CBC Files: The Nationwide | Unpleasant deep freeze in Western Canada


CBC Files: The Nationwide | Unpleasant deep freeze in Western Canada

Tonight the dangerous Deep Freeze in western Canada we're still in in challenging conditions record-breaking temperatures put unprecedented pressure on power grids and it's not over yet a stunning volcanic eruption in Iceland unbelievable I thought that I would never live to witness this lava.

Flows into a town with disastrous results Canadian Superstar Michael BL on his songwriting process we do what's ever best for the song the song is first and why he loves push back I believe compromise breeds mediocrity a preview of our feature interview in the breakdown this is the national with Ian.

Hansing Canada's West remains frigid cold tonight under a blanket of Arctic air and as as this coold snap drags on it's putting pressure on critical infrastructure in BC and Alberta some of the lowest temperatures in the country were recorded in Alberta today the Mercury sinking all the way down to minus 50 dealing with that means.

Striking a delicate balance between keeping warm and keeping the electrical grid working in BC it's hospitals feeling the pressure a burst pipe and broken heater adding to the scramble of dealing with those dangerous temperatures Georgie SMI shows us how people are coping two for B's most vulnerable surviving.

The biting cold is all consuming it's early at this warming shelter but already people are lined up for respit there you go V in Edmonton temperatures are breaking records dipping to minus 45 on Friday and Saturday the need for for meals and warm clothing was overwhelming this video shows a large.

Group of people waiting outside one shelter on Friday night the shelter says it didn't turn anyone away so we had anticipated and planned for about 50 people in the space we ended up having 137 people the first night uh come through the space 187 the second night and last night we had 230 people accessing the space so it's it's.

Been a pretty significantly higher number than we had anticipated the demand for electricity so great for the second day in a row The Province sent out a grid alert pleading with people to reduce power consumption or risk brownouts 100 kilometers east of Calgary Sika Nation did experience power outages.

For hours on Saturday morning and declared a state of emergency especially for the elders and some of the more vulnerable uh that's still a long time when you're talking about 50 below for those in a position to enjoy it the cold snap gave ample chances to play in the snow in Calgary or on the ice in Vancouver experiences that will.

Be hard to forget long after these unprecedented temperatures pass I've no I don't I have never done it before so it's really fun so Georgie when is this coal snap supposed to end Environment Canada says the Arctic Ridge had been anchored over uh BC in Alberta is weakening uh which means that we'll start to see temperatures.

Gradually moderate it'll get warmer faster in BC with the forecast already showing a return to more seasonal temperatures it'll take a little longer uh for that to happen in Alberta uh with warm conditions expected to spread through most of the province by Tuesday Georgie SMI in Vancouver as the West looks forward to.

Warming a little temperatures in Eastern Canada Canada are falling wind chills will dip to the minus 20s in parts of Ontario and Quebec tonight setting up a frigid week ahead as that Arctic air pushes East plunging temperatures and severe storms are also creating havoc in the.

US this was Buffalo New York today where heavy snow created white out conditions a travel ban was issued for Western New York the governor saying the storm posed a life and safety risk high winds and snow also hit the Midwest where the wind chill was expected to dip into the minus 50s Texas Louisiana and Alabama are also bracing for freezing temperatures and.

Snow and in Iowa blizzard-like conditions derailed some last minute campaigning tomorrow is the Iowa caucus the first chance for Republicans to Signal who they want on their presidential ticket Iowa Democrats make their choice by mail but as Katie Simpson shows us from De Mo the weather for the Republicans could be an.

Issue all along Iowa's busiest highways there are terrifying reminders of what became the state's worst winter storm in decades the weather forced Republican Presidential hopefuls to scale back their campaigning plans though Donald Trump urged his supporters to go to caucus and vote for him no matter the conditions you can't sit.

Home if you're sick as a dog you say darling got to make it even if you vote and then pass away it's worth it remember Trump is dominating the latest Iowa pole with 48% support the caucuses are widely expected to be more of a formality to confirm Trump's win than anything else on this wintry weekend our CBC News.

Crew was snowed in forced to stay put in the southern rural town of Mount Pleasant which happens to be Trump country one of the few places people ventured out to was the local sports bar and that's where we found Kim Mosley who plans on voting Trump she misses how he kept the cost of living under control but is underwhelmed by all the.

Republican candidates in the state of American politics I feel sorry for my grandchildren and my great-grandchildren cuz it's going to be bad it's getting worse just down the street we met Jay Bolan a Salesman who's concerned about the economy while he's still making up his mind ahead of Monday's caucus he'll back.

Trump in the general election if he's the nominee how do you like um some of his ideas obviously but you know he is a little divisive and uh that that would be nice to uh maybe have a little less of that Trump's divisiveness inspired Mike Broner to get behind Florida Governor Ronda santis and the way he's run Florida has been good it's an uphill.

Battle but the retiree hopes other Republic Republicans are growing tired of trump the way he is I I was a trump guy for the last couple of things and I I I think it's time to uh start looking and Katie joins us from De Mo if Trump wins Iowa as expected what is it mean for the race to become the.

Republican nominee it gives Donald Trump a head start as he tries to just bulldo through this contest and it makes the race for second place far more interesting Florida Governor Ronda santis and former un Ambassador Nikki Haley are likely going to have to come out of Iowa trying to convince voters saying hey look we didn't beat him this.

Time but we're going to be able to eventually beat him down the road Haley's campaign is the one to watch she's the one who's building momentum heading into the next part of this race New Hampshire where polls show she is within Striking Distance of trump Ian Katie Simpson in De Mo as world leaders gather in Davos.

Switzerland for the world economic Forum the war in Ukraine is at the the top of the agenda good morning good morning morning welcome good morning the Ukrainian President's chief of staff met with Forum leaders on Sunday try to rally support for his country's peace plan to end nearly two years of war with Russia Moscow has dismissed the plan.

President Vladimir zalinski will address The Forum later in the week it has now been 100 days since Hamas brutally attacked Israel triggering the war inside Gaza the consequences have been devast dating as Palestinians struggle to survive the families of Israeli hostages being held by Hamas are trying to remain hopeful.

Katie Nicholson has their stories Mayan chevit fine tunes the speech for a rally marking this Grim Milestone that's the biggest fear that we have that after 100 days people will just say okay it's been 100 days what do you want us to do shit's ant was murdered on October 7th along with roughly 1,200 others two two of her cousins were taken hostage one.

Has been released the other Carmel Gat is among the roughly 130 hostages whose fate is still unknown this is a horror movie like the one you watch in television and then you go to sleep and you continue thinking about it and it just doesn't get out of your mind and then you feel that you're you're one of them you're in the.

Movie but you can just not wake up and this is exactly how I feel since that day other Horrors have unfolded across Gaza in 100 days of Israeli bombing and fighting more than 23,000 Palestinians have been killed according to the Hamas run Health Ministry roughly 1.9 million have been displaced among them tufon Al AA born on.

October 7th a happy moment his grandfather says but also a knife to the heart because he was born as the family lost their home and 11 people they have spent the last 100 days scrambling to keep him alive in their cold tent with almost no supplies as the humanitarian crisis deepens in Gaza the UN reports hundreds.

Of thousands are facing starvation tensions continue to build around the world with rallies in London and Washington were protesters pushed up against the security gates outside the White House despite International pressure on Israel to wind down its military assault Benjamin Netanyahu is doubling.

Down pledging to continue the war to Total Victory no one he said will stop us words that are likely to extend this war far beyond a 100 days Katy Nicholson CBC News Toronto five Canadian MPS are headed to rala in the West Bank to meet with Palestinians and and Progressive Israeli groups this region is is in chaos and.

And Canada needs to play a role the ndp's Foreign Affairs critic Heather mcferson spoke with CBC News before taking off joining her on the trip NDP MPS Matthew green and Lindsay mat as well as liberals Salma zahed and Chef cat Ali they've all called for a ceasefire the group is scheduled to meet with Palestinian communities affected by.

The war and visit refugee camps the trip is sponsored by a nonprofit group called Canadian Muslim vote Canada's immigration Minister says he wants to rein in the number of foreign students and workers coming here the aim he says is to help ease the national housing crisis but as JP Tasker explains finding the right balance may.

Be difficult 2023 was a record setting year for immigration Federal data shows more than 800,000 non-permanent residents came to Canada that's nearly the population of Winnipeg it's an historic surge driven by International students and temporary workers the challenge with the non-permanent resident targets is.

There are none we we have to take a look at that and reain it in in many areas Canada's immigration Minister says the massive influx has stretched an already strained housing market new limits on foreign students are coming in the first half of the year he says it is an immigrants that that raised interest rates uh but volume is volume and it's.

Something that we need to look at according to documents obtained by the Canadian press bureaucrats warned the government two years ago a spike in migration would drive up home prices the liberal government pushed ahead with its ambitious plan obviously you need to build homes if you're going to bring in people the conservative leader is.

Suggesting a government led by him will take in fewer people we need to make a link between the number of homes built and the number of people we invite as new Canadians all the um the campus is completely false this international student says the total lack of Homes at the University of monton is a major issue but she's concerned about the.

Stigma on students like her it is pretty unfair to use them as K go to to explain the wrong decisions that are political actors took in the past we're exceptional in the world in in in being pro-immigration this expert warns without some sort of limit popular support for immigration could collapse arguing with housing and Healthcare at a.

Crisis Point adding nearly a million people a year doesn't help ignoring those tradeoffs I think risks undermining that long-standing consensus that we've had in Canada so JP this is a complex issue what does the government have to weigh here Ian the government faces a tough Balancing Act appeal to voters who want to see the number of.

Newcomers curbed ad made a housing affordability crisis while keeping levels relatively High to prop up an economy that depends on immigration some economists warn slamming the door shut could trow Canada into a recession the immigration Minister also says the provinces should crack down on some questionable schools that accept huge.

Numbers of foreign students Miller warned that if they don't act the federal government is prepared to go It Alone Ian JP Tasker reporting from aota tomorrow in Saskatchewan a Coroner's inquest into Canada's worst mass stabbing in recent history begins in 2022 a man from the James Smith Cree Nation killed 11 people and injured 17.

Others in a matter of hours Sam Samson shows us how the community is preparing it's been a long road but finally James Smith creation is closer to getting some albeit painful answers it's going to re-trigger a lot for our people starting Monday a provincial Coroner's inquest will hear in excruciating detail what happened.

Leading up to and during September 4th 2022 that day RCMP say 32-year-old miles Sanderson killed 11 people and injured 17 others most of them from his own First Nation miles forced his way inside RCMP did share a timeline of the mass casualty last year who was stabbed when and where but there's still so much to know not just about the killings but how.

Sanderson a wanted man at the time was free to commit this violence everyone's talking about you know why was uh the parole not uh very stringent on on this young man and uh that's the number one question that comes to my mind as well the end goal is to get jury recommendations to prevent future tragedies I think whatever the process.

Is uh inquest National inquiry the important part is there need to be teeth to it the James Smith Chiefs hope to meet with Federal and provincial officials after the inquest for accountability they have their own recommendations to kick things off they want self-administered policing on their first nation improved in custody.

Programs to help first nation's members address issues like trauma and addiction better systems to alert First Nations when a member is released from custody and effective programs to reintegrate offending members back into First Nations the families who live here are protecting their privacy as much as possible before the inquest leaving.

Their Chief with One Plea i' just like to ask uh our country Canada for many prayers for our people because weeks of reliving a nightmare could require support Sam Samson CBC News melord Saskatchewan an incident at a Toronto May police game is now under investigation the video shows a guard holding a person on the ground and.

Kneeing them in the face and head he then holds the person's face down in a splatter of blood the May police organization says it's cooperating with police they didn't confirm the video but said police did make an arrest in relation to an assault another volcanic erruption in Iceland is endangering an entire town.

Unbelievable I thought that I would never live to witness this the rush to evacuate and the risk to the community Plus Quebec limits English on storefront size Nothing free in Canada so that is really difficult for us why some worry the move will keep businesses out and musicals are on the rise but you may not know it from the previews all of.

These movies that we're still talking about however many decades later they didn't have to hide that they were musical why some promoters are holding back we're back in two Iceland is dealing with its most serious volcanic event in in decades for the second time in less than a month an eruption has forced residents of a small.

Fishing town in the southwest of the country to flee but last time lava flowed away from gundik this time it's streaming into the community burning homes and other buildings already uh several houses have gone under lava so it's a very serious situation we're faced with here right now officials say no lives are at risk.

But residents who fled are left to watch the destruction from afar wondering if they'll have anything to go back to I actually live in the house that I'm born in and it's kind of it's it's a tough it's a tough thought to think that that this town might be over authorities say protective walls built recently have managed to divert at least some of the.

Lava in a televised address tonight the country's president called it a black day for all of Iceland in kebec some businesses are preparing to change their storefront signs as new language rules are introduced requiring at least 2third to be French and as Sarah levit explains critics say it's going to be costly and.

Timec consuming for 10 years Teresa n has been making sure customers leave her Salon with the best nails possible and she's been doing it in three languages French English and Vietnamese we try to service them with the language they want now though she's worried wored about the language of her outdoor Signs already Salon is okay uh nontoxic because in.

This side it's like English s the Quebec government has added new draft regulations to its language Charter they stipulate that while companies can still have English names at least two-thirds of the signage on the outside of businesses needs to be in French French should clearly predominate Quebec is also closing any loopholes around.

Product labeling saying French descriptions must be included during the five past years of received 155% more complaints so kuers are afraid of what's happening in French here for the business anything change is cost Nothing free in Canada so that is really difficult for us the government.

Estimates the changes will cost businesses between 7 and $15 million in all but some say cost isn't the only issue it's going to represent time uh to follow up to make sure that business owners are okay regarding that new rules in a context of shortage of Labor and time that business owner do not have right now others worry about the.

Reaction of outof Province businesses it scares off businesses that might want to come into Quebec because they're going to realize that they have higher costs the government has brushed off these concerns saying the changes are important for the preservation and promotion of French businesses have some time before making sure they comply the.

Regulations don't come into effect until June 1st 2025 Sarah levit CBC News Montreal billions of dollars in pandemic loans are about to come due but some say they don't have the cash I'm not looking for a hand out give us a room to breathe the potential impact on small businesses and the growing push for an extension.

And Michael bé opens up about his process every single lyric should be an analogy into what this person is to you how the Canadian came up with some of his biggest hits but first new musicals are hitting the box office but some marketers are keeping a secret it seems like the film industry has started this trend of not.

Making them known as musicals the national breaks down the story shaping our world thanks Denmark has a new king king Frederick I 10th ascending the throne in Copenhagen today succeeding his mother Queen margari who formally abdicated after 52 years of rule I think he's a Down to Earth person uh feeling fairy.

Relaxed now we have a king we've been used to a queen the now former Queen is the first Danish Monarch in nearly 900 years to voluntarily step aside in his first address as king Frederick promised to unite his people movie musicals are marketing themselves a bit differently these days.

Not promoting the fact they're musicals makta galasa explains why we have a new student what's up kitty the cleaks the fashion the famous on liners you could be really hot you change like everything Mean Girls is back with new faces hitting new notes the original Tina Fay Lindsay.

Lohan movie came out 20 years ago then it hit Broadway as a musical and now it's a musical on the big screen too I love musicals Australian and Gary rice takes on the role of Katie Haron I know that this is going to be something really special but the trailer doesn't give away that it's a musical something we're seeing more of Mr won I can see.

You're a man of great engine the holiday box office winner Willy Wonka wasn't loud about marketing itself as a musical either then you've got the musical remake of The Color Purple even last year's Blockbuster Barbie got bit by the musical bug it seems musicals are back but with a marketing twist says this culture writer it seems like the film.

Industry has started this trend of not making them known as musicals a call likely driven by box office results this film analyst says musicals just didn't do as well in the last few years right after the pandemic uh some of the more serious musicals like Westside Story dear Evan Hansen in the Heights underperformed relative to expectations.

At the box office still this critic thinks not marketing the movies as musicals is shortsighted often the movies that are standing the test of time are movie musicals right like it's you know the sound of music and grease and singing in the rain all of these movies that we're still talking about however many decades later and they.

Didn't have to hide that they were musicals marketing aside more musicals are on the way Wicked part one is heading to theaters this year and the musical sequel to The Joker has Lady Gaga set to sing on screen again M cesa CBC News Toronto Canada has taken the bronze in the world women's under 18 hockey.

Championship in Switzerland rebound chance ston house she'll do it back to back gos by Abby ston housee Canada in an 8-1 Victory Team Canada beat Finland the US won Gold the Czech Republic taking home silver now it's that time to dig deeper into the news shaping our world I'm.

Feeling good he's Tau the charts and tours the world now candid Michael bé breaks down how one special piano helped make it all possible I have celebrated over this piano I've cried my hat off but first with billions in Federal covid Loan repayments due within days.

Small business owners who don't have the money are worried what are my options I'm 60 years old what I'm supposed to do at this point for its part Ottawa says it's been flexible and can no longer push back the deadline Nick pon breaks down the challenges facing small business owners and the call to wipe the.

Debts what would you call that number loss for a government loss revenues loss income that's half a million dollars one small business it's my livelihood on the line you do what you do in order to stay alive and that's why we took the loan it doesn't help to be angry or sad but you're under stress you're under a.

Lot of stress why is the government doing this small businesses are the backbone of the economy that's why during Co the federal government loaned out $49 billion to help almost a million businesses across the country survive the pandemic but has the Canadian economy bounced back enough for small businesses to pay those loans back and.

What's at stake for the country Lola Jones owns a consignment clothing store in North Bay Ontario called buied treasure the store is my life it's my job it's how I make a living it's my pension it's my retirement it's it's everything like many small business owners Lola was forced to close her.

Store for months during the pandemic just because the doors were shut didn't mean that my bills stopped as well I had rent mortgage property tax and I had no income coming in I mean we took the loan finally because we had no other choice we felt it was either that or lock the doors the loan Lola took is the Sia loan.

$60,000 interest free backed by the federal government so you got the last of their kind all right but now fast forward to the present and for Lola and many small businesses across the country the end of the pandemic wasn't the end of their economic problems every other small business owner that I know it's taking every scent for them just to stay.

Alive right now so that comes to 4230 everything that you can possibly conceive has gone up so it's become a struggle just to meet your everyday needs let alone pay a loan that you got to stay afloat in the first place where are you at with paying the loan back I think we've paid $100 no.

Joke and I'm sorry what is it that makes you feel like that that you've been kicked like the Blood Sweat and Tears that I put into this to provide for my family you just took the life out of us it makes you feel like giving up like I unless there's divine.

Intervention there's just no way were able to pay this back by the 18th of January it's just it's just not going to happen so it comes to 2197 if the sea loan isn't paid off by the 18th it will start to acur 5% interest and Lola said she can't afford that it's that kind of struggle that has Mo toes working to get all sea loans.

Forgiven MO is an accountant in Ottawa it's when you start a small business a personal small business you put your life into it so seeing that if small businesses don't pay this loan they would close the doors I mean that is hurtful to me it's watching something die so I don't I don't like to see that Mo has hundreds of small businesses as.

Clients and he says he started to notice that many of them were struggling and wouldn't be able to pay their Sia loans back so he started a petition pushing the federal government to forgive all outstanding Sia loans thousands of people have signed it so far thousand of people signing a petition in this magnitude means we need help but don't.

Forget the Canadian government has owed 49 billion dollar from almost a million small businesses some people will say you took out the loan you know the terms of the deal pay it back what would you say good point good point if you're talking about fairness when Co happened Canadian government and came and introduced Serb.

Serb was stay home we'll give you $220,000 and don't even pay it back and then on the other hand Canadian government came with the sea loan to help small businesses and this meant take the risk keep your door open and now we're going to ask for the cball loan back that's not fair the federal government insists.

They've been more than flexible having extended the repayment date of the sea loan several times but most says that's not good enough I've crunched the numbers and I can tell you that it is cheaper for the Canadian government to forgive this rather than waiting and watching the small business go bankrupt because they couldn't afford to pay the.

Sea loan Mo shows me some ballpark calculations he's made using a hypothetical small business employing 10 people let's say that small business cannot pay seba loan because government didn't forgive it so unfortunately all those 10 people would go on EI adding up what the government would have to pay out in.

Unemployment insurance and what they would lose in taxes Mo has a pretty startling number so you're saying a small business of 10 employees if they can't pay the ca loan back they go bankrupt the government would be out half a million dollars that's correct what does that tell you sad it doesn't make sense that means the.

Government doesn't know small businesses that means small business doesn't have a voice this is not politics this is Canadian economy the Parliamentary budget office has crunched some numbers of their own they estimate that extending the loan another year would cost $900 million but behind the numbers are.

Thousands of small businesses on the brink many of them restaurants 91% of restaurants took the loan to survive Co and according to their National Association one in five can't pay it back Muhammad rabba owns the golden Peta in Ancaster Ontario I'm a Lebanese immigrant I came.

Here at the age of six this restaurant here which I have owned and operated for 11 years I've put my heart and soul in it and to see it going down is is very difficult Muhammad tells me his business is still way down since Co and he won't be able to afford the monthly payments to finance his C Bel.

Loone where the hell am I supposed to get that money from I don't have that money I barely make ends meet I mean what are my options too I'm I'm I'm 60 years old what I'm supposed to do at this point Muhammad tells me he started to think about what would happen if he has to shut down there are employees that.

Going to lose their jobs uh I'm going to lose my livelihood my family is going to suffer there's a lot at stake here thousands of other small businesses are also in Jeopardy so I'm only one of them you know it means it's a it's a tremendous impact on on small businesses across the.

Country Muhammad has a very simple message for the federal government all I want the government to do is extend the SE Bel loan for another year give us a room to breathe give us a room to to to maneuver things are are beginning to improve I don't want any handouts I'm not looking for a handout all I want is more time to pay it that's.

All I'm asking Nick you spent a lot of time with Muhammad at his restaurant at this point just a few days from the deadline what's he thinking about doing well Thursday is the deadline for small businesses across the country to get some CA loan forgiveness so up to $220,000 so Muhammad borrowed $60,000 to get the $20,000 forgiven on Thursday he.

Would have to pay $40,000 or refinance he doesn't have $440,000 he went to the bank to try to refinance they said you have too much debt much of it he acred during covid so he said the only way he can get the $20,000 forgiven this week is to put the whole thing on his credit card this is one of the decisions that small businesses across the country are.

Faced with yeah tough situation Nick thank you coming up Michael bé shares his passion for music I have laughed over this piano I have celebrated over this piano I've cried my hat off the Canadian Superstars formula for success is.

Next Canada as Michael bé became a huge International Star breathing new life into classic pop Jazz and show tunes and many of his hit songs have one common link this piano has been it's weird because it's been a massive part of my my life the decades old piano that helped launch a remarkable career I met with Michael for a feature.

Interview that airs next week we talked about his path from Burnaby BC to the international stage and so much more that we couldn't get it all in so tonight we're playing a segment where he explains how some of his biggest hits were written starting at that piano we got this piano and I I'd never learned to play the piano I'd never.

Learned the theory of music I I wrote music I would write in my head and sit with it dictating it onto a even my a charts even when people hear feeling good or and they hear those horn things that was me and David Foster me singing out the strings singing all the parts so we bought this piano because my dad is Frugal and uh it was a uh affordable.

Piano but the magic thing was was that it had a player ah so at Christmas we could plug it in and like it would play Christmas music and we could like sing to Christmas songs and stuff like that that was really what would happen and then um not cheesy at all not cheesy at all no and then what happened is I didn't know this but if you take a piano.

Like this and you you take a mind like mine and you add alcohol and other things it is incredible the creative juices that start flowing and I would sit down I I've I mean I've I've I no joke I mean this sounds cheesy but I have I have laughed over this piano I have celebrated over this piano I've.

Cried my head off uh I wrote a song called uh forever now I love you forever now on this piano uh about my kids and um and I've been absolutely shitfaced writing it's a beautiful day when you said goodbye my sh it's Beau day.

I smil drink so it's this piano has been it's weird because it's been a massive part of my my life my history history my my discography and now what's really cool is this is the first time I've ever done this and talked about it like this but.

That my babies have lessons from Leon Feldman you know every Tuesday and Thursday and say we hate it we don't want to do the lessons uh but then sit for hours and hours to show me how amazing their rendition of Spider-Man is um it's one of those really full circle really cool it's really it's such a cool thing yeah you know it so much history.

In this little piano I am so lucky to work with people that are so much smarter than me this is great they're making me look amazing like I for instance everything when I wrote everything um cynics would say that it's a a really formulaic way of writing but I knew that.

This that song exactly what it was you're the Line in the Sand when I go too far you're the swimming pool on an Aug day you're the to I had written the melody uh and taken it to Allen and he' sped it up double time he had g a double time feel to the temple which completely gave the song a new birth and then I said to Amy.

What I want is to write a song and I want to use analogies every single uh lyric should be an analogy and what this person is to you and and so we would sit she we sat on a bus and it was her saying you're a falling star you're the gway car you're that Line in the Sand when I go too far you're a swimming pool on a hot Aug and this just coming out.

Just like that this is us arguing like brother and sister you know and me going well that's that yeah and her going well that's really you know that's you know really sophomoric and me going yeah but it's super romantic and and us fighting each other but really love we love each other you know to this day we have the same exact um we have the same.

Relationship I feel like I I I believe compromise breeds mediocrity I don't know how you feel about you're when you're as a journalist when so I'm a big compromiser no I'm just kidding but like I mean sometimes you know as a Canadian especially I'm I don't want confrontation I want to be really nice but there's this half of me that.

Realizes to protect the Integrity of what I'm creating and knowing that guttery I it has to be it has to be right there's only one right way and so I find myself pushing back in a really hard way and uh and sometimes I'd find myself even with Foster i' I'd push back really hard and uh and I'd push and I'd push and finally.

He'd push back and he'd say well no damn it you know this is the why we this can't have that third verse at the turnar around we're taking too long getting to the chorus and I'd go okay good now I know now I know because you fought back you know I you know what I mean I was looking for that huh I thought you.

Were going to say you got your back up at that point and got stubborn but no you were looking for a little bit of push back I want the push back cuz then I know okay now you've pushed me back okay now your your God is telling you you know bé you're wrong you know how I feel it's a new.

Done it's a new day it's a new life for me and I'm feeling good I remember working with Max Martin and if you don't know who Max Martin is if you don't know who Max Martin is go to Google and Google Max Martin and you'll see that everything that you've.

Listened to the last 27 years has probably been touched by Max Martin and uh I remember going into the studio and sitting down with him and and and he sort of has this beautiful team of Swedish mafiosa you know uh musicians and one of the first things that they said and I realized that day it it was their motto and they didn't just say it.

They live by it and that was we do what's ever best for the song H the song is first our egos our feelings no whatever is best for the song and I think over 20 years or more 25 years now I know that that that's always a way to to keep that integrity and to create what what I hope is lasting uh and.

Meaningful art and you can catch our fulllength feature interview with Michael bé next Sunday on the national coming up a winter storm leaves BC drivers stuck so a Vancouver man steps in I started seeing cars not being able to go up and I started some people kind of sliding down the hill too his.

Friendly act during freezing condition in our moment as a cold snap hits Canada people are braiding frigid temperatures snow and of course ice and not all cities are equipped for those conditions here in Vancouver a slippery Hill slowed traffic to a stop but a.

Local resident couldn't stand idly by and tonight his take on roadside assistance is our moment I think people started I think I was a um like a traffic person like I was actually working outside I started seeing cars not be able to go up and I started some people kind of sliding down the hill too and so.

That's what kind of prompted me to just get out of bed and say I'm just going to go outside and see what I can do and so I just started with one car and and then got one up the hill it's pretty icy um there was another guy that helped me out we were just kind of instructed and helping people kind of how to get up the hill at first I actually thought his car.

Was stuck and that he was pushing his car and then I noticed him help like at least four other cars I think it must have been like an hour or something like that we all know and especially driving going home and you're sliding down you think you're going to hit cars it's it's a nightmare so I would yeah I mean I would do it again I just think it's a.

Really you know good thing that we have people in the community that are willing to help as someone who grew up in New Brunswick where we had a lot of snow and people had studded tires and a plan you know the trucks would come by with salt you got to understand in Vancouver we don't have a lot of salting happening on the.

Streets and people don't have stunted tires and every once in a while it gets icy like that so people need to step in as he did thank you for being with us you can watch anywhere anytime on the free CBC News app And subscribe to the Nationals YouTube channel I'm Ian Hannah maning in Vancouver see you Friday.

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