a minute, sosort of shifting my focus a little bit from the American election. Sure. We've recentlyhad, politicians in, parliament vote to, what's the word? Lobby Biden to bring Assangeback to Australia and to basically not follow through with trying to get him into America.And I was just wondering, what your, thoughts are on that matter if you have any at all.Speaker 1: You know, I don't have a super strong feeling about the Julian Assange situation,and there are such extreme opinions on both sides, including those that believe he's done nothingwrong at all, ever. And every allegation against him is completely trumped up for politicalreasons. There are others who see Julian Assange as this evil figure. I know that nowthere is this discussion of, you know, is there.

Going to be extradition to the United States ornot? What about going to Australia? What about, dropping the case against Julian Assange ordropping some charges against Julian Assange? It has never to me, been the case to champion that,so that for some, it has become that they believe so much is fundamentally caught up in the Assangecase. What I can tell you is I've understood and learned that he is a far more political actor thanhe originally claimed to be with the original. You know, this is just about, we just publisheddocuments with no respect to timing or content. We're basically just a conduit through whichdocuments are published. And then we learned that there were actually many political and carefullytime decisions that were made. And so for me, I just I don't think a lot about Julian Assange,to be totally honest. And I don't have a strong.

Opinion about what should happen.Speaker 3: Yeah, I normally don't either. It's just that it's been a thingwhere all of Parliament voted on it. And we've had reporting in Australia that, we'vebeen lobbying Biden and Biden has said he's considering. Yes, he walked away.Speaker 1: I saw that, yeah. Speaker 3: Yeah. And I think it's interestingbecause it has always been quite a big issue for us in Australia. A lot of peoplehere, I think, believe he is, you know, like a victim of all these things. And andso they want him back. And I think it's ridiculous how long it's gone on. So. Then Irecently saw a post on a form or the form about on the subreddit and people were mentioning that,you know, he was involved with Russia and the.

Trump thing and, and so it's a lot more convolutedand complicated than some people he might realize. Speaker 1: I think that that's absolutelythe case. I think it is absolutely the case that it is far more complicated than somesome acknowledge. Let's see what happens with it. I'm curious, although I'm not takinga strong position one way or the other on it. Speaker 3: Okay. Okay. Thanksvery much, David. All right. Speaker 1: Christy fromAustralia. Great to hear from you.

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