CBC Files: The Nationwide | UN’s top court orders Israel to end genocide in Gaza


CBC Files: The Nationwide | UN’s top court orders Israel to end genocide in Gaza

Tonight the un's top Court says a genocide case against Israel will go forward but there's no ceasefire in Gaza on the political level let's say it was a tith on the moral level we lost what the decision means in Canada 6 months until the Summer Olympics the mounting challenges in Paris as they've grown to the gigantic.

Side that they are there has been a a larger and larger disconnect charges against Kenneth law upgraded to first-degree murder there may not have been a case exactly like this we'll break down what we know about a notorious online Forum this is the national with Ian hansing a historic day in the ha the.

World Court ruling on accusations of genocide made against the country that emerged from the Holocaust now as Israel wages war in Gaza it faces a court order to do everything it can to prevent genocide but not in order to stop fighting three months of that has plunged Gaza into crisis and today thousands more fled conun forced into an.

Ever smaller section of the territory food is scarce illness is rampant and safety is in question today's ruling is legally binding but just a first step the court could take years to decide on South Africa's allegation that Israel committed genocide Chris Brown has reaction from Jerusalem in the ha Israel had wanted.

What it called the Absurd genocide case dismissed while South Africa's lawyers demanded the court effectively order a ceasefire in Gaza the 15 judges did neither they ruled that some of Israel's acts in Gaza could plausibly amount to genocide but did not tell it to Halt the war instead the court said Israel must take actions.

To improve the humanitarian situation and to prevent acts of genocide the court further considers that Israel must ensure with immediate effect that its military forces do not commit any of the aforementioned acts outside Palestinian officials seem to interpret that as a win this is a good day for Humanity this ruling is in favor of International.

System based on Law and a against exceptionalism and double standards in Gaza where Health officials say 26,000 are now dead and some 250 people are killed every day there was disappointment immediately there should have been a ceasefire aad s told a videographer working for CBC News and then they can start investigating and.

See what's really happening here everyone is expecting that Israel won't follow through with this ruling said Omar Al Saka since when has Israel followed through with any ruling from the UN it's outrageous Israeli officials lashed out over the fact the genocide accusation still hangs over the country today the UN has become one of the.

Weapons in the Arsenal of modernday Nazis against us a statement from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu didn't specify whether Israel intends to follow the Court's orders Israel's commitment to international law is unwavering equally unwavering is our sacred commitment to continue to defend.

Our country and defend our people in Jerusalem where support for the war remains strong some felt this ruling won't change much and there's genocide going all around the world that everybody's ignoring the International Community is only focusing on Israel and Israel is the only country that's not committing genocide they're protecting.

Themselves on the Poli political level H let's say it was a tie on the moral level we lost Alon leel is a former Israeli ambassador to South Africa look at our television I'm sure tomorrow people will not speak about it anymore it will be a tendency to shove it somewhere and forget about it but they said for.

Instance that they are waiting for a report in a month month let's see if the court convenes in a month and checks the data on a month and Chris you've been tracking some of the international reaction well Israel's most important Ally the United States has said that this Court ruling is consistent with its view that Israel has the right to use.

Force in response to Hamas but also has to minimize civilian casualties still this ruling could cause problems for Israel Maybe by increasing diplomatic isolation or fueling calls for boycotts or embargo go in the meantime the White House is sounding a bit more positive about a possible pause in the fighting and a deal to return hostages from Gaza.

And a release of Palestinian prisoners it's not imminent Ian but looking better Chris Brown in Jerusalem the decision was also being watched very closely here in Canada rafy buja Canyon brings this reaction from all sides since last October demonstrations and vigils in Canada have echoed code.

The divisions in the Middle East now reaction is also split to the international Court of justices ruling on Israel's conduct in Gaza while we are disappointed in the fact that the icj didn't call for an immediate ceasefire we really welcome the Court's decision uh the Court's ruling in so far as it said that Israel is not doing enough to.

Prevent a genocide uh in Gaza the Canadian government needs to uh be outspoken in the fact that it has no concerns that the Israeli government is committing genocide in its defensive action in uh the Gaza Strip what will Canada to do why by the icj ruling prime minister the Prime Minister let his MPS do the talking they shared different.

Perspectives today the court did not take a position on whether or not Israel is committing genocide my position has been that Israel is not committing genocide that it's baseless and it's insulting I'm a bit disappointed that like they didn't ask for a imediate ceasefire Canada is a signatory to IC I think it's an incumbent on Canada to.

Convince Israel to make sure that they follow what has been said the current ruling legally binds all icj signatories to help enforce it however they can and some experts say Canada needs to be thinking about the future International court of justice May determine in a year or a couple from now that Israel has committed genocide in Gaza and if it.

Does so that may quite clearly implicate Canada because Canada is selling military weapons and Technology to the Israeli military Global Affairs Canada has not answered questions about Canada's current military aid to Israel it amounted to $21 million two years ago in a statement on the ruling itself the department reiterated its support for.

The court though said that does not mean it accepts the premise of the case brought by South Africa Rafi bujan CBC News AWA later in the hour will go deep to the icj ruling with two experts on international law and human rights that's coming up in the breakdown Canada is joining the US tonight in pausing.

Funding to a un Aid agency in Gaza several workers there have been fired and this comes after information supplied by Israel that they were involved in the October 7th attack by Hamas Richard Madden now on the Swift reaction in war torn Gaza unra the un's relief and works agency is one of of the largest providers of life-saving Aid to.

Palestinians but now shocking revelations from the agency itself its commissioner General confirming several unre workers were fired Accused by Israel of being involved in the October 7th attacks the Secretary General is horrified by this news we need to investigate this matter swiftly Israel has long accused anra of fueling.

Anti-Semitism something the agency denies but its quick response to these latest claims signals these accusations are serious threatening not only the credibility of the agency but the UN itself it was exposed that anra employees took part in the massacre the UN is not only weaponized to delegitimize our existence but also.

To physically exterminate us this announcement comes hours after the un's top court ordered Israel to take measures to prevent acts of genocide in Gaza in response the US State Department is halting funding to unra and the White House is demanding the UN conduct a thorough and transparent investigation think it's about a dozen employees were.

Assisting Hamas and even to the point of maybe even you know involved in hostage taking then absolutely they need to be held to account Canada also announced it too has temporarily paused any additional funding to unra going forward the services that that agency provides are absolutely important not only for Palestinians but for ultimately Israeli.

Security and Regional security if unrest funding gets paused cut eliminated how will these important supplies get to the people of Gaza who need it that is part of the challenge and early next week two republican-led congressional committees will hold public hearings on the agency focusing on its mandate its funding and its.

Failures Richard Madden CBC News Washington Donald Trump has been ordered to pay more than $83 million in Damages to to former journalist eege Carol this for defaming her in 2019 after she accused him of a past sexual assault that is Carol moments after learning her payout would be more than eight times what she initially sued for.

The jury took less than three hours to reach a decision on social media Trump said he would appeal calling the case a Biden directed Witch Hunt the founder of World Wrestling Entertainment is stepping down in a statement to CBC News Vince McMahon said he's resigning as executive chairman of TKO group the parent company of.

WWE Move comes a day after McMahon was named in a lawsuit by a former ww employee with allegations of sexual abuse and trafficking McMahon calls them baseless and he says he'll vigorously defend himself an emotional appeal from a BC family tonight encouraging young people people to ask for help when they're in.

Vulnerable situations online their 12-year-old son who died last year was the victim of sextortion as Mira Bane shows The Plea comes as BC's government tries to do something about it we're going to try and get through this guys a courageous moment for the parents of Carson Cleland speaking out to warn others he died in hospital after.

Attempting suicide last October he had shared intimate images online with someone posing as a girl his age we held him in our arms until he took his last breath and passed away we stand here today as two broken parents trying to do everything to make sure this doesn't happen to another family to another child to another.

Person Carson had been threatened by internet Predators who demanded gift cards and money and if he didn't give them they were going to share his pictures with anybody on his friends list Carson panicked Ryan Cleland spoke as the BC government prepares to roll out its intimate images protection act people who have their intimate images.

Posted online without their approval can go through a civil tribunal to have them taken down we have the ability to block the distribution of this image we have the ability to force that image to come down if someone's threatening to send pictures of you around that you don't want to send around we can stop that there is a tool available under the ACT.

Companies used to spread intimate images can be fined and victims can seek compensation minors can also make applications without an adult to have their images removed but challenges remain how do you go after them so if they're in turkey or Iceland or wherever they're not subject to being held in front of Court here in in Canada the.

Message from Carson's parents is simple ask for help tell a parents tell a friends call the RCMP Reach Out BC wants to limit cell phone use during class time in schools next fall and bring in new legislation taking aim at social media platforms with addictive algorithms which pose safety risks to kids Mira.

Baines CBC News Vancouver an update now to a story we brought you last night on the national CBC News has learned that all murder charges against Kenneth law the man accused of selling poison online have been upgraded to first degree Thomas Daga has the reaction Maria Lopez takes strength from.

Her necklace with a picture of her beloved only child Jenia bja Lopez from Aurora Ontario died in September 2022 only 18 years old a recent High School grad now listed as one of the 14 alleged murder victims of Kenneth law to me my daughter was in addition to being my friend my Confidant she was.

Everything instead of feeling better every day we feel worse CBC News has learned authorities are upgrading all of Law's murder charges on top of 14 counts of counseling or aiding suicide he'll now also Face 14 counts of first-degree murder meaning the crown has to prove they were planned and deliberate it's going to be um quite the uh legal mine.

Field to get through investigators allege law operated websites selling a toxic salt and other items meant for self harm Steven Mitchell Jr died last March his father says we believe the latest upgrade to the charges against Mr law matched the crimes that he committed law sent packages around the world from the US to New Zealand and those products.

Are suspected of being connected Ed to at least 124 deaths we have lots of case law on what is planned and deliberate murder uh there may not have been a case exactly like this Britain's National Crime agency is now reviewing 93 deaths in that country alone as for jia's parents I'm wondering what you hope comes of this.

Ultimately personally I hope that the person who caused all this Bears the full weight of the law and Thomas's trial could come sooner than expected this is now a direct indictment inan meaning Crown Attorneys don't have to prove to a judge that they.

Have enough evidence for this to go to trial there is no start date for that trial set yet but Law's lawyer told me he will be pleading not guilty and later on the program Thomas you'll have more on the story yeah ahead we'll look at the online Forum where many buyers first learned of Kenneth Law's products and we'll explore why that Infamous website.

Is still up and running in Thomas dager in Toronto thanks and if you're in need of support there's a three-digit suicide crisis helpline you can call or text 988 help is available 24 hours a day police in charlot toown say they've solved a cold case that gripped Pei 35 years ago they say advances in DNA.

Analysis and genealogy technology led to a first-degree murder charge in the death of Byron Carr we said a long time ago that we had uh DNA from the crime scene through that we were able to identify Todd Joseph gland Carr was 36 when he was killed in his home in 1988 police say they're looking into possible motives and whether anyone else was.

Involved there's new research tonight looking at Alberta's oil sands and the dangerous pollution being emitted we know they cause everything from cardiovascular events so heart attacks Strokes arrhythmias the threat to People's Health next plus the Paris Olympics are just 6 months away but is the city.

Ready the race to clean up the sand and later a pet with a lot to say no how this dog learned more than 100 words we're back into alas Airlines has put a Boeing Max 9 back in service about 3 weeks after the entire fleet was grounded the trip from Seattle to San Diego is the first.

For this model since a large door plug was ripped from one aircraft on January 5th the Federal Aviation Administration says it's only allowing planes back in the air after rigorous inspection construction of an electric vehicle battery plant near Montreal got a green light today from a court an environmental group arguing that the.

Construction puts species at risk among other failures but the injunction request was denied we are concerned uh of course for the uh environmental impacts that this work will have in the short term so we will uh continue to see what we can do the judge did say construction will be destructive but he felt the company northvolt took steps to.

Make up forward by restoring other areas and planting trees scientists are highlighting a major pollution problem at Alberta's oil sands new data shows harmful emissions are far more rampant than previously reported on and ROM now on toxic pollutants that have some doctors worried as well how oil sands operators report air.

Pollutants uses estimates from the ground but when scientists actually tested the air from above the results were far worse those emissions were substantially higher than what industry is reporting to inventories pollutants 20 to 64 Times Higher according to their research published in the journal science they were also roughly equal to.

All of the uh organic carbon emissions summed up across the entire country what they found were a lot of volatile hydrocarbons the kind you might see warnings about on paint thinners or nail polish remover highly reactive they change as they mix with air and sunlight ultimately what that means is though that it forms tiny particles in the air.

Uh which uh the hydrocarbons are a health risk themselves but the tiny particles are something we track a lot as being a health concern tiny particles like those found in the Wildfire smoke that blanketed cities last year so small they can travel far and deep into lung tissue and we know they cause everything from um cardiovascular events so heart.

Heart attacks Strokes arrhythmias as well as having an impact on mortality This research does not draw a connection from the emissions found to diseases in communities but experts say finding such high amounts in any part of the country is important to understanding Health impacts they are also present in our cities uh in unknown amounts and the uh.

The measurement technique they got and you've used in the old sand now is something that can be used you know in in Toronto we put the Stark findings to both industry and the federal government the group that represents the major oil sands company says the difference in measurement is worth reviewing meanwhile the environment Ministry says it could.

Lead to improvements on how emissions are tracked on in the ROM CBC News Toronto a state funeral for former NDP leader Ed Broadband will be held on Sunday Chief political correspondent Rosemary Barton will host special coverage the ndp's longest serving leader Ed Broadbent brought his party to new heights and spent a lifetime.

Fighting for his vision of a fairer Canada well what are you doing Mr Prime Minister about organizing those unorganized workers it is a horror and a shame that we should put an end to join us for special coverage of a rare honor for an opposition leader the state funeral for Ed Broadbent this Sunday afternoon on CBC TV and news.

Network Gem and explore starting at 3 p.m. Eastern six months before the Olympic games begin in Paris concerned about where preparations stand as they've grown to the gigantic size that they are there has been a a larger and larger disconnect will the polluted sen River be ready for.

Swimmers plus the un's highest court orders Israel to prevent genocide but not a ceasefire this is a good day for Humanity our panel breaks down the historic and controversial ruling and the online suicide form used by an accused murderer in Canada there is no reason why anybody should ever endend up on a on a site like that why.

It's still up and running the national breaks down the story shaping our world next six months out from hosting the world at the summer games Paris has a well an Olympian challenge the sen river is very dirty poor water quality possibly even high levels of ecoli and swimmers are supposed to compete in it.

Sasha p TRC now on a race to the starting blocks only brave souls dive into the send these days yes it's cold but also a cocktail of contaminants has been for a century and many Pine for the days when France frolicked here before swimming was declared too dangerous in.

1923 the dream is back say swimmer more real and more urgent because of the Paris Olympics just 6 months away the grand opening will be here the first ever outside a stadium with a flotilla of athletes riding to the heart of Paris but it's the scheduled swimming events causing stress in a river deemed.

Too polluted for a test run even last summer one where raw sewage and Industrial runoff still trickle in today the rush is on to build huge underground reservoirs to capture untreated waste there is no plan B says paris's Deputy Mayor Pierre rabadan it will be done for the games that optimism runs to the.

Top it will be a tremendous moment of French pride and celebration says president Emanuel Macon France is also promise to make these the people's games connecting the Olympic movement with the public by bringing it to them as they've grown to the gigantic size that they are there has been a a larger and larger.

Disconnect Angela Schneider is an Olympic silver medalist in rowing and if you lose that connection you've lost the purpose for the games it's fundamentally uh I I think important for people to be able to see themselves but there has been Discord protests by police officers saying they will block airports during the games if their demands for better.

Working conditions at the Olympics aren't met embarrassments too as the Paris organizing committee was accused of embezzlement and raided by police the biggest disappointment so far lies in one of the poorest suburbs of Paris where dozens of abandoned buildings occupied by thousands of homeless people have been cleared to.

Make way for a sparkling new athletes Village I asked for emergency housing social assistance he says no response they ignore us but there is no sign Paris will ignore these games a city where the celebrations have already started Sasha petk CBC News Toronto now it's time to dig deeper into.

The news shaping our world Kenneth law now accused of first-degree murder a forum some believe connected him with victims still online it's just horrifying to us but first the case accusing Israel of genocide moves ahead the charge of genocide is not only false it's outrageous the hag imposes conditions we.

Are satisfied but what will it mean for Israel the war and the people of Gaza this is the breakdown lots of perspectives on this and we want to hear from two Canadian experts in international law Rd m is a former un war crimes investigator and professor of international law at Queens University in Kingston he joins us from Montreal.

And Sarah teach is in Toronto she's an international human rights lawyer and Senior fellow at the McDonald Laurer Institute Ry let me start with you did the icj get this right I think they did Ian yes um since the uh events of uh October kicked off you've got 26,000 people that are killed.

In the Gaza Strip 1.7 million forcibly transferred starvation as a tool of wars being used against these people indiscriminate bombardment and all of that coupled with statements of intent to destroy in whole or in part members of an ethnic group Etc uh by the high command of Israel the Prime Minister the defense minister and so on and so uh the.

Court today issued a provisional measures order IND indicating that genocide in Gaza is plausible and that Israel has an obligation to cease its genocide of the Palestinian people I think they got it right Sarah I know this is a big question but uh take at least part of it in in in perspective here um was this the right.

Decision I think in terms of the uh when we're talking about the plausibility of genocide I would say that they got it wrong or at least the majority did if you look at the dissenting opinion of uh justice uh seu Cente and as well as the um Declaration of Justice N Out of Germany and the Israeli uh judgment as well from um aaran Barak I think those.

Judgments more so got it right in terms of the plausibility and I think what's specifically missing here is the specific uh element of intent I I think that we simply don't have enough in terms of um evidence showing that specific element of intent and some of those judges really went through it um quite quite well in terms of looking at.

The specific um statements that were used by South Africa and sort of putting those into the proper context and looking at the you know dozens of clarifying statements that have come out of those same offices saying that Israel is complying with the laws of war so this is a court that has perhaps a lot of moral influence at least with.

Some but no sort of enforcement power uh Sarah what do you think will change will anything change based on today's decision well I mean importantly the court ordered that Israel report back in a month as to how it's doing with the order so that will probably be the most immediate Next Step perhaps we'll see a resolution tabled at the United Nations.

General Assembly or Security Council uh about this and I think critically if you look at the the actual points that the court ordered a lot of those points um from Israel's public statements are things that they're not opposed to in principle so abiding by the genocide convention ensuring that their troops don't commit genocide uh preventing and.

Punishing incitement these are all things that the Israeli government has already said that it will do so um probably they'll report back on on those steps and then um maybe after that yes a resolution of some sort Ry what do you think will change or or ought to change now well it strikes me as odd that Sarah would suggest that the Israelis would be.

Content for having to report to the uh court on measures they're taking to abide by their obligations under the genocide convention uh their position was very clear it's a matter of public record they wanted this case to be struck from the record and uh struck together and now they have a provisional measures ordered against them by the.

Court indicating that they are plausibly engaged in genocide in the Gaza Strip not a happy place to be if you're the Israelis a big takeaway of course is that um to the extent that the court is now indicated that genocide is plausibly happening in Gaza that means third States like Canada the United States are under an specific positive obligation to.

Ensure that they don't um uh uh that they're not complicit in genocide that they don't provide Israel with arms diplom atic support and other such support uh otherwise they may be uh viewed by the court eventually to be aiding or betting genocide in the Gaza STP and Sarah let me pick up on that point in terms of Canada's reaction the.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Melanie Jolie did Issue a statement a few hours ago saying that that Canada supports the icj but doesn't support the premise of the case brought by South Africa and it doesn't address this question do you feel this interim ruling places any kind of Duty or obligation on Canada to take some sort of action now no I don't and.

In fact I think that uh Minister jal's response was spot on it's it's worth repeating that we don't have a ruling on the merits of the case yet we also don't have a ruling on jurisdiction or admissibility all of those are still to come this was really just a provisional measures request or sorry provisional measures ruling so we don't have any.

Answer on whether or not there's been actually breaches of the genocide convention and provisional measures are really just ordered to protect rights that may or may not be held pending a final determination by the court of Palestinian so I I don't think we can go quite that far and in terms of Canada's obligations under the genocide.

Convention obligations to prevent this is a really important topic critically these obligations come into play when there's a serious risk of genocide so all the courts decided today is that there's a plausible risk of genocide I don't I don't think plausible equals serious risk I mean I'm not if there specific jurist Prudence on that discret.

Point but I I really don't think we're there yet Ry let me ask you that do you think Canada does have an obligation even with this interim ruling the Juris Prudence of the international court of justice is clear a substantial risk amounts to a plausible a case of genocide they're the same thing and Canada obviously now is on notice that.

There is a plausible case of genocide a substantial risk that genocide is taking place in the Gaza Strip and is under a positive obligation to prevent it that means it needs to adjust its position position in respect of Israel's uh position in Gaza otherwise it may be complicit with genocide unfolding in the Gaza.

Strip I know these issues are complex and they are for many people emotional and I appreciate you giving your analysis especially in the limited time we have RDM and Sarah teach thank you very much thank you thank you coming up a Canadian man is now facing first-degree murder charges in.

Connection to 14 deaths across Ontario if that suicide Forum didn't exist he'd still be with us today the online platform that may have connected him to his alleged victims that's next on the breakdown there was different tabs that were opened up on his phone support for.

Suicide available to those who seek it online they were all that s if that suicide Forum didn't exist he'd still be with us today in 14 cases Kenneth law has been arrested and charged but an internet community of vulnerable people is still out there recently Thomas Daga looked into that online Forum it's raising alarm.

Among mental health experts and those who have lost loved ones at home and in secret vulnerable people are logging on to a website and finding Ways to Die often they're even encouraged to do it I'd say you shouldn't be all too paranoid about things going wrong I understand why you'd feel comforted by.

Having a plan to leave this existence I wish you the best users call it a pro-choice Forum as in a place to openly discuss suicide but we've uncovered evidence including Canadian coroners reports linking multiple deaths to that site or others like it and federal officials have resisted calls to have it.

Banned it's it's just horrifying to us for years families around the world have been warning about the dangers of this website we've come to New York to meet with one mom who's fighting to get it shut down when they learn about this site how do people.

React like I was that allowed Kelly Wilson lost her son to suicide in April 2020 she found his body then found a trail leading back to that online Forum there was different tabs that were opened up on his phone they were all that site I went to go look at what was going on on that website.

And couldn't believe it my phone don't you think this is like a problem no Kelly's son Junior had just turned 18 when his life was cut short he loved his family very much and he liked to research things he was just like the best done ever she leads an online campaign to.

Have the site blocked exposing her to social media harassment from the forum's users it hurts the most whenever they bring my son into it you know like the other day uh one of them said that my son was in hell and I'm going to be next to him soon what keeps you going knowing that I'm doing something for my.

Son knowing that like there is no reason why anybody should ever end up on a on a sight like that the Forum is anonymous and receives some 10 million page views a month CBC News is choosing not to name the site to avoid promoting it it's registered in the US and access is restricted in Australia Germany and.

Italy in the UK major internet service providers like British Telecom recently blocked access to the suicide forum prompting more calls in Canada for similar action the Canadian Mental Health Association and its Ontario CEO Camille Kenville accused Ottawa of being too slow to act individuals who would look.

For that kind of indiv information are in their most vulnerable state just today someone posted um I have to make a choice between these methods if I have to choose one what would you choose in another case uh in response to another post someone said I wish you the best of luck in your your plans when you hear about people posting like this publicly.

What goes through your mind I think if that isn't compelling enough for the federal government to act I don't know what could be two separate cbec coroners reports we obtained from 2021 and 2022 both recommended the crtc takes steps to restrict access to such sites mental health organizations sent a.

Joint letter to the Federal government last June urging Ottawa to block what it described as a dedicated suicide promotion website a move prompted by high-profile criminal charges in Ontario information we offer our sincerest condolences to the loved ones of those we have lost due to these unimaginable set of.

Circumstances a former cook at a Toronto hotel Kenneth law is charged with murder and of betting suicide in connection with 14 deaths in Ontario investigators alleg law sold a potentially lethal substance online to clients around the world and families suspect many of those clients were sent to him straight from that suicide Forum Noel Ramirez's father.

Says she laid out her plans online the night she died she uh ran into a person who was more than willing to coach her through this and then and then in turn sell her the product Tom parfit's body was found next to a package linked to Kenneth law I do know if that suicide Forum didn't exist he'd still be with us today and I'm sure.

He'd be recovering Law's alleged victims in Ontario include 21-year-old Steven Mitchell Jr and 19-year-old Ashton prer who died within 5 days of each other last March inspector Simon James with York Regional Police is leading the investigation has anyone else come up in this.

Investigation or is Kenneth law the only person you investigating well we're looking at the investigation from a very broad scope um but I can't get into any specific details at this time so it's still very active back in New York Kelly Wilson is fighting for change in her country If This Were shut down tomorrow what would.

Be the immediate effect do you think I think it would save lives in homes around the world people at risk are seeking out that site many need help and they're finding quite the opposite and a reminder support is available a three digit suicide crisis helpline you can call or text.

988 and that help is available 24 hours a day on Sunday we'll have a feature interview with Canadian hockey star Sarah nurse but tonight from her famous cousins to a Caribbean country she stick handles around some unusual questions okay I'm going to ask you eight questions in two minutes are you.

Ready for this perfect okay first one what's your second favorite sport volleyball oh that was quick yeah all right Sarah nurse puts on the brakes hits the trailer shot oh what aop rebound score where do you keep your Olympic gold medal I think it's in my sock drawer like in this apartment we could actually go find it yeah okay we.

Won't but I'm just curious if we could there are a lot of professional sports teams in this city as you know what's going to be the next Toronto professional sports team to win its League Championship I'm hoping women's hockey there's no place I'd rather be playing than Toronto the hockey capital of the world so your cousins uh Kia and.

Darnell are professional athletes and so if you had to pick one sporting event that the three of you could compete in and you would win what would it be like I want to say hockey how would Darnell feel about that know he wouldn't be very happy about that ooh maybe something with swimming maybe like water polo or something like that yeah yeah I haven't.

Seen the two of them swim lately so I'll try try my odds what's your favorite Barbie the Orton hocky PL Barbie yeah yeah and remember with Barbie you can be anything let's play word association okay what comes to mind when I say Trinidad my family yeah yeah favorite food.

Roy good answer and finally this 10 years from now the pwhl will be everywhere globally I think a leader and an innovator in the sport of hockey and the re reason that this sport grows across the globe perfect thank you thank you okay our more conventional conversation with Sarah nurse's coming up on the national on.

Sunday but coming up later tonight a dog that has a lot to say and isn't afraid to speak her mind he kept looking down at the button then back up at us down at the button I saw her lift her paw and then smash the outside button I screamed and her head whipped up and her ears flew out and she looked so proud of herself the Tet of K9 is next in Our.

Moment well this is a dog that has no trouble speaking up for herself now you probably heard of dogs learning tricks like Sid and roll over but this canine has a way with words bunny is a four-year-old sheepadoodle from Seattle Washington and she's become an internet sensation after.

Learning how to communicate using buttons since mastering her first word outside she now has a vocabulary of 100 Words and tonight she makes Our Moment the first word that I gave bunny was outside do you need to go outside she was standing by the door by the button she kept looking down at the button and back up at us down at the button I was.

Watching her out of the corner of my eye I saw her lift her paw and then smash the outside button and I screamed and her head whipped up and her ears flew out and she looked so proud of herself and we went outside we had a huge outside party we know that dogs learn words ask anyone who has to spell walk for their dog it seemed that.

If I were to press the button and say the word and then pair it with the action of going outside enough times dogs are smart she'd probably figure it out and lo and behold she did okay I figured that if I could teach her one button why not five if I could teach her five why not 10 here we are today with over a hundred.

Buttons no it's not about teaching a dog to talk it's about being able to hold a deeper understanding of what the animals that share our lives are thinking and feeling how many dog owners are going to spend how many hours this weekend with how many buttons to try to even come close to matching what a hundred words there and by the way if you're wondering.

And I may have mispronounced this but she is one quarter sheep dog and 34s poodle that is the national for January 26th I hope you join me Sunday for cross country checkup on CBC radio and later that night back here for the national have a great Saturday.


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