CBC Files: The Nationwide | Taiwan earthquake rescue efforts


CBC Files: The Nationwide | Taiwan earthquake rescue efforts

Tonight the race to rescue in Taiwan after its strongest earthquake in 25 years panic and destruction in the streets collapsed buildings multiple landslides and now the aftershocks our team is there on the ground the parents of a Canadian Aid worker killed in Gaza speak out in my opinion it was a targeted kill will this.

Deadly incident put future Aid at risk and we are on board a US army boat as close as you can get to the wreckage in Baltimore you can see there's still so much Twisted debris that's resting upon the dolly cargo ship a staggering view of the mission ahead in a Canadian exclusive from CBC News this is the national with Chief correspondent Adrien.

Arseno thanks for joining us rescue crews are racing to free the trapped and find the missing in Taiwan after the island was rocked with the most powerful earthquake it's faced in a quarter Century buildings remain teetering tonight on the brink of collapse this as at least nine people are confirmed dead hundreds.

More injured some from the initial force of the earthquake others from the landslides that followed so the epicenter of the earthquake struck on the East Coast that's about 25 km away from the hardest hit city of Huen but the Tremors were felt throughout the island including the capital Taipei Philipe Leblon is our.

Correspondent based in Taipei so Philipe one of the big concerns right now is the risk of powerful aftershocks you felt some of them over 130 aftershocks have been registered since yesterday I've personally felt them uh at least 10 of them in Taipei over 250 kilometers away from the epicenter and the risk with these aftershocks is that there's no.

Warning they're quite sudden and uh here's how the past 24 hours have unfolded here in Taiwan striking Wednesday morning with a force unseen in Taiwan for 25 years the 7.2 magnitude earthquake brought down buildings caused landslides in rattled Bridges leaving dozens either trapped or.

Missing rescue crew scramble to get to them safely taiwan's president-elect surveyed the damage in the hard hit city of Juan a popular tourist destination on the east coast of Taiwan just 25 kmet from the earthquake's epicenter he promising rescue efforts will be the priority we need to find out how many people are still trapped says those.

Injured should be given quality medical treatment still people in Taiwan are coming a grips with what just transpired with staggering sites like this live broadcast rocked by the Tremors further north in new Taipei more destruction this resident says she's mourning the loss of the 60-year-old buildings that collapsed in her.

Neighborhood we are lucky that no one got hurt here adds this person another piece of Good Fortune tsunami warnings from Japan to the Philippines later downgraded and averted still Canada's prime minister is offering Aid to those who need it Canada stands ready to provide support and have reached out to Taiwanese officials we're also engaging.

To make sure affected Canadians have the support they need back in Taiwan officials say the number of victims and the extent of damage remains relatively low for an earthquake of this magnitude a similar one here a quarter century ago caused nearly 2500 deaths and over 11,000 injuries so Philip we understand some of.

The rescues happening now are incredibly difficult can you walk us through those efforts well they were slowed down overnight because of the risk of aftershocks and because of the risk of landslides so the priority remains to get to the people that are trapped and the other priority is to reopen the only Highway between the capital taipe and.

The East Coast so those are the two main progress we're hoping to see today in Taiwan Adrien all right Philip Leblon and taipe for us tonight we're learning more tonight about the Canadian Aid worker killed in Gaza and we're learning it directly from his parents Jacob Flickinger died when Israeli missiles struck a world Central.

Kitchen Aid Convoy Monday Sarah levit spoke with his family Jacob Flickinger was a new father a Canadian veteran now his family is working to bring his home from Gaza he believed very strongly that the work he was doing was important especially in this case knowing that there was starvation out there Flickinger was one of the seven Aid.

Workers killed by a series of Israeli air strikes on their aid Convoy in Gaza on Monday born in s j Quebec to a Quebec mom and an American Dad he spent more than a decade in the Canadian Army including a tour in Afghanistan this fall he decided to use his military training and joined the world Central Kitchen to help the nonprofit with.

Logistics and security their Convoy was marked clearly marked um and they are on a well-used humanitarian route so you in my opinion it was a targeted kill flickinger's parents say they're mourning but they're also Angry World Central Kitchen says its Aid Convoy had just dropped off Food.

Supplies in a central Gaza Warehouse house when it was hit by Precision strikes this despite coordinating its movements with the Israeli Army beforehand and traveling within a DEC conflicted Zone we call for a full investigation Israel needs to respect International humanitarian law the strikes also killed an Australian polish.

And three British Nationals as well as a Palestinian sparking International condemn Nation Israel's military says an independent body will investigate it was a mistake that followed a misidentification at night during a war in a very complex conditions it shouldn't have happened that's not good.

Enough for Jacob flickinger's parents the people who are suffering now are the innocent on both sides the civilians and it's continuing a cycle that will never end unless we make a break with this violence the family has set up a fundraising campaign pain to help flickinger's wife and 18-month-old son.

As they adjust to a life without him Sarah Levitz CBC News Montreal the destruction of the world Central Kitchen Convoy has sent shock waves to the aid community in Gaza Chris Brown shows us some groups are halting operations out of fears their staff could be next the bodies of the six foreign aid.

Workers from World Central Kitchen were escorted out of Gaza Wednesday his Hospital staff paid tribute it hurts to say goodbye to the people who came to help said Dr Maran Al hams Israeli weapons don't differentiate between Canadians Palestinians or Americans the three car Convoy had pre-cleared its route and shared its.

Location with Israel's military they were supposed to be safe but weren't and their deaths are already having profound consequences people in Gaza will suffer a they'll sleep without food said niad Abu Quake who volunteered for the group which has now halted its humanitarian work the United Nations says it will no longer deliver food at night and another.

Us-led Aid group anera says it is also decided to Halt operations you're talking about hundreds of thousands of meals provided daily that have stopped it says one of its staffers Musa Shaw was also killed in an Israeli air strike last month even though his whereabouts were also shared with Israel's military we expect to continue to have to.

Navigate some element of ambiguity but we also feel there's an obligation here to observe International humanitarian law and ensure protection the UK based Group Medical Aid for Palestinians says its teams in Gaza will keep working it says an Israeli missile struck a staff housing complex even after the military told them they were in a safe zone so.

Now there's little faith in Israel's promises but from our experience they lacked transparency the Israel army and the government were unable or unwilling to properly investigate the serious incident Israel has been checking itself every day Israel says it's investigating what happened to the aid Convoy and.

Claims the attack was unintentional but in his first interview the founder of the world Central Kitchen says Israel showed no restraint what I know is that we were targeted deliberately nonstop until everybody was dead in this Convoy the Hamas run Health Ministry says more than 32,000 Palestinians including 190 Palestinian.

Aid workers have been killed in Gaza but it's the deaths of foreigners that sparked the outrage Israel now faces Chris Brown CBC News London there's a new development tonight in Canada's car theft crisis nearly 600 stolen vehicles destined for legal export have been recovered from the port of Montreal these vehicles were connected to various.

Types of violent vehicle crimes including car jackings and home invasions the recovery was part of a joint operation between police in Quebec and Ontario alongside the Canada Border Services Agency most of the cars were stolen from the greater Toronto area police say the vehicles are worth a combined.

$34.5 million former conservative leader Aon tool says Chinese meddling was to blame for the defeat of up to nine Tory candidates in the last election Ashley Burke now with his pointed testimony at the foreign interference inquiry the former conservative leader came with his critique in my view the.

Process failed in this case because Aeron OU told the public inquiry the government should have issued a warning during the last election campaign we wanted a caution uh a public notice to voters to be wary of information that they were obtaining from uh from social media otou said his party had flagged a Canada's.

Task force monitoring foreign interference that falsehoods were spreading on Chinese language social media targeting his party this partially redacted top secret document shows that a week before the election Canada's task force observed what may be a Chinese Communist Party information operation that aims to discourage voters from.

Voting for the conservative party but that examples do not formally cross the threshold as acts of foreign interference an alert didn't go out I do think that was a um a decision that was incorrect to make OU said he believes up to nine writings were lost in Metro Vancouver and the GTA because of foreign.

Interference the small number of seats would not have impacted Ed the minority government that that Canada has right now um but the difference of two three five seats may have allowed me more of a moral justification to remain as leader the Prime Minister says those tasks with ensuring the Integrity of the past two elections concluded the results weren't.

Impacted I can understand where uh someone who lost an election is trying to look for reasons uh other than themselves why they might have lost an election but otoul sees it differently to suggest that an election is free and fair from foreign interference um is not accurate if some people um are.

Impacted Ashley you've brought us a lot of testimony over the last few days there are still dozens of witnesses to come but are there any early takeaways for you well Adrian a key theme that's emerged is testimony that the government shouldn't have been so tight lipped and that politicians and Canadians being targeted wanted to be warned about any.

Suspicious activity early on even if security officials didn't have strong evidence of foreign interference Which documents say is difficult to prove next we'll hear from security officials themselves and the Prime Minister next week all right Ashley burken Ottawa will'll be watching another multi-billion dollar.

Promise tonight from the Prime Minister ahead of the upcoming federal budget he announced there will be an extra $15 billion for apartment construction loans we are there to be partners with the most ambitious jurisdictions in the country the top hop would bring the fund to $55 billion and would support housing plans from provinces and territories.

That meet conditions including building affordable rentable units well tonight we can take you even closer to the Colossal wreckage in Baltimore after that bridge collapse CBC News gained exclusive Canadian access and got a first hand look Katie Simpson shows us the complicated cleanup the rain and wind eased just.

Enough making it safe to venture out hi on board a US Army Corps of Engineers boat Bound for the Baltimore Harbor cleanup welcome C everybody with the Army cor engineer vessel it's a short ride maybe 15 minutes or so before we're close enough for the wreckage to come into Focus through the Mist and fog it is so eerie.

Looking and as we slowly move toward it the scope and scale of this catastrophe becomes clear we're about 30 m from the actual wreckage site and you can see there's still so much Twisted debris that's resting upon the dolly cargo ship right beside it we have a closeup look at the ongoing cleanup efforts those heavy lift cranes that are moving the.

Pieces of debris onto barges and away from the site from this vantage point it looks like a pile of metal spaghetti and remember this is just one area one part of the cleanup after the bridge collapsed a little over a week ago killing six construction workers as we sail around the massive.

Sight there are little things that stand out see that poking out of the water that was a traffic light that used to be on the bridge and this piece of metal on a barge it may seem small but it weighs 300 tons and is about to be hauled away it looks like metal toothpicks when you compare it to What's Left To Conquer and.

That is when you really realize this cleanup is going to be a while one encouraging sign is the temporary Channel That's opened some smaller ships can get in and out of the harbor but that's about it for now we make a final pass before heading back to shore where we find the experts leading this recovery effort to be just.

As astonished as we are I've been doing the Coast Guard missions for almost 28 years this is the first time I've ever seen anything of this enormity um that has closed a port down for this uh amount of time and realistically there's no timeline no best guess to be made as to when this will all be hauled away and when life here can get back to normal.

Katie Simpson CBC news Baltimore there is a new escalation tonight in a bitter fight over the building of a new National Monument honoring Canada's mission in Afghanistan Danielle Leblon takes us through the controversy this is where a new National Monument Canada's mission in Afghanistan is supposed to be built but the project.

Has been mired in controversy for months it's a major piece of public art but there was political uh interference more than 40,000 Canadians served in Afghanistan between 2001 and 2004 14 158 military personnel and seven civilians died in 2014 the Harper government promised a large public monument to commemorate the mission the design was.

Supposed to be selected by a jury but the process took a Twist last June it is my honor to announce that the selection designed for the National Monument to cada mission in Afghanistan is from Team Stinson a team of Quebec Architects won the competition but FR Run's Affairs gave the contract to a group led by indigenous artist.

Adrien Stimson the department said his design was more popular amongst members of the military community in an online poll overwhelmingly they responded that for them the Stimson concept really represented for them the loss the sacrifice and the courage of the men and women that served in Afghanistan the Quebec Bas team is refusing to give up.

And is threatening to take the government to court saying they should have been awarded the full contract we're very concerned because it does create a precedent a very dangerous precedent for the history of Canada in terms of competition uh public art competition architectural competition and so on former Supreme Court Justice.

Louis Arbour worked on the Quebec project as an adviser she says she recently protested the issue to prime minister Justin Trudeau in a private phone call when you have a procurement process for the expenditure of Canadian taxpayers money the expectation is you follow the rules AB fears the new monument whenever it is built will be.

Forever tainted by the controversy Daniel leblan CBC News AWA schools are grappling with teacher shortages and it's affecting how kids learn do I combine classes do I cancel music for the day why the situation has worsened and what some say needs to change is it Beyond inell famous musici s are calling on.

Governments to protect them and their music from AI it terrifies me that I can sing to you a song that I had absolutely nothing to do with what the hell a mysterious streak of light baffles Americans if you haven't seen it before it's kind of frightening we're back in two that is the cleanup now underway in.

Multiple States across the US a powerful storm system caused widespread damage from the south to the Ohio Valley Kentucky saw some of the worst of it as tornadoes tore off roofs and brought down trees a state of emergency has been declared across the entire State and that same ugly system brought heavy rains and strong winds to Southern.

Ontario today as well so Toronto streets uprooting some trees the storm could also bring up to 20 cm of snow to Ottawa well schools across this country are grappling with a worsening teacher shortage and the concern is that students are paying the price de suak Johnson now with the push for Solutions start formulating a plan and you know.

For this former principal knows the scramble when a lot of teachers call in sick you know do I combine classes do I cancel music for the day uh will I have to teach a class uh will I have to cancel prep uh prep time for teachers and the kids feel the effect of it when those trusting relationships are negatively impacted uh we tend to see.

Some very you know um concerning things we see changes in Behavior the ontario-based advocacy group people for Education surveyed more than 1,000 principles in the province who painted a grim picture of just how bad the situation is 24% of Elementary and 35% of secondary schools report facing daily shortages in teaching staff and it's not.

Just in Ontario we are having evidence surfacing from across the country this education professor says while there were shortages before the pandemic covid-19 made the situation worse so if there was this group who were close to retirement who sought early retirement so that reduced the number of available teachers in schools equally.

Uh teachers who had recently retired who in a typical situation would return to supply or substitute teach once or twice or three times a week they were not returning into schools during covid because they didn't want to put themselves at risk and we had our meeting with MJ STS yesterday just this February Newland and Labrador brought.

Together both the teachers and government officials to tackle the problem we do have some housing units available in some of our communities for our teachers and others we do a housing stien which gives them a portion towards their rent but even there the teacher Union said in a statement the government's efforts fell short.

Underfunding key problem areas like packed classrooms and violence in schools as teacher shortages proves to be an equation you know how to solve Deana suak Johnson CBC News Toronto the prime minister is defending his government's carbon tax policy despite A Chorus of critics PR I will continue to talk with Premier.

The current Matt Galloway sits down with Justin Trudeau to get at the answers and as NATO prepares to defend itself against Russia is Canada pulling its weight you need to put your money where your mouth is the national breaks down the story shaping our world next oh dear police say this is all that's.

Left of a Lamborghini Huracan after a 13-year-old from West Vancouver took it on an ill- fated joy ride last week no one was hurt but the Huracan which even used can go for more than $200,000 is worth a lot less now hundreds of prominent musicians are pushing back against AI warning it too easily mimics their work and could even.

Threaten the future of human songwriting here's M salasa on the protections they want from the replicated voices of Drake and the weekend to sound alikes of Bad Bunny and the beibs we've heard the AI generated vocal clones and viral hits they may have pleased fans but the trend alarms artists like Cheryl Crow it terrifies me.

That I can sing to you a song that I had absolutely nothing to do with and you'll believe it she's now one of 200 performers to co-sign this open letter others include Nicki Minaj arel and Bob Marley's estate they're asking AI developers tech companies and platforms to protect the rights of human artists flagging concerns over voice sound and.

Likeness I've spent 25 years honing my my touch my voice my point of view um my writing sensibilities and that's now being used to train AI to imitate and replace me without protections there's also the fear that AI could crowd human artists out it's really about um kind of coming up with a a way a framework for using it ethically out to prove that it.

Can be done fairly is this music producer set to launch a platform using AI with permission from artists I have no interest in removing the human from the process in fact artists like GR are finding ways to use AI she partnered with create safe to make a product that allows fans to use her voice to make music the company's CEO says everyone.

Needs to be involved well I think it's important that artists and rights holders are actively engaged in the conversation around legislation Tennessee is one state that's been dealing with the issues raised in the open letter but with the Technology's rapid growth many think music's battle with AI has just begun Mak salasa CBC.

News Toronto now it's time to dig deeper into the story shaping our world well happy birthday NATO how Canada went from shaping it to short changing it so it hits us politically it makes us a Target but first a prime minister Under Fire takes the hot seat to talk carbon.

Tax you don't think you've lost the narrative on that Premier are lining up against it this carbon tax has to go we're going to continue telling the truth we have your first crack at a wide- ranging interview where just Trudeau defends it earlier today the Prime Minister sat down with Matt Galloway host of cbc's.

The current here is part of their conversation the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is with us in studio prime minister welcome back to the current good to be back Matt glad to have you here it feels a bit like an election campaign you're zipping across the country here and there announcing things with big dollar signs attached to them.

Well we got a big budget coming out and it's one that's focused on the fact that far too many young people particularly Millennials and gen Zed uh don't feel like the system works for them anymore even if they have a great job uh they are squeezed on housing they're squeezed on rent they can't save up for buying a home they're pressed on groceries.

They're seeing a world where climate change is getting worse and worse they're worried about their future and government has a role in in making sure that there is fairness for them let me talk about that in a minute um I want to begin with the news of the week in some ways which is still the carbon tax no matter what else you.

Seem to speak about um people are focused on on the price on carbon um we have seen an increase up to what $80 per ton this week a liter of gas now costs 3 cents more do you think you've made a convincing case to Canadians that that increase is a good thing I think we can put the case aside for a second and let's talk about the actual policy case.

Matters because people are protesting wondering whether this actually course the case matters but let's make sure we're talking about the same thing we designed a price on pollution in this country that gives more money back to average Canadians to eight out of 10 Canadian families particularly middle inome and low-income people so we're not.

Only fighting climate change we're putting more money in the pockets of folks who need it through the Canada carbon rebate that's that's the that's the framework we built with all Premier working together back in 2016 do you think you've made that case I think we're continuing to make that case it's understandable that at a time of anxiety.

Of pressure on costs of affordability concerns uh that some politicians are trying to you know drum up support for themselves by scaring people and by giving misinformation it's unfortunate but we're going to continue telling the truth so just to be clear you don't think you've lost the narrative on this we had a conversation ation this week.

With somebody who's a defender of the carbon tax he explained it he talked it about it as a dumpster fire in terms of How It's rolled out you don't think you've lost the narrative on this I think what we've actually done in the policy it is helping Canadians now the fact that conservative Premier or or the conservative leader of the opposition.

Wants to take away those supports for Canadians uh that's something that people need to hear and that's not something that they're talking about so we're continuing to talk about the fact that they have no plan to fight climate change and no plan to keep supporting people with affordability of course it's not just conservative Premier though.

It's wob Cano in uh Manitoba it's a fellow liberal in Andrew Fury in Newland and Labrador what would it take for them to convince you that this is not the right policy well they have the opportunity to put forward a pricing frame that makes sure that pollution isn't free at the same level for the rest of the country but in a way that.

Works for their Province if they don't want to have the federal back stop indeed a number of provinces started with that BC and Quebec still have it Ontario actually only has the carbon tax because dog Ford got rid of the cap and trade system so as he rails against uh the price on pollution and the rebate we're.

Giving to Ontario he's actually responsible directly for it because he scrapped the maiden Ontario pricing plan they had so Andrew Fury has said that he wants a meeting with you to talk about this he wants the premier to come together with you will you have that meeting I've I had a meeting in 2016 will you have the meeting now with I.

Will continue to talk with Premier but I will continue to be pressing Andrew and all others on the actual facts that we have a plan to fight climate change that puts more money back in the pockets of Canadians that need it one of the reasons why there's great anxiety over this is because as you've said there are a lot of people who feel like the system.

Is stacked against them young people in particular they do everything they can they get a good job they're working hard they can't square that Circle you've had nine years in power to what extent is your government responsible for the fact that that system is stacked against them oh we got elected in in 2015 focused on supporting the middle class and we.

Brought in a number of measures that made a huge difference we cut child poverty in half in this country with the Canada child benefit but particularly since the uh the pandemic we've seen uh things get so much more difficult for so many people particularly the young people who've been my motivation since I got into politics 15 years ago so.

Investing in them supporting them as renters making sure there's a pathway for them to buy uh buy a home making sure that they're confident that uh the world's not going to be on fire uh when they're adults and raising their own kids so we fight climate change these things matter M Galloway thank you for coming in it's nice to have you in here.

See adri a lot more to that conversation we just heard you know roughly five minutes of it and I gather uh that a part of it is you were asking asking him about his likability if I'm not mistaken you went so far as to say why don't people like you it's kind of the elephant in the room right um there are and he admits this there is a real.

Visceral reaction to him nine years into this mandate um you can go across the country and you'll see those stickers you'll see those signs and they have digits exposed they have curse words on them and they're all directed at him and so what is that about I've you've been around long enough I've been around long enough I've never seen that kind of.

Reaction to a prime minister it's personal and so I asked him yeah why don't people like you and he talked initially about uh disinformation and the media feere that we live in where uh rumors and how he talks about people perhaps are Amplified but we also asked about some of the comments he made during the 2021 campaign when he talked.

About as he said antivaxer mobs and talked about people's racist and misogynist agendas does that influence how people think of him and will this be a liability in terms of whatever he's trying to put forward for the next election it's a real thing and I think people have that VIs reaction and he acknowledges that that exists does he.

Seem to think it's real or or does he dismiss it I mean I think he was surprised when I asked him why don't people like you which suggests yes he's thought about it and he's seen those signs um he has to kind of plow through that I think but the polling speaks to that and we didn't get too deep into the polling because it's a year and a half.

Away from an election but again this could be an election about a number of different things but one of them is going to be about Justin trau himself and and I think you have to ask that because it's one of those elephants in the room in addition to whether people are still listening to him very briefly his future I I know you also asked him.

In a way does he think about just calling it quit he's not going to do that at least now he feels like he's and he seems like he's in campaign mode he is selling things he's crossing the country making these huge promises um we joked about how he had said on rajo Canada that he thinks every day about trying you know whether he's going to.

Quit what he called a crazy making job um he hasn't made that decision yet he seems to be in it um we'll see how long that last but in the meantime it's very much a campaign mode Justin Trudeau all right M Galloway thanks so much ad thanks and you can listen to Matt Galloway's full interview with the Prime Minister tomorrow on the.

Current now the government is also Under Pressure to contribute more to Nato got to pay you got to pay your bills why Canada is lagging behind it's commitment next as NATO celebrates 75 years it only drives home how cada's contribution has weighed the lone Ally that sits in that quadrant of Shame this country took a.

Lead in NATO's creation now its members criticize Canada for spending too little the world is a more dangerous place and then there's Canada sitting there not doing that here's Murray Brewster to break down Canada's ride rise and fall in the history of NATO and how it might regain its former stature NATO on the eve of its 75th.

Anniversary we welcome Sweden into NATO at the critical time for our shared Security in many ways it has returned to its roots facing an old foe a resurgent Russia threatening nuclear war in other ways it is no longer business as usual one of the presidents of a big country stood up said well sir uh if we don't pay and we're attacked by.

Russia will you protect us I said no I would not protect you in fact I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want you got to pay you got to pay your bills right with the war raging in Ukraine Europe is nervous some countries have reintroduced conscription and are building bomb shelters others are.

Talking about it many like Admiral Rob Bower the head of NATO's military committee believe the West overall has entered a pre-war period the issue is that Russia has larger Ambitions than Ukraine we know that and therefore the alliance as a whole needs to be ready uh because we uh agreed to see Russia as a threat like the terrorist.

Organizations while Europe talks about Nations being ready for what comes next next Canada's top military commander General Wayne a struggles to get attention on the Readiness of his own troops but I will tell you that the uh the military that we have today um is not the military that we need for the uh the threats that are appearing in the in.

The future but then there's the issue of how much or how little we spend on defense and the 2% uh Target is one that we uh all agreed to uh but we also recognize that there are uh many ways of evaluating when contributions to Nato Canada a founding member of NATO is now often openly chastised over defense spending and seemingly offside from our.

Allies how did we get here Canada represented by Mr Lester B Pon gives massive strength to the treaty we often hear about Lester B Pearson and his Nobel Peace Prize Legacy of peacekeeping what doesn't get said and is often overlooked is the influence Pearson had in shaping the alliance pushing it to be more than just a.

Military headquarters with the inclusion of specific language in NATO's founding Charter that also makes it a forum for political and economic dialogue University of Toronto historian Tim s says that was by Design in the late 1940s with the possibility of War looming Canadian officials were not ready to leave that decision for war to.

Others and so the Canadian experience fighting alongside the Americans and the British in the second world war had convinced them that sometimes Canadian wisdom should be a part of the conversation by the 1970s daytont with Soviet Russia was in the air a new government and a new generation had grown skeptical of NATO and reduced.

Canada's contingent in Europe while courting trade with West German Chancellor helmet Schmidt former Diplomat Colin Robertson tells us the prime minister of the day Pierre Trudeau was forced to reconsider helmet schmith said to Trudeau um no tanks no trade and so at that point Pier Trudeau says okay this.

NATO really does have value and he puts significant monies we sometimes forget this when you look at it through the long lens of History the Jubilation over the end of the Cold War was shortlived as NATO and Canada found themselves fighting Terror far outside of Europe retired General Ray Hano was the last Canadian chair of the NATO military.

Committee and says the country's currency has often been measured by what it contributes in Boots not spending I still support that NATO Target but I don't think it detracts from the respect and the uh the high regard in which CA Canada and its military has held in the NATO Forum not by any means and yet since NATO is at.

Canada's insistence a political Forum the conversation and the political pressure keeps coming back to money as it did in 2019 when a question I posed to Donald Trump created this Awkward Moment Mr President uh Canada does not me 2% standard should it have a plan to meet 2% standard well we'll put them on a payment plan you know we'll put down.

It on a payment plan right I'm sure the Prime Minister would love that what are you at what what is your number uh the number we talk about is 70% increase uh over these past years uh including and for the coming years uh we are increasing significantly our defense spending from previous governments that cut it okay where are you now uh in.

Terms of your number we're at 135 1.3 14 14 14 uh we're leading in in lva uh we continue to step up Canada is a solid reliable partner uh engaged and destroyed Canada is leading and helping build the NATO Brigade in lvia but that may no longer be enough to stem criticism from a possible second Trump Administration or.

European allies who feel increasingly threatened by Russia new figures from NATO however highlight the disconnect and show Canada sixth from the bottom in terms of the NATO 2% metric Canada's former ambassador to Nato is Carrie buck and we're the only Ally the lone Ally that sits in that quadrant of Shame where we don't either meet the 2% of GDP.

Spent on defense Target and we don't meet the target of 20% of our defense spending on uh research and development and Equipment procurement so it hits us politically it makes us a Target when the whole Alliance is rowing towards this goal of 2% because they recognize that the world is a more dangerous place and then.

There's Canada sitting there not doing that the last time Canada spent 2% of its GDP on defense was when the Cold War was really frosty in the mid to late 1980s to reach that goal today the Parliamentary budget office says the government of Canada would need to spend an additional 18.2 billion annually.

Bringing the defense budget to $64 billion or more so has Canada's insistence on NATO being a political form come back to bite us we won't get kicked out of NATO but when you make a point at the North Atlantic Council table your voice carries less weight because you need to put your money where your mouth.

Is it's not like the federal government doesn't understand the argument Christy Freeland put it this way when she was foreign minister back in 2017 to rely solely on the US security umbrella would make us a client state and although we have an incredibly good relationship with our American friends and neighbors such a dependence would.

Not be in Canada's interest that is why doing our fair share is clearly necessary neither the Liberals nor the conservatives have committed to a clear plan to meet NATO's goal saying Canada will work towards the 2% Target fuzzy language that stands in contrast to the words and deeds of 75 years ago maray what's your sense of what the.

Government is doing to address that criticism to restore its standing within NATO well it depends upon who you talk to Adrian there are some here in Ottawa who say everything's just fine but a substantive answer to the question and concerns might come and I say might in a Rewritten defense policy which was urgently ordered two years ago after.

Russia's full invasion of Ukraine it has been held up we're told mostly because of the enormous cost of re-equipping the forces but it's really unclear as to how far the government is prepared to go all right Murray Brewster in Ottawa thank you for staying on this you're welcome next an Oho strange streak of light that caught California residents.

By surprise if you haven't seen it before it's kind of frightening we'll tell you where it came from in Our Moment well imagine seeing that when you look up into the night sky this dazzling streak of light left some California residents scratching their heads as to what on Earth as it were it could be so it's not a meteor it's not a shooting.

Star it is much slower which gave those who saw it a chance to Marvel at its beauty and tonight we uncover the mystery behind the celestial sight in our moment what the hell at about 1:40 a.m. on Tuesday Morning Angelina who were out late partying I guess looked up in the sky and saw this trail of flaming debris which if you haven't.

Seen it before is kind of frightening so what it was it was a spare room on the Chinese spaceship sheno 15 that carried uh astronauts back and forth to the chining space station last year they have a little cabin that they squeezed themselves into but that's really cramped so they have a hatch they can float up into this extra room to kind of.

Stretch a bit right and is where the toilet is by the way but that's that room is too big to bring back to Earth and so just before they land they jettison it and it's been floating around the Earth ever since it's now trying to plow through the upper atmosphere it heats up starts to Glow uh and breaks up into chunks we.

Knew it was coming down but we didn't know exactly when of course it caused quite a lot of alarm and you know it is too slow to be a meteor it's uh it's breaking up into chunks with it's not a plane it has been zipping around for quite a while and it seems it will keep doing that until it heats up and sort of melts away and.

Likely isn't going to fall on anyone's head for all of us at the national thank you for being with us you can watch anywhere anytime on the free CBC News app subscribe to the Nationals YouTube channel I'm Adrien Arseno take care w

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