CBC Data: The National | Haiti’s gang-controlled capital


CBC Data: The National | Haiti’s gang-controlled capital

Tonight rare access inside Haiti's Capital ruled by gangs the risky journey to portter France a city isolated will'll land just outside some of the most fiercely held gang territory the fear the violence the humanitarian crisis is the worst since the 2010 earthquake it's that bad a Canadian exclusive.

A tragic start to Summer a deadly boat crash in eastern Ontario's Cottage Country just like tragic inside how fast something like that can happen three young people killed five others injured protecting White Horse how the Yukon capital is working to be fireproof people are really anxious there's no two ways about it from the ground and in the.

Sky a firsthand look at how they're redesigning the forest to save homes and lives in the break down from CBC News this is the national with Ian hansing and we begin tonight with a Canadian exclusive a rare look inside Haiti's Capital controlled by gangs and spiraling downwards our CBC News team.

Made the dangerous journey into PTO prance to see firsthand the struggle to survive they found a humanitarian catastrophe many are starving and Desperately Seeking safety brutal violence erupting around around them every day and every night our Paul Hunter is on the ground in PTO prast and shows us a city cut off and in.

Crisis with haes gangs in control of so much of the capital for the moment this is the only feasible way into Porter Prince a United Nations world food program helicopter the flight from capan will take about an hour we'll land just outside some of the most fiercely held gang territory mired in violence pter Prince is all but.

Cut off from the rest of the country an island within an island on the road in that city after landing the streets are busy but vigilance rules the brutal violence remains rampant this is Gangland at countless street corners freshly made barriers open in the daytime they're closed at night private security always at the ready some are.

Bolstered with sandbags others with whatever can be scavenged all of it to try to keep the gangs at Bay with Haitian police out gunned and overmatched this is deep inside gang territory um to be here we've effectively had to make sure that's it's okay with people nearby and we're good if we're quick about.

It for all who live here it's a horror show there is no life no real economy medical supplies are dwindling famine Lo looms for so many Haitians humanitarian Aid is all they have this is a kitchen for the world food program here hot meals are prepared for delivery to the countless in need thousands of such meals are made every day the places.

Where we provide this assistance happen to be in uh um in in in in the dangerous parts of poral Prince uh and that's that's a challenge in itself we've got very high vulnerability on this day delivered to an encampment for Haitians forced from their homes by The Gangs who control this area some have been here for weeks.

Others for months now living in squalor and misery they are desperately hungry it is heartbreaking right now the crisis in in in Haiti the humanitarian crisis in Haiti is the worst since the 2010 earthquake it's that bad and things need to change this is jacn lorono I lost my home to The Gangs she.

Says I have five children with me I don't even have a tent I sleep in the open air with my kids meanwhile just this weekend across town a Canadian funded prison was destroyed by gang members an act we're told meant to underline The Gangs cannot be stopped at the Canadian embassy on one.

Of the city's busiest roads fully armed Canadian Forces keep careful watch as Haiti awaits the arrival of an international Force to help restore order led by Kenya we met with ambassador Andre franois jeru Canada's been very involved with the planning of the multinational Force coming here with a very specific mandate which is to help.

The police to get control back all of that is in the days and weeks to come but at night from our hotel balcony gunshots reminders that the work ahead is daunting Paul as you mentioned the sights and sounds of this crisis are all around you yeah in fact just off my line of sight.

With you Ian I can see ha's International Airport's been closed for many of these past weeks but we have regularly seen US military cargo Jets coming in and Landing uh including one just this morning and I want to show you an image of some of what was offloaded from that jet all in anticipation of that multinational police force led by.

The Kenyans coming in uh to take on the gangs and evidence Ian that they will be well equipped Paul Hunter reporting from Porto Haiti back in this country a holiday long weekend at the lake has turned tragic in Ontario two boats collided leaving a devastating scene three people were.

Killed five more injured about an hour north of Kingston an investigation is underway at the usually Serene Bob's Lake Police say a fishing boat and a speedboat collided just after sunset on Saturday night two women and one man all in their 20s were killed JP Tasker is near the scene with what more we know tonight.

The May long weekend The Unofficial kickoff of summer ended in tragedy on this lake in Eastern Ontario's Cottage Country two boats collided with devastating results it was kind of scary just uh more uh ambulance police Fire Department volunteer more than I have ever seen at any kind of incident in my life I did not know what was going on.

Three people dead five more injured one airlifted to hospital their I condition critical First Responders rushed to the water's edge after a frantic call for help around 9:30 p.m. they squeeze down this country road police dispatch tape reveals what they found BSA stands for Vital Signs absent and we do have two patients VSA one patient going.

Unconscious at this time uh we'll need all hands on deck some people were still in the water they had to be pulled out police say a speedboat in a smaller open bow fishing style boat violently collided an update from the te here we do have a concrete dock with a fishing bolt against the dock and a B on top of that.

Bo uh TR are performing CPR in the fishing B while officials are still piecing together what went wrong here at Bob's Lake what is known is the Collision happened after dark a particularly dangerous time to be on the water there's no seat beltss there's no airbags people can be tossed out of the boat when a when a boat suddenly comes.

To a stop because of a Collision the Collision comes as cottagers return to this summer playground just like tragic and sad how fast something like that can happen and JP what more do we know about the victims the three people killed were just young adults e and two women 21 and 22 a man 23 all from this area South.

Front neack about an hours north of Kingston onario Police are not saying if alcohol was involved with this they're also not saying if all of the victims were wearing their life jackets voting experts I spoke to say the laws need to be tightened up around this issue they say it's not enough just to have a life jacket in the boat all passengers should.

Be wearing one as well they say right now that's just optional Ian JP Tasker at shpet Lake Ontario an admission and an apology today from rapper sha Diddy comes after a video surfaced on Friday showing him attacking his ex-girlfriend I take full responsibility for my ACS in that video I was disgusted then when I did it I'm disgusted now.

That 2016 footage shows him grabbing and dragging singer Cassie Ventura late last year she sued combms for a long list of abuses which until now he denied in his statement today col said he was in a dark place at the time and has since sought help search teams have now located the helicopter carrying Iran's president.

Ibraham RI that's according to Iranian State television they also reported appears no one on board survived the helicopter crashing into the mountains near the azerbajan border Katie Simpson now on the shock and turmoil inside Iran through the heavy fog and difficult terrain emergency crew slowly began their search for signs of Life setting.

Up a command post and hunkering down for an effort that continued well into the night Iran's president Ibrahim RI and the foreign minister were returning from an event along the border with aeran the opening of a water dam the chopper took off reportedly without incident before encountering bad weather in an interview with State.

Television Iran's interior Minister said the helicopter was forced to make what he called a rough Landing as that search and rescue mission began some Iranians gathered in public to pray at the urging of the country's supreme leader AA Ali Ki called this a disturbing incident offering prayers of.

His own for the president and his companions he also tried to reassure the public saying the Affairs of the country including security will continue as normal the helicopter crash comes at a time that Iran both political system the economy even the military are all in crisis Ry was elected in 20121 leading as the country experienced high.

Unemployment and inflation facing intense anti-government protests over the death of Masa amini the young woman taken into custody because police said she wore her hijab incorrectly abroad Iranian tensions with Israel and the West remain high with Iran supporting Hamas and other proxies in the Middle East this is a fraught.

Moment for the Islamic Republic at a time that it faces more challenges on so many different fronts all at the same time experts warn it's too early to say how this could impact the war in the Middle East US President Joe Biden has been briefed on the situation and is monitoring developments Katie Simpson.

CBC News Washington the Israeli military has released new video of what it claims are operations in eastern Rafa the IDF says its soldiers have conducted targeted raids in the southern Gaza City killing at least 80 h militants in the area a UN agency says nearly 800,000 Palestinians have fled the fighting in Rafa since last week in.

Israel more internal divisions over the War beginning to show War cabinet ministers Benny Gans has demanded prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu commit to a post-war plan for Gaza gance wants a plan by June 8th or else he says he'll resign this Echoes a similar ultimatum made by israeli's defense minister last week.

Student anguish over Israel's war in Gaza was addressed head-on today by the US President Joe Biden he delivered a commencement speech at a historically black college in Atlanta it's a humanitarian crisis in Gaza that's why I've called for an immediate ceasefire an immediate ceasefire to stop.

The fighting bring the hostages home though some cheered others turned their backs on Biden and protesters nearby voiced their anger over his position on Israel in its war with Hamas Biden's broader message was an appeal to Black and young voters in Georgia a state seen as key to a second.

Turn some difficult news for Wildfire evacuees in Northern British Columbia several homes have been destroyed in Fort Nelson that's near the Northwest territory's border this say thousands in Alberta are heading home to Fort McMurray Sam Samson takes us through it the way Liam cyad sees it he's had more than a week to perfect his game.

When I first heard the news I felt like scared like oh wow we're going to have to leave things behind but now that I'm here and that I'm like kicking a ball around outside in this warm weather I'm actually kind of glad that we were evacuated more than 4,500 people from Fort Nelson BC have been out of their homes due to Wildfire while some are.

Hoping to go home soon others won't get that opportunity the municipality says fire has damaged 10 properties and destroyed four homes my heart goes out to them and we're going to do everything we can to work with them um to to try to make this as smooth as possible the nearby fire is still out of control but Municipal leaders say it's not coming.

Toward the community anymore meaning they're prepping for residents to come back like making sure the utilities are in place you know making sure the grocery stores are ready we haven't returned any of those people to the community yet but we're talking to them about getting their plans ready about six 175 evacuees from cranberry Portage.

In Northern Manitoba are heading home this weekend now that a massive fire nearby is under control I'm very nervous I'm I'm happy we're going home the fire isn't out yet it's just under control it's going to be a very stressful summer for us and rain in Fort McMurray Alberta helped Crews get a handle on the fire.

Burning nearby we're pretty excited to get home though that fire is still out of control officials gave more than $6,000 evacuees the goahead to come back Saturday some with apprehension the only question is is the wind going to change direction again and go towards town shortly after we get back though officials say it is safe for people to.

Return to Fort McMurray they do note that residents will have to learn to live with the fire for weeks if not months because even though recent rain has helped summer is creeping closer temperatures will rise and they say fire activity is likely to increase Sam Samson CBC News Edmonton Indonesian authorities have evacuated.

More Villages near a remote volcano after yet another eruption Mount IBU sent a towering plume of Ash into the sky on Saturday triggering flashes of lightning around the crater authorities had already declared their highest alert level on Thursday after a series of eruptions Indonesia sits within the Pacific Ring.

Of Fire most active volcanic Zone in the world frust in Quebec over a plan to pull hundreds of local products off the shelves of government owned liquor stores small distilleries Say it'll put a dent in their business and as Allison northcot explains they want big changes to the way liquor is sold this Quebec Distillery makes Agave.

Spirit and gin this is the meal from the to crash the grain its products are sold at Quebec liquor stores the government-owned societ Quebec known as the SAQ but now the company co-founder is worried because the SAQ plans to cut the number of Quebec Spirits it carries we never know when the the telephone will wiing.

And they call okay your aave spirit or your K genin uh we don't want anymore so now I'm kind of scar with a major boom in the production of locally made Spirits in recent years the number of Quebec micro distilleries has grown from just a handful a decade ago to nearly 70 today now with more than 600 Quebec spirits on offer the SAQ.

Says shelves are overrun and sales have declined so it's removing up to 200 different products so if you can't sell your products in the SAQ where can you sell them we're not we're not able to sell anywhere the owner of this Montreal Distillery says while the SAQ has used local producers to its advantage in the.

Past it's now ready to turn its back on them when the Gen craze was starting it was driving people to the SAQ I mean they they were encouraging you know us to produce products because they were interesting high quality and consumers were couldn't get enough and now they're going well we have too many so guess you know guess.

Who's going to suffer it's local producers he says the move will leave distilleries with almost no options when it comes to selling their products so there's a push for the province to open things up for example sell directly to Consumers online sell to restaurants sell to events and festivals or Farmers Market none of these channels exist in.

Quebec and this problem is unique to Quebec as the SAQ decides which products will go Distillery owners are waiting to see if their goods will have a place on the shelves or not Allison northcott CBC News Bedford Quebec Canada has named its swim team for the 2024 Paris Olympics the touch it is Penny Alexia by two 100s of a second the big names going.

For gold and the underdog who finally made the cut plus my name is Taylor and welcome to the a is tour Taylor Swift fans are heading to Europe to catch her Al and save some cash it was much cheaper um than even what I paid for face value in the US how some countries are keeping the resale Market at.

Bay and a mock Mayoral race with a memorable winner he was very excited and he got his little ride around the park we're back in two sander with victory at balla and with that putt Sanders Schley wins the 2024 PGA Championship in Louisville Kentucky the first major.

Victory of his career choffle shot a six under 65 finishing 21 under just a hair ahead of runner up Bryson Des Shambo who almost forced a playoff after a week of fierce competition Canada's Olympic and Par Olympic swimming trials are now over the team is set with some new faces joining the big names like Penny alexc and.

Summer Macintosh Philip Lee shanok shows us one man's persistent fight to make that Squad Jeremy Bagshaw knows the pressure of this moment he's already tried to make Canada's Olympic Swim Team team five times the one thing I was always missing from my resume was always in Olympics so getting to miss and then I.

Missed out I think in 2016 by a couple hundreds of a second miss out again in 2021 at those trials now 32 in a med school grad he gave it one last try I knew I still had it in me to compete at the Olympics was a huge part of it was just kind of trusting myself and knowing that I had it somewhere inside of me that I could do it he's headed to Paris.

With a Powerhouse team of Olympic stars like summer Minos Maggie mcneel Penny alexic and Josh leendo there's some dreams uh being made and some dreams just falling short you also have kids who are making their first ever appearance out of Trials here but they're going to soak up the experience 800 competitors came from across the.

Country to swim in this pool to win one of 50 spots on Canada's Olympic and Paro Olympic Swim Team some record breaking performances left the Next Generation feeling inspired I mean I've loved like swimming since I was like a little kid I used to play hockey but swimming kind of I fell in love with the sport more it would be fun to go to the Olympics I'm.

Close to coming to this meet I'm really excited to go I really want to make it for next time swimming Canada says it has a high caliber team and while it expects to face tough competition in Paris Canadian swimming is in a new golden era Philip Le shanok CBC News Toronto Yukon is working to create a massive line of defense to protect White.

Horse from wildfires it's a big change for sure I would argue it's necessary how tree clearing can help and why some say the plan is flawed plus an incredibly valuable fish lurs in organized crime everyone was carrying guns how Canada can fight back but.

First Taylor Swift fans are saving big by heading abroad you see far fewer listings of tickets is being resold for a profit the national breaks down the story shaping our world next off celebrations and maybe relief after.

Blue origin launched its first mission to space with a crew in nearly two years six passengers were on board the 10-minute trip including Ed Dwight the first black astronaut candidate in the US the now 90-year-old was trained but never flew to space in 2022 the company's rocket was grounded after an engine failure during an uncrewed.

Mission a dazzling streak of light seen over parts of Spain in Portugal the European Space Agency says it was fragments of a comet the fireball lighting up the skies blue and green before it flamed out over the Atlantic thousands of Canadian Taylor Swift fans are flying across Ross the pond to catch the pop star on her eras.

Tour as Nisha Patel explains for those who can afford it a European Vacation may actually be cheaper than seeing the singer at home my name is Taylor and welcome to the a tour after selling out stadiums across the continent fans still can't get enough of Taylor Swift it was like the one of the most amazing nights of my.

Life it was just incredible Brian Kingston saw the pop star perform in Detroit last year soon he'll hop on a plane to the UK for her London concert but I found it was much cheaper um than even what I paid for face value in the US it's still big bucks but for swifties who can afford it the cost of a flight hotel and show in a European city may be.

A better deal than Hometown tickets on ticket resellers StubHub the cheapest seat for the Toronto show in November is listed at more than $2,800 compare that to Stockholm this weekend $83 why are prices for some European shows so much cheaper theand probably in some of these countries is not as strong.

Know relative to other artists maybe she's not like you know like the number number one there are also differences in the secondary ticket Market in North America someone can resell for as much as they like while in all these European countries tickets are only supposed to be resold to someone else at face value it's had a really positive effect you.

You see far fewer listings of tickets being resold for a profit because the law is quite straightforward Julia Ry has been to three Taylor Swift concerts and was disappointed when tickets to Canadian shows sold out instantly it's super frustrating it was especially really frustrating when the concert tickets first dropped and then.

Immediately you know there was people selling them for thousands of dollars marked up she decided to Shake It Off and saved up to see Taylor Swift in France when we were able to get the Leon tickets for $250 Canadian dollars we were super excited we didn't I don't even think we looked at where the seats were ready to make memories that she.

Says are Priceless Nisha Patel CBC News Toronto now it's time to dig deeper into the story shaping our world Asia pays top dollar for baby eels but Canada's crime ridden eel fishery has been shut down by one US state says it has the answer I think you guys can do it too but first to protect White Horse.

From Wildfire the Yukon Thinks Big this is a huge clearing of trees right here the clearcut woods are startling this is exactly what it looked like before we went in but they can help slow down a fire that threatens the city people are really anxious there's no two ways about it wiita Taylor starts with a helicopter view of a large scale exercise in.

Protecting homes and lives there's no shortage of spruce trees around here spruce trees can burn really well deep in the Boreal forest outside yukon's Capital the race is on to build a massive permanent fuel breake among the first in Canada this area just south of the city of white horse is being forever changed.

Old Spruce and pine trees are being cleared to create a massive Corridor called a fuel break it's kind of the balance e like I understand people hate to see that kind of clear cutting it's a big change for sure I would argue it's necessary in this context but can you really Wildfire prooof an entire city I'm about to find.

Out most yuk coners live here in White Horse known as the Wilderness City about 36,000 people and just outside the city stands the biggest threat of wildfire Spruce and pine trees the Yukon government is trying to do something about it so where are we heading to so we're going to head south on the copper Hall Road um down to the.

Mary Lake Area I took a drive with experts on this project Luke bio and Jennifer Sharp it's pretty much exclusively uh Pine and Spruce around here the fuel brake follows an old mining Road this is a huge clearing of trees right here if a fire were to burn in this area towards White Horse how realistic is.

That probability I I think it's an inevitability to be honest with you yukon's government plans to spend $1 million to build the fuel brake when finished it will stretch 20 km long and up to 2 km wide thinning some areas clear cutting others and replanting them with slower.

Burning trees its location is strategic most of the time the wind comes out of the South out of the carcross valley in the marsh Lake area in the summertime it's like 80% of the time blowing right towards White course there hasn't been a fire in this area since somewhere around like 1908 so it's almost time for it to happen yeah I.

Think that's fair to say the big worry is a catastrophic fire like this an assessment done a few years ago found that a Fort McMurray type fire could hit White Horse and likely will lightning strikes have also increased with the changing climate not wasting any time the Yukon government started building the fuel br.

Break in 2020 nearly 400 hectares of trees have been cleared and sent for salvaging so Luke there is just so much fuel to burn here like there's just so many trees yeah it's it's uh pretty wild how dense it gets to be right this is exactly what it looked like before we went in it's a big change for sure I would argue it's.

Necessary in this context those tiny needles packed with resin can become volatile with fire as a fire is burning along the ground Maybe it's burning in this Moss or this Leaf litter that we've got here as those Flames grow they reach up and they climb this ladder they climb the ladder fuels and they go all the way up the tree they torch off in those.

Really aggressive scary looking Crown fires they're kind of our our worst enemy in some ways but they're also part of the the ecosystem I'm constantly concerned about it I know that the fire seasons are getting longer we've had more and more severe events Sandy Johnston's home is just across Mary Lake less than 2 km.

From the fuel breake so Sandy hot days are coming what do you think about when it's a hot day out here well if it's a low humidity for a few days if it's above 25° and if there's a strong south wind blowing and I smell any hint of smoke I'm a little bit nervous he's been fire smarting his.

Property more and more every year like rigging up this vacuum to suck leaves from the roof we've been in full support of the development of the fuel brake it's something that uh we're kind of grateful to see uh being developed but at the same time there's a lot of concerns I guess and there may be a false sense of.

Security from from the residents of white horse that the fuel brak's going to save us from a wildfire which it's not uh the biggest threat to the community will be from an ember shower last summer you saw Embers go across the okan aen lake part of the planning is to keep Ember showers like this from reaching so.

Far by redesigning the forest and replacing Spruce and pine trees with Aspen so Jennifer tell me more about this guy so we sourced the seed from for Jennifer sharp is a Forester working on the fuel break in the next 5 to 10 years you'll see a sea of Aspen wow prescribed burns like this one help prepare the land for hundreds of thousands of Aspen.

Seedlings talk about why Aspen is so important Aspen don't burn as well as the trees we see in the background which are Conifer so Pine and Spruce they're more fire resistant they don't have the ladder fuels that bring surface fire up into the trees and and make fire Behavior more intense and so these species in.

Particular are great for reducing the fire intensity if a fire was to approach this area to really see the magnitude of the project I joined this Yukon government reconnaissance flight the first of the Season we've been working on this project for I think about four years now Mike fancy and his.

Team go up regularly to see how things are shaping up if it weren't for the fuel Brak if there ever were a fire in the area we would have to put the bulldozers in the ground really quickly get down to Mineral soil as fast as possible because of this work not only are we able to do so with more consultation and more.

Collaboration and less potential environmental consequence um we're able to do it on our terms there's a lot at stake when it comes to protecting White Horse it's the major transportation service and government center for the entire territory people are really anxious there's no two ways about it the.

Minister of community services Richard mtin says the fuel brake is only one tool to protect the city of course the Yukon is known for its beauty its Wilderness why then is it so important to to Forever change the landscape I call this living infrastructure really so basically what we're doing is making.

These changes to our landscape because we're seeing the threats of of our changing climate so profoundly here in the north I mean it's happening here faster than anywhere else in the country is it enough will it be enough the short answer is no it's not enough the fire smarting is another another very key point you know we all have a.

Responsibility to play in the face of the challenges we're seeing through climate change in another part of the city is where I meet up with Gary Bailey so we're actually an urban first nation which is kind of a unique situation a member of the quand First Nation my lifestyle and my the way I live my life.

Is about the land everything I do is connected so means everything to me Bailey says his first a was involved in the planning process to build the fuel break it's kind of the balance e like I understand people hate to see that kind of clear cutting and stuff like that but what would really impact everybody directly is if a fire came through and.

Wiped everything out then not only is the forest gone and but so are the animals and so are the berries and so are all the plants things that sustain us are gone too right there's a lot of State another thing that's really officials say they are anticipating a normal fire season but last year there was a record-breaking 207 wildfires it's.

Certainly not to say that the risk is gone we need to kind of stay vigilant uh but I don't live in fear of this stuff I think we have to have a healthy respective fire and a humble relationship to it wiita you're back in yolan night from what you've learned is it possible to make an entire city Wildfire.

Prooof well Ian experts we spoke spoke with said yes you can but the fuel brake alone won't stop a wildfire fire smarting is equally if not more important the big concern is Embers from a fire blowing towards the city and setting homes and other infrastructure on fire now there are a number of groups raising awareness about fire smarting in.

White Horse Ian and the engagement is growing now we spoke with one expert David loes he co-authored the report on how vulnerable White Horse is to wildfires and said more needs to be done in fact he compared it to herd immunity with vaccines you need to have buyin from most of the population for them to work well same thing with fire smarting.

Ian he said White Horse isn't there yet but there is still time so there no vaccines for wildfires what is it that can make a difference of course well you can clear your gutters of anything that burns you can spray or sweep your roof off to clear any needles leaves or other dried debris which could burn and you can cut.

Down any branches that are within 10 m of buildings on your property Ian all right we need a tailor thanks you're welcome criminals in Canada are targeting an expensive eel having an impact on the export Market that black market eel that's being caught in Canada is affecting the price for the legal.

Fisherman how the same problem was solved in the US officers at Pearson Airport seize nearly half a million dollars in Contraband baby eels the latest bust in a crime plagued industry everybody in hand C it's one reason why Canada shut down its fishery for the high-priced.

Asian delicacy everyone was carrying guns but Maine found a way to root out the poachers and make it all work in Canada this year alone investigations related to these baby eels have led to 149 arrests Kayla H will travel to Maine to show us how they keep their lucrative Harvest on the up and.

Up it happens under the cover of Darkness after after high tide on this day around 3:00 a.m. using Nets like these or dip Nets fishermen catch baby eels also known as elvers or glass eels they probably 5 lb there oh yeah so how does this compared to what you usually get oh this is pretty good evening right here this is a good run we've come.

Across the US border to Maine but this is the way El fishing looks in Canada too when the fishery has not been shut down that is I got everybody handcuffs the Canadian El fishery is so out of control the federal government has closed it amidst concerns of over fishing organized crime even death threats both countries ship live to Asia.

Where eels are eaten and in high demand last year they were worth nearly $5,000 a kilogram Lobster by comparison is worth around $15 now in Canada 1100 people are out of work hopefully they'll get it cleaned up I mean it it happened here too in 2012 and 13 we got it summed up so I think you guys can do it too Maine began.

Making changes to how its El fishery is regulated back in 2012 then over a period of years it significantly increased fines suspended licenses for the first offense revoked them permanently for the second offense and instead of a civil infraction made El violations a crime here's my pooby when it's time to sell his eels darl young.

Uses his fob to enter his elvers into the system so they knew who caught him where they caught them and how much they got and that took care of the poaching the state also banned cash transactions because there was just so much of it changing hands right on the rivers Banks were running out of money in eastern Bain literally running out of money that.

Was a dangerous situation I mean my officers were were walking up to Harvesters and dealers and everyone was carrying guns I mean everyone Maine also now tightly controls the export of alvers Marine Patrol officers come to a facility like this one weigh the eels and seal them with a tamperproof seal.

The US fish and wildlife service then inspects the containers before they leave the country since we've put that system in place not one Shipment has been tampered with in Canada there is no federal oversight or monitoring of the Elver Supply chain from Harvest to export DFO from the maritime region um have uh came down with um policy makers.

With some of their enforcement folks when uh it was this year um was that the first time you ever heard from them yeah yeah the department of fisheries and oceans says it has launched a comprehensive review of The Fishery I think it's going pretty well I mean Maine has also carved out 22% of its overall quota for its indigenous people.

Here on the penobscott nation the director of Natural Resources says members of his community believe they should have more but they don't participate in unauthorized fishing we don't have any issues going over on the quota we've been you know respectful of that Canada has also set aside part of its overall quota for indigenous.

Communities but some say they have a treaty right to fish for a moderate livelihood without a license from DFO and in spite of the fishery being closed DFO says anyone caught with elvers now that the fishery is closed is subject to enforcement Fisheries officers have arrested more than a 100 people in the last two months somehow they're getting.

That product out of the country um which is really unfortunate um because that black market eel that's being caught in Canada is affecting the price for the legal fishermen that are here in Maine once they started doing that they didn't want to buy our reels at $2,000 a pound they wanted to buy their reels at three or four $500 a pound whatever they were.

Selling them for frustration with Canada and both main Fishers and authorities insist they have the blueprint when it comes to how to run a smooth El fishery and they're willing to share it with their neighbors to the north Kayla hunel tells us the department of fisheries and oceans in.

The maritimes will launch public consultations in the coming weeks on what to do next but they add that recent arrests and seizures are acting as a deterrent fishery officers have also been brought in from other provinces to deter illegal fishing as Ukraine struggles against Russian forces one particular weapon is.

Giving it an edge at Sea here's a look at a story Murray Brewster is working on compared with other weapons of war it is remarkably simple simple but deadly the patrol ship Sergey kotov sunk off occupied cria by a special unit of Ukraine's Military Intelligence Group 13 and its Commander who goes by the nonar.

Call sign 13 we are now changing the rules of fighting in Ukraine the magora V5 Maritime drone a revolution in Warfare with a 200 kg Warhead and a top speed of 80 km an hour and a range of 800 km these cheap Expendable remotely piloted boats have driven much of the.

Russian Black Sea Fleet out of their traditional Waters in Crimea and away from Odessa and Ukrainian trade routes you can watch for that story in the coming days on the breakdown coming up now a BC trailer park elects an unconventional mayor the winner.

Isno how this dog got the top job next in Our Moment all right signing off meet Snoopy a pitbull mix whose plate just got a lot Fuller after a trailer park in Siri BC elected him mayor that wind came with Pets Paw shakes even a parade all for a good cause so tonight celebrating Snoopy makes Our Moment the winner is.

Snoopy I don't think he really conceptualize what was happening but once he did he was very excited and he got his little ride around the park I was behind the bar one day and some of my customers were talking about how it'd be really funny to do like a May of the Brownsville and I was listening to them talk about this and I said wait a second.

We could get people to pay a dollar a vote and that money can all go to charity $1,202 I know there's a whole stereotype on on tipples on his breed but he is uh super friendly he's got great taste in food cuz he loves our food he can be stoic as well he knows when to be serious so you look marvelous I just.

Really wanted to drive home just how incredible our community is here people really can come together for a common cause and do something great who are the other candidates I know you're asking well one was a person dressed up as shock rocker Alice Cooper also an Eminem character we caught a glimpse of it uh in that video so not.

Not the rapper but the candy and uh and someone who was in the running who didn't realize he was in the running so as you can tell people were taking this race very seriously thank you for being with us you can watch anywhere anytime on the free CBC News app And subscribe to the Nationals YouTube channel I'm Ian Hannah.

Maning in Vancouver good night

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