‘CAMOUFLAGE’: Biden, Democrats be pleased ‘unsuitable messaging’ for the election


‘CAMOUFLAGE’: Biden, Democrats be pleased ‘unsuitable messaging’ for the election

all right tonight more bad news from Biden's border crisis and unvented Biden illegal immigrant from Venezuela Shot Two New York City police officers in Queens New York the suspect crossed the border in July of 2023 um who should we blame the most I would say Joe Biden the same guy that.

Lied to you for three years saying over and over is the borders closed the bord secure here's a simple fact that Biden would probably like you to ignore in his first 100 days in office Joe Biden reversed nearly every single one of Donald Trump's safety measures with the stroke of a pen as a result of that stupidity well the predictable chaos.

Ensued and more than 10 million unvetted Biden illegal immigrants H and County have now poured into our country many from let's see places like China tens of thousands of them and Russia and Egypt and Afghanistan and Iran and Syria and Yemen and Kazakhstan and I can go on and by the way for a while Biden just kept lying to you the American people telling.

You that Congress could only Congress could reverse this terrible border policy that he himself reversed with a stroke of a pen but with the election right nearby 154 days away it's time for an election year conversion and now Joe is planning later this week a new executive order to finally address the crisis that he himself created by the.

Way spoiler alert it's little more than an absolute failure and a political Ploy on his part in the meantime Biden granted a kind of makeshift Mass amnesty amnesty without us watching to three 350,000 illegal immigrants according to data gathered by the New York Post oh amnesty something of Great Value hope you'll vote for us anyway here now with.

Reaction Texas Senator Ted Cruz is with us so it's even worse than we thought now we're we're basically allowing the people to stay in the country um and on top of it we're not even paying attention where it's coming from but here's the Sinister part of this he was saying trying to blame Republicans after telling the country a lie for three.

Years the border secure then he said well Republicans won't sign the bill that would have allowed at least 5,000 unvetted illegals a day uh under his plan and then when they wouldn't go along with it now he's saying you know what I'm going to go back to what Trump did and I'll use the stroke of a pen and I'll fix it although I said I wasn't.

Allowed to do that can you explain that well I can this is the latest incarnation of what I call election year camouflage which is the Democrats especially Joe Biden but all the Democrats they think the voters are stupid and so they do you remember before the 2022 election right before the election Joe Biden released a bunch.

Of oil from the Strategic petroleum reserve and it ended up causing gasoline prices to drop a little bit and they think the voters are stupid they don't notice that gas prices are skyrocketed they get a little bit of a drop they say look aren't things great or or the student loan forgiveness where he gives away or he says he's giving away a.

Trillion dollars right before the election trying to convince a bunch of young people hey look at all this free stuff I'm giving just vote for the Democrats now of course he knew it would be struck down by the courts and it was in this instance on immigration tomorrow Joe Biden's gonna it didn't stop him but but but it's all about fake messaging.

For the election this immigration order that's coming tomorrow Joe Biden's going to stand up and say we're securing the border and you know what I'm going to predict in the next five months we're actually going to see the Border numbers go down a little bit now don't be deceived by that it's just like the gasoline pric is going down a.

Little bit they're doing this right before the election they're doing it so the useful idiots in the corporate media will say gosh Biden solved the problem nothing else to worry about here it is entirely fake and we have had 11 million people invade this country because Jo Biden and the Democrats want 11 million people to invade this country you.

Mentioned the two NYPD police officers that were shot they were shot by a Venezuelan a 19-year-old named Bernardo Raul Castro Mata I mean this is a name out of Charles Dickens Mata is Spanish for he kills the guy's middle name is R Castro he's literally named after a communist murdering dictator he came from Venezuela and what did Joe Biden do.

Let him go let him go said you know what New York City is a great place for you to go he did he shot two police officers this is what Joe Biden is doing every day and this executive order he admits he had the power to do this three and a half years ago but he didn't do it three and a half years ago he wants 11 million and he wants 20 million and he wants 40.

Million because he usews every one of these as future Democrat voters okay that's the point you know they would say well Republicans uh don't want people of color It's the Great replacement Theory I don't care where anybody comes from if you come into the country legally we have a chance to vet you uh a couple of things we need to.

Have a a a security background on you a health check in light of what happened with Co and beyond that a means test to make sure you won't be a financial burden on the American people then Senator I don't care where you come from yes welcome to the country there's a right way to but the LIE is but now they're giving amnesty on top of it oh.

Something of Great Value a path to citizenship which will lead to what I hope you'll vote for us we're the ones that gave that to you meanwhile you know you'd pay $10 million to get into Australia yeah look that that that's exactly right listen there is a right way to come you come legally as you know I am the son of a Cuban immigrant Sean.

You know my dad my father came in 1957 from Cuba he had nothing he had been in prison he'd been tortured as a teenager in Cuba when he came to America he came to Texas he was 18 he couldn't speak English he was a teenage immigrant he had $100 in his underwear his first job was washing dishes 50 cents an hour but you know what he came legally he got a.

Student visa he came to go to the University of Texas he came to work he ended up getting a job he started a business today he's a pastor that's the right way to come We're a nation of immigrants we welcome people who come legally but Joe Biden and the Democrats they don't want legal immigrants where you know their background they open it.

Up they invite every murderer every rapist every gang banger every terrorist to flood across the border and what happened in New York this week the two police officers shot that is happening every single week people being shot and killed by illegal immigrants Joe Biden and the Democrats have released he has blood on his hands and when some of.

These people from either China or Russia or Iran or Syria or Yemen or Egypt or Afghanistan or Kazakhstan you know one of those terrorist cells which I'm pretty certain to here I hope I'm wrong but I don't think I am they they are tragically are and the FBI is telling us they're here they tell so it's a matter of when not if yes and how s is that.

Yeah well there'll be a lot of dead Americans and they'll have blood on their hands and you know what it's unforgivable it's a clear and present danger and it's unnecessary uh Senator Cruz thank you hey Sean Hannity here hey click here to subscribe to Fox News YouTube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis.

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