CBC Files: The National | Russia mourns Moscow theatre attack victims


CBC Files: The National | Russia mourns Moscow theatre attack victims

Tonight inside the Moscow attack the man who recorded as he fled for his life how he survived as Russia warns the dead it's horic Isis claims responsibility but the Kremlin has a very different message the race to save an orend orca Cal stranded off the BC Coast I'm so sad inside it's kind of like I lost a rela.

The community that tried to save its mother check me another martini and then let's play doctor TV icon Carol Bernett isn't slowing down now 90 how she paved the way for female comedians I never thought when we were doing it that would be called a Trailblazer that never occurred to me and the total stranger who financed her big brain that.

Conversation in a break down from CBC News this is the national with Erica Johnson thanks for joining us Ian is away tonight in Russia it's been a national day of mourning marking what Russian officials are calling the country's deadliest terrorist attack in 20.

Years long lines of mourners came in the cold rain to a massive makeshift Memorial at the crocus City concert hall where at least 137 people were killed including three children officials say at least half of the bodies are undergoing genetic tests to identify the victims either gunned down or caught in an inferno that consumed the.

Theater Brier Stewart spoke to a witness who saw it all unfold he was in the line of fire and barely escaped with his life a warning some will find his video disturbing and terrifying the first few moments of the heinous calculated attack ran in panic one small group tried to crouch behind a metal pillar.

Desperately hoping it and a few tables would Shield them this video was taken by Kil smov who went to the concert to film The Rock Band found himself fleeing for his life he told us in a phone call from Moscow that he thought there were five or six.

Gunmen but Russian officials say there were four and they set fire to the more than 130 people were killed killed many of the victims were trapped inside The Inferno as the roof collapsed Sunday was declared a national day of mourning across Russia outside the hall a growing Memorial it was a big shot because I live nearby and I saw.

Heat from my windows it's uh it's horrific Isis has claimed responsibility for the attack which US officials have confirmed Russia says it's detained 11 suspects four appeared in court Sunday all visibly injured including one who had to be carried in but in an address to the country on.

Saturday President Vladimir Putin didn't mention I instead he suggested that the four shooters were arrested as they were on their way to Ukraine Putin being The Talented tactician that he is he's trying to spin this to his own purposes to his this Russia expert says Putin has made security a pillar of his presidency.

But publicly dismissed alerts from the US warning about a potential attack the Russian government was foolish not to believe uh those warnings or perhaps not to take any action and instead you know Focus all of their attention on coping with political dissidents Ukraine has denied any involvement President Vladimir zalinski.

Said Russia was simply looking for someone else to blame and Brier there are some details emerging about the suspects yes Erica all four of them were brought into court tonight including a 19-year-old who was strapped into a medical chair and it appeared that he was unconscious Russia says they are all foreign Nationals and.

There are reports that at least a few of them are from Tajikistan but there's a lot we don't know about the suspects and about how Russia tracked them down thanks for this Brier Stewart reporting from London Poland is demanding an explanation from Moscow after it says one of Russia's missiles briefly strayed into its.

Airspace all strategic actions were taken to ensure safety said Poland's defense minister including activating F-16 fighter jets the missile was over Poland a NATO Ally for exactly 39 seconds Russian missiles often take winding routes to avoid air defenses dozens fired into Ukraine over night putting keev under air rate alert for.

More than two hours looking at Gaza it almost appears that the four horsen of War famine conquest and deaths are Galloping across it the UN Secretary General again appealed for a ceasefire and a flood of Aid into Gaza un's biggest humanitarian agency in Gaza says Israel is blocking Aid convoys Bound for the north where.

More than 200,000 people are starving the area is also home to gaza's alifa hospital where Israel says its raid has now killed more than 170 militants senior Canadian officials are bracing for the possibility of Donald Trump returning to the White House the concern Trump's trade policies could hurt Canada's economy Katie Simpson.

Shows us the Urgent Blitz to get American lawmakers on side how are you doing I'm doing well how are you doing Republican senator Ted Cruz has enthusiastically endorsed Donald Trump for president and that's part of the reason why Canada's Ambassador wants to get in his ear thank you over the past week she and.

Her team of diplomats met with dozens of us lawmakers from both parties so Canada is prepared to work with whoever wins the next us election we're trying to sort of flood the hill if I can be honest about it another Trump term would come with uncertainty if America First plan to boost us manufacturing could upend.

Global trade by imposing a new 10% tariff on all imported goods Canada should be exempt under the renegotiated North American Free Trade Agreement says the Ambassador who will point to Trump's own words to defend it he himself says it's the best deal ever right and and continues to this day to say that this isn't very the best deal that's ever.

Been negotiated by the United States as Canadians stress the importance of the relationship at a series of charm offensive Gatherings politics back home May undercut these efforts fake news fake news the leftwing censorship regime their woke censorship ideology the Liberals have released an online attack ad negatively comparing Trump and.

Conservative leader Pierre PV Trump is known to be thin skinned he recently vowed to have Australia's embassador to the US removed over his public criticism of trump he won't be there long if that's the case I don't know much about him uh I heard he was a little bit nasty Trump's place in Canadian politics hasn't resonated in the US yet and some.

Of Trump's allies brushed off concern I know Donald Trump very well and he's he's a very um he's very secure man he's very confident guy and he may weigh in on on some things but he doesn't hold long grudges all of that is part of Trump's unpredictable nature that Canada is trying to prepare for in case he returns to the White House Katie Simpson.

CBC News Washington it's Hong Kong's first weekend under a contentious New National Security Law article 23 gives the government more power to suppress opposition both at home and abroad as Bel Pi explains critics see the legislation as an attack on civil liberties among those living in Exile.

There's new fear this is the darkest age of Hong Kong i' I've ever seen former Hong Kong radio personality Edmund Juan is a prominent voice for democracy after nearly a year in a Hong Kong jail for sedition Juan is seeking asylum in Canada but uh if under the so-called article 23 The New National Law I'm damn sure that uh I will be put in prison for.

Uh at least two to three years article 23 was passed unanimously in Hong Kong's legislature The New National Security Law championed by Beijing allows for stiffer prison terms for crimes like treason Insurrection and Espionage and allows for punishment of Hong Kong denters no matter where they live leaders say the law is needed to restore.

Stability after a series of huge democracy protests activists argue it's too broad freedom of speech is not applied to you anymore even though you're no longer in Hong Kong or in China Ottawa has expressed deep concern about article 23 in a statement to CBC News the Chinese Embassy said says we strongly deplore.

And firmly oppose individual countries and organizations slandering the safeguarding National Security bill of Hong Kong I don't think the people are fixing to stir up trouble to have turmoil I don't think so so Beijing must extend an olive branch to the Hong Kong public in the meantime Juan vows to continue his fight from afar I will.

Still be speak for the truth I will still voice out for the Hong Kong people people that they are afraid to speak today I will still speak of what I believe for people like Juan living in Exile the worry is Hong Kong is no longer the liberal westernized Hong Kong of the past the new law they say is simply the next step to bring it more in.

Line with mainland China B Perry CBC News Vancouver the Nigerian Army says it rescued more than 130 students and staff abducted by gunmen from schools this month when we had the the our our children are back happy people are happy know jubilating only waiting to see the to see our children those kidnapped were.

Rescued ahead of a deadline to pay a nearly $1 million ransom they will undergo medical examinations before going home original reports said nearly 300 students were taken officials haven't explain the discrepancy after nearly a year of Civil War the United Nations says Sudan is suffering one of the worst humanitarian.

Crisis in recent history as Chris Brown shows us with inadequate Aid efforts famine is looming for millions of people displaced after almost a year of conflict Sudan is no longer a functioning country a collapsed State ripped apart by a war between two rival generals the capital cartoom has been decimated along with vast parts of the.

Countryside to the point that most crops could not be planted or harvested we're merging on femine now out of Sudan's population of almost 49 million people the International Organization for migration says 10.7 million have been displaced 9 million inside the country more than half a million to Egypt the same number to Chad and over 600,000 to.

South Sudan they take this seriously and eight agencies say International assistance has been utterly inadequate we're talking in the 10 15% of of of all that is is needed the pleas for the world to pay attention by various un agencies have grown more Urgent by the day around 222,000 children could die from.

Malnutrition on the ground the war appears deadlocked with the UN claiming the United Arab Emirates is selling arms to the rapid support forces while Iran has been linked to the Sudanese Armed Forces we're seeing Sudan becoming embroiled in in a sort of a more geostrategic competition this Sudan analyst says the prize for the winning.

Side is access to a strategic position on the Red Sea for any country that is able to frankly make use of Sudan's weak military actors who are increasingly more and more reliant on International patronage um this presents a very enticing Prospect Sudan's war is now also jeopardizing its neighbors a damaged oil pipeline has disrupted South.

Sudan's most important export and food prices have gone up creating instability in another of the world's most vulnerable Nations Chris Brown CBC News London back in Canada an urgent effort is underway to save an orca calf off Northern Vancouver Island its mother became breached yesterday and drowned despite an effort to save her Stephanie.

Mercier shows us how the community is now trying to help her orphan an orca calf swimming for survival off Northern Vancouver Island it's stayed near its mother a day after she became beached in an inlet near zalis an area known for fast changing tides she was likely in pursuit of a harbor seal and um unfortunately.

She ended up rolling over on her side so when the tide came in as she drowned despite the best efforts of locals to reflect the whale was giv a really big fight Florence Bruce was one of the group who waited into the waters trying to push the whale back to Sea it was moving its tail trying to help us too but she ended.

Up passing away biologists say they knew the 14-year-old Orca the department of fisheries and oceans is now investigating her death and trying to save the life of her calf just under 2 years old left orphaned fortunately it's making a lot of loud calls and uh if if it can swim out on its own at high tide or uh if it needs us uh to help it out.

Once it's out into Open Water it can continue to call if the calf is going to survive it will need a way out of the inlet and then find its extended family researchers are looking around for nearby pods well the thing with kows is that uh they're very much like us and their lifespans and their family bonds and we also know these whales very.

Well meanwhile those who tried to save the mother Orca mourn I'm so sad inside it's kind of like I lost a relative which because our first nation's people are so close to our land and our animals right Stephanie merca CBC News Vancouver tens of thousands of trees in one of Canada's most famous parks are.

Being cut down a moth infestation in Vancouver Stanley Park has damaged trees evet Bren shows us the dramatic cull that some say is the wrong move this tree rooted not long after Stanley Park was created over a century ago its life cut short by a devastating infestation it's sad it's very sad I've been coming to this park since I was a.

Little girl and I've never seen anything like this before an estimated 160,000 trees are being cut in the park most are younger Western hemlocks their needles were eaten Away by Looper moth caterpillars the first priority is Public Safety Vancouver's Park board says weakened trees could fall even spark.

Fires if they hit power lines it's been a race over the past few months to get the work done before Birds Nest we are the busiest Urban Park in Canada the second biggest in North America 18 million visits a year you cannot simply have towering uh logs ready to fall on people in busy crowded places the 400 hectare Park is home to half a million.

Trees some centuries old winding through the urban forest and network of trails some now transformed but many Park Gores aren't happy about it this park is the jewel of Vancouver people love this thousands are petitioning to stop the cutting obviously when we see forests being cut down in our neighborhood we have an emotional reaction but we've.

Gone beyond that and looked at the actual science she says this much cutting is overkill but experts say the city has made the right move the city I I believe you know did the right thing in uh you know sort of looking after safety of people uh by removing uh you know the dead trees next week replanting of 25,000 seedlings begins hopefully my.

Grandkids and and their kids will be able to enjoy what I've been able to enjoy it will take take a while for locals to feel at home here again evet Bren CBC News Vancouver some 1600 teaching assistants at McGill University are set to strike tomorrow as they push for better pay and health benefits last week they voted.

Overwhelmingly in favor of an eight-week strike mandate if a strike drags on final grades for undergraduate exams might be delayed Canadians who have shifted to electric vehicles are warning about the potential price when something goes wrong we realized that the total cost was.

$118,000 why insurance premiums for EVS could be on the verge of skyrocketing but first me the best in Canadian music takes enter stage in Halifax let's get the party started the winners and the highlights from the 2024 junos and turning a passion for pinball.

Into a dream job brought one home and then suddenly I had 20 we're back in two everybody was looking at Nelly Fado tonight as she kicked off the 2024 Juno Awards in Halifax with an energetic medley of her biggest hits she also hosted the Talent packed show Eli.

Glasner is in Halifax tonight taking it all in Eli what were the highlights for you well certainly uh the show opened with a bang as you said Nellie ferado has been out of the spotlight for a little while but she returned in Grand style this Mega music montage all of her hits she's back on stage seemed comfortable seemed to be enjoying.

Herself I was there at the scoa bank right behind me to hear that Roar as she took to the stage and you could just see the smile on her face when she finished performing and introduced herself to a Halifax so that was amazing to see she was followed by an Murray think of snowbird think of so many Canadian Classics so to go from Nelly Fado to.

Anne Murray and really women in music and kind of powerful popsters have been one of the big through lines of the junos uh this week so wonderful an Murray who remembered the first junos that is how long she has been around but Anne Murray herself introduced the category group of the year and the winning band was that powerful group of.

Women from Toronto the beaches with that Mega hit blame breath that has rocked them up the charts and they accepted the award with a message take a look we're so happy to be here thank you so much to all the young girls watching go start fans with your best friends thank you now this year's Talent is incredibly diverse Eli what are you hearing from.

The artists I think one of the big stories on Canadian music and really music around the world right now is the borders are coming down there's more and more Global sounds on all of the music charts look at what happened at the junas with Karen Angela who's this amazing Canadian Punjabi uh Power pop.

Kind A hip-hop artist who performed his hit softly last night he actually won The Fan Choice Award so that shows you the power of Punjabi music which has been exploding coming out of Canada and then another great uh example of diversity and representation in the Canadian music scene is what's happening with indigenous artists take a listen to.

What ojun award-winning songwriter Jeremy ducher had to say let's talk about the numbers when I was in uh London in 2019 6 nominees we got 33 this year in many categories not just the indigenous categories hello right so it's like that's the shift that's the transformation and it's like it's something to celebrate and and tonight.

We're here to celebrate it amazing stuff two more winners for you talk winning breakthrough artist of the year and Charlotte cardan with your album of the Year Erica elen glasner clearly enjoying himself at the junos in Halifax tonight Canadian who own electric vehicles are warning of a cost that.

Could drive people away we realized that the total cost was $188,000 why pricey premiums could go even higher TV Trailblazer Carol Bernett is back on the small screen Robert check me another martini and then let's play doctor the new role and how her rise to fame all started with a Chance encounter plus she grew up Muslim and.

Queer now FIA mirza's story has become a movie what are you doing the national breaks down the story shaping our world next insurance premiums for EVS could soon be going up as the insurance industry grapples with a shift to Electric Alternatives and their costly.

Claims Philip deont explains bejam vasal and his partner never expected repairing their Tesla would take two months we hit a deer um at like you know around 90 km per hour the bumper trunk and headlights had to be replaced and then we're realized that the total cost was $188,000 which was really expensive compared to what we.

Thought we the car needed so our insurance covered it vasel however fears having to dish out more for insurance down the road then you're thinking about the insurance policy and how it could go up because it's happening some like everywhere else a recent Morning Star dbrs report looked at the UK where EV uptake is much higher than in Canada the.

Average cost of insurance there soared last year up 72% for electric and only 29% for gas and Diesel the report says Canadians could see their premiums increase too insurance is a pool business the insurance premiums from a lot of people I used to pay claims for very few people so right now in that pool we have very few EVS but that'll.

Change he says as EV production ramps up in Canada and sales of conventional cars and trucks are phased out by 2035 some electric vehicles just have higher repair costs and that's a result of more expensive replacement parts that aren't as readily available vasad worries costly and complicated repairs could turn people off from.

Electric vehicles just I'm not going to go electric because of insurance policy is too expensive the couple first decided to get an electric car to save on gas but with insurance costs being higher and charging costs going up these savings are slowly melting away Philip Dei CBC News wellend Ontario.

Now we take a deeper look at some of the people making art to entertain us and make us think a filmmaker's labor of love mixes 1960s Pakistan with the Quest for a queer identity making that film like it saved my life Berard but first TV Legend Carol Bernett now don't get your hopes up but I met somebody 90.

Years old and still getting laughs so I'll do anything that comes along that it looks like it's going to be fun how she made it to the top despite what network boss has said comedy variety it's a man's game it's not for you gals Carol Bernett sat down with Tom power the host of CBC radio's Q to get the Inside Story on why she's still.

Having fun getting to know your your uh life as well as I have over the past you know oh yeah I got a lot of hard questions for you about that but uh the past week or so you know doing research for this what really strikes me is that I'm kind of in your home like you grew up in Hollywood like what a block from Hollywood.

Boulevard but a million miles away from Hollywood what do you mean I mean well I was never thought I would do this I was I never thought of being a performer at all yeah I thought I would be a journalist good good thing you didn't well what happened happened yeah was I got to UCLA and they didn't have a journalism major so I got into this.

Acting class and I had to do a scene and my Texas and Arkansas background helped me because I had a monologue to do that was a hillbilly woman do you remember any of it oh well all I remember is I said one part I said I'm back something like that I don't know what and the class laughed and I thought where they should.

You know and I thought I that's kind of a good feeling and and so then I started doing comedy yeah but I was always a nerd in school I was very quiet but this I don't know it just came out but weren't you a performer too like the stories I heard was that like you and your grandmother would go to these movies eight a week but I was I was yeah.

And you would come home and act what were you doing like what what movies were you acting out oh I would do there was one called the dolly sisters yeah that was Betty gyel sing and then we'd fly kites right and.

Roller skate and climb the Hollywood sign oh wow and but I climb up and the O's were my favorite and I'd lean over the O's and i' say Hollywood when I heard the story about the person giving you like your tuition randomly in the mailbox no what happened was I wanted to go to UCLA yeah but um my grandmother said we can't afford it.

How much was that what do you think uh tuition was in 1951 to go to uccla I think $500 $500 $400 $43 43 bucks it was it and we didn't have that money a lot of money back then well our rent was $30 a month a dollar a day yeah and we could kind of hardly make that so she said we can afford $43 that's crazy well we lived in.

This one room at uh at this apartment building with a Murphy pull down bed I slept on the couch and every morning I would look out across the lobby and there was these pigeon hole mailboxes and to see if there was a letter in our slot and I opened it up and there was a $50.

Bill and to this day time I don't know where that came from I then after I got started to perform at UCLA I got into the music department yeah and I started to sing and uh our professor was going to grade us there are nine of us in the class and he said you know my wife and I are going to be at a party in San Diego next.

Weekend and uh it's formal and why don't you kids come down and do your scenes as entertainment for the party yeah and I'll grade you I did a scene from Annie Get Your Gun which was a very popular musical comedy on Broadway at the time there's no Business Like.

Show Business Like no business I know and I was going to the orderve table and I'm stealing ordures in a napkin to take home to my grandmother to put in my purse and there's a tap on my.

Shoulder oh my God I'm you're going to get kicked out and it was this gentleman and his wife and he said I really enjoyed what you did my wife and I you want to go to New York I'm going to lend you $11,000 which was an ungodly it's like a $100,000 today and lend to you by the way well I thanked him and I went home.

And I showed my grandmother all this money I thought she was going to have a heart attack and I said nanny I have to go to New York that's what this is for that's what he said I have to go to New York and she said she said you'll be dead in a week your blood's too.

Thin so encouraging you're right MH I don't even know where I'm going to stay MH I had one phone number yeah in my wallet of a girl who had gone to UCLA ahead of me and she was in New York she said if you if you ever get to New York give me a call so I called her the next day and she said come to where I am and she gave me the address and I'm.

In my cardboard suitcase and I'm R it's raining and it was a place called The Rehearsal Club yeah and it was for young women who want to be in the theater very on the up up had a house mother strict rules yeah all of that $18 a week room and board M they had one vacancy it was a cot in what they call the transit room on the first floor.

Yeah I was thrilled I had never slept in a bed you never slept on a c a couch slept on a couch next to a Murphy bed so for you that was luxurious wow she said I'm sorry it's just a c I said it was beautiful to me when you get off the plane you think okay I'm going to be a Broadway Star.

Right away you weren't a Broadway Star right away how did you do with like rejection how did you handle that a lot of us were being turned down and then some would get a job it just depended on luck you know and so the problem was if you got saw an agent they said let me know when you're in something I said how do I get in something you have to have.

An agent right so it's Catch 22 so this one time I got in to see an agent and he said okay let me know when you're in something and I I said how do I do this he said oh go put on your own show bingo I went back to the rehearsal club called a meeting with the girls and I said we're going to put on a.

Show we did it for two nights and we were packed they came they saw and three of us got ages yeah beautiful hey but it's make your own breaks yeah you get this deal I think I have it written down here this get this deal where if you wanted to do a variety show you had five years to ask and CBS had to make it but what I find interesting is not like the.

Details of the deal itself is that when you actually called them and said like okay I want to make good on that it didn't go as smoothly as you thought it was well they forgotten that that that was a part of the contract that I had with them and they didn't remember so I said I want to do yeah the vice president of that call he said yeah.

Carol you you know but comedy variety it's a man's game right it's not for you girls right it's it's Caesar it's Milton Burl it's Jackie gleon now it's Dean Martin then he said we've got a sitcom we want you to do call here's Agnes here's Agnes yeah it writes itself oh please and I said I don't want to be.

Agnes every week I want to have music I want to have guest St I want to have a rep company I want dancers I want an orchestra the whole and they had to put us on the air but they only thought we were going to go for 30 shows yeah we wound up doing 276 yeah are you comfortable sir would you like a pillow oh I love one thank you all right are.

How's that oh it's better oh may I take your C oh yeah thank you very much here you go thank you here's SE thank you that's much better very Julia Louie dfus you know I heard her.

Talking to you not that long that like they talk about you especially for women in comedy women in show business as this real icon this real feminist icon I mean you have uh you mentioned there was Sid Caesar and Dean Martin and you really changed TV so like how do you feel when people say that kind of thing to you I'm un flattered of course you know I'm.

Flattered but I I don't think that I I never thought when we were doing it that that would be called a Trailblazer that never occurred to me it was what I knew how to do because I learned it on the G Moore Show and I just transferred it on to my my own show but I wanted a rep company even though it said Carol.

Bernett I it was a true rep company they were sketches where I would be supporting Tim Tim would be supporting Vicki Harvey would be supporting me it was all a group and to have variety and music and guests and I was in heaven because it was more fun actually than doing Broadway in Palm Beach an Untold secret is like a loaded gun uh you're.

Great in the show I loved it oh great it looked like a good time making it as well Robert shake me another martini and then let's play doctor what strikes me from watching this show and from talking to you and getting to know you a little bit is you're not really stopping you're not really you haven't really slowed down.

You're still it's really funny this is I'm 90 years old now so it was just like two years ago I I did better call SA yeah and I adored doing it it was such fun it was like a family and I thought well that's fine so I'll do anything that comes along that it looks like it's going to be fun I got to tell you you know um getting to uh uh uh talk to you.

Getting to look into your life um getting to spend some time with your work in very a very cynical time um has given me such a a great joy and that s you talking about it so I really appreciate it thanks so much for making the time Carol Brett's life story may end up as a subject of a biopic and she.

Recently said and jelina Jolie would be perfect to play her a Canadian film maker is sharing her story on the big screen after growing up queer in a traditional Muslim family there wasn't anyone to look to not in queer space not in feminist space why she says this project saved her life.

next filmmaker FIA Mirza explores her most Muslim Heritage and her queer identity what are you doing there wasn't anyone to look to or turn to the result groundbreaking 60s bakthan was something I'd never seen on screen before I also.

Think 60s Pakistan was so sexy Eli glasner sat down with Mirza and saw for himself the passion and spirit that pulled this project together the queen of my dreams is a movie about many things but at its core is a story about mothers and daughters it's an.

Acronym nobody says it like a word I'm not nobody the daughter who inspired it all lawyer turned writer turned director fazy amirza whose first love was Bollywood there's love and romance and drama there's a happy ending but it's like a sweeping epic Tale Of Love really at the heart of these films and I fell.

In love with love you want to get I'm not the one you need to impress I thought well some man is going to sing that to me in my life that's the like romance I want and then when I came out it's queer I was like okay well some woman's going to sing that to me I should be able to do whatever I want growing up as a young.

Queer Muslim in Kate Bretton Nova Scotia she had trouble fitting in you were included but excluded you were part of the class but you were also an outsider literally placed outside the room even in the movies she adored she couldn't see herself what are you doing there wasn't anyone to look to or turn to not in.

Queer space not in feminist space not in Muslim space not in South Asian space so she made her own space the queen of my dreams started as a short making that film like it saved my life in a writing Workshop she focused on turning the short into a fulllength film but it was missing a key part when it came to this.

Screenplay I was looking for a queer Muslim brown person to direct and it was really hard you were looking at another one of you right 100% I didn't know that at the time with half the film set in Pakistan's past bringing her story to the big screen was a big leap for her first time.

Feature 60s Pakistan was something I'd never seen on screen before and I really wanted to share I also think 60s Pakistan was so sexy and recreating that in Pakistan's current climate came with its own challenges like you know filming on the beach in the Bikini um but it all was okay it was pretty did it have to be little gorilla style here and there just.

Like put up some uh barriers uh so that you know everyone wasn't watching it happening watching us filming but the result I want to help put us back together again I've always wanted to make a movie in my mother's land I think some part of me wants it to be my land and it is by virtue of our connectivity and so that's.

Something that being being there on that soil was deeply cathartic and healing and yet even as the queen of my dreams started appearing at festivals some of the closest members of her family still haven't seen it I don't expect um you know my mother or or family to come watch the film and then Pat me on the back and you know give me.

Kudos for telling a story I I just wanted to tell a story that reflects my some of my journey a journey that helped the Eternal romantic discover her own happy ending I have to say that I I think I found it you know I I married uh the queen of my dreams and also she's the producer of the film um convenient yeah the one happened.

First uh the producer came second you want to know what your daughter would be like and now her film is healing other relationships like this guy came up to me and was like you know I'm not queer but I'm really struggling with my parents right now and this really helped me and I'm like yes and I guess coming back to the idea of art saving our.

Lives like I think it can a dream worth having the queen of my dreams is now showing in theaters across Ross the country coming up an Ontario man turns his arcade dream into a reality I guess most people haven't seen a big room full of working pinball machines and fun electronic stuff how he's being rewarded.

For his lifelong passion Next In Our Moment you're looking at an Ontario man's massive collection of pinball Ma machines a lifelong Endeavor that's now paying off Nick Angel has been buying and restoring the machines for years now getting to a point where his passion has.

Become his dream job and tonight his story makes Our Moment Alexa turn on all games when I was a kid I loved arcade machines and I loved hanging out in arcades and I promised myself when I got my first house I would get an arcade machine of my very own which was a mind-blowing idea at the time and that's what I did as soon as I had my first.

House I went to an arcade auction found out how to buy them brought one home and then suddenly I had 20 this Twilight's own machine is the first machine I ever bought it didn't work it had 100 things wrong with it which was typical of games in the auction back then I learned how to fix machines on this game actually now I'm.

I'm trying to get more into it as a business because I've had lots of people asking me to uh get their machines fixed or work can I buy one or can you restore this old thing I have in the basement there's a lot of demand for these machines especially the older ones and there's a lot of demand for people that can fix them and there's there's a lot.

Of broken ones out there we're going to help people fix them all and he says he enjoys fixing them all so much that he actually spends more time rehabilitating the machines than playing them oh and that one machine that turned into 20 well he now has more than 60 thank you for being with us you can watch anywhere anytime on the free.

CBC News app or you could subscribe to the Nationals YouTube channel I'm Erica Johnson take care

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