CBC Data: The National | Lethal drone attack targets U.S. troops


CBC Data: The National | Lethal drone attack targets U.S. troops

Tonight A Deadly attack on American troops and the fear it could be a Tipping Point it's another very dangerous step the us will have to respond could it lead to a wider Middle East conflict plus the accusations against a UN agency that could worsen the humanitarian crisis in.

Gaza faked explicit images of Taylor Swift taken down from social media but for those who aren't famous the threat Remains the distribution of such intimate images are form of sexual violence Canadian hockey Trailblazer reflects on a dream come true the gravity of what we've accomplished has been absolutely incredible Sarah nurse.

On a new league Olympic firsts and the journey that got her here this is the national with Ian hansing We Begin tonight with a dangerous escalation in the Middle East conflict with an attack on American soldiers the first killed in the region since the start of the Israel Hamas War the US military has confirmed an.

Overnight drone strike took the lives of three American Service members and wounded 25 more at a base in Northeast Jordan close to the Syrian border President Biden has vowed the deadly attack will not go unpunished but at the same time the White House is desperate to keep the conflict from expanding Katie Simpson starts our coverage.

Tonight out on the campaign Trail US President Joe Biden had to briefly pause his reelection pitch to Mark and mourn the loss of US soldiers honoring the dozens injured to we had a tough day last night in the Middle East we lost three Brave Biden called for a moment of silence before vowing to retaliate.

The US says unmanned drones attacked this small base known as Tower 22 in northeastern Jordan along the border with Syria in a statement the White House said we know it was carried out by radical iran-backed militant groups operating in Syria and Iraq and we will hold all those responsible to account at a time and in a manner our choosing this.

Is a very important escalatory step it's in some ways it's what we've been worrying about US soldiers have been targeted in similar attacks prompting retaliatory air strikes by American forces but this is the first time US troops have been killed in the region since the Hamas Israel conflict began but it's another very dangerous step.

Because as I say the us will have to respond even more strongly than it's done to previous attacks on social media Republican senator Lindsey Graham urged Biden to strike targets of significance inside Iran adding the US should hit Iran now hit them hard house Speaker Republican Mike Johnson wrote America must send a crystal clear message across.

The globe that attacks on our troops will not be tolerated as Biden weighs his options this moment requires a significant response according to a former NATO Supreme Allied Commander this is a time to try to cap off the tip Fort get it stopped convince the Iranians they can't afford to play this game this drone strike is Raising.

Concerns about a broadened conflict do we have any sense yet uh who launched it the US believes the Drone itself was launched from somewhere in Syria and they're in the process of confirming additional details the Biden Administration has repeatedly said it does not want this conflict to expand and how the US responds in this moment.

It could shape whether it does broaden Canada has troops in the region and so we checked in with military officials and they confirmed confirmed to CBC News no members of the Canadian Armed Forces were injured or affected in this attack Ian Katie Simpson in Washington thanks Canada is among 11 countries now that have suspended funding for the.

United Nations relief Works agency or unra triggered by allegations that workers for the agency were involved in the October 7th attack on Israel by Hamas but as Chris Brown explains unless donors change course the UN says it's on the verge of stopping humanitarian operations in Gaza completely Gaza and its people are being.

Decimated by Israel's military and now funding for the main humanitarian agency that's been providing food and shelter is under attack too Israel claims 12 staff members of unra the UN relief and works agency took part in the massacres of October the 7th the evidence that Israel shared with.

With Western countries but not publicly was enough to convince key donors including Canada to suspend tens of millions of dollars in funding in a statement the head of the UN urged countries to reconsider I Was Myself horrified by these accusations said Antonio gutes I strongly appeal to the governments that have suspended their.

Contributions to at least guarantee the continuity of un's operations in Gaza many said they're shocked at what they feel was a callous move anra is the lifeline that feeds Gaza nahad Bal told a videographer working for CBC News they're punishing everyone for just a few said vadi Abu.

OD in the occupied West Bank where unra also operates many felt the timing of the funding cuts on the same day as the un's top Court refused to drop the genocide case against Israel was not a coincidence freezing Aid to the agency comes to disrupt the decision of the international court of justice said the.

Palestinian prime minister anra was formed more than 70 years ago to support Palestinians and now their descendants who were displaced when the state of Israel was created but many Israelis loathe anra claiming the education system at funds has taught generations of Palestinians to hate Israel it's also very good at pretending that all these.

Things uh such as uh cachets of weapons in its uh schools it always pretends as if those are aberration whereas as they say this is a feature of the organization it's not a bug what's the evidence of that Chris gunnis was the unra spokesperson for 13 years they have been working frankly heroically for the last three and a half.

Months the Canadian government and others who have suspended funding need to understand this is Holy it's V itive it's disproportionate and it's counterproductive and Chris the UN wanted to stress that it's already taking action against at least some of the workers well the Secretary General Ian says nine of the 12 have already.

Been fired one is dead and the identity of two others is being clarified some Western nations are continuing to support the agency in the meantime including Ireland and Norway who says it's important to draw a distinction between individuals and the mission of the agent see itself Ian Chris Brown in Jerusalem thank.

You Canada's ambassador to the UN told CBC news that Ottawa is searching for other ways to meet the humanitarian need in Gaza we are as we speak talking with all those other countries that have taken a position as we have to suspend assistance to unra but not to the overall situation we want to be very clear that we're going to continue to.

Support the humanitarian situation in Gaza precisely because it's so serious and let's not make a political football out of this it has to do with saving lives it's not clear what alternatives there are that can match the scale of unr's operations which the agency says employs 13,000 people in Gaza alone to a significant development.

In the investigation into an alleged sexual assault involving five members of Canada's 2018 junior hockey team today former player Alex formenton surrendered himself to police in London Ontario where his lawyer confirms he has been charged here's Sarah levit with what we know tonight wearing a serious expression and.

Flanked by lawyers Alex foron the former NHL player and member of Canada's 2018 junior hockey team surrendered to London Ontario Police Sunday his lawyer Daniel Brown confirmed he was charged along with other players in connection to an act accusation made in 2018 he provided no further details last week the glob and mail.

Reported five members of Canada's 2018 World Junior Team were told to surrender to police the group expected to face sexual assault charges tied to allegations dating back to that year CBC News has not independently verified the report according to court documents the alleged victim known only as em said she was sexually assaulted by a group of.

Players none of the allegations have been proven in court Bailey Reid Works in sexual violence prevention and has been watching this investigation closely it can be really hard for um survivors to see Justice and it can be hard for police to um bring charges forward I wish it wasn't this complicated but the system that we currently work with for.

Sexual violence doesn't work particularly well in 2022 the alleged victim sued eight players hockey Canada and the Canadian hockey league for more than 3.5 million in Damages Hockey Canada settled out of court as previously reported by CBC News five players including foron have now been granted indefinite leaves from their.

Teams so far there's no evidence connecting those leaves to the allegations today for's lawyer issued a statement saying Alex will vigorously defend his innocence and asks that people not rush to judgment without hearing all of the evidence London Police wouldn't comment only saying more details will be given in a news.

Conference February 5th Sarah Levitz CBC News Montreal one of this country's political Giants was remembered today with tears and laughter and thanks for his Decades of service and his dedication to Canadians a state funeral was held for Ed Broadbent the longest serving leader of the new Democratic party it is a rare.

Honor for an opposition leader Tom Perry with the memory shared they came by the hundreds to celebrate a life well- lived friends family and former colleagues of Ed Broadband a political giant known to so many as just Ed Ed was uh an extraordinarily important part of modern Canadian.

History Broadbent led the NDP for 14 years he's only the second opposition party leader after Jack Leighton to be honored with a state funeral the political heir to both those men NDP leader jug meet Singh remembered how Broadbent welcomed him and how Singh always joked that when he grew up he wanted to be Ed Broadband we will never.

Forget him and Ed we won't let you down and you're still who I want to be when I grow up Manitoba Premier wab Cano says Broadbent pursued what he calls the politics of Joy seeking to bring people together rather than divide them I hope for the sake of our.

Country that more of our leaders speak to us Canadians the way Mr Broadbent did by appealing to our better Angels Ed Broadbent I hope we will see you again after stepping down as NDP leader Broadbent campaigned for human rights at.

Home and around the world those who worked alongside him remember a man at ease with everyone whether he was talking to factory workers in Bangkok to indigenous leaders in Guatemala to Fidel Castro the Del Lama or the receptionist you felt important Broadbent remembered as well.

For his love of Music his quick wit and his taste for cigars but above all as a man dedicated to building a better Canada and a better world Tom Perry CBC News Ottawa tomorrow MPS begin a new sitting of parliament after winter break conservatives are leading in the polls over the Liberals and as JP Tasker shows.

Us the jockeying for voters attention is intensifying conservative leader Pierre POV is fired up is everybody in this room ready to ax the tax build the homes fix the budget and stop the crime rallying his caucus before parliament's return with pointed attacks on his main opponent prime minister Justin Trudeau Canadians are hardworking.

Decent honorable people they don't have to live like this they don't have to give up the things they used to take for granted like a afford able food and homes in safe neighborhoods they don't have to give up those things for the incompetence and ego of one man blaming Trudeau seems to be going over well with some voters data from poll aggregator.

338 canidate suggests pv's party has a 13-point lead over the governing liberals those who um want to change in government and feel comfortable with the alternative has hid an alltime high in his own address to Liberal MPS Trudeau acknowledged the party's in a tough spot we're there listening to people understanding their frustrations their.

Concerns he's framing the conservatives as a risky alternative Pierre PV is focused on bringing his party further to the right while we are focused on meeting Canadians where they are the messaging from both parties will be tested in an upcoming byelection in the Toronto area riding of Durham in March the outcome won't change much the.

Liberals are poised to govern until 2025 as long as they agreement with the NDP holds things have gotten worse and worse but Trudeau is also getting an earful from his parliamentary partner the Liberals and Justin Trudeau are out of touch they don't know what people are going through and they've had so many years to make things better than haven't.

The NDP says it'll prop up the government as long as it pushes through a national farmer CARE program the Liberals have already missed one deadline but they say they'll deliver in this new parliamentary sitting JP Tasker CBC News Ottawa Iran has announced its first successful satellite launch using a rocket system the US fears could one.

Day be militarized Tran says the SIM org rocket carried three satellites into low earth orbit all for science and research purposes Iran classifies the Sim org as part of its civilian space program but the US says the technology could be used to build an InterContinental missile and in estanbul Sunday mass of.

This Roman Catholic Church turned deadly after two people masked and armed armed burst in and started firing one person was killed the perpetrators later arrested but police haven't said what their motive was earlier Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack the social media platform X has taken down fake explicit AI generated images.

Of Taylor Swift after they were widely shared for 17 hours but as AET Bren explains many victims have few options to respond to this alarming Trend Millions saw explicit images of us pop star Taylor Swift in their social media feeds and that prompted concern all the way to the White House we are alarmed by uh the reports of the of the.

Circulation of images that you just laid out the social media site act scrubbed the images and issued this statement posting non-consensual nudity images is strictly prohibited and we have a zero tolerance policy towards such content but by then at least one of the images had been viewed 47 7 million times less high-profile victims often can't get.

Images removed so fast their face can essentially be taken and um using technology put on another body that is either nude or engaging in a sexual act a new act kicks in on Monday in BC that will give victims clout to go after both deep fake producers and the platforms that proliferate them the intimate images protection act carries fines of.

Up to $100,000 it um creates a an expedient and accessible process for individuals um to get images taken down from the internet experts say it's the toughest tool so far in Canada because it addresses maybe more forms of non-consensual images like deep fakes AI images and live streams these are the things that are often not.

Addressed in other Canadian and worldwide legislation but the legislation relies on victims coming forward because a lot of us just suffer in silence and are made to feel like this is a part of being a woman or a gender diverse person and not everybody has the clout and the resources of a pop music meast star to defend themselves.

Evet Bren CBC News Vancouver carus in Canada are prompting a push for tracking devices the manufacturer should be putting them in whyde the debate over who's responsible could cost you plus an emerging sport in an old School venue this is just going to fit what people are looking for why a pickle ball.

Court may appear inside a mall near you and a force in women's hockey a wicked top shelf go helps usher in a new era for the sport to be able to sit back and say oh my gosh I'm a professional hockey player um it's an honor my interview with Sarah nurse on the importance of a new pro league we're back into.

The Mona Lisa was targeted by climate change activists at the Lou in Paris today soup was thrown on the world famous painting but the protective glass stopped any damage the activists said they represented a food security organization their aim is to highlight the need to protect the environment and sources of food the federal government.

Is gearing up to host a national Summit on combating auto thefts as more and more vehicles are stolen and as Philip Lee shanok explains many are calling for new regulations around anti- theft devices Jeep owners adore their rides and so too it turns out do thieves my previous Jeep which I love love loved was stolen the first week I bought it.

Her insurance company said she'd have to pay a sear charge for the next one or outfit it with a GPS tracker really the manufacturer should be putting them in then it's all a reaction to a spike in the number of vehicle thefts according to the insurance Bureau of Canada in 2022 claims paid out exceeded $1 billion for the first time police say 2023.

Toyota Highlanders like this one are a Target so this owner has locked it down he has a disc lock on the steering wheel you have to punch a code in to start the engine it has a OBD block Walker to stop thieves from reprogramming the ignition and it has a GPS tracking device installed at the request of the insurance.

Company those companies say manufacturers need to update anti- theft measures and some people are hoping the government will force action when it hosts a national Summit on auto theft next week really it's uh building a vehicle and designing a vehicle uh with the technology and the effectiveness uh to prevent theft is really the key new.

Regulations out last summer do require manufacturers to install anti- theft devices but the standards haven't been adopted yet and manufacturers don't see them as necessary it's not just an auto theft issue we would say it's an organized crime issue um the organized crimal criminals are uh both technically Savvy and very well financed CBC News.

Asked Transport Canada if it will be adopting the new anti- theft standards we haven't heard back when engine immobilizer devices were made Mand Ator in all new vehicles in 2007 there was an immediate effect Auto thefts dropped by half Philip Le shanok CBC News Toronto pickle Ball's Newfound prominence is leading to an unlikely.

Partnership I think a perfect night is having all the courts full I think the music blasting I think people laughing how failed department stores are finding new life plus a gold medal winning Canadian a wicked top shelf goal for Sarah nurse of Canada opens up about becoming a role model and the future women's hockey I.

Hope one day you know young girls girls who are in my position are just talking hockey and how Canada's cap on International students could hurt higher education we might see an impact on the number the breath and depth of programming that we can provide the national breaks down the story shaping our world.

Next that is Italian yanic CER winning his first Grand Slam title at the Australian Open he defeated his much more seasoned opponent Daniel Medvedev in a major comeback CER lost the first two sets he even told his team at one point that he was dead but then he went on to win the next three sets CER the first Italian to.

Win the tournament and one of the youngest just 22 years old here at home another rocket sport has people fighting for time on the court Jamie stashin shows us the creative new plan for more places to play pickle ball I'm trying to put it in that square there at this Toronto area pickle ball Club Space is always at a premium too many players and.

Not enough courts it's housed in an Old Hockey Arena whose full-time tenant is actually a badmington club the badon club takes three qus of the time we only have 8 to 12 uh Monday to Friday and uh it's really not enough time finding space to play is an issue across the country for a sport that until a few years ago few had even heard of in 2023.

Pickle ball Canada estimates about a million people played at least once a month it's such a social game and you get to meet people and uh it's a very easy game to play it's an extremely hard game to play well the game is like a miniature version of tennis played with paddles and a harder less bouncy ball and has been especially attractive to.

Older athletes like this 93-year-old Club regular every time I hit a nice shot you know I feel good about it that appeal is driving creative efforts to find more space I've never seen a sport sort of enter the cultural conversation like pickle ball has in the last couple years at this Suburban Toronto Mall a vast.

Retail space that used to house a Target store will soon be home to 9 new pickle ball courts the company behind this one says plans are underway to do the same at other malls in the GTA and Vancouver the hope to breathe life into dormant spaces with a new reason to visit the mall I think there's definitely a supply and demand opportunity right now where.

Are people playing pickle ball outside of the YMCAs we've heard church basements converting this is just going to fit what people are looking for players won't have club fees just pay by the hour and access to a restaurant and bar would be part of the design design I think a perfect night is having all the courts full I think the music blasting I.

Think people laughing an emerging sport revitalizing unused space reaching a new demographic and giving people more places to play Jamie stashin CBC News Toronto now the national goes deeper into the story shaping our world capping International students Stokes fears of high impact budget cuts we have to face the fact the bill is.

Being footed by International students but first a wicked top shelf goal Olympic gold medalist Sarah nurse tells us how women are winning with a new League of Their Own little girls being like I can't believe that like I have a leak to plan one day despite early promise a hockey career was often seen as a pipe.

Dream when you're done doing the little thing that you're doing you're going to need something else to do now she rebels in her League success that's like Olympic numbers so that's like gold medal game numbers this is the breakdown on Canada's Olympic hockey team she set a record in made history I sat down with Sarah nurse to hear more.

About her remarkable achievements and what they mean to her I don't know that people fully understand all that has gone into getting this league off the ground both off the ice and and on the ice and now here you are professional hockey player Sarah nurse how does that feel it's crazy to officially have that title and.

To be able to be a part of the inaugural season of the pwhl it's it's it's kind of a roller coaster and to be able to sit back and say oh my gosh I'm a professional hockey player um it's an honor look at the faces look at the support look at all of it that you have fought and battled for on the shoulders of the past generation to the present.

And all the young ones out there they are looking at their future opportunity such an unbelievable moment I've got chills you must have thought about this the impact that even these first few weeks is having on six seven eight-year-old girls who either are playing hockey or want to play hockey.

Yeah the amount of times I've gotten you know messages or gotten tagged on social media of the gravity of what we've accomplished in the last year and in the last few weeks um has been absolutely incredible like little girls being like I can't believe that like I have a league to play in one day um women who are in their 40s or 50s or 60s being.

Like I cannot believe you guys did this I've always wanted to play hockey that's all I wanted to do but there were no opportunities for me so it's been this full circle moment of young girls older women um and also men and boys as well who are really understanding like I get stopped at our practice facility all the time by.

Boys you know wanting to talk to me about hockey and and talking about how cool it is that we have a professional League yeah speaking of Full Circle let's go back to the six seven eight-year-old Sarah nurse in Hamilton not that far away geographically but it seems so far away in terms of your your hockey Journey how did you choose hockey.

How did you get involved I started skating when I was about years old and my dad he always wanted to play hockey uh but was never able to he was a huge hockey fan huge trate bues fan and so as soon as he could get me on the ice he put me on skates I had those little double blades and we um went out and skated at like a local pond together and.

I was very natural at it I took to it very easily and I loved it and so the natural progression from there was like figure skating or hockey and my dad took that as an opportunity um to put me in hockey and that's where like I fell in love with the game I love playing the game so much I definitely played other sports growing up but I quickly learned.

Throughout like my early teens that my skill set and um what I was best at was hockey yeah and and was pretty clear as we visited your your your parents place in Hamilton that he and your mom are incredibly proud of you um they've built basically a little Museum a little sarin nurse Museum in in Hamilton so this is the shrine to our.

Kids where we keep all their memorabilia all the stuff they did this is Sarah shelf we have you know her first 50 goal puck there was her first International goal when she was playing u8 uh against Germany now this Barbie doll here is her Barbie doll that is made to look like her in her image and here's this is the stick The Stick of the first Olympic.

Goal a wicked top shelf goal the first of her Olympic career for Sarah nurse of Canada four years later you made the Canadian Olympic team won a gold medal and didn't just win a gold medal but you were you set the record for the women's Olympic hockey tournament most assists most points so one line should be Sarah nurse member of what may be one of the.

Greatest Canadian women's Olympic teams right from that year another line that's come out of that is Sarah nurse the first black uh women's hockey player to win a gold medal at the Olympics so first of all in terms of terminology I've seen you use both the word black and biracial to describe yourself which do you prefer I usually refer to myself.

As a biracial black woman okay um so a little bit of a combination of it too just um I think it's important for me there are so many levels of um you know Blackness and for me understanding that I have an inherent privilege just being a lighter skinned woman and so I think it's very important for me me to understand and exemplify that that I may.

Not necessarily go through some of the things that some of my darker sisters would mhm has has race been an obstacle for you in your career I think for myself um growing up we were always the only black family in the arena and so like I always joke around saying like I always knew where my dad was because I would just have to look out and he was.

The only black man and all the white faces so um definitely that was a little polarizing as a child and then growing up with women's hockey I remember somebody asking me a few years back if there was racism in women's hockey and I was like I mean I'm not really sure but then I took a look around and I was like well there are no other black people.

There are no Asian people there are no indigenous people um the first time I ever played with somebody who wasn't white was on the 2018 Olympic team and that was with my teammate brilla quet and so it was crazy because I was like there are just there's no diversity in the sport at all and so to be able to see players like you know Sophie Jake.

And Sor tinker and um Lila Edwards coming up and being you know black woman playing on the respective national teams and in professional hockey um is going to help change the game and going to help make the game more inviting and open and welcoming to everybody you may not have seen a lot of other faces that looked like yours when you were really.

Young playing hockey but you certainly saw a lot of elite athletes just in your family right I mean your your aunt who was a basketball star at Syracuse uh your cousins Kia a basketball star professional player uh Darnell professional hockey player so sounds like a fantastic environment to to achieve success uh what about being a.

Girl growing up in Hamilton playing hockey did you feel there were any obstacles there I think from a very young age because Darnell and I are the exact same age we played the same Sport and our past always ran parallel to each other and I always noticed how him and his career was spoken about versus mine so.

We were both Elite we were both at the top of our age groups um our teams our Province our country and I remember whenever he was spoken about it was like well he's going to make a living playing this this is going to be his full-time career he can 100% Focus his time on this whereas me it wasn't spoken about like that it was spoken about oh you.

Need to get an education because when you're done doing the little thing that you're doing you're going to need something else to do and so my career and me playing my sport wasn't taken as seriously as his was but that was because there was no PR professional hockey for women and the lack of opportunities was glaring to the people.

Who I looked up to the people around me and they wanted to make sure that I had my things in order so that I could be as successful as possible outside of hockey now there was professional women's hockey before the current league but it sounds like it wasn't that professional I mean can I ask what were the salaries like in those those leagues that came.

Before the current league um when I first started playing in the cwhl in 2018 2019 I was paid $2,000 I believe my contract was um and then 2,000 a game 2,000 a year yeah 2,000 a year um with a possible bonus at the end wow and maybe a couple thousand more um so the difference between almost like an honorarium and and what now I hope is a.

Salary that people can actually live on for sure yeah um one of the distinctions about this new women's league is that it may be the first League ever where there was a collective bargaining agreement in place before the first Faceoff um the season is sold out you're on network television um the highlights are on sportset and TSN how are you feeling.

About where things are at right now I'm very proud to see the amount of media that's covering our league because we've never seen that before um the numbers from our first game I saw 2.9 Million across Canadian broadcast networks and that's like Olympic numbers that's like gold medal game numbers and so um the fact that there's that much interest and.

The fact that people know about it because we' played on TV before but there's been no awareness and so for me to be watching like hockey and Canada the other day with my family and like my face pops up saying Toronto's playing Montreal this week I was like oh I forgot amazing but it's so cool to be able to see that.

Because we're in the Forefront we're front and center and people have access to us like they've never had before and some of the athletes are front and center and is you are definitely one of them and and one of the interesting things about kind of the the the public Persona you have is that on the one hand you play this sport that's rough and.

Tumble and aggressive and there's body checking in this league um but at the same time you're not afraid to embrace this I mean can I I say kind of very sort of feminine uh image on Instagram for example like what what's how do you balance that what's what what kind of image are you hoping to portray yeah I've always struggled with this because.

As a child like again I played so many different sports but I loved a dress I loved playing with dolls and so there was one time I walked into my hockey game at like seven years old with a dress on and like my hockey stick slung over my shoulder and that's just me like that's how I've always been um and so I want to be the person that like.

Seven-year-old Sarah could look up to and be like oh my gosh I could be like her because I didn't have anybody to look up to in that lens um playing sports playing hockey I was always taught that I had to be like brutal and like vicious and I was like that's just simply not me um on the ice I'm a competitor but off of the ice these are.

My interests and I think that that's okay um I think that femin femininity is a sliding scale I think that my version of femininity is going to be different than you know the next woman or the next man's version of femininity and I just want to allow everybody this space to understand that they can be who they want to be I like hockey it's not who I.

Am it's something that I do but I can also like so many other things and they can be combined it's pretty awesome the average male professional hockey player is usually asked probing questions about getting Pucks in deep or how the power play went do you ever get tired of having to answer the kinds of questions I've asked you today about all these.

Bigger issues definitely 100% I do um but I think that it's been so important because we have to share a story and we have to continue the movement and it's important for the next generation of female athletes and so to be able to speak about this is so important and now being a professional.

Hockey player I'm seeing the other side of the glass and I am answering questions about getting Pucks in deep and what's going on with our power play and why we're not being successful like Toronto media they're kind of rough so um it's great I think it's great now I get to answer questions about both and I hope one day you know young girls girls.

Who are in my position are just talking hockey so it is interesting when you go to the website for the league and it invites people to join the movement so the players and the teams have done their part to start that movement and now the test is going to be on fans in terms of going to games and watching on TV it's going to be kind of a symbiotic.

Relationship between fans and players to grow women's hockey coming up by capping International students could cost Canadians more and later it's got a real Wonder to it a massive shipwreck appears on the shores of Newan land the speculation on its origins in Our.

Moment major concerns on campus over the new federal cap on International students so a decrease in that is a decrease in funds reducing hiring it means stress and uncertainty you have got to be kidding me and domestic students also stand to.

Lose de sum Johnson breaks down how colleges and universities will be forced into tough choices as the cash they've come to count on sharply declines this is not easy for them s Ro is no stranger to assisting International students in but her phone's been ringing off the hook this week many of our members from.

Across the country have sent me emails and texts saying that they're stressed they're sick to their stomachs one part of the federal announcement to International students their spouses won't be able to get open work permits anymore one of the decisions that were made was to separate families of international students who are studying.

At the college and undergraduate levels and families deserve to be together the new federal announcement puts a cap on the number of International students Canada can accept over the next two years it was presented as a measure to regulate the booming sometimes exploitative practice of recruiting International students many of whom are.

Using their studies as a path to permanent residency however those High tuitions also fill the coffers of Institutions and there are fears that in the short term at least the measures could affect not only International students but also domestic students and professors I stopped dead in my tracks I was like you have got to be kidding me.

Vicki qua studying here from Ghana fears there'll be a tuition increase for international students the money is going to come from somewhere else so they turn around and put that cost on students that question where will the money come from with fewer International students enrolled troubles many cuts to the programs that normally take in a lot.

Of foreign students are possible so it would mean like having to move away from tenure track faculty to to more sessionals or contract faculty reducing hiring and and and uh cutting costs in other ways but it would also possibly mean that um removal of some of these programs and that would impact domestic students too we have to face the fact.

The bill is being footed by International students so a decrease in that is a decrease in funds and it's the decrease in the programs that domestic students are also in now we know from the federal announcement that provinces that take in the bulk of international students specifically Ontario are looking at a close to 50% cut whereas.

Other provinces may be looking at a smaller cut what's less clear is whether the so-called diploma Mills will be docked more steeply than the more reputable institutions even a more moderate cut could have far-reaching effects says this President of a small public College in PEI if we were hit with a third um.

We've got about 30% of our student population now is international so we have dropped that to 20 um that we'd see an immediate impact on our bottom line I I think um and most importantly we might see an impact on the number the breath and depth of programming that we can provide Dean some of the people you spoke to also raised concerns that the.

Impact here could be more than just Financial that's right Ian some of the Advocates and experts we spoke to are particularly concerned about the language around International students are taking away housing from Canadians they worry that that language could lead to exclusion and xenophobia and they remind us that in reality right now.

Domestic and international students aren't segregated they work on class projects together they may be friends they may be dating they may be roommates for example that young woman from Ghana studying in Newland that you met in the peace she's so integrated into her campus life she's the VP of her campus's student union SI Su Johnson in our.

Toronto Studio thanks next to a mysterious Discovery in Ean land I was like just thinking about stuff like what happened to it and people that was on the ship and what went on that day the shipwreck's sudden emergence in Our.

Moment you're looking at to ship wreck just off Cape Ray Newan land its proximity to shore is catching the attention of locals adding to the Intrigue it wasn't there just a few days ago the vessel is about 24 M long its age and contents still unknown tonight its mysterious appearance is Our Moment this a very significant Siz.

Vessel just sitting there next to that very white sandy beach so earlier this week a young man named Gordon Blackmore was actually at hunting H and I guess he was the first to see it I think there's a Mystique when it comes to shipwrecks from there it's just sort of exploded in terms of attention being paid to it I found out about on Facebook actually so.

I decided to take my drone and go up back look at it I was surprised on what was there and how big it was fing I was like just thinking about like what happened to it and like the people that was on the ship and what went on that day so it was uh it was pretty neat right now I don't even speculating but I've heard.

Different people who are doing some research whether we're talking 17th century 18th 19th uh is it British uh warship what kind of Schooner this might be it's got a real Wonder to it and I think everybody feels the same way and what comes next and and looking back in history it's just mesmerizing it truly is and not to lose.

Sight of the fact that it likely was a maritime tragedy that there were lives involved but uh but still to imagine it's probably more than 200 years old there certain Clues like the wooden TRS that appear to be used as As Nails to hold it together um and the fact that probably hurricane Fiona dislodged it from where it was so yeah an intriguing.

Mystery thanks for being with us you can watch anytime anywhere on the free CBC News app And subscribe to the Nationals YouTube channel I'm Ian Hannah maning in Vancouver good night.

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